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MLJ Reviews


University of Iowa

MLJ Review Policy The first two chapters frame the theoretical
perspective of the book. In chapter 1, Alarcon-
The MLJ reviews books, monographs, com- Soler provides an overview of issues related to
puter software, and materials that (a) present re- pragmatics in instructional contexts. Specifically,
sults of research inand methods offoreign she examines the role of pragmatics in various
and second language teaching and learning; models of communicative competence and, in so
(b) are devoted to matters of general interest to doing, highlights the importance of addressing
members of the profession; (c) are intended pri- both pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic com-
marily for use as textbooks or instructional aids in ponents of language in research and practice.
classrooms where foreign and second languages, In addition, she highlights key areas of research
literatures, and cultures are taught; and (d) con- that are addressed in detail in the other chapters
vey information from other disciplines that relates throughout the book (i.e., language proficiency
directly to foreign and second language teaching of the learners, sources of pragmatic input, the
and learning. Reviews not solicited by the MLJ can teachability of pragmatics) and presents a cog-
neither be accepted nor returned. Books and ma- nitive theoretical perspective as the stance used
terials that are not reviewed in the MLJ cannot throughout the volume. The remaining chapters
be returned to the publisher. Responses should maintain this consistent perspective. Drawing on
be typed with double spacing and submitted elec- previous work in the area of requests, Safont-Jorda
tronically online at our Manuscript Central ad- (ch. 2) presents an overview of the speech act of
dress: requesting in English, with particular attention to
classifying different types of head acts and periph-
eral modifiers. The author also highlights previ-
THEORY AND PRACTICE ous work related to the realization of both head
acts and modifiers in requests in English.
Chapters 3 through 5 attend to sources for prag-
ALARCONSOLER, EVA. (Ed.). Learning How to
matic input. Uso-Juan (ch. 3) compares the input
Request in an Instructed Language Learning Con-
available to learners in older and current English
text. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2008. Pp. 260.
language teaching textbooks. Her findings sug-
$68.95, paper. ISBN 9783039116010.
gest that current textbooks offer more pragmati-
cally authentic input, yet they do not approximate
This book contributes to the growing body of liter- authentic pragmatic practices (e.g., textbooks dis-
ature addressing interlanguage pragmatic (ILP) played a marked preference for conventionally
development in instructed foreign language con- indirect strategies as opposed to hints). Campoy-
texts. It comprises a collection of 10 chapters Cubillo (ch. 4) offers an insightful discussion of
that specifically target developmental processes how corpora can be used as input for pragmatic
related to the speech act of requesting. Although development, citing examples of various English
the primary instructional target of the book is En- language corpora with suggestions for their use
glish as a foreign language (EFL), the treatment in instruction. This chapter is a noteworthy con-
of key issues related to both theoretical condi- tribution to the volume. Fernandez-Guerra (ch.
tions for pragmatic learning and the teachabil- 5) compares requests in television series with nat-
ity of pragmatics (p. 9) makes this volume rele- urally occurring data from the Michigan Corpus
vant for scholars of other languages and instruc- of Academic Spoken English to determine if TV
tional contexts as well. The chapters complement and films can serve as a constructive source of
each other as a complete volume and can also input. Results revealed more similarities than dif-
stand alone as individual chapters, making the ferences with respect to head acts and modifiers,
book a relevant and accessible text for a variety of suggesting that TV series can be considered valu-
readers. able sources of input in instructional contexts.
Reviews 147
Chapters 6 through 8 examine fundamental is- supplement the book with additional resources.
sues in the area of ILP development, highlight- In addition, because of the small sample sizes,
ing key research considerations. Viltrar-Beltran one should interpret the results of some of the
(ch. 6) compares the use of mitigation between empirical pieces with caution. The most notable
12 native and 12 nonnative speakers of English omission from the book is the lack of discussion
enrolled in English-speaking universities. Results of dialect or language variation in relation to re-
from role-play data indicated the use of more in- questing strategies in English. Although it is im-
ternal modification by the native speakers and plicitly suggested that the proposed taxonomies
more external modification by the nonnative primarily address British English (or, in one case,
speakers, with similar use of modification in re- North Ireland), there is no explicit explanation
quests overall. In chapter 7, Salazar-Campillo of- in this area, making the comparisons with native-
fers a methodological comparison of discourse speaker norms presented in the book difficult to
completion tasks (DCTs) and role-plays to ad- generalize. Despite these minor limitations, this
dress internal and external modification devices book makes a strong contribution to the field and
employed by 14 EFL learners. The comparison is a beneficial resource for those investigating ILP
suggested a wider variety of both internal and ex- development. It will be of particular value to schol-
ternal modifiers in the DCT responses, which the ars in pragmatics and second language acquisition
author attributes to an effect of planning time on interested in the theoretical and methodological
the use of mitigation. Mart-Arnadiz (ch. 8) evalu- aspects of ILP development in instructed learn-
ates the complex relationship between grammat- ing contexts. The clear treatment of a variety of
ical competence and pragmatic competence for theoretical and practical issues related to ILP de-
EFL learners. Using a DCT instrument, she com- velopment makes this book a solid contribution
pared the use of request modifiers by 81 learners to work in this area.
of English. Results suggested a relationship be-
tween grammatical and pragmatic competence, JULIE M. SYKES
in that those with a higher proficiency level ex- University of New Mexico
hibited a more target-like use of most types of
The final two chapters of the book directly BENATI, ALESSANDRO G., & JAMES F. LEE.
target instructional practices. First, Martnez- Grammar Acquisition and Processing Instruction: Sec-
Flor (ch. 9) reports on a study investigating an ondary and Cumulative Effects. Clevedon, UK: Mul-
inductivedeductive teaching approach to the in- tilingual Matters, 2008. Pp. v, 211. $139.95, cloth;
struction of request modifiers. The results demon- $59.95, paper. ISBN 1847691048, cloth; 1
strated a positive effect of the intervention, with 84769103X, paper.
the 38 learners exhibiting the use of a higher
number and wider variety of internal and external In a chapter in Processing Instruction: Theory, Re-
modifiers in the role-play posttest. Codina-Espurz search, and Commentary (VanPatten [Ed.], Erl-
(ch. 10) compares the effects of immediate and baum, 2004), Lee proposed 11 hypotheses on the
delayed instruction of request mitigation for be- effects of processing instruction (PI) to stimulate
ginning and intermediate learners using a DCT further research and new avenues of investigation.
instrument for data collection. Results suggested The volume by Benati and Lee addresses these
a stronger instructional impact for the learners at hypotheses and presents three classroom studies
the higher (intermediate) level of proficiency. that investigate two of them, opening the door
The strengths of this book lie in the broad to a new strand of research: the secondary and
treatment of a variety of issues related to ILP de- cumulative transfer-of-training effects of PI. The
velopment in instructed language learning con- hypotheses investigated in these studies were put
texts, including an established theoretical per- forward by Lee (2004) as Hypothesis 9: Learners
spective, the empirical treatment of developmen- who receive training on one type of processing
tal variables, methodological considerations, and strategy for one specific form will appropriately
instructional practices. In addition, the chapters transfer the use of that strategy to other forms
are clear and well written with references at the without further instruction in PI (p. 319) and
end of each chapter. The concise nature of each of Hypothesis 12: The cumulative effects of PI will
the chapters, coupled with the breadth of topics, be greater than its isolated effects (p. 321). Hy-
requires some sacrifice in terms of depth. Thus, pothesis 9 refers to the forms that, although dif-
readers wishing for a complex discussion of one ferent, are affected by the same processing prin-
area (e.g., various politeness models) will need to ciple of input processing. Hypothesis 12 refers to
148 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
learners transferring the training on processing statistically similar in the production tests for the
a linguistic form to the processing of a different secondary items. Although the percentage of the
form not included in the treatment and that is gains for the secondary items was rather small, as
affected by a different processing principle. addressed by the authors, they claim that the sta-
The book has five chapters, a Final Comments tistically significant results reveal the primary and
section, and appendixes. The first two chapters secondary transfer-of-training effects of PI. These
form the theoretical and empirical background findings encourage the interesting argument of
of the research presented in chapters 3 through the development of better L2 intuitions through
5. The first chapter provides a summary of Van- instruction, which the authors do address, but un-
Pattens theory of input processing. The strength fortunately, do not expand as fully as readers may
of this chapter is that the authors not only ex- wish.
plain the principles of the theory in a very read- The study presented in chapter 5, more com-
able way, but they also present the previous body plex than the other two, investigated the sec-
of research carried out to investigate the second ondary and cumulative transfer-of-training effects
language (L2) processing phenomena on which of PI. The primary form was the French imper-
the theorys principles are founded. Therefore, fect tense, the secondary form was the French
this chapter provides a more complete picture of subjunctive, and the cumulative form was the
VanPattens theory not found in other recent lit- French causative construction with faire. The re-
erature on input processing. sults showed that PI learners were able to pro-
Chapter 2 is divided into two sections. The first cess and interpret significantly better than the
section reviews the research on PI, underscoring TI learners the primary, secondary, and cumula-
the primary effects of PI investigated in this body tive forms, although the production gains were
of research. The reader will find valuable the iden- minimal for the secondary and cumulative forms.
tification of various strands of research found in This type of study is the only one of its kind in
the PI studies. The second section presents PI as the volume and is certainly unprecedented in PI
a viable approach to grammar teaching and re- research.
views the guidelines to develop structured input As the authors state in the Final Comments sec-
activities. tion, the volumes goal was to take PI research into
In chapters 3 through 5, each chapter presents a new area of investigation, and the reader will see
a study that investigated the secondary (ch. 3 that it certainly reaches that goal. The weakness of
and ch. 4) and the cumulative (ch. 5) transfer-of- the volume, however, is that the authors attempt
training effects of PI. In these three studies, PI was to provide a strong and theoretically grounded ex-
compared to traditional form-focused instruction planation for the findings leaves the reader want-
(TI), and each study included a control group. ing a fuller, more convincing account. Perhaps
Their format was very similar to the format of this expectation is a good aspect of the book, as it
many previous PI studies: a pretest and immediate shows that there is still much left to explain within
posttest design with treatment measures carried L2 processing research.
out through tests of interpretation and sentence-
level production. In chapter 3s study, the pri- CLAUDIA FERNANDEZ
mary item was Italian nounadjective agreement, DePaul University
and the secondary linguistic item was Italian fu-
ture tense. In chapter 4s study, the primary lin-
guistic item was English ed past tense and the
BYRAM, MICHAEL. From Foreign Language Educa-
secondary item was English third-person singular
tion to Education for Intercultural Citizenship: Essays
present tense s. The results of both of these stud-
and Reflections. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Mat-
ies revealed that PI was more effective than TI for
ters, 2008. Pp. xi, 272. $49.95, paper. ISBN 978
the correct interpretation of the primary forms
and equally effective for correct production. For
the reader familiarized with previous PI research,
these results may come as no surprise. The new As policy makers and educators work to find prac-
findings, however, were that PI learners did trans- tical solutions for preparing citizens to meet the
fer the training on the processing of the target political, communicative, and social challenges of
form to the processing of the secondary form on internationalization and globalization, much of
which they did not receive instruction. The PI this work is being done in relative isolation. As
group was significantly superior to the TI group Byram points out, there is little dialogue among
on the interpretation test, and both groups were policy makers representing different national,
Reviews 149
regional, or language groups; limited collabora- pedagogy, in tandem with Gerhard Himmelmans
tion among teachers of languages and social and objectives for citizenship education, setting forth
political studies; and substantial divides between what he refers to as a framework of education for
policy goals and classroom practices in language intercultural citizenship.
and citizenship education. In his collection of As Byram explains, chapters 10 through 14 of
essays and reflections, Byram attempts to create the text are presented as a unit in which he con-
points of connection and dialogue among these siders approaches for planning, teaching, and as-
groups in shaping a framework for education for sessing education for intercultural citizenship. Al-
intercultural citizenship. though insistent on the importance of language
In the early chapters (ch. 1 through ch. 9), education in this process, Byrams approach is in-
which may be read as an ensemble or a collec- terdisciplinary in nature and seeks to engage edu-
tion of separate essays, Byram considers various cators across nations, languages, and disciplines.
dimensions of language education in view of his- In chapters 10 and 11, Byram highlights the im-
torical, international, intercultural, and interdis- portance of the cognitive, evaluative, and behav-
ciplinary phenomena. For example, in chapter 1, ioral dimensions of intercultural education, com-
Byram provides a historical overview of foreign paring his model with Himmelmans and placing
language education trends and later compares re- particular emphasis on the critical awareness and
cent policy statements on foreign language teach- political education aspects of education for in-
ing objectives from Japan, the United States, and tercultural citizenship. In chapter 12, Byram ex-
the European Union (EU). Although Byram sup- plores the notion of transnational citizenship and
ports the shift in educational priorities set forth examines policies pertaining to language and cul-
in such policy documents, he asserts that, in most ture, particularly as set forth by the EU. In his
cases, teaching practices fall short of the policies. policy analysis, Byram problematizes the EUs lan-
In his analysis, Byram explores the value of inter- guage and language education policies, charac-
cultural dimensions in education and experience, terizing them as vague. He further expresses the
establishing the pursuit of intercultural compe- concern that EU policies seem to promote Europe
tence and communication as a point of congruity as a supranational polity rather than a forum for
through which educators, researchers, and pol- intercultural citizenship.
icy makers might begin to bridge the divides that In chapter 13, Byram promotes the idea of the
separate policy from practice and language ed- intercultural speaker and citizen, rejecting the
ucation from civic education. Although his dis- native-speaker model and insisting on the reflex-
cussion focuses primarily on the EU, Byram also ivity of the intercultural educational process. At
considers trends and tendencies in Asia and the the end of the chapter, he provides some limited
Americas. pedagogical suggestions, many of which seem dif-
Throughout the text, Byram is mindful to re- ficult to accomplish because they require inter-
flect on his own work as a teacher, researcher, national, intercultural, and interlinguistic coop-
and advocate concerned with education practices eration. Moreover, in his discussions of pedagog-
and policies pertaining to language and culture. ical strategies, Byram seems to place the burden
As such, he interweaves reflective commentaries of implementation on teachers rather than sug-
on his own work throughout the ensemble of gest a cooperative effort between teachers and
essays, examining his contributions in view of policy makers. Additional challenges, as Byram
research on intercultural education. He first acknowledges in chapter 14, comprise those of
considers the notion of tertiary socialization, a assessment and evaluation of intercultural educa-
prescriptive strategy coined by Byram through tion across disciplines, languages, and cultures.
which educators incorporate specific objectives Drawing on recent research, Byram suggests port-
and strategies in their lessons to inspire students folios and reflexive activities as possible modes of
to think reflectively about and reconsider the assessment.
taken-for-granted values, beliefs, and behaviors Although strong in its explanations and com-
implicit in national schooling (p. 113). As Byram parisons of language, cultural, and civic edu-
maintains, when used effectively by educators, ter- cational practices and policies (particularly in
tiary socialization can play an integral role in pro- Europe) and its construction of critical frame-
moting the affective, cognitive, and behavioral works for considering intercultural educational
aptitudes necessary to foster intercultural com- objectives across academic disciplines, Byrams
petence among students. Byram also reflects on text is weak in its presentation of practical ped-
his model for intercultural communicative com- agogical strategies to promote intercultural citi-
petence. In later chapters, Byram promotes this zenship and in its suggestions for effectively assess-
model, inspired by his work in foreign language ing intercultural educational outcomes. Even so,
150 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
it represents an important point of departure. As ters. In chapter 1, Clarke addresses theoretical
Byram affirms, his work represents the beginning components and intersections of discourse, iden-
of a critical conversation among citizens, students, tity, and CoP. Without championing a unilateral
educators, and policy makers. [T]his final part of theoretical framework, Clarke provides a multi-
the book has few illustrations or practice. It is a perspectival (p. 40) approach to the discussion
proposal for an agenda, for things to be done of discourse while examining the roles of the indi-
(p. 229). It is yet to be seen whether educators and vidual and social in HCT students construction of
policy makers will take on Byrams challenge and multiple forms of identities in the evolving UAE
work collaboratively to design, implement, and as- community.
sess education for intercultural citizenship. In addition to detailing the studys data col-
lection and analysis methods, chapter 2 utilizes
JULIE HUNTINGTON the notion of discourse to describe the Emi-
Marymount Manhattan College rati preservice teachers processes of becoming a
CoP. Clarke also provides an historical overview
of the country to situate his study within the
social parameters of the contemporary UAE.
