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Nama : Muhammad Febi Illahi

Kelas : 1D

Courses : English

Descriptive text

My name is muhammad febi illahi, i was born in tegal on 8 maret 1999. I live with my
parents, in banjaranyar village rt 04 rw 03 number 551 or street Senior High School 1
BALAPAULANG. I am the first child of two brothers, my brother is a woman, she is 10 years
old. I graduated Senior High School in 2017 or this year. After graduating from Senior High
School, I continued my study at Pancasakti University Tegal. At Pancasakti University Tegal I
choose a law faculty, Because after graduating from law faculty I want to become a notary.

My family alhamdulillah still complete, that is; father, mother, and sister. First, my father
is Bambang Gunawan, he graduated from Pancasakti University, Tegal University. He works as
an employee at the bank, he is the person who most meritorious to me, because thanks to him I
can gain knowledge until now. Secondly, my mother is Nur Laeli, she graduated from University
of Muhammadiyah Solo. He was a Senior High School teacher. Since he gave birth to me, he
stopped working as a teacher. He is now a housewife. Third, my brother is Farah Ramadhani
Gunawan, he is 10 years old. He is now studying in elementary school. he is a diligent and
intelligent child in all forms of learning, he always gets rank in his class and become the pride of
my family.

I have daily habits, My habit is; first, wake up the morning which continued to pray
morning prayer and on the way to market / to chicken porridge seller to buy food for breakfast
menu. After buying food, I rushed to take a shower, because on Monday - Thursday I went to
college morning (at 8 o'clock), except that day I was free. I go to college or go home on a
motorbike with a decent mileage, which is about 1 hour. After the campus activity ended, I
usually rushed home immediately. As soon as I got home, I cleaned my feet and hands and took
ablution water to perform my prayers, after my prayers. In the afternoon usually bathe and
perform ashar prayer and continue watching tv while waiting for adzan maghrib. After praying
maghrib and reciting, I do my college assignment that has been given lecturer for students. And
after the task is done I take the time to BBm'n with someone while waiting for overslept

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