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433-522 Internet Technologies

Tutorial: Network Fundamentals

1. An alternative to a LAN is simply a big 104, 857.6 sec, or slightly more than 29 hours to
timesharing system with terminals for all users. inspect them all.
Give two advantages of a client-server system
5. A disadvantage of a broadcast subnet is the
using a LAN.
capacity wasted when multiple hosts attempt to
Answer: The LAN can be grown access the channel at the same time. As a
incrementally. If the the LAN is just a long simpistic example, suppose that time is divided
cable, it cannot be brought down by a single into discrete slots with each of the n hosts
failure (if the servers are replicated). It is attempting to use the channel with probability
probably cheaper. It provides more computing p during each slot. What fraction of slots are
power and better interactive interfaces. wasted due to collisions?

2. Besides bandwidth and latency, what other Answer: Distinguish n + 2 events. Events 1
parameter is needed to give a good through n consists of the corresponding host
characterisation of the quality of service offered successfully attempting to use the channel, i. e. ,
by a network used for digitised voice traffic. without a collision. The probability of each of
these events is p(1 p) . Event n + 1 is an
Answer: A uniform delivery time is needed idle channel, with probability (1 p) . Event
for voice, so the amount of jitter in the network n + 2 is a collision. Since these n + 2 events are
is important. This could be expressed as the exhaustive, their probabilities must sum to
standard deviation of the delivery time. Having unity. The probability of a collision, which is
short delay but large variability is actually worse equal to the fraction of slots wasted, is then just
n1 n
than a somewhat longer delay and low 1 np(1 p) (1 p) .
6. What are two reasons for using layered
3. A client-server system uses a satellite network, protocols?
with the satellite at a height of 40, 000 km.
What is the best case delay in respose to a Answer: Among other reasons for using
request? layered protocols, using them leads to breaking
up the design problem into smaller, more
Answer: The request has to go up and down, managable pieces, and layering means that the
and the response has to go up and down. The protocols can be changed without affecting higher
total path length traversed is thus 160, 000 km. to lower ones.
The speed of light in air and vacuum is 300, 000 7. The Internet is roughly doubling in size every
km/sec, so the propagation delay alone is 18 months. Although no one really knows for
160, 000/300, 000 sec or about 533 msec. sure, one estimate put the number of hosts on it
4. A collection of five routers is to be connected to at 100 million in 2001. Use these data to
a point-to-point subnet. Between each pair of compute the expected number of Internet hosts
routers, the designers may put a high speed in the year 2010. Do you believe this? Explain
line, a medium speed line, a low speed line, or why or why not.
no line. If it takes 100 ms of computer time to
Answer: Doubling every 18 months means a
generate and inspect each topology, how long
factor of four gain every 3 years. In 9 years, the
will it take to inspect all of them?
gain is then 43 or 64, leading to 6.4 billion
Answer: Call the routers A, B, C, D, and E. hosts.
There are ten potential lines: AB, AC, AD, 8. List two advantages and two disadvatages of
AE, BC, BD, BE, CD, CE and DE. Each of having international standards for network
these has four possibilities (three speeds or no protocols.
line), so the total number of topologies is
410 = 1, 048, 576. At 100 ms each, it takes Answer: One advantage is that if everyone

433-522 Internet Technologies

uses the standard, everyone can talk to methods are dicovered. Also, by the time it has
everyone. Another is the widespread use of any been accepted, it may be obsolete.
standard will give its economies of scale, as with
VLSI chips. A disadvantage is that the political 9. Which of the OSI layers handles each of the
compromises necessary to achieve following: a) Dividing the transmitted bit
standardisation frequently lead to poor stream into frames. b) Determining which route
standards. Another disadvantage is that once a through the subnet to use.
standard has been widely adopted, it is difficult
Answer: a) Data link layer, b) Network layer.
to change, even if new and better techniques or

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