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Full Paper 45

Summary: In this paper, the gas phase composition of higher powers, the chemical entities present in the gas phase
hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) microwave plasma at contained several (SiO)x bonds, whereas the branching
4  103 mbar and of the corresponding films were studied rate in the film increased with the amount of SiH, SiC and
by FTIR spectroscopy under different power conditions. At SiO bonds. The interpretation of these observations led to a
low powers, species with a chemical structure very similar to proposal involving a chemical mechanism. In this mechan-
that of HMDSO were observed in the gas phase, whereas the ism, the increasing decomposition of HMDSO into by-
film essentially contained short [(CH3)2SiO]n-like chains products, which themselves increasingly decompose as the
with a low branching rate and the end group Si(CH3)3. At power is raised, plays a determining role.

Comparison of FTIR plasma and deposit spectra showing the relationship

between the HMDSO by-products present in the plasma phase and the different
functional groups and end groups present in the deposited films.

FTIR Plasma Phase Analysis of Hexamethyldisiloxane

Discharge in Microwave Multipolar Plasma at Different
Electrical Powers
Patrice Raynaud, Bernard Despax,* Yvan Segui, Hubert Caquineau
Laboratoire de Genie electrique (UMR 5003), 118 Route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex, France

Received: July 9, 2004; Revised: September 13, 2004; Accepted: September 29, 2004; DOI: 10.1002/ppap.200400034
Keywords: gas-phase infrared spectroscopy; microwave discharges; plasma; polysiloxanes; thin films

Introduction tant for deposition and film properties, deposition, in our

case, is mainly due to neutral active species. No direct
Under plasma conditions, thin film deposition often results analyses of the HMDSO dissociation products can be found
fromthesurfacereactionsofneutralactivespecies.Therefore, in the literature. It has only been indirectly studied. The
the properties and the quality of deposited films depend on the works carried out by Magni and Alexander in radio-
relative contribution of these species to the film growth. frequency discharges using mass spectrometry suggested a
Understanding how the dissociation conditions affect these breaking of both the SiO and SiC bonds after electron
contributions provides important guidance in finding mech- impact.[1,2] Besides, studies in microwave discharge using
anisms that lead to film formation from initial precursors. direct electron cyclotronic resonance (DECR) have shown
This paper focuses on the hexamethyldisiloxane that a large production of hydrocarbon molecules is evid-
(HMDSO) dissociation mechanism and the resulting spe- ence of CSi bond breaking in HMDSO plasma.[35]
cies as well as the relationship between these species and Additionally, the HMDSO dissociation may also lead to
the nature of the deposit. Although ions can also be impor- other organosilicon species.[6]

Plasma Process. Polym. 2005, 2, 4552 DOI: 10.1002/ppap.200400034 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
46 P. Raynaud, B. Despax, Y. Segui, H. Caquineau

