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Smooth Harmony

Kill the thirst, Stay Healthy

Research Paper



Colegio De Sta. Teresita De Avila


List of Tables ................................................................................................................................i

List of Figures...................................................................................................i

Chapter 1 The Problem and its background ....................................................pages 4-8

Introduction 4

Statement of the Problem .............................................................................pages 5 -6

Hypothesis 7

Significance of the study ..............................................................................pages 7-8

Scope of Study .............................................................................................. page 8

Chapter 2 Review of related literature ...................................................Pages 9-26

Theoretical or Conceptual Framework ..................................................... pages 9-21

Research Paradigm ............ ......................................................................... page 22

Definiton of terms ......................................................................................... pages 23-26

Chapter 3 Design and metologies ...........................................................pages 27-40

Research Design 27

Locale and Population of the study 28

Description of the respondents 29

Instruments Used ..........................................................................................pages 32-33

Statistical treatment of data .pages 33-40

Chapter 4 Results and Discussions 41-42

Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations ..................pages 43-44

Bibliography 45

Reference 45

Appendices .............................................................................................................i

Curriculum Vitae ....................................................................................................i

List of Tables

Table 1: DMAIC 22

Table 2: Target Market Description detail 34

Table 3: Survey Questionnaires ...................................................................... page 35

List of Figures

Figure 1: Target Market Description 34

Figure 2: Gender of Respondents 36

Figure 3: % of respondents habitually eat 36

Figure 4: % of respondents habitually eat 37

Figure 5: % of respondent's flavor 37

Figure 6: % of respondent's product aspect assessmentpage 38

Figure 7: % of significant 38

Figure 8: % of Interested to buy the 39




The objective of this document is to provide information regarding investment

opportunity for setting up a mini-food stall, with focusing on product differentiation and the

probability and development of marketing fresh shakes in the vicinity of Colegio De Sta. Teresa

De Avila. Example, providing a unique product likes our Smooth Harmony which is not

offered by other food stall in the area. This is a beverage type of product which is new and

affordable for the public. This consists of healthy ingredients like, Orange with carrots and

Mango with gingers. That can give satisfaction to the clients.

Smooth Harmony that we will present is to remedy health problems for all of ages. This

is to help people to like and used to eat fruits and vegetables at least in liquid form. This product

is combined of 70% content fresh fruits and 30% content vegetables. Diets high in fruits and

vegetables are widely recommended for their health-promoting properties. Fruits and vegetables

have historically held a place in dietary guidance because of their concentrations of vitamins,

especially vitamins C and A; minerals, especially electrolytes; and more recently

phytochemicals, particularly antioxidants. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables are recommended

as a source of dietary fiber.


1. What is your nutritive value analysis?

Smoothies offer a convenient way to boost both the quantity and quality of fruit and

vegetable intake by reducing food particle size to help maximize nutrient absorption. Its

important, however, to use whole fruits and veggies rather than just their juice. Why? Because,

when we juice, we lose the fiber and all the phytonutrients bound to it. How else can we

maximize health benefits of smoothies? Lets look at greens, one of the healthiest foods on the

planet. Ive always said that the best way to get your greens is in whichever way youll eat the

most of them. Two things to keep in mind when it comes to smoothies are speed of consumption

and your tooth enamel. Its been shown that you can drink fruits and vegetables in smoothie form

at about two cups per minute, which is ten times faster than what it may take to eat them in solid

form. Since liquid calories can be consumed so quickly, they have the ability to undermine our

bodys capacity to regulate food intake, so sip smoothies slowly rather than gulping them down

so our brain and body can be in sync as to how full we are. And our enamel, if you add lemon or

other acidic fruits or vegetables to your smoothie, the enamel on your teeth may soften

temporarily. So, if youre about to enjoy a sour smoothie, drinking through a straw, avoiding

swishing the smoothie in your mouth, and rinsing your mouth with water after drinking a sour

smoothie may assist in reducing tooth enamel erosion.

2. How will your target market assess your products?


Appearance of the product itself

Base on the pictures below, it tells that the assessors likes and loves the products that rendered to

them. The surveyors felt overwhelmed for the positive and healthy responses of the assessors for

their products.