In chapter 3, Clarke provides results of focus
CLARKE, MATTHEW. Language Teacher Identities:
group interviews and online discussion data to
Co-Constructing Discourse and Community. Cleve-
describe participants construction of their CoP
don, UK: Multilingual Matters, 2008. Pp. xiii, 214.
and their sense of belonging in the constantly
$43.55, cloth. ISBN 9781847690814.
evolving UAE context. Using Wengers models
of CoPsnamely, engagement, alignment, and
Framing teacher education as the formation of imaginationClarke also addresses the role of
identities within the particularities of a commu- family connections, discourses of gender, teach-
nity of practice (CoP) has been the subject of ers as role models, and surpassing past teachers in
many theoretical and empirical studies. What has becoming a new community of English language
been missing is a longitudinal approach illumi- teachers. In chapter 4, the author draws on a series
nating invisible processes through which teacher of binary oppositions, including new/traditional,
identities are shaped in discourses in which in- student-centered/teacher-centered, and passive
trapersonal and interpersonal relations are lo- learning/active learning, to describe participants
cal as well as global. In Language Teacher Iden- discursive construction of knowledge and belief
tities: Co-Constructing Discourse and Community, systems throughout the formation of their new
Clarke outstandingly addresses the invisible hand CoP.
of second language (L2) teacher education by Chapter 5 examines how discursive interper-
revealing behind-the-scenes power relations and sonal relations are formed, how community
sociocultural factors that determine the social me- alignment relates to the participatory norms of
diation in becoming an L2 teacher in a trans- communication, and how such relations solidify
forming community, the United Arab Emirates the cohesion of the community around shared
(UAE). Intended for researchers in L2 teacher values and beliefs. The chapter also provides in-
education, applied linguistics, and L2 acquisition, terpretive evidence about these preservice teach-
this book merges discourse theory with the appli- ers reformist perceptions regarding the future of
cation of numerous social theories in L2 teacher their teaching careers. Chapter 6, entitled The
education, including socioconstructivism, identity Discursive Construction of Intrapersonal Iden-
formation, knowledge and belief systems, CoP, tity, complements chapter 5 by transitioning to
national and gendered identities, linguistic and the role of the intrapersonal factors in identity
cultural hegemony, and poststructuralism. formation. It explains the attitudes, moral obli-
Clarke frames the primary research question gations, values, and beliefs of one participant,
behind this book as follows: In what ways are Manal, to provide a thorough analysis of the in-
the social and educational discourses that have dividual identity construction process, involving
shaped the contemporary UAE context and the both individual and social elements. Finally, chap-
HCTs [Higher Colleges of Technology] teacher ter 7 situates the study findings and their implica-
education program taken up by the students as tions within the regional and broader contexts of
they construct their identities as teachers within L2 teacher education, concluding with potential
an evolving CoP? (p. 10). As a part of the New Per- directions for English language teaching.
spectives on Language and Education series, this Applying social theories to the UAE context,
book includes an introduction and seven chap- Clarke makes a refreshingly original contribution
Reviews 151
to L2 teacher education while describing the iden- ing with morphology and syntax after such a long
tity formation of these preservice teachers. First, period of emphasis on studies dealing with seman-
the book skillfully integrates theory and practice; tics and lexicon in the field of language teaching
however, a real strength of the book lies in its au- and learning. It seems that ever since the commu-
thentic analysis and synthesis of the theoretical nicative approach has taken center stage, stud-
underpinnings of L2 teacher education. Second, ies related to the form and use of morphology
presenting a large body of data, the book offers and explicit grammatical explanation in language
remarkable insights into the processes of change classes have been pushed aside. In that regard, this
in the identities of a changing CoP in a changing book is a must-read for those interested in foreign
Emirati context. Third, it is replete with analyses language teaching or in doing SLA research, as
that reveal that every setting has its own sociocul- they may find out what type of research is taking
tural variables as well as traditional and modern place or what has been possible in recent years.
clashes that may impact teacher education differ- Although some of the experiments reported are
ently, adding to the markedly limited research on quite primitive and close to action research, most
such settings. Finally, this book offers more than of the reports are experimentally based and are
a qualitative case study of female preservice En- useful examples for future studies in foreign lan-
glish language teachers in the UAE by, as Donald guage classes.
Freeman states in the foreword, Clarkes ability The book consists of 15 chapters related to
to expose what is often invisible in the process of morphological and syntactic issues in SLA. It is
individual and social learning, and the resources divided into two major parts: The 10 chapters
that shape these processes (p. xi). in part 1 deal with research reports on word
Clarke uses a large amount of qualitative data morphology and sentence patterns and their im-
to address the identity formation of Emirati pre- plication in SLA under the Universal Grammar
service English language teachers. However, both (UG) framework, whereas the 5 chapters in part
the research design and the findings are overshad- 2 are research papers focusing on effective for-
owed by the emphasis placed on the theoretical eign language teaching, primarily English teach-
paradigms. For example, chapters 4 through 6 in- ing. All but two papers are reports on empirical
form us about the role of individual and social studies. The two papers not based on empirical
factors in participants construction of new belief data include a theoretical discussion of the lan-
systems about their teaching, moral issues in UAE guage acquisition process using the modular the-
education, how teaching has changed their lives, ory framework proposed by Jackendoff (ch. 4)
and so forth. Nevertheless, we do not learn much and an argument regarding the inadequacy of
about the cumulative value of these self-reported explaining the transitivity in different languages
excerpts. Given that the data came from 75 partic- through markedness differences (ch. 7).
ipants, some descriptive statistics and summary ta- Most of the empirical research reports deal with
bles could have provided further depth and rigor what the authors call English as a second lan-
regarding individual versus co-construction of the guage, although they are referring to English as
new identity. Furthermore, current research sug- a foreign language (EFL) because most deal with
gests gender differences in roles, power relations, high school students (1318 years old) learning
and socialization patterns that, particularly in this English in Poland. Those studies that do not fit in
setting, could pose some inherent subjectivity to the EFL category include a study on syntactic pro-
the results because all of the participants were cessing in multilinguistic performance (ch. 5), a
women. study on the Greek reflexive morphology marker
me by native speakers of Russian and German
NIHAT POLAT (ch. 6), a study on the wh fronting in English
Duquesne University by native speakers of Turkish (ch. 8), a study on
the acquisition of concession connectives by na-
tive Polish interpreters into English (ch. 9), and
research on the acquisition of German syntax by
Polish learners (ch. 13).
tactic Issues in Second Language Acquisition. Cleve-
Most of the research studies report experimen-
don, UK: Multilingual Matters, 2008. Pp. xiii, 264.
tation using written materials, but some are ana-
$89.95, cloth. ISBN 9781847690654.
lyses of the spoken performance as recorded by
the researchers. Some reports are based on re-
It was a pleasure to read a series of interesting search with a small number of subjects (even one
second language acquisition (SLA) studies deal- in ch. 5), but several draw on a large corpus,
152 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
and some study longitudinal effects of method- ested in SLA research should read the chapters in
ology. Of course, when studies were accompanied part 1 as a source of ideas for possible empirical
by larger numbers of participants or with corpus studies in the field, and part 2 is excellent reading
analysis and longitudinal effects, they were more for foreign language teachers.
convincing. The research that reports on sur-
vey questionnaires or grammaticality tests without MASAKAZU WATABE
context leave the readers with questions of valid- Brigham Young University
ity. Of course, a book like this one will not be
able to report all of the data the researchers used;
however, modern technology has provided ways
to report entire experiments with data in digital
form. It would have been helpful to provide such
ZAMPINI. (Eds.). Phonology and Second Language
data for verification on a Web site or accompany-
Acquisition. Philadelphia: Benjamins, 2008. Pp. vi,
ing CD.
380. $149.00, cloth. ISBN 9789027241474.
Almost all of the researchers, some more overtly
than others, have tried to explain that language
transfer and cross-linguistic influence and SLA Research on the acquisition of a second language
processes can be explained within the UG frame- (L2) sound system is presented in this volume,
work. For example, in the discussion of lan- divided into three parts, each with a preface that
guage transfer and cross-linguistic influence deal- summarizes the contributions. All of the chapters
ing with form, meaning, and function (including provide a good introduction to the topic, a crit-
use) of such specific syntactic patterns as cleft, ical review of the literature and methodologies
wh cleft and focus, raising, tough-movement, employed, an overview of principal findings on
word order, concession clauses, and transitivity, the topic, suggestions for further research, and a
the researchers refer to universal acquisition or- useful summary and conclusions.
der (e.g., the most difficult or the last to be Part 1 examines theoretical issues in L2 phonol-
learned). This approach is part of a tendency ogy. Ohala investigates first language (L1) ac-
among linguists to claim some universality after quisition. The L1 phonology emerges around
examining a few related languages. However, es- 18 months, and the ability to distinguish among
pecially as we understand the role of context, dis- nonnative speech sounds is weakened by this ex-
course, topic, pragmatics, and new and old infor- posure to the native language. This most funda-
mation, we must look at unrelated languages, such mental aspect of language acquisition is complete
as topic-oriented languages and case-marking lan- by age 6.
guages, rather than languages that rely on the Ioup discusses the role of age as the crucial
word order to mark cases, discourse-oriented lan- variable in L2 phonological acquisition. Native-
guages, and context-dependent languages before like L2 phonology is normally found only with
claiming any universality. However, these reported very early onset, and the likelihood diminishes
findings are excellent starting points for further as onset age increases. Two possible explanations
investigation. As understood by most scientists are brain maturation and interference from L1
and researchers, it is better to study with a hypoth- phonology. Questions linger, such as why talented
esis so that we can start eliminating what cannot be adult learners can circumvent L1 interferences
disproved to come closer to what we are seeking. by perceiving novel speech sounds as infants do.
Unfortunately, there are many editorial mis- Ioup gives a useful critique of methodological is-
takes in the text, such as misplaced and repeated sues and directions for future research.
words and misspellings. In dealing with so many Major provides an overview and critique of re-
different languages and grammatical and un- search on transfer, which is implicated in almost
grammatical samples, it is a real challenge and every work on L2 phonology. Studies indicate that
a laborious task to edit completely with impecca- similar structures shared in the L1 and L2 cause
ble detail, but a book of this type, especially in the transfer and that similar sounds are more difficult
linguistics field, needs to be more professionally than dissimilar sounds because the differences are
edited. It was even humorous to find the third- not noticed. Major makes the important point
person singular s missing in chapter 13 right af- that more rigorous definitions of similarity and
ter reading the chapter on the acquisition of the transfer are necessary. A good phonological de-
English third-person singular s ending. However, scription of running speech of the L1 and L2 is
any student, especially graduate students, inter- needed to identify transfer.
Reviews 153
Typological markedness is the topic of the con- L2 learning, and these are beyond the learners
tribution by Eckman, who examines evidence for control. Learners should be viewed as users. Devi-
the markedness differential hypothesis and the ations from the standard target language may be
structural conformity hypothesis. Eckman con- purposeful usage.
cludes that markedness will continue to play a Part 3 reviews topics in applied L2 phonet-
significant role in L2 phonology within the frame- ics and phonology, including technology, train-
work of optimality theory, which incorporates ing, and curriculum. Bradlow examines Japanese
markedness. adults learning the English //-/l/ contrast.
Challenges for optimality theory are generaliz- Three lessons emerge: (a) Lab training can lead
ability, accountability, and predictability, accord- to nonnative contrast learning, even for the most
ing to Hancin-Bhatt, who presents examples of L2 difficult cases; (b) the goal is accurate recognition
phenomena analyzed within this framework. She of words that exemplify contrasts; and (c) expo-
points out that perception and production data sure to multiple talkers promotes nonnative con-
cannot be directly compared. Generalizations ob- trast acquisition. Highly variable training stimuli
tained from one domain should not be used to are important.
test predictions at another level. Glick, Bernhardt, Bacsfalvi, and Wilson exam-
Speech production and perception are exam- ine ultrasound imaging applications in L2 acqui-
ined further in part 2. Strange and Shafer ex- sition. A midsagittal image of the tongue provides
plore theories of and difficulties with L2 speech a promising application, giving the ability to mea-
perception, including phonological categories, sure articulator positions directly and describing
cognitive processes involved, and methodologi- physical details of difficult sounds, such as English
cal issues. Infants are language-general perceivers /r/ (transcribed as // in Bradlows chapter) and
and are able to discriminate, but they become /l/ for Japanese speakers.
language-specific perceivers within the first year of Chun, Hardison, and Pennington discuss tech-
life. nologies for prosody in context: (a) visualizations
Munro discusses foreign accent and speech of pitch contours; (b) multimodal tools such as in-
intelligibility, noting that native pronunciation tegration of a video clip with associated pitch con-
in the L2 is uncommon and unnecessary. Un- tour; (c) spectrographic displays; and (d) vowel
sophisticated learners judgments are especially analysis programs. Future research must consider
important to provide insight into how understand- the relationship between perception and pro-
able L2 speakers are to other community mem- duction. Multiple components of speech events
bers. Teachers should recognize the difference should be analyzed.
between speech that is different and speech that is Derwing summarizes curriculum issues in
difficult to understand. Instruction should focus teaching L2 pronunciation, aiming toward im-
on problems of comprehensibility and intelligibil- proved intelligibility and comprehensibility of L2
ity, not perfection. learners. Suprasegmentals appear to have more
Zampini examines research on L2 speech pro- impact than segmentals here. Poor teacher train-
duction. The literature review discusses natural ing is a problem. There is also a need for longitu-
classes of sounds, sound substitution studies, and dinal studies, to ascertain whether improvement
suprasegmentals. Methodological issues include is permanent.
laboratory versus natural speech, types of speak- Errors are few (in missing on p. 3, affects
ers, the corpus and its analysis, and native-speaker for effects on p. 4, of missing after some on
judgments. Future directions include technolog- p. 15, evidenced for evidence on p. 98, and
ical advances and a consideration of the re- are is missing on p. 107). Unfortunately, two
lationship between L2 speech production and typographical errors impede comprehension (on
perception. p. 98 that should be than in 3 a. and b.).
Edwards discusses social factors and variation Several important recommendations emerge
in production in L2 phonology. Social factors in- from this high-quality volume. Perception and
clude gender, extent of L1 and L2 use, social production are both important to study in L2
identity, and target language variety. Variation phonological acquisition. Research should exam-
involves interlocutor/speech accommodation, at- ine running speech, not only isolated words and
tention to speech/monitoring, and effects of sentences. Several authors conclude that prosody
linguistic and social factors on production. Learn- is more important than segmentals in L2 instruc-
ers are active agents in choosing how they use tion. Intelligibility and comprehensibility, not per-
the L2, choosing the L2 target, and what they ac- fection, should be the goals of L2 instruction in
quire. Linguistic and social factors also influence pronunciation. New technological advances and
154 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
computer applications are important research phonological, semantic, and syntactic awareness;
and teaching tools. and finally, it explores issues in comparing such
awareness across languages. The final chapter in
DIANE R. UBER this section, by Koda, sets up the transition to the
The College of Wooster topic of literacy experience transfer in L2 reading.
This chapter presents a valuable review of trans-
fer as it has been conceptualized and studied over
the years, and it illuminates reading universals and
features of metalinguistic awareness that are the
Learning to Read Across Languages: Cross-Linguistic
likely venues for transfer across languages.
