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Natural history of Trisomy 18

Article in Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition August 1996
DOI: 10.1136/fn.75.1.F38 Source: PubMed


112 57

5 authors, including:

Nicholas D Embleton Sharon Dimetree Hunter

Newcastle University Argosy University


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F38 Archives of Disease in Childhood 1996;75:F38-F41

Natural history of trisomy 18

N D Embleton, J P Wyllie, M JWright, J Burn, S Hunter

Abstract notified to the Northern Regional Fetal

It has been suggested that survival in Abnormality Survey and perinatal and infant
babies with trisomy 18 may be better than deaths to the Perinatal Mortality Survey. These
previously recognised, and that cardiac surveys have been validated before 9 and were
surgery may be justified. A population the source of all cases for the years between
based study spanning seven years in one 1986-92. Each case was cross referenced with
English health region is presented. The the three regional genetics laboratories to
fetal prevalence at 18 weeks was 1 in 4274 obtain accurate cytogenetic data with the
and birth prevalence 1 in 8333 live births. regional paediatric cardiology database, to
Trisomy 18 was detected antenatally in ascertain any congenital heart malformations.
43% of cases, but almost 90%/o of those born Antenatal data were obtained by examining the
without a diagnosis were known to be medical records of the affected women, and the
growth retarded in utero. More than 50%/o medical and nursing notes of babies born alive
of liveborn infants were delivered by provided demographic data, birthweight, his-
caesarean section. The median survival of tory, and information about the mode of death.
those born alive was 3 days with no babies The mode of death of the liveborn babies
living longer than one year. Cardiac was categorised as following:
malformations were not universal but 1 Never stabilised-died within the first 18
were present in more than 87% of those for hours when management was withdrawn on
whom there were data. However, in only clinical grounds.
three cases were cardiac problems impli- 2 Apnoea.
cated in the death of the infants. 3 Sepsis.
Cardiac surgery is not likely to improve 4 Episodic cyanosis-cyanosis with insufficient
the survival of infants with trisomy 18 and evidence to ascribe it to apnoea.
at present cannot be justified. The most 5 Extubated- babies who died at more than
common mode of death was central 18 hours of age after withdrawal of support
apnoea. following a firm diagnosis of trisomy 18.
(Arch Dis Child 1996;75:F38-F41) The number of births in the region for the
seven year period was obtained from the
Keywords: trisomy 18, prevalence, survival, cardiac sur- Regional Perinatal Mortality Survey and the
gery. Office of Population Censuses and Surveys
Trisomy 18 is the second most common auto- Results
somal trisomy and has a quoted incidence of
between 1 in 3000 and 1 in 8000.'-' Congeni- PREVALENCE
tal heart disease is known to be commonly There were 66 fetuses (mean maternal age
Department of associated 2 4 5 and is frequently blamed by cli- 30.9 years) with trisomy 18 at 18 weeks of ges-
Ptediatric Cardiology, tation during 1986-92 and 282 583 births over
Freeman Hospital nicians for the rapid death of babies with this
NHSTrust, condition. Despite the prolific descriptions the same period. Of the 66 affected pregnan-
Newcastle upon Tyne published about trisomy 18, there is little cies, 23 were terminated, six aborted spontane-
ND Embleton ously, three babies were stillborn and 34 were
S Hunter population based information about mode of
death and survival.6 Clinical management of born alive. Thirty one male and 35 female
Directorate of affected pregnancies and liveborn babies de- fetuses were affected, but of 34 live babies, 23
Neonatology, pends on accurate information about survival were female and 11 were male. The observed
South Cleveland fetal prevalence of trisomy 18 at 18 weeks of
Hospital, to enable parents, obstetricians, and paediatri-
Cleveland cians to plan future actions.78 Such informa- gestation was 0.234 per 1000 live births (1 in
JPWyllie tion can only be obtained by a prospective 4274) and the birth prevalence was 0.12 per
cohort study or from retrospective studies 1000 (1 in 8333) live births.
Department of Human
Genetics, which encompass a defined population2 so that
University of ascertainment bias is minimised. We report a ANTENATAL DIAGNOSIS
Newcastle upon Tyne
population based retrospective study of tri- Trisomy 18 (or a major abnormality)was diag-
MJWright nosed antenatally in 28 cases. Of these, 23
J Bum somy 18 in one English health region.
pregnancies were terminated, three spontane-
Correspondence to:
Dr J PWyllie,
ously aborted, and two were carried to term.
Department of Neonatology, Methods Initial diagnosis was made by amniocentesis
South Cleveland Hospital,
Marton Road,
The Northern Health Region of England (now (n= 14), ultrasound (n= 13), or chorionic villus
Middlesbrough, the Northern sector of the Northern and York- biopsy (n= 1).' Amniocentesis or chorionic vil-
TS4 3BW.
shire Health Region) is suited to population lus biopsy were performed on the basis of
based studies as it has well defined borders and maternal age (mean age 40 years) in all but one
Accepted 2 April 1996 little cross referral. All fetal abnormalities are case where amniocentesis was performed at 34
Natural history of trisomy 18 F39

