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A cement and concrete industry publication

Self-compacting Concrete in
Bridge Construction
Guide for design and construction

Peter J M Bartos
Technical Guide No. 7


Published for and on behalf of the Concrete Bridge Development Group by
The Concrete Society
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First published 2005

Concrete Bridge Development Group 2005
ISBN 1 904482 20 1
Order reference: CBDG/ TG7

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Self-compacting Concrete in
Bridge Construction

Figures 3
Tables 4
1 What is and what is not self-compacting concrete? 5
2 Brief historical development and the need for
self-compacting concrete 6
3 Self-compacting concrete in bridge construction 10
3.1 Overview of bridge applications 10
3.2 Case studies 11
4 Materials for self-compacting concrete 17
4.1 Mix design 17
4.2 Cements 18
4.3 Additions (powders and llers) 18
4.4 Aggregate 19
4.5 Admixtures 20
4.6 Other ingredients 21
5 Production and construction process 22
5.1 Batching and mixing 22
5.2 Transport and placing 22
5.3 Formwork 23
5.4 Curing and nishing 24
6 Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete
(description and assessment) 25
6.1 Tests for lling ability (ow) 26
6.2 Passing ability (blocking) 29
6.3 Segregation resistance (stability) 33
6.4 Other properties 37
7 Properties of hardened self-compacting concrete 38
7.1 Compressive strength 38
7.2 Shrinkage and creep 39


7.3 Durability 39
7.4 Bond strength 40
7.5 Surface nish 40
7.6 Other properties 41
8 Benets 42
8.1 Quality 43
8.2 Economy 43
8.3 Health and safety 44
9 Specication and conformity testing 46
9.1 Specication 46
9.2 Trials and adjustments 47
9.3 Tests proposed for EN standardisation 48
10 Current limitations and potential pitfalls 51
11 Further research and development 53
12 References 54


Figure 1 Poorly compacted concrete: many visible lift-lines, cold joints and
Figure 2 Poor compaction (visible) of the lower layer of concrete in a beam.
Figure 3 Extensive making good at the CTRL project (1999).
Figure 4 One single batch of a traditional low-slump, vibrated, concrete was used to
cast the whole of the wall element shown: the bottom part was compacted,
the top part was not.
Figure 5 Compaction of two parallel reinforced concrete beams by poker vibrators.
Medium workability (3060 mm slump) concrete.
Figure 6 Effectiveness of compaction from one position (insertion) of a poker vibrator.
Figure 7 Pedestrian footbridge in Ostrava (Czech Republic), spanning 100 m. The
slender pylons were designed as steelconcrete composite elements lled with
Figure 8 Northern anchorage block of Akashi-Kaikyo bridge, all cast in SCC.
Figure 9 Placing of fresh SCC from multiple discharge points during construction of an
anchorage block of the Akashi-Kaikyo bridge.
Figure 10 Small span integral road bridge in Sweden, cast in one piece from SCC.
Figure 11 Congested reinforcement in an abutment for an integral post-tensioned bridge
(Forest Road, Hackney), before placing of SCC.
Figure 12 Construction of a new jetty in Immingham, using SCC for the deck.
Figure 13 Concrete bridge deck with dense reinforcement. Compaction of a traditional
concrete by vibration would have been almost impossible.
Figure 14 Placing of SCC during construction of a railway bridge near Prague.
Figure 15 (a) Slump ow test arrangement (b) Slump ow test.
Figure 16 (a) Orimet test: basic dimensions of the apparatus (b) Orimet test in
Figure 17 Test equipment (a) V-funnel and (b) O-funnel.
Figure 18 (a) and (b) J-Ring in combination with slump ow test.
Figure 19 (a) and (b) J-Ring used in conjunction with the Orimet test.
Figure 20 Assessment of passing ability, measured by the J-Ring. Note the step in levels
of fresh concrete within and outside the ring.
Figure 21 L-box with four vertical bars during a test. The optional time for the concrete
to reach 200 mm and 400 mm ow is also being measured.
Figure 22 Settlement column test (ACM Centre, University of Paisley).
Figure 23 Penetration test for segregation resistance: apparatus at the start of the test
procedure. The bucket below the penetrometer holds the sample of fresh
Figure 24 Wet-sieving stability test. The sample is poured onto the sieve in a prescribed
Figure 25 Excellent surface nish of a precast concrete element.
Figure 26 Heavily reinforced bridge deck: it would be very impractical to attempt to
concrete it using TVC. The use of SCC was planned from the design stage.

Figures and tables

Figure 27 Casting of a deck of a new jetty using SCC. Note that the mix is almost self-
levelling. The labour demand is reduced to one operator, who adjusts the
position of the discharge hose.
Figure 28 SCC being placed during construction of a medium-reinforced deck of a
Swedish integral bridge. Note that only one operator is required. Introduction
of SCC permitted a change in concrete supply contracts, in which the supplier
is also responsible for placing of the delivered concrete.

Table 1 Example of a Swedish mix design for SCC concrete for a highway bridge.
Table 2 Proportions (kg/m3) of a SCC for building construction, using Scottish
aggregate, used in a European SCC project (19972000) at Paisley for casting
and load tests on typical full-scale structural elements (4 m beams, 3 m
Table 3 Proposed standard test methods for assessment of lling ability (uidity).
Table 4 Proposed standard test methods for passing ability (blocking).
Table 5 Proposed standard test method for segregation resistance.

What is and what is not self-compacting concrete? 1

1. What is and what is not self-compacting


There are several possible denitions of self-compacting concrete (SCC); however, they
all include an essential requirement for the fresh SCC: an ability to ow under its own
weight and ll the formwork completely, producing a dense and uniform material
without any need for compaction.

SCC is not a traditional fresh concrete with a very high workability, sometimes called
owing concrete. Its properties are signicantly different from those of owing
superplasticised concrete: SCC also possesses a very high workability, but unlike owing
fresh concrete, it does not require any vibration to facilitate compaction. SCC is stable
and resists segregation during placing. Good SCC must be adequately uid and cohesive
(segregation resistant), the level of its basic properties depending on the demands of its
intended specic application.

It is important to emphasise at the very beginning that SCC is not another special
high/very high-performance concrete. It is not concrete of a single, specic composition
for which a recipe can be simply obtained and a very high performance across both
fresh and hardened propertied achieved.

Self-compaction indicates only that the fresh concrete performs as indicated in the
denition. It does not mean that a concrete, which satises basic criteria for self-
compaction, will automatically suit all practical applications where self-compaction is
specied or necessary. There are applications that require a higher than basic degree of
self-compaction and there will be potential applications with extreme demands, which
may be beyond the capability of the very best of fresh SCC.

Depending on composition, hardened SCC can have a complete range of properties:

from a very low to a very high compressive strength, from a very poor to an extremely
high durability.

The introduction of SCC also represents a signicant and essential step in moving
concrete technology forward from a situation in which structural engineers, contractors
and other speciers have been restricted generally to a selection of concrete from a
limited range of pre-set categories, to one in which the denition, specication and
cost-effective production of concrete is optimised for each application.

However, it is expected that current classes of hardened concrete (strength, durability)

in use when dealing with traditional vibrated concrete will remain, and additional classes
of fresh SCC will be developed. These will initially facilitate a wider use of SCC in general
construction practice, and remain useful for numerous less important, routine and small
applications. Major projects, where SCC is already being used most, will be the rst to
exploit tailor-made self-compacting concrete.

2 Brief historical development

2. Brief historical development and the need

for self-compacting concrete

Almost all modern concrete, since its introduction into general construction practice at
the end of 19th century, has relied on compaction in its fresh state in order to achieve its
potential strength when hardened. The most common method for compaction of
traditional concrete has been vibration, using internal (immersion poker) or external
(clamped to formwork) vibrators and vibrating tables.

The aim of the compaction process is to liquefy the freshly placed concrete by vibration
to such a degree that most of the trapped air will rise to the surface and leave the
concrete. It is not normally feasible or expected that all of the trapped air will be
expelled. Full compaction is deemed to have been achieved even if 12% of the air
remains trapped in the concrete, provided it is uniformly distributed, and the content of
any additional intentionally entrained air remains undiminished.

In reality, a signicant proportion of traditional concrete produced is never fully

compacted either overall, or in places. Sometimes the poor compaction is visually
apparent on exposed surfaces (see Figures 1 and 2) but in many other cases it remains
hidden within the mass of concrete and reinforcement.

Compressive strength of hardened concrete still remains the principal parameter for
assessment of its quality. However, standard methods of verication of strength on
separately-cast specimens, which are easier to compact fully, cannot reliably indicate any

Figure 1 Figure 2
Poorly compacted concrete: many visible lift-lines, cold joints and Poor compaction (visible) of the lower layer of concrete in a beam

Brief historical development 2

potential or existing substandard, poorly-compacted bulk concrete placed in-situ. The

poorly-compacted, defective, hardened concrete sometimes becomes visible upon
stripping of formwork (Figures 1 and 2), and repairs or making-good are carried out
(Figure 3). It is difcult to obtain reliable estimates of the amount of such remedial work;
a recent estimate indicated that over 30% of all UK concrete placed required some
degree of making-good. Such repairs cannot restore the affected concrete to its full
performance. They tend to decrease quality, lead to delays and increase actual concrete
construction costs.

Poor durability of concrete structures built in the post-war construction boom in Japan
led to a large-scale national investigation, which indicated a lack of compaction as the
strongest common denominator present in most cases of defective concrete structures.
The Japanese government then supported a major research project in the late 1980s,
which initiated the development of modern SCC as the solution to the widespread
compaction-related problems and a step towards a better quality of concrete overall.
However, despite hard evidence available regarding compaction-related defects and a
good start showing the clear benets offered by SCC, the adoption of SCC by the
Japanese construction industry has been much slower than expected. The principle of
self-compaction, established by the team of Professor H Okamura at the University of
Tokyo was exploited most by very large Japanese international contractors, each of
which developed their own, different, in-house mix designs and test methods, and
trained their supporting technical staff. Such corporations then exploited the
technological advantage of SCC technology on signicant projects that remain the most
prominent applications of SCC to date. SCC was introduced in Japan, and to a limited
extent world-wide, in the early 1990s under a variety of trade names (NVconcrete,
Biocrete, SQC concrete etc.)1,2. The large Japanese construction companies kept the SCC
know-how to themselves and did not encourage its uptake by others.

Figure 3
Extensive making good at the CTRL project (1999)
Photo courtesy of The New Civil Engineer

2 Brief historical development

It is important to point out that the idea of self-compaction predates that of modern SCC.
The idea of SCC has been considered and applied ever since concrete has been used in
situations where compaction was physically impossible, such as in underwater placing, large-
diameter deep piling, diaphragm walling etc. In such cases, extremely high cement contents
and, more recently, plasticising admixtures, produced the required SCC mixes. This approach
was tolerated because the well-known adverse consequences of very high cement contents
were often substantially mitigated in concretes cured underwater, and placed in generally
cool conditions where the excessive heat of hydration was more easily dissipated.

However, independently of the Japanese research, signicant development of non-

dispersive mixes for underwater placing commenced in Europe (Paisley, Scotland) 1 and
North America (Sherbrooke, Canada) in the mid-1980s. Fresh underwater concretes had
to be self-compacting: this led to experiments and limited practical trials using the same
mixes for normal dry construction, thus effectively introducing SCC.

The actual concrete compaction process is a very strenuous activity, which is often
difcult to carry out and supervise. The degree of compaction achieved, and its adequacy
can be judged in most cases only indirectly and subjectively by a visual assessment of the
surface of the placed concrete by the worker operating the vibrator. Trained workers
have to use vibrators under close supervision. However, adequate compaction is not
always achieved, and it remains one of the main causes of poor performance of hardened
concrete, including its surface nish.

Incorrect use of poker vibrators can also lead to displacement of reinforcement, patches of
honeycombed or poorly-compacted concrete and other defects, which are often hidden
inside, but which signicantly reduce quality and performance of concrete structures.

The need for an adequate compaction of fresh concrete is therefore fundamental. A wall
element, cast out of one batch of a typical traditional vibrated concrete is shown in
Figure 4. The bottom part was compacted by internal, poker vibrators. It may be hard to
believe, but the upper part of this vertical wall element shows the same concrete, from
the same batch as the bottom part, but placed without any compaction.