Relationships in First- and Second-Language Literacy
In the second section, the book provides de-
Development. New York: Routledge, 2008. Pp. vii,
tailed descriptions of writing systems, literacy
241. $43.95, paper. ISBN 0805856129.
development, and transfer issues across five lan-
guages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Hebrew,
For some time, the field of second (L2) and for- Khmer, and Korean. These chapters will hold
eign language reading has pursued an under- great interest for researchers and teachers of
standing of factors that impact the reading pro- English and for speakers of these languages. In
cess, one of which is first language (L1) literacy. addition to providing clear descriptions of the
Despite this recognition, differences across lan- languages and writing systems, the chapters un-
guages and the impact of these differences on lock key intersections between languages as well
reading in another language have generated com- as metalinguistic properties. As the editors point
plex questions. The book Learning to Read Across out, there is great variation in depth of re-
Languages, edited by Koda and Zehler, establishes search on these languages, which makes compar-
a potential path to solving some of the questions isons across the chapters somewhat difficult; how-
surrounding transfer in reading by bringing to- ever, the reviews provide groundwork for future
gether chapters reviewing theory and research on investigations.
the interaction between languages and texts, liter- This edited volume justifies a systematic frame-
acy development in a number of languages, and work to clarify transfer in reading across languages
future research directions for transfer in read- and it uses this framework in describing literacy
ing. Recognizing a psycholinguistic orientation to in five languages. The choice of languages pre-
reading, the authors propose that the book chap- sented in the book is a major contribution to the
ters hold relevance for L2 reading development field, as all are quite distant from English and
of English language learners. are not as common in the L2 reading literature
The book begins by forming an argument and as roman-alphabetic languages have been. By dig-
defining the constructs to be explored. Two sec- ging deeply with a narrowed scope of metalin-
tions group the rest of the chapters. One section guistic awareness and decoding, the authors es-
provides theory on writing systems, metalinguistic tablish what we currently know regarding transfer
awareness, and impacts from L1 literacy on learn- across languages and the salient universal features
ing to read in an L2. The second section presents of reading. In doing so, they propose areas need-
chapters explaining the nature of writing systems ing future attention in this domain. The book is
and literacy development in five languages, with a valuable review of studies as well as a catalogu-
each chapter following a similar outline to pro- ing of reading in the five languages and may be
vide comparison and summary. The final chapter useful for graduate students and scholars seeking
discusses the link between these L1 experiences research avenues to explore. It will be an impera-
and L2 reading. tive reference for L2 researchers exploring issues
In section 1, a chapter by Perfetti and Dun- of interdependence, as well as for teachers work-
lap provides fundamental content regarding writ- ing with students whose L1s are presented in the
ing systems, orthography, and scripts, which leads second section.
to consideration of how these features of writing The weaknesses in the volume are best posited
and language interact with phonological princi- as challenges faced by research in L2 reading and
ples, adults learning to read in another language, are recognized by the authors at several junctures.
as well as the possibilities for transfer. A chap- These challenges are rooted in the complexity
ter by Kuo and Andersen further delves into the of the reading process. One issue lies in shaping
psychology of reading via a critique of the many a framework narrowed to features within a psy-
definitions for metalinguistic awareness; it then cholinguistic orientation of reading. In fact, the
identifies facets of this construct, such as language-specific chapters include the discussion
Reviews 155
of social and cultural factors impacting literacy such as the Council of Europe Framework of 2001.
development. For example, children learning to He then discusses the phenomenon of globaliza-
read in Arabic are learning Modern Standard tion, both economic and cultural forces, which
Arabic (MSA), which is vastly different from the tends to unite the worlds people in a set of sim-
Arabic they have been speaking at home and, ilar values. In doing so, he makes the point that
thus, they may be learning to read in an L2 at to [his] knowledge, there are very few second lan-
school, where they develop literacy in MSA. These guage education programs that seem to have fully
sections reveal the significance of understanding grasped the imperative need to develop global
such issues in theories of literacy transfer. The au- cultural consciousness in the learner (p. 46).
thors point out that their approach is an attempt The author begins an examination of problems
to dissect reading in an L2 to strengthen empirical that may occur as the result of a failure to grasp
investigation. The assumption that it is possible to the importance of globalization. The first is that of
separate aspects of the reading process may be cultural stereotyping, in which students and teach-
debatable and could cause difficulty in applying ers form judgments about others on the basis of
results to contexts such as classrooms. Second, the narrow views of varieties of the worlds peoples.
focus on metalinguistic awareness is a major chal- For example, he includes an analysis of the well-
lenge that the authors attempt to overcome, with known prejudicial attitude that Chinese students
some success, but this area is mired in complexity somehow lack critical thinking, and he demon-
as well and may not render itself divisible. As Kuo strates that there is much evidence to suggest the
and Andersen expose in the third chapter, it is dif- reverse (p. 60).
ficult to agree on a clear categorical definition of In chapters 5 and 6, the author takes on the
metalinguistic awareness. The overlap of linguistic thorny issues of cultural assimilation, cultural plu-
and metalinguistic knowledge as well as reading ralism, and their delusions, challenging the long-
processing subskills is evident when studying in- held beliefs that assimilation is a laudable goal
dividual readers in context. The authors attempt but demonstrating that cultural pluralism is an al-
to provide taxonomies for these three areas (pp. ternative not yet fully accepted by a broad range
9799), but overlap appears even in these listings. of students and teachers. He shows the need to
Despite these challenges, which the authors rec- develop such an understanding of cultural plural-
ognize, the book is a valuable resource providing ism in light of globalization trends. He asserts that
both intriguing connections between theory and with textbooks limited in their presentation of
prior research, as well as detailed descriptive ac- global cultural patterns, L2 teachers find them-
counts of reading in five languages. Bringing the selves inadequately prepared to carry out the goals
issues and prior research together will move the of multicultural education (p. 115) with the fol-
field of L2 reading research forward by addressing lowing consequence:
gaps and refining a research agenda for the area
of literacy transfer across languages in reading. [Language education informed by multiculturalism]
offers fragmented cultural tidbits. It valorizes main-
LIA PLAKANS stream cultural beliefs and practices. It minimizes mi-
University of Iowa nority cultures. It disregards the culture capital L2
learners bring with them. It channels its energy to-
ward educating the members of the minority commu-
nities as members of the mainstream community have
KUMARAVADIVELU, B. Cultural Globalization little to learn and gain from it. (p. 116)
and Language Education. New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press, 2008. Pp. xiii, 288. $45.00, paper. As if in answer to the problem he poses in chap-
ISBN 97803111101. ters 5 and 6, the author then suggests an alter-
native. In chapter 7 he introduces the notion of
cultural hybridity, invoking the ideas of the post-
In this book of revelation about the relation- colonialist theorist Bhabha. He cites the writings
ships between language learners and the widen- of Kramsch on the idea of establishing a sphere
ing trend toward globalization, Kumaravadivelu of interculturality. He concludes this chapter with
aims to point out certain highways that can pos- the example of English language teaching pro-
sibly lead to global cultural consciousness among fessionals in the Middle East who have formed
language learners, teachers, and teacher educa- a group called TESOL Islamia, which promotes
tors (p. 7). The author begins by summarizing the value of cultural pluralism among language
recent widely read definitions of cultural content, learners and teachers.
156 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
In the final chapters of the book, Kumaravadi- well intentioned in identifying this goal, this book
velu proposes a new set of pedagogical strategies, does not address how to reach it.
which he calls cultural realism, in which he pro-
vides ways that teachers can provide their students JAMES J. KOHN
with what the New London Group calls critical San Francisco State University
framing, through which learners can gain the
necessary personal theoretical distance from what
they have learned, constructively critique it, [and]
account for its cultural location (p. 185). The
MOVICH. Using Priming Methods in Second
concluding chapters of the book deal with inter-
Language Research. New York: Routledge, 2008.
cultural communication and cultural relativism.
Pp. xvii, 217. $39.95, paper. ISBN 0805862552.
He concludes chapter 11 with this advice: Clearly
we need to rethink our theoretical principles and
pedagogic practices by seeking out a meaningful This volume provides an introduction to prim-
articulation of the relationship between intercul- ing methods in second language (L2) processing
tural communication and cultural globalization and acquisition research by considering an array
(p. 231). At the end of the book is a 23page list of first language (L1), bilingual, and L2 prim-
of useful references on the subjects covered in the ing research paradigms and studies conducted
book, in itself an invaluable asset. over the past few decades. McDonough and Trofi-
Students of foreign languages are not likely to movich offer a cutting-edge, comprehensive, and
gain much practical knowledge of ways to avoid well-organized tool to guide researchers and stu-
the pitfalls of cultural jingoism through reading dents in the fields of SLA and psycholinguistics
this book. Likewise, teachers of foreign languages and related disciplines.
will need to accept a level of presentation of ar- Chapter 1 is a brief introductory overview of
guments that is dense in theoretical discussion priming methods with subsections about prim-
but rather thin on practical applications. In fact, ing, the validity of priming research, its appli-
the one chapter that deals with practical applica- cation to linguistic and neurolinguistic theories,
tions to a set of principles of pedagogical glob- and L2 speech processing, learning, and skill ac-
alism would look quite familiar to contemporary quisition models. Chapters 2 through 4 discuss
educators of foreign language teachers: Step 1: specific priming phenomena and research de-
Provide a rationale for an assigned group study; sign. Each of the three chapters follows a con-
Step 2: Interview members of a local extended sistent format, beginning with a brief discussion
family about their cultural beliefs and practices; and examples of specific priming phenomena and
Step 3: Analyze the findings (but no framework their observation in L1 processing and acquisi-
for analysis is suggested); Step 4: Prepare an oral tion. Next come subsections on applications of
report; and Step 5: Have a class discussion of the the phenomena to L2 processing and learning
subject. I have given a similar assignment for the with concrete examples of design methodologies.
past 25 years in my course on sociolinguistics for Each chapter presents a sample study, discusses
language teachers. key design issues, and offers suggestions for fu-
However, Kumaravadivelu has done the profes- ture research. Chapter 2 focuses on auditory prim-
sion a service by reintroducing the discussion of ing. Following a brief overview, its subsections
cultural bias among English teachers. A genera- outline research questions and describe tasks to
tion ago, when the British Council ruled the teach- measure sensitivity to L2 speech features (e.g.,
ing of English in postcolonial countries around word stem/fragment completion, identification,
the world, a great deal of attention was brought and repetition). The chapter describes numerous
to the issue of the unwanted nationalistic spread studies that have manipulated auditory proper-
of British cultural values among its students. The ties, such as gender, pitch, and intonation. In the
same attention was then directed at American sample L2 auditory priming study, the authors em-
teachers spreading American values through En- phasize counterbalancing, baseline performance,
glish teaching. Now in the age of globalization, it and matching test materials. The chapter con-
is indeed apparent that it is no longer tenable to cludes with additional uses of auditory priming
teach English as if it were the entry only to Anglo- methodology, connecting it with classroom learn-
Saxon cultures but rather as a global exchange ing. Chapter 3 is dedicated to semantic prim-
of ideas, with no cultural bias to any of its users. ing and lexical representation research. It begins
What we need is a good, practical teacher training by categorizing semantic priming (e.g., associa-
handbook on how to achieve this goal. However tive, category, mediated) and then discusses key
Reviews 157
research issues and L2 studies investigating within- of concepts, sample results from investigations,
and cross-language semantic priming effects. A tables of studies, and sample studies. The figures
subsection on experimental design paradigms fol- illustrate research designs, statistical output, and
lows, presenting masking techniques, pronuncia- visuals of tasks and results (e.g., waveforms, spec-
tion, semantic categorization, and lexical decision trograms, response latencies) to determine the
tasks, with particular emphasis on the last. Follow- magnitude of priming effects. The tables contain
ing a sample L2 semantic priming study, the au- statistical results and key factors in priming re-
thors briefly discuss individual differences in se- search paradigms. The appendix provides a brief
mantic priming and the application of semantic description of software programs for priming re-
priming techniques to sentential contexts. Chap- search. The authors have also included a compre-
ter 4, which concerns syntactic priming, begins by hensive list of references and extensive subject
presenting factors tested in L1 studies (e.g., lexical and author indexes.
overlap, thematic roles, intervening time between There are some minor criticisms. For example,
prime and target). It then discusses syntactic prim- with the exception of chapter 4, the remaining
ing research on L2 speech production with var- chapters table summaries of studies, and even the
ious target structures and accompanying tasks, subject index, do not highlight the specific lan-
such as picture description, sentence recall and guages addressed, making it challenging to pin-
completion, and scripted interaction. This chap- point language-specific research. Additionally, the
ter offers a more detailed overview of research notion of baseline, a key concept, is not formally in-
methods for selecting and creating tasks and ana- troduced within a definition box (or the subject
lyzing responses than do the preceding chapters. index) until chapter 4. Chapter 5 could benefit
Chapter 4 concludes with applications of syntactic from explicit reference to reliability and validity,
priming methodologies to investigating interac- which are briefly presented in chapter 4 and sub-
tive oral testing, classroom interaction, and feed- ject indexed. Finally, the book would be further
back. Chapter 5 concerns analyzing and reporting enhanced with a comprehensive glossary of ter-
priming data and is an exceptionally helpful in- minology. On the whole, this is an exceptional
troduction to statistical tests used specifically in contribution to the field, one that combines var-
priming research. It defines and considers key ious disciplines and subfields with the potential
topicsfor example, variable types, within- and to enhance future research and instruction on L2
between-subjects designs, data transformations, processing and acquisition.
analyses by subject and by item, and formulating
hypotheses. These are then connected with spe- DIANA PULIDO
cific general linear model and linear mixed model University of Texas-Austin
statistical analyses with SPSS (e.g., t-tests, simple,
factorial, and repeated-measures ANOVAs, linear
mixed model). The authors provide helpful fig-
ures to illustrate data entry and analysis proce-
The Longitudinal Study of Advanced L2 Capacities.
dures for the statistical tests. Chapter 5 concludes
New York: Routledge, 2008. Pp. xvi, 311. $95,
with a discussion on publishing priming research,
cloth; $76, e-book. ISBN 0805861734, cloth;
and it includes an overview of leading journals re-
1410615324, e-book.
porting priming research. Throughout the book,
McDonough and Trofimovich provide clear def-
initions and concrete examples of priming This book is a collection of articles focusing on
phenomena. At the end of each chapter, they the longitudinal development of advanced sec-
encourage readers to reflect on the relevant ond language (L2) capabilities. The co-editors of
topics through useful follow-up questions and the volume introduce the contents of the book
activities requiring problem solving and critical in chapter 1 and discuss the construct of ad-
analysis of methodological issues in published vancedness while making the case for longitudi-
studies, task selection and comparison, research nal research as the most appropriate approach
project planning, data handling, statistical analy- to attain better and fuller insights into L2 learn-
ses and reporting, and outside reading. ing and the development of advanced capacities
The book is very well organized. Each chapter (p. 4). Part 1 of the volume consists of five chapters
contains a separate table of contents, allowing for that explore various theoretical and methodolog-
easy access to specific topics. Each chapter also fea- ical issues associated with the longitudinal study
tures boxes, figures, and tables, which make the of advanced L2 abilities. In chapter 2 Harklau ar-
volume particularly accessible as a textbook and gues for the legitimacy of longitudinal case stud-
research manual. The boxes include definitions ies, which can provide unique insight about the
158 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
advanced language learner by taking into account semester. The researchers note that L2 develop-
such factors as individual characteristics, context, ment in a study abroad context is influenced by is-
and modality. In chapter 3 Achugar and Colombi sues of identity and levels of engagement with the
utilize the framework of systematic functional lin- host culture. Spenader details in chapter 13 the
guistics to analyze oral and written language data development of global oral proficiency and flu-
from Spanish heritage language learners. In chap- ency for two high school exchange students who
ter 4 Myles investigates learner language develop- were absolute beginners when they arrived in Swe-
ment using electronic longitudinal corpora based den for a year-long residence abroad experience.
on examples from French oral data. Chapter 5 of- Spenader explains that the different patterns of
fers recommendations from Skiba, Dittmar, and language growth for the two learners were due to
Bressem for planning, collecting, and archiving varied acculturation strategies and specific per-
longitudinal L2 data supported by experiences sonality traits. The last chapter in this section,
drawn from a German longitudinal project. Chap- chapter 14 by Angelelli, offers a longitudinal
ter 6, by Rees and Klapper, reviews a number of is- ethnographic approach for the development of
sues in the qualitative longitudinal measurement authentic tests that can assess advanced language
of L2 progress in the context of study abroad capabilities across three languages (Spanish, Can-
programs. tonese, and Hmong).
Part 2 of the volume includes eight chapters In the final chapter of the volume, the co-
that represent various types of empirical stud- editors conclude that a theoretical reconfigu-
ies spanning different research approaches and ration appears to be necessary if SLA research
learning contexts. The first three chapters of this is to fashion a robust longitudinal methodology
section address advanced development of Ger- that can capture advanced capacitiesour no-
man proficiency in the same instructional pro- tions of time and our notions of language itself
gram. In chapter 7 Byrnes and Sinicrope report will need to be reconceptualized (p. 294). The
on a descriptive longitudinal study of L2 Ger- theoretical reconfiguration should pay particu-
man involving the production of relative clauses lar attention to the language learner, who can
for a group of students across four levels of col- be seen as a socioculturally situated agent (p.
lege instruction. The studies presented in chap- 294), and the learning context. Learner differ-
ters 8 and 9 involve learners from the same in- ences, as noted in the case studies discussed above,
structional program investigated by Byrnes and account for a considerable degree of the changes
Sinicrope and reported in chapter 7. The studies in advanced language development. With respect
presented in these two chapters focus on learn- to learning contexts, attention should be given
ers in level 4 German, which concentrates on ad- to the important micro and macro sociolinguis-
vanced genre and content-oriented instruction. tic forces at work in L2 learning situations. These
Sprang shows in chapter 8 the development of contextual factors include such issues as the so-
vocabulary knowledge of verbs for two advanced cial/economic/cultural status of the L2, intereth-
German learners over the course of a semester. nic relations between and among the language
The study by Liamkina in chapter 9 investigates groups, and the demographic vitality and strength
whether meaning-oriented instruction can help of the L2 community.
college learners develop an awareness of and the This volume is a significant contribution to our
ability to use accurately the semantics of the Ger- understanding of the complex set of interacting
man dative. In chapter 10 Kallkvist offers the re- factors involved in the development of advanced
sults of a longitudinal, matched-pair random as- language capabilities. Ortega and Byrnes outline
signment study of advanced Swedish learners of many salient issues that researchers should con-
English. The study contrasts the effects of two sider in designing systematic research programs
different focus-on-forms classroom activities: L1- for the longitudinal study of advanced L2 capaci-
to-L2 translation activities versus fill-in-the-blank ties. Although the case is made for advanced L2 ca-
exercises. pabilities in an increasingly multilingual and glob-
The next three chapters consider other aspects alized world, no studies of nontraditional learners
of language beyond the sentence level. In chapter are included in the volume. Immigrants, refugees,
11 Taguchi presents the results of a longitudinal and transnationals may have developmental tra-
study on gains in the accuracy and speed in prag- jectories toward advancedness that are similar to
matic comprehension for a group of Japanese col- or different from those of the learners included
lege students studying English in a summer pro- here.
