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VOL 31, NO 3 JUNE 2007

Recurring Complications of Pregnancy

Guest Editor

Introduction John C. Smulian ............................................................................... 125
Fetal Growth Restriction and Subsequent Pregnancy Risks Wendy L. Kinzler and
Lillian Kaminsky ................................................................................................... 126
Preeclampsia Recurrence and Prevention Gary A. Dildy III, Michael A. Belfort,
and John C. Smulian ............................................................................................. 135
Recurrent Preterm Birth Shali Mazaki-Tovi, Roberto Romero, Juan Pedro Kusanovic,
Offer Erez, Beth L. Pineles, Francesca Gotsch, Pooja Mittal, Nandor Gabor Than,
Jimmy Espinoza, and Sonia S. Hassan .................................................................... 142
Postpartum Hemorrhage: A Recurring Pregnancy
Complication Michelle A. Kominiarek and Sarah J. Kilpatrick ............................... 159
Thromboembolism in Pregnancy: Recurrence and Its
Prevention Andra H. James, Chad A. Grotegut, Leo R. Brancazio,
and Haywood Brown ............................................................................................. 167
Recurrent Gestational Diabetes: Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Management, and
Implications Joseph N. Bottalico .......................................................................... 176
After Shoulder Dystocia: Managing the Subsequent Pregnancy and
Delivery Edith D. Gurewitsch, Tara L. Johnson, and Robert H. Allen ...................... 185
Epidemiologic Approaches for Studying Recurrent Pregnancy Outcomes:
Challenges and Implications for Research Cande V. Ananth ............................. 196
Tonse N. K. Raju, MD


Tonse N. K. Raju, MD


William Oh, MD, and Harry Bard, MD


Vineet Bhandari, MD, DM


Catherine Y. Spong, MD, and Uma M. Reddy, MD, MPH


Lawrence M. Nogee, MD, and Aaron Hamvas, MD


Robert S. Baltimore, MD, and Hal B. Jensen, MD


Richard A. Ehrenkranz, MD, and Brenda B. Poindexter, MD, MS


John C. Smulian, MD, MPH


Michael J. Paidas, MD

K. J. S. Anand, MD, and Richard W. Hall, MD


Lloyd Ratner, MD, and Mary D’Alton, MD
Volume 31, Number 3 June 2007

. . .Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for voted to some of the most significant pregnancy complica-
human results ever resemble those of preceding times. tions encountered by clinicians. (There clearly are many
Niccoló Machiavelli (The Discourses, 1517) more pregnancy complications with a tendency to recur,
which deserve the same careful scrutiny as those reviewed
P regnancy is associated with many unique health prob-
lems that occur at no other time in life and in no specialty
other than Obstetrics. Complications can be medical or sur-
here.) Because recurrence research is complicated and re-
quires different thinking about epidemiologic and statistical
gical and may affect the mother, the baby, or both. What is methodologies, there is included an important eighth article
even more unique is that we have the opportunity to follow that addresses challenges specific to the study of recurrent
women through successive pregnancies, each of which is at pregnancy complications.
risk for either occurrence or recurrence of these complica- The selected topics covered in this issue illustrate how
tions. Whereas prediction of complications for nulliparous important the concept of recurrence is to Obstetrics. These
women with no pregnancy track record is notoriously diffi- articles review what is known about the epidemiology of
cult, it is becoming clear that a history of a pregnancy com- recurrence for each specific complication, proposed etiologic
plication is the greatest predictor of a future pregnancy com- pathways, prevention options, and management recommen-
plication. It is the role of research in complication recurrence dations for successive pregnancies. Each article also is meant
to grow our understanding of the heterogeneity of pregnan- to highlight knowledge gaps and areas with a pressing need
cy-associated diseases and give insight into etiologies and for research. Unfortunately, our knowledge gaps about re-
risk. This will ultimately lead to better clinical prediction, currence are wide for many of these conditions.
counseling, and management. As clinicians, we should not It is my hope that this issue of Seminars in Perinatology will
manage these at-risk women the same as women who have provide information to directly help with the clinical care of
never had a pregnancy or who have had previous normal our highest risk women. I also hope that these articles will
pregnancy outcomes. We also should avoid the practice of stimulate further research on the recurrence of complications
“anecdotal medicine,” where wide variations in clinical care in successive pregnancies and promote collaborations be-
can be driven by either insufficient experience or the trauma tween epidemiologists and clinicians to advance our under-
of a previous adverse event. standing of this very important area of medicine.
This issue of Seminars in Perinatology is organized around
the theme of recurrent pregnancy complications. There are John C. Smulian, MD, MPH
eight articles by recognized experts, of which seven are de- Guest Editor

0146-0005/07/$-see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 125
Fetal Growth Restriction and
Subsequent Pregnancy Risks
Wendy L. Kinzler, MD, and Lillian Kaminsky, MD

Fetal growth restriction can result from a variety of intrinsic or extrinsic insults, resulting
from maternal, fetal, and placental factors. Determining the underlying cause of poor fetal
growth can be difficult but is essential for assessing potential risks for future pregnancies.
Importantly, recurrence risks greatly depend on these underlying conditions. Understand-
ing these risks can allow more appropriate patient counseling and may influence manage-
ment strategies to optimize future pregnancies.
Semin Perinatol 31:126-134 © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS fetal growth restriction, recurrence risks

N ormal fetal growth is dependent on complex interac-

tions between the fetal, placental, and maternal units.
Poor fetal growth can result from a variety of intrinsic or
Etiology-Specific Risks for FGR
There are multiple factors which can adversely influence fetal
extrinsic insults. Determining the underlying cause can be growth. In broad terms, contributing factors can be intrinsic
difficult but is essential for assessing potential risks for future to the fetus, they can be specific to the uteroplacental unit, or
pregnancies. they may be the result of underlying maternal conditions.
Small for gestational age (SGA) infants are defined as those Determining which of these was responsible for FGR can be
the most difficult but the most useful part of the evaluation
born with a weight ⬍10th percentile for gestational age. Fetal
during a woman’s subsequent pregnancy. Prior medical
growth restriction (FGR) can be defined as an abnormal
records, including prenatal labs and notes, previous ultra-
growth trend, which is less than the genetic growth potential
sound reports, maternal and infant hospital records, and pla-
of the individual fetus and which is always pathological. This
cental pathology, should be requested and carefully re-
pathological FGR may affect only 3% to 5% of births. Impor-
viewed, with particular attention being made to the following
tantly, not all SGA babies have FGR since some may be con- etiologic pathways.
stitutionally small. Conversely, a fetus still may be growth
restricted if it is above the 10th percentile in weight if it is
substantially smaller than its growth potential would predict. Fetal Causes
It is important to accurately determine as best as possible Chromosomal aberrations are a well-established cause of fe-
whether a previous pregnancy was complicated by patho- tal growth restriction and are estimated to be responsible for
logic FGR or merely a constitutionally SGA infant. Informa- up to 20% of cases.1 Early onset of growth restriction, the
tion that might be helpful for establishing a diagnosis of fetal presence of polyhydramnios, and the presence of structural
growth restriction in a previous pregnancy is listed in Table malformations all increase the likelihood of a chromosomal
1. Once the diagnosis of FGR is established, an assessment of abnormality. Triploidy is most common in severe cases of
subsequent pregnancy risk can be performed based on the FGR when ⬍26 weeks gestation, and Trisomy 18 is the most
etiology of the initial case. common aneuploidy noted with severe FGR after 26 weeks
gestation.1 However, other trisomies, deletions/additions,
and ring chromosomes have all been associated with various
Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology degrees of fetal growth abnormalities. Fetal aneuploidy is not
and Reproductive Sciences, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical the only chromosomal abnormality to be associated with
School, New Brunswick, NJ. poor fetal growth. Confined placental mosaicism is present
Address reprint requests to Wendy L. Kinzler, MD, Department of Obstet-
rics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Clinical Academic Build- when the cytogenetics of the placental mass are different than
ing, 2nd Floor, 125 Paterson Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. E-mail: the cytogenetics of the fetus. It occurs either as the result of a meiotic rescue of a trisomic embryo or due to a mitotic

126 0146-0005/07/$-see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fetal growth restriction 127

Table 1 Information Useful for Establishing a Diagnosis of ternal complications linked with poor fetal growth. There are
FGR in a Previous Pregnancy no data to assess recurrence risks for FGR when the index
● Previous birth weight and gestational age to determine case is a multiple gestation. However, the risks in a subse-
birth weight centile quent singleton pregnancy are likely to be increased mini-
● Antepartum complications (bleeding, multiple gestation, mally, if at all.
congenital abnormalities, preeclampsia)
● Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and weight gain during
pregnancy Placental Factors
● Social history (tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drug use) Umbilical cord and placental abnormalities are frequently
● Medication exposure
identified in pregnancies complicated by poor fetal growth. A
● Prenatal fetal growth trends and ultrasound reports
● Medical complications (chronic hypertension, IDDM,
single umbilical artery is present in approximately 0.4% of
SLE, anemia, asthma, etc.) pregnancies15 and has been associated with fetal structural
● Birth weights of other pregnancies malformations, particularly cardiac. In cases of an isolated
● Maternal birth weight two-vessel cord, FGR is estimated to be up to twice as com-
● Neonatal complications (respiratory, metabolic, mon as in pregnancies with three-vessel cords.16 Velamen-
congenital abnormalities, NICU admission, and length tous cord insertions, which enter the fetal membranes instead
of stay) of the placental parenchyma, have a reported incidence of 1%
to 2%.15 They have been associated with higher rates of low
birth weight (OR 2.3), small-for-gestational age infants (OR
postzygotic error.2 It has been found in approximately 15% 1.5), and preterm delivery (OR 2.1)17 compared with umbil-
of intrauterine growth restriction cases, compared with ⬍2% ical cords normally inserted into the placenta. This suggests
of appropriately grown fetuses. The recurrence risk of aneu- that at least some of these low-birth-weight and SGA births
ploidy is approximately 1%, but a recurrence risk for con- have FGR. Circumvallate placentation is defined as an ele-
fined placental mosaicism has not been established. vated edge of the placenta ⬎50% of the circumference, and
Nonaneuploid genetic syndromes have also been associ- has been associated with poor fetal growth and prematuri-
ated with fetal growth restriction but may be more difficult to ty.18 These factors are generally considered to have low re-
identify without a known family history and/or detailed ge- currence rates.
netic evaluation. Lower birth weights are also often identified Placental bleeding at any trimester places a pregnancy at
in infants born with structural malformations, especially increased risk for adverse outcomes. The incidence of first
when cardiac, even in the presence of a normal fetal karyo- trimester intrauterine hematoma is reported to be 3% in the
type.3 Uniparental disomy (UPD) is the inheritance of two general population with increased risks of hypertensive dis-
homologous chromosomes from only one parent. There are orders of pregnancy (2- to 4-fold), abruption (5-fold), pre-
clinical syndromes which are known to be the result of UPD term delivery (2-fold), and FGR (2.4-fold).19 Abruption at
(Silver Russell Syndrome, for example) and have significant term is also significantly associated with FGR (2-fold in-
growth restriction as part of their phenotype.4 Although an creased risk), stillbirth, preterm delivery, and pregnancy-in-
association with poor fetal growth has been established, UPD duced hypertension.20,21 Placental bleeding at any gestational
is an uncommon finding in most cases.5 The risk for FGR age in a pregnancy complicated by FGR may be a clinical
recurrence from these causes is dependent on the specific manifestation of a chronic placental disorder that can recur.
associated condition. Although the majority of low-birth-weight neonates deliv-
Congenital infections, namely rubella, cytomegalovirus, ered from pregnancies complicated by placenta previa are
toxoplasmosis, herpes simplex, and varicella, have been as- small due to preterm gestational age at birth, at least one
sociated with FGR.6-9 Despite this clear association, the pro- report estimated that as much as 3.7% of FGR is attributable
portion of growth restriction attributed to congenital infec- to placenta previa.22
tion is low (5%),10 and they are not expected to recur. Microscopically, many placental lesions have been identi-
For a variety of reasons, fetuses within multiple gestations fied in cases of abnormal fetal growth. Placental infarctions
have an increased incidence of growth restriction. The inci- have been associated with FGR and abnormal fetal blood
dence of growth restriction in twins is 15% to 25%,11-13 mak- flow.23 Placental examination from term pregnancies compli-
ing multiple gestations responsible for approximately 5% of cated by idiopathic FGR also found a high incidence of in-
all cases of FGR. There is a significant increase in the rate of farction (24%).24 The placenta can also be the target of im-
fetal growth abnormalities in direct relationship to the num- mune-mediated injury, such as occurs with massive fibrin
ber of fetuses present.14 This may be related to a reduction in deposition and chronic villitis.
cell size or a relative reduction in nutrient supply as the Massive perivillous fibrin deposition, previously referred
nutritional demands of the fetuses increase. This form of FGR to as maternal floor infarct, is a significant placental lesion
is usually mild. Nevertheless, other contributing factors may characterized by a heavy deposition of fibrin in the decidua
include an increased incidence of placental and umbilical basalis and extending into the intervillous space, preventing
cord abnormalities (velamentous insertions), a greater likeli- appropriate maternal–fetal exchange of nutrients. It is be-
hood of structural malformations and vascular anastomoses lieved to be the result of an immune-mediated maternal re-
in monozygotic multiples, and an increased incidence of ma- sponse and has been associated with high rates of poor fetal
128 W.L. Kinzler and L. Kaminsky

outcomes, including a 15% to 40% fetal death rate, a 30% to anticonvulsants, can also be associated with FGR. The risk for
60% preterm birth rate, and a 50% to 100% rate of FGR.25,26 recurrence of FGR for these exposures is likely linked to their
Another potential immune-mediated lesion is chronic vil- continued presence or their discontinuation.
litis of unknown etiology (VUE). Chronic villitis has been Clinical maternal vascular disease secondary to chronic
found in approximately 30% of pregnancies complicated by hypertension, renal disease, diabetes mellitus, and collagen
FGR.24,27 Other, rare placental abnormalities include placen- vascular disease, especially when complicated by preeclamp-
tal mesenchymal dysplasia, which is a placenta vascular mal- sia, is the most common cause of impaired fetal growth,
formation that is often confused clinically with a partial hy- accounting for nearly a third of FGR cases.2 Both preeclamp-
datiform mole. This abnormality can predispose to placental sia and FGR may share a similar pathophysiology involving
thrombosis. In one series, 50% of the cases were associated abnormal placentation leading to placental insufficiency.44
with FGR and 43% of the pregnancies were complicated by a Chronic hypertension is associated with a two- to threefold
fetal death.28 increase in the rate of FGR, an association mostly due to the
presence of superimposed preeclampsia.45 In fact, when
growth restriction cases due to preeclampsia, smoking, and
Maternal Factors malnutrition are excluded, diabetes and hypertension may
Multiple maternal factors have been implicated in poor fetal no longer be independent risk factors.46 The association of
growth. Careful review of the maternal history for potential chronic hypertension and poor fetal growth may also be par-
contributing factors can sometimes identify nutritional dis- tially mediated by the effect of antihypertensive medications,
orders, anemia and maternal hypoxia-related conditions, en- such as beta-blockers.47 The risk of FGR in pregnancies af-
vironmental exposures (particularly tobacco or cocaine use), fected by pregestational diabetes is dependent on the severity
and conditions with maternal vascular disease. Any review and duration of the disease.45 The incidence of FGR in
should include a family history, as it has been shown that chronic renal disease has been reported to be as high as
familial factors influence the risk of SGA births.29 23%.48 Patients with systemic lupus have an eightfold in-
Malnutrition is an uncommon, but nonetheless important, creased risk for developing FGR,45,49-51 with the highest risks
risk factor for poor fetal growth, especially in developing noted in women diagnosed before pregnancy and those with
countries. The effect of starvation was best studied in a Dutch active renal and central nervous system involvement.49-51
cohort during the famine of 1944 to 1945. Pregnant women These risk factors will persist in subsequent pregnancies.
under such severe nutritional deprivation experienced Inherited thrombophilias are a group of genetic conditions
weight loss and a drop in birth weight by 250 to 300 g.30 that increase the risk of thromboembolic disease. They in-
Women with eating disorders have also been shown to have clude Factor V Leiden (FVL), prothrombin G20210A muta-
higher rates of SGA births.31 Correction of such nutritional tion, protein C deficiency, protein S deficiency, antithrombin
deficiency is likely to reduce recurrence risk. III deficiency, and MTHFR mutation, as well as other, less
Maternal conditions leading to hypoxemia can lead to a studied, familial conditions. Theoretically, placental throm-
reduction in fetal growth potential. Studies have inconsis- bosis in patients with inherited thrombophilias may lead to
tently linked maternal anemia, including sickle cell anemia, an increased risk for FGR, although the published data are
and low birth weight.32-34 Chronic respiratory disease, such conflicting. A number of studies have demonstrated an asso-
as asthma, can also lead to decreased fetal growth through ciation between maternal inherited thrombophilias and
fetal hypoxia.35 Likewise, women with congenital cyanotic FGR.52-55 However, other studies were unable to show an
heart disease and those living at high altitude are at higher association.56-59 Based on the conflicting current data, inher-
risk for lower birth weight babies.36,37 ited thrombophilia in isolation does not seem to be a major
Maternal substance abuse, including tobacco, alcohol, and risk factor for most cases of FGR. However, the contributing
cocaine, is an important preventable cause of poor fetal role of thrombophilias in combination with other risk factors,
growth. The mechanism may involve direct toxic damages of including previous FGR, may be important. Antiphospho-
these substances as well as associated comorbidities, such as lipid antibody syndrome (with or without underlying sys-
inadequate nutrition, maternal infections, etc. Smoking is temic lupus) is an acquired thrombophilia, which has been
associated with an increased risk of delivering a low-birth- linked to several recurrent adverse pregnancy outcomes, in-
weight or SGA infant in a dose-dependent fashion.38,39 It has cluding FGR, fetal death, and recurrent miscarriages.60,61
been estimated that approximately 20% of low-birth-weight
and SGA births are attributable to maternal smoking.40 Bada
and coworkers estimated that, if smoking could be com- Evaluation Options to
pletely prevented during pregnancy, 13.8% of FGR cases Assess FGR Etiologies and Risks
would be eliminated.41 FGR is one of the major features of Once the diagnosis of FGR has been confirmed and the above
fetal alcohol syndrome, which is also associated with facial etiologies have been evaluated by history and examination,
dysmorphia and central nervous system disorders.42 The ad- there may continue to be gaps in knowledge that may have a
verse effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on fetal growth43 as significant impact on further management. Some of these
well as on placental abruption, preterm birth, and intrauter- gaps, however, can be filled with the addition of a few simple
ine fetal demise have been well established. Various thera- steps. If not already done, consider having the previous pla-
peutic drugs, such as warfarin, folic acid antagonists, and cental slides reviewed for histologic abnormalities by a peri-
Fetal growth restriction 129

