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FLOW-3D is a powerful and highly-accurate CFD software that gives

engineers valuable insight into many physical flow processes. With
special capabilities for accurately predicting free-surface flows, FLOW-3D
is the ideal CFD software to use in your design phase as well as in
improving production processes.

It is FLOW-3Ds inherent simplicity that lends itself to use in real-world problem solving. Rather than spending large
amounts of time pre-processing (i.e., setting problems up), users can spend their time applying the results of their

John Richardson, Blue Hill Hydraulics

Structured finite difference/control Natural convection Granular flow General moving objects model with 6 DOFprescribed
volume meshes Forced convection Moisture drying and fully-coupled motion
Finite element meshes for structural analysis Conduction in fluid & solid Solid solute dissolution Rotating/spinning objects
Multi-Block gridding with nested & linked blocks Fluid-solid heat transfer Spray cooling Collision model
Fractional areas/volumes (FAVORTM) Conduction Tethered moving objects
for efficient & accurate geometry Specified heat flux Flexing membranes and walls
definition Specified solid temperature NUMERICAL MODELING OPTIONS Porosity
Basic Solids Modeler Distributed energy sources/sinks in fluids and solids TruVOF Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method for fluid
Finite element based elastic-plastic deformation
Import CAD data Radiation First and second order advection
Finite element based thermal stress evolution due to
Grid & geometry independence Viscous heating Sharp and diffuse interface tracking
thermal changes in a solidifying fluid
Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates Thermal stress evolution Implicit & explicit numerical methods
Unstructured Memory Allocation Orthographic thermal conductivity POROUS MEDIA MODELS
Thermally-induced stresses GMRES, point and line relaxation pressure solvers Saturated and unsaturated flow
FLOW DEFINITION OPTIONS User-defined variables, subroutines & Variable & directional porosity
General initial and boundary conditions PHYSICAL MODELING OPTIONS output General flow losses (linear & quadratic)
Symmetry Fluid structure interaction Utilities for runtime interaction during execution Capillary pressure
Rigid and flexible walls Thermal stress evolution Heat transfer in porous media
Continuative Plastic deformation of solids Linear & quadratic flow losses
Sediment scour deposition & bedload transport
One incompressible fluid confined or with free Van Genunchten model for unsaturated flow
Specified pressure Cavitation
Specified velocity surfaces
Phase change (liquid-vapor, liquid-solid)
Two incompressible fluids miscible or with sharp
Outflow Surface tension Solidification & melting
Grid overlay interfaces
Thermocapillary effects
Compressible fluid subsonic, transonic, supersonic
Solidification shrinkage with interdendritic feeding
Hydrostatic pressure Wall adhesion Micro & macro porosity
Volume flow rate Wall roughness Stratified fluid
Binary alloy segregation
Non-linear periodic and solitary surface waves Vapor & gas bubbles Acoustic phenomena
Thermal die cycling
Restart from previous simulation Solidification & melting Mass particles with variable density or diameter
Thermal stress & deformations
Continuation of a simulation Mass/momentum/energy sources Surface oxide defects
Overlay boundary conditions Shear, density & temperature-dependent viscosity SHALLOW FLOW MODELS Cavitation potential
Change mesh Thixotropic viscosity Dielectric phenomena Lost-foam casting
Change model parameters Visco-elastic-plastic fluids Shallow water model Semi-solid material
FLOW TYPE OPTIONS Elastic membranes & walls General topography Iron solidification
Internal, external & free-surface flows Evaporation residue Wetting & drying Sand core blowing & drying
Hybrid shallow water/3D flow model Electric field Wind shear Permeable molds
3D, 2D & 1D problems Dielectric phenomena Ground roughness effects Core gas generation
Transient flows Electro-osmosis Laminar & turbulent flow Back pressure & vents
Inviscid, viscous laminar & turbulent flows Electrostatic particles Shot sleeves
Non-inertial reference frames= Electro-mechanical effects Air entrainment
Multiple scalar species Joule heating Temperature-dependent material properties
Two-phase flows Air entrainment Cooling channel definitions
Heat transfer with phase change Molecular & turbulent diffusion
Saturated & unsaturated porous media Temperature-dependent material properties
TWO-PHASE & COUPLING WITH OTHER PROGRAMS We are using FLOW-3D not only as a die cast process simulation tool
TWO-COMPONENT MODELS Geometry input from Stereolithography (STL) files
Liquid/liquid & gas/liquid interfaces binary or ASCII but also as a general CFD software tool. If during die cast process
Variable density mixtures Direct interfaces with EnSight, FIELDVIEW & Tecplot
One compressible fluid with a dispersed incompressible visualization software development, any part design changes need to be recommended
component PLOT3D output
Drift flux Neutral file output to a customer, FLOW-3D allows us quickly and reliably evaluate part
Two-component, vapor/non-condensable gases Extensive customization possibilities
Phase transformations for gas-liquid & Topographic data input design changes, and present to a customer not only the proposed
liquid-solid Solid Properties Materials Database
Adiabatic bubbles changes but also the effects those changes will have on the part per-
Bubbles with phase change CHEMISTRY MODELS
Continuum fluid with discrete particles Stiff equation solver for chemical rate equations formance.
Scalar transport Stationary or advected species
Homogeneous bubbles
Massless marker particles Alex Reikher, Shiloh Industries
USER CONVENIENCES Mass particles of variable size/mass
Mesh & initial condition generators Linear & quadratic fluid-dynamic drag
Automatic time-step control for accuracy & stability Monte-Carlo diffusion
Automatic convergence control Particle-Fluid momentum coupling
Mentor help to optimize efficiency Coefficient of restitution or sticky
Change simulation parameters while solver runs particles
Manage & launch multiple simulations Point or volumetric particle sources
Automatic simulation termination based on user- Charged particles
defined criteria Probe particles