gram. Kinginger and Blattner report in chapter
12 on the development of awareness of socio-
pragmatic variability for three college students ARNULFO G. RAMIREZ
who studied in France during the course of a Louisiana State University
Reviews 159

ARABIC memorizing media lexical items, then it may

not be in the realm of language proficiency. In
the same paragraph, we read acquiring the nec-
LAHLALI, EL MUSTAPHA. Advanced Media Ara- essary skills to write Arabic reports and articles,
bic. Washington, DC: Georgetown University which looks like an objective but sounds unachiev-
Press, 2008. Pp. xii, 292. $34.95, paper. ISBN 978 able, given the level of the targeted learners. Why
1589012202. would learners want to write news reports? To my
knowledge, no graduate from an Arabic program
is asked to write anything in Arabic in his or her
This book is a relatively new addition to the ma- professional activities. Writing exercises, nonethe-
terials available for Arabic learners in the West. less, do have a beneficial and reinforcing effect
It begins with an introduction that explains the on all other skills, which may be what the author
need for such a work and it details the approach intended.
adopted, which is clearly integrative. It is divided As is the case with most textbooks, this one is not
into 10 chapters, each chapter dealing with one above criticism. My major concern is the attitude
topic, and it contains several units with selected that the author exhibits, which is, unfortunately,
texts that address the same topic from various rampant throughout the field of Arabic as a for-
perspectives. There are 36 units altogether. Page eign language. Most of us, including this reviewer,
xi has a map of the booka nice visual rep- are guilty in this regard. It pertains to how Ara-
resentation of the various sections. Each unit bic and Arabic learners are viewed. The language
generally has six sections: prereading questions is generally seen as an object of study within an
that serve as advance organizers, glossary (not English context rather than a genuine means of
in all units), comprehension questions, language communication that can be learned without re-
in context (i.e., vocabulary exercises), Arabic course to English. The book opens from left to
English/EnglishArabic translation, and writing. right like English language books, and the head-
Units 14, 31, 34, 35, and 36 have audio pas- ings and simple instructions are in both Arabic
sages, but they lack prelistening questions and and English. It is not clear why advanced learners
glossaries. Although the author does not explain need glossaries. Looking up words in an Arabic
what intermediate and advanced signify as techni- dictionary is, in and of itself, a beneficial skill and
cal terms, the text types of the passages used sug- an effective learning tool. It builds the learners
gest that the selections are within the advanced competence systematically in the morphology of
level according to the American Council on the the language. This benefit is sacrificed in favor of
Teaching of Foreign Languages proficiency scale. providing lists of meanings that are in many in-
Neither is there a definition of authentic, which, stances inaccurate (e.g., six inaccuracies on p. 8
by reading the introduction and browsing the pas- and three on p. 119 alone). Another point is the
sages, may mean unedited. This term is probably need to use standard terminology in Arabic and
used as a stamp of approval for texts that might English. For example, page 5 has the phrase to re-
not otherwise withstand linguistic scrutiny. port direct speeches/discourses [sic] and is ren-
Advanced Media Arabic meets most of the claims dered in Arabic as . A more serious
made in the introduction. It integrates the four implication for learners is that they cannot learn
language skills in each unit, exposes advanced this language without the use of English. Learn-
learners to a wide variety of lexical items (criti- ing through English is an unnecessary crutch that
cal in attaining proficiency at the advanced level), advanced learners should have abandoned long
and involves them in translation practice. The before.
textbook is pedagogically sound, utilizing con- The issue of accuracy also needs attention.
cepts borrowed from psycholinguistics and lan- There are two sources of language deviations
guage acquisition, such as the use of advance in the textbook: the selected passages and the
organizers, treatment of vocabulary as groups authored material. In a language textbook, no
of words that share certain semantic features, deviations should be allowed, not even under
and focus on meaning to enhance learning. the pretext of authenticity. Selections must be
Nonetheless, the introduction contains a couple edited and marked to indicate author
of general statements that may not be understood intervention if they undergo editing. The pas-
without further elaboration. Under module 1, the sage in unit 2, for example, suffers from er-
author states that the goal is to build their confi- rors (at least five) in spelling, word choice, and
dence and master media Arabic language (p. ix). style. The other source of deviations is the au-
The first part is probably not measurable and the thored material. A few examples include item
second needs elaboration. If mastering means 15 (p. 5), which has a structure with the wrong
160 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
collocation and a typographical error. The struc- Section 1 contains 154 entries of Chinese mea-
ture may be modified to read or it can sure words. Each entry contains a brief introduc-
be modified to read . The word in the tion in English about the meaning and usage of
instruction at the top of page 16 has the wrong a measure word, together with a list of exemplary
gender agreement. The word for Attorney Gen- Chinese nouns and phrases it accompanies. When
eral in the glossary (p. 119) is grammatically there may be confusion about the usage of more
incorrect, and the meaning of is ren- than two measure words, a comparison note is
dered inaccurately in English. The government provided to distinguish their usage. These well-
agency referred to as (p. 125) is thought-out and lucidly written comparison notes
generally known as , and the mean- are extremely useful for learners.
ing of is rendered literally holding of Section 2 includes 1,360 entries of common En-
breaths [sic]. The word for market is given glish nouns, together with their Chinese equiva-
the wrong gender (p. 131), item 3 (p. 167) has lents and corresponding measure words. Section
the wrong case, and the word is rendered 3 is the opposite, including 1,316 entries of Chi-
erosion. A couple of suggestions are in order. nese nouns accompanied by their measure words.
Matching exercises may be enhanced if the sec- These two sections set this dictionary apart from
ond column includes one or two extra items to most other reference books on Chinese measure
allow for intelligent guessing. The exercises that words, in that they can help learners quickly iden-
ask learners to identify errors and correct them tify the correct measure word for a given noun in
(e.g., p. 177) have little pedagogical value and are either English or Chinese.
inappropriate, particularly as they have items that Although practical and useful, this dictionary
are probably taken from student work. can be improved in future editions. First, although
On a more general level and from a proficiency the compilers claim to present the most frequently
perspective, the vast majority of the passages fall used Chinese measure words in section 1, there
under a single language function: reporting a cur- are some important omissions that should have
rent event. No other advanced functions or global been included. To name a few, ban as in yi ban feiji
tasks are addressed. At any rate, despite the above a flight, di as in yi di shui a drop of water, wan
criticisms, the textbook makes a welcome contri- as in yi wan fan a bowl of rice, die as in yi die cai
bution to the Arabic field. a saucepan of food, ju as in yi ju hua a sentence,
a word, an utterance, kuan as in yi kuan shouji
a type of cell phone, and zhen as in yi zhen feng
MAHDI ALOSH a gust of wind should be included. A student is
The United States Military Academy expected to know such common phrases as Wo
haiyao yi wan fan I would like to have one more
bowl of rice, Zhe ju hua shi shenme yisi What is
the meaning of this utterance? or Xia yi ban feiji
shi jidian When is the next flight? and they will
FANG, JIQING, & MICHAEL CONNELLY. Chi- have to know those high-frequency measure words
nese Measure Word Dictionary: A ChineseEnglish to produce these sentences. On the contrary, a
EnglishChinese Usage Guide. Boston: Cheng & couple of measure words carrying a strong dialect
Tsui Company, 2008. Pp. x, 181. $29.95, paper. flavor that are less commonly used (e.g., bian a
ISBN 9780887276323. braid of and ya a wedge of a melon) should
probably be omitted.
Second, some less commonly used combi-
One of the first challenges faced by English speak- nations of measure words and nouns should
ers when studying Chinese is the usage of measure be deleted lest they mislead beginning- and
words. Chinese measure words differ from their intermediate-level learners. Collocations such as
English counterparts both in quantity and quality: yi wei ren a person (p. ix); yi hang ren a row
A noun requires a mandatory measure word in al- of people (pp. 15, 81, 150); yi dui fengqun a
most all cases, and different categories of nouns swarm of bees (pp. 10, 43, 124); yi jian wenjian a
call for different measure words. Chinese Measure document (p. 17); and yi zhang boli a piece of
Word Dictionary provides a convenient reference glass (pp. 31, 64, 114) are so rare that Internet
guide for learners to look up the usage of mea- searches of these phrases on Chinese sites turn up
sure words and to search for the correct one for a almost no results.
given noun. Third, given that this dictionary is claimed
The dictionary consists of three sections, all al- to cater to the needs of a general language
phabetically arranged to facilitate a quick search. learner, some special-domain and low-frequency
Reviews 161
vocabulary should be excluded and more com- of the book include examining the historic and
monly used nouns added in sections 2 and 3. For contemporary factors influencing the spread of
instance, a group of military-domain nouns (e.g., English around the world, investigating the com-
ammunition, antiaircraft gun, artillery shell, ar- plex nature of English as an international lan-
mored vehicle, bullet, bomb, cannon, machine guage (EIL), and proposing guidelines for a so-
gun, mortar launcher) should be given less promi- cially sensitive pedagogy. These aims are outlined
nence throughout the dictionary. In contrast, in the books preface, where the authors also
words related to daily life such as beizi cup, mian- distinguish EIL from English as a lingua franca
bao bread, sanmingzhi sandwich, and weisheng (ELF): The former is the broader category and
zhi bathroom tissue are curiously missing from refers to the use of English between any two L2
the dictionary. speakers of English, whether sharing the same cul-
Fourth, a few typological errors need to be recti- ture or not, as well as L2 and L1 speakers of En-
fied. The tone for xiao in xiaolian (pp. 12, 92, 165) glish (p. xvi).
is incorrectly marked. Parts of the pinyin roman- In chapter 1, English in an Era of Globaliza-
ization for yi zhi yuanzhubi (p. 42) are missing. Yi tion, the authors define globalization and dis-
jia dianyingyuan and yi suo dianyingyuan (p. 50) cuss factors related to the global spread of English
are printed in duplicate. The characters for jing (e.g., colonialism, economic incentives, mass me-
in jingsai competition (pp. 52, 135) and for you dia). The chapter also addresses the current rela-
in youzi grapefruit (pp. 65, 172) are erroneously tionship of English to other languages, and it cov-
printed. A car trip should be yi tang qiche luxing ers some of the dangers related to this spread of
instead of yi tang qiche (pp. 27, 48). Yi xi hua is English, including language loss, growing mono-
better translated as a talk, a speech, a lecture in- lingualism in anglophone countries, and eco-
stead of a nice talk (pp. 78, 97, 131). The entry nomic divides that occur when only elites receive
Li a grain or a small piece of (p. 19) should be English-medium education.
listed under the alphabetic heading of L rather Although the authors acknowledge that
than K. Kachrus concentric circles model is no longer
Fifth, the layout of the comparison notes in sec- adequate to reflect todays complex sociolinguis-
tion 1 could be streamlined. Instead of presenting tic reality, chapter 2, Social Contexts for EIL
them multiple times under every item that is being Learning, nevertheless uses this model as an or-
compared, they could be listed only once under ganizing framework for exploring concrete cases
one entry and cross-referenced under others. of English language learning in diverse contexts.
Despite these weaknesses, this dictionary has First, English language educational policies in
arrived in time to meet the urgent needs of the the inner-circle countries of Great Britain and
increasing number of Chinese language learners the United States are compared and contrasted.
in the United States. Learners from beginning Next, the authors focus on South Africa and the
through advanced levels now have a handy tool to Philippines to illustrate two different language-in-
guide them through the maze of Chinese measure education policies and their outcomes in outer-
words. circle countries. Finally, the authors refer to Ko-
rea and Japan as examples of expanding-circle
LI YU learning contexts, where English language teach-
Williams College ing (ELT) issues have mainly to do with student
motivation, teacher preparation/competence, as
ENGLISH well as the development of locally appropriate
teaching methods and materials.
Chapter 3, Multilingual Societies, provides an
in-depth focus on two diglossic multilingual soci-
BOKHORSTHENG. International English in
eties, India and South Africa. Here the authors ar-
Its Sociolinguistic Contexts: Towards a Socially Sensi-
gue that in spite of language-in-education policies
tive Pedagogy. New York: Routledge, 2008. Pp. xviii,
that attempt to promote mother tongue language
209. $41.95, paper. ISBN 9780805863383.
maintenance and to redress social inequalities,
very often the reverse takes place. This situation,
International English in Its Sociolinguistic Contexts: they explain, is the result of a complex interplay
Towards a Socially Sensitive Pedagogy is ambitious between the colonial legacy of English and cur-
in scope and covers a great deal of territory, both rent and pervasive language ideologies of English
conceptually and geographically. Primarily con- as the key to social mobility and access to material
cerned with issues of English language teaching resources, as well as local constraints and peda-
and learning in an era of globalization, other aims gogical practices. In this chapter, the authors also
162 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
consider multilingualism and language learning logical standards should be taught as part of an
in two inner-circle countries, the United States EIL curriculum. Although it is evident that deter-
and Great Britain. They point to the increasing mining such norms is clearly a complex matter,
trend in both countries toward monolingualism many teachers may wish for at least some general
and English-only policies, citing as an example guidelines in this area. The chapter concludes
that the goal of most bilingual programs is to re- with an overview of different perspectives on
place students first languages with English rather codeswitching.
than to support an additive model of bilingualism. The authors wrap up the major themes of the
Detailed examinations of Language Planning book in chapter 7, Toward a Socially Sensitive
and Policy in Singapore and the United States English Language Pedagogy, as they highlight
are provided in chapter 4. Focusing on these two the tension between the realities of multilingual-
countries with different linguistic realities, the au- ism and multiculturalism and the monolingual
thors discuss both official language policies and assumptions and goals dominating English lan-
various language politicking activities, illustrating guage pedagogy (p. 181). Other points reviewed
their argument with Singapores Speak Good En- in this chapter include the need to consider the
glish movement and the Oakland Ebonics debate official status of English in a given society, the
in the United States. One of the highlights of the nature of linguistic variation and local standards,
book, this chapter is especially thorough and well and discourse and linguistic features characteris-
written, and it makes appropriate use of a good tic of EIL interactions. The chapter also takes up
deal of recent and relevant research. a critical examination of discourses of othering
Chapter 5, Linguistic Variation and Stan- in ELT methods and materials. The book closes
dards, draws upon a number of models (i.e., with six key principles that can inform a socially
those of Bickerton, Gupta, and Pakir) to explore sensitive EIL pedagogy, which range from con-
linguistic hybridization in outer-circle countries crete steps that ELTs may be able to take (e.g.,
(e.g., Nigeria, Singapore). The chapter provides EIL curricula need to exemplify L2L2 interac-
examples of linguistic features (e.g., phonologi- tions, p. 196) to matters that may be a bit further
cal, morphological, lexical) found across several out of reach for many ELTs (e.g., EIL profession-
World Englishes. After discussing standard lan- als should strive to alter the language policies,
guage ideologies and questions related to intel- p. 196).
ligibility, the authors raise the inevitable question Although some readers may also wish that the
of innovations versus normsthat is, how one can authors had developed further those sections that
determine when a particular feature of language address pedagogical implications, the books ma-
use is indeed an innovation, and when it is simply jor contribution (i.e., presenting the complex is-
an error (p. 143). Because this is such a critical sues associated with the global spread of English
question for many English language educators, it and describing how widely these vary across con-
is somewhat disappointing that this final section texts) clearly outweighs this potential limitation.
is as brief as it is. Similarly, the important issue As a richly informative text that highlights many
of exonormative versus endonormative standards unexamined assumptions held by teachers, learn-
in language assessment is addressed in only one ers, and language users alike, this book is certainly
paragraph. a must-read for English language teachers work-
In chapter 6, Interactional Sociolinguistics, ing in any social context.
the authors introduce readers to interactional
sociolinguistics (IS) as an analytic tool for un- CAMILLA VASQUEZ
derstanding EIL interactions. They provide his- University of South Florida
torical background into the origins of IS, note
the key contributions of scholars such as Hymes
and Gumperz, and offer illustrative excerpts from
NATION, I. S. P. Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and
contemporary IS analyses of EIL. Summarized in-
Writing . New York: Routledge, 2008. Pp. vii, 171.
formation about characteristic pragmatic, gram-
$29.95, paper. ISBN 9780415989688.
matical, and phonological features of EIL is
included in this chapter. Additionally, inter-
ing ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking . New York:
spersed throughout are a few brief Implications
Routledge, 2008. Pp. vii, 205. $29.95, paper. ISBN
for EIL Pedagogy subsectionsfor example, a
list of guidelines for what the pragmatic goals of
an EIL curriculum should entail (p. 162). How-
ever, the authors explain that there is far less con- These volumes are two recent additions to the
sensus on deciding what grammatical and phono- ESL and Applied Linguistics Professional Series
Reviews 163
(edited by Hinkel) intended to provide English as It presents research findings on graded readers
a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL) teachers and offers a set of guidelines for planning and
and teacher trainers with research-driven practi- running programs that feature extensive reading.
cal guidelines. The books focus on interrelated Chapter 5, entitled Reading Faster, focuses on
skills of spoken and written language and are sim- one of the aims of extensive reading. The author
ilar in organization and coverage of issues: Both discusses the physical nature of reading and the
consist of 10 chapters, a preface, a conclusion, limits of faster reading, and he examines a variety
references, appendixes, and indexes, with Teach- of procedures that can be applied to help learn
ing ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking (henceforth and maintain faster reading. The claim (pp. 54,
Teaching L&S) having a separate Techniques 63, 72, 82) that L2 learners can attain a reading
Index. speed of 250 words per minute seems overly am-
Both volumes are written in clear and sim- bitious, and no research is cited in support of that
ple language. The two major features of the figure.
books are their strong practical emphasis draw- Chapter 6 is devoted to Assessing Reading,
ing on nearly 100 teaching techniques and their and characteristics of a good measurement tool
approach for offering a balanced programme are discussed in terms of reliability, validity, and
based on a four strands framework (p. ix). practicality. The author introduces speed reading
The first chapter of each book (and especially in graphs as a motivation tool. Providing an example
Teaching L&S) has accordingly been devoted to of how such graphs can be drawn would have been
clarifying the meaning and components of the fruitful, especially given the practical orientation
framework. of the book.