Table 1 Ultrasoundfindings in non-liveborn fetuses Table 3 Heart malformations in liveborn babies

Abnormality No ofcases Median
Heart malformation No of cases survival
Cystic hygroma 3
Non-immune hydrops 2 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome 3 2 days
Exomphalos 2 Aortic coarctation 1 3 hours
Spina bifida and hydrocephalus 1 Transposition of the great arteries 1 5 hours
Holoprocencephaly 1 + ventricular septal defect
Anencephaly 1 Ventricular septal defect 7 6 days
Double outlet right ventricle and hydrocephalus 1 Complete atrio-ventricular septal 5 2 days
Ventricular septal defect, cleft palate and 1 defect
microcephaly Double outlet right ventricle 2 2 days
In utero growth retardation 1 Tetralogy of Fallot 1 1 hour
Subvalvar pulmonary stenosis 1 2 days

Table 2 Antenatal ultrasound abnormalities in liveborn

babies clinical features of these three children were
similar to those of the other liveborn babies
Abnormality No of cases and they were included in the analysis.
Arachnoid cyst 2
Small exomphalos 2 MODE OF DELIVERY
Diaphragmatic hernia 1 Twenty one cases (64%) were delivered by
Dilated renal pelvis 1 caesarean section. In only one case was the
Double outlet right ventricle 1
diagnosis of trisomy 18 known beforehand,
and this was the twin pregnancy where the
safety of the normal fetus was compromised by
weeks of gestation, because of polyhydramnios presentation of the affected twin. Of the
and severe intrauterine growth retardation. remainder, caesarean section was performed
Ultrasound abnormalities detected in those for fetal reasons in 13 cases (fetal distress
who were not liveborn are shown in table 1. Of (n=1 1), cord prolapse (n=2)). Obstetric indi-
the 13 cases diagnosed by ultrasound, five were cations for the others were breech position or
confirmed by amniocentesis and one was con- transverse lie (n=4), previous section (n=1),
firmed by chorionic villus biopsy. poor prognosis and previous section n=(1) and
Of 34 live born babies, only two had a firm intrauterine growth retardation (n= 1).
antenatal diagnosis: one was diagnosed at 14
weeks but had a karyotypically (and subse- SURVIVAL
quently clinically) normal twin; and one was The average gestation at birth of those born
the 34 week diagnosis already mentioned. alive was 37 weeks, with a mean maternal age
Three parents declined amniocentesis, offered of 27.5 years and a mean birthweight of 1.8 kg.
on the basis of maternal age. Of the remaining The median survival was 3 days with only nine
29, all but three were noted to be growth babies living longer than a week and none
restricted in utero on routine scans and seven longer than a year (fig 1).
had definite abnormalities (table 2). Twenty five babies had either a postmortem
examination (n=9), or an echocardiogram
(n=13), or both (n=3). This confirmed con-
Cytogenetic confirmation was made in 65 heart inheart disease in 21 cases and a normal
cases and clinically (JB) in one 33 week gesta-
four. Of the remaining nine liveborn
tional age stillborn baby. Trisomy 18 was con- murmur or cardiacno clinical
six had evidence of a
firmed in 31 of the live babies with one trans- but no cardiac failure (and bothtwo had murmurs
location(child47,XX+ 18t(11;18) (ql3.1;q23), apnoea), and there were insufficient datadied of
mother 46,XX t(l 1;18) (ql3.1;q23), father baby in one
46,XY, one child with 48,XXX + 18, and one firmeddying heart
at 6 hours of age. The 21 with con-
malformations are summarised in
child with 47,XX + 18/46,XX mosaicism. The table 3.
Only five had malformations which
might have caused early death. Three babies
35 r had hypoplastic left heart syndrome and died
within the first two days. One baby had coarc-
30 tation, ventricular septal defect, and patent
arterial duct, and died at 3 hours; and one baby
25 had transposition of the great arteries and a
ventricular septal defect and died at 5 hours.
co 20
Detailed analysis of medical and nursing notes

co 15r revealed the mode of death in all but two


101 Table 4 Mode of death
Classification No of cases Median survival
Never stabilised 9 4 hours
Apnoea 10 5 days
0 1 2 3 10 30 90 365 Episodic cyanosis 4 3 days
Sepsis 3 5 months
Postnatal days Extubated 3 3 days
Unknown 2 28 days
Figure 1 Postnatal survival of infants studied.
F40 Embleton, Wylie, Wright, Burn, Hunter