Automatic or custom results analysis Two-equation - model
High-quality OpenGL-based graphics Large eddy simulation
Color or B/W vector, contour, 3D surface & particle
Moving history & probe data
Probe data for fluid structure interaction/thermal stress
Force & moment computations
Animation output
PostScript, JPEG & Bitmap output
Flow tracers
From model setup to simulation to detailed results analysis,
FLOW-3D includes all the functionality you need in one simple-to-
use application, driven by an intuitive graphical user interface.
Users can easily set up a model and quickly mesh it through
its graphical model builder, screen out model incompatibilities
and configuration errors, and perform detailed analysis through
extensive post-processing capabilities.

I have been using FLOW-3D for 15 years as the primary theoretical tool in design optimization work on drop-on
demand type inkjet printheads. I have found its free-surface modeling capabilities ideally suited for simulating the
ligament formation process, and for studying other important free-surface problems such as wetting and priming.

Charlie Willus, Member, Technical Staff, Ricoh

FLOW-3D uses an approach to gridding that combines the advantages
of simple rectangular grids with the flexibility of deformed, body-fitted
grids. Fixed grids of rectangular control elements are simple to generate
and possess many desirable properties (e.g., improved accuracy,
smaller demands on memory, and simpler numerical approximations).
The approach is referred to as free-gridding because grids or
geometry can be freely changed, each independent of the other. This
feature eliminates the tedious task of generating body-fitted or finite-
element grids.

Advanced features such as conforming meshes make it possible to

have highly-refined grids only in relevant regions of the computational
domain. Using this feature it is possible to generate meshes that
conform to very thin components or void regions while retaining a
coarser grid in the surrounding region.
P O S T - P R O C E S S I N G W I T H F L O W S I G H T TM
FlowSight is a state-of-the-art post-processing tool based on the industry
leading Ensight, which has been customized for FLOW-3D.
Its capabilites include:

Multiple iso-surfaces

2D clips with FAVORTM geometry

Animated streamlines

Multiple viewpoints of simulation results

Simultaneous view of FSI and fluid flow results

Extensive annotation capabilites

Read/plot data from external sources

Interactive queries

Texture mapping

3D stereo and head tracking

Moving viewpoints

Volume rendering


Portable Results
F L O W - 3 D is a p ow e rf u l C FD m od e ling s of tw a re tha t g ive s engineer s va lua b le
ins ig ht into m a ny p hy s ic a l f low p roc e s s e s . W ith s p e c ia l c a p a b ilities f o r a c c ur a tely
p re d ic ting f re e -s u rf a c e f low s , F L O W - 3 D is the id e a l s of tw a r e to use f o r a er o sp a c e
a p p lic ations inc lu d ing s los hing d y na m ic s , f u e l ac q u is ition, o b j ec t imp a c t,
c ry og e nic s , noz z le f low s , P MD s , c avita tion a nd e le c tric cha r ge distr ib utio n.