The first six chapters of Teaching ESL/EFL Read- In Helping Learners Write (ch. 7), principles
ing and Writing (henceforth Teaching R&W ) deal are introduced to help evaluate writing activities,
with reading and the rest with writing (with chap- and practical advice is offered on designing and
ter 9 having a shared focus). In chapter 1, Learn- implementing writing tasks. Categorizing the writ-
ing to Read in Another Language (and also in ing tasks across a range of more mechanical to
chapter 1 of the companion book), the authors ex- more meaningful as well as suggesting different
plain the meaning of the four strands framework proficiency levels for which some are more appro-
and justify the need for such a model. Chapter priate could have added value. Chapter 8 (The
1 also discusses research-driven differences and Writing Process) introduces a process-oriented
similarities in reading between the first language approach to writing. In chapter 9, Topic Types,
(L1) and the second language (L2). the topic type hypothesis is discussed as a way of
Chapter 2, Learning to Recognize and Spell analyzing the type of information in nonfiction
Words, discusses the link between written and texts, and the limitations of the hypothesis are
spoken forms and the connection between form acknowledged.
and meaning. It also offers practical advice on The final chapter of the book, Responding to
teaching spellingsound correspondence. The Written Work, discusses assessment issues in writ-
Maori language is mentioned (p. 13), but infor- ing. A major section of the chapter is devoted
mation on where it is spoken is lacking. to feedback, with a discussion on electronic feed-
Intensive Reading (ch. 3) is introduced as an back offering new ideas on the superiority of such
example of a language-focused learning strand in feedback in this digital age. A short, unnumbered
a balanced program on reading. Plenty of useful Conclusion that comes at the end of both books
exercises are offered for this purpose. The author should have been numbered properly or incorpo-
outlines that intensive reading focuses on eight rated into the final chapter.
aspects, of which five are discussed in some detail, Teaching L&S shares more or less the structure
with no attention paid to aspects such as informa- outlined above. Chapter 1 is a comprehensive in-
tion structure and strategies. The use of different troduction to the four strands model referred to
level headings and subheadings does not seem to above and the pedagogical principles based on
follow a consistent pattern in some chapters, in- it. Despite the writers emphatic suggestions in
cluding this one, and more care could be applied both books for observing a balance in focus on
here especially because text organization is one as- the strands, they contradict themselves in stating
pect of intensive reading meant to be introduced that giving equal time to each strand is an arbi-
in the chapter. trary decision (p. 11) and that in an intensive
Chapter 4, Extensive Reading, deals with English program, it is possible to have only a
the intention of this reading approach to pro- very small amount of language-focused learning
vide meaning-focused input and build fluency. (p. 11).
164 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
Beginning to Listen and Speak in Another in the first paragraph of the chapter, no separate
Language (ch. 2) focuses on a variety of activi- heading or serious discussion is allocated to issues
ties, principles, and strategies to benefit beginner concerning the deliberate learning and teaching
learners. Although the emphasis of the chapter is of discourse. The chapter is similar in title and
on listening and speaking, most of the discussion content to chapter 4 and would have been bet-
and suggestions also apply to reading and writing. ter placed following that chapter. In Developing
The next chapter, Listening, clarifies the impor- Fluency (ch. 9), the meaning of fluency is clar-
tance of listening in both L1 acquisition and L2 ified and a comparison is made among fluency,
learning, provides models of listening, discusses accuracy, and complexity. Most of the activities
listening processes, and offers a plethora of tasks recommended for fluency development in lis-
and strategies. The authors note that skilled read- tening are, however, the same as those used for
ing speed is in the range of 250300 words per meaning-focused input, and no algorithm is of-
minute (pp. 52, 53, 54), which contradicts claims fered on how to decide what purpose an activity
in the companion book. serves.
Language-Focused Learning through Dicta- The final chapter (Monitoring and Testing
tion and Related Activities (ch. 4) discusses Progress) provides useful information on how
different uses and types of dictation as well as sim- to monitor progress in listening and speaking
ilar activities such as delayed repetition, delayed and touches on important assessment-related con-
copying, and reproduction exercises. Although siderations, including washback. Rating scales
the focus of the book is on oral skills, both dic- (p. 171) are listed as examples of tests used for
tation (with its different variations) and many of both listening and speaking. It is important to re-
the other activities involve reading and writing, member that scales and lists are scoring tools, not
and even some, like delayed copying (p. 67) and measures by themselves.
reproduction exercises (p. 71), have no element In short, neglecting the minor editorial and or-
of listening or speaking. ganizational issues stated above, the books read-
Pronunciation (ch. 5) clarifies the place of able and informal style makes them accessible for
a deliberate pronunciation course and looks at novice as well as practicing teachers. The range
what is involved in teaching and learning pronun- of experience-based and research-driven practical
ciation. Although the major tenet of both books advice in the books is so overwhelming that caring
is to make all learning activities meaningful, it is ESL/EFL teachers are urged to avail themselves
difficult to visualize how such an aim will be pos- of them.
sible with many of the techniques favored in the
chapter. In chapter 6 (Learning through Task- KARIM SADEGHI
Focused Interaction) the authors provide activ- Urmia University, Iran
ities that combine listening and speaking (and,
at times, reading and writing) in an attempt to FRENCH
encourage negotiation between learners.
The argument that L2 knowledge does not
transfer automatically from reception to produc-
DOIN. Grammaire francaise. 4th ed. Toronto,
tion is supported and developed in the next chap-
Canada: Thomson, 2008. Pp. vi, 564. $98.95, cloth.
ter, Learning through Pushed Output. Whereas
ISBN 0176104615.
the authors claim that formal monologue is typi-
cally only a small part of most peoples speaking
(p. 130) and as most of our speaking tends to be The fourth edition of Grammaire francaise is a thor-
informal speaking, this deserves attention within ough, concise, and accurate textbook that covers
the classroom (p. 121), it is strange to observe the basics of French grammar and orthography.
that more than half of the space in the chapter It is also a valuable resource for vocabulary de-
is devoted to formal speaking and fewer than two velopment. This textbook, written exclusively in
pages to informal speaking. The authors mention French, has been designed for intermediate- and
a LEGO model (pp. 117, 126, 155), but do not advanced-level high school students or college
explain it. students who have already developed substantial
It is the aim of Language-Focused Learning: knowledge of the French language.
Deliberate Teaching (ch. 8) to indicate the role The book begins with a succinct introduction
of meaning-focused instruction of lexicon, gram- to the additions made to the fourth edition, as
mar, and discourse to promote spoken language. well as the reorganization of the chapters by
Although a focus on discourse appears as an aim syntactic groups. The body is divided into four
Reviews 165
major sections: (a) Le groupe nominal ; (b) Les and thus enhance their mastery of the French
invariables; (c) Le groupe verbal ; and (d) Autres language.
structures syntaxiques. The first section focuses on Overall, the book has a simple and practical
nouns, determiners, adjectives, and various pro- layout. It is somewhat austere, given the lack of
nouns (personal, possessive, demonstrative, and color, but it is nonetheless a useful addition for
relative). The second part deals with adverbs, com- any student who wants a solid foundation and
paratives, and superlatives, as well as prepositions good understanding of the French language. It
and conjunctions. The largest portion of the book is a valuable tool leading to mastery of French lin-
is centered on verbs and their conjugations. In guistic competence and is appropriate in the con-
the fourth section, Ollivier and Beaudoin intro- text of a third- or forth-year grammar class or as
duce concepts such as negation, interrogation, a supplement for a content course requiring sub-
passive voice, and indirect discourse. Each sec- stantial and meticulous writing under self-study
tion is subdivided into chapters, which follow a conditions. Finally, with the comprehensive gram-
similar presentation: (a) a detailed and compre- mar covered in this book, together with its simple
hensive explanation in French of a grammatical transparent design, instructors will find it easy to
phenomenon with numerous examples; (b) a se- use for occasional but invaluable reference.
ries of exercises (oral and written); and (c) the
answer key to applications immediates, which are GERALDINE BLATTNER
only a small portion of the exercises proposed. Florida Atlantic University
The answer key to the majority of the exercises
is not provided in the textbook itself. If learners JAPANESE
want to complete more exercises and verify the
answers immediately, they will have to purchase a
separate volume entitled Grammaire francaise: Cle
tities through Speech Style: Learners of Japanese as
de correction et exercices supplementaires. Following
a Foreign Language. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual
the four main body sections, the textbook con-
Matters, 2008. Pp. viii, 225. $49.95, paper. ISBN
cludes with three reference sections: (a) Appen-
dices, (b) Lexique, and (c) Index. The appendixes
are a great resource for learners to rapidly and
easily access conjugation tables or verify whether This book is an investigation of how learners of
a verb is followed by a specific preposition. Japanese as a foreign language (JFL) and mem-
This textbook is not without its flaws. An impor- bers of their host families use the masu form,
tant pedagogical shortcoming is the uniformity of which is conventionally labeled as the addressee
the activities. Only noncreative grammar drilling honorific marker, in their dinnertime conversa-
exercises supplement the grammatical explana- tions. It is composed of an excellent first part
tions, and there is a dearth of related readings followed by somewhat disappointing second and
and interactive activities. With many short fill-in- third parts.
the-blanks exercises, the book will appeal to learn- Part 1 consists of three chapters: chapter 1, In-
ers who like systematic repetition. Learners who troduction: An Indexical Approach to Language
like a variety of exercises and communicative out- and Language Socialization; chapter 2, Social
put tasks will find the book somewhat less inspir- Meaning and Indexicality; and chapter 3, Func-
ing and of limited use. The textbook highlights tions of the masu Form. In chapters 1 and 2
numerous exceptions or particular cases, linked Cook lays out the basic assumptions and theoret-
to various grammar points covered, by giving ical tenets underpinning her research approach.
clear examples of standard usage. Certain chap- She considers that all linguistic forms are poten-
ters also contain grammatical notes that elaborate tially indexicalthat is, pointing to an aspect of
on subtleties of the French language with which the social dimension in the speech situation (p.
learners at this level should become familiar. For 3)and that social meanings of utterances are
instance, in the chapter introducing negation, the interactionally constituted, with speakers as active
note briefly mentions that in oral and informal agents (not passive observers of social norms) who
speech, the first particle ne of the French nega- select linguistic forms to index their identity as
tion ne . . . pas is often omitted. The authors take a well as affective and epistemic stances toward the
prescriptive approach and consequently omit con- addressee(s) and the content of talk (p. 25).
textualization discussion and concrete examples Adapting Ochss work, Cook employs a two-
of language variation of any typegeographic, so- step model of indexical relations, in which lin-
cial, or generationalthat are essential elements guistic expressions directly index particular acts
for nonnative speakers of a language to recognize (goal-oriented behavior), as well as affective
166 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
and epistemic stances while also indirectly in- Part 3 of the book consists of chapter 7, Im-
dexing activities (sequences of acts) and social plications of the Study for L2 Pragmatics and
identity. For example, the Japanese sentence- Pedagogy. Here, the discussion is superficial.
final particle wa directly indexes an affec- Well-thought-out guidance as to how to incorpo-
tive stance of gentle disposition and indirectly rate into ones teaching the social meanings of
indexes the speakers female gender identity the masu form is not provided. After explaining
(pp. 2730). that JFL learners without homestay experience
Chapter 3 is devoted to a discussion of the have more difficulty learning speech style shifts,
functions of the masu form. Cook points out that Cook compares seven elementary Japanese text-
the common understanding of masu as a marker books and declares that they overemphasize the
of politeness or formality cannot account for its masu form because of the belief that it is the cor-
full range of utility, such as its use by parent to rect speech style for nonnative speakers to use
child. She argues that the masu form directly in- (p. 189). She argues that if the learner attempts to
dexes a self-presentational stance, defined as an establish close relationships with Japanese college
affective stance of displaying ones positive social classmates or host family members, speaking only
role to other(s) (shisei o tadasu to hold oneself in the masu form may prevent the learner from
up or kichin to suru to do something neatly) achieving such a goal. Moreover, she further ar-
when one is literally or figuratively on stage gues that textbooks should provide explanations
(p. 46). It then indirectly indexes politeness, closer to reality (p. 191). The fact is, however,
which is highlighted when used in out-group con- that when beginners in a classroom setting learn
texts, where polite behavior is expected. By con- the masu form, they are unlikely to have Japanese
trast, in the in-group context (e.g., the family), classmates or plans for the near future that in-
a display of the self-presentational stance fore- clude going to Japan for a homestay.
grounds the speakers social identities related to Cook insists that Japanese language instruction
responsibilities in the group (pp. 4748). For in- should incorporate an indexical approach to the
stance, parents tend to switch from the plain to masu form; that is, language is context dependent
the masu form when teaching children, doing and a tool to accomplish interactional goals (p.
household chores, and cooking and serving food. 193). The direct indexical value of the masu form
Parental practice of how and when to present var- for teaching beginners is the self-presentational
ious social identities through the use of the masu stance. Teaching such a difficult concept is a
form socializes children (p. 62). formidable task, and yet Cook provides no idea
The books first part is intensive and persuasive, as to how to accomplish it. JFL learners are not
reflecting Cooks prominent achievements in re- child first language learners. Children learn the
search on indexicality from a social construction- language in in-group settings in which the use
ist perspective. of the masu form is a marked choice, whereas
The second part consists of chapter 4, Identity adult JFL learners must acquire the language in
Construction through Use of the masu Form: JFL out-group settings, in which the use of the masu
Learners and Host Families; chapter 5, Marked form is unmarked. Therefore, they have to asso-
and Unmarked Uses of the masu Form in the ciate the masu form with formality and politeness
Homestay Context; and chapter 6, Explicit Lan- before other meanings. JFL learners are not on
guage Socialization: Socialization to Use Polite stage literally; thus, they would naturally ask, Am
Language. JFL learners are considered cultur- I metaphorically on stage now? The teacher an-
ally and linguistically similar to children, in that swers affirmatively, explaining that it is because
they are novice members of the host family, with they are in a class. It is much easier for the learn-
dinnertime conversations providing learners with ers if they are told simply that the masu form
opportunities for language socialization (p. 66). is appropriate in formal contexts rather than to
Analyzing videotaped conversations of nine JFL introduce the concept of the self-presentational
learners and their host families, Cook found that stance. Cooks final comment of chapter 7, The
the more advanced learners used the masu form most important factor for JFL learners to acquire
in a way similar to that of host family members appropriate uses of the masu form is to fully par-
more so than did the less proficient learners ticipate in Japanese life with a certain sense of who
(p. 146). However, Cook remarks, when learners they are and what is expected of them (p. 197),
use deviates, it is unclear whether it is due to their is neither practical nor insightful.
lack of linguistic and/or pragmatic competence
in Japanese or to their preference for maintain- YOKO HASEGAWA
ing distance as a foreign guest (p. 118). University of California, Berkeley
Reviews 167
cation scenes in Japan, are based on anecdotal ev-
DAULTON, FRANK E. Japans Built-In Lexicon of idence. He cites empirical research findings that
English-Based Loanwords. Clevedon, UK: Multilin- suggest that loanwords aid Japanese EFL learn-
gual Matters, 2008. Pp. vii, 185. $89.95, cloth. ers in many areas, including lexical acquisition,
ISBN 9781847690302. recognition, spelling, listening comprehension,
and retention of spoken and written English. His
To English speakers studying Japanese, the abun- experiment indicates that in written production,
dance of English-based loanwords in Japanese Japanese college students use borrowed words far
presents both a convenient backup when they more frequently than nonborrowed words, sug-
need greater vocabulary as well as a challenge gesting the positive effect of borrowed words for
because of the phonological, semantic, grammat- the production of English writing. The interpre-
ical, and pragmatic adaptations that the items tation of his experimental results is not altogether
have gone through, along with the lack of a convincing, however, because most content words
clean algorithm dictating these transformation can be claimed to be borrowed words in one con-
processes. Attempting to use an English word with text or another, making the borrowed versus non-
Japanese phonology is a risk one takes, which borrowed distinction inconsistent. For example,
may or may not result in an acceptable ren- why are I and exercise considered borrowed
dition. When used by Japanese speakers, these when we and practice are not? It is not dif-
originally English words are undecipherable ficult to imagine contexts in which any of these
(p. 16) to non-Japanese speakers. In Japans Built- words may be borrowed. Part 3 (ch. 5 and ch. 6)
In Lexicon of English-Based Loanwords, Daulton ap- addresses the issue of frequency of use and famil-
proaches these originally English words that have iarity, as well as measuring the degree of semantic
become a rich and constantly expanding part of and formal overlap between Japanese and English
the Japanese lexicon with the idea of utilizing cognates. In part 4 (ch. 7 and ch. 8), Daulton
them in learning and teaching English language suggests ways to use loanwords wisely, avoiding
to speakers of Japanese. common and uncommon pitfalls and the difficul-
The book is divided into four parts, each ties associated with inflectional and derivational
of which contains two chapters. It has six ap- affixes.