3. How profitable are the Smooth Harmony to buyers?

The product will be worthwhile because of its nutritional healthy fact and it is also



Smooth harmony makes societies realized that the fruits and vegetables are very

significant in their daily lives organically speaking for their health and finally for them to like

and used to love it.


The study help improve the following people:

The Researchers

This study can help them develop the skills and knowledge in conducting any research

project and provide insight in building their own businesses in the near future. It will also

develop their personality and work ethics; being able to work in a team to achieve a common

goal. This will provide them the opportunity having a wider range of ideas and information and

able to expand their probable industry and be competitive in the upcoming growth stage of life.

The Clients

The academics believe that the customers will consider it as advantage because the study

was made for them and it sells at a sensible value (for their health). They will gain by buying the

product and they will see that it can affect their healthy life style.

The Competitors in the future

This could encourage them to have a challenging competency to improve their business

strategies and able to innovate their own products and improve their way of serving the customer



This study wants to motivate people to eat fruits and vegetables at least in liquid form and

to improve their way of life and dietary status. The researchers limits this study to 50 Senior high

school students as an average data presentation of Colegio de Sta Teresa de Avila.




Fruit, undeniably healthy in its whole-food form, is immensely more palatable to many of

us when sliced up and pulverized into a smoothie. But are those sweet and delicious concoctions

really good for you? Our group of experts offers a caveated yes.

Drinking smoothies, especially for breakfast, is one of the easiest ways to add some fruit to your

diet, says Joseph Price, PhD, a health economist and associate professor at Brigham Young

University. Hes also one of the few researchers who have looked at the impact of smoothies. In

a 2015 study, Price and his colleague found that only 4% of kids eating a school breakfast ate a

serving of fruit. When the school offered morning smoothies, that number jumped to 45%.

That's far better than no fruit at all, experts would agree. But a little can go a long way. Calories

from fruit can add up quickly, so it's good to add protein and veggies, says Laura Jeffers, a

registered dietitian at Cleveland Clinic. She recommends picking fruit with a low glycemic

index, like apples and pears. A good ratio to follow is 70% veggie and 30% fruit, Jeffers says.

Another thing to keep in mind: smoothies may rob you of the satisfaction you get from eating

real foodwhich, in turn, tends to signal that it's time to stop consuming calories. Because they

are a beverage, smoothies may have weaker satiety value than a solid food of similar energy,

says Richard Mattes, PhD, professor of foods and nutrition at Purdue University.

He published a study in the International Journal of Obesity that found that when people drank

the beverage form of a carb-rich food, they consumed 12% more calories overall. Still, on the

topic of drinkable fruit, not all experts agree.

Smoothies let you consume a lot more fruit than you usually would during a sitting, which means

that even if you're not adding sweeteners like honey or agave, you'll still be getting a good deal

of sugar. A store-bought fruit smoothie can pack 58 grams of sugar in a single 16-oz bottle. (By

comparison, 12 ounces of cola has about 40 grams of sugar.)

It's the same reason some studies have warned against fruit juice, which can pack as much sugar

as soda and is linked to higher blood pressure and obesity. Juice strips out the fruit's naturally

occurring fiber, which greatly speeds up absorption of sugar.

Barry Popkin, PhD, professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

School of Public Health, sees smoothies as similar to fruit juice, another drinkable fruit product

that has a health halo he doesn't think it deserves. Actually, long-term fruit juice intake is linked

with increased risk of diabetes and other health problems, Popkin says.

Despite the popularity of smoothies, there's surprisingly little research about the effects of

smoothie fruit on the body versus whole fruit. But Robert Lustig, MD, professor of pediatrics at

University of California, San Francisco, and author of Fat Chance: The Bitter Truth About

Sugar, thinks smoothies are a no-no. The blades destroy the insoluble fiber, which means that

the gel that forms on the inside of the intestine has no structure, he says. The sugar is

absorbed at a maximal rate, overwhelming the livers capacity to metabolize the sugar, and the

excess sugar is turned into liver fat which is the precursor to metabolic syndrome.
But Lustig wont begrudge you your glass of green slurry, provided it's loaded with veggies.