F L O W - 3 D is a c om p re he ns ive C FD s of tw a re tha t of f e rs s ol utio ns to ma ny o f the
c halle ng e s in the au tom otive ind u s try . F L O W - 3 D c an s im ula te tr a nsient f lo w
d y nam ic s , ( b oth f re e -s u rf a c e a nd c onf ine d ) , the rm al e ne r gy tr a nsf er in f luids a nd
s olid s , p ha s e c hang e , 6-d e g re e s of f re e d om m otion of s olids a nd a c o up led f inite
e le m e nt s olve r f or m e c ha nic ally a nd the rm ally ind u c e d str esses.

A p p ly ing c om p u tational f lu id d y na m ic s to the f ie ld of b iotec hno lo gy is a r ela tively
Aerospace Automotive B iotechnol o g y ne w p rac tic e and has g re a t p ote ntial to im p rove the w ay ma ny medic a l devic es
a re u s e d or im p le m e nte d . F L O W - 3 D s c ap ab ilitie s inc lu d e f r ee-sur f a c e a nd c o nf ined
f low s , variab le d e ns ity , p has e c hang e , m oving ob j e c ts , a nd mec ha nic a l a nd ther ma l
s tre s s ana ly s is .

Coastal & Maritime

F L O W - 3 D is the id e al s of tw a re to u s e f or m aritim e ap p lic atio ns inc luding ship design,
s los hing d y na m ic s , w ave im p ac t a nd ve ntilation. For c oa sta l a p p lic a tio ns, F L OW- 3D
a c c u rate ly p re d ic ts the d e ta il of s e ve re s torm a nd ts u na mi wa ve r un-up o n c o a sta l
s tru c tu re s a nd is u s e d f or f la s h f lood a nd c ritic a l s tru c tu r es f lo o d a nd da ma ge
a na ly s is .

O p tim iz ing c oa ting p roc e s s e s c an b e d if f ic u lt d u e to the sma ll sc a le o f f luid mo tio n
a nd the inf lu e nc e of e f f e c ts s u c h a s w a ll ad he s ion and s ur f a c e tensio n. F L OW- 3D
Coa st a l & Ma ri tim e Coating p rovid e s a c onve nie nt w a y to a na ly z e the s e p roc e s s e s w itho ut ha ving to r eso r t to
c os tly lab oratory e x p e rim e nts . F L O W - 3 D s m od e ls s im u la te sur f a c e tensio n gr a dients
d u e to te m p e ra tu re va riations , he a t tra ns f e r, vap oriz a tio n, c o ndensa tio n, so lute
trans p ort and d e ns ity -d rive n f low s .
Engi ne e r s i n t he e ne r gy s e c t or ar ound t he w or l d fac e c o mp le x d e s ig n
c hal l e nge s e ve r y day i n a w i de r ange of p r oc e s s e s f o r w h ic h s o lu t io n s c a n b e
found t hr ough c om p ut at i onal fl ui d dynam i c s . Many o f t h e s e p ro b le ms in v o lv e
fr e e -s ur fac e fl ow s for w hi c h F L OW - 3D i s uni q ue l y s ui te d t o p ro v id e a c c u ra t e
unde r s t andi ng and anal ys i s .

I nk je t m anufac t ur e r s ar ound t he w or l d us e F L OW - 3D t o imp ro v e t h e
p e r for m anc e of t he i r p r i nt e r s . D e s i gn e ngi ne e r s c an s t u d y d ro p le t g e n e ra t io n
( vol um e , s hap e , ve l oc i t y, s at e l l i t e c r e at i on) , and t he e f f e c t o f n o z z le
ge om e t r y, t e m p e r at ur e , b ub b l e e ne r gy and s ur fac e t e n s io n o n t h e s e
var i ab l e s .