natal pathologist. If there is evidence of a prior abruption, or women with untreated inherited or acquired thrombophilia
placental thromboses and/or infarctions are noted, it is im- is approximately 66% to 83%.63,69 A cohort study of 491
portant to assess for maternal risk factors that may contribute patients with a history of adverse pregnancy outcomes has
to coagulation abnormalities. Testing for acquired and inher- demonstrated that the presence of a maternal thrombophilia
itable thrombophilias is recommended in these cases, partic- is associated with fetal loss after 14 weeks (OR 3.4, 95% CI
ularly when the growth restriction is severe, associated with 1.9-6.1), abruption (OR 3.6, 95% CI 1.4-9.1), and pre-
preterm delivery, or noted in the presence of a family history eclampsia (OR 3.2, 95% CI 1.2-8.6).70 Women who deliv-
of thromboembolic disease. Specific evaluations would in- ered infants ⬍3rd percentile may be three times more likely
clude maternal testing for lupus anticoagulant, anticardio- to have initial or recurrent preeclampsia in the next preg-
lipin antibodies (IgG and IgM), and ␤2-glycoprotein-1 anti- nancy compared with those who deliver infants ⬎10th per-
bodies. It is important to remember that 10% to 15% of centile.71 They may also be at increased risk of fetal demise,
women with systemic lupus erythematosus will have second- especially when the previous fetal growth abnormalities were
ary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and should be identified at early gestational ages.72 Interestingly, of the 23%
tested if their antiphospholipid status is not already known.62 of women experiencing recurrent SGA in one study, the poor
Genetic thrombophilia testing should include an evaluation fetal growth was not more severe the second time.73
for deficiencies in protein C, protein S, and antithrombin III Previous abruption is a risk factor for FGR, as well as other
and the presence of the Factor V Leiden and prothrombin adverse obstetrical outcomes. Recurrent placental abruption
gene mutations. If immune-mediated placental dysfunction has been observed in 22% of subsequent pregnancies.74 After
is suspected, testing for the antiphospholipid antibody syn- an abruption, the risk of a SGA infant is 18.5%, the risk of a
drome and screening for other autoimmune disorders are spontaneous preterm birth is 36%, and the risk of pregnancy-
warranted. There is insufficient information to support test- induced hypertension is 6%.75 A previous SGA birth in-
ing the affected offspring for the presence of thrombophilias creases the risk of abruption by 1.6-fold and by 2.5- to 6.0-
at this time. fold if there is preexisting chronic hypertension or diabetes.76
If the prior child was found to have structural malforma- If a first delivery has been complicated by a preterm birth,
tions (prenatally or postnatally diagnosed), and/or there have SGA infant, or perinatal death, the risk of an abruption in the
been concerns about development delay, genetic counseling second pregnancy is 7/1000 if no abruption was present in
and possible evaluation by a pediatric geneticist is recom- the initial pregnancy and 33/1000 if there was a prior abrup-
mended. Review of prior records, including autopsy reports tion.77
or infant discharge summaries, can be very helpful, as parents If there has been a history of FGR and placental infarction,
may not be fully aware of known or suspected diagnoses. If the risk of recurrent growth restriction is high. It has been
there has been a documented or suspected case of aneu- estimated to be 61% when two or more prior pregnancies
ploidy, parental karyotypes should be considered. This is have been similarly affected.78 Recurrent villitis has been
particularly important for cases of aneuploidy other than the noted in 17% of gestations, and has been associated with
autosomal trisomies thought to be the result of meiotic non- FGR, pregnancy loss, preterm delivery, and postnatal death.
disjunction, such as unbalanced translocations and ring There is an even higher rate of recurrence of massive inter-
chromosomes. A formal genetics evaluation is also essential villous fibrin deposition and poor fetal growth (67%).79 Pla-
in detecting and counseling about nonaneuploid genetic syn- cental mesenchymal dysplasia is a rare finding with an un-
dromes. likely risk of recurrence.
In women with an underlying medical condition, assessing
the severity of the disorder can also provide insight into the
Prevention of Recurrent FGR
ongoing obstetrical risks. This would include determining
the presence of renal dysfunction in women with systemic The importance of a thorough evaluation for potential etiol-
lupus or other autoimmune processes and evaluating the ogies in evaluating a woman’s risk of adverse obstetrical out-
degree of vascular and/or end-organ disease in women with comes as the result of a prior FGR birth cannot be overem-
long-standing diabetes or chronic hypertension. phasized. A comprehensive assessment will lead to
appropriate counseling and, in many cases, will allow the
implementation of targeted risk-specific strategies to reduce
Assess Risks for a Subsequent Pregnancy recurrence (Fig. 1).
The diagnosis and/or risk factors that have been identified in If there is an opportunity for preconceptional care, it
the above steps will allow appropriate counseling regarding should focus on the elimination of known maternal expo-
the risk(s) to subsequent pregnancies (Table 2). It is clear that sures (cocaine, smoking, alcohol), folic acid supplementation
the data on etiology-specific FGR recurrence risks are sparse. to reduce the risk of congenital malformations, and the opti-
Recently, it has been recognized that women with a history of mization of maternal medical conditions. Low prepregnancy
FGR are at risk for multiple adverse pregnancy outcomes in body mass index (BMI) is a risk factor for FGR. If a woman
subsequent pregnancies that include recurrent FGR, pre- continues to have a suboptimal BMI in the next pregnancy,
eclampsia, and abruption.63 These risks are particularly rele- this risk persists. However, an increase in maternal BMI be-
vant in the setting of an acquired or inherited thrombophil- tween pregnancies has been associated with a decreased SGA
ia.64-68 The recurrence rate of adverse pregnancy outcomes in risk.80 Although prospective trials of weight gain are lacking,
130 W.L. Kinzler and L. Kaminsky

Table 2 Recurrence Risks of Etiologies and FGR Based on Etiology of the Poor Fetal Growth in the Previous
Risk of Recurrence of Etiologic Risk of SGA with
Previous Pregnancy Condition Factor in Subsequent Pregnancy Recurrent Risk Factor
Autosomal trisomy 1% or maternal age-related risk Abnormality-specific risk
Sex chromosome abnormality <1% Abnormality-specific risk
Triploidy <1% 100%
Unbalanced translocation, de novo <1% Abnormality-specific risk
Unbalanced translocation, inherited Variable Abnormality-specific risk
Autosomal recessive conditions 25% Abnormality-specific risk
Structural malformations, isolated Variable, 3-5% for multifactorial inheritance Abnormality-specific risk
Congenital infection <1% Infection-specific risk
Multifetal gestation Variable, 3% of live births Up to 25%
Malnutrition Situation dependent Minimal risk if treated
Maternal conditions leading to hypoxemia Variable depending on condition Largely unknown, but likely
higher than background risk
Substance abuse Situation dependent Substance-specific risk
Maternal vascular disease (chronic Generally persistent Largely unknown, but consider
hypertension, renal disease, diabetes very high risk (at least 50%)
mellitus, collagen vascular disease)
Inherited or acquired thrombophilia Generally persistent Up to 30-83% if untreated
Placental abruption 22% At least 18%, even without
recurrent abruption
Single umbilical artery 0.4% Up to 7%
Velamentous cord insertion 1-2% 15-20%
Circumvallate placentation 6% Largely unknown
Placental infarction 24% 61% untreated
Villitis 17% 53%
Massive perivillous fibrin deposition 67% 50-100%

patients should be counseled about this potentially modifi- several options for screening and prenatal diagnosis are avail-
able risk factor. Other nutritional supplements, such as fish able. In couples at high risk of recurrent autosomal trisomies
oil, are unproven.81 In cases of underlying medical condi- or in those in which a balanced translocation has been iden-
tions (diabetes, systemic lupus, hypertension, asthma), the tified, in vitro fertilization with preimplantation genetic di-
woman’s health should be optimized before subsequent agnosis can be offered. Others may opt for assisted reproduc-
pregnancies and actively managed during the pregnancy in a tion with the use of a gamete donor. Once a pregnancy is
multidisciplinary fashion. achieved, early prenatal diagnosis with either chorionic vil-
If assisted reproduction is required, there should be cau- lous sampling or amniocentesis is available. For women un-
tious use of ovulation induction agents and attention paid to decided about invasive testing, prenatal screening should be
the number of embryos transferred as it relates not only to the offered. First trimester combined nuchal translucency and
chance of successful implantation, but also to the risks of biochemical screening is an excellent start, with a subsequent
multifetal gestations. detailed sonographic fetal anatomy survey. For some non-
Any pregnancy at risk for a fetal growth abnormality aneuploid genetic syndromes, genetic testing is available. It is
should be screened in the first trimester to establish early and important to involve a provider specialized in genetics to
accurate gestational dating. Subsequent assessments of fetal assist in coordinating this testing and also to aid in targeting
growth trends will depend heavily on accurate dating. When the fetal ultrasound.
possible, a crown–rump length in the first trimester is best. If Detailed sonography should also assess umbilical cord ab-
a second trimester ultrasound alone is available due to a delay normalities, such as single umbilical artery. Placental cord
in presenting for prenatal care, the transcerebellar diameter insertion should be visualized to rule out a velamentous cord
should be measured, as it provides the most accurate dating insertion. The placental cord insertion can be identified in
in the 2nd and even 3rd trimesters.82 For women at the 99% of cases with gray scale and color Doppler ultrasound,83
highest risk for FGR, serial fetal growth ultrasounds should with identification of a velamentous insertion having a sen-
be considered at approximately 4- to 6-week intervals to sitivity of 100%, specificity of 99.8%, a positive predictive
assess fetal growth trends. value of 83%, and a negative predictive value of 100%.84
In those couples at risk for having an aneuploid conceptus, Other placental anomalies, such as placenta previa and cir-
Fetal growth restriction 131

Fetal Growth 1st trimester CRL

Restriction Serial growth ultrasounds

Identify probable

Maternal Fetal Placental

Malnutrition Increase BMI

Nutrition consult Chromosomal
Abnormalities Umbilical Cord Ultrasound
Maternal Hypoxia- Optimize Abnormalities evaluation
related conditions underlying disease Non-chromosomal
Abnormalities Immune-mediated IVIG
Substance Abuse Counseling/Detox Injury (fibrin
deposition, chronic
Smoking cessation villitis)

Maternal Vascular Optimize Genetic counseling Low-dose

Disease underlying disease Prenatal diagnosis (CVS, Placental infarction ASA ±
amniocentesis) heparin
Prenatal screening
Thrombophilias Heparin Targeted ultrasound

Placental Low-dose ASA

Uterine artery Dopplers

Figure 1 Management of subsequent pregnancy based on presumed etiology of FGR.

cumvallate placentation, should be noted. The sonographic of low-dose aspirin use in pregnancy, it seems reasonable to
diagnosis of placental abruption relies on the identification of offer this to women at significant risk of recurrent FGR, start-
a thickened placenta, a hematoma (retroplacental, subchori- ing as early in the pregnancy as possible. It has been found to
onic, or preplacental),85 or the presence of intraamniotic be especially beneficial in those with a history of recurrent
blood. FGR and placental infarction, reducing the incidence of FGR
Uterine artery Doppler velocimetry has been utilized as a from 61% in the untreated to 13% in the treated pregnan-
screening tool for pregnancies at high risk of complications cies.78
from ischemic placental disease. At 20 weeks’ gestation, bi- In the setting of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (ei-
lateral diastolic notching and mean resistance index of ther primary or secondary), women should receive low-dose
⬎90th%ile had a positive predictive value of 57% for severe aspirin and prophylactic heparin during pregnancy. Several
preeclampsia ⫾ FGR and a 93% positive predictive value for randomized control trials have investigated this issue and
mild or severe disease.86 Even in women with previous ad- have demonstrated improved outcomes compared with pla-
verse pregnancy outcomes on low-dose aspirin therapy, the cebo or with aspirin alone.91-94 The optimal management of
presence of a diastolic notch at 23 weeks gestation was asso- pregnancies complicated by recurrent chronic villitis or mas-
ciated with a higher rate of vascular complications such as sive fibrin deposition has not been definitively determined.
preeclampsia and FGR (31% versus 5%).87 Although low-dose aspirin and/or heparin have been utilized
There may be a modest benefit of low-dose aspirin use in with some benefit,79 these lesions are not the result of a co-
pregnancies at high risk for poor fetal growth from specific agulation abnormality and may be best treated with intrave-
maternal or placental conditions. Although a benefit has not nous immunoglobulin95 due to the suspected immune etiol-
been demonstrated by all studies,88 many have demonstrated ogy.
a significant reduction in the risk of FGR among high-risk In high-risk women with inherited thrombophilias and
women treated with low-dose aspirin.89,90 A meta-analysis of adverse pregnancy events, heparin has been used to improve
low-dose aspirin use suggested an 18% reduction in FGR, but obstetrical outcomes. Heparin prophylaxis (compared with
a much greater effect (OR 0.35) when therapy was instituted aspirin) has been shown to improve live birth rates (86%
before 17 weeks gestation. Given the excellent safety profile versus 29%) and reduce the incidence of FGR (10% versus
132 W.L. Kinzler and L. Kaminsky

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Preeclampsia Recurrence and Prevention
Gary A. Dildy III, MD,* Michael A. Belfort, MD, PhD,† and John C. Smulian, MD, MPH‡

Women with a previous pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia have an increased risk for
recurrence in subsequent pregnancies. For severe preeclamptic women in an initial preg-
nancy, recurrence rates for any type of preeclampsia are very high, approaching 50% in
some studies. Significant maternal and fetal complications are more common in recurrent
preeclampsia compared with an initial episode. For women who have experienced a
pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia, a systematic evaluation for underlying risk factors
may identify a specific pathway suitable for a specific intervention. Although some progress
has been made in developing potential therapeutic options to prevent preeclampsia recur-
rence, there is a great need for better data to determine who will benefit most from any
specific therapy.
Semin Perinatol 31:135-141 © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS preeclampsia, eclampsia, risk factors, recurrence, prevention, HELLP syndrome

P reeclampsia complicates approximately 5% to 10% of

nulliparous pregnancies1 and is consistently among the
top three causes of maternal death in both developed and
Preeclampsia Risk Factors
Many factors for preeclampsia have been described in the
developing countries.2-4 Two-thirds of cases will be mild and obstetrical literature, and the majority will persist in subse-
the other third severe in degree.1 Preeclampsia is considered quent pregnancies (Table 1).6 Preeclampsia tends to be a
disease of first pregnancy in women with no other obvious
a disease of nulliparous women, as it is twice as common in
risk factors; however, underlying medical conditions with
primigravidas as it is in women who have previously given
vascular or renal implications (diabetes mellitus, chronic hy-
birth.5 It is well known that women with a previous preg-
pertension) and conditions with increased trophoblast mass
nancy complicated by preeclampsia have an increased risk
(multifetal gestation or hydrops fetalis) substantially increase
for recurrence in subsequent pregnancies. For severe pre- the risk. As preeclampsia is likely a syndrome of multiple
eclamptic women in an initial pregnancy, recurrence rates for etiologies and many underlying factors persist across preg-
any type of preeclampsia are very high, approaching 50% in nancies, a significant risk factor for future preeclampsia is a
some studies. Significant maternal and fetal complications prior history of preeclampsia.
are more common in recurrent preeclampsia compared with
an initial episode. Thus, accurate and thorough counseling
regarding recurrence risks and potential preventive measures The Epidemiology of
will assist women and their caregivers to make important Preeclampsia Recurrence
decisions pertaining to future childbearing.
A number of studies have examined the risk for preeclampsia
recurrence in subsequent pregnancies, and all have indicated
a significantly increased risk (Table 2). The highest risks for
recurrence are found most consistently when the initial case
was preterm, severe, or complicated by eclampsia, HELLP
*Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, LSU Health Sciences Center,
New Orleans, LA. (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count)
†Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Utah Health Sci- syndrome, or fetal growth restriction. However, good data
ences Center, Salt Lake City, UT. are still relatively sparse because definitions for preeclampsia
‡Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology often vary from study to study.
and Reproductive Sciences, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical Campbell and coworkers studied a population of pregnant
School, New Brunswick, NJ.
Address reprint requests to Gary A. Dildy III, MD, Maternal Fetal Medicine women (n ⫽ 29,851) whose first recorded pregnancy oc-
Center, St. Mark’s Hospital, 1140 East 3900 South, Suite 390, Salt Lake curred between the years 1967 and 1978 in Aberdeen, Scot-
City, Utah 84124. E-mail: land and had ⬎2 subsequent pregnancies during that same

0146-0005/07/$-see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 135
136 G.A. Dildy III, M.A. Belfort, and J.C. Smulian

Table 1 The Strength of the Association of Selected Risk Factors for Preeclampsia*
Risk Factor Associated with Preeclampisa Reference OR (95% CI)
Preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy Hnat18 3.88 (2.98-5.05)
Duckitt48 7.19 (5.85-8.83)
First pregnancy Conde-Agudelo49 2.38 (2.28-2.49)
Duckitt48 2.91 (1.28-6.61)
Multifetal gestation Sibai50 2.62 (2.03-3.38)
Conde-Agudelo49 2.10 (1.90-2.32)
Duckitt48 2.93 (2.04-4.21)
Chronic hypertension Conde-Agudelo49 1.99 (1.78-2.22)
Gestational diabetes Conde-Agudelo49 1.93 (1.66-2.25)
Pregestational diabetes Duckitt48 3.56 (2.54-4.99)
Vascular and connective tissue disease Stamilio51 6.9 (1.1-42.3)
Urinary tract infection Abi-Said52 4.23 (1.27-14.06)
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome Robertson53 2.73 (1.65-4.51)
Duckitt48 9.72 (4.34-21.75)
Genetic factors (eg, thrombophilias) Robertson53
Factor V Leiden heterozygosity 2.19 (1.46-3.27)
Prothrombin heterozygosity 2.54 (1.52-4.23)
MTHFR homozygosity 1.37 (1.07-1.76)
Hyperhomocysteinemia 3.49 (1.21-10.11)
Obesity (BMI >35 kg/m2) Sibai1 3.38 (1.91-6.00)
Maternal age >35 years Conde-Agudelo49 1.67 (1.58-1.77)
Family history of preeclampsia Duckitt48 2.90 (1.70-4.93)
Fetal malformation Conde-Agudelo49 1.26 (1.16-1.37)
Abnormal maternal serum markers Dugoff54
(AFP, hCG, uE3, Inhibin A)
Inhibin A >2.0 MOM 2.39 (1.75-3.26)
2 abnormal markers 3.65 (2.79-4.78)
African-American race Tucker55 1.2 (0.8-1.7)
Abbreviations: AFP, alpha fetoprotein; HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; uE3, unconjugated estriol.
*Presented as odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI).

time period (n ⫽ 6637).7 Women were categorized as nor- dent on the outcome of the first pregnancy. If the first preg-
motensive (68.0%), mildly preeclamptic (26.3%), protein- nancy was complicated simply by proteinuric preeclampsia,
uric preeclamptic (5.6%), and eclamptic (0.2%). They found the incidence in the second pregnancy was 7.5%, whereas
that the overall incidence of preeclampsia in a second preg- those who were normotensive in the first pregnancy had a
nancy was less than that in a first pregnancy, but was depen- low rate of proteinuric preeclampsia in the second pregnancy