Compaction by poker vibrators of two parallel beams cast simultaneously is shown in

Figure 5. Each of the 4 m-long beams required up to 15 minutes of a concentrated effort
by one operator to achieve an adequate compaction. There was signicant exposure to
noise, vibrating plant was handled and signicant physical effort was required. Casting of
the same beam in SCC took approximately 2 minutes, the concrete being placed directly
from a truck-mixer.

The importance, and difculty, of visually judging compaction by poker vibrators is

illustrated in Figure 6.

Brief historical development 2

Figure 5
Compaction of two parallel reinforced concrete beams by poker vibrators. Medium
workability (3060 mm slump) concrete

Figure 4
One single batch of a traditional low-slump, vibrated
concrete was used to cast the whole of the wall
element shown: the bottom part was compacted,
the top part was not Figure 6
Effectiveness of compaction from one position
(insertion) of a poker vibrator

3 Self-compacting concrete in bridge construction

3. Self-compacting concrete in bridge


3.1 Overview of bridge Considering concrete bridges, it is difcult to nd any concrete parts where self-
applications compacting concrete would not be an appropriate replacement for the traditional
vibrated concrete (TVC): from substructure, foundations, abutments, anchorage blocks,
to piers, pylons, decks and the rest.

In most applications, TVC is easily replaced by SCC. In some applications, only SCCs with
enhanced properties, such as a higher segregation resistance, or special SCCs, which are
capable of being placed and nished to a fall (e.g. bridge decks), may be required. The
actual formwork may need to be modied (e.g. top-forms can be used) and the placing
methods modied (bottom pumping, short tremies etc.). A non-exhaustive list of
applications includes:

High-strength concrete (HSC) has already been successfully tried in Sweden on

medium-span concrete bridges3 and in the Czech Republic4, resulting in a signicant
reduction of the overall material requirement. The SCC versions had more slender
sections, required a much reduced construction time with the least labour etc., leading
to substantial reductions in cost. It was easy to manufacture (ready-mixed) and place
7080 MPa SCC with average compressive strengths between 90 and 110 MPa.
SCC provides particular advantages in precasting, including bridge applications.
Economic evaluations5 indicated overall cost benets in precasting of segmental
bridge elements, speeding up the whole construction process.
Underwater, non-dispersing SCC is perfectly suitable for both new bridge construction
(caissons, foundations etc.) and remedial work under water (scour prevention and
repair of foundations).
SCC facilitates casting-in of structural steel for re protection.

There are also applications where TVC either cannot be used at all (compaction is impractical
or outright impossible) or with difculty (the most common examples are abutments, decks
and other bridge elements containing very dense, closely-spaced reinforcement).

This includes steelconcrete composite structural elements, namely in-lled hollow steel
sections, such as:

New structural elements. These become possible, namely in the area of composite
steelconcrete (lled long and large-diameter tubes/pipes, bi-steel sandwich deck
elements). The Taisei Co. in Japan6 used SCC for pylon construction of a large cable-
stayed bridge; the SCC was pumped into precast concrete permanent formwork for
the upper parts of pylons upwards to a height of 40 m. Tubular elements over 60 m
high have been lled successfully with SCC even though it had to pass through small
openings in diaphragms. A recently completed pedestrian bridge in the Czech
Republic4, which spans over 100 m, used composite steelconcrete pylons (Figure 7)
already designed to be lled with a high-strength SCC. This novel design approach led

Self-compacting concrete in bridge construction 3

Figure 7
Pedestrian footbridge in Ostrava (Czech Republic),
spanning 100 m. The slender pylons were designed as
steelconcrete composite elements lled with SCC
Photo courtesy of ing J Lukas

to a reduction in the quantity of steel required and a signicant reduction of overall

costs, when compared with a similar, recently completed bridge structure in which
only steel was used. The Millennium Point project in Birmingham included a very large
number of tubular steel columns of two-storey height lled with concrete in-situ. The
columns were originally designed to be lled with TVC. However, following a failure to
achieve an adequate compaction, SCC was called for. A trial casting was carried out
and SCC was then used to cast successfully all the columns.
Complex reinforced concrete shapes, which were impossible to cast because
traditional vibrated concrete could not reliably ll the formwork and/or vibration was
impracticable (e.g. complex deck proles). This has already allowed small- to medium-
sized integral bridges to be cast rapidly as single monolithic elements, with all the
multiple attendant benets offered by this design approach.

3.2 Case studies The greatest single application of SCC to date, which is likely to remain in the lead for
some time, has indeed been in bridge construction.
Akashi-Kaikyo bridge, Japan
Anchorages (see Figure 8) for the world record-holding (2 km free span) suspension
bridge, connecting the islands of Honshu and Shikoku at Akashi-Kaikyo in Japan, required
a total of approximately 500,000 m3 of SCC for massive anchorage blocks encasing the
cable ends and for 60 m-deep foundation blocks beneath. This quantity excluded large
foundations for the 300 m tall main towers, where self-compacting non-dispersive
underwater concrete was used.

3 Self-compacting concrete in bridge construction

Figure 8
Northern anchorage block of Akashi-Kaikyo bridge,
all cast in SCC
Photo courtesy of Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority

The use of SCC allowed the consortium of contractors to achieve very high placing rates
of up to 1900 m3 of concrete per day, which are said to have reduced the construction
period by 34 months, saving approximately 20% on the construction time. Concrete
was pumped and distributed through a system of pipelines, with splits permitting
multiple discharge points (Figure 9). Placement was controlled by video cameras and a
system of sensors. Fresh concrete was allowed to free-fall up to 3 m when leaving the
discharge pipes; however, no segregation was observed. Placing of massive volumes of
SCC required the use of special low-heat cement and pre-cooling of aggregate, which
had a maximum size of 40 mm.

Swedish integral road bridges The most signicant advance in practical applications of SCC has been achieved in
Sweden in bridge construction. As early as in 1996, the Swedish National Road
Administration in collaboration with the Cement and Concrete Institute in Stockholm
commenced a project aiming to evaluate prospects to exploit the advantages of SCC,
investigate the suitability of local materials and consider adjustments to established

Self-compacting concrete in bridge construction 3

Figure 9
Placing of fresh SCC from multiple discharge points
during construction of an anchorage block of the
Akashi-Kaikyo bridge
Photo courtesy of Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Authority

construction processes to maximise the benets of the new technology. The concept of
an integral small- to medium-sized span bridge was adopted, together with the
introduction of SCC technology3,7.
Table 1
Example of a Swedish mix design for SCC concrete
for a highway bridge7. The rst SCC bridge was cast in January 1998 and two additional small-span bridges were
completed in the same year. Many more have been completed since then. A smaller
Cement 405
version of the Swedish SCC bridges is shown in Figure 10. The SCC was required to
Water 162
conform to the performance of a hardened TVC, namely with a characteristic strength of
Filler 121 45 MPa, a high freeze-thaw resistance (46% air entrainment was required), w/c ratio of

Fine aggregate (08) 895 0.40 and a low permeability to chlorides.

Coarse aggregate (816) 732
The mix design of the SCC developed for the bridges was based on a low-alkali, sulfate-
Superplasticiser 3.4
resistant Portland cement, w/c of 0.40, a limestone ller, superplasticiser for SCC and an
Air-entraining agent 2 air-entraining admixture. Table 1 shows the mix design and quantities used.

3 Self-compacting concrete in bridge construction

Figure 10
Small span integral road bridge in Sweden, cast in
one piece from SCC
Photo courtesy of Orjan Petersson

Swedish authorities approved the SCC concept for concrete very early on and enabled
Swedish engineers to consider using SCC at the bridge design stage. One concrete bridge
was designed, utilising a very high-strength SCC. This reduced the sizes of structural
sections and the use of SCC permitted higher percentages of reinforcement to be
incorporated safely. Compaction of traditional concrete in relatively slender sections
with dense reinforcement would have been impossible to achieve reliably using TVC. The
overall quantity of concrete used was also markedly reduced. An overall reduction in cost
was achieved.

Practical implementation of the integral bridge concept, in which a bridge is cast as a

single monolithic element, was greatly assisted by SCC technology. The use of SCC
enabled casting of the bridge to be considerably faster and with less labour. There was no
longer any need for vibrators, and the inevitable and undesirable occurrence of
construction joints8. The noise levels during placing of concrete were also greatly

UK and other recent There have already been numerous successful practical applications of SCC in UK
examples construction; however, very few of them are known to be clearly bridge-related.

Consulting Engineer Mott MacDonald selected SCC for the abutments of an integral
bridge in Hackney (Forest Road), East London9. The abutments contained dense
reinforcement (Figure 11) particularly around prestressing anchorages, where full
compaction of a TVC would have been difcult to achieve and guarantee. A 50 MPa mix
was specied by the Consulting Engineer, with Portland cement, ground granulated
blastfurnace slag and a 10 mm maximum size of aggregate. The application was preceded
by trials as the change from TVC to SCC was made after construction commenced. Trial
castings were therefore carried out to conrm the capability of the SCC proposed by the

Self-compacting concrete in bridge construction 3

supplier. SCC was placed by pumping with a short tremie at the discharge end. Despite
this late intervention, the complex bridge construction was successfully completed, with
cost savings in comparison with a TVC alternative. SCC was also considered for the
bridge deck. However, as its surface had a fall and the SCC used for abutments appeared
to be self-levelling, the original TVC design was adhered to.

Construction of a new jetty in Immingham (see Figure 12) is an early example of using
SCC in a bridge-type structure. Approximately 300 m3 of SCC were used.

Another successful bridge-related application involved 15 m-long precast concrete beams

used to support the Cairngorm Mountain Railway. In this recently completed application,
the hardened SCC had to show durability, particularly regarding extreme freezethaw

Figure 11
Congested reinforcement in an abutment for an
integral post-tensioned bridge (Forest Road,
Hackney), before placing of SCC

Figure 12
Construction of a new jetty in Immingham, using SCC for the deck

3 Self-compacting concrete in bridge construction

SCC technology is already being exploited by leading contractors outside the UK, such as
Metrostav a.s. in the Czech Republic. The company carried out mix design trials with a
local ready-mixed concrete supplier and then adopted SCC for several projects, including
a major tunnel and the construction of two bridges, one of them a complex, heavy-duty,
skewed railway bridge near Prague. The deck of the bridge was deep and heavily
reinforced (Figures 13 and 14), which would have made compaction of a TVC very
difcult to achieve.

The bridge abutments and very substantial linked retaining walls also offered a
substantial saving on labour and time, which were obtained by using SCC.

Figure 13
Concrete bridge deck with dense reinforcement.
Compaction of a traditional concrete by vibration
would have been almost impossible
Photo courtesy of Dr J L Vitek, Metrostav a.s.

Figure 14
Placing of SCC during construction of a
railway bridge near Prague
Photo courtesy of Dr J L Vitek, Metrostav a.s.

Materials for self-compacting concrete 4

4. Materials for self-compacting concrete

4.1 Mix design As is the case with traditional vibrated concrete, there is not yet a single universal and
approved procedure leading to proportioning of a self-compacting mix for a specic
application. Different approaches have been developed for SCC mix design in different
countries (e.g. Sweden, France, the Netherlands, Japan), in several major construction
companies and by major ready-mixed concrete suppliers.

Considering extreme cases, it is possible to produce concrete that will be self-

compacting when fresh and that will have almost any level of performance
characteristics when hardened. Equally, it is often technically possible to modify
traditional (vibrated) concretes of very unusual compositions to make them self-
compacting when fresh. Inevitably, in such extreme cases, much higher contents of
admixture(s) are almost always required, the mixes become less robust/tolerant and
considerably more expensive to produce and place.

Typically, one of the more common basic approaches is to initially design a traditional
mix for compaction by vibration, with a slump value of between 60 and 100 mm, and
then replace part of the coarse aggregate content by appropriate ne ller. A suitable
superplasticiser is then added in order that an adequate level of lling ability (see section
6.1) is obtained without the water content being increased. The minimum lling ability
(ow, uidity) satises the basic requirement for a fresh concrete to be self-compacting;
it is able to ow under its own weight. The two other key parameters, namely passing
ability (see section 6.2) and segregation resistance (see section 6.3) are then determined
and the mix proportions adjusted where necessary.

