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Well, when I think of steroids I think of an image. You have the advantage over

someone, which is a form of cheating. I guess it wouldn't be right unless it was legal for

everybody. Reason it's not legal for everybody is because it can hurt people

seriously(Holyfield) . This quote illustrates the point that steroids are both dangerous and an

example of cheating. Even though some people see drug use in sports as a positive thing,

there are negative outcomes to it. Drug use in sports can have a negative outcomes such as

anger issues could increase the risk of heart disease , shrinking of testicales affecting their

sports career and their personal life. Using drugs can increase anger and stunt growth.

According to the negative side effects/outcomes of steroid use are, Severe

acne, Hair loss, Liver disease, such as liver tumors and cysts, Kidney disease, Heart disease, such

as heart attack and stroke. Altered mood, irritability, increased aggression, depression or suicidal

tendencies. Alterations in cholesterol and other blood lipids. High blood pressure, shrinking of

testicals. Azoospermia (absence of sperm in semen) stunted growth and height in teens. Risk of

viral or bacterial infections due to unsterile injections.

Steroids also have a negative impact on long terms health, Performance enhancers, like

steroids and other forms of doping, have a negative effect on long-term health. For then users of

these enhancers are hurting themselves in the long run without on the average improving their

short-term rewards from athletic competition, as long as competitors also use harmful enhancers.

This is the main rationale for trying to ban steroids and other forms of doping from athletic

competitions.(Gary Becker)

Such as these outcomes of steroid use.

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Some steroids can be incredibly harmful to those who take them. Conversely, some types of

steroids are used to help people with inflammatory conditions like chronic bronchitis, but those

steroids are categorized as corticosteroids. They are not the same as the more harmful version:

anabolic steroids.

Anabolic Steroids sometimes referred to as "juice" or "roids"are actually synthetic

forms of the male hormone,testosterone. It may be used legitimately to induce puberty to or to

help those suffering from wasting diseases like AIDS or cancers. Technically, this group of

substances is called anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS).

Androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS) are synthetic derivatives of the male hormone

testosterone. They can exert strong effects on the human body that may be beneficial for athletic

performance. A review of the literature revealed that most laboratory studies did not investigate

the actual doses of AAS currently abused in the field. Therefore, those studies may not reflect the

actual (adverse) effects of steroids. AAS administration will disturb the regular endogenous

production of testosterone and gonadotrophins that may persist for months after drug withdrawal.

Cardiovascular risk factors may undergo deleterious alterations, including elevation of blood

pressure and depression of serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-, HDL2- and HDL3-

cholesterol levels. ( )

Steroids could have a big impact on an athlete's role as a role model . The poll also

found that fans those who said they followed baseball fairly closely say that it matters to

them if players use performance-enhancing drugs and that the news media are more diligent
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about covering drug use in baseball than they are in football. Even though skill, strategy, and

effort would still play a central role in athletic success, pharmaceutical technology and athletes'

bodily responses to it would also play a significant role. It is not that people are not interested in

science fairs; it is just that people expect sport to be a different kind of test, one in which athletes'

own qualities are the major determinants of success. (Nicholas D Dixon). People believe that

athletic ability is the determination of success. Because steroid use is a cheat and a one up on

your opponent. It's not fair to the game and it's not fair for yourself and your teammates.

In addition to this "For many male high school athletes, pro athletes are major influences.

They are the role models. They choose the jersey numbers of their favorite professional players.

They emulate their training regimens. They emulate their style of play. And they are influenced

by their drug use. When a professional athlete admits to using steroids, the message young

athletes hear is not always the one that is intended. Young athletes often believe that steroid use

by their role models gives them permission to use . That it is simply part of what one must do to

become an elite athlete." ( Greg Schwab ) Plus some kids could get the wrong picture and think

that steroids is a good thing to use in an athletic sport and we wouldn't want that for our future

athletes. Athletes have responsibilities as not to use steroids in sports knowing that their are teens

and kids watching taking behind them watching every move that they make.
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Steroids can increase anger/aggression and stunt. Causing them to have something called

roid rage angry feelings and behavior that may lead to violence. Which will dramatically have

a bad outcome on their sports career. Roid rage is mostly a myth. There are of course off-cases

that seem as if there exists a relation between anabolic steroids and emotion. However, these

cases are extremely rare, and could

Just be mental instability on the part of the user. It cannot be proved that the drug caused

the breakdown and excessive anger.