A determination of HMDSO by-products under different amplitudes were very low and negligible with respect to the IR
radiofrequency plasma conditions (100 mTorr) was under- measurements in the plasma gas phase.
taken by Fracassi et al.[7] Their results were obtained by FTIR spectroscopy gives information on the neutral species
analyzing the gas effluent in a cold trap. Under their present in the plasma. However, plasma gas IR spectra exhibit
numerous bands (Figure 3) from several chemical groups; this
operating conditions, a coupled gas chromatography-mass
makes precise product identification somewhat difficult as seen
spectrometry (GC-MS) setup allowed them to essentially
detect many linear and cyclic oligomers containing a
(CH3)2SiO chemical group.
The aim of this work is to contribute to the understand- Results
ing of HMDSO plasma deposition mechanism at very low
pressures (few mbar) by FTIR analysis of the gas phase and Pure Hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO)
the chemical analysis of the deposits. FTIR Spectra
The Beer Lambert law was checked at different pressures
with a 40-m path length within the pressure range used in
Experimental Part our experiments. Figure 2 shows a typical HMDSO spec-
trum. An identification of HMDSO bands has been already
The experimental reactor coupled to the gas FTIR measure-
done.[1,3,4,8] Table 1 lists the bands observed in the present
ment setup, schematically represented in Figure 1, has been
described elsewhere.[3,4] It consists of a 30-cm-diameter study. In the nCH regions, the asymmetric stretching CH3
central cylindrical section and two smaller cylindrical sections mode [nas], the symmetric bending CH3 mode [ds CH3 in
above and below the housing spherical mirrors. The optical Si(CH3)x 1  x  3] and two rocking modes [rCH3 in
length of the IR beam can be adjusted by multi-reflection to a Si(CH3)x] respectively appear at 2 964, 1 260 and 850,
maximum of 44 m. The spectra were recorded by means of and 834 cm1 (weak shoulder). Besides, in the nSiO regions,
Biorad FTS 60A FTIR spectrometer. The data reported were the stretching mode of SiOSi bridge band appears at
obtained with a resolution of 0.5 cm1. The detection threshold 1 072 cm1.
of our IR setup was around 5  1010 molecules  cm3. The
plasma was generated in a microwave multipolar (MMP)
reactor excited by distributed electron cyclotron resonance HMDSO Plasma
(DECR) at 2.45 GHz. The analyses were carried out at a
Three spectra were recorded under various microwave
total pressure of 4  103 mbar with power ranging from 60 to
power conditions of discharge (Figure 3). At a low power,
600 W. Because the mirrors and KBr windows can become
covered with a deposit during the plasma run, particular i.e., 60 W, some remarkable features were observed
attention was paid to the estimation of the mirror coverage by (Figure 3a, Table 1). First, all the monomer bands decreased
the deposit. Before each experiment, a baseline was recorded in intensity under these plasma conditions showing a partial
as the background for the new experiment. Moreover, spectra HMDSO consumption. Nevertheless, the band intensity
of the empty reactor were recorded after each run, their decreases of SiCH3 at 1 260 and Si(CH3)3 at 850 cm1 were

Figure 1. Microwave reactor coupled to the gas IR measurement Figure 2. HMDSO FTIR spectrum at a pressure of 4 
setup. 103 mbar.

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FTIR Plasma Phase Analysis of Hexamethyldisiloxane Discharge in Microwave Multipolar Plasma at Different Electrical Powers 47

Table 1. Comparison of the IR bands of HMDSO gas phase and the bands present under low power conditions (60 W) and high power
conditions (600 W) (see Figure 1 and 2).a)

HMDSO gas phase Plasma HMDSO (60 W) Plasma HMDSO (600 W)

cm1 cm1 cm1

(L12) 3 660 (vw) 3 660 (w)

Small rovibrational acetylene band structure 3 290
centered at (L13) 3 290
(L14) 3 016 methane Q branch and 3 016
its rovibrational structures
(L1) 2 964 (s) CH a-stretching (L1) 2 965 2 958 (vs)
(L2) 2 907 (w) CH s-stretching (L15) 2 916 (L23) 2 924
(L16) 2 894 (L24) 2 873
(L17) 2 138 (L25) 2 132
(L18) 2 128
(L3) 1 587(vw) 1 587
(L4) 1 452(vw) 1 457 1 457
1 443 ethylene 1 404
(L5) 1 414(vw) 1 415
1 305 CH4 1 303 CH4
(L6) 1 260 (s) CH3 s-bending in Si(CH3) 1 261 1 256
1 135 (w) 1 135
(L7) 1 072 (vs) SiOSi a-stretching 1 072 1 072
(L8) 1 017 (vw) (L26) 1 022
(L19) 949 ethylene
(L20) 914
(L21) 903
(L9) 850(vs) CH rocking in Si(CH3)3 850
(L10) 834(vw) CH rocking 837
(L27) 796
(L11) 759(qs) SiC s-stretching in Si(CH3)3 759
(L22) 729 acetylene 729 acetylene
689(w) 694
(vs): very strong, (s) strong, (qs) quite strong, (w) weak, (vw) very weak.