babies who died at home. The deaths of the baby was liveborn (table 2), despite the high
three babies with hypoplastic heart syndrome prevalence of potentially detectable abnormali-
were attributed to their cardiac malformation. ties (table 3). " It is not clear why so many car-
Table 4 shows the survival for the five diac abnormalities were missed, but equipment
classifications. There was no association be- and training has recently improved throughout
tween the cardiac malformations and the mode the region, and detection rates from scans
of death except for the two babies with double showing obstetric anomaly are already improv-
outlet right ventricle who both died with ing.
episodic cyanosis at 2 and 3 days of age, Median survival was similar to that in other
although these babies showed no sign of recent series' 2 310 and no baby in this series
cardiac failure. lived longer than one year. Hecht's self
fulfilling prophecy,'6 that active management is
Discussion withdrawn after diagnosis, certainly affects
The reported prevalence of trisomy 18 varies early deaths but probably has less effect on
enormously and reflects the way in which data subsequent deaths. More aggressive treatment
are collected.' 2 10 11 The birth prevalence in in the first few days and subsequent intensive
this study is similar to that in recently support may explain the increased occurrence
published studies from Utah and Denmark.'
of prolonged survival in the United States6 but
The relatively small numbers in each series this may also be due to case ascertainment.
may account for the differences, but earlier Long term survival is well documented even in
studies may have omitted babies dying before the absence of mosaicism, but not in popula-
chromosomal analysis. We present the ob- tion studies, and the relatively small numbers
served prevalence of 1 in 4272 at 18 weeks in this series may account for the lack of it.
rather than an estimate. The spectrum of congenital heart disease in
Three children were included with translo- this series is similar to that of previously
cation and mosaicism. The latter has been reported postmortem '7 and echocardiographic
associated with long term survival," although series.'8 However, absence of transposition of
mosaicism may have a different phenotype, the great arteries in trisomy 18 was reported by
with longevity simply representing the range of Van Praagh" as a strong if not absolute
the condition.6 More females than males were criterion for fetal echocardiographic diagnosis.
born alive, although fetal numbers are equal. We found no previous reports of transposition
Females also survived longer, confirming the in cytogenetically confirmed cases. In this
trend noted by Weber," Carter,2 and more series a 36 week gestational age, live born male
recently by Root.' weighing 1.6 kg died at 5 hours of age.
In this study 43% of cases were detected Postmortem examination confirmed the car-
antenatally. This may affect the spectrum of diac diagnosis of transposition with ventricular
abnormalities among those born alive, as septal defect, and trisomy 18 was confirmed
severely affected fetuses are more likely to be cytogenetically.
detected. The mean liveborn weight in this The recent paper by Baty et a16 provides
series was 1.8 kg at an average gestation of 37 interesting information regarding trisomy 18,
weeks, confirming other reports.' Most cases but ascertainment bias may produce a dis-
had in utero growth retardation after routine torted natural history. Specifically it concen-
antenatal assessment, and some had ultra- trates on survivors and is unable to provide
sound abnormalities (table 2), although no information on the mode or cause of death
furither diagnostic action was taken. Schwanitz 2 other than cardiorespiratory arrest. In the
has suggested that 20% of the cases of present study detailed examination of medical,
intrauterine growth retardation, and 40% of and more usefully, nursing notes, indicates
those with a heart defect, will have a chromo- central apnoea as the most common mode of
some disorder, with trisomy 21 and trisomy 18 death (10 cases). In only one case was this
being the most common. Other ultrasound associated with cardiac failure which had been
abnormalities, such as hand posturing, have successfully treated. Only the babies with
also been strongly associated with autosomal hypoplastic left heart syndrome may have died
trisomies." Most cases of intrauterine growth as a result of their cardiac malformations, and
retardation were not detected until the late these died very young. In all, nine babies died
second or third trimester when the fetus would within a few hours of birth and were either not
be potentially viable. However, the high resuscitated (n=2) or had further active
incidence of delivery by caesarean section management withdrawn in the face of over-
reported by David,'4Young,l and confirmed in whelming problems and a clinical diagnosis of
this series, might be reduced further by investi- trisomy 18. No baby living longer than 2 days
gation of unexplained intrauterine growth reta- died of demonstrable cardiac complications.
dation. Rapid karyotyping by funipuncture or Cardiac surgery would not, therefore, have
placental biopsy has been recommended to affected their survival.
facilitate management." In the 13 cases where Clinicians have long recognised the poor
section was performed for fetal reasons alone outcome of trisomy 18. This study provides
(fetal distress and cord prolapse), prior confir- population based information to aid manage-
mation of trisomy 13 may have helped ment and counselling. Many apparently poten-
clinicians and mothers to proceed with vaginal tially detectable cases are still missed antena-
delivery. tally. Their detection would increase parental
Only three cardiac malformations were choice not only of termination but also of
detected antenatally, and of these, only one delivery. The high incidence of caesarean birth
Natural hiswry of trisory 18 F41

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