Alternative approaches begin with the design of a sand cement mortar rst, to which
an appropriate quantity of coarse aggregate is added, always checking that the mix
will have adequate lling and passing abilities (no blocking). The Swedish approach is
based on achieving a maximum packing density of particles in a dry mix and then adding
paste of suitable viscosity/yield stress in a quantity required to make the mix self-

SCC mix designs tend to have common features, namely:

The paste content is higher than that for an ordinary TVC. The content of nes,
including cement, is higher than that of an ordinary TVC. Total cement and ller
contents are between 450 and 600 kg/m3. The higher volumetric proportion of nes is
compensated for by a proportional reduction of the volume of coarse aggregate.
The dosage of superplasticiser is higher and a more common addition of a viscosity-
modifying admixture (VMA) is used than in mix designs for TVC.

It is possible to formulate a SCC without an admixture. However, such a concrete would

have a very limited range of practical application combined with an increased overall

4 Materials for self-compacting concrete

Table 2 cost (very high cement content or a very low strength) and other unwanted side-effects
Proportions (kg/m3) of an SCC for building
(drying shrinkage, heat development). The concrete may also be very sensitive to
construction, using Scottish aggregate, used in a
European SCC project (19972000) at Paisley for variations of moisture content of the aggregate.
casting and load tests on typical full-scale structural
elements (4 m beams, 3 m columns)10.
To illustrate, the mix proportions of a SCC for building applications (compressive
Portland cement 42.5 280 strength say C28/35) developed in the European SCC project5 using Scottish crushed
Coarse aggregate (520) 750 rock as coarse aggregate are given in Table 2 below.
Fine aggregate (05) 865

Work on the development of consistence (workability) classes of fresh SCC, which

Free water 200
would indicate levels of self-compaction required for different applications, has
Limestone powder 240 commenced. However, until its completion, SCC mix designs for all major applications
Admixture will still be subject to placing trials, in which critical site conditions are simulated, before
(superplasticiser) their nal acceptance.

4.2 Cements All types of cement can be used in the production of SCC. These include cements covered
by EN 197. Typical contents do not differ from those used for traditional vibrated
concretes, which depend on the performance requirements of hardened concrete.

Very high cement contents carry with them undesirable side effects (temperature rise
during setting and hardening, high shrinkage etc.) as with TVCs.

It is therefore important not to use cement as a convenience measure (avoiding the need
to store and batch ne llers) in the production of SCC, or as a substitute for the usual
addition of ne llers. Excessive cement contents, which lead to all the well-known
adverse side effects, are entirely unnecessary in SCC.

Factory-produced cements with active or inert materials (additions) such as ground

granulated blastfurnace slag (ggbs), pulverised-fuel ash (pfa) or limestone powder are
especially suitable for the production of SCC. Such blended cements tend to simplify
batching by satisfying the requirement for the content of nes required for a typical SCC.
It is probable that, for everyday SCC concrete, the use of such pre-blended cements will
in many cases eliminate the need for additional storage and batching of ne llers.

4.3 Additions (powders The essential ingredients of a typical SCC are additions comprising nes with particle
and llers) sizes below 80m (sometimes 75m or 150m). Their high content, usually between
200 and 300 kg/m3 (in addition to Portland cement content), produces an increased
proportion of stable cement paste, which, in turn, assists with the development of an
adequate lling ability and segregation/bleeding resistance of the fresh SCC mix. The
nes in aggregate are counted as a contribution to the total ne ller requirement.

The ne particles densify the microstructure of SCC and they are considered to be one
of the key factors responsible for the strength and durability of a hardened SCC being
sometimes higher than that of a traditional well-compacted concrete with the same
water/cement ratio.

Materials for self-compacting concrete 4

Typical nes may act either as inert llers or they can possess varying degrees of
pozzolanic or hydraulic reactivity. Some assist (e.g. pfa), and some hinder, the attainment
of adequate consistence of the paste and concrete. The nes most commonly used
include limestone powders, dolomitic limestone powders, pfa and ggbs. Microsilica is
also a ne; however, the purpose of its addition will more likely be to alter properties of
the hardened concrete rather than solely as a ller added to control properties of the mix
when fresh (segregation resistance).

The actual size and shape of the ne particles, and their grading are known to inuence
the properties of fresh SCC; however, not enough is known at this time for any specic
guidance to be offered.

4.4 Aggregate Despite the need for the fresh concrete to ow easily, which indicates a requirement for
a rounded aggregate, SCCs are often, and successfully, produced using crushed rock as
coarse aggregate. However, uncrushed ne aggregate (natural sand) is preferred.

A feature of typical SCC mixes is the ratio between coarse and ne aggregate content,
ac/af, which is in the range of about 1.01.3 (by weight) for a typical SCC, compared with
ac/af of 1.82.5 for a typical TVC.

The maximum size of coarse aggregate also matters considerably more than in the case
of TVC when used to produce reinforced concrete. To avoid any blockage during casting,
the fresh SCC must have an adequate passing ability.

The passing ability depends on the lling ability of the concrete (its uidity), on the
maximum size of coarse aggregate, on the concentration of the coarse aggregate (mix
proportion) and on the nature of the obstructions encountered during placing (size and
spacing of reinforcement, narrow passages etc.). The two key characteristics of fresh SCC
are interrelated.

The following aggregate parameters are important:

The standard maximum size of aggregate (20 mm) is commonly used, although for
applications where large volumes are cast, the maximum size can increase (40 mm
maximum size was used in Japan on the Akashi-Kaikyo bridge). When dense
reinforcement and narrow openings obstruct the ow of fresh SCC, the maximum
size tends to be reduced to 14 mm or more often right down to 10 mm. Typical
SCC mixes in many European countries are based on 16 mm maximum size of
The moisture content of the individual types of aggregate and of the aggregate overall
must be monitored more closely, compared with that of aggregate for TVCs. The
indications are that SCC containing viscosity-modifying admixtures can achieve a very
high degree of tolerance of variations in moisture content, sometimes greater than
that for aggregate for TVC11.

The properties of all the aggregate should comply with EN 12620.

4 Materials for self-compacting concrete

Other aggregate properties are considered to have the same effects on fresh and
hardened SCC as on TVC. Lightweight aggregate causes difculties similar to or greater
than those encountered in traditional lightweight aggregate concrete, which depend on
their degree of water-absorbency.

4.5 Admixtures There are two types of admixture (BS EN 934-2) directly associated with production of
fresh SCC, which provide the key control of workability/consistence:

Viscosity-modifying admixtures.

Superplasticisers of different types are used in the production of SCC. Several brand
name products designed for SCC are on the market. Basic polymers making up
admixtures specically developed for use in SCC exploit the excellent properties of
synthetic superplasticisers for dispersion of cement particles (namely those based on
steric hindrance). Admixtures specically aimed for SCC may contain ingredients other
than a superplasticiser alone, mostly for the purpose of reducing excessive aeration/air-
entrainment and/or neutralising the possible decrease of an early strength development.
Such specialist admixtures may also contain a combination of a superplasticiser with a

Viscosity-modifying admixtures (VMAs) are sometimes called water-retaining

admixtures, viscosity modiers or stabilisers. They vary in origin from synthetic organic
compounds to gums produced by biotechnology and which act as thickeners, helping
to reduce or prevent segregation and bleeding. VMAs tend to be used when the water
content of the mix is high or too variable or when the mix has a lower than required
content of nes, which would otherwise increase the risk of segregation or excessive
bleeding. Viscosity agents are used in small dosages, which may require additional
control and supervision, and their effectiveness may depend on a thorough, effective
mixing. Viscosity agents in a liquid form are preferred because of easier dosage and
dispersion within a mix. Overdosing of a VMA may lead to a reduction of the lling
ability (excessive stiffening and thixotropy (see section 5.3)), an excessive air-
entrainment and a reduction of an early compressive strength. The results of recent full-
scale SCC casting trials11 suggest that VMAs can very signicantly decrease the sensitivity
of basic fresh SCC properties (lling ability ow, passing ability blocking and
segregation resistance) to variations in water content of the mix. Such concretes are able
to tolerate substantial variations in the moisture content of aggregate.

It is possible to combine workability admixtures with admixtures for other purposes,

namely for air-entrainment and for set-controlling admixtures such as accelerators and
retarders. It is essential to consult appropriate technical information regarding
compatibility of admixtures by contacting admixture suppliers or by carrying out trial
mixes. Air-entraining admixtures tend to assist in reaching the required levels of the key
properties of fresh SCC.

Materials for self-compacting concrete 4

4.6 Other ingredients Considering the initially high demand on workability of SCC, it was not thought
practicable to maintain self-compactability when bres were added. However, extensive
research5,12 has demonstrated that signicant proportions of steel bres (up to
approximately 60 kg/m3) can be incorporated into SCC, without causing the concrete to
lose its basic self-compactability, which is adequate for a useful range of applications.
The maximum dosage depended on the specic type of bre and on the mix design.

The addition of very ne bres, e.g. brillated polypropylene, inuences the key
properties of fresh SCC more than the coarser steel bres. There is insufcient data
available for general recommendations; however, it is unlikely that dosages greater than
1 kg/m3 can be tolerated. Trial mixes and pours are necessary in all cases.

5 Production and construction process

5. Production and construction process

5.1 Batching and mixing Greater control over moisture content is normally required during the storage and
batching of aggregate for SCC than is required for traditional vibrated concrete in order
to control accurately the consistence of the fresh mix. This extends to the mixing
process, including the monitoring of water retained in the drum of a truck mixer after

Most of the ready-mixed concrete and other concrete (precasting) producers are using
forced action (e.g. pan) mixers, which are capable of producing a uniform SCC in times
not dissimilar to those for TVC. Large drum mixers used in some plants have also been
shown to be suitable; however, mixing times must always be veried and charging
sequences checked for achieving an optimum performance of the mix both during
production and when placed.

An exception is in the UK, where most of the fresh concrete is delivered to sites from
ready-mixed concrete centres. Here, the concrete is dry-batched rst and then mixed in
a truck mixer. In such cases the mixing time in the truck mixer may have to be extended
and some of the admixture (superplasticiser) added only after the arrival of the truck
mixer at the site. It may also be necessary to reduce the size of a batch in a truck mixer
because of its uidity during transport, particularly when the SCC is premixed centrally
and the truck-mixer acts only as an agitator.

Trial mixing and production of mock-up elements will continue to play a very
important part in mix design and production of SCC until the procedures for
specication and verication are well established, and tests for key fresh properties
are standardised. The introduction of proprietary concretes will also facilitate
exploitation of SCC in general construction practice and reduce the need for mixing and
placing trials.

5.2 Transport and placing Fresh concrete that satises the key criteria for being self-compacting is normally easily
pumpable. SCC, designed for high lling and passing ability, require lower pumping
pressures, which in turn permit deliveries over greater distances or heights. Fresh SCC can
free-ow over a distance of more than 10 m, depending on the gradient, although
normally a horizontal ow to a distance of 56 m from one discharge point is considered
to be reliably achievable.

Fresh SCC lends itself perfectly to delivery through pipelines, where splits or
bifurcations can occur. Such splits/bifurcations of the fresh SCC delivery enable much
faster placing rates to be reached. The SCC is then delivered simultaneously to several
discharge points and a very large pour may be completed in a time much shorter than
that required for TVC.

Production and construction process 5

SCC is not automatically self-levelling; however, it can be designed to be so for

applications where horizontal surfaces are required. Slabs and other elements with a
sloping surface such as bridge decks require fresh SCC with a lower lling ability,
while self-compaction is maintained. This is practicable for gradients of up to
approximately 5%. A light vibrating screed to ensure the correct fall is sometimes used
to nish such surfaces. Negative forms can also be used in cases of much steeper slopes
of upper surfaces of the cast concrete.

Very cohesive SCCs, which ow slowly and retain all the mix water, may be difcult to
use as oors or pavement slabs that are to be power-oated. Difculties arise due to the
lack of any bleed water rising up to the surface, which enables the power-nishing. The
freshly placed pavement concrete may develop an elephant skin, a crust of stiffer

5.3 Formwork A considerable amount of research has focused on formwork, particularly on formwork
pressure. The very high lling ability (uidity) of fresh SCC suggested that formwork
pressures would be markedly higher than those exerted on formwork by TVC, reaching a
full hydrostatic pressure.

Many measurements were carried out on experimental castings of full-scale structural

SCC elements, where formwork pressure and internal pressure within fresh concrete were
monitored. Different methods of lling the formwork were used, mainly pumping from
the bottom, compared with the usual placing of TVC.