The insoluble fiber is still destroyed, but so what?" he says. "If thats the only way you can get

your kale down your gullet, have at it.

Fruit juices and smoothies represent a new risk to our health because of the amount of sugar the

apparently healthy drinks contain, warn the US scientists who blew the whistle on corn syrup in

soft drinks a decade ago.

Barry Popkin and George Bray pointed the finger at high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks in

2004, causing a huge headache for the big manufacturers, including Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

"Smoothies and fruit juice are the new danger," said Popkin, a distinguished professor at the

department of nutrition at the University of North Carolina, in an interview with the Guardian.

He added: "It's kind of the next step in the evolution of the battle. And it's a really big part of it

because in every country they've been replacing soft drinks with fruit juice and smoothies as the

new healthy beverage. So you will find that Coke and Pepsi have bought dozens [of fruit juice

companies] around the globe."

In the UK, Coca-Cola owns Innocent smoothies while PepsiCo has Tropicana. Launching

Tropicana smoothies in 2008, Pepsi's sales pitch was that the drink would help the nation to

reach its five a day fruit and vegetable target. "Smoothies are one of the easiest ways to boost

daily fruit intake as each 250ml portion contains the equivalent of 2 fruit portions," it said at the


However, Popkin says the five a day advice needs to change. Drink vegetable juice, he says, but

not fruit juice. "Think of eating one orange or two and getting filled," he said. "Now think of

drinking a smoothie with six oranges and two hours later it does not affect how much you eat.

The entire literature shows that we feel full from drinking beverages like smoothies but it does

not affect our overall food intake, whereas eating an orange does. So pulped-up smoothies do

nothing good for us but do give us the same amount of sugar as four to six oranges or a large

coke. It is deceiving."

Nine years ago the two scientists had identified sugar-sweetened soft drinks, full of calories and

consumed between meals, as a major cause of soaring obesity in developed countries. But they

argue that as people change their drinking habits to avoid carbonated soft drinks, the potential

damage from naturally occurring fructose in fruit juices and smoothies is being overlooked.

All sugars are equal in their bad effects, says Popkin even those described on cereal snack bars

sold in health food shops as containing "completely natural" sweeteners. "The most important

issue about added sugar is that everybody thinks it's cane sugar or maybe beet sugar or HFC

syrup or all the other syrups but globally the cheapest thing on the market almost is fruit juice

concentrate coming out of China. It has created an overwhelming supply of apple juice

concentrate. It is being used everywhere and it also gets around the sugar quotas that lots of

countries have."

In a survey of sweeteners in US food products between 2005 and 2009 for a paper published in

2012, Popkin and colleagues found that fruit juice concentrate was the fifth most common sugar

overall and the second most common, after corn syrup, in soft drinks and in babies' formula milk.

More studies need to be done before governments and health bodies around the world will take

notice. There are only two really good long-term trials one in Singapore and one by Harvard,

he says. "But all the long term studies on fruit juice in anything show the same kind of effect

whether it's a smoothie or natural [juice] and whether it's a diabetes or weight gain effect,"

Popkin added.

Further evidence supporting the theory came last week from a study published by the British

Medical Association. Researchers from the UK, USA and Singapore found that, in large-scale

studies involving nurses, people who ate whole fruit, especially blueberries, grapes and apples,

were less likely to get type two diabetes, which is obesity-related, but those who drank fruit juice

were at increased risk. People who swapped their fruit juice for whole fruits three times a week

cut their risk by 7%.

Most of the attention from those concerned about growing obesity levels among children is still

on soft drinks with added sugar, such as colas and lemonade, which are consumed in enormous

quantities. In 2012 we drank nearly 227 litres of liquid each in the UK, according to the industry,

which says 61% of those had no added sugar. Excluding water brings the "no added sugar" total

to 54%. Fruit juices and smoothies are also included in the total. We each drank 17.6 litres of


British health campaigners are calling for a soft drinks tax in the UK. In January Sustain

published its Children's Future Fund report, saying that 1bn a year could be raised from a tax of

20p a liter and invested in children's health programs. It has been backed by more than 60

organizations and the first children's commissioner, Al Aynsley-Green, gave his support. In

February the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges also called for the tax in its obesity report.