Table 2 Summary of Studies that Present the Risk for Recurrence of Preeclampsia
Author Study Population Rate of Recurrence
Campbell7 Preeclampsia (n ⴝ 279) Preeclampsia 7.5%
Sibai9 Second trimester severe preeclampsia (n ⴝ 169) Any preeclampsia 65%
<28 weeks 21%
28-36 weeks 21%
37-40 weeks 24%
van Rijn8 Preeclampsia with delivery <34 weeks Preeclampsia 25%
Sullivan 12 HELLP (n ⴝ 161) Preeclampsia 43%
Sibai11 HELLP (n ⴝ 192) Preeclampsia 19%
Chames13 HELLP with delivery <28 weeks (n ⴝ 62) Preeclampsia 55%
Adelusi14 Eclampsia (n ⴝ 64) Eclampsia 16%
Sibai16 Eclampsia (n ⴝ 366) Preeclampsia 22%
Eclampsia 2%
Trogstad17 Preeclampsia singleton (n ⴝ 19,960) Preeclampsia 14.1%
Preeclampsia twins (n ⴝ 325) Preeclampsia 6.8%
Preeclampsia recurrence and prevention 137

of 0.7%. However, women who had proteinuric preeclamp- Chames and coworkers reported the outcomes of subse-
sia in conjunction with a low-birth-weight (⬍2500 g) infant quent pregnancies in women with a history of HELLP syn-
in their first pregnancy had double the incidence of protein- drome for which delivery occurred at ⬍28 weeks of gesta-
uric preeclampsia in their second pregnancy (11.9% versus tion.13 Women were delivered in Memphis, TN (1984-1998)
6.6%), compared with similar women with a normal infant and Lexington, KY (1994-1998). Data were available in 69
birth weight during first pregnancy. patients; there were 76 subsequent pregnancies among 48
Van Rijn and coworkers studied primiparous women who women, of which 62 progressed beyond 20 weeks of gesta-
delivered between 1993 and 2002 at the University Medical tion. Preeclampsia developed in 55% (34), of which 7 were
Center Utrecht in The Netherlands who had a history of early mild and 27 were severe. Recurrent HELLP occurred in 6%.
onset preeclampsia resulting in delivery before 34 weeks of There were no cases of eclampsia; however, significant peri-
gestation.8 Preeclampsia recurred in 25% (30/120) of women natal complications were frequent. Preterm birth (⬍37
in their second pregnancy. Five percent delivered before 34 weeks of gestation) occurred in 53%. Newborns were growth
weeks of gestation and 17% between 34 and 37 weeks of restricted in 27%, and the overall perinatal mortality rate was
gestation. 11%. Women with chronic hypertension had greater overall
Sibai and colleagues9 reported subsequent pregnancy out- morbidity.
comes in women with severe second trimester preeclampsia.
Of these 125 women, 108 had 169 subsequent pregnancies. Preeclampsia Recurrence After Eclampsia
For the subsequent pregnancies, approximately one-third Eclampsia recurrence is to some extent dependent on ade-
were normotensive and two-thirds were complicated by pre- quacy of prenatal care and peripartum practices, including
eclampsia. Of the women with preeclampsia, approximately methods to control hypertensive crisis and prevention of
one-third developed a recurrence at ⬍28 weeks, one-third at eclamptic seizures vis-a-vis magnesium sulfate. Adelusi and
28 to 36 weeks, and one-third at 37 to 40 weeks. Ojengbede14 reported a prospective study of 64 eclamptics
from Ibadan, Nigeria of whom 16% experienced recurrent
Preeclampsia eclampsia despite the benefit of antenatal care. Chesley’s
Recurrence After HELLP Syndrome seminal account of eclampsia recurrence during the early
20th century reported a recurrence risk range of 0% to 21%
Sibai and coworkers10 described a retrospective analysis of
from published series, with an approximately 5% risk for
112 women with HELLP syndrome from 1977 to 1985. In
viable gestations.15
this series, 38 women had 49 subsequent pregnancies.10 One
Sibai and coworkers studied 223 women whose pregnan-
patient (2.6%) had recurrent HELLP syndrome in 2 subse-
cies were complicated by eclampsia between the years 1977
quent pregnancies, both complicated by abruption and fetal
and 1989, with an average follow up of 7.2 years.16 Of the
death. These investigators extended their series to the years
366 subsequent pregnancies, 22% were complicated by pre-
1977 to 1992, with follow up on 341 patients, of which 152
eclampsia and 1.9% by eclampsia. Within the nulliparous
had subsequent pregnancies.11 Maternal complications in-
group, women who had eclampsia before 37 weeks of gesta-
cluded preeclampsia (19%), recurrent HELLP syndrome
tion in the index pregnancy had significantly higher inci-
(3%), and placental abruption (2%). Perinatal complications
dences of preeclampsia and poor perinatal outcome in sub-
included preterm birth (21%), intrauterine growth restric-
sequent pregnancies, compared with those who had
tion (12%), and perinatal death (4%). Those with preexisting
eclampsia at or beyond 37 weeks of gestation. Of the normo-
chronic hypertension had higher rates of preeclampsia (75%)
tensive women, 10% had chronic hypertension on follow up.
but no significant increase in recurrent HELLP syndrome
The highest incidence of chronic hypertension was in those
(5%). Perinatal complications such as preterm birth (80%),
with eclampsia at ⬍30 weeks of gestation (18%) and the
intrauterine growth restriction (45%), placental abruption
lowest incidence (5%) in those with eclampsia at ⬎37 weeks
(20%), and perinatal death (40%) were significantly higher
of gestation.
among chronic hypertensives with previous HELLP syn-
drome. Interestingly, all of the above conditions, including
preeclampsia, preterm birth, fetal growth restriction, placen- Preeclampisa Recurrence
tal abruption, and perinatal death, are considered to have After Multiple Gestations
overlapping etiologic mechanisms that relate to abnormal Although multiple gestations are considered at risk for pre-
placentation. Thus, a pregnancy with preeclampsia in an ini- eclampsia, it is not clear whether women developing this
tial pregnancy appears to be at risk for these other pregnancy complication are clearly at risk for recurrence in the same
complications and should be managed accordingly. degree as for singleton pregnancies. Only 1 study has ad-
A retrospective study of 481 women with HELLP syn- dressed this issue. Trogstad and coworkers examined the
drome between the years 1980 and 1991 analyzed 161 of 195 Norway birth registry from 1967 to 1998, including 550,218
subsequent pregnancies in 122 patients.12 Of these 161 preg- women.17 For women with a previous singleton pregnancy
nancies, 43% had preeclampsia and 27% had HELLP syn- complicated by preeclampsia, the recurrence rate was 14.1%
drome. A previous delivery ⬍32 weeks of gestation was a risk compared with the recurrence rate for twins of 6.8%, which
factor for recurrence of prematurity at a similar gestational was much closer to the population risk. This suggests that
age secondary to preeclampsia in 61% of cases. different potential etiologies for preeclampsia present differ-
138 G.A. Dildy III, M.A. Belfort, and J.C. Smulian

ent risks for recurrence. This is particularly important when tissue to the liver as a response to the increased energy de-
designing a recurrence prevention strategy, since no single mands of pregnancy may reduce the concentration of TxPA
therapy would be expected to target all potential etiologies. to a point where the VLDLs cause endothelial injury.24,25
3. Hyperdynamic disease hypothesis: According to the hy-
perdynamic disease model,26 early in pregnancy, preeclamp-
Clinical Features of tic patients have an elevated cardiac output with compensa-
Recurrent Preeclampsia tory vasodilatation. As the disease progresses, there is a
subsequent hemodynamic crossover to low cardiac output
Hnat and coworkers18 reported on 2934 nulliparous women
and high resistance circulation coinciding with the onset of
with an initial episode of preeclampsia and 598 women with
the clinical syndrome. During the hyperdynamic phase, the
recurrent preeclampsia. Two of the more severe presenta-
dilated systemic terminal arterioles and renal afferent arte-
tions of this disorder, eclampsia and HELLP syndrome, oc-
rioles may expose capillary beds to systemic pressures and
curred in the nulliparous cases with an incidence of 0.34%
increased flow, eventually leading to endothelial cell injury
and 0.21%, respectively. The same severe preeclampsia com-
characteristic of preeclampsia injury.27
plications examined in the women with recurrent preeclamp-
4. Immune/immunogenetic maladaptation hypothesis: The
sia were approximately 5-fold higher: 1.67% for eclampsia
interaction between decidual leukocytes and invading cy-
and 1.00% for HELLP syndrome. In addition, recurrent pre-
totrophoblast cells is essential for normal trophoblast inva-
eclampsia was more commonly associated with other perina-
sion and development. Immune maladaptation may cause
tal complications, such as preterm birth (67% versus 33%),
the shallow invasion of the spiral arteries by the endovascular
abruptio placentae (8% versus 2%), and fetal death (7% ver-
cytotrophoblast cells, resulting in endothelial cell dysfunc-
sus 1%). Therefore, recurrent preeclampsia is clearly associ-
tion mediated by an increased decidual release of cytokines,
ated with more severe disease and with more severe associ-
proteolytic enzymes, and free radical species.28
ated morbidities.
5. The genetic hypothesis: It has been hypothesized that
the development of preeclampsia– eclampsia may be based
Preeclampsia Pathogenesis on a single recessive gene or a dominant gene with incom-
plete penetrance, dependent on the fetal genotype. However,
Relevant to Recurrence no specific genes have been identified and no defined inher-
To understand the rationale and interpret some of the large itance pathway has been determined sufficient to clearly
randomized controlled trials aimed at preventing preeclamp- identify a specific gene pathway. There are data to support
sia, it is important to understand proposed theories of the increased risk of preeclampsia in women who themselves
pathophysiology of this disorder. Most of the etiologies in- were born of a preeclamptic pregnancy.29 Women born of a
volve some form of physiologic change that promotes vascu- normal pregnancy, but whose mother had preeclampsia with
lar endothelial damage, relative placental hypoxia, and oxi- one her other pregnancies, also have an increased risk.30 Esp-
dative stress injury. lin and coworkers29 showed that not only do maternal genet-
1. Abnormal angiogenesis and resultant placental ischemia ics play a role, but men born of a preeclamptic pregnancy are
hypothesis: In this hypothesis poor second wave trophoblast more likely to father children from a preeclamptic pregnancy
invasion of the spiral arteries leads to placental ischemia than those born of normal pregnancy. Skjaerven and col-
which causes increased deportation of trophoblast into the leagues suggest that the genes that determine maternal sus-
maternal circulation which results in endothelial cell dys- ceptibility to preeclampsia are different from the paternal
function.19 Failed second wave invasion has been associated genes that trigger preeclampsia through the fetus.30
with many factors, including abnormal circulating levels of 6. Genetic-conflict hypothesis: In both flowering plants
soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1), placental growth and mammalian pregnancies, there is genetic conflict due to
factor (PlGF), and vascular endothelial growth factor competing interests of maternal and paternal genes regarding
(VEGF),20 maternal infection with CMV,21 prolactin abnor- the volume of nutrients transferred from mother to fetus.31
malities,22 and deficiencies of trace metals.23 Gene abnormal- The more resources a fetus is able to take from its mother, the
ities linked with trophoblast invasiveness have also been pro- larger it will be at birth and the better its chances for survival
posed to influence preeclampsia risk. and reproduction. However, the greater the nutritional de-
2. Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) versus toxicity- mands of the pregnancy, the greater the cost to the mother’s
preventing activity (TxPA) hypothesis: Arbogast and cowork- future reproductive potential. Paternal genes in the fetus and
ers,24 proposed that preeclampsia may result from an un- placenta may seek to maximize the transfer of nutrients from
usual accumulation of VLDL which leads to endothelial mother to baby (because the mother’s future offspring may
damage. This hypothesis was based on the observation that, have a different father); maternal genes on the other hand
in many women who subsequently develop preeclampsia, tend to moderate the flow of resources in an effort to preserve
circulating free fatty acids (FFA) are increased 15 to 20 weeks her reproductive potential for future pregnancies. This inher-
before the onset of disease. These FFA adversely affect endo- ent competition may contribute to genetic imprinting; that is,
thelial physiology leading to vasoconstriction. In some preg- genes that behave differently in an organism depending on
nant women (who are known to have low albumin concen- whether they were inherited from the mother or from the
trations), the burden of transporting extra FFA from adipose father. In mice, the paternal genes control the growth of the
Preeclampsia recurrence and prevention 139

Table 3 Proposed Evaluation Options for Women with a His- Recommended

tory Suggesting a High Rate of Preeclampsia Recurrence in
Order to Target Interventions Evaluation and Management
History & physical examination of Women at Risk for Recurrence
Chronic diseases
Because there are a significant number of risk factors and
Family history
Other historical risk factors for recurrence potential etiologic mechanisms leading to preeclampsia, an
Review of placental pathology from previous affected attempt should be made to identify those risk factors and
pregnancy (eg, thrombi or infarcts, especially with fetal pathways that offer opportunities for intervention. In this
growth restriction, may benefit from low dose heparin) way, a rational pathway-specific strategy for prevention of
Thrombophilia evaluation (inherited and acquired) preeclampsia recurrence can be developed. (Table 3).
Antinuclear antibody if clinically suspicious for
autoimmune disease
Early glucola if clinically appropriate Prevention of
Baseline labs for later comparison
Complete blood count, platelets, serum creatinine, BUN, Recurrent Preeclampsia
uric acid, liver enzymes, urinalysis, 24-hour urine for Women with any of the following characteristics should be
total protein content
considered at particularly high risk for recurrent preeclamp-
Uterine artery Doppler screening to determine the intensity
of ultrasound surveillance needed later in the sia and stand to benefit the most from prevention strategies,
pregnancy even if there is only a modest effect on recurrence rates. These
Serial ultrasounds for evaluation of fetal growth include preeclampsia that was complicated by high degree of
Antepartum fetal surveillance if indications present severity, preterm birth, HELLP syndrome, eclampsia, fetal
growth restriction, abruptio placenta, oligohydramnios, peri-
natal death, a strong family history, or a history of vascular
placenta, whereas maternal genes are predominantly respon- lesions on placental histology. Women with any of these
sible for embryo formation. The placenta—as an agent of should be targeted for the most intensive etiologic evalua-
paternal genes—invades the maternal tissues to parasitize tions and condition-specific therapy when warranted.
maternal blood supply and support fetal growth. The genetic Only a few interventions have been sufficiently well-stud-
conflict theory posits when for whatever reason placentation ied to demonstrate any consistent efficacy for preeclampsia
is abnormal and fetal growth is adversely impacted, the pla- recurrence prevention (Table 4). Antiplatelet therapy (pri-
centa somehow activates genes that enhance blood flow to marily low-dose aspirin) has been studied most vigorously,
the fetus at a cost to the mother. Preeclampsia may well and appears to provide a modest effect in preventing pre-
represent such a situation, and recent data show that in this eclampsia. Two published literature reviews have indicated
condition the placenta produces excess amounts of sFlt1 that there is a 14-19% reduction in preeclampsia in high-risk
(soluble FMS like tyrosine kinase 1), leading to endothelial women (especially those with previous preeclampsia) using
injury and vasoconstriction. Given the low resistance of the low-dose aspirin, generally 81 mg/d.32,33 It has been sug-
placental bed when maternal vasoconstriction occurs, a gested that aspirin works through a variety of mechanisms,
greater proportion of the maternal blood is shunted to the chiefly by increasing the prostacyclin to thromboxane ratio in
placental circulation. Data show that elevation in sFLT1 oc- the vascular endothelium and by reducing sensitivity to an-
curs well before the development of the clinical condition of giotensin II. However, other actions are also likely. Aspirin
preeclampsia.20 does not appear to be effective in preventing preeclampsia

Table 4 Reviews and Randomized Clinical Trials for Preeclampsia Recurrence Prevention
Agent Study Population N Odds Ratio (95% CI)
Aspirin Coomarasamy33 High risk 12,416 0.86 (0.79-0.94)
Duley32 High risk 33,439 0.81 (0.75-0.88)
Calcium Hofmeyr34 Meta-analysis low risk 15,206 0.48 (0.33-0.69)
Meta-analysis high risk 587 0.22 (0.12-0.42)
Magnesium Spatling35 General low-risk 568 NS
Sibai36 Normotensive primigravidas 374 NS
Fish oil Makrides37 All risk 1,683 0.86 (0.59-1.27)
Vitamins CⴙE Poston41 High risk 2,410 0.97 (0.80-1.17)
Rumbold42 Nulliparous women 1,877 1.20 (0.82-1.75)
Heparin Mello46 Angiotensin converting enzyme 80 0.26 (0.08-0.86)
polymorphism in
nonthrombophilic women
with history of preeclampsia
Abbreviations: CI, confidence intervals; NS, not significant.
140 G.A. Dildy III, M.A. Belfort, and J.C. Smulian

in low-risk women. Importantly, low-dose aspirin does published in 2002, recommends no specific prophylactic
not appear to have an appreciably increased risk of mater- regimen to prevent preeclampsia.6 However, based on avail-
nal, fetal, or neonatal complications. For at-risk pregnan- able data, it would seem reasonable, at the minimum, to offer
cies, it probably can be stopped at 36 weeks. calcium (2 g per day) and/or low-dose aspirin (81 mg per
Calcium supplementation up to 2 g per day appears to day) to high-risk women, given the perceived risk– benefit
decrease the incidence of preeclampsia significantly (12 trials ratio. Heparin, especially low-molecular-weight prepara-
with 15,206 women, RR ⫽ 0.48, 95% CI 0.33-0.69), with a tions, may also be considered in the presence of previous
greater effect in high-risk women that include those with preeclampsia with a significant thrombophilia, with placen-
previous preeclampsia (5 trials with 587 women, RR ⫽ 0.22, tal vascular lesions, or after failure of calcium and low-dose
95% CI 0.12-0.42) and those with low baseline calcium in- aspirin therapy.
take (7 trials with 10,154 women, RR ⫽ 0.36, 95% CI 0.18-
0.70).34 It may work via parathyroid hormone, by reducing
intravascular calcium and lowering vascular contractility. Future Direction
The use of calcium to prevent preeclampsia in low-risk Clearly, more research is needed to identify and refine inter-
women is not supported by current literature. ventions to prevent the recurrence of preeclampsia. By focus-
Other potential therapies have been less well-studied, but ing on this particularly high-risk population who have al-
available data are disappointing. Two small trials of magne- ready had preeclampsia, it may be easier to successfully
sium sulfate showed no significant reduction in preeclampsia develop prevention strategies that can be applied to the lower
incidence.35,36 Likewise, fish oil supplements, progesterone, risk women who lack obvious risk factors. Clinical areas
and garlic have not been proven beneficial.37-39 Because pre- needing significant clarification currently include thrombo-
eclampisa has been linked with an increase in oxidative philias in recurrent preeclampsia and identification of the
stress, several therapies with antioxidants have been pro- women most likely to benefit from heparin preparations.
posed. Most recently, vitamin C and vitamin E have been Further insight into the pathophysiology of preeclampsia at
evaluated in large prospective randomized trials for prevent- the cellular and genomic level will likely create new oppor-
ing preeclampsia. An early review that examined initial trials tunities for prevention. Recent reports looking at angiogenic
suggested a potential benefit.40 However, two recent, larger proteins, such as circulating soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase
randomized trials by Poston and coworkers39 and Rumbold 1 (sFlt-1), placental growth factor (PlGF), vascular endothe-
and coworkers41,42 have shown no such benefit and, in fact, lial growth factor (VEGF), and endoglin, have seemingly
indicated that there may actually be some potential harm. identified a pathogenic role for these factors in the develop-
Unfortunately, to date there have been no published ran- ment of preeclampsia.20,41 It is not clear yet whether these can
domized trials of therapy to prevent recurrence for women be useful for refining risk more precisely or if they might
with previous preeclampsia who have a thrombophilia. Case allow potential intervention points for therapy, but this area
series and anecdotal reports suggest a potential benefit of of research appears to have significant promise.47
low-dose heparin (either unfractionated or low molecular
weight).43,44 This approach seems reasonable since placental References
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preventing pre-eclampsia and its complications. Cochrane Database 55. Tucker MJ, Berg CJ, Callaghan WM, et al: The Black-White disparity in
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Recurrent Preterm Birth
Shali Mazaki-Tovi, MD,*,† Roberto Romero, MD,*,‡ Juan Pedro Kusanovic, MD,*
Offer Erez, MD,* Beth L. Pineles, BS,* Francesca Gotsch, MD,* Pooja Mittal, MD,*,†
Nandor Gabor Than, MD,* Jimmy Espinoza, MD,† and Sonia S. Hassan, MD†

Recurrent preterm birth is frequently defined as two or more deliveries before 37 completed
weeks of gestation. The recurrence rate varies as a function of the antecedent for preterm
birth: spontaneous versus indicated. Spontaneous preterm birth is the result of either
preterm labor with intact membranes or preterm prelabor rupture of the membranes. This
article reviews the body of literature describing the risk of recurrence of spontaneous and
indicated preterm birth. Also discussed are the factors which modify the risk for recurrent
spontaneous preterm birth (a short sonographic cervical length and a positive cervicovagi-
nal fetal fibronectin test). Patients with a history of an indicated preterm birth are at risk not
only for recurrence of this subtype, but also for spontaneous preterm birth. Individuals of
black origin have a higher rate of recurrent preterm birth.
Semin Perinatol 31:142-158. © 2007 Published by Elsevier Inc.

