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India is a country which embraces diversity in many forms.

Whereas diversity has many positive

consequences, there are also many negative consequences of diversity such as prejudice, stereotyping
and discrimination. Homosexuals in most societies face various forms of prejudice and discrimination.
The present study aimed at studying the attitude of people towards homosexuality in Delhi-NCR, India.
The sample consisted of 336 participants living in Delhi-NCR, India. Out of these 168 were males and 168
were females. 194 were in the age range of 18-25 and 142 were in the age range of 45-60. Purposive
sampling was done. The Homosexuality Attitude Scale developed by Kite and Deaux (1986) and a
questionnaire with open-ended questions constructed by the researcher were used. The study revealed
a slightly positive attitude towards homosexuality. Significant gender differences were not found though
women showed a slightly more positive attitude towards homosexuality. Younger people showed
significantly more positive attitude towards homosexuality as compared to older adults. The themes
obtained by thematic analysis reflect a diversity of opinions regarding homosexuality.

Do you think that homosexuality is a disease? (yes/no/not sure)

Do you think thathomosexual couples should have a possibility to adopt a children? (yes/no/not
Do you think that homosexual couples should be allowed to legalize their relationship? (yes/no/not
I tolerate gays (1-7) / I tolerate lesbians (1-7) / I tolerate homosexuals

1. Why do you believe homosexuality is immoral?

2. Is homosexuality a choice or are people born gay, or is an interplay between nature and nurture? To what
3. Do you believe that those who have been "born" gay would be happier or better off remaining celibate?
4. What factors cause someone to choose to be gay?
5. Can homosexuality be "cured?" And if so, how?
6. Is same-gender attraction strictly sexual in nature?
7. If you answered no to the previous question, do homosexual couples feel love (non-sexual) for one another
in the same fashion that heterosexual couples feel for one another?
8. Are practicing gays bad people?
9. Will God send practicing gays to hell?
10. Would you vote for an openly gay president?

1. Which of the following is the most important aspect of marriage? (Please explain
your answer.)
a) A religious ceremony
b) A legal arrangement
c) An expression of love
d) A symbolic commitment
e) Other
2. Do you support same-sex marriage?
a) Yes
b) No
3. Do you believe that same-sex couples should be allowed the same benefits as
married couples?
a) Yes
b) No
4. Do you think it was necessary to amend the Texas Constitution in order to declare
marriage to be "strictly between a man and a woman"?
c) Yes
d) No
5. Some people consider the aforementioned amendment to the Texas Constitution to
be discriminatory against homosexuals. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree
6. Do you feel this is an important political topic? (Please explain your answer.)
a) Yes
b) No
c) Unsure
7. Do you support adoption for same-sex couples?
a) Yes
b) No
8. Do you believe that it is damaging for children to be adopted by same-sex
parents? (Please explain your answer.)
a) Yes
b) No
9. Do you know any friends or family who are homosexual?
a) Friends
b) Family
c) Both friends and family
d) Neither
10. Do you believe that sexual preference is inborn, or that it is a choice? (Please
explain your answer.)
a) Inborn
b) Choice
c) Both
d) Other

3 Can a Person Change His or Her Sexual Orientation ?

Are Homosexuals Easy to Identify ?

By Appearance ? Behavior ?
Choice of Profession ?

Is Homosexuality Against Nature ?

8 Does Religion Tell Us That It's Immoral ?

Is Homosexuality a Mental Illness ?

s Homosexuality Socially Destructive?
Has It Always Accompanied
Decadent Societies

Does Our Society Discriminate

Against Homosexuals ?

Is There Reason to Bar Homosexuals

from Certain Kinds of Employment?
Are Homosexuals Security Risks ?
Is Homosexual Love Different
from Heterosexual Love ?

Should Homosexuals Be Allowed to Work

with Children in Schools and Camps?
Are Homosexuals Child Molesters ?

If There Weren't Any Antihomosexual Laws,

Would Homosexuals Be Encouraged to
Proselytize ? Would There Be More
Homosexuals as a Result ?

Is it Better, In This Society,

to Be Heterosexual ?
1. What do you identify as?
Transgender M/F
Transgender F/M
I don't label myself as anything

2. Have you ever been abused for being who you are? (being on the street/at
home etc)
Verbally Abused
Physically Abused
Friends/Family too the piss out of me as a joke
Other (please specify)

3. Who did you come out to first

Best Friend
Friendship Group
Internet Friend
Other (please specify)

4. As a non transgender person, has your gender identity ever confused you?
5. Is your friendship group
Mostly LGBT
Mainly the opposite gender to yourself
Mixed Genders
Mostly Straight
Mixed LGBT/ Straight
Other (please specify)

6. What would you categories the representtion of LGBT in the media (TV,
Magazines etc)
Other (please specify)

7. Are you ashamed of your sexuality?

Hell no
Hell yeah
Other (please specify)

8. Do you think its important to have celebrity LGBT role models?

I don't care tbh
Other (please specify)

9. What is your favourite apart about being apart of the LGBT community?

11.If you had a choice, would you want to be straight? why?