The British Soft Drinks Association says that consumption of soft drinks containing added sugar

has fallen by 9% over the last 10 years, while the incidence of obesity has risen by 15%.

"Obesity is a serious and complex problem requiring concerted action by a wide range of

organizations as well as by people themselves. Soft drinks companies recognize the role they

have to play," it said. Companies were reducing the calorie content of their drinks. PepsiCo, it

said, had only advertised the no added sugar variants of its soft drinks since 2005.

Innocent Smoothies claims that people who drink juice have better diets and lower rates of

obesity than others, although the studies it cited had funding from the juice industry.

"Smoothies are made entirely from fruit and therefore contain the same amount of sugars that

you would find in an equivalent amount of whole fruit," it said in a statement.

Meanwhile, efforts by the soft drinks companies to grow the market continue. Coca-Cola in the

UK this year declared its ambition to increase the market by 2.1bn by 2017, identifying six

"moments" in the day when we could be persuaded to buy more soft drinks, including fruit juice

and smoothies for breakfast and soft drinks for children when they come home from school.

Sales of sweetened Coca-Cola, containing nine teaspoons of sugar in a standard can, still outstrip

those of Diet Coke and Zero Coke combined.

"Unless Coca-Cola drastically reduces its marketing for sugary drinks, its strategy to reach more

people more often will mean that it pumps record levels of sugar into our diets," said Charlie

Powell, campaigns director of Sustain.

"This is a business model that is unhealthy and unsustainable, perfectly highlighting the 'profit

versus public health' conflict of interest endemic in the sugary drinks industry."

Coca-Cola argues that taxes do not change behavior and that sugar should not be vilified. In a

statement, it said: "We believe that rather than single out any ingredient, it is more helpful for

people to look at their total energy balance. This is because obesity and weight gain are caused

by an imbalance in calories consumed and burnt off. Our products should be enjoyed as part of a

sensible, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity.

"For those that are watching their calorie intake, we offer a wide range of low or no calorie

options, which represent more than one third of our sales."

In an article this year in the journal Pediatric Obesity, Bray and Popkin review the issue 10 years

on from their famous paper. "The concern with HFCS in our diet has led to a reduced proportion

of HFCS in beverages compared to other sugars," they say, but add "this is a misplaced shift

fructose remains a major component of our global diet. To date, to the best of our knowledge

every added amount of fructose be it from fruit juice, sugar-sweetened beverages or any other

beverage or even from foods with high sugar content adds equally to our health concerns

linked with this food component."

Hit Your Fruit & Vegetable Targets

While the debate goes on about how many fruits and vegetables we should be eating (some say 5

daily portions, others 7, and even more say 10), one thing experts agree on is that most people

dont eat enough fresh produce.

Even though eating whole fruits and vegetables is the best option, the second best is blending

them (although not for every meal!). Its also such an easy way to ensure you hit your daily

target whatever that may be!

A 2014 study, published in Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, found that people

who ate seven or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day had a 42% lower risk of death at

any point in time than those who ate less than one portion.

The bottom line is: for better health and longevitiy eat your fruits and vegetables. And if you

cant eat them, drink them!

Better Than Juice

Fruit juice isnt all that healthy. A recent analysis of fruit juices and sodas found that fruit juice is

a surprisingly high source of hidden sugar!

In fact, Minute Maids 100% apple juice has more fructose per liter than Pepsi, Sprite, Coca-

Cola, 7-Up or Dr. Pepper.

Even if youre juicing only greens, and not fruits, youre missing out on the fiber, something

which is important to avoid blood sugar spikes and crashes. You may also be missing out on

some important phytonutrients which bind to the fiber!

Because youre blending the whole fruit or vegetable in a smoothie, youre not losing out on as

much fiber as you would with a juice.

Stay Fuller For Longer

While often liquid meals can leave you hungry for more within an hour or so of eating them,

green smoothies are different.

Because they retain their fiber, they fill you up and stop blood sugar levels from dropping

keeping cravings at bay.

