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APJII (Asosiasi Pengusaha Internet Indonesia). Profil Pengguna Internet

Indonesia 2014. /Diakses pada 15 Januari 2016

Berthon, P, R., Pitt, L, F., Plangger, K., & Shapiro, D., (2012). Marketing meets
Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: implications for
international marketing strategy. Kelley School of Business, Indiana

Brigham, E. F., dan Ehrhardt, M. C. (2005). Financial Management Theory and

Practice. Singapore: South Western Cengage Learning.

Brogan, C. (2010). Social Media 101: Tactics and tips to develop your business
online. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Cooper, D, R., Schindler, Pamela S. (2013). Business Research Methods, 12th

edition. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill Education.

Hanna, R, Rohm, A., & Crittenden, V. L. (2011). We are all connected: the power
of the social media ecosystem. Business Horizons.

Hermana, B., & Silfianti, W. (2011). Evaluating e-government implementation by

local government: Digital divide in internet based public services in
Indonesia. International Journal of Business and Social Science, Volume
2, No. 3.

Innis, D, E., La Londe, B, J. (1994). Customer service: The key to customer

satisfaction, customer loyalty, and market share. Journal of Business

Ja-Shen Chen., Russell, K, H., (2007). The effects of Information and

Communication Technology on Customer Relationship Management and
customer lock-in. International Journal of Electronic Business, Volume 5,
Issue 5.

Kartajaya, H. (2010). New Wave Marketing, The World is Still Round The Market
is Already Flat.

Kaplan, A, M., Haaenlein, M. (2010). User of the world, unite! The challenges
and opportunities of social media. Kelley School of Business, Indiana

Kietzman, J. H., Hermkens, K., Mc Carthy, I, P., & Silvestre, B, S. (2011). Social
Media? Get Serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of
social media. Business Horizons, 54(3), 241-251.

Kim, A, J., and Ko, E. (2010) Impact of luxury fashion brands social media
marketing on customer relationship and purchase intention. Journal of
Global Fashion Marketing, 1-3, 164-171.

Kotler, P., dan Keller, K.L. (2012). Marketing Management. 14th edition. United
States of America: Pearson Education.

Lupiyoadi, R. (2006). Manajemen Pemasaran Jasa, Edisi Kedua. Jakarta:

Penerbit Salemba Empat.

Miller, M. (2008). Bussines Plan. Edisi Pertama, Jakarta: Prenada Media Group.
Miller, K, D., Fabian, F., and Lin, S, J. (2009). Strategies for online communities.
Strategic Management Journal, 30 (3), 305-322.
Moenir, A, S. (2001). Manajemen Pelayanan Umum di Indonesia. Jakarta: Bumi

Munusamy, J., Chelliah, S., Mun, H. (2010). International Journal of Innovation,

Management and Technology 1.4.

Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business Model Generation. Jakarta:

Penerbit Elexmedia Komputindo.

Porter, M, E. (1980). Competittive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries

and Competitors. New York: The Free Press.

Russell S, W. (2001). A Framework for Customer Relationship Management,

California Management Review, Vol. 43 No. 4 (pp. 89-105).

Richter, A. and Koch, M. (2007). Social Transactions on Social Network Sites:

Can Transaction Cost Theory contribute to a better understanding of
Internet Social Networking? Bled, Slovenia.

Tim PPM Managemen. (2012). Business Model Canvas. Jakarta: Penerbit PPM.

Zarella, D. (2010). The Social Media Marketing Book. North Sebastopol, CA:
OReily Media.


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