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Sit Ups = plank, pallof press, slam ball, side plank, supine pelvic tucks, hanging knee raise.

Bench Press = press, push up (elevated as necessary).

Handstand Push Up = dumbbell or barbell press/push press.
Box Jump = lower box at first, and then step up.
Kipping Pull Up = should be on low bar and then strict or ring row.
Kettlebell Swing = possibly fine throughout, may modify to single arm swing for comfort on the
back swing.
Deadlift = possibly ok throughout, though sumo or kettlebell deadlifts may be more
Snatch/Clean = hang power versions, then dumbbells as necessary once the belly is in the
way. From about
the second trimester on, perform the power version of the movement and then squat under
control. Dynamic squat versions of the lifts should be avoided. Moderate load deadlifts are also
a great sub.
Jump Rope/Running = as far as your level of comfort allows, keep doing them. Rowing is a
good sub, as are kettlebell swings and/or slam ball for a similar metabolic effect.
Thrusters/Wall Ball = controlled squat and presses, either with a barbell or dumbbells.
Push Ups/Burpees = on a raised surface, i.e. parallettes or a bar in a squat rack.

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