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This research is aimed to analyze the household economics of rubber farmers Ex UPP TSCDP.

To answer
the purpose of research used descriptive analysis and econometric approach with a model of
simultaneous equations using Two Stage Least Square (2SLS). The results of this research are household
rubber farmers allocate more time working on rubber farming is 1268.8 hours / year (67.34%) and 622.3
hours / year (32.66%) was allocated to working outside of rubber farming. Rubber farmer household
income comes from more of rubber farming is Rp.18.684.884,0 / year while outside the rubber farming
worth Rp.11.041.624,0 / year. Household expenditure rubber farmers more on non-food consumption is
Rp.11.685.008 / year while food consumption Rp.10.640.756 / year. In the production block is the
dominant factor affecting the number of productive rubber trees and the total cost of farming, there are
not factors that responsive to economic decisions of households rubber farmers, but the greatest
impact is the number of productive rubber trees. The dominant factor affecting aspects of working
hours is the amount of productive rubber trees, farmers work experience, income outside of farming
rubber and the age of the farmer. However, the factors that influence is responsive farmers work
experience and age of the farmer. On the revenue block is the dominant factor affecting the allocation
of work time outside of farming rubber and education of farmers, educational factors are responsive to
economic decisions of households rubber farmers. While the expenditure aspect is the dominant factor
influencing farmers' total income, number of family members of farmers, wife of education, the number
of school children and non-food consumption. The factor that is responsive ie total income of farmers,
the wife of education, the number of school children rubber farmer households and non-food

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