lower than the absorbance decrease of the SiOSi band at 60 W in HMDSO plasma). This variation in R indicates the
1 072 cm1. These observations were confirmed by com- presence of species other than HMDSO in the plasma.
paring the absorbance ratios (R) of the SiOSi and SiCH3 Besides, the shapes and the relative amplitudes of the
bands (R0 2.44 HMDSO without plasma, R60W 2.02 at asymmetric stretching mode in the nCH regions around
2 965 cm1 were modified. Second, new absorption bands
were identified in this spectrum. First of all, sharp bands
appeared at 2 128 and 2 138 cm1. Three other weaker
bands appeared at 914, 903 and 3 660 cm1. Finally, several
other absorption bands appeared in the CH regions. For
instance, methane with the main band of the Q branch at
(3 016 cm1) overlapped the stretching band of the CH3
group belonging to the HMDSO molecules. Also, the main
bands of acetylene at 729 cm1 and between 3 330 and
3 200 cm1 and that of ethylene at 944 cm1 were detected.
Under powers equal or superior to 600 W (Figure 3c), the
most remarkable features were: (i) the shift to a lower
energy of CH3 asymmetric stretching mode, (ii) a clear
increase of a band around 2 873 cm1(CH2), (iii) the
appearance of a broad band around 1 022 cm1 (iv) the main
band of HMDSO at 1 072 cm1 almost disappeared
Figure 3. Plasma FTIR spectra at different microwave powers: whereas the bands around 1 260 cm1 remained. The sharp
a) 60, b) 170 and c) 600 W. band at 2 128 cm1 disappeared and a band around

Plasma Process. Polym. 2005, 2, 4552 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
48 P. Raynaud, B. Despax, Y. Segui, H. Caquineau

2 130 cm1 was weakened. Bands at around 910 cm1 were theoretical work from McKean for (CH3)3SiH (TriMS)
not detectable. Also, the presence of a weak, but broad band predicted a very strong absorption at 2 128.5 cm1.[9]
at 3 660 cm1 was observed. Table 2 summarizes the similarity between bands of the
trimethylsilane (TriMS) and some bands obtained under
low power plasma conditions. Except for the very strong
Discussion band around 2 128.5 cm1, the TriMS bands are more
difficult to identify in the plasma because of their low
Analysis of the Gas Phase
intensities with respect to the other bands. Nevertheless,
In order to accurately examine the HMDSO by-products in one of the bands either at 903 or at 914 cm1 can be assigned
the plasma phase, we have to eliminate residual HMDSO to the SiH bending mode of TriMS. According to McKean,
spectrum bands. Actually, the FTIR spectrum was obtained this mode is at 908 cm1.[9] The presence of this species at
by subtracting the remaining HMDSO spectrum of the gas low power can partly explain the m/z peaks at 73 [Si(CH3) 3,
phase from the plasma spectrum: a step-by-step subtraction M
TriMS  1) and 59 [SiH(CH3)2 , MTriMS  15] observed in
was carried out until we observed a very small inversion of the mass spectrum.[2] The band at 1 068 cm1 together with
the pure HMDSO bands. The spectra obtained just before the remaining bands at 1 262 and 850 cm1 also indicate the
this slight inversion were used for the analyses. presence of some products with the same structure as
At low microwave powers, Figure 4a clearly shows the HMDSO. PMDSO should be the molecule involved con-
bands mentioned above, but without the HMDSO vibra- sidering the SiH stretching band at 2 139 cm1 and one of
tional spectrum disturbances. The presence of vibrations at the SiH bending bands at around 910 cm1. The m/z peak at
3 660, 2 138, 2 128.5, 1 260, 850 and 834 cm1 is confirmed. 133 [H(CH3)2SiOSi(CH3)
2 , MPMDSO  15] in the mass
The presence of hydrocarbons is also confirmed. The bands spectrum also detected by Alexander suggests the presence
at 2 128.5, 2 138, 914, 903 cm1 are in the range of SiH of PMDSO.[2] Finally, the very weak band at 3 660 cm1
bands. The main difference with respect to the initial plasma could indicate traces of trimethylsilanol. Thus, PMDSO,
spectrum is the appearance of an important band at TriMS and hydrocarbons seem to be the main HMDSO
1 068 cm1, which could be the signature of a SiOSi by-products present in the gas phase under low power
bridge whose band normally appears at 1 072 cm1 for the conditions.
HMDSO monomer. This slight wave number shift is The situation seems to be more complicated under high
probably due to a small change in the Si environment. A power conditions (600 W) with the presence of bands at
very small shoulder also appears at 1 025 cm1. 2 956, 2 924, 2 878 and 1 025 cm1 (Figure 4c). However,
A study of HMDSO radiofrequency discharges at about with respect to the gas phase spectrum under low power
100 mbar showed the production of tetramethylsilane conditions (60 W), the strong increase of the CH stretching
(TMS), trimethylsilanol (TMSOH) ethyltrimethylsilane bands in the 2 900-cm1 range, the disappearance of the
(ETMS), pentamethyldisiloxane (PMDSO), ethylpenta- bands at 2 128.5, 850 and 759 cm1, and the band shift from
methyldisiloxane (EPMDSO).[7] At low plasma power in 1 068 to 1 022 cm1 are worth mentioning and can draw
DECR (60 W), our spectra do not show any TMS bands such comments. The first interesting observation concerns the
as the absorption bands at 868.7 (vs) and 1 254 cm1.[4] A TriMS absence which is unambiguously characterized by
the disappearance of the band at 2 128.5 cm1. The dis-
appearance of the band at 1 068 cm1 clearly indicates no
significant amount of PMDSO present. As a confirmation of
the absence of these molecules (TriMS, PMDSO), the band
at 850 cm1, an indication of Si(CH3)3 presence in these
monomers, shifted to 837 cm1. This behavior implies a
modification of the chemical environment of Si(CH3)3
group. Moreover, the Si(CH3)3 amount is low at this power
as revealed by the low intensity of the 837-cm1 band and
the disappearance of the weak band at 760 cm1 corres-
ponding to SiC in Si(CH3)3.
The modification of the main band at 1 072 cm1
attributed to SiOSi bridges in pure HMDSO also draws
comments on the evolution of the gas phase species. Under
low power conditions, the appearance of species such as
PMDSO leads to a band at 1 068 cm1. This 4-cm1 shift
Figure 4. Plasma FTIR spectra at different microwave powers: is consistent with the slight chemical modification of
a) 60, b) 170, and c) 600 W, obtained after spectrum subtraction of HMDSO to PMDSO. Under high power conditions, only a
remaining HMDSO. broad band at 1 022 cm1 appears as a signature of SiOSi.