Early results tended to be inconclusive as to whether or not a full hydrostatic pressure on

formwork occurred when SCC was used. More recent research has resolved the apparent

The amount of pressure exerted by fresh SCC on formwork depends primarily on two
factors, namely:

Properties of fresh SCC, particularly its thixotropy

Method of casting (bottom-up or top-down), including the speed of casting.

Thixotropy reects the dependence of rheological characteristics of fresh concrete on

the rate of shearing. For example, its yield stress value will be reduced substantially and
the mix will liquefy when in motion (shearing), but the yield value will rise and the
concrete will become stiff once the shearing action ceases and the concrete becomes
static. (Thixotropy is the essential characteristic responsible for behaviour of non-drip

A rm conclusion has been reached that the more thixotropic the concrete, the less likely
it will develop full hydrostatic pressure when placed. Whether the pressure will be
hydrostatic over the whole height of the concrete element being cast then depends
critically on the method of placement.

5 Production and construction process

Casting from the top, using a crane and skip or discharging through a exible
pipe/hose or a short tremie pipe will produce overall lower formwork pressures than
fully hydraulic ones, similar to those generated by a TVC. Such placing keeps only the
top (last poured) layer of the concrete subjected to internal movement, which causes
shearing. The concrete remaining below the top layer is at rest and, depending on its
thixotropy, stiffens rapidly, sometimes almost instantly.
Casting (pumping) from the bottom, which may be very convenient and is facilitated
by the mix being self-compacting, leads to the whole height of the concrete above the
injection point being continually sheared. Full hydrostatic pressure will therefore
develop over the whole height of the formwork. Restarting the pumping process may
lead to a higher than hydrostatic pressure developing temporarily in the vicinity of the
injection point.

There are further differences regarding formwork when SCC replaces TVC. Due to the
need for internal cohesion in a fresh SCC in order to prevent segregation, the concrete
(namely the cement paste or the ne mortar) is less likely to leak through joints in
formwork. This leads to a reduction in unsightly blemishes on surfaces of hardened
concrete and hardened concrete with better, sharper corners and arrises, provided
standard practice in the sealing of formwork is maintained.

It is recommended to design the formwork for full hydrostatic pressure, unless a benet
obtainable from the use of lighter formwork is sufcient to justify adjustments in mix
design leading towards a more thixotropic fresh mix. In all cases, the lower formwork
pressures must be veried in a realistic casting trial before their adoption in formwork
design and setting-up.

Absence of vibration means that a lighter formwork can be used or more re-uses are
possible, particularly in precasting.

5.4 Curing and nishing The microstructure and the cohesive nature of a typical fresh SCC restrict the migration
of water during the early stages of setting and hardening of the concrete. Limited
evidence gained from the European SCC project5 suggests that typical SCCs may be less
prone to problems associated with inadequate curing of TVCs. However, it is
recommended to use the same measures for curing SCC as is good practice in curing

The restriction of the movement of moisture, which is benecial in curing, may cause
signicant difculties in the nishing of SCC surfaces, particularly in the case of
mechanical nishing of large slabs and pavements. This is caused by a lack of water
migrating to the upper surface, which tends to lubricate the levelling/nishing action,
both when power-nishing or manual-nishing is applied. Any requirement for power
nishing has to be taken into account in the mix design of the SCC for such purpose.
Adjustments are possible, which permit modern nishing methods to then be applied

Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete 6

6. Properties of fresh self-compacting

concrete (description and assessment)
The behaviour of a fresh self-compacting concrete differs very signicantly from that of a
traditional (vibrated) concrete of moderate consistence. There is also a crucial difference
between traditional superplasticised owing concretes and SCC2,11.

The differences mean that none of the well-known and internationally standardised tests
for properties of fresh TVC (i.e. tests included in EN 12350) apply to fresh SCC. The
slump test produces a collapsed slump, which cannot be numerically expressed and the
test is unable to distinguish between mixes of different lling ability a property that
was not relevant to TVC. The ow test (EN 12350) uses a conical mould shorter that that
for the slump test; the mould is too low to induce an adequate gravity-driven ow of the
sample to assess any key properties of a fresh SCC. The test would also have to be
carried out without any jolting of the baseplate.

Three key properties of fresh SCC concrete are recognised, namely:

Filling ability
Passing ability
Segregation resistance.

Adequate levels of all three properties listed above must be reached for a SCC to be
satisfactorily produced, transported and placed in given conditions and by chosen means.

Additional properties of the fresh concrete may be appropriate for a given application,
such as nishability, plastic settlement, etc.

In all cases of testing for the key properties of SCC, particularly when segregation
resistance is to be assessed, an appropriate sampling procedure must be carefully
considered. Frequency of sampling, size of samples and procedures for their collection
and handling must include a consideration of the purpose of the test (within batch,
between batch variations etc.). Guidance given in EN 206 and related standards is
applicable to fresh SCC, within the requirements of a specic test (as yet non-standard).

The absence of suitable standardised test methods capable of identifying the three key
properties of SCC in the fresh state is a recognised fundamental obstacle to the wider
use of SCC in Europe and beyond. This hinders the increased use of SCC since it is
difcult to validate reliably SCC mix designs except by full-scale trials, which may be
commercially acceptable only in special or large projects. Condence in the material
cannot be increased as a result. A major European project Testing-SCC11, which has
been completed, and a simultaneous action by CEN intend to overcome this obstacle. All
the tests selected for a pre-normative evaluation in Testing-SCC are described below,
while tests that have been recommended for adoption as EN standards are listed in
section 9.3. It should be noted that none of the tests is without drawbacks, including
those most used to date (e.g. the slump-ow).

6 Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete

6.1 Tests for lling ability The principal aim of the tests for lling ability is to determine how far a fresh SCC would
(ow) ow under its own weight, and how well it would ll formwork and spaces of varying
degrees of complexity. In addition, it may be important, namely for very large or
complicated pours, to determine how fast the mix will ow.

Slump-ow test The slump-ow (SF) test was rst used to assess the spread of concrete using a
traditional slump cone (height 300 mm, base diameter 200 mm, top diameter 100 mm)
for the development of underwater concrete and, more recently, for SCC. The mould
requires a volume of approximately 5.5 litres to ll. A minimum mass of 30 kg of
concrete is needed for two tests.

The mean values for concrete spread, measured at the two perpendicular directions, are
rounded to the nearest 5 mm and an average value is obtained as the test result. The
higher the SF spread, the greater is the lling ability (owability of concrete) of the fresh
mix. Spreads greater than 600 mm are usually required to achieve lling ability adequate
for a fresh concrete to be self-compacting. SF spreads of greater than 750 mm indicate
high lling ability. Exceptionally, SCC mixes may exhibit spreads in excess of 850 mm;
adequate segregation resistance may be difcult to achieve in such cases.

In addition to the SF spread, the time it takes for the concrete from the moment the
mould is lifted to the spread reaching a circle of 500 mm is sometimes also measured.
This is often referred to as time T500 and indicated in seconds. The shorter the T500, the
faster the SCC will ow during placement. The time is related to an apparent viscosity of
the fresh concrete.

The basic SF test procedure is quick and easy to follow, applicable both in a laboratory and
on site. In a normal arrangement, the test requires two operators to carry it out. The
timing of T500 is difcult; both the start and especially the end of the timing (rst concrete
touching the circle or all of the circle being covered) are not easily determined.

Figure 15
(a) Slump ow test arrangement
(b) Slump ow test Slump

Unit: mm Slump flow

(D1 D2)/2
Flow table
1000 1000



Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete 6

The spread concrete is also assessed visually. What is particularly noted is the occurrence
of any rim of ne mortar or just paste/laitance, indicated in Figure 15 (a) as a
segregation border. Such a halo of paste indicates that some of the concrete is not
robust and that it had effectively segregated. However, full-scale trials5,11 failed to
support an important potential conclusion that the paste border always led to a
segregated concrete being placed.

The baseplate must be perfectly at and rigid, to maintain the required atness, and
preferably set in a horizontal position. Slight deformations of the baseplate when stood-
on during the test, or previous deformations, will cause the concrete to spread unevenly,
making it impossible to measure it reliably11. The SF test result is sensitive to the degree
of wetting of the surface of the baseplate. This should be uniformly damp/wet at the
beginning of the test.

Orimet test The Orimet was developed as a practical test method1417 for a rapid assessment of very
highly workable, owing fresh concrete mixes on construction sites. The test exploits the
principle of an orice rheometer, applied to fresh concrete.

The Orimet consists of a vertical casting pipe of 120 mm internal diameter, tted with an
interchangeable orice at its lower end. A quick-release trap door is used to close the
orice. The basic Orimet is provided with orices having internal diameters of 70 mm or
80 mm, which are appropriate for the assessment of concrete with an aggregate size not
exceeding 20 mm. Orices of other sizes can be tted if appropriate. An integral tripod,
folding back for easy transport, supports the casting pipe, the orice and the trap door
mechanism (see Figure 16 (a) and (b)).

The test is used primarily for assessing the lling ability (uidity) of fresh SCC, for
compliance with specications and for a rapid check of mix adjustments, e.g. additional
admixtures on construction sites where very high consistence has to be maintained. The
test is also sensitive to poor passing ability (excessive blocking) and severe segregation.

The Orimet is used either for determination of the ow time (FT, seconds) of a fresh
concrete or as a Go/No-Go device to eliminate mixes of inadequate lling and passing
ability for a given size of the orice. The FT is measured as the time it takes for all of the
concrete to ow out of the Orimet into a standard bucket placed below the orice. A
sample of approximately 7.5 litres is required to ll the Orimet. The sample is normally
re-tested twice, the rst test result is discarded and the next two, carried out on the
same sample (from the bucket) without cleaning the casting pipe are averaged.

Increased FT indicates a higher viscosity. In some cases a concrete with a very low
segregation resistance will cause coarse aggregate to settle in the orice area and
increase the FT or cause a blockage and a partial/intermittent ow. Depending on an
appropriate combination of the size of the orice and the maximum size of the
aggregate, the Orimet may be set up as a Go/No-go test for a rapid conformity testing
of successive deliveries of fresh SCC.

6 Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete

Figure 16
(a) Orimet test: basic dimensions of the apparatus
(b) Orimet test in progress


The Orimet is a simple, rugged, durable, easily maintained and portable apparatus, with
good simulation of the movement of fresh owing concrete during actual placing on a
site. No power supply is needed and no calibrations are necessary. The testing procedure
is very quick: a set of three tests can be completed in less than three minutes.

No specially prepared ground is required for setting-up of the Orimet; small deviations
from verticality do not affect the test results. The synchronisation between the beginning
of the timing and the opening of the trap door can lead to an operator error, if carried
out manually by a single operator.

V-funnel and O-funnel The tests follow the principle of the Orimet in a simplied arrangement. Instead of a length
tests2,16 of straight casting pipe as in the Orimet, the funnels use a container, which tapers all the
way from the top to the bottom opening. The bottom opening is either a rectangular one
(Figure 17a) typical for the more common V-funnel test (selected for European Standard
evaluation) or circular, which is typical of the O-funnel test (Figure 17b).

The funnels are tted with trap doors and attached to a metal frame. The test result, a
ow time (FT) measured in seconds, is obtained in the same manner as for the Orimet.
The funnels most often used are designed to cope with coarse aggregate of up to 25 mm
maxaximum size.

A sample of fresh concrete of between 12 and 15 litres is required. The same sample can
be re-tested rapidly. Normally assessment requires at least two, preferably three samples
to be tested. The advantages and disadvantages are broadly similar to those of the
Orimet. Many different geometries of the V-funnels have been used in the past; caution
is needed when comparing results.

Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete 6

Figure 17
Test equipment (a) V-funnel and (b) O-funnel

(a) (b)

6.2 Passing ability Tests in this group aim to determine how well the fresh SCC mix will ow through
(blocking) constricted spaces and between reinforcement. The aim is to assess the level of risk that
the coarse aggregate in the concrete will become wedged between bars or form arches,
which will partially or fully block, or obstruct, the ow.

There is a link between lling ability and passing ability; an example is a situation, in
which the lling ability may become so low that the fresh mix will exhibit a poor passing
ability without an excessive content of coarse aggregate.

J-Ring test The idea may have originated in Japan. However, the practical form of this test, now
widely used, was developed at the ACM Centre of the University of Paisley16,17. The
equipment consists of a ring with an inner diameter large enough to accommodate the
traditional truncated cone mould from the slump test without its holding-down step-on

The J-Ring arrangement selected for the nal pre-normative evaluation as a proposed
European Standard test has 18 equally spaced, 125 mm long, pieces of smooth
reinforcement attached to the ring along its 300 mm-diameter circle.

