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University of St. La Salle Integrated School
Bacolod City
Science 10 Scaffold 1
2nd Quarter

Alphonsus Levi G. Cumalegre 10E

Mr. Rey Jastia October 26, 2017

Genetic Biodiversity:

I think that the learning material will talk about/show Genetic Biodiversity itself and what it is doing
within our bodies. The most important ideas are that all forms of life contain genes, that each species
store genetic information to pass to the other generation, and when populations enlarge, they are
more genetically fixed than their ancestors. For each main idea, the questions that might be asked are
that when populations enlarge, how they are more genetically fixed than their ancestors and why and
how an enlarged species would lose some of its internal diversity? The terms that are not yet clear to
me are Subsequent Inbreeding and Internal Diversity. A summary of what I learned about the article
is that anything we see around us contains the genetic information which they can pass them either
through sexual or asexual reproduction. Another is that populations on animals become purebreds
when they increase because they became cultivated varieties or cultivars of an animal species which
are achieved through the process of selective breeding. Last is that evolution occurs because of the
two unions between two different species.

Genetic Variation:

I think that the learning material will talk about/show Genetic Variation itself. The most important
ideas are that Genetic Variation makes up our physical and mental traits and that the genes we inherit
now are from our parents and some are from our ancestors from the old times. For each main idea,
the questions that might be asked are what are single nucleotide polymorphisms and does genetic
variation change as we age? The terms that are not yet clear to me are Variation, Single Nucleotide
Polymorphisms, and Disease Susceptibility. A summary of what I learned about the article is that
some of our physical and mental characteristics are passed to our descendants through sexual
reproduction. Another is that results are either positive or negative when variation occurs.

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