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Contingency Plan

A production schedule is essential for a successful product and smooth running of the
project. Despite this, there may be different problems that we encounter when it comes to
the physical production, therefore a contingency plan is needed to think about solutions to
these problems beforehand so we are prepared for all eventualities.

We will be using many different locations throughout our music video due to the nature of the
video showing the progression of a relationship. The locations will include public places free
to film in such as streets and the local beach. Some locations require permission, such as
peoples houses and also businesses such as cafes and restaurants. In the result of
permission to film being denied, we will need an alternative plan. This will mean emailing a
few business, rather than one to be prepared for a situation of not being allowed to film. This
can also be beneficial if we receive permission from one than more place, as we can then
compare the suitability and how busy the area is in order to get the desired shots.

We have 3 significant people/characters within our music video that the video will be based
on. Two to be teenagers and one an older man. We have found a man to use for this role
who is retired so has a lot of spare time, however he will be told in advance a plan on when
we are going to be filming to make sure he is available. As for the teenagers, we will work
around their availability. There could be the problem of somebody being ill on the day of
filming. To avoid delays in the process, if this occurs we will simply film an alternative scene
without that person to still progress in the filming. Alternatively, if this cannot be done we can
rearrange for as soon as they have recovered in order to continue.

The main props we will be using are photographs that we will take to reenact the scenes that
we will also be filming. The photographs will be inexpensive to print keeping the costs low. If
we damage or lose any of the photographs that we are using, it could make filming more
difficult and the scenario may have to change. In order to prevent this, the photographs will
be saved onto the computer as well as printed so that we can easily reprint the photos if

As we will be filming in November, the daylight due to the weather can be very poor, in turn
affecting our footage. The main times we will be filming will be from 4pm-5pm as this is the
Golden hour, the best time for the lighting at this time of year. From 8.30am-9.30am will also
be a main time for filming to achieve the best lighting. If any shots need to be done outdoors
outside of this time, we can use LED lights on the camera in order to control the shadows in
case of bad light. Many of the shots will also be done indoors where the lighting can be
controlled due to artificial light. For this, we can also use the LED lights to create different
lighting effects depending on the mood.


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