KEYWORDS recurrent preterm birth, indicated preterm birth, spontaneous preterm birth,
rupture of membranes, parturition

P reterm birth is the leading cause of perinatal morbidity

and mortality worldwide.1 A preterm delivery is a risk
factor for subsequent preterm birth.2-22 Preterm birth can be
need for this distinction is based on the premise that the risk
factors for recurrent preterm PROM, preterm labor with in-
tact membranes, preeclampsia, and/or SGA are different.
the result of three obstetrical circumstances: 1) preterm labor However, recent observations suggest that there may be over-
with intact membranes; 2) preterm prelabor rupture of mem- lap among these conditions,18,19 so that a patient with an
branes (PROM); and 3) “indicated” preterm birth, which oc- “indicated” preterm birth may also be at risk for spontaneous
curs when maternal or fetal indications require delivery be- preterm birth.18,19 The converse may also be true (ie, that a
fore 37 weeks of gestation. The most common indications are patient with a spontaneous preterm birth is at risk for an
preeclampsia and small for gestational age (SGA). Spontane- “indicated” preterm birth in a subsequent pregnancy).
ous preterm parturition is a syndrome caused by multiple This review will present a summary of the literature and
etiologies (Fig. 1), which are expressed by synchronous or aims to clarify the risk of recurrent disease and the biological
dyssynchronous activation of the common terminal pathway basis for recurrent preterm birth.
of parturition. The reader is referred to recent reviews for full
consideration of this concept.23,24
Although many studies have focused on the rate of preterm Definition of Preterm Birth
birth,25-57 an important consideration is whether these deliv-
eries are the result of spontaneous labor (with intact or rup- Preterm deliveries are those occurring between fetal viability
tured membranes) or “indicated” preterm deliveries. The and 37 completed weeks of gestation (menstrual age). How-
ever, the lower limit of gestational age used to define a pre-
term birth has ranged from 13 to 24 weeks of gestation
*Perinatology Research Branch, Intramural Division, NICHD/NIH/DHHS,
among various reports.21,58,59 Our view is that the delivery of
Hutzel Women’s Hospital, Bethesda, MD, and Detroit, MI.
†Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wayne State University/Hutzel a previable fetus should be considered a spontaneous abor-
Women’s Hospital, Detroit, MI. tion rather than a spontaneous preterm birth. Otherwise,
‡Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Wayne State University, De- perinatal and infant mortality estimates in a population or
troit, MI. country will be biased by the frequency of late spontaneous
Address correspondence to Roberto Romero, MD, Perinatology Research
Branch, Intramural Division, NICHD/NIH/DHHS, Hutzel Women’s
Hospital, 3990 John R St., Box #4, Detroit, MI 48201. E-mail The precise definition of viability, however, is subject to debate given the increased frequency of survival at very low

142 0146-0005/07/$-see front matter © 2007 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Recurrent preterm birth 143

Figure 1 Pathological processes implicated in the

preterm parturition syndrome. (Reproduced with
permission from Romero and coworkers.24)

gestational ages. Clearly, some infants can survive around 24 birth8; and 5) the requirement that the preterm births be
weeks of gestation, but none at 20 weeks. Therefore, we consecutive.8
propose the range of 24 to 36 6/7 weeks of gestation for the
definition of preterm birth. If and when technological ad-
vances allow substantial survival below 24 weeks of gesta- Recurrent
tion, this definition should be revised. Spontaneous Preterm Birth
A birth weight of 500 g has also been used to define the
lower limit of viability.11,60 The popularity of this definition The Frequency of Recurrent
derives from its simplicity. Birthweights can easily be ob- Spontaneous Preterm Birth
tained anywhere in the world at a very low cost. The limita- Recurrent spontaneous preterm birth is defined as more than
tions of this approach are that viable neonates born at viable one preterm birth related to spontaneous onset of labor with
gestational ages and affected by intrauterine growth restric- intact membranes or preterm PROM.
tion (IUGR) may have birthweights below 500 g, and that Several studies have consistently indicated that patients with
some previable infants may weigh more than 500 g. Ideally, a previous spontaneous preterm birth are at risk for a subse-
gestational age at birth should be used to define viability. quent spontaneous preterm delivery.2-22 Iams et al9 reported the
There are, however, practical obstacles derived from the un- results of a secondary analysis of the data from the Preterm
certainty of gestational age estimation in many countries. Prediction Study, conducted under the leadership of Golden-
This problem can be overcome in areas where ultrasound is berg et al.68 Among 378 patients with a prior spontaneous pre-
performed routinely in early pregnancy, but not elsewhere, term birth or spontaneous abortion in the second trimester (ges-
including underdeveloped countries. The criteria for the def- tational age range: 18-36 weeks), the rate of recurrent
inition of viability have implications for the calculation of spontaneous preterm birth (⬍35 weeks) varied between 14%
vital statistics and comparisons of these among different pop- and 15%, in contrast to the 3% rate of spontaneous preterm
ulations. birth among 904 parous women with a previous uncomplicated
term delivery (Table 1).
The rate of recurrent preterm birth was modified accord-
Recurrent Preterm Birth ing to the sonographic cervical length in the index pregnancy
Recurrent preterm birth is defined as two or more deliveries and the presence of a positive test for fetal fibronectin in
before 37 completed gestational weeks.2,9,12,59,61,62 However, cervicovaginal fluid at 22 to 24 weeks of gestation.9 Among
the definition among studies is not uniform. Criteria that women with a previous spontaneous preterm birth, the rate
have varied and may affect estimation of the rate of recurrent of recurrence (⬍35 weeks) was the highest (64%) among
preterm birth include: 1) gestational age thresholds used for women with a sonographically short cervix (⬍25 mm) and a
defining the upper (ie, 35 or 36 weeks)9,12,63,64 and lower (ie, positive fetal fibronectin test. The lowest rate of recurrence
13 to 28 weeks)10,59 limits of preterm birth; 2) inclusion of (7%) occurred in patients with a sonographic cervical length
multiple gestations65-67; 3) inclusion of spontaneous, as well ⬎35 mm and a negative fetal fibronectin test.9
as indicated preterm births11,64; 4) the number of preterm Patients with a positive fibronectin test were at higher risk
births required to fulfill the definition of recurrent preterm for spontaneous recurrent preterm birth regardless of cervi-
144 S. Mazaki-Tovi et al.

Table 1 Probability and 95% Confidence Intervals of Sponta- ing clinically identifiable cause of preterm birth and a major
neous Recurrent Preterm Birth at Less Than 35 Weeks Ac- contributor to perinatal morbidity and mortality.21,58,70-78
cording to the Gestational Age of the Previous Spontaneous Analysis of data from the Collaborative Perinatal Project
Preterm Birth*
demonstrated that, among women with a previous term de-
Gestational Age at Probability (95% CI) livery not complicated by PROM, the frequency of preterm
Delivery in Previous of Spontaneous PROM in a subsequent pregnancy is 4%.79 In contrast,
Spontaneous Recurrent Preterm among patients with two successive singleton pregnancies in
Preterm Birth Birth at <35 Weeks
the dataset (n ⫽ 5230), the frequency of preterm PROM is
18-26 weeks 0.15 (0.05-0.37) 21% if the first pregnancy resulted in a preterm delivery due
27-31 weeks 0.15 (0.05-0.38) to preterm PROM.79
32-36 weeks 0.14 (0.05-0.32) Several investigators have confirmed the high recurrence
>37 weeks 0.03 (0.03-0.03)
rate of preterm PROM: 1) Asrat and coworkers80 reported a
*Modified from Iams, et al.9 with permission. 32% (95% CI 23.9-40.5) risk of recurrence in 121 patients
with a previous episode of preterm PROM; 2) Ekwo and
cal length: 28% for patients with a positive test compared to coworkers81 reported that women with preterm PROM in a
only 7% for patients with a negative test. Similarly, a sono- previous pregnancy had a 5.5-fold higher risk of preterm
graphic short cervix contributed to the risk of recurrent spon- PROM in a subsequent pregnancy than those in the control
taneous preterm birth. Among patients with a history of group; and 3) Mercer and coworkers58 reported that, com-
spontaneous preterm birth and a short cervix, the rate of pared to women with no history of preterm PROM, women
recurrence was 25% if the fetal fibronectin test was negative with previous preterm PROM had a higher risk of spontane-
and 64% if the test was positive. This information can be used ous preterm delivery due to preterm PROM in the index
to counsel patients about their risk of spontaneous preterm pregnancy (13.5% versus 4.1%, P ⬍ 0.001; RR: 3.3, 95% CI
birth. However, further investigation is required in which a 2.1-5.2) as well as a higher risk of preterm PROM at less than
mathematical model is generated to predict the individual 28 weeks (1.8% versus 0.1%, P ⬍ 0.01; RR 13.5, 95% CI
risk for preterm birth based on clinical, sonographic, and 23-80.3).
biochemical parameters in which results are expressed as Mercer and coworkers82 used the Preterm Prediction
continuous variables rather than categorical results. Study population to determine the risk factors for subsequent
Mercer and coworkers10 performed a secondary analysis of preterm birth due to preterm PROM alone. Preterm PROM at
the same dataset using different data stratification in order to less than 35 weeks of gestation occurred in 2% of patients
evaluate the association between prior spontaneous preterm and at less than 37 weeks in 4.5% of patients. Preterm PROM
birth and subsequent pregnancy outcome. Women with a accounted for 32.6% of all preterm deliveries. Clinical char-
history of spontaneous preterm delivery (before 37 weeks of acteristics associated with preterm birth due to preterm
gestation) had a 2.5-fold increased risk (95% confidence in- PROM, derived from a multivariable analysis, and stratified
terval (CI), 1.9-3.2) of spontaneous preterm delivery in a as preterm PROM ⬍37 and ⬍35 weeks are displayed in
subsequent pregnancy compared to women with no history Table 2. In nulliparous women, the risk factors for preterm
of spontaneous preterm delivery (21.7% versus 8.8%, re- PROM were a cervical length ⱕ25 mm, working during preg-
spectively, P ⬍ 0.001). This risk was particularly high when nancy, and the presence of medical complications [the odds
the analysis focused on recurrent spontaneous preterm de- ratios (OR) ranged between 3 and 3.7].82 Among multiparous
livery before 28 weeks of gestation [relative risk (RR) 10.6, women, a previous preterm birth due to preterm PROM was
95% CI 2.9-38.3].10 Moreover, the earlier the gestational age the primary risk factor for preterm PROM in a subsequent
of the first preterm delivery, the greater the risk for recurrent pregnancy (OR for preterm PROM at ⬍35 weeks: 4.1; ⬍37
spontaneous preterm birth (RR 2.4, 2.7, and 3.1 for prior weeks: 3.1). Noteworthy is that a previous preterm birth
delivery at 35-36, 28-34, and 23-27 weeks of gestation, re- caused by preterm labor with intact membranes was also a
spectively).10 risk factor for preterm PROM, although the odds ratios were
lower than if the previous preterm birth was the result of
Preterm Prelabor Rupture preterm PROM (OR for preterm PROM at ⬍35 weeks: 2.6;
of Membranes and Recurrent Preterm Birth ⬍37 weeks: 1.8).82
PROM is defined as spontaneous rupture of the chorioamni- Interestingly, the only risk factor consistently associated
otic membranes before the onset of labor.69 Since the conse- with preterm PROM at ⬍37 and ⬍35 weeks in both nullip-
quences of PROM depend on the gestational age at which the arous and multiparous women was a short cervical length.
episode occurs, this condition has been classified as preterm Bacterial vaginosis was not found to be a risk factor for recur-
PROM or term PROM, depending on whether the rupture of rent preterm birth.82
the membranes occurs before or after 37 weeks of gestation, Among multiparous women, a short cervix, a positive fetal
respectively.70-76 Term PROM occurs in approximately 10% fibronectin test, and a history of preterm birth following pre-
of pregnancies,70-72,74,77,78 whereas the frequency of preterm term PROM increased the frequency of recurrent preterm
PROM is 2% to 3.5%.70-72,74,77,78 Preterm PROM accounts for PROM at ⬍35 weeks to 25%. If recurrent preterm PROM was
30% to 40% of preterm deliveries,70-72,74,77,78 and it is a lead- defined as ⬍37 weeks, the combination of these three risk
Recurrent preterm birth 145

Table 2 Risk Factors Associated with Preterm PROM (at Less Than 35 weeks) Stratified by Parity*
Nulliparous Multiparous
Risk Factor OR 95% CI OR 95% CI
Cervical length <25 mm 9.9 3.8-25.9 4.2 2.0-8.9
Previous preterm birth with preterm PROM – – 4.1 2.0-8.7
Previous preterm labor with intact membranes – – 2.6 1.2-5.3
Working during pregnancy 5.3 1.5-18.7 n.s. n.s.
Medical complications 4.2 1.1-16.0 n.s. n.s.
FFN (ⴙ) n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s.
BV n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s.
FFN (ⴙ) and absent BV n.s. n.s. 9.0 3.6-22.5
FFN (ⴚ) and present BV n.s. n.s. 2.8 1.2-6.3
*Modified from Mercer, et al.82 with permission. Abbreviations: FFN, fetal fibronectin; BV, bacterial vaginosis; n.s., non-significant.

factors increased the risk 7.8-fold over the reference group of with a positive fibronectin test.94 Because fetal fibronectin is a
multiparous women who had none of these risk factors.82 component of the extracellular matrix located in the chorion
The mechanisms responsible for the association between leave95 and its abundance in cervicovaginal fluid increases
previous preterm PROM, short cervix, and positive fetal fi- before both preterm68,96-109 and term labor,110-119 we propose
bronectin and recurrent preterm birth caused by preterm that detection of this protein is a marker of decidual/mem-
PROM have not been elucidated. It is likely that an insult brane activation and, therefore, of the common terminal
during gestation (eg, intrauterine infection) would be re- pathway of parturition. Thus, a history of preterm PROM and
solved by preterm labor with intact membranes or preterm a positive test for fetal fibronectin in the midtrimester are
PROM. We have proposed83 that selection of the specific likely to reflect activation of the decidua/membrane compo-
phenotype may be determined by genetic and/or environ- nent of the pathway. We propose a sequence of events that
mental factors. For example, if patients carry DNA variants may explain the empirical observations reported by Mercer
which predispose to an excess production of matrix-degrad- and coworkers.82 A patient with a previous preterm PROM is
ing enzymes, such patients will go into premature labor after at risk for subsequent PROM.82 If such a patient has a short
rupture of membranes. On the other hand, if the genotype is
cervix, the risk of recurrent preterm PROM would increase
such that the generation of uterotonic agents rather than
because of ascending intrauterine infection. If the infection is
matrix-degrading enzymes is favored, then preterm labor
such that it activates chorion and decidua, then fetal fi-
with intact membranes will be the clinical expression of the
bronectin will be positive. Of course, it is also possible that a
preterm parturition syndrome. The genotype may explain
patient with preterm PROM would have activation of the
the tendency for the same phenotype to occur in subsequent
pregnancies (ie, preterm PROM). common terminal pathway (and therefore a positive test for
The relationship between a short cervix and preterm fetal fibronectin) with a long cervix.
PROM could be due to intrauterine infection.84,85 A long
cervix with a well-established mucus plug may serve as an Twin Gestation and Recurrent Preterm Birth
anatomical and biochemical host defense mechanism against There are conflicting data as to whether preterm birth in the
ascending intrauterine infection.86-92 A short cervix may pre-
context of a multiple gestation is a risk factor for preterm
dispose to ascending intrauterine infection by shortening the
birth in a future singleton pregnancy. Menard and cowork-
distance between microorganisms in the lower genital tract
ers62 were the first to examine the recurrence rate after pre-
and the chorioamniotic membranes.89,93 In addition, the pro-
term birth of a twin gestation. The authors reported the out-
cess of cervical shortening may lead to the loss of the mucus
comes of 144 women who first delivered twins, followed by a
plug. Cervical mucus contains antimicrobial properties, at-
tributed at least in part to antimicrobial peptides such as subsequent singleton gestation. Preterm delivery (before 37
defensins, lactoferrin, calprotectin, and bacterial permeabil- weeks of gestation), occurred in 59.7% of twin gestations and
ity factor.86-90 in 14.6% of the subsequent singleton pregnancies. Among
The relationship between a positive cervicovaginal fetal women who delivered preterm twins, 19.6% delivered pre-
fibronectin test and subsequent preterm PROM has been at- term in the subsequent singleton pregnancy. Preterm birth in
tributed to the presence of upper genital tract infection.68 twin gestations was associated with a significantly increased
This interpretation has been based on the association be- risk of preterm delivery in a subsequent singleton pregnancy
tween a positive fetal fibronectin test in the midtrimester and (RR 2.87, 95% CI 1.02-8.09). Among the subset of patients
the subsequent demonstration of histologic chorioamnionitis that delivered twins before 30 weeks, 42% of the subsequent
at the time of preterm delivery.68 However, studies in which singleton pregnancies delivered preterm (RR 6.11, 95% CI
amniocentesis was performed in women with positive cervi- 2.07-18.02). The RR of preterm birth of a singleton after
covaginal fetal fibronectin have found that intraamniotic in- delivery of twins between 30 and 34 weeks of gestation was
fection or inflammation is present in less than 2% of patients 3.63 (95% CI 1.02-12.92). However, women who delivered
146 S. Mazaki-Tovi et al.

