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El ceviche peruano es una comida tpica y popular del Per.

La forma de preparar es distinta

de un lugar a otro y se conoce por ser una comida que utiliza limn, pescado, camotes y otros
alimentos. Es un plato que nicamente utiliza carne de pescado, el cual es cortado en forma
de dados pequeos y es decorado por lechuga, rodajas de camote, cancha serrana, yuca y
lechuga. El ceviche es muy conocido en el Per y es un plato preferido de muchas personas.
Se sabe muy poco del nacimiento del cebiche, pero existen algunas referencias que atribuyen
que el cebiche peruano proviene de una mezcla de insumos que incluyen la cocina andina y la
cocina europea.

The ceviche
Peruvian ceviche is a typical and popular food of Peru. The way to prepare is different
from one place to another and is known to be a food that uses lemon, fish, sweet potatoes
and other foods. It is a dish that only uses fish meat, which is cut into small dice and is
decorated by lettuce, sweet potato slices, mountain slope, cassava and lettuce. Ceviche is
well known in Peru and is a favorite dish of many people. Little is known about the birth of
the cebiche, but there are some references that attribute the Peruvian cebiche comes from
a mixture of inputs that include Andean cuisine and European cuisine.

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