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Korotoans being the natives to Tund for millennia before recorded history were unheard of due
to their incredibly slow technology production rate and solitary nature, and their planets
characteristic of being near-impossible to find, and very far from established civilisation.
In 6900 BBY, a large group of Sith-Human immigrants came to Tund after being pushed from
their homelands by Dark Jedi. The Korotoans and Sith-Humans had a relationship consisting
mostly of indifference until a slim few Korotoans showed mild signs of being force-sensitive,
upon the discovery of which, the Sith reluctantly taught them the ways of the dark side. This
shaky alliance became more closely cemented upon the arrival of the Massassi and Kissai
peoples, and their easy alliance with both the Sith and the Korotoans being very simple to create.
More and more Korotoan sith were being trained, although most Korotoans remained indifferent
to the Force. It wasnt until the Toongs came to Tund that the Korotoans had any problems with
the Sith. Due to the inherent Korotoan nature of being very apathetic towards others with whom
they have no connection, but also tending to prefer to avoid confrontation, most of them took
issue with the Sith/Toong conflict, which resulted in them shying away from Sith and Toongs alike
in the future, becoming quite elusive in the years before the battle of Yavin. The Korotoans were
always inherently suspicious of the Sorcerors of Tund, after having met the Sith, so there are no
recorded Korotoan Sorcerors in record. After the planet of Tund was decimated by the last
Sorceror of Tund, the Korotoans were largely wiped out, but by this time a few small colonies had
emigrated to major planets like Coruscant, Naboo, and Alderaan, so there are still Korotoans
around, but very, very few of them.

Physical Description:

Korotaons are large, humanoid beetle-like creatures. They have an exoskeleton covering most of
their body, 2 thick, smooth, plated, legs protruding from beneath a shield-like plated back, and a
rippled, paler, softer underbelly from their waist to their neck. Their shielded back extends all of
the way up their bodies, so they have no neck, but have a face on the front of their bodies with
four, black, sunken eyes, two feelers positioned below their eyes and above their small, sharp
pincers that protrude slightly from their mouths. Their arms are slightly drawn in on both sides,
and their legs bow forwards slightly. Their plating is usually a deep blue colour, but can range to
dark green, and occasionally dark brown. Korotoans are on a permanent kind of hunch over, and
can effectively fold themselves up and expose only the toughest parts of their armoured body
whilst resting.

Korotoans are fairly solitary creatures, and can spend months without communicating to other
Korotoans, or anyone for that matter. This is mostly due to their quiet confidence in their own
massive stature and armoured plating to keep them from harm, but also due to their natural
calm and peace with the world. Korotoans are traditionally neutral, but tend to favour good
rather than evil if one is aligned other than neutral. Due to their solitary nature, Korotoans are
notoriously bad speakers, and it will take them an extremely long time to learn new languages,
and can often only speak them in a very forced, raspy voice.

Korotoans come from the secret planet Tund, located in the Tund system on the fringes of the

Korotoans speak Korotoan, and can read, write, and *just* speak Basic.

Example Names:
Korotoans dont usually go by any form of name, because they dont rely on community to
survive. Usually the first culture who does use names who comes across a Korotoan will give
them their name.

Typically Korotoans go on adventures in order to fulfil some kind of personal destiny or desire, or
because theyve been instructed to perform a monumental task by a person the Korotoan
respects. They traditionally serve as scouts, Sith, or, there are rumours of Korotoan Jedi who
rejected the Sith teachings, and searched for other forms of the Force

Ability Score Increase:

Due to their large stature and thoughtful nature, but tendency to avoid communication or
fumble on their words, Korotoans receive a +2 STR, +2 WIS, and -3 CHA

Korotoans barely fit into the Medium size category, ranging around 6-8 feet in height, and 250-
430 kilograms in weight.

Your speed is 6 squares, unless in armoured form, then it is 3.

Awkward Form:
Because of the awkward physical stature of Korotoans, all worn equipment and weapons must be
specifically adapted to their form. All weapons you buy cost 150% of their original cost, and all
armour you buy costs 200% of its original cost. (This excludes anything that the DM decides is
possible to use regardless of body shape, ie: thermal detonators).

Tough Exoskeleton:

Due to the thick, metallic exoskeleton of a Korotoan, you receive a +2 Armour bonus to your
Reflex Defence (REF DEFENSE), and a +1 Equip bonus to FORT DEFENCE this comes with no
armour check penalty, and no restriction to DEX bonus on your REF DEFENSE.

Armoured Form:
Korotoans are capable of folding up into a rounded rock position, curled up on the ground as a
Standard Action. When this is the case, the Korotoan gains a DR of 5, and adds their STR and
CON to their REF DEFENSE. However, the Korotoan is incapable of attacking, or moving quicker
than 3 squares. The Korotoan can fit Medium or smaller creature within their folded up body, and
can attempt to do forcibly fold up while grappling an enemy creature. If successful, the Korotoan
can make a Crush Attack as a Full-Turn action, while still keeping the enemy grappled, dealing
1d10+STR in damage (this increases to 2d10 at 5th level, 3d10 at 10th, 4d10 at 15th, and 5d10 at 20th.
While grappling an enemy in this way, that enemy is considered Helpless. A willing ally of the
Korotoan can be protected by the Korotoan, being counted as being inside full cover whilst
inside its bulky form, and being protected by the Korotoan.

Bad Communicators:
A Korotoan can only speak languages other than Korotoan in a rasping, janky manner. The effect
of this may vary situationally, trust your DM to decide the overall mechanical effect of this.

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