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Grapevine communication

development of

types of communication

on the basis of no of

on the basis of direction

of flow

models of communication
types of listening

7 Cs of communication
communication barriers

interpersonal barriers -

noise barriers -
the word has come from latin word communis and communicare which means to share or to make common
a process of information transmission governed by three levels of semiotic rules (syntactic, pragmatic and semantic)
a social interaction where at least two interacting agents share a common set of signs and a common set of semiotic rules

To hear something through the grapevine is to learn of something informally and unofficially by means of gossip and rumour.
The usual implication is that the information was passed person to person by word of mouth, perhaps in a confidential manner
colleagues. It can also imply an overheard conversation or anonymous sources of information. For instance "I heard through th
was getting fired."

chronology - the age of signs and symbol, speech and language, age of writing, of printing, of mass communication

verbal(spoken written) - oral massage between sender and receiver

non-verbal - voice quality, speaking style, prosodic features, handwriting style, arrangement of words
kinesis - body language, facial gestures, eye contact, touch
proxemics - regulation of social distances

intrapersonal - a mans thinking process within himself

interpersonal - between two individuals
group - extention of interpersonal communication there are more than 2 individual
mass - communicating with mass audience with mass media.

downward - from superior to subordinates

upward - lower levels of hierarchy to the upper levels
horizontal - among the person of equal status
shannon model - information => transmitter => signal(channel,semantic noise) => receiver => destination
noise - distortions which are not the part of the transmitted message


The transmission model is concerned with the transfer of meaning from the sender to the
receiver. Communication is a one way process.

Berlo's focus remained on the transmission model of communication. However, he
introduced more of the human elements, such as the relationship between the message
channel and the five senses. Effective communication involves both the sender and the
receiver. The sender must be as clear as possible and the receiver must signal
understanding or clarification. It involves both content and relationship elements
Content = message, idea
relationship = emotions, power, status
personal Encoding and decoding are based on a person's perception of the world.
The transmission model was subsequently adapted to form the process models in which
people transmit, receive, interpret and respond to messages with feedback. The process
models have seven main elements:
Context or setting (environment)
Noise or interference
in the process models, a message is encoded by the sender through a communication
channel, such as voice or body language, and then decoded by the receiver. The receiver
then provides feedback. The process is influenced by the context of the situation and any
noise or interference.
active - listener encourages share of info and feelings
passive - key not speaker who does talking in education mode
reflective - acknowledging the feeling more than a content such as worried upset confused
clarity, completeness, coherence, conciseness, consideration, correctness, continuity

physical - door are closed too much distance

perceptual barriers - when you know that the person is not going to understand what you say
emotional barriers - one can communicate clearly without becoming overly in emotions
cultural barriers - different cultures
language barriers - when communicator are receiver are from different language groups
semantic barriers - words paragraph puntuation usage make a big difference as - no, price is too high. no the price is too high

poor timing, inappropriate channel, insufficient and improper communication, physical distraction, organizational factors, infor
network breakdown

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