Different types of reinforcement at different spacings can be set up, were the J-Ring to be
used for simulation of specic project conditions rather that as a test verifying basic SCC
passing ability (see Figure 18 (a) and (b)). Alternatively, the Orimet test apparatus can be
positioned within the J-Ring (see Figure 19 (a) and (b)). Then, in addition to the J-Ring
results, the normal Orimet FT is also measured.

Not less than 6 litres of fresh concrete are required for a single J-Ring test combined with
the slump-ow. The sample is increased to at least 7.5 litres when a combination of the
J-Ring with the Orimet test is used.

6 Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete

(a) (b)
Figure 18
(a) and (b) J-Ring in combination with
slump ow test


Figure 19
(a) and (b) J-Ring used in conjunction with the
Orimet test (b)

The greater the spread, the greater are both the passing and lling abilities. However, a
satisfactory passing ability is indicated by the size of the step (Figure 20) (if any)
between the levels of concrete inside and outside the ring. If the step is not more than
10 mm, the fresh SCC is considered to have a satisfactory passing ability (adequately low
risk of blockage during placing).

Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete 6

Figure 20
Assessment of passing ability, measured by the
J-Ring. Note the step in levels of fresh concrete
within and outside the ring

In addition, the time it takes for the concrete to spread to a 500 mm ring can be
measured in seconds and used to indicate the rate of ow in a manner similar to that
used in determination of T500 in the slump-ow test.

Unlike any of the other test methods, the J-Ring test method is capable of assessing both
the lling ability (measuring the spread of the concrete sample either through the ring, or
without it) and the passing ability (measured as the step at the ring), together with the
optional assessment of the rate of ow (measurement of T500 time).

L-box test The L-shaped box was developed originally for the assessment of consistence/owing
ability of underwater concrete, without any reinforcement bars placed into the path of
the owing concrete sample1,2. The L-shaped apparatus used for assessment of fresh SCC,
which has been selected for European Standard evaluation, consists of a vertical hollow
column and a horizontal trough, which are separated by a vertical sliding door.

A set of vertical reinforcing bars is placed into the trough at its column end (see Figure
21). Fresh concrete is required to pass through the bar assembly once the sliding door is
raised and it ows out of the vertical column. The ow of the concrete sample in the test
is initiated by the weight of a relatively small volume of the mix in the column; the test is
therefore semi-static, compared with the usual, more dynamic, placing conditions. A
typical L-box requires a sample of approximately 12 litres of concrete.

The vertical steel bar arrangement can be adjusted according to the maximum size of
aggregate, the size of steel bres and different practical applications.

6 Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete

Figure 21
L-box with four vertical bars during a test.
The optional measurement of the time for the
concrete to reach 200 mm and 400 mm ow
is also being taken

The proposed European Standard L-Box dimensions (inside) are:

Column: 200 mm 100 mm, 600 mm tall

Trough: 200 mm 150 mm, 700 mm long

Reinforcement: three bars, 12 mm diameter, 35 mm spacing between bars.

This test gives the blocking ratio, H2/H1, which is the ratio between the height of the
concrete surface in the vertical, column part of the apparatus (H1) and the height of the
concrete surface in the trough at its far end (H2), after the passage through the
reinforcing bars.

There are two additional marks on the horizontal trough at 200 mm and 400 mm from
the sliding door. In addition to the basic result times T200 and T400 (in seconds), which it
takes for the concrete to reach the marks, are sometimes measured.

Acceptable values of the blocking ratio tend to be 0.80 or more. In the case of a very
thixotropic concrete with an excellent passing ability, the leading front of the concrete
owing within the trough can hit the end with a momentum sufcient to make the
concrete to pile upwards and freeze at a level higher than H1. The blocking ratio can
then reach values slightly higher than one and lead to difcult interpretations of the

Instead of a ratio, the result can be expressed simply as the depth (or height) of concrete
at the far end of the trough, as the volume tested always remains the same. This
simplies greatly the measurements and reduces errors.

Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete 6

Blocking caused both by oversize coarse aggregate or its excessive content can be
detected, as well as blocking generated by moderate/severe dynamic segregation. The
concrete can be regarded as stable, possessing a degree of segregation resistance, if the
particles of coarse aggregate are visibly distributed on the concrete surface all the way to
the end of the horizontal part.

Both blocking and serious segregation in the L-box can be assessed visually. Blocking is
usually visually detected as coarse aggregates wedged between the reinforcement bars.

6.3 Segregation resistance Good practice of transport and placing of TVC requires measures that minimise the risk
(stability) of segregation. However, in the absence of any recognised test for segregation resistance
of a traditional mix, the existing good practice guidance has been limited to general
advice about measures to avoid segregation.

For example, established good practice suggests that traditional vibrated fresh concrete
is not to be allowed to drop during placing by a free fall from heights greater than
approximately 1.5 m and too many transfers/handling of the SCC during transport
should be avoided. Segregation can assume different forms. A typical case of segregation
of TVC is honeycombed concrete, revealed after stripping of the formwork, often at
bases of walls and columns. It is sometimes difcult to separate the effects of
segregation from those of an inadequate compaction, both of which lead to hardened
concrete of very poor quality requiring remedial action, making good. Another common
form of segregation is an excessive separation of water, leading to bleeding on
horizontal surfaces of fresh concrete.

Segregation requires much greater attention in the case of SCC than in the case of TVC.

Experience and research have shown that segregation of a fresh concrete, which satised
the basic requirements of lling and passing abilities, is unlikely to show as honeycombed
or uncompacted hardened concrete, which are typical manifestations of segregation
when TVC is used. Instead, the concrete is likely to be fully compacted even though there
is slight to moderate segregation. This would show only as a non-uniform distribution of
aggregate. Such a phenomenon particularly concerns coarse aggregate, which may settle
at the bottom of a mould or which can be left behind and concentrate in different
places when passing through formwork.

Recent work has indicated16 that a fresh concrete, satisfying the other two key properties
adequately for it to be considered self-compacting, will still achieve a high degree of
compaction, which will mitigate the adverse effect on strength and durability of the non-
uniform distribution of aggregate due to segregation. There is evidence, albeit limited,
suggesting that provided a concrete is self-compacting, compressive strength is not
signicantly affected until a severe segregation occurs. Current requirements for
negligible non-uniformity/segregation may therefore be too conservative. More research,
based on full-scale placing trials, is required to establish reliable evidence in support of
guidance on the extent of segregation, which may be acceptable for different
construction applications.

6 Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete

The practical applications of SCC require different degrees of segregation resistance:

Casting moderate volumes of concrete into formwork of simple shapes and with low
reinforcement content and limited obstacles to the ow (e.g. concreting of simple,
short, strip foundations straight from a truck-mixer) requires only a minimum of
segregation resistance. This minimum level is one of the dening characteristics that
make fresh concrete self-compacting.
Vertical casting of complex thin wall elements with congested reinforcement, box-outs and
changes in direction and long distances (over 5m) of ow, which may include repetitive
free falls, will require a very high-performance SCC with good segregation resistance.

New segregation tests have been developed during the Testing-SCC European project11;
the latter two of the three tests described below have been selected for the nal pre-
normative evaluation. One test performed well enough to be selected for European
Standard evaluation (see Chapter 9).

It is not expected that even the best performing segregation test will become a site test;
segregation resistance will be considered when mix design is tailored to the application,
rather than as a site control test.

Severe segregation and bleeding can be detected indirectly from results of some of the
tests for lling ability or passing ability. A rim or halo of paste/laitance around the
edge of the spread concrete sample in the SF test has been considered an indication of
poor segregation resistance. However, full-scale casting trials have cast serious doubt
about the reliability of this indicator.

The Orimet test can also detect severe static segregation when coarse aggregate settles
into the orice and greatly lengthens or entirely blocks a complete ow-out of the sample.

Settlement column test The settlement column segregation test was developed independently at the ACM
Centre in the University of Paisley16,18 and the University of Ghent. The test involves
samples of concrete being taken from different vertical positions within a column-shaped
apparatus via doors after a controlled jolting cycle and a standard settlement period. The
concrete removed is then analysed to determine the content of coarse aggregate.

The apparatus comprises a column with internal dimensions of 500 mm 150 mm

100 mm with three hinged doors to facilitate the collecting of samples from the top,
middle and bottom (see Figure 25). A sample of at least 7.5 litres is required.

In order to provide the controlled jolting, the settlement column is mounted upon a ow
table apparatus as described in BS 4551: Part 1: 1996 (see Figure 22). The difference
between aggregate content of the top and bottom samples produces a segregation ratio,
which is used as an indicator of segregation.

A segregation ratio with a value lower than 0.90 suggests that the mix is likely to
segregate. A value greater than 0.95 indicates good resistance to dynamic segregation19.

Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete 6

Figure 22
Settlement column test (ACM Centre, University of




The settlement column test, and other variations of the test, which are based on the
same principle, provide a tool sensitive enough to differentiate between different degrees
of segregation resistance, which is a more dynamic characteristic than those measured
by the other two tests described in this document. A disadvantage of the settlement
column test is the relative complexity of the testing procedure.

Segregation test by The test5,16,20 is used to rapidly evaluate the static segregation resistance of fresh SCC on
penetration site, which can be done without the necessity to obtain separate samples, depending on
the method of placing of the fresh SCC.

The penetration test apparatus (Figure 22) consists of a frame, which supports a sliding
penetration head. The sliding movement of the head, caused by its penetration into the
surface of fresh concrete, is measured against a linear scale graduated in millimetres. The
test can be carried out on the surface of the fresh concrete in a container. The minimum
size of the surface of the concrete in an appropriate container is 200 mm 200 mm, the
concrete in it being at least 600 mm deep (minimum volume is 7.5 litres).

The result of the test is expressed as the penetration depth, Pd (mm). There is limited
experience with practical applications of this test; however, a Pd 8 mm is considered to
indicate concrete with good resistance against static (settlement) segregation when a
54 g penetration head is used. The test has been proposed as a potential EN standard
test because it is based on a simple method, is easy to carry out and a direct test result is

6 Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete

Figure 23
Penetration test for segregation resistance:
apparatus at the start of the test procedure. The
bucket below the penetrometer holds the sample of
fresh concrete.

Wet-sieving stability The wet-sieving stability test was developed in France21 as a method of measuring
(segregation resistance test) quantitatively the resistance of a fresh SCC to static segregation by determining how
much separation occurs between the coarse aggregate and mortar in a sample of
concrete. The purpose of this test is to quantify the risk of segregation by
settlement/separation of coarse aggregate in a SCC. It has been selected for European
Standard evaluation.

A sample of approximately 10 litres of fresh concrete is required. The sample is poured

into a 5 mm sieve (Figure 24) and then the percentage of coarse aggregate that passes
through after a specic waiting period (e.g. 15 minutes) is determined.

The mass of the sample that passes through the sieve is determined, as is the mass of the
total sample poured onto the sieve, allowing a passing percentage to be calculated and
recorded as the result.

Based on research carried out in France, the segregation resistance was categorised using
the wet-sieving segregation test. The categories were:

Less than 5% of the sample passes the sieve: very high (excessive?) resistance to
segregation. The paste/mortar may be too viscous, with a poor lling ability, probably
below the minimum required for self-compaction.
515% of the sample passes the sieve: good (optimum?) level of resistance to
1530% of the sample passes the sieve: the mix is likely to be susceptible to
segregation (critical stability?).
More than 30% of the sample passes the sieve: the mix is susceptible to severe
segregation (a very poor stability).

Properties of fresh self-compacting concrete 6

Figure 24
Wet-sieving stability test. The sample is poured onto
the sieve in a prescribed manner

In addition, it is not acceptable if any noticeable bleed water is detected during the

The wet-sieving stability test is a relatively simple test to conduct and one person can
carry it out. A single test takes around 25 minutes to complete and requires
approximately 10 litres of concrete. Experience shows that the test is capable of
detecting a potential moderate-to-severe static (settlement) segregation.

6.4 Other properties Practically all fresh concrete classed as SCC is easily pumpable. Difculties may arise only
in extreme cases of very viscous concretes with small maximum size of aggregate and
extremely high contents of nes. Additional properties such as nishability or resistance
to plastic settlement can be required.