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Anabolic drugs are known to make a user aggressive, but not to the extent of harming

someone against his will. The term first appeared in the mid-1980s, after a series of high-profile

violent crimes committed by bodybuilders. Roid rage is a term associated with anabolic steroid

use to infer violent aggressive behavior associated with the drugs. Generally this is observed as

random outburst of anger far beyond what is deemed appropriate to a particular situation.

Situations which although irritating to a non-anabolic steroid user will irritate one who

uses anabolics to a far greater degree, resulting in loud outburst, hostility or violent behavior.

With most cases of roid rage, after the violent outburst the individual will experience what we

might call a Crash or quick revert to a more subdued persona No one can disagree; being

around someone with roid rage would not be a lot of fun. No one likes a jackass.

No one can argue, increased levels of testosterone increase aggression; this is a

given, this is the very nature of testosterone; this is the reason men are generally more

aggressive than women. Further, no one can argue, various forms of anabolic steroids can

increase aggression even more than others but the bottom line is simple; increased

aggression is not a mental disorder, increased aggression does not cause your brain to go

into a panicking frenzy. Increases aggression is just that, increased aggression, it isnt

uncontrollable rage; what you decide to do with it is on you. Granted, mentally unstable

individuals who are given substances that increase aggression, this is going to be a

problem but sane individuals who are not hostile nor violent, increased aggression means

one thing; harder training and performance and thats the bottom line.

Even though some people see that steroids are bad There are some people that

argue that steroids should be allowed in sports. "Sports is for enjoyment and competition,

and usually aims to improve; but what is the difference between increasing skill and
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performance by training, and taking drugs? If it is the use of personal effort rather than

outside help, then what of ropes, crampons and oxygen for climbing? What of advanced

training by teams of sports physiologists who wire athletes to equipment monitoring

heart, muscle, brain and nerves to optimise activity; or teams of sports psychologists

improving your responses and neutralising those observed in competitors? What of

dieticians tampering with foods and additives - drugs by any other name - to improve

performance? (

What is more 'fair' - the use of a team of sports specialists or a simple pill? What

is the difference between training at altitude and taking erythropoietin to achieve a

similar effect? And why are the strips of adhesive plaster on the nose(Sam shuster).

"There is no coherent argument to support the view that enhancing performance is unfair;

if it were, we would ban coaching and training. Competition can be unfair if there is

unequal access to particular enhancements, but equal access can be achieved more

predictably by deregulation than by prohibition"(Norman Fost . MD . MPH).

Another point is If each of us ought to be free to assume risks that we think are

worth taking, shouldn't athletes have the same freedom as anyone else? In particular, if

athletes prefer the gains in performance allegedly provided by the use of steroids, along

with the increased risk of harm to the alternative of less risk and worse performance,
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What gives anyone the right to interfere with their choice? After all, if we should not forbid

smokers from risking their health by smoking, why should we prohibit track stars or weightlifters

from taking risks with their health in pursuit of their goals?"(Robert Smith).

Furthermore " Why should we think that those who take drugs to remain competitive

with the drug users are coerced into doing so? No one is forced to become a competitive athlete.

The pressures that the non-drug users may well feel are no different than any other pressures that

come with committing oneself to playing the game at a relatively high level of competition. If

some athletes spend much more time in the weight room than others and thereby build their

muscular strength to levels significantly higher than their opponents, those opponents who want

to remain competitive may feel compelled to also put in more time with weights. But there is

nothing unethical or immoral about the situation that should lead those interested in maintaining

sportsmanship to forbid or severely regulate weight training..."(Peter A. French)

From this we see that drug/steroids use in sports have very bad outcomes impacting your

career such as, hair loss, Liver disease, Heart disease, such as heart attack and stroke. Altered

mood, irritability, increased aggression, depression or suicidal tendencies. Plus steroids could

have a big impact on the player's role as to being a good role model and leader for the kids and

teens watching. It could give them the wrong image that cheating is good or that steroids can be

good because his/her favorite athlete has used them. That would be a sad day that we see

multiple athletes jacked up on steroids wouldn't It ?. Would you like to play a game requiring
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natural skill against an opponent on steroids who has a one up on you ?. Steroids can also

increase the player's anger/aggression. They Start to develop or have something called Roid

rage which is angry feelings and behavior that may lead to violence. Which will dramatically

have a bad outcome on their sports career. In summary, steroids use in sports is dangerous and

unfair to the league and to yourself and to the fans and should never be let into any professional

athlete that signed that contract.

Works Cited

"Effects of Androgenic-anabolic Steroids in Athletes." Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). U.S.

National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

"Steroids Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

"Anabolic Steroids - Abuse, Side Effects and Safety." N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.
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