twins between 34 and 37 weeks of gestation did not have an indicates that a short cervix should not be equated with “cer-
increased risk for recurrent preterm birth. vical insufficiency.”
In contrast, Rydhstrom59 reported that a preterm twin de- Sonographic cervical length can modify the a priori risk for
livery, regardless of etiology, did not increase the risk of preterm delivery. For example, in patients with a history of
recurrent preterm birth in a subsequent singleton gestation. preterm delivery, a twin gestation, or a triplet gestation, a
However, a prior preterm singleton delivery increased the short cervix confers an increased risk for preterm deliv-
risk of preterm birth in subsequent singleton and twin preg- ery.109,141-149 Indeed, among women with a history of spon-
nancies. Bloom and coworkers12 reported that women with a taneous preterm birth, the risk of recurrence increases as
singleton gestation that resulted in preterm birth at less than cervical length shortens.9
35 weeks have an increased risk for recurrence (OR 5.6, 95% The hypothesis that cervical competence or sufficiency rep-
CI 4.5-7.0). However, those whose first pregnancy resulted resents a spectrum was studied by Parikh and Mehta, who used
in twins delivered at less than 35 weeks did not have a higher digital examination of the cervix and concluded that degrees of
risk of recurrent preterm birth (OR 1.9, 95% CI 0.46-8.14). cervical competence do not exist.150 Iams et al, using sono-
graphic examination of the cervix, suggested that cervical suffi-
ciency/insufficiency is a continuum,66 with a strong relationship
Cervical Insufficiency between cervical length in the index pregnancy and gestational
as a Cause of Recurrent age at delivery in the first pregnancy. This relationship was
Midtrimester Abortion/Preterm Birth nearly linear; patients with a typical history of a cervical insuffi-
The clinical diagnosis of cervical insufficiency is traditionally ciency (painless dilation) do not constitute a separate group
made in patients with a history of recurrent mid-trimester from those with a history of spontaneous preterm delivery (pre-
spontaneous abortions and/or early preterm deliveries in term labor or preterm PROM).66 Similar results have been re-
which “the basic process is thought to be the failure of the ported by Guzman et al.151 Collectively, these studies suggest a
cervix to remain closed during pregnancy.”120 Thus, both by relationship between a history of preterm delivery and the cer-
definition and clinical practice, the condition now termed vical length in a subsequent pregnancy. Inasmuch as patients
“cervical insufficiency” is recognized as one that recurs in with a short cervix are at increased risk for a mid-trimester
subsequent pregnancies. pregnancy loss (clinically referred to as “cervical insufficiency”)
Digital examination of the cervix was the method used to or spontaneous preterm delivery with intact or ruptured mem-
determine cervical status (effacement, dilation, position, and branes,66,121-123,126-131,133-140,151,152 a short cervix could be con-
consistency) before the introduction of ultrasound. Cervical sidered the expression of a spectrum of cervical diseases or func-
sonography has become an objective and reliable method to tions.
assess cervical length, which approximates cervical efface- We have proposed that cervical insufficiency is one of the
ment. The shorter the sonographic cervical length in the mid- great “obstetrical syndromes.”153 Cervical ripening in the
trimester, the higher the risk of spontaneous preterm labor/ mid-trimester may be the result of: 1) the loss of connective
delivery.121-125 However, there is no agreement concerning tissue after a cervical operation such as conization154-156 or
what constitutes a sonographic short cervix. For example, LEEP procedure156; 2) a congenital disorder such as cervical
Iams et al122 proposed that a cervix of 26 mm or shorter at 24 hypoplasia after diethylstilbestrol exposure157-160; 3) intra-
weeks of gestation increases the risk for spontaneous preterm uterine infection161,162; and 4) a suspension of progesterone
delivery (RR: 6.19, 95% CI 3.84-9.97). The prevalence of action.163 There is experimental evidence that progesterone
spontaneous preterm delivery (defined as less than 35 weeks) can reverse cervical compliance induced by the administra-
in this study was 4.3%, and the positive predictive value was tion of dexamethasone to pregnant sheep.164 Sherman165 has
17.8% for a cervical length ⱕ25 mm at 24 weeks of gesta- also generated evidence that the administration of 17 alpha
tion.122 Other investigators have proposed a cut-off of 15 hydroxyprogesterone caproate (17 OH P) may be beneficial
mm, because a cervical length of 15 mm or less is associated in patients with clinically diagnosed “cervical insufficiency”
with nearly a 50% rate of spontaneous preterm delivery at 32 and a cervical disorder that manifests itself with the clinical
weeks of gestation or less, when neonatal morbidity is sub- presentation of “cervical insufficiency.” Each of these causes
stantial.123,125 of the syndrome could be affected by genetic or environmen-
Sonographic cervical length is not a screening test for tal factors. The possibility of novel and yet-to-be-discovered
spontaneous preterm delivery, because only a small fraction mechanisms of disease playing a role must also be consid-
of all patients who will have a spontaneous preterm birth ered.
have a short cervix in the mid-trimester. Previous studies A proportion of patients presenting with asymptomatic
conducted at our institution have indicated that only 8% of cervical dilation in the mid-trimester have microbial invasion
all patients who will have a preterm delivery at less than 32 of the amniotic cavity (MIAC)161,162 that can be as high as
weeks of gestation have a cervical length of 15 mm or less in 51.5%.162 Microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity may be
the mid-trimester.125 The converse is also true. Among due to premature cervical dilation with the exposure of the
women with a short cervix, some have adverse pregnancy chorioamniotic membranes to the microbial flora of the
outcomes and others have uncomplicated term deliver- lower genital tract. Microorganisms may gain access to the
ies.66,121-123,126-140 Only half of women with a cervical length amniotic cavity by crossing intact membranes.162 Under
of 15 mm or less deliver before 32 weeks of gestation.125 This these circumstances, infection would be a secondary phe-
Recurrent preterm birth 147

Table 3 Odds Ratios for Recurrence of Preterm Delivery or Low-Birthweight Newborn by Race in Georgia, 1980-1995*

Maternal Characteristic in Second Delivery at 20-31 wk† Delivery at 32-36 wk†

Pregnancy White (n ⴝ 84) Black (n ⴝ 145) White (n ⴝ 712) Black (n ⴝ 1059)
Maternal age (years)
10-17 2.3 (0.9-5.6) 2.0 (1.2-3.5) 1.3 (0.8-2.0) 1.3 (1.1-1.7)
18-19 1.0 (0.5-2.0) 1.2 (0.8-2.0) 1.3 (1.0-1.7) 1.2 (1.0-1.4)
20-49 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Initiation of prenatal care (trimester)
First 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Second, third, or none 1.2 (0.6-2.2) 1.2 (0.8-1.7) 1.1 (0.9-1.4) 1.1 (1.0-1.3)
Interpregnancy interval, months
<6 1.1 (0.5-2.1) 1.4 (0.9-2.3) 1.0 (0.7-1.3) 1.2 (1.2-1.5)
6-11 1.6 (0.9-2.9) 0.9 (0.5-1.5) 1.2 (0.9-1.5) 1.1 (0.9-1.3)
12-47 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
>47 1.0 (0.4-2.1) 0.8 (0.4-1.5) 0.9 (0.7-1.2) 0.7 (0.6-0.9)
Goodness-of-fit P value‡ 0.72 0.33 0.29 0.93
Smoking during the pregnancy§
Yes 0.4 (0.2-1.1) 1.7 (0.2-14.5) 0.8 (0.6-1.2) 0.6 (0.3-1.1)
No 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Modified from Adams, et al.11 with permission.
*Odds ratio for type of second pregnancy are controlled for all of the other variables in the table except smoking; figures in parentheses are
95% confidence intervals.
†Referent group is delivery in second pregnancy at gestation > 37 weeks.
‡Goodness-of-fit for model including all variables except smoking.
§Analysis restricted to second deliveries occurring from 1989 through 1995. Association adjusted for all other variables in the model.

nomenon to primary cervical disease. An alternative same was the case for deliveries between 32 and 36 weeks of
explanation is that primary intrauterine infection (ascending, gestation.
hematogeneous166), or one caused by activation of microor- Of interest was that teenagers whose first preterm delivery
ganisms present within the uterine cavity167 in the second occurred between 20 and 31 weeks of gestation had twice the
trimester of pregnancy produces myometrial contractility risk of recurrent preterm birth (20-31 weeks) than that of
and cervical ripening. Because uterine contractions are usu- women 20 to 49 years of age (Table 3). This observation was
ally clinically silent in the mid-trimester of pregnancy, the significant only among African-American women.
clinical picture of an infection-induced spontaneous abortion Kitska and coworkers64 used a maternally linked database
may be indistinguishable from that of an incompetent cer- from the Missouri Department of Health to study racial dis-
vix.65,162 Recently, we have established that 9% (5/57) of parities and recurrent preterm birth. The study focused on
women with a short endocervix (less than 25 mm) have mi- 368,633 mothers who had two or more deliveries between
crobiologically proven intraamniotic infection,168 suggesting 1978 and 1997. The frequency of recurrent preterm birth
that these infections are subclinical and may precede the was 3.1% among African-Americans and 0.6% among Cau-
development of the clinical picture of acute “cervical insuffi- casians (RR, 5.40; 95% CI 5.06, 5.75). Logistic regression
ciency” (dilated and effaced cervix with bulging membranes). analysis indicated that being of African-American descent
The issue of whether subclinical intrauterine infection is a increased the risk for recurrent preterm birth independently
cause of recurrent cervical insufficiency and preterm birth of other factors, such as medical complications and low so-
has not been answered. cioeconomic status (adjusted OR, 4.11; 95% CI 3.78, 4.47).
Two additional findings of this study were that: 1) the recur-
Women of African-American rent preterm birth in women of African-American origin oc-
Origin Have a Greater Risk of curred at an earlier median gestational age than in Caucasian
Recurrent Preterm Birth than Caucasians women (31 weeks versus 33 weeks); and 2) the gestational
age of the recurrent preterm birth was similar to that of the
There is a well-established disparity in the rate of preterm
previous preterm birth and most likely to occur at the same
birth among ethnic groups in the U.S.8,11,169-176 Individuals of
gestational age (Fig. 2). This finding was consistent among
African-American origin are at higher risk for recurrent pre-
individuals in both ethnic groups.
term birth.
A large population-based cohort study11 in the state of
Georgia found that, among women who delivered between Additional Risk Factors
20 and 31 weeks of gestation in their first pregnancy, black for Recurrent Preterm Birth
women had a higher rate of recurrent preterm birth at 20 to Several environmental factors have been implicated in recurrent
31 weeks than did white women [black ⫽ 13.4% (95% CI preterm birth. Cnattingius and coworkers61 studied the associ-
11.4-15.6) versus white ⫽ 8.2% (95% CI 6.6-10.1)]. The ation among smoking, previous very early preterm or moderate
148 S. Mazaki-Tovi et al.

Figure 2 Concordance in timing of preterm (20-34 6/7 weeks of gestation) birth in Missouri to a mother with previous
preterm birth, 1989 to 1997. The line represents the expected Gaussian curve if concordance in timing is a normally
distributed event. The bars represent the timing for each preterm birth after the initial preterm birth for all mothers (A),
Caucasians (B), or African Americans (C) in correlation with the expected normal curve. (Reproduced with permission
from Kistka and coworkers.64)

preterm delivery (before 32 weeks and at 32 to 36 weeks, re- than 5 kg/m2 (80.0% versus 28.2%, P ⫽ 0.01). Hence,
spectively), and the risk of a subsequent very preterm or mod- women whose BMI declines between pregnancies are at in-
erately preterm delivery in a population-based cohort of creased risk for recurrent preterm birth.
243,858 women in Sweden. The OR for a very early preterm The effect of sexual behavior on the risk of recurrent pre-
second delivery among the women who smoked 1 to 9 cigarettes term birth was the subject of a secondary analysis of a mul-
per day was 1.4 (95% CI, 1.1, 1.7) and for those who smoked 10 ticentric observational study of the association between cer-
or more cigarettes per day 1.6 (95% CI, 1.3, 2.0), as compared to vical ultrasound at 16 to 18 weeks and the risk for recurrent
nonsmokers. Furthermore, women who stopped smoking be- preterm birth. Women (n ⫽ 187) with singleton gestations
tween pregnancies were not at increased risk for very early or who were at high risk for preterm birth because of a prior
moderate preterm delivery, whereas the women who started to spontaneous preterm birth at less than 32 weeks of gestation
smoke in the second pregnancy had the same risk as those who were included.178 A sexual history was obtained by interview
had continued to smoke. at the time of enrollment. Information gathered included the
Merlino et al177 investigated the association between ma- number of sexual partners during the patient’s lifetime, the
ternal weight loss and recurrent preterm birth in a cohort of number of sexual partners during the patient’s pregnancy,
1241 patients. Women whose body mass index (BMI) de- and the frequency of sexual intercourse in the preceding
creased more than 5 kg/m2 had more frequent recurrent pre- month. The greater the number of sexual partners in a wom-
term birth than those whose BMI did not (21.1% versus an’s lifetime, the higher the frequency of recurrent preterm
9.3%, P ⱕ 0.01). For those with a term birth in the first birth (1 partner 19%, 2 to 3 partners 29%, more than 4
pregnancy, the rate of preterm birth in the subsequent preg- partners 44%, P ⱕ 0.007). Of interest, neither the frequency
nancy was not affected by a decline in BMI. In contrast, of sexual intercourse during early pregnancy nor the number
women with a preterm birth in the first pregnancy had a of partners were risk factors for recurrent preterm birth,
higher rate of recurrent preterm birth if BMI decreased more which is consistent with previous reports.179-184
Recurrent preterm birth 149

Recurrent Indicated bor with intact membranes and preterm PROM share patho-
physiologic features and clinical presentation (spontaneous
Preterm Birth onset of labor). Preterm preeclampsia, fetal distress, and se-
Indicated preterm births are those resulting from delivery of vere IUGR—the most common causes of indicated preterm
patients before term, due to complications that place the birth186— usually occur in the absence of spontaneous par-
mother and/or fetus at risk. Various authors include among turition. Thus, the presence or absence of spontaneous par-
those complications hypertension-related disorders, obstet- turition has been a sharp dividing line between the pheno-
rical hemorrhage (placenta previa, placental abruption, and types of indicated and nonindicated preterm birth.
other causes of antepartum hemorrhage), and all medically One can also argue that the mechanisms of disease responsi-
induced preterm deliveries.12,40,185 Other investigators18 cat- ble for the phenotypes are shared within the conditions respon-
egorize indicated preterm births into: 1) ischemic placental sible for spontaneous preterm birth and within the conditions
disease (ie, preeclampsia, SGA, placental abruption, and fetal responsible for indicated preterm birth. For example, MIAC
distress); and 2) miscellaneous (fetal malformations, placenta with bacteria is common in preterm labor188-204 and preterm
PROM,93,205-211 but rare in preeclampsia and IUGR. In contrast,
previa, unexplained vaginal bleeding, chronic hypertension,
“failure of physiologic transformation of the spiral arteries” can
and others).
be observed in all of these four conditions,212,213 but is more
The incidence of indicated preterm birth has been re-
prevalent and severe in preeclampsia and IUGR214-220 than in
ported to range from 1% to 5.5% of all deliveries.12,176,186,187
preterm labor and preterm PROM.212,213
However, indicated preterm birth accounts for approxi-
Ananth and coworkers18 provided evidence in support of this
mately one-third of all preterm births.40,185,187
view, but also noted that spontaneous preterm birth in the first
Meis et al185 reported a study examining the risk factors for pregnancy may be followed by an indicated preterm birth in the
indicated preterm birth using the Preterm Prediction Study subsequent pregnancy and vice versa. The observations are de-
data set. A history of a previous indicated preterm delivery rived from a population-based retrospective cohort study of
was associated with an OR of 2.8 (95% CI 1.5-5.4; P ⫽ 0.002; births in Missouri in which analyses were restricted to women
multivariable analysis by logistic regression including other who delivered their first two consecutive singleton live births
risk factors for indicated preterm birth for recurrent preterm during the study period of 1989 to 1997.18 The key observation
birth). was that, if the first pregnancy resulted in a spontaneous or
Bloom et al12 reported the largest study conducted today in indicated preterm birth, then women were more likely to have
a single unit and concluded that an indicated preterm deliv- the same type of preterm birth (spontaneous or indicated) in the
ery in singleton gestations is associated with an OR of 5.4 second pregnancy. Indeed, women with spontaneous preterm
(95% CI 3.1-9.2) for recurrent preterm birth at less than 35 birth before 35 weeks of gestation in the first pregnancy had an
weeks of gestation in comparison to patients who delivered at OR of 3.6 (95% CI 3.2-4.0) for preterm birth before 35 weeks in
term in their first pregnancy. Patients who had an indicated the second pregnancy. However, the risk for a medically indi-
preterm birth between 24 and 28 weeks had an OR of 12.5 cated preterm birth was also increased (OR 2.5, 95% CI 2.1-
(95% CI 3.8-40.7) for recurrent preterm delivery and 10 3.0).18
(95% CI 4.8-20.8) if they were delivered between 29 and 32 Similarly, women who delivered at less than 35 weeks be-
weeks of gestation. In contrast, patients who were delivered cause of a medical indication in the first pregnancy were much
between 33 and 34 weeks did not have a higher risk for more likely to have an indicated preterm birth at less than 35
recurrent preterm birth. weeks of gestation in their subsequent pregnancy (OR 10.6,
Patients with one prior preterm birth had an OR of 2.4 95% CI 9.1-12.4). However, these patients were also at in-
(95% CI 1.5-4.1) for indicated preterm delivery compared to creased risk of having a spontaneous preterm birth (OR 1.6,
women with no history of preterm birth. Moreover, the OR 95% CI 1.3-2.1), although that risk was lower than the risk of
increases to 5.2 (95% CI 2.2-11.9) when the patients had two having an indicated preterm birth.18 Similar findings were evi-
or more previous preterm deliveries.176 Collectively, these dent in pregnancies that ended at less than 32 weeks (Table 4).
studies suggest that indicated preterm birth is not an isolated The greatest risk for recurrence of preterm birth was observed
event and puts the patient at risk for a subsequent indicated, when women delivered their first preterm birth at less than 28
as well as spontaneous, preterm birth. weeks of gestation. The magnitude of the risk for recurrence of
The subjects of recurrent preeclampsia and SGA are dis- preterm birth decreased progressively as gestational age at de-
cussed elsewhere in this issue of the Seminars. livery of the first preterm birth increased.18

Issues on the Management

Is the Recurrence Risk and Prevention of a Patient
for Preterm Birth Different with a History of Preterm Birth
for Spontaneous Versus
Prevention of Recurrent Preterm Birth
Indicated Preterm Birth? Progesterone Administration
Preterm births have been classified as “spontaneous” or “in- Progesterone plays a central role in pregnancy. The proposed
dicated” because of the implicit assumption that preterm la- functions of progesterone include maintenance of myome-
150 S. Mazaki-Tovi et al.

