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Zygote: Fertilized egg (about 20 hours after insemination)

2 cell embryo (about 20 hours after insemination)

4 cell embryo (about 48 hours after insemination)
8 cell embryo (about 72 hours after insemination)
Morula: 16-32 cell embryo (about 96 hours after insemination)
Blastocyst stage embryo (about 115 hours after insemination)

Pre-fertilization week 1 Ovarian follicle development, menstrual phase

Pre-fertilization week 2 Ovarian follicle development complete, proliferative
Week 1 Blastocyst formation, implantation begins, secretory phase
Week 2 Embryonic disc formation, maternal blood supply begins
Week 3 Primitive streak formation, neural plate is evident
Week 4 Otic pit, limb bud, and heart begins to beat
Week 5 Primitive mouth, eye formation
Week 6 Otic and nasal cavities, lip and nose, digital rays formed
Week 7 Eyelid formation, genital tubercle
Week 8 Upper limbs longer and jointed, distinct fingers, sexual differentiation
Week 9 Fetal period begins, further sexual development
Week 10 Face has human profile, chin growth

The development of the human embryo

The time table of human development, taken from a standard human embryology text
(often used in medical school anatomy classes), Langman, Medical Embryology,
Williams and Wilkins Press:
While some of this is technical, there is still information of value here.


*day 1 fertilization process - sperm enters egg, conception occurs.

*day 2 two cell stage (30 hours), 4 cell stage (40 hours)- if a cell falls off the
cluster, it can develop into another embryo plus placenta, i.e, identical twin)
This image was borrowed without permission
from the Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago
who specialize in in-vitro fertilization for those
who are having difficulty conceiving

A magnified high quality human blastocyst

The developing fetus itself is the area marked
as "ICM" (inner cell mass)
The blastocyst cavity in the center is marked
as "C"
The trophectoderm cells that will form the
placenta surround the cavity - one is marked
with a "T"

*day 3 morula (solid ball of cells)

*day 4 early blastocyst (ball of cell forms a small central cavity - cells are now
committed to becoming either placental cells or embryo cells, though they can't be
recognized as such)

*day 6-7 implantation starts. Group of cells at one pole of the cyst lining is now
recognizable as the embryonic precursor tissue.

*day 8 two-layer disc of embryonic tissue

*days 8-12 conceptus gradually covered by maternal tissue, maternal placenta bed
vessels expand, placental primitive vessels start to form

*day 13 uteroplacental circulation begins

*day 14 embryonic disc forms "primitive streak," from which a third layer of
embryonic cells emerge

Menstruation is now due.

*day 15 three-layer embryonic disc complete

*day 17 notochord forms (axial scaffold later replaced by spinal column)

*day 19 top layer of disc (ectoderm) forms a central flat strip (neural plate) that
is the nervous system precursor

*day 20 middle layer of disc (mesoderm) starts partitioning into segments called
somites, which will later become ribs, muscles, etc.

*days 20-23 neural plate rolls into a tube and sinks below the surface of the
ectoderm. This tube will form the spinal cord and brain eventually.

Menstruation now 1 week late

*days 21-22 heart tube forms (yes, a simple tube). Other vessels and blood cells
also form at this time.

Menstruation now 2 weeks late - 28 days from conception

*days 28-31 arm, leg, and tail buds form. These look like flippers. Endoderm layer
gives rise to lung, liver buds.

Menstruation now 3 weeks late

*week 5 kidney buds form. Eye and lens buds form in association. Heart tube folds
and forms the four chambers. Heart now beating.

Menstruation now 4 weeks late

*week 6 "indifferent" gonads form, having no male or female characteristics at this
time. External genitalia also indistinguishable. Hand and foot plates start to
separate the fingers and toes.

Menstruation now 6 weeks late

*week 8 lung buds continue to branch. Gonads now distinguishable as ovary or
testis. Eyes, nostrils, mouth identifiable externally. Primitive uterus and
fallopian tubes form.

*** By the end of the 8th week, all major organs have their basic forms. The rest
of development is required to make the organs functional. Most major anatomic birth
defects are caused by damage during the 3rd to 8th week of gestation.
This is why it is so important, when using herbs to terminate pregnancy, if they
should fail, to follow up with a clinical abortion. As you can see, in the first
few weeks of pregnancy are vital to the survival of the developing child, if any of
these processes are disrupted, as by herbs or other substances, the risk of birth
defects is pronounced, from these few cells comes all the groundwork for the future
person, the foundation for the major organs, brain and spinal column are laid at
this time.

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