Finishability may be a problem with SCC; the solution is likely to require adjustments to
the mix design, depending on the specic method used. There is no test for this property.
Plastic settlement22 tends to be lower for SCCs, compared with traditional vibrated
concrete. There is a specialised test to check this in cases where these properties are of

Washout-resistant SCC is currently used for underwater construction. Such concretes

tend to contain additional viscosity admixtures, which minimise the wash-out but also
reduce the lling ability and reduce the speed of ow of the concrete. Orimet ow times
become longer than 10 seconds.

7 Properties of hardened self-compacting concrete

7. Properties of hardened self-compacting


Hardened self-compacting concrete acquires properties and shows behaviour

fundamentally similar to that of the traditional vibrated concrete of nominally the same
strength. The main difference is in its composition, which contains a signicantly higher
proportion of nes, and the corresponding lower volumetric proportion of coarse

The high nes content does inuence the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) of the
hardened cementitious binder (paste). This paste surrounds particles of aggregate and is
considered to be primarily responsible for the basic properties of hardened concrete
(composite)23. The microstructure of the hardened binder within the ITZ is densied and
this is reected in positive changes to strength and durability of hardened SCC when
compared with a hardened TVC.

The signicance of this effect of the nes is also inuenced by the production method,
namely the mixing process.

7.1 Compressive strength Compressive strength of hardened SCC follows the established basic relationship with
w/c ratio and other parameters of a mix. Concretes of any strength, from very low to
very high, which are self-compacting, can be produced.

In most cases the densication by the high content of nes, which may also be active,
leads to an appreciable increase of compressive strength. A 10% gain in compressive
strength is not uncommon and for this reason it is sometimes easier to produce a very
high strength mix (> 70 MPa) than a low-strength SCC (<25 MPa).

Investigations of performance of full-scale reinforced concrete structures (namely

columns and walls), made of SCC and placed by free-fall casting, concluded that for a
typical SCC the strength of cores was nearer to the strength of cubes cast separately
from the same batch of concrete than was the usual case with TVC extracted from the
same elements, made of same strength class of concrete, but compacted by vibration.
There was also a difference in compressive strength of cores taken from the bottom of
the column (higher), compared with those taken from near the top; however, the
difference was signicantly smaller than that obtained from the same trials using TVC.

The rate of gain of compressive strength of SCC is similar to that of TVC with the same
type and proportion of cement and same w/c ratio5.

There are indications that due to the cohesive nature of the fresh SCC, which restricts
movement of moisture (lesser or no bleeding when compared with TVC and more
difcult mechanical surface nishing), the compressive strength of a SCC may be less

Properties of hardened self-compacting concrete 7

dependent on curing. A SCC may become largely self-curing, or there might be a lesser
need for curing. However, such ndings appear to be related only to the particular type
of SCC examined and it is therefore advisable to apply the same good curing practice
applicable to TVC to SCC.

7.2 Shrinkage and creep The amount of water in the concrete, the cement content and the nature or properties of
aggregate govern autogeneous and drying shrinkage and creep in the same basic manner
as for TVC. There has been a limited amount of research carried out directly into
shrinkage and creep of SCC. Results available5,24 indicate that magnitudes and time-
proles of creep do not differ signicantly from those established for TVC. As the cement
content and water content of a typical SCC are not outside the range for the TVC,
observed values of shrinkage and creep have been comparable. A similar conclusion has
been reached recently following trials of SCC mixes specically for civil engineering,
namely for prestressed bridge applications24.

The current structural design codes and procedures for concrete bridges were found to be
applicable for the same structures made of SCC. An excessive increase in cement
content, as can occur when attempting to produce SCC without ne additions, will have
a predictably adverse effect on shrinkage and creep.

7.3 Durability The densied microstructure of a typical SCC tends to enhance many aspects of
durability. The freeze-thaw resistance of SCC is inherently better than that of hardened
TVC. However, air-entrainment is normally specied. Swedish experience shows that a
freeze-thaw resistance signicantly exceeding that of a comparable TVC can be
obtained25 but is not automatically guaranteed.

The densied microstructure is also less permeable to water and gases, and together with
good compaction, it leads to an improved resistance to chloride attack on embedded
reinforcement21. Specications regarding durability performance, in accordance with EN
206 and BS 8500, also apply fully to SCC.

It should be noted that the mere fact that a fresh concrete is self-compacting does not
automatically mean that it will be durable when hardened. As with traditional vibrated
mixes, concrete which will have an inherently poor durability (e.g. one with a high w/c)
can be produced so that it will be self-compacting. What the self-compaction does
remove automatically are cases of poor durability caused by the lack of compaction of
traditional vibrated concrete (e.g. in cover to reinforcement etc.).

Self-compacting concretes differ in composition from traditional vibrated ones, but the
same basic laws governing durability in all its aspects still fully apply to SCC and same
conclusions can be drawn.

7 Properties of hardened self-compacting concrete

7.4 Bond strength Concerns regarding the bond between reinforcement, particularly the horizontal bars, and
hardened SCC were raised at the very beginning of the introduction of the SCC into Europe.
A signicant investigation of the bond was therefore included in the original European SCC
project5, where performances of TVC and SCC were compared. Results of standard pullout
tests indicated that there was a distinctly higher bond between reinforcement and SCC.
However, when adjusted for the higher strength of the SCC, the bond between the SCC and
reinforcement was then equal to or slightly higher than with TVC. The same differential
regarding the position of the bars as that found in TVC was observed. Microstructural
investigations revealed that the interfacial zone below the bars was weaker than that
above the bars, although it was stronger and the difference was lesser in the case of SCC26
than in TVC. Bond with reinforcement has been also investigated as part of other research
projects; however, there have been no indications that the use of SCC had an adverse
inuence on bond. Bond values associated with TVC of the same strength category as that
of SCC can therefore be used safely in structural design according to current codes.

7.5 Surface nish Excellent surface nishes have been obtained with SCC. An example is shown in Figure
25. However, such a good surface nish is not automatically obtained with SCC of any
type. In all cases, where an outstanding quality of surface nish was obtained, a trial and
error development had been carried out previously. This included experimentation not
only with mix proportions and characteristics of the constituent materials; it also
included mixing processes, placing techniques and types of formwork and release agents.

Once a suitable mix design, production and placing process had been established, it was
possible to continually achieve excellent surface nish. This applies very much to precast
concrete, where consistent sources of appropriate materials can be guaranteed and the
batching, mixing and casting process are well controlled and repeatable.

Figure 25
Excellent surface nish of a
precast concrete element
Prefa Dywidag a.s., Czech Republic

Properties of hardened self-compacting concrete 7

Limited experiments have been carried out5 in order to link the rate and mode of placing
of a typical SCC and the type of formwork with the quality of surface nish, but without
conclusive results. Existing best practice in obtaining good surface nish for TVC
remained a prerequisite for excellent SCC nishes. Factors such as the absorbency of
formwork material, rate and method of lling of formwork and composition of SCC
(additions such as limestone powder had a positive effect) played a role in the
achievement of a SCC nish which was better than good TVC nishes. The actual
detailed mechanism of the formation of a blemish-free surface layer of SCC during
placing remains largely unexplored.

In the absence of relevant basic knowledge and when adequate experimentation (mostly
hit and miss trials) related to a specic SCC for a specic application cannot be carried
out, the quality of the surface nish of hardened SCC can be expected to be comparable
to that of a TVC.

7.6 Other properties There is little information available on the effects of the change in composition that
typies SCC, on additional properties of hardened concrete, such as modulus of
elasticity, tensile strength or shear strength.

Results of load tests to destruction of typical full-scale structural elements (beams,

columns) designed5 according to the current concrete Eurocode did not reveal any
indications of poor tensile or shear strength, their overall performance invariably
exceeding that expected.

It is conceivable that the reduced volume of coarse aggregate in a typical SCC may
reduce the contribution of the aggregate-interlock to shear strength compared to TVC.
It is possible, because of the lower coarse aggregate content, for the modulus of
elasticity to decrease when a relatively low-strength matrix-hardened binder is used.
There is very little evidence to hand on this matter; however, such a potential loss may in
reality be compensated for, or even exceeded, by the gain from a denser and therefore
stronger hardened matrix.

8 Benets

8. Benets

Replacement of traditional vibrated concrete by self-compacting concrete offers a range

of specic benets. However, the maximum benet, which will be greater than a mere
sum of the individual ones, is obtained when the use of SCC is already adopted in the
early design stages and the construction/management process itself is adapted to this
new technology.

Elimination of the compaction process from concrete construction opens up possibilities

of gradual automation of the concrete construction process, leading to a much greater
productivity and consistent quality of the product.

Most of the SCC produced in UK to date appears to have been specied only for special
applications, where compaction was impossible or when the originally specied TVC was
found to be impossible to use. In such cases the use of SCC was very benecial; it
enabled the construction of a project, which was found to have been impossible to
complete satisfactorily with TVC (see Figure 26). In the specic applications described
above, the benet was mainly in the mitigation of large potential losses (penalties for
late completion, massive remedial works, removal and replacement of poor quality
concrete placed etc.), rather than a positive net gain for the contractor, the consultant
and the client.

Figure 26
Heavily reinforced bridge deck. It would be very
impractical to attempt to concrete it using TVC. The
use of SCC was planned from the design stage
Photo courtesy of Dr J L Vitek, Metrostav a.s.

Benets 8

8.1 Quality Compaction of traditional concrete has very often been in the hands of the least trained
workers carrying out the most unpleasant and physically demanding task in concrete
construction, and which was not amenable to effective and close supervision.

Well-compacted structural concrete, virtually free of voids and honeycombing, produced

when SCC is used, leads to a large reduction in making good and the need for other
remedial measures. This, in turn, improves strength and durability. In general an
improvement in surface nish is to be expected with SCC when compared to TVC casting

The generally denser microstructure of hardened SCC improves its quality overall.

8.2 Economy The overall cost of concrete construction is affected in many aspects when SCC is used.
It leads to both increases and decreases, with the maximum economy being obtained
when the use of SCC is pre-planned and both design and construction processes are
adjusted accordingly beforehand. Elements of cost, and the rise/decrease linked to the
use of SCC are discussed briey below:

The overall cost of SCC constituent materials tends to be higher than that of a TVC of
comparable strength because of a usually greater amount of more expensive
admixture and greater cost of the ne ller. However, the ne ller can be potentially
very inexpensive (e.g. quarry dusts) and the cost of admixture is much reduced if a
continued supply is required.
Labour costs are reduced by the elimination of the need for operatives to vibrate the
placed concrete and for their supervision (see Figures 27 and 28). Depending on the
application, any additional labour required to assist in placing and nishing can be also
greatly reduced.

Figure 27
Casting of a deck of a new jetty using SCC. Note that
the mix is almost self-levelling. The labour demand
is reduced to one operator, who adjusts the position
of the discharge hose

8 Benets

Figure 28
SCC being placed during construction of a medium-
reinforced deck of a Swedish integral bridge8. Note
that only one operator is required. Introduction of
SCC permitted a change in concrete supply
contracts, in which the supplier is also responsible
for placing of the delivered concrete

Labour and materials required for repairs and making good are greatly reduced or
eliminated entirely and there is a potential for fewer defects overall.
Cost of the compaction can be minimised substantially as vibrators of all types, and
the necessary supply of power/compressed air, are eliminated.
Formwork, namely for precast concrete production, can be lighter with more re-uses
Placing can be very much faster than when compaction is needed, leading to greater
and longer non-stop pours being technically feasible. In precasting, both away and on
site, the shorter casting time increases substantially the productivity of the yard/plant.

Indirect nancial benets, which are associated with better working environments on and
around construction sites when SCC is used, are described in section 8.3 below. Better
exposed surfaces are likely to help to improve the general perception of concrete

Indirect nancial costs of the adoption of SCC includes items such as education and
training of existing staff at all levels, from the engineer to the operatives. Additionally,
new test equipment may have to be purchased by contractors and concrete suppliers.
Producers of concrete may have to invest in additional silos for the holding of SCC ne
llers and improve their devices for control/monitoring of moisture content of aggregate.

8.3 Health and safety The introduction of SCC into construction practice is sometimes called a quiet revolution.
The compaction of concrete is a widespread source of noise during construction. An
effective way of reducing this type of noise is to choose materials and working methods
that produce less noise, which applies perfectly to the introduction of SCC.

