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Facts About Bullying (2015). Stop Bullying.

Retrieved from

This government-produced article covers what exactly bullying is. Bullying is divided

into two different modes; direct and indirect. Bullying is also categorized into four types:

verbal, physical damage to property, and relational. The act of bullying has long-term

side effects such as depression, anxiety, and suicide. This article is relevant to my

research not only because of how it clearly defines the various types of bullying, but the

plethora of statistics regarding who is affected by bullying, their age group, gender etc.

Strickland, A. (2015). Bullying by peers has effects later in life. CNN. Retrieved from

This article is based on the findings of a study published in The Lancet Psychiatry. They

found that adolescents that are bullied face far worse long-term mental health effects than

adolescents that are mistreated by adults. Beyond the findings of The Lancet Psychiatry,

the article presents a call to action for the social problem of bullying through educating

the youth in programs instituted into the classroom setting as early kindergarten. If

children are taught early on that our differences should not be seen as something

negative, they believe that we can root bullying out of modern society. This article is

relevant to my research because it presents valid solutions to bullying. The article also

presents a credible study of the long-term effects of bullying.

Hensley, L. (2015). When Combating the Bully, Our Hands Arent Tied. Huffington Post.

Retrieved from

This article is about changing the way we approach creating a safe space for children in

their home and school environments. Adults may help children who face bullying in their

school environment by instituting constant positive reinforcement in the classroom. In the

home environment, adults can provide a support system by being willing to emotionally

support and make an effort to listen to what the child has to say on a daily basis. Through

the acronym SPACE, adults can create a safe environment for children who face

bullying. This article is relevant to my research because it provides different approaches

for adults to help eradicate the long-term effects children may face from bullying.

Healthwise Incorporated. (1995-2015). Bullying Topic Overview. Retrieved from

This article distinguishes between characteristics of children who bully, and children that

are bullied. Typically, children who bully act out because of mistreatment in their home

environment, which often leads to their superiority complex; whereas, the child being

bullied is typically noted as being socially withdrawn, passive, and anxious. This medical

generated article is helpful to my research because it allows me to have a deeper

understanding of the thought process of a bully and those that they harm.

Kaplan, K. (2015). Bullying does more long-term mental health harm than abuse, study says. LA

Times. Retrieved from


This article presents two long-term studies with thousands of children across England and

the U.S. that would prove the long-term effects of bullying are worse than physical abuse

from adults. The researchers controlled any outside variables to ensure that there was no
bias in their conclusion. They concluded that children in both countries faced worse

effects from bullying overall. They also discovered that nearly half of all the children

involved in bullying also faced abuse early on, hence they are more susceptible to

becoming the targets of bullies because of their emotional instability.

National Crime Prevention Council. (2017). Bullying. Retrieved from

This article delves into why children are bullied and how bullying is a gateway behavior.

Children are targeted for bullying because of factors such as intellect, religious affiliation,

sexual orientation, and appearance. The article describes childhood bullying as a gateway

behavior to committing crimes in adulthood as proved in the study Fight Crime: Invest in

Kids. This article is relevant to my research because it presents an understanding of how

a bully selects their target, and the negative long-term effects of being the bully.

North, A. (2015). An Easier Way to Fight Bullying. NY Times. Retrieved from https://op-

This article describes a study conducted at Ohio State University to determine the most

effective way to confront bullying in the modern age. The article presents the idea of

indirect intervention in school and online platforms to help mitigate the effects of

bullying. Having at least one person to talk to, whether that is online or in person, a

system of support and encouragement can produce an immensely positive effect on

targets of bullying as proved in this study. This is relevant to my research because it

provides a refreshing take on responding to bullying in the modern age.

Dorlen, S. R. (2016). Online Bullying and Cyberbullying. Retrieved from

This article focuses on cyberbullying, and how to prevent children from becoming a

victim of it. The article also produces a list of rules that parents can follow to ensure that

their children are safe from online bullies. Technology has created such a large and

public platform for bullying to occur, hence people must use the utmost caution when

posting or sending information online. This is relevant to my research because it focuses

heavily on cyberbullying, and suggests how people can steer clear of it.

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