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FTIR Plasma Phase Analysis of Hexamethyldisiloxane Discharge in Microwave Multipolar Plasma at Different Electrical Powers 49

Table 2. Comparison of bands of HSi(CH3)3 and bands present in HMDSO plasma (60 and 600 W) (see Figure 1 and 2).a)

SiH(CH3)3 (TriMS) theoretical bands, ref.[9] Bands present in plasma without Bands present under high
HMDSO bands (60 W) power conditions (600 W)

cm1 cm1 cm1

3 118 s (L12) 3 660 (vw) 3 660 (w)

3 069 s Methane left branch of rovibrational
structure of methane (10 bands)
2 965.1 (nas CH3) Stretching asym (vs) 2 963 (vs)
(L30) 2 956 (vvs)
(L31) 2 924 (vs)
(L32) 2 873 (vs)
(L17) 2 137 (qs)
2 128.5 (n SiH) stretching(vvs) (L18) 2 128 (vs) 2 132 (vw)
1 268 (ds CH3) (qs) (L 6) 1 262 (vs) 1 256 (vs)
1 256 (ds CH3) (qs)
Bending sym. (qs)
(L28) 1 068 (vs)
(L29) 1 025 shoulder
(L26) 1 022 (vs)
or SiOSi
908.1 (d SiH) bending s 903 (w) and 914 (w)
856 (qs) 850 (vs) 837 (s)
842 (s) (L27) 796 (s)
(r CH3) rocking
(L11) 759 SiCH3 in Si (CH3)3
(vs): very strong, (s) strong, (qs) quite strong, (w) weak, (vw) very weak.

