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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : XII (Dua belas)
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu : 90 Menit

1. Tulis nama lengkap, kelas, nomor peserta, ruang, mata pelajaran serta guru mata pelajaran pada
lembar jawaban
2. Kerjakan semua soal dengan cermat dan teliti.
3. Tidak mengerjakan jawaban dengan menggunakan pensil, spidol.
4. Periksalah kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

I. Put a cross (X) to the right answer!

1. Receptionist : Fadara Tour and Travel. How can I help you?

Lucy : I want to reserve a train to Surabaya, please
A. table B. double bed C. ticket D. seat E. chair
2. Receptionist : Adara restaurant. May I help you?
Dara : I would like to book a for two, please
A. table B. double bed C. ticket D. seat E. chair
3. Receptionist : Good morning, Grande Hotel. ?
Kayla : Id like a double room please
A. May I help you. B. May I see you C. May I call you.
D. May I go with you. E. May you help me.
4. X : ________________________________________
Y: Certainly, could you tell me your flight number?
A. Im afraid theres no more seats left D. How can I help you?
B. Id like to confirm my flight to Jakarta. E. Could I book 2 tables, please
C. Im sorry, there is no flight to Jakarta tomorrow
5. X : ________________________________________
Y: Of course, Sir. Could you tell me your name, please?
A. Id like to confirm my ticket reservation. D. May I help you?
B. Id like to confirm your arrival. E. Could you tell me your name?
C. there is no flight to Jakarta tomorrow
6. We'll ________________ in the International speech contest next year
A. competing B. to compete C. competed
D. competes E. compete
7. She will _____________ her holiday in Lombok next month
A. spent B. spending C. spend D. to spend E. spends
8. Will he ____________ to the party tonight?
A. comes B. came C. come D. to come E. coming
9. They ___________ at home tomorrow.
A. will B. will be C. is D. are E. am
10 I wish Mikha . here now to help me type the report.
A. is B. were C. would be D. will be E. had been
11. I wish you .tomorrow.
A. have gone B. will go C. would go D. shall go E. are going to go
12. Its a pity she didnt study harder, so she didnt pass her exam last year.
I wish ..
A. she had studied harder B. she studied C. she was studying harder
D. she didnt study harder E. she would study harder
No 13 17 are based on the following text!
How to Clean Your Digital Camera
First, clean the body of the camera. Wipe any dust on the camera, using compressed air,
an air blower or a dry cloth. Dont use anything like window cleaning liquid, which might
damage your digital camera. Remember not to use anything that contains chemicals or oils
when cleaning the camera.
After cleaning the body, you can clean the camera lens. Use a soft cloth to wipe the lens.
Only use lens cleaning fluid to clean the lens on your digital camera. Dont forget to wipe the
lens cap for any dust. Then clean the image sensor. Use an air blower to remove the dust. Dont
use compressed air or anything like window cleaning liquid to clean the sensor.
Finally, clean the inside of the camera. Open up your camera, use an air blower to clean
the inside of the camera for any dust.
13. What is the first step of cleaning a digital camera?
A. Clean the camera body D. Clean the lens
B. Clean the image sensor E. Clean the inside part of the camera
C. Clean the sensor
14. What is the next step after cleaning the body of the camera?
A. Clean the image sensor D. Clean the inside part of the camera
B. Wipe the lens cap E. Clean the lens
C. Wipe the cap
15. What is used to clean the image sensor?
A. Air blower B. Dry cloth C. Soft cloth D. Compressed air E. Water
16. The synonym of the word damage in the text is
A. ruin B. clean C. keep D. blow E. air
17. The antonym of the word remove in the text is
A. ruin B. clean C. keep D. blow E. air
No 18 21 are based on the following text!

1. Buy a ticket before entering the gate.

2. Leave all your belongings before entering the building.
3. Do not eat, drink and smoke in the building.
4. Turn off your audio or tape recorder.
5. Touching the antiques is prohibited.
6. Do not take any pictures of the antiques.
18. What is the text about?
A. Rules for museum visitors D. Problems with the antiques
B. Services offered in the museum E. Rules of the building
C. Rules of a school
19. The following are the rules mentioned in the text above, except
A. Dont eat B. Dont touch the antiques C. Dont smoke
D. Turn on the radio E. Dont take any pictures of the antiques

20. What is used to clean the image sensor?

A. Air blower B. Dry cloth C. Soft cloth D. Compressed air E. Water
21. The synonym of the word damage in the text is
A. ruin B. clean C. keep D. blow E. air
17. The antonym of the word remove in the text is
A. ruin B. clean C. keep D. blow E. air

II. Complete the dialogs with the right expressions in the box!
Dialog 1
Woman : Good afternoon, Yellow bird Airline. May I help you?
Man : Yes, 16. ______________________ my reservation for the first flight tomorrow.
Woman : 17. __________________________ , please?
Man : Its Herlambang. Bayu Herlambang.
Woman: 18. _________________________________, Sir?
Man: The flight number is YB 0047
Woman : All right, let me check it for you, Mr Herlambang. Yes, we are pleased to inform you
that your business class ticket from Jakarta to Bali for October 14, 2015 has been
confirmed. The flight number is YB 0047, and the departure time is 7 A.M. Is that
correct, sir?
Man : Yes, it is Thank you very much.
Woman : 19. ____________________.

Dialog 2
Receptionis: Hello good morning sir, ?may I help you ?
Guest: Yes, 20. ________________________
Receptionist: when will your flight be?
Guest: Tomorrow, my flight is scheduled tomorrow and 21. _______________________ to
the next 2 days. Can you change it?
Receptionist: one moment please, may I see your flight number sir?
Guest: oh, yes. Here it is
Receptionist: One moment Please... Ok, Sir, the schedule for your flight with number B758 is
already changed to the next 2 days.
Guest: Ok, thank you
Receptionist: Youre Welcome

Dialog 3
Mariona: Hi Claudia. I've got a new DVD.22. ________________________________?
Claudia : Yeah, of course. When?
Mariona: 23. ________________________________?
Claudia : Sorry! I'm busy. I'm going to finish my homework at Martinas house that day.
Mariona: well, how about Saturday? I'm free on Saturday afternoon. What about you?
Claudia : Ok 24. __________________________
Mariona: Great. Let's meet on Saturday, then. Do you want to come around at four oclock to
my house?
Claudia : 25. _____________________________

A. Youre welcome D. May I cancel my flight?

B. May I know your name E. How about on Friday this week
C. Yes, all right. See you then F. Id like to confirm
D. Do you want to watch it with me G. that sounds great
E. Could you tell me your flight number H. I would like to change it

III. Change the verb in the bracket into the correct form!
26. He would buy a new car if he __________________ (have) much money.
27. If he had received your SMS, He __________________ (come) right away.
28. If she had had vacation last week, she ____________________ (go) to Bali.
29. If I were sick, I __________________ (see) the doctor.
30. I __________________ (travel) around the world if I were a millionaire.
31. The garden is very dry. I wish the rainy season already ___________________ (begin).
32. I am hungry. I wish someone ______________ (can) bring me some food.
33. Hendras party was great last night. But I didnt attend it. I wish I _______________________
(go) to the party.
34. Our classroom is very hot. I wish we ________________ (have) AC in the room.
35. The basketball competition was exciting last week. I wish I _______________________ (take)
part in the competition.

IV. Complete the following reservation form!

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