Table 4 Recurrence of Preterm Birth at <37, <35, and <32 Weeks and Subtypes in Second Pregnancy Based on Preterm Birth
at <37, <35, and <32 Weeks in the First Pregnancy, Respectively: Missouri, 1989 to 1997*
Preterm Birth in Second Pregnancy, Adjusted OR (95% CI)
Preterm Birth in the First All Preterm Spontaneous Preterm Medically Preterm
Pregnancy Births Births Indicated Births
Preterm birth at <37 wks
Preterm birth at <37 wks 2.9 (2.8, 3.0) 2.7 (2.5, 2.9) 3.3 (3.1, 3.6)
Spontaneous preterm birth 2.8 (2.7, 3.0) 3.2 (3.1, 3.4) 1.7 (1.5, 1.9)
Medically indicated preterm birth 3.0 (2.8, 3.3) 1.0 (0.9, 1.2) 7.7 (7.0, 8.5)
Preterm birth at <35 wks
Preterm birth at <35 wks 3.6 (3.4, 3.9) 3.1 (2.8, 3.4) 4.8 (4.3, 5.4)
Spontaneous preterm birth 3.3 (3.0, 3.6) 3.6 (3.2, 4.0) 2.5 (2.1, 3.0)
Medically indicated preterm birth 4.6 (4.0, 5.2) 1.6 (1.3, 2.1) 10.6 (9.1, 12.4)
Preterm birth at <32 wks
Preterm birth at <32 wks 4.9 (4.2, 5.7) 4.1 (3.4, 4.9) 6.5 (5.2, 8.0)
Spontaneous preterm birth 4.5 (3.8, 5.4) 4.6 (3.7, 5.6) 4.3 (3.1, 5.8)
Medically indicated preterm birth 5.8 (4.5, 7.4) 2.7 (1.8, 4.1) 11.3 (8.4, 15.1)
Reproduced, with permission, from Ananth et al.18
*ORs are adjusted for maternal age (second birth), education (second birth), marital status, race/ethnicity, smoking and alcohol use,
prepregnancy body mass index, and lack of or late initiation of prenatal care and interpregnancy interval.

trial quiescence, downregulation of gap-junction formation, sus placebo 5.2%, RR 0.25 (95% CI 0.8-0.82)], and need for
and inhibition of cervical ripening.221-223 supplemental oxygen [17-OH P 14.9% versus placebo
Prevention of recurrent preterm birth by progesterone ad- 23.8%, RR 0.62 (95% CI 0.42-0.92)].
ministration has been a matter of debate in the literature for Of interest, the effect of 17-OH P in preventing recurrent
decades.224-242 This section will review the results of random- preterm delivery was demonstrated only in patients whose
ized clinical trials and meta-analyses published recently. previous preterm delivery had occurred between 20 and 33.9
da Fonseca et al243 recently published a randomized, dou- weeks of gestation.245 Moreover, it has been estimated that
ble-blind, placebo-controlled trial of vaginal progesterone 4.7 women would need to be treated to prevent one recurrent
versus placebo in decreasing the rate of spontaneous preterm preterm delivery among patients who had delivered between
birth. The trial included patients with at least one previous 20 to 27.9 weeks of gestation in a previous pregnancy. The
spontaneous preterm birth, a prophylactic cervical cerclage, number needed to treat is similar for women who had deliv-
or a uterine malformation (n ⫽ 142). Patients were allocated ered at 28 to 33.9 weeks. Of note, 17-OH P was not associ-
to receive either daily progesterone (100 mg) or placebo by ated with a reduction in the rate of recurrent preterm deliv-
vaginal suppository from 24 to 34 weeks of gestation. The eries in patients whose previous preterm delivery had
rates of preterm delivery at both less than 37 weeks and less occurred between 34 to 36.9 weeks of gestation.
than 34 weeks were lower in the progesterone group than in The efficacy of 17-OH P in singleton gestations was not
the placebo group [for 37 weeks; progesterone: 13.8% (10/ demonstrated in twin gestations.246 In this trial, no significant
72) versus placebo: 28.5% (20/70); P ⫽ 0.03 and for 34 differences were found between the groups in the rates of
weeks; progesterone: 2.8% (2/72) versus placebo: 18.6% spontaneous or indicated preterm birth.
(13/70); P ⫽ 0.002]. In a 2006 Cochrane review, Dodd and coworkers247 re-
Meis et al244 reported the results of a double-blind placebo- ported the results of 6 randomized trials including 988 pa-
controlled clinical trial comparing the effects of intramuscu- tients randomized to receive either 17-OH P or placebo. The
lar 17-␣ hydroxyprogesterone caproate (17-OH P) versus administration of 17-OH P was associated with reduced risks
placebo. Patients with a history of spontaneous preterm de- for preterm delivery before 37 weeks of gestation (6 studies,
livery (n ⫽ 463) were enrolled at 16 to 20 weeks of gestation RR 0.65, 95% CI 0.54-0.79) and before 34 weeks gestation (1
and randomly assigned in a 2:1 ratio to receive weekly injec- study, RR 0.15, 95% CI 0.04-0.64). Moreover, treatment
tions of 250 mg of 17-OH P or an inert oil placebo until either with progesterone was associated with lower risks for birth
delivery or 36 weeks of gestation. Treatment with 17-OH P weight below 2500 g (4 studies, RR 0.63, 95% CI 0.49-0.81)
significantly reduced the rate of preterm delivery at less than and intraventricular hemorrhage (1 study, RR 0.63, 95% CI
37 weeks [17-OH P 36.3% versus placebo 54.9%, RR 0.66 0.08-0.82). No difference in perinatal death was found be-
(95% CI 0.54-0.81)] and less than 35 weeks of gestation tween treatment groups (5 studies, RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.37-
[17-OH P 20.6% versus placebo 30.7%, RR 0.67 (95% CI 1.19). There were no interactions between the dose of pro-
0.48-0.93)]. Moreover, neonates born to women treated with gesterone (⬎500 mg versus ⬍500 mg 17-OH P weekly) or
17 OH P had significantly lower rates of necrotizing entero- gestational age at commencing progesterone administration
colitis [17 OH P 0% versus placebo 2.6%, RR could not be and the reported outcomes (ie, preterm delivery, neonatal
calculated], intraventricular hemorrhage [17-OH P 1.3% ver- morbidity, and mortality). These results were in accord with
Recurrent preterm birth 151

a previous meta-analysis by this group.248 Additionally, the The Use of Cerclage

authors stated that there is currently insufficient information The clinical value of cervical cerclage has been subject
concerning the safety of progesterone supplementation. of many observational and randomized clinical tri-
Sanchez-Ramos et al249 reported another meta-analysis in- als,14,131,133,134,138,265-286 and the studies have been the topic of
cluding 10 randomized clinical trails and a total of 1339 several systematic reviews.287-289 The evidence suggests the
patients; 8 trials used 17-OH P and 2 used other progesta- following conclusions:
tional agents for the prevention of recurrent preterm birth or
recurrent abortion. Patients who were treated with progesta- 1) Cervical cerclage in women with a sonographic short
tional agents had a reduced risk of preterm delivery com- cervix (15 mm or less) and a low risk for preterm de-
pared to patients in the placebo group (OR 0.45, 95% CI livery (by history) does not reduce the rate of sponta-
0.25-0.80). The number needed to treat to prevent a single neous preterm birth.286
preterm delivery was 10 (95% CI 6-24). A similar effect was 2) The effectiveness of cervical cerclage in women with a
observed when only trials using 17-OH P were included (OR sonographic short cervix and a high risk (by history)
0.45, 95% CI 0.25-0.80), and the number needed to treat for the prevention of preterm delivery is controver-
was 8 (95% CI 5-19). sial.14,136,277,278,290
Odibo et al250 performed a cost-effectiveness analysis of 3) The role of prophylactic cerclage in high-risk patients
the treatment with 17-OH P for the prevention of preterm without a sonographic short cervix for the prevention
birth. The cost savings per quality-adjusted life year gained of preterm delivery/midtrimester abortion (by history)
by using 17-OH P was $3090 in women with a prior preterm is unclear.269-271,278,285 Whereas the largest trial con-
delivery at ⬍32 weeks and $2963 in women who had deliv- ducted before the introduction of ultrasound evalua-
ered at 32 to 37 weeks of gestation. Moreover, the cost per tion of the cervix suggested a modest beneficial ef-
additional preterm delivery avoided with the use of 17-OH P fect,271 other trials269,270 and systematic reviews120
was $35,319 in women with a previous preterm delivery at before the use of ultrasound have indicated that the
⬍32 weeks and $36,093 in women who had delivered at 32 evidence of effectiveness is either weak or nonexistent.
to 37 weeks of gestation. 4) In patients at risk for preterm delivery, serial sono-
In a recent meeting of the Prematurity Interest Group of graphic examination of the cervix followed by cerclage
the Society for Maternal–Fetal Medicine, da Fonseca and co- in those who shortened the cervix is a reasonable alter-
workers reported the results of a randomized clinical trial of native to prophylactic placement of a cerclage based on
vaginal progesterone administration to women with a short uncontrolled studies.131,282,291
cervix (⬍15 mm). A 40% reduction in the rate of preterm
This evidence indicates that only patients with the clinical
birth by was found in women treated with vaginal progester-
presentation of “acute cervical insufficiency” and those with a
one (da Fonseca E, Nicolaides K, personal communication).
pregnancy history consistent with “cervical insufficiency”
In contrast, the largest randomized clinical trial of vaginal
and progressive shortening of the cervix demonstrated with
progesterone in women with a history of previous preterm
ultrasound may benefit from cerclage placement. However,
delivery did not demonstrate a beneficial effect of vaginal
important to consider is that each conclusion is based on the
progesterone (Lewis D and coworkers, personal communica-
results of only one randomized clinical trial.278,283 Sakai and
tion). The FDA has raised questions about a safety signal.251
coworkers demonstrated that the inflammatory status of the
However, this concern was not identified in the trial in
endocervix may be an additional criterion to distinguish
twins.246 A review of embryo toxicity in animals has been
those patients who would benefit from cerclage placement
recently published.252
from those in whom this intervention may be ineffective or
In summary, it seems that the administration of progester-
one may be an effective intervention to reduce the rate of
preterm delivery in a subset of women with a previous pre-
term delivery. Women with a short cervix may also benefit Summary
from this intervention.
The evaluation of a patient with a previous preterm birth
begins with an examination of the obstetrical circumstances
Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis responsible for this complication. If the preterm birth was
Treatment of patients with bacterial vaginosis and a history of “indicated,” then the risk of recurrence is related to the spe-
preterm birth is controversial. Whereas some investigators cific condition, such as preterm preeclampsia, preterm severe
have argued strongly in favor of treatment,253 others believe IUGR, placenta previa, etc. The reader is referred to the rel-
that this intervention is not justifiable.254-258 Controversy evant articles in this volume of the Seminars for details about
over the choice of antibiotic also exists, with evidence that recurrence rate, monitoring of the index pregnancy, and in-
early treatment with clindamycin is preferable to treatment terventions.
with metronidazole.259-262 There is no evidence that treat- If the previous preterm birth was the result of spontaneous
ment of patients with a previous preterm delivery with inter- labor (with intact or ruptured membranes), the information
conceptional antibiotics will prevent a subsequent preterm provided in this article can be used to counsel the patient
birth.263,264 about the likelihood of recurrence. In general, most patients
152 S. Mazaki-Tovi et al.

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Postpartum Hemorrhage:
A Recurring Pregnancy Complication
Michelle A. Kominiarek, MD,* and Sarah J. Kilpatrick, MD, PhD†

Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a potentially life-threatening complication of both vaginal

and cesarean deliveries. Although many variables increase the chance for bleeding, a PPH
in a previous pregnancy is one of the greatest risk factors for recurrent PPH. A physiologic
explanation for this association is not known, but recurrent risk factors such as a retained
placenta or underlying medical disorders may account for the majority of recurrent PPH
cases. To reduce maternal morbidity and mortality, prevention of PPH in these patients is
critical. Steps to minimize hemorrhagic complications include the identification of high-risk
patients through a complete history, vigilant management of the third stage of labor, and
having uterotonic medications readily available in the delivery room. Patients with inherited
coagulopathies require individualized treatment, and their risks for bleeding extend beyond
the first 24 hours after delivery. Further studies are needed to determine whether the
administration of prophylactic measures such as prostaglandins decrease the PPH occur-
rence in high-risk patients.
Semin Perinatol 31:159-166 © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS postpartum hemorrhage, recurrence, risk factors, prevention, retained placenta,

coagulation disorders

A lthough the prevalence of postpartum hemorrhage

(PPH) varies between developing and developed coun-
tries, it is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mor-
blood cell transfusion occurs in less than 1% and after a
cesarean delivery 1% to 7%.4
Late or secondary PPH is excessive vaginal bleeding occur-
tality worldwide.1 The etiology of PPH falls into four main ring between 24 hours and 6 weeks after delivery.5 Unlike the
categories: tone, tissue, trauma, and thrombosis disorders quantitative definition of primary PPH, the definition of sec-
(Table 1). ondary PPH is more subjective and requires sufficient bleed-
An estimated blood loss ⬎500 mL for a vaginal delivery ing to prompt the patient to seek medical attention. Second-
and ⬎1000 mL for a cesarean delivery defines early or pri- ary PPH is also referred to as persistent or delayed PPH and is
mary PPH, which occurs within the first 24 hours after de- estimated to occur in 1% to 3% of all deliveries.6 Patients
livery. This affects 4% to 6% of pregnancies, and uterine usually present during the second postpartum week, and the
atony is the cause in 75% to 90% of cases.2,3 The subjective most common etiology is retained placenta fragments.
description of blood loss at delivery limits the interpretation Although PPH occurs in women without risk factors, it is
of outcomes in any study of PPH. Comparisons of pre- and often a predictable event. There are many risk factors sug-
postpartum hemoglobin or hematocrit may be more accu- gested for PPH (Table 2). These include an over-distended
rate, and a decrease in hematocrit levels by 10% has also uterus (multiple gestations, polyhydraminos, macrosomia),
defined PPH.2 Although a patient may meet blood loss crite- primigravidity, chorioamnionitis, prolonged rupture of
ria for a PPH, blood transfusion rates are better estimates of membranes, fibroids, previous cesarean delivery, coagulation
the hemorrhage severity. Postpartum anemia resulting in red disorders, anticoagulant therapy, labor induction and augmen-
tation, prolonged labors, preeclampsia, obesity, and general an-
*Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Indiana University School of esthetics.7-9 The relationship between grand multiparity (ⱖ5
Medicine, Indianapolis, IN. vaginal births) and PPH has been disputed.2,3,8,10,11 In a univar-
†Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Illinois at Chi- iate analysis, delivery by a midwife was associated with a de-
cago, Chicago, IL.
Address reprint requests to Michelle A. Kominiarek, MD, 550 North Uni-
creased risk of PPH compared with physician deliveries.2
versity Boulevard, Room 2440, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecol- One of the most important risk factors for PPH is a prior
ogy, Indianapolis, IN 46202. E-mail: PPH. However, in women without recurrent risk factors,

0146-0005/07/$-see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 159
160 M.A. Kominiarek and S.J. Kilpatrick

Table 1 Etiology of Postpartum Hemorrhage Hall and coworkers to study the recurrence risk for either
Tone PPH (ⱖ500 mL blood loss at a singleton vaginal delivery) or
Uterine atony retained placenta (requiring manual removal) using a longi-
Uterine inversion tudinal analysis which controlled for the patient’s reproduc-
Tissue tive history.11 The population included 6615 women who
Retained placenta or blood clots delivered between 1967 and 1981. Although the original
Abnormal placentation (previa, accreta) paper did not reports statistics, for patients with two consec-
Connective tissue disorders (Ehlers-Danlos, Marfans) utive live births and a history of PPH in the first birth, the
Trauma odds ratio (OR) for a patient to have a subsequent PPH was
Lower genital tract lacerations
3.68 (95% CI 2.49-5.45). Interestingly, after a labor induc-
Uterine rupture
Thrombosis disorders
tion for the second birth, the risk of either recurrent PPH or
Coagulopathies retained placenta was also significant at 19.6% (OR 2.89,
Inherited coagulation disorders 95% CI 2.89-5.28). Of 1106 women who had three consec-
HELLP utive live births, only one had a PPH three times. PPH oc-
DIC curred in 13.5% in the second live birth in 375 women whose
Anticoagulant use first birth was preceded by an abortion. In summary, the
incidence of PPH and/or retained placenta in the next two
births was ⬎12% in the presence of a PPH and/or retained
placenta in the first birth. If there was no prior history of PPH
such as a previous twin gestation or chorioamnionitis, the or retained placenta, the incidence of either one in the sub-
physiological explanation for the increased recurrence is un- sequent pregnancy was ⬍6% unless there was an intervening
known. The focus of this article is to review data on the abortion.11 Although this study did not address pregnancy
recurrence of either primary or secondary PPH in future complications or risk factors, patients with a prior PPH or
pregnancies. retained placenta were more likely to have a recurrence.
In a more recent case-control study of risk factors for PPH,
The Epidemiology a previous PPH had an OR of 3.55 (95% CI 1.24-10.19) for
recurrent PPH (a hematocrit decrease of ⱖ10 points between
of Recurrent PPH admission and postdelivery or by the need for blood transfu-
The objective of one of the earliest studies on recurrent PPH sion) in a multivariate analysis.2 A previous PPH was one of
was to determine whether a patient with a prior PPH was the strongest predictors of recurrent PPH in their 17-factor
more likely to hemorrhage during or after the third stage of a logistic regression model. An interesting aspect of the study
subsequent labor. They included deliveries from 1936 to was their analysis of which hemorrhages might be predict-
1945 and defined PPH as an estimated blood loss ⬎600 mL.3 able. A regression model of variables potentially known be-
Of interest, cesareans, which were excluded from the analy- fore the onset of labor, such as preeclampsia, parity, multiple
sis, accounted for only 1.7% of the deliveries. Of the 12,243 gestation, prior PPH, or previous cesarean delivery, derived
women with vaginal births, the rate of PPH was 5.2%. How- an adjusted OR for a previous PPH of 2.85 (95% CI 1.07-
ever, the recurrence rate of PPH was 8.1%. In 68% (21/31) of 7.60). Similar results were reported in a review of 19,476
the repeated PPH cases, the cause was the same as the initial deliveries at a tertiary care center. PPH (blood loss ⬎1000 mL
hemorrhage, suggesting that recurrent risk factors may play a
role in PPH recurrence.3
Table 2 Risk Factors for Postpartum Hemorrhage
In a study of recurring abnormalities of the third stage of
labor, 132 pregnancies with a known prior PPH were evalu- Non-recurring
ated.12 Twenty-three percent had a recurrent PPH (blood loss Primigravidity
⬎20 oz or required placenta extraction), and 22% had a Macrosomia
“potentially” abnormal third stage but precautions were Polyhydraminos
Multiple gestations
taken to prevent hemorrhage (placenta removed or given
Prolonged or augmented labors
ergometrine even though blood loss was ⬍20 oz). After one Prolonged third stage
PPH, there was a recurrence in 20/100 (20%) and in 7/25 Chorioamnionitis
(28%) after more than one PPH. Even if a normal third stage Antepartum hemorrhage
accompanied a second pregnancy following a prior PPH, the Operative deliveries
occurrence of PPH in the third pregnancy was still high, at Recurring
21%. There was a subset of 10 women whose risk factors for Fibroids
PPH in the first pregnancy included nonrecurring complica- Maternal obesity
tions such as general anesthesia, antepartum hemorrhage, Coagulation disorders
and multiple gestations. These women had a total of 17 sub- Previous cesarean
sequent pregnancies without PPH.12 Specific medical/genetic disorders
ⴞGrand multiparity
Changes in obstetrical practice, including routine use of
Previous postpartum hemorrhage
oxytocics and decreasing parity among women, prompted
Postpartum hemorrhage 161