This 50-cm1 shift from the reference position in pure or CH2 branching on silicon site.[10] Actually, the deposit
HMDSO and the broadening of the band result from a larger spectra recorded at low and high power are different
structural change in the SiOSi bridge-containing mole- (Figure 5, spectra normalized with regard to the same
cules. Based on Li et al.,[10] this wave number shift to lower thickness). At low power (60 W), the spectrum exhibits a
energy can be attributed to the molecules containing small main band at 1 032 cm1 (Table 3, Figure 5a), whereas the
siloxane chains with a gradually increasing molecular deposit spectrum under a high power shows a broad band at
weight. The appearance of a band at 796 cm1 indicates around 1 022 cm1 (Table 3, Figure 5c). Another feature in
either the presence of SiOSi bending mode or that of the deposit spectrum under a low power (60 W) is a very
SiC with an environment different from that of Si(CH3)3. small amount of SiH, whereas the amount of deposits
Under high power conditions, the slight increase in the
amplitude of the OH band at around 3 660 cm1 is also
worth noting and reveals the reaction between SiO. and
the hydrogen at the deposit surface to form SiOH-contain-
ing products in the gas phase. Notice that in the gas phase of
HMDSO/oxygen plasma, Creatore et al. detected a large
amount of such products.[11]

Relationship between Gas Phase Composition and

Deposit Composition
The band between 1 040 and 1 020 cm1 pertaining to the
FTIR spectrum of HMDSO plasma deposits (Figure 5a:
60 W) has been ascribed to SiOSi stretching mode in a
disturbed environment [(CH3)2SiO]n. Recall that the Si
OSi stretching mode in the HMDSO gas phase peaked at
1 072 cm1 and that the difference between the monomer Figure 5. Deposit FTIR spectra at different microwave powers:
and the deposit was mainly due to carbon substitutions by a) 60, b) 170, and c) 600 W. The spectra are normalized with regard
oxygen atoms to form the (SiO)n backbone with some CH3 to the thickness.

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50 P. Raynaud, B. Despax, Y. Segui, H. Caquineau

Table 3. Comparison of the IR bands of HMDSO plasma deposits obtained under different power conditions (compare Figure 5).a)

Plasma HMDSO (60 W) Plasma HMDSO (170 W) Plasma HMDSO (600 W)

1 1
cm cm cm1

(P1) 2 960 (s) CH a-stretching (P1) 2 960 2 958 (vs)

(P2) 2 902 (w) CH s-stretching (P9) 2 905 (P13) 2 905
(P10) 2 894 (P14) 2 876
(P3) 2 129 (vw) (P11) 2 136 (P15) 2 140
(P12) 2 128
1 570
1 457
(P4) 1 412 (vw) 1 411 1 406
(P5) 1 257 (s) CH3 s-bending in Si(CH3) 1 258 1 257
(P6) 1 034 (vs) SiOSi a-stretching 1 032 (P16) 1 022
(P7) 834 (vw) CH rocking 837
(P8) 796 (P8) 796 (P8) 796
687 (w) 694

(vs): very strong, (s) strong, (qs) quite strong, (w) weak, (vw) very weak.