pendixes, references, and an index. The author To Daulton and to others he cites (Ringbom,
starts in part 1 by examining the nature of 2007; Uchiad, 2003), the large number of cog-
English-based words in Japanese, a major type nates that Japanese EFL learners have at hand can
of gairaigo, or Japanese words of foreign origin, motivate them to use English more actively, espe-
in present-day Japan. Citing Loveday (1996) and cially when Japanese teachers of English serve as
other sources extensively, Daulton provides a thor- models for utilizing the loanwords effectively and
ough account of the transformation that English when given ample aural practice. As the author
words go through when they become part of the notes, careful distinction should be made between
Japanese language. The process through which common loanwords and potential (or possible)
English words come to be gairaigo is examined loanwords, for which common Japanese alterna-
in chapter 2. The role of mass media is noted tives exist.
in the proliferation of loanwords, needed be- Japans Built-In Lexicon of English-Based Loan-
cause the Japanese could hardly carry on a con- words is written in a mode that is easily accessi-
versation without loan words (p. 37). This part ble to specialists, including Japanese EFL teach-
provides useful information for teachers and ers, as well as to laypeople. Appendixes 2 (the
learners of Japanese as a second/foreign lan- list of common loanwords) and 3 (academic bor-
guage. Part 2 (ch. 3 and ch. 4) is devoted to a the- rowed words) are extremely useful. They suffer
oretical discussion of the effects of cognates and a from a few errors in the romanized representa-
presentation of empirical evidence in support of tions of the words (e.g., the inconsistent Japanese
the use of cognates in teaching Japanese learners rendition of percentage between Appendixes 2
of English as a foreign language (EFL). Daulton and 3), and the syllabic /n/ is left indistinguish-
includes loanwords in cognates because it is the able in the romanization. These are minor er-
perceived cross-linguistic similarities that matter rors in the face of the overall contribution that
in applied linguistic research (p. 46). Endorsing this book makes, not only to EFL but also to
the viewpoint that errors are simply indicators of the teaching of Japanese as a second/foreign
student learning and emphasizing the advantage language.
of errors related to use (or misuse) of loanwords
over avoidance, he contends that anti-loanword MARI NODA
writings, which have dominated the English edu- The Ohio State University
168 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
out which chapters may contain answers to their
JOHNSON, YUKI. Fundamentals of Japanese Gram- grammatical questions. It should be added, how-
mar: Comprehensive Acquisition. Honolulu: Univer- ever, that Japanese phrases treated in respective
sity of Hawaii Press, 2008. Pp. xxi, 399. $23.00, chapters are provided under many, if not all, of
paper. ISBN 9780824831769. the chapter titles.
Most chapters provide some kind of exercise,
the majority of which are simple presentations of
Regardless of how the principles and practices of sample dialogues and passages, whose intent is to
foreign language teaching may change, as the help the reader reinforce key knowledge acquired
author of this book says, grammatical compe- in those chapters. As the author admits, the pat-
tence is among the most important components tern [of exercise presentation] is not consistent
of language proficiency (p. xiii). In the last two throughout the book (p. xviii). Additionally, no
decades, Japanese grammar reference books have answer keys are provided to question items of the
proliferated; among them is this book by Johnson, exercises. Furthermore, some dialogues and pas-
an experienced Japanese language teacher and sages are presented without English translations.
linguist. These exercise materials as they are may not be
The books 33 chapters provide explanations very useful to the learner without the assistance of
of syntactic aspects of the Japanese language the instructor or an educated native speaker. Us-
that are normally introduced in elementary- ing the English, rather than the typical Japanese
and intermediate-level Japanese textbooks. These one-character-space, indent style in some passages
chapters were developed from the grammar lec- and no indent at all in others is rather curious.
ture notes that the author had written for North Such mechanical matters may have little to do
American university students of elementary and with grammatical knowledge. However, consider-
intermediate Japanese over the years. Thus, it can ing that all materials presented in Japanese tend
be said that grammatical explanations given in to be taken as authentic by nonnative speakers, es-
the book have been field tested with one group pecially learners at the elementary and intermedi-
of the target audience that comprises graduate ate levels (i.e., the books target audience), such
students and undergraduate students who have styles that are not widely accepted by Japanese
already learned basic Japanese grammar through people should be avoided.
regular language courses (p. xvii). The book, Grammar explanations are written in down-to-
however, is also intended for educators and re- earth language. For instance, the author handles
searchers in Japanese studies and the Japanese well the grammatical items that are difficult for
language (p. xvii). How useful it will be to this many Japanese language learners of all levels to
target group is yet to be seen. understand fully, such as the particle [wa] and
Although the readers knowledge of basic the so-called conditional forms [to], [tara],
Japanese orthographies is assumed, the book [ba], and [nara]. The authors desire
starts with the basics of Japanese sounds and to make elementary and intermediate Japanese
written symbols (ch. 1). Further, even though grammar as comprehensible as possible is evident
the reader is expected to have had at least 2 in her use of means other than verbal explana-
years of college-level instruction in Japanese lan- tions, especially in dealing with items that involve
guage, basic grammatical features of the language complex concepts. For instance, the use of the
are reviewed in chapter 2 before specific items graphic form to explain the subtle and often con-
are explained in detail in subsequent chapters. fusing differences between [te aru] and
These chapters are organized according to spe- [te iru] is useful; also useful is the table
cific grammatical categories such as particles (ch. summarizing the usage of [no] and [koto],
4), stem-form compounds (ch. 9), modal auxil- the two items whose functions are interchange-
iaries (ch. 19), and superlative sentences (ch. 28). able in some cases but not so in others.
The use of such linguistic technical terms as ti- In sum, the author should be lauded for
tles of the chapters could be overwhelming to explaining elementary- and intermediate-level
people with no background in linguistics or with Japanese grammar in clear and accessible lan-
little experience in formal language instruction. guage. However, the books functionality is un-
The book would be more user-friendly if paren- clear, as it cannot be used as either a grammar
thetical and brief nontechnical explanations of dictionary or a workbook.
these terms had been added to the chapter titles
in the table of contents, given that readers will SUFUMI SO
most likely go to the table of contents first to find George Mason University
Reviews 169

tions: A Case Study from Osaka, Okamoto takes

MORI, JUNKO, & AMY SNYDER OHTA. (Eds.). the Osaka dialect as an example of a regional vari-
Japanese Applied Linguistics: Discourse and Social ant and reveals how unclear the boundaries of
Perspectives. New York: Continuum, 2008. Pp. xiii, the notions of the standard language and regional
364. $150, cloth. ISBN 9780826489616. language are. When the Coach is a Woman: The
Situational Meanings of So-Called Masculine Di-
This book contains 12 chapters on topics rang- rectives in a Japanese Boxing Gym, written by
ing from specific grammatical usages to language Okada, looks into a female boxing coachs uses of
policies, all contributed by leading scholars in language and finds that the coach was more sen-
the respective subfields of Japanese linguistics. sitive to and aware of the uses of directives. She
It demonstrates the diversity of the field, in that concludes that Japanese womens use of language
there are scholars who investigate issues beyond is more multifaceted and diverse than previously
traditional applied linguistics in a narrow sense. thought. Matsumotos chapter Discursive Prac-
By doing so, it sets the stage for current and fu- tices and Changing Identities in Elderly Japanese
ture researchers to look into different aspects of Women reveals that the painful self-disclosure by
Japanese language uses. the Japanese elderly goes beyond the stereotypi-
The chapters are divided into four parts. Part cal images of complaint and unhappiness. These
1, Reexamination of Language in Action, in- chapters challenge what previously was thought
cludes three chapters. In Conversation and of as stereotypical and shows the diverse use of
Grammar: Approaching So-Called Conditionals language in reality.
in Japanese, Ono and Jones discuss the uses of Part 3, Japanese as an Additional Language,
the conditional (and temporal) terms to, tara, ba, contains three contributions. Ohta finds laughter
and nara in the National Institute for Japanese as a means for second language (L2) learners
Languages Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese. in particular, beginnersto promote successful
Among these terms, nara was found to be the interaction maintaining the level of mutual en-
least frequently used in the corpus. Given the gagement in her chapter Laughter and Second
different frequencies and fixed (or rule-based) Language Acquisition: A Study of Japanese For-
uses of the terms, the authors question whether eign Language Classes. In Making Inquiries:
these terms should be grouped together and ped- Toiawase Strategies by Japanese L1 and L2 Callers
agogically introduced in a similar manner, as to Japanese Educational Institutions, Yotsukura
has been done traditionally. Negotiating Agree- discusses both first language (L1) and L2 toiawase
ment and Disagreement in Japanese: An Analy- inquiries to educational institutions. She sug-
sis of Designedly Ambiguous Turn Completion gests that given their poor performance, L2 learn-
Points, written by Mori and Nakamura, dis- ers may benefit from the explicit teaching of
cusses opinion negotiation sequences by iden- toiawase. Because toiawase has a typical discourse
tifying agreement and disagreement turns in pattern, it would serve as a good practice frame
conversations. Based on a close conversation and would help L2 learners become familiar with
analysis, they claim that language should be Japanese inquiry forms. The chapter by Kanno,
viewed as a dynamic resource used to accom- Transnationalism, Imagined Communities, and
plish various types of social interaction rather than Language Minority Education in Japan, exam-
static systems strictly governed by a set of rules ines a couple of Japanese model schools with chil-
(p. 73). In Construction of Speech Styles: The dren of foreign permanent residents and guest
Case of the Japanese Naked Plain Form, Cook workers. She finds a lack of understanding of
discusses contextual dimensions and speech style transnationalism in Japans language education
by analyzing both classroom happyoo routines and policy and practice. Although she considers the
off-task talk. She shows that the naked plain form adoption of English in Japans elementary educa-
indexes the detached speech style in the students tion as evidence of nurturing transnational iden-
response turns in the happyoo routine, whereas it tities, I am reluctant to take the same position,
indexes the informal speech style in the off-task, because Japanese policy makers and teachers do
non-happyo routine. not regard English, Chinese, Spanish, and Por-
Part 2, Ideologies, Diversities, and Identities, tuguese in the same way. However, it is true that
consists of four chapters. Keigo Ideology, by Wet- transnationalism is no longer the prerogative of
zel, reviews the development of keigo and explains the privileged few; education that helps children
Japans course of language ideology. In The Use learn to maintain a balance between participat-
of Regional and Standard Japanese Conversa- ing in the society in which they currently live and
170 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
partaking in transnational communities should book, the author focuses on a long-distance re-
not either (p. 293). lation (long-distance movement) in languages,
Part 4, Critical Reflection on Language Peda- paying special attention to the successive cyclic
gogy, contains two chapters. In Learner Com- movement steps involved in the relation. The
petence as a Resource in the Japanese as a book points to the shortcomings of previous ap-
Foreign Language Classroom: Issues in Oral As- proaches that deal with successive cyclic move-
sessment, Yoshimi discusses her experimental re- ment and then it shows how successive cyclic
sults of learners achievements in the context of movement can be accounted for in a genuine
assessment-based roleplay activities in the begin- minimalist analysis, which is based on the lack of
ning Japanese as a foreign language classroom. a particular motivation for intermediate steps of
Drawing on learners personal experiences and movement and on the existence of a strict lower
knowledge with foreign language classroom activ- and upper bound for movement.
ities, the learners can become real L2 users. In The book is divided into six main chapters,
Critical Approaches to Teaching Japanese Lan- apart from an introduction (ch. 1) and a con-
guage and Culture, Kubota reminds Japanese clusion (ch. 8).
language teachers of the political significance of Chapter 2 examines the phenomenon of suc-
their work, as they are linguistic/cultural navi- cessive cyclic movementnamely, the proposal
gators directing the future of our field and the that long-distance movement proceeds in short
larger society (p. 346). steps rather than long-distance movement in one
The book is well organized and is written with fell swoop. The chapter discusses the origins of
relatively few technical terms, which makes it easy this phenomenon, its ties to the concept of local-
for nonspecialists to read. Although the authors ity, and the empirical evidence given to support
do an excellent job in providing the background its existence. On the basis of the evidence pre-
for their work, the topics discussed in the book sented, the author justifies the existence of suc-
are so diverse that the issues dealt with in each cessive cyclic movement.
chapter require more in-depth discussions. If this Chapter 3 is a detailed discussion of the two ma-
book had been made into a multivolume set and jor approaches to analyze successive cyclic move-
had included more chapters on each topical area, ment: the uniform paths approach (UPA) and the
the readers understanding of the issues would punctuated approach (PA). The UPA claims that
have been greater and they would become better all available sites that separate the original and the
informed. Nonetheless, the book serves as a useful final position of the moving element are possible
resource for teachers of Japanese, those who are landing sites for the moving element, whereas the
interested in becoming teachers of Japanese, and PA argues that only a series of designated sites be-
students of Japanese linguistics. tween the original and the final position of the
moving element are available for its landing. The
MINEHARU NAKAYAMA author examines the empirical evidence put for-
The Ohio State University ward in favor of both approaches and concludes
that the UPA, which is also theoretically simpler,
LINGUISTICS is superior to the PA in empirical and theoretical
grounds and it should be then adopted.
Chapter 4 examines the formation of inter-
BOECKX, CEDRIC. Understanding Minimalist
mediate steps, focusing on the timing of the in-
Syntax: Lessons from Locality in Long-Distance De-
termediate steps of movement (i.e., whether the
pendencies. Boston: Blackwell, 2008. Pp. ix, 173.
intermediate steps are formed early in the deriva-
$34.95, paper. ISBN 9781405157957.
tion or at a later point). After reviewing the em-
pirical evidence given in the previous research for
The study of locality has been one of the main both possibilities, the book presents additional ev-
tasks of generative syntax for 40 years. The goal is idence to support the early formation of interme-
to determine how structural distance affects syn- diate steps. This evidence comes from the cross-
tactic dependencies between syntactic elements. linguistic properties of applicative constructions,
The research on locality has led to the con- which can receive an adequate explanation only
clusion that only short-distance dependencies if the intermediate steps are formed early in the
are possible in language and that what we con- derivation.
sider long-distance syntactic dependencies must Chapter 5 investigates the motivation for in-
be understood as the result of a conjunction of termediate movement steps and details the pro-
a series of short-distance dependencies. In this posal of the book. The book claims that there
Reviews 171
is no motivation for intermediate steps in long- PORTUGUESE
distance movement (i.e., there is no feature or
condition that triggers the intermediate steps of
movement). Hence, elements move to interme- WIEDEMANN, LYRIS, & MATILDE V. R.
diate positions because they carry a feature that SCARAMUCCI. (Eds.). Portugues para Falantes de
must be checked at a later stage of derivation, Espanhol. Ensino e Aquisicao/Portuguese for Span-
and the intermediate movement is not banned by ish Speakers: Teaching and Acquisition. Campinas,
locality constraints. Brazil: Pontes, 2008. Pp. 268. $18.50, paper. ISBN
Chapter 6 serves to further position Boeckxs 97887112795.
approach among others. This chapter contrasts
his proposal with recent proposals to conclude
Portugues para Falantes de Espanhol. Ensino e
that none of the current proposals has any advan-
Aquisicao/Portuguese for Spanish Speakers: Teaching
tage over his because they make use of stipulative
and Acquisition (henceforth PSS) presents a se-
notions, such as domains or phases, or they con-
lection of papers, most of which, according to
flict with the empirical evidence, for instance, by
the editors, were presented at the Second Sympo-
proposing spurious features as the driving force
sium on Portuguese for Spanish Speakers: Acqui-
for intermediate steps.
sition and Teaching, held at Stanford University in
Finally, chapter 7 further shows that the pro-
March, 2006 (p. 30). Readers of PSS have to know
posal can be extended to some other phenomena
Portuguese to read a great part of it, given that
related to locality, such as island phenomena.
five articlesabout a third of the bookare writ-
There is no question that Boeckxs monograph
ten in Portuguese (i.e., those by Akerberg, Rodea,
on successive cyclic movement will become a
da Silva, Carvalho, and Scaramucci). Eight papers
widely cited resource for years to come and will
are written in English (i.e., those by Cowles, Koike
be an important work within current research on
and Gualda; Jensen, Santos, and Silva; Allegro
syntax. It is an excellent book that opens the door
and Madureira; Lowther; Cowles and Pires; and
to further research in the field. The main pro-
posal in the book affects ongoing debates on core
Cowless argumentative paper stresses the im-
notions of syntax, such as the existence (or not) of
portance of the teaching of Portuguese to Span-
domains, the need to reformulate notions such as
ish speakers, as well as the teaching and learning
Last Resort and locality conditions, the question
of cognate languages.
on the driving force of syntactic operations, and
The detailed, empirically based papers by Koike
so forth. Furthermore, the book provides us with
and Gualda, Akerber, and Jensen uncover the ef-
empirical arguments for theoretical points, such
fects of implicit and explicit grammatical input
as the derivational view of syntax. Hence, from a
on transfer and interference. Their findings are
theoretical point of view, the book constitutes a
important because they suggest the need to em-
valuable contribution to the field.
ploy different approaches to teach and manage
The empirical contribution to the book is also
programs for teaching Portuguese to speakers of
important: In addition to particular discussions
English and Spanish as well as heritage speakers
on well-known facts, the book introduces novel
of Spanish, for example, mixing Spanish first lan-
analyses and data, such as an analysis of applicative
guage (L1) speakers, L1 English speakers, and
constructions in different language families.
heritage speakers of Spanish in the same class-
Although there are no direct applications of
room for the teaching of Portuguese as a second
the book to second language learning studies, the
(L2) and third (L3) language.
book and the cross-linguistic research it will trig-
Rodeas paper studies verbal interaction and
ger will lead to a better understanding of the inner
stylistic variables employed by both students and
workings of language and will surely be applied to
teachers, whereas da Silva aims to study ritualistic
research on second language learning. Overall,
speech in both L2 and L3 Portuguese learners.
the broad topic of the book and its repercussions
The data in these two papers seem problematic
for syntax, the extensive cross-linguistic evidence
because the authors do not offer specific informa-
discussed in the book, and the presence of brief
tion on the backgrounds of their participants or
introductions to different crucial current debates
on their data collection methods. Without specific
in theoretical linguistics make this book an excel-
methodological information, I find it difficult to
lent candidate to be read by the nontheoretical
make an informed evaluation of these papers.
