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Rational Question Numb

Identifying the sample demographics
Identifying the usage and density of smart phones
Identifying trends of internet usage on smartphones
Identifying relationship-communication trends
Density of usage of internet language 24
Identifying behavior towards text messaging/chat service? 28
Identifying behavior towards 'always connected' phenomenon 32
Please specify your gender
Please specify your age group
Select Option (A) if you have graduated and Option (B) if you are still studying
Select Option (A) if you are working (full-time/part-time) and Option (B) if you are not working
Do you own a smart phone
How much time do you use your smart phone for?
Do you have social networking apps (facebook, instagram, twitter, viber, whatsapp, etc) on your phone?
Do you have an active internet connection on your mobile?
How many hours a day do you spend talking on your smartphone
How many hours a day do you spend using social media websites/chat services?
How many hours a day do you spend texting (SMS services/viber/whatsapp)?
How many text messages do you send each day on an average?
How many hours a day do you spend physically interacting with your family and friends?
How often do you update your social media profile? (status, picture, tweet, blog, quote, etc)
How many of these updates are for some one (a spouse, a parent, a friend, a relative etc)
Do you prefer calling your friends/relatives through skype/viber or the traditional telephone call?
Do you believe that video conferencing is a good substitute for physically meeting someone? ( a relative, a friend, etc)
If you need to talk to someone about something personal, what are you most likely to do?
If you have a fight with a friend, what are you most likely to do?
If something important comes up in a relationship, what are you most likely to do?
Do you sleep with your phone on silent/airplane mode?
If a problem arises for a friend in the middle of the night, what are you most likely to do?
Do you use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTH, etc instead of complete words/sentences?
Do you believe that the internet acronyms adequately represent your emotions?
Do you prefer showing emotions (love/fear/hatred, etc) via text messages/chat services?
Have you ever had a fight/argument over text messaging/chat service?
Do you believe that tone of the language (the way you speak) is clearly articulated in a text message/chat service?
Have you ever misjudged others moods/behaviors over a text message/chat service?
Do you think usage of emoticons makes a difference towards the tone of message?
Do you type in CAPS LOCK to display aggression through a text message/chat service?
Do you believe being 'always connected' is a good thing?
If answer to Question 17 was (a) Yes, then what is the reason behind this?
If answer to Question 18 was (b) No, then what is the reason behind this?
Option A Option B Option C
Male Female Other
18-25 25-40 Above 40
Graduated Still Studying
Employed Un-Employeed
Yes No I want one
> 5 hours 5-15 hours 15-20 hours
Yes No
All the time Most of the time Only when I am home
Less than 5 5-15 hours 15-20 hours
Less than 5 5-15 hours 15-20 hours
Less than 5 5-15 hours 15-20 hours
Between 10-20 25 - 40 More than 40
Less than 5 5-15 hours 15-20 hours
At least once a week Between 1-5 times a day More than 5 times a day
Most of them Only a few
Skype/Viber Place a telephone call
Yes No Sometimes
SMS/Chat Speak to them directly Call them
SMS/Chat Speak to them directly Call them
SMS/Chat Speak to them directly Call them
No Yes
Call them Talk through a chat service Go meet them
Yes No
Yes No 0
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
in case of emergency keeping abridge of everything
No privacy No peace of mind

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