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Po Reading List for the Bar Examination ALS Batch 2016

Political Labor Civil Law Taxation Mercantile Criminal Remedial Law Ethics
Law Law Law Law Law
st 1.) 1.) Beda 1.) Beda 1.) Ingles 1.) 1.) Boado 1.) Beda Mem-Aid 1.)
Reading Nachura Mem-Aid Mem-Aid Sundiang 2.) Beda 2.)Codal Antiquiera
2.) Beda (Conflicts Mem-Aid 3.) Riguera Book
Red Book and Land 1 & Book 2
2.) Codal
3.) Beda
Red Book
nd 1.) Beda 1.) Beda 1.) Beda 1.) Beda 1.) Beda 1.) Beda 1.) Beda Red Book 1.)Beda Red
Reading Red Red Book Red Book Red Book Red Book Red Book 2.)Codal Book
Book 2.) Codal 2.) Beda
Pre- 1.) Codal 1.) Chan 1.) Codal 1.) 1.) Beda 1.) Beda 1.) Codal 1.)Beda Red
Week 2.) Beda Pre-Bar Geronimo Red Book Red Book Book
Red Notes Powerpoint

If I had to do it all again,

I would have opted to read the Beda Red Book for tax as my only material for 1st reading until Pre-Week. I should have
read the Beda Mem-Aid for the first reading in Ethics instead of Antiquieras book.

I had the most difficult time in Taxation Law and Criminal Law. In hindsight, I should have focused on the crimes and
their corresponding elements in Criminal Law. I dont know what I could have done better for Taxmaybe, pray more?

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