Table 3 Recurrence Risk for Postpartum Hemorrhage Based ery.15 Although the numbers in this report are small, it is the
on Prior History and Risk Factors largest series of pregnancies reported after hypogastric artery
Recurrence ligation, and a recurrence of 3/13 (27%) is significant.
Risk Factor Risk for PPH Several studies have addressed the long-term effect of uterine
Primary PPH3,11,12 8-28% artery embolization (UAE) for the control of PPH on menses,
Secondary PPH14 19%† fertility, and future pregnancies. Thirteen full-term deliveries
Prior PPH treated with hypogastric artery 27% after a previous bilateral UAE for a PPH were uncomplicated,
ligation15 and no instances of recurrent PPH were reported.16,17
Prior PPH treated with uterine artery 0-100% In both of these studies, the authors do not mention the
embolization16-18 etiology or any high-risk factors for hemorrhage in the prior
Myomectomy as treatment for 0-1% pregnancy or if any prophylactic measures were taken to
fibroids29,31 prevent a recurrence. In contrast to these reassuring out-
Uterine artery ligation as treatment for 6-19%
comes, a separate study describes four patients who delivered
Von Willebrand disease46 80%
at term after a UAE for PPH in a prior pregnancy. Hemor-
rhage recurred in all of them, and two required a hysterec-
ⴱBaseline risks: primary PPH 4-6%, secondary PPH 1-3%.
tomy for placenta accreta.18 The etiology for the prior PPH
†Risk is for recurrent secondary PPH.
was uterine atony in three cases and a placenta accreta in the
fourth. There are case reports of successful pregnancy out-
comes without hemorrhage after a B-lynch suture19 and a
and/or need for blood transfusion) occurred in 5.15% of B-lynch suture combined with hypogastric artery ligation.20
vaginal deliveries and a prior PPH had an OR of 2.2 (95% CI The small number of cases limits the interpretation of these
1.7-2.9) for recurrent PPH.13 studies. The exact cause for the recurrent PPH is unclear, but
Although data are more limited, recurrent PPH has also a devascularized myometrium after UAE may not allow the
been described for secondary PPH. A retrospective study uterus to adequately contract after a delivery.21 Other theo-
from two hospitals in the United Kingdom identified 48 cases ries propose that a prior UAE may lead to abnormal implan-
of secondary PPH (0.73% incidence). Of the 32 multiparas, 6 tation and excessive trophoblast invasion in future pregnan-
(18.8%) also had a secondary PPH in a previous pregnancy.14 cies.18 It may be reasonable to consider antenatal imaging in
Over several decades, despite changing obstetrical care, a these cases to assess the placental implantation site for evi-
previous PPH remains an important predictor of PPH in sub- dence of invasive placental disease. Although outcomes are
sequent deliveries. Clinicians should consider it as one of the mixed, preparation for the recurrence of PPH and placenta
most important risk factors for PPH (Table 3). accreta is the best approach in these patients.

Condition-Specific Fibroids
Recurrence Risks for Fibroids may increase the chance for PPH. The mechanism
Postpartum Hemorrhage may be mediated through abnormal muscle contractility
leading to uterine atony. Although they have been cited as the
Previous Invasive Treatment for PPH cause for many complications in pregnancy, including pre-
The primary management of PPH is medical: treatment with term labor, abruption, fetal growth restriction, dysfunctional
uterotonic drugs. In most cases, this is successful; however, labor, and cesarean delivery, the studies regarding fibroids
surgical techniques to control bleeding, such as hypogastric and PPH are conflicting, where some show an increased
artery ligation, bilateral uterine artery ligation (O’Leary su- risk22-25 and others show no association.26-28
tures), and the B-Lynch technique, are alternatives to hyster- Although no investigations have directly evaluated the
ectomy in cases of persistent bleeding. Arterial embolization PPH recurrence in the setting of uterine fibroids, a number of
or balloon occlusion of radiographically identified bleeding studies have described PPH outcomes in patients treated with
vessels is another nonsurgical option for continued hemor- either an interval myomectomy or UAE for symptomatic fi-
rhage. Patients requiring any of these treatments for either a broids. In an analysis of 50 published cases of pregnancy after
primary or secondary PPH were very likely to have suffered a UAE for fibroids, there were 2/23 (9%) occurrences of PPH.21
significant hemorrhage. The risk for recurrent PPH is of ut- In a subsequent study, these authors compared pregnancy
most concern in this group of patients. outcomes in women treated with UAE to laparoscopic myo-
Nizard and coworkers reported subsequent pregnancy mectomy. The difference in the PPH rates did not reach sta-
outcomes after bilateral hypogastric artery ligation in 43 tistical significance: 6% versus 1% (OR 6.3, 95% CI 0.6-71.8)
women.15 Information was obtained either through chart re- for the UAE and myomectomy groups, respectively.29 A sim-
view or telephone interview. Of the 13 completed pregnan- ilar study surveyed women who became pregnant after a UAE
cies, two had a “threatened” PPH which was described as for fibroids. Of the 26 pregnancies, 16 continued beyond the
“easily managed by manual evacuation of the placenta and second trimester with a PPH rate of 19%.30 A review of 158
intravenous oxytocin,” and one patient had a PPH success- pregnancies after laparoscopic myomectomy reported no
fully treated with prostaglandins during a cesarean deliv- cases of PPH, even though the cesarean delivery rate was
162 M.A. Kominiarek and S.J. Kilpatrick

75%.31 Walker and coworkers described 56 completed preg- indications to vaginal delivery, then this should be the pre-
nancies after UAE with 6 cases (18.2%) of PPH, which was ferred route, but the placenta should be delivered without
similar to the 3/18 (17%) rate of PPH described in the On- excessive cord traction.
tario Multicenter Trial, a large prospective study of women
undergoing UAE as an alternative to hysterectomy for symp-
tomatic fibroids.32,33
Von Willebrand Disease
The recurrence of PPH in patients treated with either myo- A maternal coagulation disorder increases the risk for PPH.
mectomy or UAE is difficult to interpret from these small Von Willebrand disease (VWD), the most common inherited
retrospective studies as the previous pregnancy outcomes bleeding disorder, is found in 1% of the general population
were not compared and PPH was not always defined. How- regardless of ethnicity. Of the three categories, type 1 ac-
ever, the available data suggest that the risk for PPH after counts for 70% of all cases. Although factor VIII and von
myomectomy is less than it is after UAE. Clearly, the removal Willebrand factor antigen (vWF:Ag) levels often improve in
or treatment of fibroids before pregnancy does not eliminate pregnancy, women with VWD are at increased risk for PPH
the risk of PPH, and in some instances, it appears to be because of the rapid decline in these levels after delivery.
increased. Rates have been estimated as high as 16% to 29% for primary
PPH and 20% to 28% for secondary PPH,41-43 and transfusion
rates as high as 25% have been reported.44 PPH occurs more
Retained Placenta commonly in type 2 and 3 patients and those with vWF:Ag
The incidence of retained placenta is 1% to 5.5%. The occur- levels ⬍50% of normal at term.41,45
rence of PPH is significantly higher when there is a retained Of 75 women with type I VWD followed at 46 different
placenta: 9.6% to 21.3% versus 2.3% to 3.5%.2,11 Retained hemophilia treatment centers in the United States, 32% re-
placenta is essentially another complication of the third stage ported PPH a total of 54 times, suggesting a high recurrence
of labor, and many studies suggest that it is likely to recur in rate in subsequent pregnancies.44 PPH recurred with succes-
future pregnancies. The medical records of 24,750 deliveries sive pregnancies in 80% of patients who had type I VWD in
over an 8-year period at a hospital in Norway were reviewed. combination with PPH during the first birth.46
In summary, 165 women (0.6%) had a manual placenta re- Kadir and coworkers described 67 women with VWD fol-
moval, and PPH occurred in 16 (10%).34 Of the 74 parous lowed at the Royal Free Hospital Hemophilia Centre from
women, 12 (16%) had a prior retained placenta. A similar 1980 to 1996.44 The diagnosis of VWD was unknown in six
study of 134 patients with a retained placenta reported re- women with 11 pregnancies, and the diagnosis was later
currences in 23% to 32% of cases.35 In a case-control study of established in two women when PPH occurred after an abor-
113 women with a retained placenta, a prior retained pla- tion. In an analysis of 38 women with type I VWD, the diag-
centa was a risk factor for recurrence, OR 9.8 (95% CI 1.1- nosis of VWD was unknown before presentation in a sub-
85.5) in a logistic regression analysis.36 Although recurrence stantial number of cases, including 5 (13.1%) with PPH.47
of PPH has not been included in these reports, it is appropri- This information leads one to question whether a patient’s
ate to conclude that a history of retained placenta is a risk for PPH is the consequence of an undiagnosed coagulation dis-
its recurrence and, therefore, PPH. order such as VWD. The purpose of the study by Hundegger
and coworkers was to retrospectively evaluate patients with
Uterine Inversion PPH, defined as a drop in hemoglobin concentration of at
Uterine inversion, a potentially life-threatening complication least 8% between delivery day and postpartum day 3, for type
of the third stage of labor, is associated with PPH in 94% of 1 VWD.48 Of the 3565 women who delivered in 1997, 14
cases.37,38 In most situations, appropriate management of the women were eligible after excluding cesarean deliveries and
third stage can prevent this occurrence. Because it compli- major birth injuries. These patients were contacted by phone
cates few deliveries (about 1 in 2,500), the recurrence of and returned for testing after stopping estrogen-containing
uterine inversion is difficult to quantify. A review of 56 preg- hormones for 2 months and aspirin and nonsteroidal antiin-
nancies after a previous uterine inversion from various re- flammatory drugs for 1 week. Blood samples, collected on
ports suggested that it recurred in 33% of subsequent preg- days 5 to 7 of the menstrual cycle, were tested for vWF:Ag,
nancies.39 All recurrences were in those patients who did not factors II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII, prothrombin, acti-
have surgery (Spinelli operation, Piccoli’s incision, combined vated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), thrombin time,
Piccoli-Borelius-Westermann method, Küstner operation, fibrinogen, and for a complete blood count. None had abnor-
Küstner-Borelius-Westermann operation, Hehrer’s method, mal levels of vWF:Ag or other factor levels.48 Although the
Duret’s Method, or Aveling repositor) to correct the inver- numbers are small, this is the only study that evaluated pa-
sion. In contrast, a more recent review of 40 cases of uterine tients for a coagulation disorder after having a PPH. The
inversion where PPH and blood transfusion rates were 65% prevalence of undiagnosed VWD in women with PPH is pres-
and 47.5%, respectively, reported no recurrences of uterine ently unknown.
inversion in 26 subsequent pregnancies.40 Although the rec- It is critical that the obstetrician/gynecologist is aware of
ommended delivery route for patients with a prior uterine the prevalence and clinical presentation of patients with
inversion has never been described in the literature, recur- VWD. At the first prenatal visit or after a pregnancy-related
rent uterine inversion is a rare event. If there are no contra- hemorrhage, it is necessary to obtain a bleeding history, es-
Postpartum hemorrhage 163

pecially with respect to menorrhagia and bleeding at the time explain the increased frequency of PPH. Other maternal
of surgical or dental procedures and injuries. A family history diseases associated with PPH include Gaucher (21-77%),
of these occurrences is important to ascertain as well. Women Osteogenesis Imperfecta (11%), and Marfans Syndrome (8-
with unexplained significant menorrhagia should be tested 21%).62-65 In patients with connective tissue disorders, the
for VWD.49,50 In addition, acute postpartum or postoperative treatment approach to PPH is similar in that uterotonic
hemorrhages that do not respond to customary treatment agents are the first-line therapy. Uterine ruptures and inver-
should prompt an investigation of the patient’s coagulation sions in these patients may account for some of the instances
status (aPTT and PT). Prolonged values may be an indication of PPH.61,64
of an underlying bleeding disorder. Identifying a coagulation
disorder can improve morbidity from bleeding events and
avoid unnecessary surgery. Given the limited available data,
Prevention of PPH Recurrence
routine testing for VWD is currently not indicated in patients PPH prevention remains an important issue in obstetrics. The
whose bleeding history is only a primary PPH. It is not clear third stage of labor in women with a previous PPH history
whether VWD testing is of benefit for women having second- should be managed vigilantly, with anticipation of a potential
ary PPH without evidence for retained placental fragments. hemorrhage. Patients should be appropriately counseled
Future studies will hopefully provide more guidance in this about the potential for recurrence and its implications. Intra-
area. venous access during labor and sending a type and screen are
appropriate prophylactic measures. Management of the third
Other Coagulation Disorders stage of labor includes administration of oxytocin after the
delivery of the fetus or placenta (the latter is a more common
Congenital coagulation disorders such as deficiencies in fac-
practice in the United States) and expeditious placenta deliv-
tors II, VII, and X are rare, but the obstetric experience of
ery. A study comparing the administration of oxytocin (20
these patients has been described in case series and literature
units in 500 mL crystalloid intravenous bolus) either after the
reviews. The majority of patients with deficiencies in either
delivery of the fetal shoulder or placenta showed no differ-
factor II, VII, or X have excessive bleeding at delivery.51 Fac-
ence in PPH (5.4% versus 5.8%, OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.59-1.43)
tor XI (Hemophilia C) deficiency is transmitted autosomally,
or retained placenta (2.4% versus 1.6%, OR 1.49, 95% CI
and the carrier rate is as high as 9% to 13% in the Ashkenazi
0.72-3.08).66 At a cesarean, spontaneous delivery of the
Jewish population.52,53 In 1 report, there were 3/14 (21%)
placenta has been shown to decrease blood loss by 31%
incidences of PPH in severely deficient women.54 In a sepa-
compared with manual removal.67 Additional uterotonic
rate study, primary and secondary PPH complicated 4/25
medications, such as misoprostol, 15-methyl PGF2␣,
(16%) and 6/25 (24%) of deliveries, respectively.42 Even car-
methylergonovine, or dinoprostone, should be readily avail-
riers of hemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency) and B (factor IX
able in the delivery room.68 These recommendations are
deficiency), have high rates of both primary (21.7%) and
summarized in Table 4.
secondary PPH (10.9%).55
One study investigated prostaglandin use in a double-
Primary PPH has been reported in 2.1% to 7.7% of patients
blinded randomized trial for women with a history of PPH,
treated with anticoagulants for either a thrombophilia or
defined as a blood loss ⬎1000 mL due to uterine atony after
thromboembolism during pregnancy.56,57 Immune thrombo-
a vaginal delivery.69 Exclusion criteria were preexisting coag-
cytopenic purpura is also associated with PPH in 24% to 27%
ulation disorders, anticoagulation treatment, fibroids, multi-
of cases.58,59
ple pregnancies, hypertension, and an induction or augmen-
No study has addressed repeated PPH in these popula-
tation of labor. Patients were randomized either to the study
tions, including those with rare inherited coagulation disor-
group (0.5 mg sulprostone after delivery of the shoulder fol-
ders. Assuming the conditions persist in subsequent preg-
lowed by placebo after placenta delivery) or control group
nancies, recurrence is likely. Increased awareness among
(5 U oxytocin after delivery of the shoulder followed by 0.2
clinicians of these less common causes is essential for optimal
mg ergometrine after placenta delivery). An additional inter-
vention in the third stage was “fundal pressure while holding
the lower segment of the uterus, after the first signs of pla-
Connective Tissue Disorders
Compared with the general population, patients with con-
nective tissue disorders have higher occurrences of PPH. PPH Table 4 Steps to Prevent a Recurrent Postpartum Hemorrhage
has been reported in up to 19% of patients with Ehlers- Identify risk factors including bleeding history.
Danlos syndrome, a disease characterized by abnormalities in Provide intravenous access in labor.
the metabolism and synthesis of collagen.60 The manifesta- Have blood products available (type and screen as an
tions of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, such as easy bruising and initial measure).
bleeding tendencies, are attributed to poor connective tissue Avoid an induction or augmentation of labor.
support of the blood vessels and direct involvement of the Vigilant management of the third stage of labor.
vessel wall, rather than defective platelet function or abnor- Have uterotonic medications readily available in the
mal coagulation.61 Consequently, uterine atony from inef- delivery room.
Allow spontaneous delivery of the placenta at cesareans.
fective contractions or lacerations of the perineum likely
164 M.A. Kominiarek and S.J. Kilpatrick

cental detachment.” The trial was stopped prematurely due quire special therapies. Randomized controlled trials of pro-
to concerns of the cardiovascular side effects of sulprostone, phylactic medications such as misoprostol for PPH in high-
but 69 cases were available for analysis. Although there was risk patients are needed as well.
no statistically significant difference between the 2 groups,
the rates of PPH (⬎500 mL blood loss) were high: 16/36
(44%) in the oxytocin/ergometrine group and 16/33 (47%) Conclusions
in the sulprostone group.69 Although this study found no The key to management of PPH is early recognition and treat-
benefit to sulprostone in a high-risk population, the conclu- ment. The goals are to ultimately reduce maternal morbidity
sion may have been different if enrollment had not been and mortality. Predicting the risk of PPH is an essential part of
stopped. prenatal screening and assessment on labor and delivery and
Autologous blood donation has been described for preg- is heavily dependent on an accurate history. During the
nant patients at high risk for hemorrhage.70-72 However, most event, a cause either related to tone, tissue, trauma, or throm-
blood donated for these purposes is not transfused, and this bosis should be identified and documented. Evidence shows
approach has not been shown to be cost effective in patients that a prior PPH increases the risk for recurrence, 8% to 28%
without a placenta previa.73,74 for primary PPH and 19% for secondary PPH. Although the
There are no known preventive strategies for patients at underlying pathophysiology is often unclear, repeated PPH
increased risk for a secondary PPH. Counseling patients on may be related to recurring identifiable risk factors. Prevention
how to recognize the signs and symptoms of excessive bleed- of bleeding complications in the third stage centers on identifi-
ing may allow early diagnosis, but is unlikely to prevent cation of these risk factors and preparation for recurrence.
secondary PPH. Complete placental removal is the best pre-
vention strategy. Antenatal findings of an accessory placental References
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von Willebrand’s disease: a report of 24 pregnancies and a review of the 66. Jackson KW, Allbert JR, Schemmer GK, et al: A randomized controlled
literature. Haemophilia 1:140-144, 1995 trial comparing oxytocin administration before and after placental de-
42. Kadir RA, Lee CA, Sabin CA, et al: Pregnancy in women with von livery in the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. Am J Obstet Gy-
Willebrand’s disease or factor XI deficiency. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 105: necol 185:873-877, 2001
314-321, 1998 67. McCurdy C, Magann E, McCurdy C, et al: The effect of placental man-
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Thromboembolism in
Pregnancy: Recurrence and Its Prevention
Andra H. James, MD, MPH, Chad A. Grotegut, MD, Leo R. Brancazio, MD, and
Haywood Brown, MD

