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scala cheat sheet

functional programming functions try, catch, finally traits

def hello(s: String): Unit = { try { traits like class except:

1. functions are first-class values println(Hello + s) something 1 - no class params
2. immutable data, no side effects } } catch { 2 - super dynamically bound
def hello: Unit = println(Hello) case ex: IOException => // handle
def hello = println(Hello) case ex: FileNotFoundException => trait Talks {
variables // not recommended // handle def speak() {
def hello { println(Hello) } } finally { doStuff } println(Yada yada yada...)
var x = 1 // mutable }
val x = 1 // immutable // variable length args }
val s = foo // implicit type def foo(args: String*) = {
classes and objects
val i:Int = 1 // explicit type args.foreach(...) class A { ... }
trait T1 { ... }
// named args trait T2 { ... }
loops point(x=10, y=20) class B extends T1 { ... }
class C extends A with T1 with T2
while (i < foo) { // can call without a dot or parens if
import{Foo, File => Bar}
println(i) // it takes only one param
} var x = f.add(10) scripts
class A { ... }
var x = f add 10
class A (s: String) { ... }
do { class A (val s: String) { ... } println(args(0))
// stuff // function literal syntax println(args.toList)
class A (private val s: String) { ... }
} while (condition) (x: Int, y:Int) => x + y args.foreach(println)
class A (var s: String) { ... }
scala foo.scala
for (arg <- args) println(arg) - functions return last value computed
class Person (s: String) {
for (i <- 0 to 5) println(i) by method #!/bin/sh
require(name != Joe)
for (i <- 0 until 10 by 2) - if name ends in :, invoke on right exec scala "$0" "$@"
val name: String = s
println(i) operand !#
private val a = foo
- + is a method on Int, String object Hello {
for ( - apply(), update() def main(args: Array[String]) {
class Bird extends Animal with Wings {
file <- files override val foo = true args.foreach(println)
if file.isFile } }
if file.getName.endsWith(.a) data types }
) doSomething(file) // singleton objects
val names = Array(Al, Bob) // Application trait
object Foo {
args.foreach(arg => println(arg)) val names = new Array[String](5) object Hello extends Application {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
args.foreach(println(_)) val names = Map(99676 -> AK) args.foreach(println)
args.foreach(println) } }
val names = List(Al, Bob)
val names2 = Joe :: names
object Bob extends Person { ... }
control structures underscore
// tuples
// abstract class
val things = (100, Foo) think of _ as a blank that needs
if (a == b) foo() abstract class Person {
println(things._1) to be filled in
if (a == b) foo else bar // method with no implementation
if (a == b) { def walk: Unit
foo }
} else if (a == c) { (1 to 10).map(_*2)
bar class Employee(name: String)
} else { extends Person { args.foreach(println(_))
Sequence, List, Array, ListBuffer, args.foreach(println)
baz ...
ArrayBuffer, StringOps, Set, Map,
} }
TreeSet, Stream, Vector, Stack, numbers.filter(_ < 10)
Queue, Range, BitSet, ListMap, more
== is not reference equality // sealed class - no new subclasses
// unless defined in current file // for each element in the array
- Tuples can hold different objects println(array: _*)
foo match { sealed sbstract class Foo { ... }
- Mutable and immutable collections
case a => doA() case class Bar(s: String) extends Foo
- traits: Traversable, Iterable, Seq,
case b => doB() IndexedSeq, LinearSeq, Buffer
case _ => doDefault

scala cheat sheet

case classes actors

abstract class Expr import scala.actors._
case class Var(name: String) extends Expr object Foo extends Actor {
case class Num(num: Double) extends Expr def act() {
// your logic here
scala adds syntactic conveniences: } scala.AnyRef
} scala.AnyVal
1) adds a factory method with the
name of your class import scala.actors.Actor._
2) all args in param list implicitly get val hiActor = actor {
a val, and become fields while(true) {
3) add implementations of toString, receive {
hashCode, and equals case msg => scala.Double
4) adds a copy method // your logic scala.Float
} scala.Int
examples: } scala.Long java classes ...
} scala.ScalaObject
1) val v = Var(x) scala.Byte
2) object Foo extends Actor { scala.Char
3) println(v) (shows toString), def act() { scala.Boolean
== works react { scala.Unit
4) v.copy case ...
} scala.Seq
see } scala.List
} scala.Option

// send message (other scala

case, match classes ...)
hiActor ! hello
selector match { choices }
_ is the wildcard pattern notes:

def f(x: Int): String = x match { 1. share-nothing, message-passing

case 1|2|3 => 1-2-3 model
// default 2. receive, receiveWithin
case _ => huh? 3. react is more efficient
} 4. dont block when processing
messages (helper actor)
def f(x: Any): String = x match { 5. prefer immutable messages
case 1 => one 6. make messages self-contained scala.Nothing
case 2 => two
// typed pattern
case i:Int => got an int
much more
case s:String => got a string
case _ => // do nothing
// type alias
type D = Double
more information
pattern matching:
// anonymous function
(x:D) => x + x
1. constant pattern (a, 10)
2. variable pattern (x)
// lisp cons
3. wildcard pattern (_)
var x = 1 :: List(2,3)
4. constructor pattern
Mailing lists:
( Foo(-, e) )
var(a,b,c) = (1,2,3)
5. typed pattern (see above)
val x = List.range(0,20) Lift framework:
isInstanceOf and asInstanceOf are


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