Benets 8

The elimination of vibrators signicantly improves health and safety on the concrete
construction site27. There is a major reduction of:

Exposure of the workers to noise (directly from vibrators and indirectly from auxiliary
plant, such as compressors)
Exposure to vibration caused by handling of vibrators (eliminated completely)
Physical strain in the placing of concrete. Placing SCC requires signicantly less effort
than that of TVC.

The exposure of workers to noise, already limited by European construction legislation28,

has been updated and tightened considerably.

Problems with the back, joints and muscles, particularly in the lumbar region when
concreting work is involved, are common in construction. A survey indicated that 26% of
concrete workers suffer often or very often from back problems11. Ergonomic, work-strain
assessments and trials of both TVC and SCC placed in typical concrete structures
conrmed that the placing of SCC is carried out with only a minimum of assistance by
raking and moving of concrete with shovels. Any additional screeding in which
movement of the mix is still required is very much less strenuous. Handling of vibrating
tools, such as concrete poker vibrators represents a serious health hazard, which
manifests itself as the debilitating white-nger syndrome. Figure 28 illustrates the
elimination of the unpleasant and backbreaking labour of placing and vibrating
traditional concrete.

Another advantage is gained indirectly by better communication in the much quieter

site/precast workshop environment. Additional noise generated by compressors feeding
air to the vibrators is also eliminated and the site becomes safer because there is no need
for air hoses and pipes, which clutter the workplace. In all full-scale practical trials5,
workers did not wish to return to placing TVC after they had experienced the much-
improved working environment when SCC had been used.

The sound levels at a construction site are normally on a level that makes it necessary to
wear hearing protection to avoid damaging human hearing if the maximum safe daily
exposures for individual activities and operations are not taken into account.

Assuming that the background sound level is low, the use of SCC reduces the exposure of
the workers to sound intensities that are as low as one-tenth of those produced when
placing TVC5,27. Working with SCC is less arduous overall5.

A reduction of noise during concreting also benets the environment surrounding the
site. Elimination of compaction reduces the noise levels sufciently to permit extended
hours of construction in urban, city-centre sites, where severe restrictions may apply.

9 Specication and conformity testing

9. Specication and conformity testing

9.1 Specication It should be emphasised, that self-compacting concrete is not a single high performance
mix with specic properties for which a specic recipe exists. This is often poorly
appreciated and leads to the construction industry demanding either a typical/basic
SCC mix design or typical characteristics, in terms of results of tests on fresh SCC.

There is work in hand in the UK2931 aiming to produce SCC mixes for everyday, ordinary
use, which may eventually serve as designated concretes (BS 8500-1). However, at
present, most SCC come into a category of prescribed or proprietary concretes (BS
8500-2). The specication of performance/properties of hardened precast concrete can
be related to EN 13369.

This document includes illustrative compositions and results of tests on key properties
of fresh SCCs used very successfully in major practical applications. However, in line
with the conclusion of European SCC projects5,11, it is felt that such values are as
strongly dependent on customer and site requirements and on properties of local
materials as they are for traditional vibrated concrete. It is therefore not practicable at
this relatively early stage (compared with TVC) to indicate reliable, universal target
values for properties of fresh SCCs or to set up fully justied and meaningful classes of
fresh SCC.

SCC with fresh characteristics at extremes of measurement scales have been designed,
produced and successfully applied in specic projects.

Responding to demands from industry, rst attempts to identify classes, namely

incorporating the three key characteristics of fresh SCC, are being pursued31 and they are
likely to be introduced in the near future. However, boundaries between limits/intervals
for such early-proposed classes are not yet supported by or reect substantial evidence
from construction practice; their main aim is to facilitate specication of SCC and help to
quantify practical experience. The classes will be adjusted, where necessary, once an
adequate body of evidence has accumulated.

Current practice is to specify only self-compacting concrete, marked as the other

consistence, in addition to the required properties in the hardened state (BS 8500). A
convenient alternative is to adopt a proprietary mix from a supplier of concrete, which
offers SCC performance suitable for the intended application. In such case, the suppliers
own methods for conformance and identication/verication of the properties of the
mix actually supplied will be used until EN standards are established.

Specication and verication of SCC remains more complicated when compared with
that for TVC due to the continued absence of established and standardised test methods
for a reliable and meaningful quantitative measurement of the key properties of fresh

Specication and conformity testing 9

The selection of SCC for a given project/structure usually takes place at different stages
in the construction process:

(a) The structural engineer/designer or the architect selects SCC. SCC has been
considered already in the design stage and it is specied in order to obtain one or
more of its potential benets. Such a specication means that formwork of a given
certain shape with the required reinforcement will be completely lled with a fresh
concrete of uniform composition without the need to compact it.
(b) The contractor selects SCC instead of TVC (unless the project was a design and build
contract) and, usually, orders it from a supplier. The reason for the selection of SCC
tends to reect benets related to potential benets from the practical concrete
construction process, available to the contractor. The supplier then takes on the
responsibility for the mix design, which must lead to a concrete of adequate
performance. It is essential that the supplier/producer of SCC is adequately informed
of the proposed application and of the demands placed on the actual performance
of the SCC. Such information should indicate how far the concrete is expected to
ow, how congested the reinforcement is, where any segregation-inducing
obstructions will be etc. Methods of placing (pumping-up, free-fall from a skip etc.),
surface nish requirement and any other relevant data must also be indicated.
Weather conditions, namely temperature, must also be taken into account.

It is essential that clear contractual arrangements relevant to each of the cases

mentioned above be drawn in advance between the parties concerned. This concerns
particularly the responsibility for assessment of conformity and action in case of non-
compliance with the SCC specication.

9.2 Trials and adjustments For applications of even moderate signicance, the nal mix design is almost invariably
tested on preconstruction trial pours of mock-up full- or half-scale elements, which
simulate the most complicated, difcult parts of the concrete structure to be built and
use the expected techniques for placing. At the same time, the quality of the surface
nish is examined, ensuring that the trial casting process is as much as possible identical
to that proposed for the actual construction. If necessary, adjustments of the mix
proportions are made. There are usually many ways that effective adjustments can be
made. Basic adjustments are:

Inadequate lling ability: adjust paste content, water content, admixture

Inadequate passing ability: adjust coarse aggregate size, coarse aggregate content,
maintain same water content
Inadequate segregation resistance: increase nes content or add viscosity-modifying

As the segregation tests have been developed only very recently, the lling and passing
ability alone are usually measured and recorded for a satisfactorily performing mix. These
values are then used as benchmarks for verication of conformity of the concrete when
delivered on site.

9 Specication and conformity testing

Every property of fresh SCC is inherently variable and acceptance intervals or

tolerances for variations in test results have to be indicated. Reliable information about
reproducibility and repeatability of the test methods is only now becoming available31,
permitting realistic tolerance limits to be established for each key property and each test
method for its assessment. Currently, verication or acceptance tends to rely on
minimum values of the key fresh properties to be obtained, aiming to guarantee the
basic self-compaction. An upper limit is sometimes given, such as for the slump-ow
values required.

Conformity testing at an appropriate frequency (BS EN 206) is appropriate and

acceptance on site can be reduced to a check of evidence of what was batched into the
mixer and on the results of a simple and rapid test such as the slump-ow or the Orimet.
This process indicates that successive batches supplied remain within the limits agreed
and that there is therefore a high probability that the same, satisfactory, mix is being
placed. This is an approach similar to the routine testing for slump of TVC, which serves
as an indicator of conformity/uniformity of deliveries. Similarly, when the result of a test
for SCC, used for the same purpose, differs from the agreed interval, the batch/delivery is
rejected. It is impossible to say from such a deviation in a single test what has caused the
difference; however, it does show that the batch of concrete is signicantly different
from that specied and therefore it is not acceptable.

9.3 Tests proposed for EN SCC is designed to be uid and cohesive, and to possess both properties in correct
standardisation proportions. This is a fundamental requirement for this type of concrete. In practice, it
means that no single test can be expected to measure reliably both uidity (ow;
lling ability) and cohesiveness (basis of segregation resistance). The results of the
European project Testing SCC11,31 conrmed that more than one test was required.
For example, the slump ow test result alone is an insufcient indicator that the
concrete is self-compacting; additional tests linked to viscosity and segregation are

The nal recommendation of tests for European standardisation categorised as priority A

(basic reference tests) or priority B (supplementary or alternative tests)32 is presented in
Tables 3, 4 and 5.

The nal selection of tests and their ranking took into account both their fundamental
performance parameters (precision, repeatability, reproducibility), established in a large
and rigorous interlaboratory evaluation, and practical aspects obtained from full-scale
trials and applications in construction practice.

Data and information from the Testing SCC European project provide the essential data
for the current joint initiative of industry (EFNARC/CEMBUREAU/ERMCO/EFCA/BIBM)
and CEN, which aims to produce better European guidelines to specications and
accelerate formal adoption of EN standards for assessment of the key properties of fresh

Specication and conformity testing 9

Table 3 Slump-ow (spread, usual range 600800 mm)

Proposed standard test methods for assessment of
lling ability (uidity) Advantages Disadvantages Priority rating
Rigid and at 1 m 1 m baseplate
Procedure is easy to carry out
Good reproducibility
Results correlate with basic
is required. Moisture of the
baseplate affects results.
Sensitive to water content Two operators are required
Modied equipment can
allow single operator
Slump-ow (T500, usual range of 15 seconds)
Advantages Disadvantages Priority rating
Good indicator of viscosity
(correlation with rheological
Very sensitive to condition
(moisture) of the baseplate
Poor reproducibility
Good indicator of rate of ow Operator-sensitive

Orimet (time, usual range 110 seconds)

Advantages Disadvantages Priority rating
Sensitive to ling and passing
ability, depending on the
mix tested
Physically difcult to perform
by a single operator B
Easy to modify the orice
to suit applications
(6080 mm diameter)
Possible Go/No-go test
Easily portable and robust

V-funnel (time, usual range of 315 seconds)

Advantages Disadvantages Priority rating
Good correlation to viscosity Very difcult physically to
perform by a single operator
Large sample of concrete is

All of the test methods listed in Tables 3 and 4 are suitable for use both on site and in a
laboratory. It is expected that the wet-sieving stability test (Table 5) will be carried out
predominantly in a laboratory, as a mix-development test.

9 Specication and conformity testing

Table 4 L-box (ratio/index, usual range 0.81.0)

Proposed standard test methods
for passing ability (blocking) Advantages Disadvantages Priority rating
Good reproducibility
Single measurement (H2)
may sufce
Loses sensitivity for very high
lling ability mixes (may
splash out)
Different materials can be Very sensitive to deviations
used for its construction from horizontal position
Good correlation with Bigger samples required
slump-ow (12 litres)
Difcult to use by one operator
A thixotropic mix can produce
a value > 1.00

J-Ring step (height, usual range 020 mm)

Advantages Disadvantages Priority rating
Simple and portable
Gives good indication
Inconvenient measurements
(unless placed on a raised
of blocking
J-Ring spread (usual range 600850 mm)
Advantages Disadvantages Priority rating
Simple, inexpensive and
portable apparatus
Easy measurements/readings
One test indicates lling and
passing ability
Visual indication of
segregation (?)

J-Ring T500 (time, usually 26 seconds)

Advantages Disadvantages Priority rating
Good indicator of viscosity
(correlation with rheological
Very sensitive to condition
(moisture) of the baseplate
Poor reproducibility
Good indicator of rate of ow Operator-sensitive

Table 5 Wet-sieving test (usual range 1020%)

Proposed standard test method for
segregation resistance Advantages Disadvantages Priority rating
Reasonable reproducibility
Current EN test equipment
is used (manual version)
Electronic balance is required
Automated apparatus is
Good correlation with Slow test
behaviour in full-scale Mostly static segregation

Current limitations and potential pitfalls 10

10. Current limitations and potential pitfalls

Use of self-compacting concrete, which is not appropriate for a specic application, will
lead to a failure similar to that caused by using an inappropriate traditional vibrated
concrete. The basic fact that a mix is self-compacting does not mean that it is suitable
for a given application.

Compared with the technology of TVC, there is still considerably less knowledge and
experience of specifying and working with SCC available in the industry. This is a
hindrance/limitation, which will require time to diminish and, ultimately, to disappear.