Santos and Silva analyzed audiotapes of stu-
M. EMMA TICIO dents of varied backgrounds learning Portuguese
Syracuse University during two different terms to test Bakhtins idea
172 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
of dialogue as a collaborative but regulated activ- meet the goals stated by the editors in the fore-
ity. They reveal, not surprisingly, the existence of word: defining more clearly the current field
asymmetrical relationships in the classroom. of [teaching Portuguese] scholarship and pro-
Using a variety of methods and a large number moting further progress (p. 36). I recommend
of participants, Carvalho studies the perceptions this book to teachers of Portuguese to Spanish
and attitudes that native speakers of Portuguese speakers and others, as well as to administrators
living in Rio de Janeiro have toward speakers of and others involved in testing and assessing such
Portunhol (Spanish-influenced Portuguese). She programs.
finds, surprisingly, that although Portunhol is not
stigmatized by Portuguese speakers in Rio, speak- EDUARDO D. FAINGOLD
ers of varieties of Portuguese closer to the na- The University of Tulsa
tive norms have better employment opportunities
than speakers of less nativelike forms. RUSSIAN
Scaramuccis paper studies how Spanish-
speaking candidates react to the Celpe-Bras pro-
ficiency examination implemented by Brazils
MARIA ALLEY. Animation for Russian Conversa-
Ministry of Education to Brazilians and foreigners
tion. Newburyport, MA: Focus, 2008. Pp. viii, 161.
and observes the washback effect of the test and
$29.95, paper. ISBN 9781585103102.
its effects thereof on both teachers and students.
Her analysis of the data she obtained from a ques-
tionnaire that is part of the Celpe-Bras test sup- The premise of this book, now in widespread ac-
plemented by a questionnaire of her own design ceptance, is that language instruction should be
demonstrates that students respond positively to based on authentic cultural material. In this in-
the test, whereas professors adapt their teaching stance, the material is animated film, and that
practices to suit the test to a certain extent. renders the book the first of its kind in Rus-
Rangel and Madureiras and Lowthers papers sian language pedagogy. The authors have cho-
deal with teaching Spanish to speakers of Por- sen four well-known works of Russian animation
tuguese. Although these two papers may be use- Ceburaska, Karlson, Ezik Hedgehog, and Vinni-Pux
ful and of interest to teachers of Spanish and Winnie-the-Poohand developed teaching mate-
other foreign languages, it is hard to see why rial based on them intended for students from
the editors of PSS included them in their vol- the Novice High to Intermediate Mid levels ac-
ume, given that neither the editors nor the au- cording to American Council on the Teaching of
thors explain what there is to be gained from re- Foreign Languages (ACTFL) guidelines. Each of
searching the teaching of Spanish to Portuguese the works was prepared by a different author, and
speakers that could be of use to improve, or even for that reason, the four sections of the book are
understand, the teaching of Portuguese to Span- not uniform in length, format, or organization.
ish speakers. The differences are small, however, and do not
Cowles and Piress and Millerets papers eval- detract from the structural unity of the book. The
uate programs for teaching Portuguese to speak- sections, each with an introduction, are preceded
ers of Spanish and are of use to administrators by a brief general introduction (p. vii) and a bibli-
of such programs who aim to develop a more ef- ography of further readings (p. viii). They are fol-
fective curriculum. The authors elicit direct re- lowed by an appendix of a lexicon describing ap-
sponses from students and insightfully explore pearance and personality (pp. 158161). It should
important programmatic questions such as the be noted that there are occasional infelicities in
strengths and weaknesses of designing intensive the glossing of Russian words where the transla-
language programs and the important issue of tion is incorrect or opaque (e.g., byt vinovatym
classroom linguistic homogeneity (i.e., the prob- to be guilty for, p. 114, where of is required,
lems created by mixing L1 Spanish speakers and not for; donasivat to wear clothes after some-
L1 English speakers in the same L2 Portuguese one else, p. 114, which does not properly convey
classroom). the meaning of this verb to wear as a hand-me-
Although the quality of the papers in PSS down or to wear until worn out). The authors
is uneven, the editors of the book are to be may wish to consider revising the title in a second
commended because the majority of the papers edition. The current title does little to suggest the
represent a firm contribution to the emergent content of the book or even that it is a tool for the
field of teaching Portuguese to speakers of Span- language classroom rather than a manual on the
ish. In this sense, I am convinced that PSS will pragmatics of spoken Russian.
Reviews 173

With the exception of Ezik, each animation is The authors might also consider a clearer gra-
divided into units. The primary unit is designated dation in, and appropriate labeling of, the com-
as an episode in Vinni-Pux and Karlson but un- plexity of exercises with respect to the ACTFL
designated in Ceburaska, and it may be secondarily guidelines for the audiences addressed by the
divided into parts. Each ultimate unit, whether book (i.e., learners at Novice High to Intermedi-
primary or secondary, comprises no more than 10 ate Mid levels). With regard to such a gradation,
minutes of viewing time. For each, the authors an- I have in mind, given that there are four anima-
ticipate two viewings, and one author suggests a tions, a different level of exercise associated with
first viewing without sound so that students can each one. As the exercises now stand, they are, in
focus on the visuals and animation, notice details, range of complexity, much the same from anima-
and make predictions about what the cartoon may tion to animation, leaving the instructor to pick
be about (p. 99). Four sets of exercises are pro- and choose, with no guidance as to the authors
vided: one preceding the viewings, one following intent with regard to level. Finally, I suggest an
each viewing, and one concluding the unit, with expanded array of warm-up exercises, designed
the total number for each unit generally between to help the instructor introduce, in Russian, new
10 and 20. There are animation-final exercises, lexicon and to draw the attention of students, by
as well. There is a glossary for each unit, and the way of preview, to the grammar for which they
main points of grammar covered by the exercises should be prepared.
are listed by unit in the table of contents (pp. v
vi). The exercises are of three types: (a) content MARK J. ELSON
related, under headings such as Verno ili neverno?, University of Virginia
Kto govorit sledujuscee?, V kakom porjadke?, and Vo-
prosy; (b) grammar/lexicon related, each under
the heading upraznenie, comprising exercises re-
lating to topics such as diminutives, government, BRODSKY, DAVID. Spanish Vocabulary: An Ety-
verbs of motion, aspect, existential constructions, mological Approach. Austin: University of Texas
and impersonal constructions; and (c) creative, Press, 2008. Pp. xiii, 637. $75.00, cloth; $29.95, pa-
under the headings Davajte pogovorim! and Pismo. per. ISBN 0292718101, cloth; 0292716680,
All of the exercises are brief, and many begin paper.
with a reference to a construction used in the
relevant unit, emphasizing that grammar is not
something separate from language but the foun- The authors stated goal is to assist students at
dation of it. In the words of one of the authors, all levels . . . to enhance their Spanish vocabulary
The goals of the exercises . . . are to reinforce vo- and to explore the wide-ranging connections be-
cabulary, to review grammar, to work on the key tween Spanish and English vocabulary by means
constructions used in the episodes, to encourage of a multifaceted approach . . . , ranging from
students to communicate using the cartoon mate- presenting words in a historical context to devel-
rial, and to push students towards the higher level oping an understanding of the shape or feel
of performance (advanced) by means of build- of Spanish (p. vii). The title may steer readers
ing a paragraph-length discourse with the focus toward preconceived notions of what they will en-
on narration and description in all time frames counter, yet many will be surprised by both the
(p. 99). arrangement and breadth of this volume. The
Although this book as presently constituted is structure indeed invites browsing, in much the
a valuable pedagogical tool with much potential, way that one encounters intriguing tidbits of in-
its organization would benefit, I think, from two formation in an almanac or another reference
additions, should a second edition be required. work. Such an approach would clearly prove re-
First, an index of both grammatical constructions warding; however, readers are better served by be-
(e.g., partitive genitive) and lexical constructions ginning with the introductory pages, where Brod-
(e.g., xodit k komu), including a reference to rele- sky outlines his objectives, organizational pattern,
vant exercises for each entry, would be helpful as and system of notation. Otherwise, one risks being
an organizational tool for users. Second, a gen- confounded by the unique structure of the work.
eral glossary, subdivided into words of high(er) One of the authors premises is that because
frequency, and therefore worth memorizing, and English is a Germanic language, native speakers
words of low(er) frequency, would communicate of English who study or teach Spanish generally
to users the different kinds of word knowledge fail to exploit the fact that Latinate roots remain
needed by learners of Russian past the beginning dominant in the English lexicon and can be of
level. immeasurable value in enriching ones Spanish
174 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
vocabulary. Brodsky devotes one chapter to the Brodskys primary emphasis is on helping readers
influence of learned Greek and Latin on Span- acquire Spanish lexical items by linking them to
ish, another to systematic linguistic change over familiar words or roots, most of which have En-
time, and another to various topics concerning glish, German, or Romance connections.
non-Romance influences on Spanish and words Although one appreciates Brodskys efforts to
clustered around such diverse themes as religion, make linguistic terminology comprehensible to
the family, food, time, and the body. More than nonspecialists, at times such information appears
150 pages at the end of the volume provide de- to have been placed too randomly or introduced
tailed aids to mastering grammatical gender as too late, as when he waits until page 158 to distin-
well as assistance with the acquisition of families guish between voiced and unvoiced consonants, a
of related words. fundamental concept that would have proved use-
The introduction offers such teasers as What ful earlier in the text. Given the breadth of topics
is the difference between scarlet, crimson, carmine, addressed, it seems surprising that the bibliogra-
and vermillion? and What is the connection be- phy, which includes both the classic sources one
tween starboard and the stars? (pp. 1314), and would expect to see consulted and several fairly
each question is cross-referenced to the section recent works, is limited to little more than two
where the answer can be discovered. Because un- pages.
derstanding one concept often presupposes fa- Should Brodsky prepare a revised edition of
miliarity with another introduced previously and this volume, he would be well advised to include
because knowledge of either one may prove es- both an extensive topical index and a list of any
sential for comprehension of items that appear words or phrases about which he offers substantive
later, there is a seeming circularity about this work. commentary, footnotes, or parenthetical remarks.
Many of the most fascinating observations occur Such a list would necessarily be lengthy, yet with-
either parenthetically or in footnotes, and at times out it, those who recall having been fascinated
several near-digressions suggest a random qual- reading about the origins of avestruz (p. 331), bis-
ity. Etymologies of English words and phrases be- nieto (p. 366), carnaval (p. 337), cementerio (p.
come so intriguing that one occasionally risks los- 115), cretino (p. 346), cubalibre (p. 539), cucaracha
ing sight of the fact that the book is primarily in- (p. 336), echar de menos (p. 185), gringo (p. 119),
tended to help readers develop a stronger Spanish guapo (p. 482), lechuza (p. 186), romero (p. 353),
vocabulary. Brodskys passion for the story under- or veto (p. 169) will have considerable difficulty lo-
lying many etymologies is unmistakable, as when cating such items among the more than 600 pages
he devotes over a page to the history of the word of text.
anfitrion (pp. 370371). It remains unclear at which stage of language
The volume provides considerable comparison acquisition this volume might be most helpful.
among Spanish, other Romance tongues, and En- Despite the fact that Brodsky expects it to prove
glish, and the author should be commended for useful both to those initiating their study of Span-
his consistency in providing up-to-date informa- ish and to those who already have a grounding in
tion concerning spelling reform, regional vari- the language, it will doubtlessly be more valuable
ations in definitions, and rulings by the Real to the latter group, as they will possess much of the
Academia Espanola concerning diacritical marks, requisite knowledge that will facilitate their ability
ambiguities of meaning, and acceptance of vari- to establish the kinds of linguistic connections the
ants. Although the collection of etymologies is in- author encourages.
deed rich, one must accept at face value certain
statements of origin, particularly folk etymologies, CHARLES MAURICE CHERRY
as attributions for such items are limited. Readers Furman University
would welcome additional reference sources for
several of the more unusual word histories.
Among Brodskys most engaging discussions
are those that treat political, social, and histor-
El espanol a traves de la lingustica: Preguntas y re-
ical influences on the Spanish language. There
spuestas. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 2008.
is significant focus on national and regional vari-
Pp. viii, 280. $38.95, paper. ISBN 978157473
ations, including linguistic taboos. Should some
readers be disappointed to find less concerning
the contributions of Latin American indigenous
languages than they might have anticipated, it This volume compiles linguistic essays that at-
may be that they have lost sight of the fact that tempt to answer frequently asked questions in
Reviews 175
language classes. The book is divided into 24 chap- Chapter 9 focuses on politeness and issues of
ters, each one answering a question. The issues ad- social interaction that are essential (but often not
dressed range from phonetics to pragmatics. Each addressed) for students who are planning to study
chapter contains a series of activities organized as abroad. Felix-Brasdefer uses the framework of
follows: (a) opinions or perceptions after reading speech acts to analyze and illustrate what happens
the chapter, (b) analysis of some situations or ap- during a linguistic exchange in Spanish. Chap-
plication of the concepts explained in the chapter, ter 10 delineates pragmatic considerations regard-
and (c) suggestions for further research. ing turn-taking and interrupting. Garca explores
In chapter 1 Edstrom and Garca Vizcano concepts like high involvement and high considerate-
try to dismiss the incorrect notions some stu- ness styles, emphasizing overlap and interruption
dents have regarding the study of linguistics. This during conversation that may be perceived as rude
opening chapter gives a clear overview of the in non-Hispanic cultures. In chapter 11 Balkan
different levels of linguistic studyphonology, focuses on language change and the use of loan-
morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and words. The author also explores languages in con-
sociolinguisticsand it describes the process and tact and Spanglish in the context of the United
purpose of linguistic analysis. In chapter 2 Gynan States. In chapter 12 Colombi goes into the rea-
discusses second language (L2) learners percep- sons and purposes of choosing either language
tions that Spanish speakers talk faster than En- (Spanish or English) in a given conversation and
glish speakers, and he explores the underlying of codeswitching. Klee, in chapter 13, discusses
emotional aspects of the struggle to participate in basic notions of borrowings and loanwords. The
a conversation with native speakers in a culturally author gives a detailed overview of the languages
appropriate way. Chapter 3 explains grammatical that have been in contact with Spanish and pro-
gender and the difficulties of English speakers in vides numerous examples of lexical borrowings in
making sense of a feature that is not present in Spanish. Chapter 14 focuses on Caribbean Span-
their native language. Alarcon explores notions ish and the perceived difficulties of understand-
of classification and goes over the evolution of the ing certain regional variations. Lamboy conveys
gender system in Spanish, concluding that termi- five features that distinguish this form of Spanish
nology may be the cause of learners problems. In and provides expressions and their equivalents in
chapter 4 Comajoan explores the concept of as- other countries to illustrate his claims. In chap-
pect in the verb system, drawing from research in ter 15 Blake writes about hard preteritsnamely,
the area and providing clear examples of use. He the irregular conjugations of certain verbs in the
concludes that the use of one aspect or the other preteritdrawing from the verb system of Latin.
