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Station 1 (Cell Organelle Review)

Purpose: Review the function of different organelles in a eukaryotic cell.

Station 2 (Book Reading p. 91-94)

Purpose: Explain what happens in a yeast cell during respiration.
1. Make an outline of pages 91-94. Remember to look at the blue and red headings.
I. What is Respiration
A. Storing and releasing
B. Breathing and Respiration
C. The 2 Stages of Respiration
D. The Respiration Equation
E. Comparing Photosynthesis and Respiration
II. Fermentation
A. Alcohol Fermentation
B. Lactic Acid Fermentation

2. What is respiration? What happens during respiration? (p. 91) ( Respiration is the process by which
cells obtain energy from glucose. During respiration, cells break down simple food molecules such as
sugar and release the energy they contain)
3. Fill out the chart about the two stages of respiration. (p. 92 and/or the picture below)

Stages Which organelle is What happens?


First Stage Cytoplasm In the Cytoplasm, glucose is

broken down into smaller
molecule. A small amount of
energy is released.

Second Stage Mitochondria In the Mitochondria, the

smaller molecules combine
with oxygen to produce water
and carbon dioxide. This
reaction releases a large
amount of energy.

4. List the raw materials and products of respiration. (use the picture above)

Raw Materials Products
Glucose Carbon dioxide

Oxegon Water

5. Match the events in respiration with the stages in which they occur. The items in the second column
may be used more than once.

Event in Respiration Stage of Process

B Takes place in the mitochondria A. First stage only
B. Second stage only
A Takes place in the cytoplasm C. Both first and second stages

B Carbon dioxide is released

C Energy is released

A Glucose molecules are broken down

Station 3 (Book Reading p. 236-241)

Purpose: Explain what fungi are, how they get food, and their role in the environment.

Before you read, preview the red headings. In the graphic organizer below, ask a what or how
question for each heading. As you read, write answers to your question. The first one is done for you.
Red heading Question Answer

What are Fungi? What are fungi? Fungi are Eukaryotes that have
cell walls, are heterotrophs that
feed by absorbing their food, and
use spores to reproduce.

Reproduction in Fungi How does Fungi live as an Fungi usually reproduce by

organism? making spores. The lightweight
are surrounded by a protective
covering and can be carried easily
through air or water to new sites

The role of Fungi in Nature How does Fungi harm/help the Many fungi provide foods for
environment? people. Fungi play important roles
as decomposers and recyclers on
Earth. Some Fungi cause
diseases while others fight
diseases. Still other Fungi live in
symbiosis with other organisms

1. Highlight the sentences about fungi that are TRUE.

a. All fungi are multicellular organisms.
b. They are eukaryotes.
c. Most use spores to reproduce.
d. They are autotrophs (make their own food using the sun).
2. What are three examples of fungi? (p. 236) ( 3. Examples of fungi is yeast, mushrooms, and mold)
Skip page 237.
3. Explain what happens in yeast. (p. 239) (the yeast feeds on the sugar, it produces carbon dioxide)
4. What do decomposers do? (240) (Decomposers break down dead organisms, and waste.)
5. Give an example of a disease-fighting fungi and a disease-causing fungi. (p. 240) (An example of a
disease-fighting fungi is Penicillin)

Station 4 (Yeast Model)

Purpose: Create a concept map that explains how the organelles are causing the bread to rise.
Take a picture of your concept map. Then write a paragraph that explains what is happening in your

Cytoplasm is the first one since its where the cell organelles float in. The Nucleus is the core of a
cell. The Mitochondria supplies the Lysosome, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Vacuole, and Cell Membrane
with energy for them to work. The Lysosome breaks down nutrients the Endoplasmic Reticulum
transports nutrients throughout the cell, the the Vacuole stores the nutrients, lastly the cell wall protect
the cell.

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