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Patient safety.

Safety is the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk or injury.

Patient safety is how the hospitals and other health care organizations protect their patients from

errors, injuries, accidents and infections. Majority of deaths registered in the hospitals in the pass

years are as a result of preventable errors in the hospitals. Some hospitals are good at keeping their

patients safe. This is because they make patient safety the main priority in their hospital. Patient

safety is important because it prevents the loss of love ones and also give a good impression about

the hospital and the health care system in that particular hospital.

Also, it is important for the health organizations to keep their environment safe because

incidences in the hospitals can lead to a permanent injury on the patient. This harms or permanent

injuries or deaths happens not from an intentional act but because of the health care system which

is so complex and this makes the successful treatment of a patient complicated. The complexity of

the health care organization is the from the doctors (physicians), nurses, pharmacists, social

workers, dieticians and others.

In other to describe a commitment to patient safety without frightening the patient, the

nurse should first of all assess the patients knowledge about patients safety in health care

environment. Educate the patient about the safe way to prevent further complications while in the

health care setting. For example, teach patients and their family members about the importance of

hand washing and that it will prevent the spread of infection. Tell the patient and his or her family

the reason why there is a bed alarm and why it is necessary for the patient to call for assistance

whenever he or she is getting out of bed which is simply to prevent falls which can lead to serious
injuries. Educating the patient and his or her family in a well explicit and calm way will reduce

anxiety and will not frighten the patient.


- Yoder-Wise, P. (2015): Leading and Managing in Nursing, 6th Edition

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