Lose Weight

When were satisfied and our blood sugar is stable, were less likely to snack meaning we

wont pack on extra pounds through giving into our candy cravings.

Many studies show that leafy greens help with weight loss.

For example, in a study of women published this year, it was found that consuming green

vegetables once a day induced weight loss, improved obesity-related risk-factors, and reduced

the urge for palatable food.

Other research says that drinking a spinach shake in the morning may significantly lower hunger

throughout the day and promote weight loss.

Prevent Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is on the rise in the United States. Scarily, 1 in every 3 Americans is expected to

suffer from this condition by 2050.

A review of six studies, involving more than 220,000 people, looked at the relationship between

intake of fruits and vegetables and diabetes.

The researchers found that 1.5 servings of green leafy vegetables a day was associated with a

14% reduction in the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Whats more, irregular breakfast consumption is linked with type 2 diabetes in women meaning

it makes sense to combine leafy greens into a healthy breakfast to doubly reduce your risk of

developing this condition.

Fight Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is thought to be at the root of so many of todays illnesses from allergies

to arthritis and cancer.

One way to prevent and cure this type of inflammation is by eating a healthy diet, filled with

antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants have been found in many, many studies to

reduce inflammation in the body.

Green vegetables, in particular, are nutritional powerhouses, loaded with powerful antioxidants

and phytonutrients which help protect against inflammation and cellular damage.

Avoid Heart Disease

The leading cause of death in the United States, heart disease can be prevented in a great many

cases by making some simple lifestyle and dietary changes.

One of which may be to increase your intake of green vegetables.

In 2001 research on over 84,000 women, it was found that those who ate the most fruits and

vegetables, particularly green leafy vegetables and vitamin C-rich produce, had a lower risk of

coronary heart disease.

Easy to Digest

If you struggle with poor digestion, particularly in the morning, then a green smoothie may get

your digestive juices flowing.

Blended, or pureed, food is easier to digest as it has been already broken down by your blender.

This is essentially like chewing many times, exposing more surface area on the food which

allows your saliva and digestive juices to quickly begin metabolizing the particles.

But, if you swallow the smoothie without allowing it to linger in your mouth, you wont be

letting it mingle with your saliva which is the first step in the digestive process.

Build Strong Bones

One of the key ways to build and maintain strong bones is by getting enough calcium (among

other nutrients).

It may surprise you to discover that the calcium in kale is better absorbed by our bodies than the

calcium in milk!

One gram of kale provides 1.35 mg of calcium; one gram of whole milk has 1.13 mg.

A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that getting calcium solely from

dairy isnt healthy as substances like casein, lactose, saturated fat, and cholesterol in dairy all

contribute to poor health.

The scientists conclude that dairy products have no place in a healthy vegetarian diet as all

nutrients found in milk are readily available in healthier foods from plant sources one of which

is kale.

Boost Energy

Certain fruits and vegetables are known to boost our energy naturally. Many of these feature in

green smoothie recipes including carbohydrate-rich bananas, iron-rich spinach, and citrus fruits.

If we add in dates, or other natural sugar sources, were going to up our energy levels even more

making for a productive day at the office!

Ward Off Cancer

Because smoothies are such a great way to boost our intake of antioxidant-filled fruits and

veggies, they can be a helpful dietary aid in warding off cancer.

A review of 228 separate pieces of scientific literature on the relationship between vegetable and

fruit consumption and risk of cancer, concluded that a greater vegetable and fruit consumption

can protect against cancers of the stomach, esophagus, lung, oral cavity and pharynx,

endometrium, pancreas, and colon.

Those that appear to be most protective are raw vegetables (which are used in smoothies), along

with green vegetables (like spinach and kale) and cruciferous vegetables (which include


Other important cancer-fighting produce include allium vegetables, carrots and tomatoes.

Enhance Immunity

Good immunity means our bodies are fighting fit when it comes to dealing with foreign invaders

like bacteria, viruses and parasites.

In order to build a strong immune system, we have to have a balanced diet which includes

plenty of fresh produce. In particular, green vegetables play an important role.