Fre e -s u rf ac e f low s a re c om m on in the d e s ig n and m a nu f a c tur e o f p r o duc ts used
E ne r g y Ink jets Manufactur i ng in b oth the hom e and of f ic e e nvironm e nt. F L O W - 3 D s f ree-sur f a c e mo deling
c a p ab ilitie s m a ke it p os s ib le to re a liz e thos e s a ving s . F L O W- 3D c a n a lso b e used to
d e s ig n s p ray noz z le s , m od e l ab s orp tive c ap ab ilitie s of p or o us ma t e ria ls a n d ma n y
othe r c om p one nts or c a p ab ilitie s of c ons u m e r g ood s .

N u m e ric al s im u lation c an p rovid e q u a ntita tive ana ly s is a nd signif ic a nt insight a c r o ss
s u c h d is c ip line s a s e le c tronic s , m e c hanic s , c he m is try , the r ma l sc ienc e a nd f luid
s c ie nc e . Us ing F L O W - 3 D a s a f low s im u la tion tool c a n he l p to sub sta ntia lly r educ e
the c os t of d e s ig n and p rod u c tion of m ic rof lu id ic d e vic es.

Water & Environmental

F L O W - 3 D is a valu a b le C FD s of tw a re f or d e ve lop ing d e s ig n a nd imp lementa tio n
op tions ove r a w id e rang e of is s u e s f a c ing hy d rau lic s e ng ineer s, f r o m la r ge
hy d roe le c tric p ow e r p roj e c ts to s m a ll m u nic ip a l w as te w ater tr ea tment sy stems.
Mi crofl u i d i cs Water & Envir onm ental S im u lation c an p la y a c ru c ia l role f or te s ting d e s ig n op tio ns, help ing to r educ e
c om p le x ity and f oc u s e f f orts on op tim iz e d s olu tions .
Substantial increases in performance and scaling can be achieved with

FLOW-3D/MP enables engineers to take advantage of the scaling potential

of high-performance computing on clusters to simulate very large domains
or long real-time events.
A variety of technical support packages are available to streamline your
modeling process. Flow Sciences support staff is comprised of engineers THE COMPANY
with industry experience who understand the needs and problems facing
users in competitive professional environments. Flow Science prides itself on CONTACT INFORMATION
offering timely and courteous support from our expert CFD engineers. FLOW SCIENCE
Flow Science offers comprehensive FLOW-3D training classes for customers
in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Classes provide attendees a solid understanding
of the software and hands-on experience solving relevant problems. Classes
may be combined with specific project consultations when deadlines
Flow Science was founded in 1980 by Dr. C. W. (Tony) Hirt, who was one
demand fast results. Existing and new users, as well as those interested in
of the principals in pioneering the Volume-of-Fluid or VOF method while
evaluating the software, are invited to attend. working at the Los Alamos National Lab. FLOW-3D is a direct descendant
of this work, but in the intervening years we have taken it to a much
higher level with TruVOF, boasting major improvements in the accuracy of
tracking distinct liquid/gas interfaces. FLOW-3D is about much more than
just free surface flows: It is a complete multi-physics package with significant
I wanted to thank you for all your support during the FLOW-3D training, particularly during the modeling capabilities including fluid-structure interaction, 6-DoF moving
individual consultation session. Your willingness to assist in developing my application is really objects, and multiphase flows.
appreciated. Please extend my thanks to all at Flow Science for an extremely well-delivered training
Flow Science supports a stellar customer base of commercial, academic,
Juan A. Gonzalez-Castro, Chief Consulting Engineer, SFWMD, Operations and Hydro Data
Management Division
and government users around the globe who use FLOW-3D to improve the
world on a daily basis, a fact we are very proud of. We take care of these
users directly, and through a high-quality channel of affiliated companies (in
Japan, China, and Germany) and independent partners.
FLOW-3D and TruVOF are registered trademarks in the US and other countries.
(505) 982 - 0088

Improving the world through accurate flow modeling

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