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The former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain once said, Being

powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you arent. I could not agree

more with this quote. What I take from this quote is you should not have to constant tell others

that you are a powerful person. People should be able to see your power through your actions

and attitude. If you are constantly telling others you are powerful, then you most likely are not. It

is important to develop a powerful personal and professional image. This is not something that

needs to be shared with everyone, but found within. A sense of self-confidence is a strong

foundation needed to recognize ones own power (Yoder-Wise, 2015). In order to develop this

personal trait, it takes some soul searching. There are several ways to portray yourself as a

powerful person. Some of these ways include, thinking of yourself as worthy, staying well-

groomed and neat, treating others the way you would want to be treated, maintain good eye

contact and good posture, and using intelligent vocabulary and a confident voice (Yoder-Wise,

2015). Not only do these ways portray you as powerful, but also as well respected and confident.


Yoder-Wise, P. (2015). Leading and Managing in Nursing. Power, Politics, and Influence (pp.

171-173). St. Louis, Missouri: El Sevier.

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