Six Sigma Tools

- We will - Well Conduct - Then we will - Base on the - Lastly, Well

Identify whos surveys, analyze the data analysis that we Implement and

our researches and gathered and process collected we sustain the

respondents , do statistical it to determine the may enhance the quality that we

needs, checking for us root causes of process of our create for our

requirements to know the total defects and product to products in

and Trends population of the opportunity achieve excellent standard way

respondents quality



A thick beverage of fruit pureed in a blender with ice and milk, yogurt, or juice.

Smooth Harmony

It is the product title of this research paper; it is all about Smoothies in combinations of fruits and

vegetables that probably can be a business in the near future by selling it in public.

Dietary fiber

It is generally being described as that portion of food that is not digested in the human small

intestine. It passes into the large intestine where it is partially or fully fermented. These

characteristics of dietary fiber are associated with its numerous well documented health benefits.


The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.


The state of being free from illness or injury

Nutritive Value

Are a function of the feed intake (FI) and the efficiency of extraction of nutrients from the feed

during digestion (digestibility).


Any of a group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are

required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body


A naturally occurring, homogeneous inorganic solid substance having a definite chemical

composition and characteristic crystalline structure, color and hardnes


It is an assumption or explanation (theory) that is provisionally accepted in order to interpret

certain events or phenomena and to provide guidance for further investigation.


The protection against infectious disease conferred either by the immune response generated by

immunization or previous infection or by other nonimmunologic factors. It encompasses the

capacity to distinguish foreign material from self, and to neutralize, eliminate, or metabolize that

which is foreign (nonself) by the physiologic mechanisms of the immune response.


It is activated by physical, chemical, and biologic agents, including mechanical trauma, exposure

to excessive amounts of sunlight, x-rays and radioactive materials, corrosive chemicals, extremes

of heat and cold, or by infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and other pathogenic

microorganisms. Although these infectious agents can produce inflammation, infection and

inflammation are not synonymous.

Tooth Enamel

The enamel on your teeth is the hardest and most highly mineralized substance in your body. It

covers the outer layer of each tooth, and it is the most visible part of the tooth. The enamel is

made up mostly of minerals, primarily hydroxyapatite. The color can vary from light yellow to

grayish white. Because it is semi-translucent, it is only partially responsible for the color of your


Six Sigma tools

Six Sigma methodologies, which were originally used in manufacturing to improve quality, are

now used in many disciplines including project management, education and agile software



Define: State the problem, specify the customer set, identify the goals, and outline the

target process.

Measure: Decide what parameters need to be quantified, work out the best way to

measure them, collect the necessary data, and carry out the measurements by experiment.

Analyze: Identify gaps between actual and goal performance, determine causes of those

gaps, determine how process inputs affect outputs, and rank improvement opportunities.

Improve: Devise potential solutions, identify solutions that are easiest to implement, test

hypothetical solutions, and implement actual improvements.

Control: Generate a detailed solution monitoring plan, observe implemented

improvements for success, update plan records on a regular basis, and maintain a

workable employee training routine.

Chapter III



The interviewers cast-off the communicative strategy and put on survey forms and some

important inform interview. Colegio de Sta Teresa de Avila is the place where will be the

assessment will conducted. The researchers will go to have a free tasting promotion for its new

products that will be measured by the assessors. The survey forms will disseminate to a mass of

known respondents (CSTA Senior High School students) where they will assess the (Smooth

Harmony) goods. Sneak talk will show to the respondents for their actual reactions and moods

about the products and it is also caught through camera footage for documentary purposes.


Team Smooth Harmony will launch their free tasting campaign of their new products

inside the vicinity of Colegio de Sta Teresa de Avila because they are targeting people who are

very thirst, the students whose doing anything and fighting the stresses to make their grades

excels at least with these products that they will consumed at free. They can feel refresh since it

is new for them, they can simply take a minute of break and have some of the nutritious

smoothies to fulfill their thirst and bring back energy to them. Since it is healthy for the people, it

can assure that people will support our product and achieving the customer loyalty.


