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Lesson Planner

Date: Nov 29, 2017 (Revised Mar 10.2017) Lesson: Basketball Grade: 9 Class: Period 1

Movement Fitness Safety Personal and Healthy Lifestyle

Management Social Practices

K.1.S1.C.1 K.2.S1.C.1c K.3.S1.B.5b K.4.S1.B.2b

K.2.S1.C.3 S.3.S1.A.1
*Underlined text is new literacy focused ideas*

Entry Routine Time: Prior to start of class

Students sign up with their initials on a clip board
Check the white board for the daily lesson, Physical Education specific announcements,
and an activity to start playing until the class starts
Review the success criteria and learning intentions of that unit located on the white board
Walk past the word wall/ infographics space in the gymnasium to look over new

Activating Activity (Entry Activity) - Warm-up - Time: 10 min

Learning/Teach Strategies
o Dynamic Warm Up -Run forwards, backwards, jump jack shuffles, skipping
forwards, backwards, sideways, A, B, Cs, forward/side lunge jump stops
o Students speak the names of the warm up exercises they are performing
o Share what muscles each stretch is activating
Teach Notes
o - No Equipment, line up on the baseline, Arm width apart, Producing the
movements that will be seen in a basketball game
o Review which stretch activated with muscles, have students repeat the words back

Acquiring Activity - Time: 20 min

Learning/Teach Strategies
o Teach the lines on the court
- Have students walk on the lines and speak the name out loud
o Triple Threat hip to hip, shoulder to shoulder, hip to shoulder
o Partner keep away, No pivoting
o Partner passing R/L chest, bounce, behind back, no look
- Reference pass names on word wall
o Passing star name game Call individuals name when passing
Teach Notes
o Basketball for a pair of students. Pair off, standing across from partner on baseline
o Stand 1 large step away from partner, set up 5 spots, 4 players, passing calling a
students name
o Move ball from Triple Threat spots, keeping away from partner. Use appropriate
pass reading the middle students positioning

Applying Activity - Time: 25 min

Learning/Teach Strategies
o Monkey in the middle (3 people per group)
o Ultimate basketball Change the ball size (tennis, basketball, exercise ball/beach
ball), and the passing hands (R/L chest, bounce)
Teach Notes
o Progression 3 out 2 in, 4 out 3 in, 5 out 4 in. (Find the open man.
o Rules: Only use passes that are practiced, not turning back to opponent, tipped,
dropped or missed passes are turnover
o 1 Basketball needed, scoring player catches a pass in the end zone area

Closure - Time: 5 min

Learning/Teach Strategies
o Review: Different passes, triple threat positions
o Students provide examples of appropriate situations examples of each pass.
Teach Notes
o circle around teacher

Assessment Strategies
Learning/Teach Strategies
o Self-Assessment out of 4
- Demonstrate: Proper triple threat positions, use different passes in
appropriate situations, not stating the ball
o Exit Slip List the three actions a player can perform when holding the ball in
Triple Threat Position Reference Word Wall
Teach Notes
1- Minimal knowledge and ability of movements
2- Moderate knowledge and ability of movements
3- Significant knowledge and ability of movements
4- Excellent knowledge and ability of movements

Learning/Teach Strategies
o Odd number of participants
o Half the gym available 3 hoops
o Small teams, rotating students on the floor
Literacy Rich Classroom
My literacy rich classroom includes a whiteboard that shares information such as, the
components of the activities for that class, physical education announcements, and
instruction to an activating activity.
Literacy is enhanced using word sorts for each unit. These words sorts are categorized
further in related terms that provide context for comprehension.
Word sorts are built together to create word walls that are frame work of the course
curriculum for the school year.
My classroom is visually stimulating using technology, colored images, quotes, posters
and infographics that enhance course content.

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