1. What is your gender?

2. How old are you?

14 or younger
15 - 16
17 - 18

3. Do you come from a religious family?


4. Do you know of anyone who is homosexual/lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender?


5. Does this influence your opinion/perception of them?

Please explain

6. Are you For or Against same sex marriage?

No opinion

7. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalised?

Please explain

8. Do you think homosexuality is:

A choice
Just happens
sub conscience choice
Attention seeking
No opinion
Other (please specify)


9. During highschool were you aware of one or more homosexuals within the school

10. If someone asked you if you are homosexual, would you be offended?
If yes, why?

11. Does homosexual Public Displays of Affection offend you in any way?

Doesn't offend me

Kissing Kissing Doesn't

offend me Kissing Kissing Kissing Kissing Kissing Kissing Kissing

"Making out" out" Doesn't offend "Making "Making "Making "Making "Making "Making "Making
me out" out" out" out" out" out" out"

Hugging Hugging Doesn't

offend me Hugging Hugging Hugging Hugging Hugging Hugging Hugging

Holding Holding
hands hands Doesn't offend Holding Holding Holding Holding Holding Holding Holding
me hands hands hands hands hands hands hands

In what way does it offend you?

*12. Is homosexual Public Displays of Affection more offensive than heterosexual
displays of the same nature. (examples in question above)
Other (please specify)

13. If now, or in the future, your child told you they were homosexual/bisexual, how
would you feel?
I wouldn't care
No opinion
Other (please explain)

14. While you were growing up, did your parents ever give you the talk on

15. Do any of your favorite movies/TV shows/plays etc, include a same sex couple or
a homosexual, bisexual or transgender character?

16. Would you watch a movie/play/TV show etc, where the main characters were
Please tick the ones you have seen
Pretty Little Liars
Gossip Girl
Sex in the City
The Laramie Project
How I Met Your Mother
Modern Family
Valentines Day
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Billy Elliot
Pracilla Queen of the Desert
Greys Anatomy
Desperate House Wives
Itty Bitty Titty Committee
The L Word
Will and Grace
Broke Back Mountain

17. Did any of the films/TV shows, etc, lusted above give you any feelings of
discomfort while viewing?
If so, which?

18. Would you purposely watch, or not watch, a film/TV show, etc, because of
homosexual characters?

9. Do you use comments like "gay" and "faggot" as insults and derogatory terms? For
"you're gay", "that looks gay", "youo dress like a faggot" etc.

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Every week Everyday

Either: Either: Every

Either: Never Either: Rarely Either: Sometimes Either: Often Either: Everyda

20. If you heard someone say one of, or a similar quote to the examples above, would
they offend you?
Depends on the nature of the comment
Depends on what was said

21. What would you do about it?

Defend yourself or the person the words were aimed at
Talk to the offender quietly and ask them not to use specific words around you

22. If a close friend or family member told you they had kissed someone of the same
gender, how would you react?
1 being "it wouldn't affect me" and 10 being "i would not talk to/ lose all respect for
friend/family member"

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male
friend/family friend/family friend/family friend/family friend/family friend/family friend/family friend/family frien
member member 1 member 2 member 3 member 4 member 5 member 6 member 7 mem
Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female
friend/family friend/family friend/family friend/family friend/family friend/family friend/family friend/family frien
member member 1 member 2 member 3 member 4 member 5 member 6 member 7 mem
23. Do you think it is easy to identify a homosexual person?

24. Define a stereotypical homosexual male

'Girly' voice
Skin tight pants
Regular manicure/pedicure
Hair gel
Make up - possibly
"Pouting" n photographs
Mostly female friends
Mostly male friends
Dyes hair regularly
Likes "girly movies"
Doesn't drink beer
Designer clothes

25. Define a stereotypical homosexual female

Baggy pants
Regular manicure/pedicure
Hair gel
Make up
"Pouting" in photographs
Mostly female friends
Mostly male friends
Dyes hair regularly
Likes "girly movies"
Likes action packed movies
Only drinks beer
Boys clothes
Short Hair

26. Do you think religion has a lot to do with past and present perceptions of
Please explain

*27. Do homosexuals make you feel uncomfortable?

Please explain

28. In your opinion, are you more accepting of male or female homosexuals?
I don't accept it
Both equally

29. Anything you would like to add?

thank you so much for completing my questionnaire! i greatly appreciate it, and your honesty!!
please remember that ALL surveys are 100% anonymous and I will not know an individuals answers.

Prev Done

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