In line for to a huge quantity of individuals that may turn out to be the possible

consumers, the researchers have to come up at least 50 respondents from the acknowledged

collegiate school. Respondents will be recognized instantaneously after they have shown interest

in tasting the smoothie.

Preparation of the products

Survey progression


This study developed the expressive way of inquiry; this learning shows that the

researchers try to distinguish whether the respondent likes to say about the products and then be

documented. Below are the tools and techniques that help this study to gather and get some

essential information.

Actual Interviews

Interviews are among the most challenging and rewarding forms of measurement. They

require a personal sensitivity and adaptability as well as the ability to stay within the bounds of

the designed protocol.


In this millennial era, this simple gadget where is in your pockets or

bags is very useful to make an actual interview as an academic tool.


A detailed study of a market or geographical area to gather data on attitudes, impressions,

opinions, satisfaction level, etc., by polling a section of the population.

Survey Forms

It is consist of a series of questions and other

prompts for the purpose or gathering

information from statistical analysis of the


Computer unit/Microsoft software/Printer/Paper

Organizing all collected data and to make statistical graphical figures.


In an assessment concerning the smooth harmonys products, parameters like name, age,

gender, interest, etc. It would be important in influencing the researchers decision to pursue for

the particular product. Therefore the data needs to be treated in these reference settings.

Target Market description

CSTA Student Population



College SHS


College Senior High

BSIT 777 GRADE 11 146

ICT 199 934
Total 1080
HRS 326

BEED 181

BSED 348

Total 2527

Statistical Tools

Tabulating, analyzing, and preparing graph from questionnaire data using Microsoft Excel.

Credits to: Statistical Tutorial Channel

Smooth Harmony Do you like the flavor of our product Mango w/

Survey Questionnaires ( ) Yes ( ) No

Please rate it using the given scales: Does our product taste good to you?

Name ___________Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female ( ) Yes ( ) No

Age: _____ Does our product packaging attractive?

Do you often eat fruits in a day? ( ) Yes ( ) No

( ) Yes ( ) No Do you believe that health is better than

Do you often eat vegetables in a day?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Yes ( ) No
Overall, are you interested for buying this
Do you like the flavor of our product Orange w/
product if it were available?
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Yes ( ) No

Survey Outcome

Gender of Respondents
20% 42% 58%

Male Female

% of respondents habitually eat


24% 36%

Once Twice Thrice

% of respondents habitually eat




Once Twice Thrice

% of respondent's flavor choice



Mango w/ Ginger Orange w/ Carrot

% of respondent's product aspect



Food taste Packaging Food appearance

% of significant benefits


10% 30%

Wealth Health Knowledge/Ideas

% of Interested to buy the product


Yes No

Data Total Tabulation

Out of 50 Senior High Students

[How often do you eat fruits in a day?] [What do you like most about our

12 students answered "once" fruits.

20 students answered "twice" fruits. 27 students answered "food taste"

18 students answered "thrice" fruits. 9 students answered "packaging"

14 students answered "food

[How often do you eat vegetables a day?]
23 students answered "once"
[Which of the ff. benefits is most useful to
16 students answered "twice"

vegetable 5 students answered "wealth"

11 students answered "thrice" 30 students answered "health"

vegetable 15 students answered

[What flavor does you like the most?]

[Overall, are you interested for buying

22 students voted to mango w/
this product if its available?]

28 students voted to orange w/ 43 students answered "yes"

carrots. 7 students answered "no"

Chapter IV


This research is just a typical shakes for the others specifically for elite class because they

can afford it for their daily dietary lifestyle yet we really want to exploit this with the other

classes in the society or precisely the class B and C who are frequently eating fruits and

vegetables. We thought it is hard to do a survey because the students assumed that it has a

payment but when we said that it is a free taste they cooperate with us immediately, we felt

nervous and shy because we have the thinking what if they did not like the taste of the products?