obtained at higher powers (>150 W, Figure 5b and c, by mass spectrometry[2,5,7] and confirmed by our work, it is
Table 3) is larger. clear that the radicals associated with these species, e.g.,
Taking into account the preceding gas phase analysis, the CH3, .Si(CH3)3 and (Me)3SiOSi.(Me)2 could be involved
following global comment can be made. Under low power, in the deposition process.
the gas phase mainly contains hydrocarbon molecules, In addition to the deposit, we emphasize that the disso-
trimethylsilane, pentamethyldisiloxane and a large amount ciation products after gas-phase recombination or species
of HMDSO, whereas the deposit is characterized by SiO desorption by surface recombination or both lead to the
Si bridges (1 034 cm1), a small SiC (or SiO) amount formation of stable volatile molecules. This competition
(796 cm1), a large Si(CH3)3 amount (840 and 760 cm1) between the formation of volatile products and the deposi-
and a very small amount of SiH bonds (2 129 cm1). On tion process must be considered when tackling the key
the other hand at high power (600 W), molecules possibly problem of the plasma deposition mechanism. At pressures
containing (SiO)x coupled with a large amount of hydro- lower than 5  103 mbar (very low probability of chemical
carbon branching seems to be dominant in the gas phase. reactions in the gas phase), surface reactions cannot
Here, the deposit contained SiOSi bridges (1 023 cm1) be ignored in the correct diagnosis of the origin of some
as well as a significant SiH amount (2 139 cm1), a high neutral species. Besides, under high power, the large
SiC (or SiO) amount (796 cm1) and very few Si(CH3)3 HMDSO consumption can favor the electron interaction
groups (834 cm1). Note, no significant SiOH bonds were with HMDSO by-products leading to a partial modification
detected in the deposit, although the IR spectra show the of the deposition process chemistry.
presence of few silanol groups in the gas phase. The low In this respect, the large hydrocarbon production in the
concentration in the gas phase could explain the absence of gas phase explains the carbon deficit in the deposit as
SiOH in the deposit. measured by XPS. Indeed, the C/Si ratio decreases below 2
The following interpretation can be given to the pre- in the deposit instead of 3 in HMDSO. Moreover, taking
ceding observations. Although the presence of a (SiO)n into account the global oxygen deficit concerning the
backbone is on the whole unquestionable, the occurrence HMDSO by-products, it is reasonable to find an increase in
of a few SiCH2Si bridges or SiCH2CHx is possible. [O]/[Si] ratio in the deposit with respect to HMDSO ([O]/
Indeed, recent papers on thin film deposition from hexa- [Si] 0.5). This was found to be the case in ref.[2] at a low
methyldisilane indicate that the IR spectrum of deposits power ([O]/[Si] 0.7) and in ref.[15] at a high power ([O]/
exhibits a broad band at 1 020 cm1 which has been [Si] 1). These last observations lead to the conclusion that
ascribed to the Si(CH2)nSi bridge (wagging mode both carbon and silicon atoms are missing in the deposit
1  n  2).[1214] Obviously, this deposit does not contain as compared to the HMDSO atomic composition. This is
SiO bonds. The presence of the CH2 groups at 2 873 cm1 consistent with the large amount of stable species such
in the gas phase and 2 876 cm1 (Figure 3c, Table 3) in the as hydrocarbons, HSi(CH3)3 or [(CH3)3(CH3)2SiO]x
deposit could indicate the presence of some SiCH2Si or SiH(CH3)2, present in the gas phase which are pumped out.
SiCH2CHx bridges. This view is confirmed by the work of Fracassi et al.[7] who
Taking into account the presence of molecular species in detected these kinds of products in HMDSO radiofrequency
the gas phase such as CH4, TriMS and PMDSO as assumed discharges. Alexander et al.[2] have shown by means of ToF-

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FTIR Plasma Phase Analysis of Hexamethyldisiloxane Discharge in Microwave Multipolar Plasma at Different Electrical Powers 51

SIMS analysis of deposits that a lot of heavy ionized frag-

ments involved few (Si CH2) units which were attributed
to SiCH2Si bond breaking. Nevertheless, as already
shown, the deficit of both carbon and silicon compared to
oxygen in the deposit is compensated by their excess in the
gas phase.

Mechanism Proposal
At a low power, the mechanism assumed by Magni et al.[1]
appears to be quite consistent with our results. They
proposed the following dissociation reactions:
CH3 3 SiOSiCH3 3 e ! CH3 3 SiO SiCH3 2
CH3 e 1 Figure 6. Simplified reaction pathway for deposition at low

