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Heber Valley Elementary

Mastery Report Card Key Points

What is the purpose of the report card?

The report card will more clearly communicate student academic achievements, learning skills, and
growth over time. It will inform students, parents and guardians about how well students have learned the
content and give parents and teachers the tools to better help children succeed.
This report card is designed to communicate:
Mastery of academic standards in language arts and math,
Learning skills that support academic success; and
Growth over time on grade-level benchmarks in language arts and math.
What is Standards-Based Grading?
Standards-Based Grading tells parents how well students understand the Utah academic
standards. It measures student mastery of well-defined course objectives.
Heber Valley Elementary
Tarjeta de informe de maestra Puntos clave

Cul es el propsito de la boleta de calificaciones?

La boleta de calificaciones comunicar ms claramente los logros acadmicos de los estudiantes, las habilidades de aprendizaje y el
crecimiento a lo largo del tiempo. Informar a los estudiantes, padres y tutores sobre qu tan bien los estudiantes han aprendido el
contenido y les dar a los padres y maestros las herramientas para ayudarlos a tener xito.
Este boletn de calificaciones est diseado para comunicarse:
Dominio de estndares acadmicos en artes del lenguaje y matemticas,
Habilidades de aprendizaje que apoyan el xito acadmico; y
Crecimiento a lo largo del tiempo en puntos de referencia de nivel de grado en artes del lenguaje y matemticas.

Qu es una calificacin basada en estndares?

Gra La calificacin basada en los estndares les dice a los padres qu tan bien los estudiantes entienden los estndares
acadmicos de Utah. Mide el dominio del estudiante de los objetivos del curso bien definidos.

Mastery definition: Student demonstrates on 3 or more data points an 80% or greater proficiency rate, consistently over time

Mastery is scoring 80% consistently over time

applying the concept independently
observable on informal and formal data points
looking at reliable patterns utilizing median and the mode; ignoring the mean (average)
Mastery is not an average
based on homework
demonstrated in one sitting or event
one data point
A data point is information collected on a skill that is observable and measurable
Data point examples and Pearson Realize assessments
considerations Teacher observations
DIBELS progress monitoring
Exit tickets
Oral responses
Writing prompts
Student self-assessments

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