In contrary they appreciate it. Some of them want another round but unfortunately we told them

that one piece only per head and they realize it. Base on the survey that we conducted 35% of the

respondents eat once daily, 37% twice a day and 28% for thrice a day it is a good to know that

the respondents eats healthy every day. The respondents love the flavor of Orange w/ carrots that

got 80% of their votes yet unfortunately one of our products the Mango w/ Ginger got 20% of

their votes we consider the fact that maybe the mixture was or because of their taste buds since

they are at the ages of 16 and 17 we assumed that they dont prefer that kind of taste and that is a

lesson learned. Conducting the parameters of statistics we considered that health is greater than

wealth or anything in this world, simply because how can you earn when your body is weak,

lets say you are rich but medically speaking you are careless with your body sooner or later you

will die because of your own negligence then your money will be worthless. Of course all of us

dont want that to happen; if we do have a chance make this possible as a business in the future

we will take that opportunity. Seeing the faces of the respondents were smiling while drinking

our smoothies, at that moment we thought that other than the grades that we will acquire is the

over whelming enjoyment and happiness that we felt. Yes, we were so happy to help students

like us to consider that healthy life is very significant and seeing the fact that they really like our

products telling us to sell it on the market so that they can buy it every day that was a big bonus

of achievement for us.

Chapter V


Smooth Harmony that we will present is to remedy health problems for all of ages. This

is to help people to like and used to eat fruits and vegetables at least in liquid form. This product

is combined of 70% content fresh fruits and 30% content vegetables. Diets high in fruits and

vegetables are widely recommended for their health-promoting properties. Fruits and vegetables

have historically held a place in dietary guidance because of their concentrations of vitamins,

especially vitamins C and A; minerals, especially electrolytes; and more recently

phytochemicals, particularly antioxidants. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables are recommended

as a source of dietary fiber. Smoothies offer a convenient way to boost both the quantity and

quality of fruit and vegetable intake by reducing food particle size to help maximize nutrient

absorption. Its important, however, to use whole fruits and veggies rather than just their juice.

Why? Because, when we juice, we lose the fiber and all the phytonutrients bound to it. Smooth

harmony makes societies realized that the fruits and vegetables are very significant in their daily

lives organically speaking for their health and finally for them to like and used to love it. This

study can help them develop the skills and knowledge in conducting any research project and

provide insight in building their own businesses in the near future. It will also develop their

personality and work ethics; being able to work in a team to achieve a common goal. This will

provide them the opportunity having a wider range of ideas and information and able to expand

their probable industry and be competitive in the upcoming growth stage of life. The academics

believe that the customers will consider it as advantage because the study was made for them and

it sells at a sensible value (for their health). They will gain by buying the product and they will

see that it can affect their healthy life style. Drinking smoothies, especially for breakfast, is one

of the easiest ways to add some fruit to your diet, says Joseph Price, PhD, a health economist

and associate professor at Brigham Young University. Hes also one of the few researchers who

have looked at the impact of smoothies. In a 2015 study, Price and his colleague found that only

4% of kids eating a school breakfast ate a serving of fruit. When the school offered morning

smoothies, that number jumped to 45%. Another thing to keep in mind: smoothies may rob you

of the satisfaction you get from eating real foodwhich, in turn, tends to signal that it's time to

stop consuming calories. Using six sigma tools is very good to make and measure our plan well.

The interviewers cast-off the communicative strategy and put on survey forms and some

important inform interview. Colegio de Sta Teresa de Avila is the place where will be the

assessment will conducted. The researchers will go to have a free tasting promotion for its new

products that will be measured by the assessors. The survey forms will disseminate to a mass of

known respondents (CSTA Senior High School students) where they will assess the (Smooth

Harmony) goods. Sneak talk will show to the respondents for their actual reactions and moods

about the products and it is also caught through camera footage for documentary purposes.

This study developed the expressive way of inquiry; this learning shows that the researchers try

to distinguish whether the respondent likes to say about the products and then be documented.

Below are the tools and techniques that help this study to gather and get some essential

information. Base on the survey that we conducted 35% of the respondents eat once daily, 37%

twice a day and 28% for thrice a day it is a good to know that the respondents eats healthy every




Arjay Gumalid - LIS Coordinator of Colegio de Sta. Teresa de Avila

Appendix A

All talks and surveys were demonstrated in person on private and public settings

Appendix B

Health related online sites

Food and Beverages online sites

Survey questionnaires

Interview Images


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