CH3 3 SiOSiCH3 3 e !  SiCH3 3 CH3 3 SiO e

dangling bond nCH3 2 SiO ! siteCH3 2 SiOn1
CH3 2 SiO 5
CH3 3 SiOSiCH3 3 e !  SiCH3 3 CH3 2 SiO
At higher powers (400 W) in the gas phase, the strong
 CH3 e 3 CH bands at around 2 957, 2 924 and 2 873 cm1 with
Three of the obtained radicals, (CH3)3SiO.Si(CH3)2, respect to Si(CH3)x and SiOSi bands let us think that
CH.3 and .Si(CH3)3 can explain the presence of TriMS, heavy stable hydrocarbon molecules are produced or hydro-
PMDSO and methane in the gas phase as described above. carbon groups are grafted onto siloxane-like species con-
Of course, these radicals may also contribute to the deposit taining chains such as [(CH3)2SiO]xSi(CH2)ySi or
and to polymer chain ends. For instance, the large content of [(CxHy)2SiO]z or both. If we consider the corresponding
Si(CH3)3 (840 cm1) in the deposit could be related to the deposits, the hydrocarbon group content (between 2 959
Si(CH3)3 radicals which react with a dangling bonds. and 2 876 cm1) is very low with respect to that of the SiH,
The main structure of the deposit based on a (SiO) SiCH3 and SiOSi groups. In the layer, the importance of
backbone probably arises from the other two radicals whose the bands at 796 cm1 (SiC or SiO) with respect to the
generic formula is (CH3)xSiO. Two arguments are in favor very weak band at 834 cm1 [Si(CH3)3] indicates the
of this proposal. First, the atomic composition of these disappearance of the Si(CH3)3 group from the deposit.
radicals is quite close to the O/Si ratio observed in the film. These last observations on the deposition process could
Second, the very weak band at 3 660 cm1 (OH bonds) be explained based on a modification of the discharge com-
could confirm the presence of a (CH3)3SiO. radical which position. At a high power, HMDSO is almost totally
can induce the silanol production by hydrogen abstraction consumed, and the gas phase is dominated by its by-
from the deposit surface. products. Then, electrons can also interact with these by-
Moreover, the FTIR spectrum of the gas phase at products to form new radical species which can contribute
intermediate power (170 W, Figure 4b) shows a broad band to the deposition process (Figure 7). For instance, reactions
with a maximum between 1 055 and 1 030 cm1. This indi- such as the following might be possible:
cates the presence of molecules containing [(CH3)2SiO)x,
2  x  3] as shown by Fracassi et al.[7] in radiofrequency CH4 e ! CH3 and CH
2 and CH

xH e 6
discharge and confirmed by mass spectrometry.[2] Based on HSiCH3 3 e ! H SiCH3 2  CH3 e 7
the proposed mechanism, the only means to obtain these
small oligomers is the reaction of (CH3)xSiO species with PMDSO e ! HCH3 4  Si2 O CH3 and
each other to increase the (SiO)y chain length (Figure 6). HCH3 2  SiO or HCH3 SiO  CH3   SiCH3 e
In any situation, the deposit composition (O/Si  1) leads to
the conclusion that the most reactive and probably the main
mechanism for deposition is: It can be noticed that the obtained radicals contain SiH
either bonds, which can explain the presence of such bonds in the
nCH3 3 SiO ! CH3 3 SiOSiCH3 2 n2SiCH3 3
As observed in the IR spectra of both the gas phase and
n  2CH3 4 the deposit, the gradual change in composition from low

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52 P. Raynaud, B. Despax, Y. Segui, H. Caquineau

produces stable species such as TriMS, PMDSO and CH4

obtained after a radical recombination. On the other hand,
(CH3)xSiO seems to be the main deposit precursor.
At a higher power, the HMDSO by-products in the gas
phase are also dissociated by electronic impact producing
new radicals which contribute to the deposit. This leads to
an increase of the grafting rate of the (SiO) chains in the
films. Meanwhile, the length of the siloxane chains in the
gas phase increases. This is also the case in the deposit as
shown by the shift of the SiOSi stretching towards energy
as low as 1 020 cm1 and a large decrease in the amount of
the Si(CH3)3 group. This shift could also be favored by the
formation of SiCH2Si bridges.
Figure 7. Simplified reaction pathway for deposition at high
powers (>100 W).

power to high power is due to a combination of HMDSO

depletion and HMDSO by-product formation. This ob- [1] D. Magni, C. Deschenaux, C. Hollenstein, A. Creatore,
viously leads to a variable chemical composition of the P. Fayet, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2001, 34, 87.
[2] M. R. Alexander, F. R. Jones, R. D. Short, Plasmas Polym.
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Plasma Process. Polym. 2005, 2, 4552 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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