in Spanish is tied to the meaning that speakers In chapter 16 Scida reveals similarities and differ-
want to convey. ences between Spanish and other Romance lan-
Chapter 5 sheds light on the second-person guages. The chapter deals with the various linguis-
pronouns in Spanish. Uber starts with a histori- tic levels to explain the features that are shared
cal overview, and she points out the often missing among Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and
explanation of voseo in Spanish language courses. French. In chapter 17 Stafford and Sanz under-
In chapter 6 Rodrguez Sabater writes about re- take a discussion of age and its correlation to
gional variation that affects pronunciation, gram- learning an L2. This chapter explores the issues
mar, and, ultimately, the lexicon. Chapter 7 ad- of feral children and different circumstances in
dresses a belief often found among L2 students, which people learn an L2, dispelling notions like
namely, that Spanish is easier to learn than other the impossibility of learning an L2 after puberty.
languages, only to find structures that do not In chapter 18 Elola and Liskin-Gasparro exam-
have a corresponding counterpart in their native ine the oft-cited problem of learners who can
language. To illustrate this point, Woolsey uses function better in the receptive skills (listening
the topic of ser and estar and the problems stu- and reading) than in the expressive ones (speak-
dents have when they turn to the incomplete and ing and writing). The chapter mentions views
faulty rules they have learned in language classes. of linguistic competence and that many learners
Clements, in chapter 8, analyzes the nature of pro- have not realized that their proficiency in one skill
drop languages like Spanish, where the use of the does not necessarily reflect on their competence
subject pronoun is not obligatory, and he con- in the others; the chapter ends by suggesting use-
trasts them to languages like English and French ful strategies to advance linguistic ability. Chapter
that have an obligatory overtly stated subject per 19 looks into the benefits study abroad has on L2
sentence. development. Lafford focuses on the uncertainty
176 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
that learners experience before making such an task, and writing with an audience in mind. It also
investment of time and money to make the right suggests that students create a portfolio and that
decision and obtain maximum benefit. In chap- all writing be responded to, especially its content,
ter 20 Lunn discusses the matter of translation but not necessarily graded. Ancillary materials are
and the numerous occasions when speakers try available but were not included for review.
to translate word-for-word, disregarding the fact The structure of the exercises provides multiple
that there is no exact equivalence between the first drafts and opportunities for self- and peer-editing
language and the L2. Lunn names several aspects, in the written product. The different stages sug-
such as syntax, register, and idiomatic expressions, gested for pre-escritura, borradores, and revision fi-
that can cause confusion for learners if they try nal present an excellent way to guide writing as
to translate everything. In chapter 21 Potowski a process. In addition, the exercises accommo-
takes a look at the growing number of classes for date multiple ways of learning, as they promote
native or heritage speakers and carefully profiles Venn diagrams and other visual and tactile repre-
the differences between speakers who came to the sentations as organizational schemes for the ideas
United States after age 12 and speakers who were generated in the prewriting stages. A variety of
born here and have contact with Spanish only in classroom activities are included to promote col-
the home setting. In chapter 22 Oskoz reviews er- laboration in both the generating and writing of
ror correction and summarizes the different types ideas.
of errors and the strategies available to correct The preface to the instructor is helpful in sug-
them in the classroom without being obtrusive or gesting additional topics for classroom discussion
disconcerting. Chapter 23 examines the correla- based on each chapters theme. Appendix 1 is ex-
tion between culture and the learning of an L2. tremely valuable in presenting evaluation criteria
Chapter 24 observes the different perceptions stu- that differ according to the writing task presented
dents have regarding group or pair work and their in each chapter. It is exciting to see a textbook
benefits and downfalls. include assessment as part of task design. The
This book is easy to read and can be an excel- preface to the instructor implies, however, that
lent complement to a linguistics course. Although students get frustrated when the instructor places
chapters fulfill their claim and answer questions an emphasis on correcting grammatical errors;
frequently asked in language classrooms, there is this idea is further stressed in the appendix. This
an imbalance regarding the amount of research practitioner finds that students often welcome
that went into the topics. Some chapters list works grammatical correction more than content sug-
cited, whereas others (ch. 17 and ch. 19) provide gestions. In any case, it would be wise to make al-
an impressive list of obras consultadas, which will lowances for the students who crave grammatical
be useful for those who would like to pursue the feedback. Perhaps an optional grammar and me-
inquiry of topics such as second language acquisi- chanics addendum to the proposed rubric could
tion and study abroad. include the student keeping track of recurring
grammar issues in his or her writing. This docu-
CARMEN SCHLIG ment could be attached to the portfolio and serve
Georgia State University as an editing checklist.
Each chapter also includes a section in English
called Curiosidades de cultura y lenguaje, which in-
troduces opportunities for discussion of cultural
GREENIA, GEORGE D. Generaciones: Composicion
issues that may not arise otherwise. This practi-
y conversacion en espanol . 2nd ed. San Diego, CA:
tioner used one of the ejercicios de redaccion that in-
University Readers, 2007. Pp. xxvii, 207. $49.95,
clude authentic English-speaking students com-
paper. ISBN 0976316293.
positions as well as the instructors comments for
use as editing practice (p. 34), in the classroom,
Generaciones is designed for use in an intermedi- and found that it was well received by the students.
ate Spanish composition and conversation course. The main weakness noted in the textbook
Each of the nine chapters is divided into two is the readings. Although authentic, they seem
parts: (a) Conversacion y exploracion, which uses outdated or anachronistic, some as old as 1985
both structured discussions and open-ended con- (p. 12) and the most recent one from 1996 (p. 7).
versations to help students gather information on Their use presents a problem that is twofold. First,
the theme of the chapter; and (b) Composicion y the content of most readings would seem odd,
concrecion, which aims to help students write in if not foreign, to a current college student. For
various registers of Spanish. The book pays partic- example, as it stands, the readings use the words
ular attention to writing as a process, writing as a pesetas (pp. 7, 66), yuppies (p. 43), duros
Reviews 177
(p. 124), and Walkman (p. 84). They mention however, until now no single monograph has ad-
Junior as Schwarzeneggers latest movie (p. 77) dressed all major Spanish dialects spoken in the
and refer to a Paul Simon concert as an example United States. In an engaging style and impecca-
of unbearable noise (p. 84). Second, and more ble publication, Varieties of Spanish in the United
important, an opportunity is missed to explore States brings together research done on the sub-
current interpretations of the themes proposed ject over the last century. Although considering
in the chapters. For example, a reading lists the each of the main dialects of Spanish separately,
number of worldwide HIV-infected people at be- Lipski emphasizes the permanent place that Span-
tween 8 and 10 million (the end of 2007 reflected ish occupies in U.S. society, making a compelling
a number closer to 34 million). A passage in chap- case for recognizing it as a national language. In
ter 4 on La feminizacion de los hombres (p. 70) does fact, in this era of anti-immigrant sentiment and
not include references to metrosexuality, which bilingual education bans, Lipskis book comes as
is an issue with which all millennials are familiar. an eloquent attempt to legitimize U.S. Spanish as
Similarly, the chapter on the environment and a protagonist in the weaving of the nation, as the
technology includes an article on the Biosfera 2 books cover so well illustrates.
(p. 101) and an article on the development of the In the introduction, Lipski presents a readable
barcode (p. 103) but makes no mention of sus- personal narrative about his career as a linguist,
tainable farming and organic foods, iPods, mp3s, during which he has developed his enduring re-
or podcasts. In chapter 7, which treats friendship lationship not only with the Spanish language as
and relationships, there is an article on the night used in the United States but also with the people
net (p. 124) that discusses connecting online but who use the language (p. xi). Here, the author
does not mention Facebook, texting, or Twitter. sets the tone of his book: Each chapter reveals not
This same chapter has a reading that includes a only his vast knowledge about the Spanish lan-
reference to the magazine Sassy, which has not guage but also a great deal of information about
been published since 1996. Finally, chapter 8 has the social and historical contexts within which it
a reading dealing with the projected increase in flourishes within U.S. territory.
the Hispanic workforce for the year 2000. Chapter 1 introduces the dialects discussed
Even in the text itself, independent of the read- in the book and provides historical and demo-
ings, there are references to a grabadora and a ra- graphic information about U.S. Spanish-speaking
dio Walkman (p. 100), and in chapter 8 there is a communities. The books purpose is presented
list of professions for which it would be helpful to as to compile in a single volume useful descrip-
be bilingual (p. 143) that fails to mention nursing tions of the major varieties of Spanish found in the
and other health fields or elementary education. United States at the beginning of the twenty-first
A chart on page 148 on the population and pro- century (p. 12), a survey that organizes and doc-
ductivity of certain countries shows the U.S. pop- uments work to date and serves as a useful source
ulation as 248,710 million (it is currently closer of information for future researchers.
to 304,059 million), and on page 158 a maquina Chapter 2 will be particularly valuable for re-
electrica is listed as a necessary item to have before searchers in the field. Here, Lipski shows his
one starts a job search. archival research skills and presents a compre-
In summary, the textbook does an excellent job hensive survey of scholarship on U.S. Spanish
of developing writing as a multistep task (includ- drawn from journals, bulletins, dissertations, con-
ing assessment) but could benefit from contem- ferences, and textbooks dating from as early as
porary readings to guide classroom discussion and 1906 through the prolific civil rights era, and up
the generation of ideas. to the last two decades of the 20th century, when,
according to Lipski, the most incisive scholarship
MARIA C. GARRIGA on U.S. Spanish was produced. If it is true that we
Thomas More College need to know where we come from in order to
know where we are heading, then this chapter is
essential for todays researchers in a field that is
evolving incredibly fast.
LIPSKI, JOHN M. Varieties of Spanish in the United
Chapter 3 discusses the popular and often con-
States. Washington, DC: Georgetown University
tradicted view of U.S. Spanish as Spanglish.
Press, 2008. Pp. vii, 303. $29.95, paper. ISBN 978
Here, Lipski explores the origins of this term and
surveys works that define it as a mixed code. Read-
ing Lipskis well-informed explanations of the na-
The varieties of Spanish spoken in the United ture of U.S. Spanish and his critique of its treat-
States have long been a subject for scholarship; ment by nonlinguists as a third language, I was
178 The Modern Language Journal 94 (2010)
left hoping for a more direct criticism of the examples used and some of the linguistic facts
term. Not until the conclusion do Lipskis views mentioned.
become clear, when he takes a stand against the What is unique in Lipskis book and differenti-
term Spanglish as so inaccurate as to be meaning- ates it from a traditional dialectology manual are
less (p. 70). He meticulously builds his argument the relationships he traces between demographic
about the inaccuracies behind the term by review- and historical facts and their consequences in the
ing misconceptions in the works of scholars such formation of U.S. Spanish varieties. The sociolin-
as Stavans, clarifying fundamental characteristics guistic profile of these communities is gradually
of language-contact situations, and differentiating constructed through references to issues of lan-
them from ones encountered in second language guage attitude, national identity, social configura-
acquisition. In addition, he illustrates his discus- tions, and cross-dialectal convergence. Lipski has
sion of vestigial bilingualism with brief discussions argued that dialectology has evolved along with
of common linguistic variables, providing a good the rest of linguistics, as it is no longer reduced to
starting point for scholars interested in studying butterfly-collecting-style drudgery but is best de-
language attrition in these communities. fined as the response to the question of how and
In chapters 4 through 12 Lipski covers each why languages vary regionally and socially. Vari-
of the major Spanish dialects: Mexican; Cuban; eties of Spanish in the United States represents well
Puerto Rican; Dominican; Central American in this evolution.
general and specifically Salvadoran, Nicaraguan,
and Guatemalan; and the traditional varieties of ANA MARIA CARVALHO
New Mexico and Louisiana. Each chapter opens University of Arizona
with a historical overview of the country where the
dialect originated, including the main sociopoliti- TECHNOLOGY
cal events that triggered waves of emigration to the
United States. Next comes detailed and current
BLAKE, ROBERT J. Brave New Digital Classroom:
demographic information about each groups
Technology and Foreign Language Learning. Wash-
main U.S. communities. The section that follows
ington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2008.
adheres to the tradition of dialectology manuals.
Pp. xv, 189. $25.95, paper. ISBN 978158901212
Here, Lipski uses his encyclopedic knowledge of
dialects of Spanish to describe, first, the national
varieties prior to contact and, second, their coun-
terparts spoken in the United States. Each chap- Brave New Digital Classroom serves many purposes
ter ends with a useful annotated bibliography of and can be used within multiple levels of instruc-
scholarship on the particular dialect. tion, making it one of the best buys on the market.
The final chapter, chapter 13, explains the main It can be used as a textbook for computer-assisted
contact phenomena common to all varieties: lex- language learning (CALL)-related courses, as a
ical borrowing, loan translation and calques, and reference guide for new as well as more experi-
codeswitching. Although basic and straightfor- enced foreign language (FL) instructors, or as a
ward, it does not shy away from debates in the resource guide for instructional technology staff
field, and it includes a discussion about the diffi- such as instructional technology consultants or
culties of classifying the insertion of the discourse language resource directors looking for ways to
marker so in bilingual speech as borrowing ver- motivate their instructors.
sus codeswitching. The book closes with a 45-page Blakes book answers one of the main CALL is-
bibliography that compiles an amazing amount of sues: how these technologically assisted activities
scholarship on the subject. should fit in with the foreign language curricu-
This book is suitable for graduate and advanced lum (p. 3) in a simple, user-friendly, yet com-
undergraduate courses as complementary read- plete and concise manner. At the same time, as
ings in Spanish dialectology and EnglishSpanish expected, there are several technological terms
contact phenomena. The sociolinguistic informa- that some FL instructors may find overwhelming
tion about the dialects and their speakers makes or intimidating. If used for teaching the peda-
it obligatory reading for teachers involved in gogy of technology in the FL curriculum, those
bilingual or heritage language education. For re- instructors will ultimately be much more aware
searchers in the field, the history of scholarship of and familiar with the terminology and mate-
and its accompanying bibliography are major con- rial in general. The short but concise glossary at
tributions, the only shortcoming being the spo- the end helps put into perspective the numer-
radic lack of information about the sources of ous terms and concepts one needs to understand
Reviews 179
the world of FL technology. Although Blake does To facilitate authentic communication activi-
not include a corresponding list of Web sites re- ties in an FL classroom setting, many instructors
lated to these terms and some of their correspond- incorporate computer-mediated communication
ing organizations, he does often reference per- programs, which Blake reviews in chapter 4.
tinent Web sites in the Notes section of each Providing concrete examples and noting the
chapter. Inevitably, these listings may soon be- advantages and disadvantages of several first-
come obsolete or inaccurate, which leads us to an- and second-generation tools, from email to
other issue associated with the wonderful world of synchronous chats, this chapter is key to under-
technology. standing their ins and outs and to being able to
Keeping current in any field is a main challenge evaluate which might be most useful in particular
for instructors, but in particular, those who incor- classes.
porate technology are faced with a quickly chang- For readers interested in developing, evaluat-
ing world that constantly demands upgrades and ing, or improving distance learning for FL classes,
revisions. As Blake addresses in chapter 1, books chapter 5 covers indispensable background in-
related to the digital classroom require constant formation and clear evaluations to consider in
review and analysis to stay relevant in todays ed- the process. The case studies included help put
ucational system. He also examines four myths into perspective the different goals and learn-
about technology and second language acqui- ing outcomes produced in traditional, hybrid,
sition, which provides helpful information and and distance-learning environments, validating
advice for department chairs, instructors, and lan- the role that online learning plays and will con-
guage resource personnel who must confront the tinue to play in FL education.
problem of faculty members who resist incorpo- The Discussion Questions and Activities sec-
rating technology into their teaching. tion at the end of each chapter is one of the high-
Chapter 2, which presents the history and basics lights of Blakes book. This section allows readers
of the World Wide Web, contains valuable infor- to evaluate their understanding of the material,
mation and background needed to understand or that of their students, depending on the use of
the working fundamentals of the Internet. Impor- the text as well as to put into action many of the
tant in this chapter is Blakes thorough discussion techniques and tools explained throughout the
on pedagogy for Web-based learning. Without this chapter.
discussion, one would not be able to incorpo- The last chapter does an excellent job of
rate CALL resources into the FL classroom. Blake concluding and measuring all of the informa-
stresses the use of authenticating class material tion and suggestions Blakes book provides. It
and examines useful strategies for content-based is aptly titled Putting It All Together. As one
instruction. questions, not if or what technology to use, but
A concise history of CALL in chapter 3 is a how to use it, this book can provide complete,
fascinating journey of the fields evolution and concise, and effective answers. Brave New Dig-
progress over the past 50 years. As Blake explores ital Classroom is an indispensable tool within
the rapid changes in the technology and tools re- the CALL environment and will prove to be
lated to FL instructional technology, he invites in- an essential resource for present and future FL
structors to evaluate the overwhelming amount of educators.
material available and to consider their pedagog-
ical goals and ultimate effectiveness for successful JEAN JANECKI
language learning. University of WisconsinLa Crosse

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