There are several other aspects, where specic technical limitations exist and the current
lack of knowledge/expertise can lead to pitfalls in practice. The main ones have been
already mentioned in the relevant parts of this document. Many of the difculties are
associated with as yet inadequate knowledge regarding SCC , and these are expected to
be gradually overcome. The more general drawback or potential pitfalls are listed below,
not in any order of signicance:

An absence of national of international standards for measurement of the key

properties of fresh SCC. This makes specication and verication of conformity or
identication of fresh SCC inconvenient and less reliable. It leads to an excessive need
for casting trials before acceptance of an SCC mix as being t for purpose.
A lack of experience in determining appropriate levels of fresh properties for given
placing conditions may lead to an over-specication in an attempt to guarantee a
reliable supply and a robust mix. This makes it difcult for the supplier of SCC to enter
into a realistic contract.
Sampling methods and rates, selection of test methods, determination of
responsibility for the testing and authorisation of any future mix adjustments or other
steps following a non-conformity are required to be established and agreed by all
parties involved ahead of the commencement of works. Inappropriate sampling can
lead to a completely erroneous test result, even when the testing itself was carried out
exactly as prescribed.
Potential suppliers of SCC are not yet all adequately trained; nor do they possess
sufcient direct experience in the production and delivery of SCC. It may be difcult to
check in advance if a prospective supplier does have the necessary know-how.
Mix design for SCC can be carried out successfully in several different ways. However,
the procedures available do not extend beyond fresh properties and link poorly with
the essential properties of hardened SCC (strength, durability).
There is work in progress towards classication of properties of fresh SCCs. However,
it will take some time before any such early proposals are veried or modied to
reect substantial experience.
Materials with less than optimum properties may be used successfully for the
production of SCC. However, such materials require special measures during the
production of SCC and its assessment. This includes porous, absorbent aggregates,
which may lead to unreliable results of tests for fresh properties.

10 Current limitations and potential pitfalls

Suppliers with inadequate facilities for storage and batching of ne llers/additions

may attempt to substitute them with cement, with all the adverse consequences of
grossly excessive cement contents.
The cost of SCC tends to rise greatly when it is introduced into a project as an
emergency measure, after the proposed use of TVC has proved to be impractical or
impossible. Such cases promote a perception of SCC as a very high-price material and
hinder its wider general acceptance.

Further research and development 11

11. Further research and development

The introduction of self-compacting concrete is stimulating an overall revision of

concrete technology, including reviews of long-established relationships, rules and

The list below indicates the current focus of research and development, which cannot be
exhaustive and which is subject to continuous change, in the following areas:

Standardisation of testing methods for fresh SCC, referred to in this document

Identication of rational and practice-supported classes of performance of fresh SCC
Relaxation of requirements for dust-free aggregate for concrete, permitting the
exploitation of quarry dusts and other inorganic ne-grained wastes as an ingredient
of SCC mixes
Fundamental research into the formation of concrete surfaces in order to obtain an
understanding of why perfect SCC surfaces are sometimes obtained. This goes beyond
a simple parametric study of a combination of different formwork materials and
different mixes
Novel methods of mixing SCC, which very signicantly reduce energy requirements,
increase productivity and improve working environments
Fundamental research into the rheology of SCC mixes and links between empirical
results and basic properties (viscosity, yield stress); theoretical numerical modelling.

Research continues towards guidance for low-cost, general purpose, medium-strength

SCC from local (UK) materials, with an aim to facilitate acceptance of SCC in everyday
concrete practice carried out by small- to medium-sized builders and contractors.

Research and ad-hoc studies into many specic aspects of hardened concrete are also
being carried out or considered in order to conrm that the well-established rules and
relationships for traditional vibrated concrete still apply for concretes that tend to have
SCC-type compositions (more nes, less coarse aggregate). This includes tensile and
shear strength, creep etc.

12 References

12. References
1 BARTOS, P J M & CLELAND, D J (eds). Special concrete: Workability and mixing. London. E & FN Spon, March 1993. 288
2 BARTOS, P J M, CLELAND, D J & MARRS D L (eds). Production methods and workability of concrete. London. E & FN
Spon, June 1996. 541 pp.
3 PETERSSON O, BILLBERG P et al. Viberingsfri betong for brogjutningar enligt Bro 94. Stockholm. CBI Report, 1999 (in
4 LUKAS J. New steelconcrete composite footbridge built using high-strength self-compacting concrete. Beton. No. 4,
2004. pp 2931 (in Czech).
5 GRAUERS M et al. Rational production and improved working environment through using self-compacting concrete. Brite-
EuRam Contract No. BRPR-CT96-0366. 19972000.
6 HAYAKAWA, M. Development and application of super workable concrete. In: Bartos, P J M & Cleland, D J (eds).
Special concrete: Workability and mixing. London. E & FN Spon, 1993. pp 183190.
7 PETERSSON, O, BILLBERG, P & OSTERBERG, T. Applications of self-compacting concrete for bridge castings. In: Ouchi,
M et al. (eds). Proceedings of the Internationall Workshop on Self-compacting Concrete. Japan. Kochi University of
Technology, August 1998. pp 318327.
8 PETERSSON, O & SKARENDAHL, A (eds). Self-compacting concrete. Cachan. RILEM Publications s.a.r.l., 2000.
9 HOLTON I. Self-compacting concrete. Watford. BRE Centre for Concrete Construction, Feb 2004.
10 BARTOS, P J M & GRAUERS, M. Self-compacting concrete, Concrete. Vol. 3 No. 4, April 1999. pp 914.
11 BARTOS, P J M, GIBBS, J C et al. Testing SCC. EC growth contract GRD2-2000-30024 (see:
12 GRUNEWALD, S. Performance based design of self-compacting bre reinforced concrete. PhD thesis. Delft, the
Netherlands. University of Delft, May 2004. 166 pp.
13 BILLBERG, P. Form pressure generated by self-compacting concrete. In: Wallevik, O & Nielsen, I (eds). Self-compacting
concrete, Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium, Reykjavik. RILEM s.a.r.l., Aug 2003. pp 271280.
14 BARTOS, P. Fresh concrete: Workability and tests. Amsterdam. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992. 308 pp.
15 BARTOS, P. Workability of owing concrete: Assessment by a Free Orice Rheometer. Concrete. Vol. 12, No. 10. Oct
1978, pp 2830.
16 BARTOS, P J M, SONEBI, M & TAMIMI, A K. Workability and rheology of concrete: Compendium of tests. Paris. RILEM
Publications s.a.r.l., 2002. 127 pp.
17 BARTOS, P J M. An appraisal of the Orimet test as a method for on-site assessment of fresh SCC concrete. In: Ouchi, M
(ed.). Proceedings of International Workshop on Self-Compacting Concrete. Kochi, Japan. Aug 1998, pp 121135.
18 ROONEY, M & BARTOS P J M. Development of the settlement column segregation test for fresh self-compacting
concrete (SCC). In: Ozawa, K & Ouchi, M (eds). Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on SCC. Tokyo,
Japan. 2001. pp 109116.
19 ROONEY, M. Assessment of the properties of fresh self-compacting concrete with reference to aggregate segregation.
PhD Thesis. Paisley. ACM Centre, University of Paisley, 2002. 250 pp.
20 VAN, B K, MONTGOMERY, D G, HINCZAK, I & TURNER, K. Rapid testing methods for segregation resistance and
lling ability of self-compacting concrete. In: Malhotra, V M (ed.). Proceedings of the Fourth CANMET/ACI/JCI
International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology. Tokushima, Japan. ACI SP-179-6, 1998. pp
21 Association Franaise de Gnie Civil. Btons Auto-Plaants Recommandations provisoires. Documents scientiques et
techniques. July 2000. 63 pp.
22 SONEBI, M & BARTOS, P J M. Filling ability and plastic settlement of self-compacting concrete. Materials and
Structures. Vol. 35, No. 252. SeptOct 2002. pp 462469.
23 ZHU, W & BARTOS, P J M. Permeation properties of self-compacting concrete. Cement and Concrete Research. No. 6.
2003. pp 921926.
24 VITEK, J L & CERVENKA, V. Creep of self-compacting concrete. In: Proceedings of 10th Concrete Days. Pardubice. Czech
Concrete Society, Dec 2003. pp 7378. ISBN 80-239-1840-0 (in Czech).
25 BILLBERG, P. Self-compacting concrete for civil engineering structures the Swedish experience. Stockholm. CBI. Report
2:99, 1999, 77 pp.
26 ZHU, W & BARTOS P J M. Micromechanical properties of the interfacial bond in self-compacting concrete. In: Balasz,
G, Bartos, P J M, Borsonyi, A & Cairns, J (eds). Bond in concrete: From research to standards. Budapest. Budapest
University Press, Nov 2002. pp 387394.
27 BARTOS, P J M & CECHURA, J. Improvement of working environment in concrete construction by the use of self-
compacting concrete. Structural Concrete. Vol. 2, No. 3, Sept 2001. pp 127133.
28 13286/188/ EEC. COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 12 May 1986 on the Protection of workers from the risk related to exposure
to noise at work. Ofcial Journal of the European Communities. No. L 137, 24 May 1986. pp 2834.
29 SONEBI, M. Optimisation of mix design for medium strength self-compacting concrete. EPSRC project GR/R75229/01.
30 HOLTON, I et al. Performance and technology of self-compacting concrete. BRE. DTI project 2117, Building Research
Establishment, Garston, 20012004.
31 DRANSFIELD, J et al. Personal communication. Joint Project Group for European SCC Guidelines, EFNARC, ERMCO,
EFCA and BIBM. Dec 2004.
32 GIBBS, J C, BARTOS, P J M et al. Testing-SCC: Draft nal report. EC Growth project. Contract GRD2-2000-30024. Nov
2004 (see:

References 12

British Standards referred to in the text.

BS EN 206-1: 2000. Concrete. Specication, performance, production and conformity.
BS EN 934-2: 1998. Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Concrete admixtures. Denitions and requirements.
BS EN 12620: 2002. Aggregates for concrete.
BS EN 12350: 2000. Testing fresh concrete.

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With a membership that includes all sectors involved in the concrete bridge
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programme of bridge assessment, strengthening and widening is already underway
to accommodate European standards and the increasing pressures on the UK road
network. The Group provides an excellent vehicle for the industry to co-ordinate
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Integral bridges Technical Guide 1
A report of a study visit in August 1997 by a CBDG delegation to North America, sponsored by the DTI (1997)
Guide to testing and monitoring of durability of concrete structures Technical Guide 2
A practical guide for bridge owners and designers (2002)
The use of bre composites in concrete bridges Technical Guide 3
A state-of-the-art review of the use of bre composites (2000)
The aesthetics of concrete bridges Technical Guide 4
A technical guide dealing with the appearance and aesthetics of concrete bridges (2001)
Fast construction of concrete bridges Technical Guide 5
The report of a Concrete Group Working Party (2005)
High strength concrete in bridge construction Technical Guide 6
This report gives an overview of the issues related to the use of high strength concrete (2005)
You can buy the above publications from the Concrete Bookshop and please visit for further publications, including free downloads.

Lightweight concrete in bridge construction Technical Guide 8
To be written by Philip Bamforth


Self-compacting Concrete in Bridge Construction

Self-compacting Concrete in Bridge Construction: Guide for design and construction

The introduction of self-compacting concrete to the UK has had a

huge impact on the bridge industry and has been welcomed as a
positive innovation. Although still in its infancy, its merits have
been widely recognised and it is being used successfully in a variety
of applications in both substructure and superstructure.
Contractors in particular have been quick to understand the value it

Concrete Bridge Development Group

can offer.

Written by Professor Peter Bartos, Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering

and former Director of the Advanced Concrete and Masonry Centre and the
Scottish Centre for Nanotechnology in Construction Materials at the
University of Paisley and Past President of the Concrete Society, this
publication focuses on all aspects of using SCC in concrete bridges.
Commencing with introductions on the history and other uses of SCC, the
chapters include:

Materials for SCC

Production and construction process
Properties of fresh SCC (description and assessment)
Properties of hardened SCC
Specication and conformity testing
Current limitations and potential pitfalls
Further research and development

Benets of SCC explored in this title include quality, economy and increased
health and safety benets.

Published July 2005
ISBN 1 904482 20 1
Concrete Bridge Development Group
Riverside House, 4 Meadows Business Park,
Station Approach, Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey GU17 9AB
Tel: +44 (0)1276 33777 Fax: +44 (0)1276 38899

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