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Grade School Department

Fourth Quarterly Assessment



Grade & Section:______________________________________Teacher:_____________________________

I. Multiple Choice . Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Scientist says there are about _____species of plants on earth.

a. 200, 000 c. 300, 000
b. 350, 000 d. 250, 000

2. A plants cant live without______.

a. flower c. leaf
b. water d. fruit

3. It holds a plant in place.

a. root c. leaf
b. flower d. fruit

4. It takes water from roots to the other parts of the plant.

a. stem c. leaf
b. flower d. fruit

5. It is a plant part that makes food for the plant.

a. root b. water
c. leaf d. flower

6. This green chemical or pigment of the plant is called_______________.

a. chlorophyll c. chemical
b. photosynthesis d. synthesis

7. It is the process of making food for the plant.

a. chlorophyll c. chemical
b. plants d. photosynthesis

8. It is a plant part that makes seeds.

a. root c. leaf
b. leaves d. flower

9. What part of the plant that hold leaves, flowers and fruit?
a. root c. dermis
b. seeds d. stem

10. What is the reproductive structure of the plant?

a. root c. stem
b. leaf d. flower

11. Is serves as the passageway of water.

a. stem c. plant
b. leaf d. flower

12. what is the secondary stem of the plant?

a. petioles c. epidermis
b. nodes d. dermis
13. It is a stem of a plant that we eat.
a. celery and asparagus c. rose and gumamela
b. santan and daisy d. algae and moss

14. What is the outer covering of a stem?

a. epidermis c. flower
b. photosynthesis d. fruit

15. What is the space between the nodes?

a. phloem c. internodes
b. xylem d. herbs

16. What is the point in the stem where the leaves and buds are grown?
a. nodes c. phloem
b. xylem d. herbs

17. What do you see in the middle of the stem?

a. plant c. xylem
b. node d. pith

18. It brings food from the leaves to the roots and other part of the plant.
a. phloem c. synthesis
b. vines d. photosynthesis

19. Which is an example of a tree?

a. fern c. tomato
b. mango d. sunflower

20. It is a plant with woody stem.

a. shrub c. tree
b. rose d. santan

21. It is a woody stem but they are shorter than trees.

a. stem c. plant
b. leaf d. flower

22. Which has a soft and fleshy stem ?

a. shrubs c. tree
b. vines d. herbs

23. It has long thin stems that crawl around or climb up a support.
a. stem c. plant
b. leaf d. flower

24. What is the special part of the plant?

a. petiole c.tendrills
b. woody stem d. vines

25. They are all kinds of herbs, which is different?

a. lettuce c. pechay
b. brocolli d. santan

26. Which is an example of a flowering plant?

a. gumamela c. grass
b. algae d. fern

27. Which is the fruit bearing plant?

a. santan c. mango
b. fern d. algae
28. Which is non-flowering plant?
a. santan c. mango
b. fern d. rose

29. What plant part takes in water from the soil?

a. roots c. tem
b. flower d. leaf

30. What is true about leaves? Leaves ________.

a. can make different seeds c. have the same size and shape
b. can have different shape and size d. have same color

31. What is the function of the flower of plants? To___________

a. to make seeds c. to take in water and sunlight
b. to hold up the leaves d. to make food

32. Look at these plants, how they are alike?

a. they have the same shape c. they have woody stem

b. they have leaves d. they have twigs

33. Which is true about stem ? All stem ________

a. all have soft stem c. all have woody stem
b. all plants can have soft and woody stem d. al plants have big stem

34. What does a plant stem do?

a. it hold the seeds c. it makes food for plant
b. it holds up the plant d. all plants have big leaves

35. What plant part that make seeds?

a. roots c. stem
b. flower d. leaf

II. True or false. Write T if it is true and F if it is false.

________ 36. The leaves of different plants may vary in sizes, shapes and textures.

________ 37. Plants have small and big leaves.

________ 38. The texture of the leaf is smooth.

________ 39. A flower comes from roots.

________ 40. Flowers has the same shape.

________ 41. The small stalk that connect a leaf to the stem is called blade.

________ 42. Veins are seen on the blade.

________ 43. Tiny pores on the underside of the leaf is called stomata.

________ 44. Cuticle is a waxy secretion.

________ 45. Leaves have different colors.

III. Identification. Identify the following pictures.

46._____________ 47. _____________ 48._____________ 49. ___________ 50. ______________

51.____________ 52. ________________ 53. ______________ 54._____________ 55. _______________

IV. Matching Type. Match from A to B.










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