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The History of Halloween

Halloween is not really a typical holiday. Other holidays, like Christmas or Easter celebrate
only one thing, but Halloween celebrates a lot of things, including the lives of people who died.

Almost 2000 years ago, some people, named the Celts lived in Europe and on the British Isles.
They believed that the souls of the dead visited the Earth on the last day of October, meaning, on 31st
of October. They had a festival in honour of these souls of the dead and the called it Samhain.

In time, the Roman Empire, conquered the Celts and took over all of their habits and holidays
and combined them with their own holidays, including Samhain. So, in a few years, the Samhain
holiday spread in other countries too, including the USA.

In the 8th century, the Catholic Church, declared November 1st the day when we celebrate all
of the saints who didnt already have a day named in their honour. So, November 1st became All
Saints Day or Allhallowmas. After a while it was shortened and became Halloween.

The people who started all the habits of dressing up in a scary way, believed that if they
looked scary, then they would scare away the spirits of the dead people who were on Earth on the
31st of October. These people also put food at the exit of their town hoping that the spirits would
take the food and go away, leaving them alone.


Istoria Halloween-ului

Halloween nu este chiar o sarbatoare obisnuita. Alte sarbatori, precum Craciunul sau Pastele
sarbatoresc un singur lucru, dar Halloween-ul sarbatoreste mai multe lucruri, inclusive vietile
oamenilor care au murit.

Acum, aproape 2000 de ani, niste oameni, numiti celti, traiau in Europa si in Insulele Britanice.
Ei credeau ca sufletele celor morti vizitau Pamantul in ultima zi a lunii octombrie, adica pe 31
octombrie. Ei aveau o sarbatoare, un festival in onoarea acestor suflete, numita Samhain.

Intre timp, Imperiul Roman i-a cucerit pe celti si le-au preluat toate obiceiurile si sarbatorile,
inclusiv Samhain. Deci, in cativa ani, Samhain s-a raspandit si in alte tari, inclusiv in Statele Unite ale

In secolul 8, biserica catolica a declarant ziua de 1 noiembrie, ziua cand se sarbatoresc toti
sfintii care nu aveau o zi numita in onoarea lor. Asadar, 1 noiembrie a devenit Ziua tuturor sfintilor (All
Saints Day), sau Ziua sfintilor (Allhallowmas). Dupa o vreme numele a fost prescurtat si a devenit

Oamenii care au inceput traditia de a se imbraca intr-un mod infricosator, credeau ca daca
arata asa, vor speria spiritele oamenilor morti care erau pe Pamant pe 31 octombrie. Acesti oameni
puneau si mancare la iesirea din oras, sperand ca spiritele vor lua mancarea si vor pleca, lasandu-I in

Scary Halloween Story

There was a young girl who went to summer camp. She was very unpopular with the other
children because she was extremely bossy and selfish. After a few days, the other kids refused to
speak to her and asked the counsellors to move her to another cabin. The counsellors put her in a
cabin of her own. It was known as the haunted cabin.

On the first night she slept there, the girl took out a marker and wrote on the wall: Im the
boss! Then, she went to bed.In the middle of the night, she felt something crawling in her bed. Soft
hand wrapped around her neck and strangled her. In the morning, the counsellors came in the cabin,
but the girl was missing. On the wall, where the girl wrote that shes the boss, now there was a new
writing saying: No, Im the boss!!! .


Poveste inspaimantatoare de Halloween

Era odata o fata tanara, care a plecat intr-o tabara de vara. Ea era foarte nepopulara printer
ceilalti copii pentru ca era foarte egoista si facea pe sefa cu toata lumea. Dupa cateva zile, ceilalti
copii au refuzat sa mai vorbeasca cu ea si au cerut consilierilor (profesorilor) sa o mute in alta cabana.
Consilierii au mutat-o pe fata, singura, intr-o cabana numita: cabana bantuita.

In prima noapte cand a dormit acolo, fata a luat o carioca si a scris pe un perete: ,,Eu sunt
sefa! Apoi s-a dus la culcare. In mijlocul noptii, ea a simtit ceva tarandu-se in patul ei. Niste maini moi
s-au infasurat in jurul gatului ei si au strans-o de gat. Dimineata, consilierii au venit la ea in cabana, dar
fata nu era nicaieri. Pe perete, unde fata scrise ca ea e seful, acuma era un scris nou care zicea: ,,Nu,
eu sunt seful!!!

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