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(FUVEST 2014 - Primeira Fase)

To live the longest and healthiest life possible, get smarter. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

(IHME) data show that past a certain threshold, health and wealth are just weakly correlated. However,

overall health is closely tied to how many years people spend in school. Mexico, for instance, has a fifth

the per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of the United States, but, for women, more than 50 percent

of the latters schooling.

In line with the trend, Mexicos female adult mortality rate is only narrowly higher. Vietnam and Yemen

have roughly equivalent per capita GDP. Yet Vietnamese women average 6.3 more years in school and

are half as likely to die between the ages of 15 and 60. Economic growth is also significantly associated

with child mortality reductions, but the magnitude of the association is much smaller than that of increased

education, comments Emmanuela Gakidou, IHMEs director of education and training. One year of

schooling gives you about 10 percent lower mortality rates, whereas with a 10 percent increase in GDP,

your mortality rate would go down only by 1 to 2 percent.

Discover, May 31, 2013. Adaptado.

1) De acordo como texto, about 10 percent lower mortality rates resultado de:
a) 10 percent increase in GDP.
b) child mortality reductions.
c) equivalent per capita GDP.
d) economic growth.
e) one year of schooling.

2) No texto, ao se comparar o Mxico aos Estados Unidos, afirma-se que, no Mxico,

a) o produto interno bruto equivalente a 50% do produto interno bruto dos Estados Unidos.
b) os ndices de mortalidade adulta vm crescendo, nos ltimos anos.
c) as mulheres representam 50% da populao escolrizada.
d) as taxas de mortalidade feminina adulta so pouco superiores s norte-americanas.
e) as polticas educacionais so suficientes e esto defsadas.
3) O argumento central do texto o de que nveis mais altos de escolaridade esto diretamente relacionados a
a) ndices mais baixos de mortalidade.
b) crescimento econmico acentuado.
c) mais empregos para as mulheres.
d) menores taxas de natalidade.
e) melhorias nos servios de sade.


quando uma pergunta est dentro de uma d) When did you visit her?
outra pergunta ou afirmao. Vejamos um
exemplo em portugus: Onde ele mora?
e) Where do you live?
(pergunta direta)
Voc sabe onde ele mora? (pergunta
indireta) 2) II) Indirect questions podem ser feitas
I) Direct questions normalmente comeam
com: What, why, how, when, where, Which, a) Can you tell me what you do?
b) Could you tell me why you call her?
a) What do you do?
c) Id like to know how much it is.
b) Why do you call her?
d) Id be interested to hear about...
c) How much is it?
Exerccios de reported speech

1. Complete as frases abaixo com a alternativa correta

a) She asked me ______________________________(what my favorite color was / what my favorite
color is)
b) He told me _________________________________(Im hungry/ he was hungry)
c) Jack said ___________________________________ (I dont like coffee/ me I dont like coffee)
d) I asked her if she ___________________________(can help me/ could help me)
e) Mary asked _________________________________(wheres the cat?/ where the cat is)
f) Hes asking you _____________________________(whats your name/ what your name is)
g) He wants to know__________________________ (if you are tired/if are you tired)

2. Aponte o erro das frase abaixo (caso exista).

a) He asked me if I have fed the dogs, before feeding them.
b) Jack asked: Do you want me to come?
c) Two days a go, Mary asked me what I want.
d) He said: I love you
e) Jack has said to me he doesnt want to work today.
f) She asked me where the neariest bus stop was.

3. Transforme as frases abaixo de direct speech para reported speech

a) Are you tired?
_________________________ (use: he asked if)
b) Where are you from?
_________________________ (use: he asked.)
c) He asked: does she want water or juice?
_________________________ (use: he asked if)
d) He said: when will they come?
_________________________ (use: he asked when.)
e) He said: where are you going?
_________________________ (use: he asked where.)
f) He asked: are you hungry?
_________________________ (use: he asked me if.)

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