Fifteen to 25% of thromboembolic events in pregnancy are recurrent events. Women with
a history of thrombosis have a three- to fourfold increased risk of recurrence when they are
pregnant compared with when they are not. The risks are even higher postpartum. The rate
of recurrent venous thromboembolic events without anticoagulation is 2.4% to 12.2%,
whereas the rate with anticoagulation is 0% to 2.4%. Because the rates of recurrent
thromboembolism can be reduced with anticoagulation, women with a history of thrombo-
sis who are not on lifelong anticoagulation will likely require anticoagulation during
pregnancy, or at least during the postpartum period. Women who are already on lifelong
warfarin for the prevention of recurrent venous thromboembolism should be counseled
about the teratogenic effects of warfarin and offered the opportunity to be converted to
heparin before conception. During pregnancy, low-molecular-weight heparin, with fewer
side effects and a longer half-life, is generally preferred over unfractionated heparin.
Unfractionated heparin with its shorter half-life is generally preferred around the time of
delivery. Women on antiplatelet medication for prevention of arterial thromboembolism
may be converted to low-dose aspirin after conception and supplemented with low-dose
heparin or low-molecular-weight heparin during pregnancy. Because current recommen-
dations rely on case series and expert opinion, additional studies including randomized
trials might enhance our ability to prevent recurrent thromboembolism in pregnancy.
Semin Perinatol 31:167-175 © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS recurrent thromboembolism, venous thromboembolism, arterial thromboembo-

lism, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, pregnancy

N ormal pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in clot-

ting factors.1,2 The resulting hypercoagulable state has
likely evolved to protect women from hemorrhage at the time
The overall number of maternal deaths from thromboem-
bolism in pregnancy is approximately 3 per 1000 deliveries.
Two per 100,000 are due to arterial thrombosis and 1 per
of miscarriage and childbirth. Indeed, in the developing 100,000 are due to venous thrombosis.6,7,9 Although arterial
world, the leading cause of maternal death is still hemor- events account for more deaths, venous events are more com-
rhage.3 In Western Europe and the United States, where mon, accounting for 4 out of 5 thromboembolic events dur-
hemorrhage is successfully treated or prevented, the leading ing pregnancy.6,7,9 Eighty percent of these events are deep
cause of maternal death is thromboembolic disease.4 During vein thrombosis,9 and 20% are pulmonary emboli.9 The most
pregnancy, the risk of venous thromboembolism is increased important risk factor for thrombosis during pregnancy is a
4-fold,5 and the risk of arterial thromboembolism, myocar- history of thrombosis.6,7,9,10
dial infarction, and stroke is also increased 3- to 4-fold.6,7
Postpartum, the risk of venous thromboembolism is 20-fold
higher,5 and the risk of arterial thromboembolism (stroke) is Epidemiology of
similarly elevated.8 Recurrent Thrombosis
During pregnancy, the risk of thromboembolism is increased.
This is especially true for women with a history of thrombosis.
Division of Maternal–Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gyne-
cology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC. The risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism in pregnancy is
Address reprint requests to Andra H. James, MD, MPH, Box 3967 DUMC, three- to fourfold higher compared with women not pregnant
Durham, NC 27710. E-mail: (RR 3.5; 95% CI 1.6, 7.8),11 and the risk of a recurrent arterial

0146-0005/07/$-see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 167
168 A.H. James et al.

Table 1 Rates of Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) during Pregnancy and the Postpartum period with and without
Rate of Recurrent VTE Rate of Recurrent VTE without
Study with Anticoagulation Anticoagulation
Badaracco and Vessey, 197491 6/30 (20%)† -
Tengborn et al., 198992
Pregnancy 3/20 (15%) 8/67 (12%)
Delivery and puerperium 2/57 (5%) 3/34 (11%)
Sanson et al., 199916 3/149 (1.5%)‡ -
Brill-Edwards et al., 200013
Pregnancy - 3/125 (2.4%)
Postpartum (95% CI: 0.2%, 6.9%)
Lepercq et al., 200117 3/125 (2.4%)§ -
Pabinger et al., 200514 7/574 (1.2%)¶ 8/197 (6.9%)
(95% CI: 1.6%, 10.6%)
De Stefano et al., 200615 0/87 (0%)# 19/155 pregnancies (12.2%)
(95% CI: 7.9%, 18.3%)
*When available, the rate in pregnancy compared to postpartum is specified.
†Anticoagulation consisted of heparin 5000 units subcutaneously twice daily.
‡Compiled from case series. Anticoagulation consisted of varying doses of varying low-molecular-weight heparins.
§Two of these events occurred in women who were not taking warfarin as prescribed and the third occurred in a woman 2 weeks after
anticoagulation was discontinued at 6 weeks postpartum.
¶357/574 (65%) received 20 mg of enoxaparin once daily and 217/574 (35%) received 40 mg of enoxaparin once daily.
#Anticoagulation consisted of heparin 5000 units subcutaneously two or three times daily or low-molecular-weight heparin 4000-5000
anti-factor X units/day.

thromboembolism is probably similarly increased. One study venous thromboembolism is thrombophilia.9,10 From an
found the relative risk of recurrent stroke to be 2.2 (95% CI 0.5, analysis of 14,335 records from the Nationwide Inpatient
17.5) during pregnancy and 9.7 (95% CI 1.2, 78.9) postpartum.12 Sample,9 other medical conditions that were statistically sig-
Fifteen to 25% of thromboembolic events in pregnancy are nificant risk factors for venous thromboembolism during
recurrent events. There are few data about the risk of recurrent pregnancy were heart disease, sickle cell disease, lupus, obe-
arterial events in pregnancy, but a study of 115 women with a sity, anemia, diabetes, hypertension, and smoking. Preg-
history of stroke (89 with a history of arterial ischemic stroke nancy and delivery complications that were associated with a
and 26 with a history of cerebral vein thrombosis) found the significantly increased risk of venous thromboembolism in-
incidence of recurrent stroke during pregnancy to be 1.8% cluded multiple gestation, hyperemesis, disorders of fluid,
(0.5%, 7.5%) and during the first 6 weeks postpartum to be electrolyte and acid-base balance, antepartum hemorrhage,
4.8% (0.6%, 35.9%). During pregnancy, most of the 115 cesarean delivery, postpartum infection, postpartum hemor-
women with a history of arterial thrombosis received antiplatelet rhage, and transfusion (Table 2). In the same analysis, age
medication, and most of the women with a history of cerebral and race were also risk factors for venous thromboembolism.
vein thrombosis received no prophylaxis.12 Sanson and cowork- The odds ratio (OR) for women age 35 and older was 2.1
ers found no recurrence of arterial thromboembolic events dur- (2.0, 2.3).9 When controlled for age, the OR for black women
ing pregnancy among 8 women who received anticoagulation was still 1.4 (1.2, 1.6).9 The risk factors for arterial thrombo-
with low-molecular-weight heparin. embolism were similar to those for venous thromboembo-
There are several studies about the risk of recurrent venous lism, except for stroke, where hypertension OR ⫽ 6.1 (4.5,
events in pregnancy (Table 1). In recent studies, the rate of 8.1) and thrombocytopenia OR ⫽ 6.0 (1.5, 24.1) were more
recurrent venous thromboembolism in women who did not important risk factors and myocardial infarction, where hy-
receive anticoagulation has been reported to range from 2.4% to pertension OR ⫽ 11.7 (6.9, 21.2) and smoking OR ⫽ 6.2
12.2%.13-15 In women who did receive anticoagulation, the rate (4.1, 9.5) were more important risk factors.
of recurrent venous thromboembolism has been reported to Thrombophilia is present in 20%18 to 40%15,19 of women
range from 0% to 2.4%.13,16,17 who experience venous thromboembolism during pregnancy
and the postpartum period. Both acquired and inherited
Risk Factors for Recurrent thrombophilia increase the risk, but it is not clear whether
thrombophilia increases the risk of recurrent venous events
Thrombosis in Pregnancy during pregnancy and the postpartum period. In a systematic
Although there are no data on the risk factors for recurrent review of the risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism in
thrombosis in pregnancy, the risk factors are thought to be individuals who were not pregnant, factor V Leiden and the
the same as the overall risk factors for thrombosis. Aside from prothrombin gene mutation were found to confer a slightly
a history of thrombosis, the most important risk factor for increased risk of recurrence with an OR for factor V Leiden of
Thromboembolism in pregnancy 169

Table 2 Medical Conditions and Complications of Pregnancy and Delivery Associated with an Increased Risk of Venous
Thromboembolism in Pregnancy9
Risk Factor Odds Ratio Confidence Interval
Medical conditions
Heart disease 7.1 6.2, 8.3
Sickle cell disease 6.7 4.4, 10.1
Lupus 8.7 5.8, 13.0
Obesity 4.4 3.4, 5.7
Anemia 2.6 2.2, 2.9
Diabetes 2.0 1.4, 2.7
Hypertension 1.8 1.4, 2.3
Smoking 1.7 1.4, 2.1
Complications of pregnancy and delivery
Multiple gestation 1.6 1.2, 2.1
Hyperemesis 2.5 2.0, 3.2
Fluid and electrolyte imbalance 4.9 4.1, 5.9
Antepartum hemorrhage 2.3 1.8, 2.8
Cesarean delivery 2.1 1.8, 2.4
Postpartum infection 4.1 2.9, 5.7
Postpartum hemorrhage 1.3 1.1, 1.6
Transfusion 7.6 6.2, 9.4

1.41 (1.14, 1.75) and for the prothrombin gene mutation of Evaluation of the Woman
1.72 (1.27, 2.31).20 In a separate study, protein C and S
deficiencies were found to confer only a slightly increased
with a History of Thrombosis
risk of recurrence [OR 1.4 (0.9, 2.2)],21 but antithrombin Ideally, evaluation of the woman with a history of throm-
deficiency was found to confer approximately a twofold in- bosis should occur before conception, or at least early in
creased risk of recurrence [OR 1.9 (1.0, 3.9)].21 This con- pregnancy. At the time of the evaluation, the clinician
firmed the findings of Christiansen and coworkers who also obtains a history, reviewing any pertinent discharge sum-
found a twofold increased risk of recurrence with antithrom- maries, reports of imaging studies and laboratory reports,
bin deficiency [OR 1.8 (0.9, 3.7)].22 Although homozygosity and makes recommendations. In most cases, women can
for factor V Leiden, homozygosity for the prothrombin gene be counseled that, although their history puts them at an
mutation, and combined heterozygosity for both factors are increased risk for recurrent thrombosis and, if they have
associated with a high risk of venous thromboembolism, it is an underlying hypercoagulable state, an increased risk of
poor pregnancy outcome, these risks are manageable and
not clear whether they also confer an increased risk of recur-
can be reduced with anticoagulation. Women with throm-
rent thrombosis. Results are conflicting.22-24
boembolic conditions that place them at a high risk of
Brill-Edwards and coworkers13 and Pabinger and co-
maternal mortality may be best served by avoiding preg-
workers found that thrombophilia conferred an increased
nancy. These conditions include mechanical heart
risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism in pregnancy
valves,30 chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hyperten-
and the postpartum period, but De Stefano and coworkers
sion, a history of recurrent thrombosis while fully antico-
did not.15 Nonetheless, any thrombophilic condition that
agulated, and a history of myocardial infarction.
confers an increased risk of primary venous thromboem-
Usually, women with a history of thrombosis will re-
bolism above the background risk of recurrence in preg- ceive anticoagulation during pregnancy. Women who are
nancy of 2.4% to 12.2% will likely confer an increased risk on lifelong anticoagulation will be continued on full anti-
of recurrent thrombosis. This would be true for antithrom- coagulation. They should be counseled about the terato-
bin deficiency where the absolute risk of venous thrombo- genic effects of warfarin and offered the opportunity to be
embolism in pregnancy has been reported to be as high as converted to low-molecular-weight heparin before con-
40% to 68%,25-27 the antiphospholipid syndrome where ception. This can be done in collaboration with the phy-
the absolute risk has been reported to be as high as 30%,28 sician who prescribes the patient’s anticoagulation.
and homozygosity for factor V Leiden where the risk has Women who have not had a complete thrombophilia
been estimated to be 32%.29 Homozygosity, let alone het- workup should be offered appropriate testing. Whereas
erozygosity, for the MTHFR C677T polymorphism does the results of thrombophilia testing will not alter the gen-
not confer any increased risk of venous thromboembolism eral recommendation for anticoagulation in pregnancy,
in pregnancy29 and, therefore, would not be expected to the results may alter the intensity of anticoagulation that is
increase the risk of recurrent events. prescribed.
170 A.H. James et al.

Testing for Thrombophilia rent thrombosis in pregnancy, the risk of recurrent thrombo-
embolism is significantly reduced in women who receive
Testing should include assays for both antiphospholipid an- thromboprophylaxis.13,14,16,17
tibodies and inherited thrombophilia. Tests for inherited Women with a history of recurrent thrombosis will likely
thrombophilia should include assays for antithrombin (III), be on lifelong anticoagulation and, because of warfarin’s ef-
protein C and protein S deficiency, as well as tests for factor V fects on the fetus, will require conversion from warfarin to
Leiden and the prothrombin gene G20210A mutation. Since unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparin.
protein S activity levels fall during pregnancy, a cutoff of 35%
is suggested.31,32 Antithrombin (III)33-38 and protein C39-42
levels do not change significantly during pregnancy, so lab- Options for
oratory reference values can be used. Hyperhomocysteine-
mia is associated with thrombosis and possibly with poor
pregnancy outcome. Treatment of hyperhomocysteinemia is during Pregnancy
with folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6.32 In the absence Unique aspects of anticoagulation in pregnancy include both
of adequate folate levels, the methylene tetrahydrofolate re- maternal and fetal issues. During pregnancy, there is an in-
ductase (MTHFR) C677T polymorphism can result in ele- crease in blood volume of 40% to 50%46 and an increase in
vated homocysteine levels,43 but testing for the MTHFR the volume of distribution. An increase in glomerular filtra-
C677T polymorphism is not recommended, since even ho- tion46 results in increased renal excretion of drugs eliminated
mozygosity for the polymorphism does not appear to be as- by this route. Additionally, there is an increase in protein
sociated with an increased risk of thrombosis or poor preg- binding of heparin. Since 45% of pregnancies are unin-
nancy outcome.29 There is insufficient information on other tended,47 many women do not realize they are pregnant dur-
polymorphisms for genes in the folate metabolism pathway ing the critical period for organogenesis, which is the 4th to
to make specific testing recommendations. Even if the poly- 8th weeks after conception.48 Warfarin taken during this pe-
morphism were present, the treatment for hyperhomocys- riod is associated with a 14.6% to 56% reported risk of mis-
teinemia is folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6,32 which carriage,49-55 and carries up to a 30% risk of congenital anom-
can be adequately supplemented with prenatal vitamins. The alies.49-51,53,55-58 Placental transfer of warfarin later in
4G/5G PAI-1 polymorphism was associated with poor preg- pregnancy can result in fetal bleeding58,59 or still-
nancy outcome in one retrospective study,44 but has not been birth.49,51,53,54 Long-term sequelae include a 14% reported
studied sufficiently to be included in testing. risk of adverse neurological outcome60 and a 4% reported
Tests for antiphospholipid antibodies include the lupus risk of low intelligence quotient (IQ).60
anticoagulant, anticardiolipin antibodies, and anti-␤2 glyco- The preferred agents for anticoagulation in pregnancy are
protein I antibodies. The addition of anti-␤2 glycoprotein I heparin compounds.61 Neither heparin62-64 nor low-molecu-
antibodies to the lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin an- lar-weight heparin63,64 crosses the placenta, and both are
tibodies is recommended in an international consensus state- considered safe in pregnancy.17,65 Disadvantages of unfrac-
ment to increase the sensitivity of the assays for the diagnosis tionated heparin include the necessity of parenteral adminis-
of the antiphospholipid syndrome.45 tration, a 2% risk of major bleeding,65 a 2% to 36% risk of
In summary, the recommended tests are: reduced bone density,66-68 a 2% risk of vertebral fracture,69
● Lupus anticoagulant, and a risk of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT).61
● Anticardiolipin antibodies, Although the risk of HIT, a life- and limb-threatening com-
● Anti-␤2 glycoprotein I antibodies, plication of heparin therapy, is low in pregnancy, and may be
● Activated protein C resistance with factor V Leiden if lower than in nonpregnant patients,70 the actual risk is un-
abnormal, known.61
● Prothrombin G20210A polymorphism, There are few comparative studies in pregnancy, but in
● Protein C, nonpregnant patients, low-molecular-weight heparin has
● Protein S, and been associated with fewer side effects than unfractionated
● Antithrombin (III). heparin.61 Although parenteral administration is still re-
quired, potential advantages of low-molecular-weight hepa-
rin over unfractionated heparin are less bleeding, a more
Rationale for predictable response, a lower risk of HIT, a longer half-life,
Thromboprophylaxis in Women and maybe less bone loss.61 However, in a recently completed
randomized trial of low-dose unfractionated heparin versus
with a History of Thrombosis enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis in pregnancy, the inci-
Pregnancy increases the risk of thrombosis fourfold,5 includ- dence of clinically significant bone loss was 2% to 2.5% and
ing women who have a history of thrombosis.11 Women who was no different in women who took unfractionated heparin
are not on lifelong anticoagulation will likely require antico- compared with those who took enoxaparin.68 Another study
agulation during pregnancy, or, at a minimum, during the found that bone loss in women who took low-molecular-
postpartum period. Although there are no randomized trials weight heparin was approximately 4%, no different than
of anticoagulation versus placebo for the prevention of recur- bone loss in controls.71 A definite advantage of enoxaparin,
Thromboembolism in pregnancy 171

Table 3 Protocols for Thromboprophylaxis in Pregnancy61,93

Bates et al., 200461 Duke Protocol93
Unfractionated Heparin
Mini-dose “low dose” 5000 U sc q 12 hrs 5000 U sc q 12hrs <8 weeks
7500 U sc q 12 hrs 8-28 weeks
10,000 U sc q 12 hrs >28 weeks
Moderate-dose “low dose” q 12 hrs to target anti-factor Xa level of q 8 or12 hrs to target mid-interval aPTT in
0.1-0.3 U/ml therapeutic range
Adjusted dose “full dose” q12 hrs to target mid-interval aPTT in
therapeutic range
Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin
Prophylactic dose “low dose” Enoxaparin 40 mg qd Enoxaparin 40 mg qd or 30 mg bid before
Dalteparin 5000 U qd 28 weeks then
Tinzaparin 4500 U qd Enoxaparin 40 mg bid after 28 weeks
Weight-adjusted dose “full dose” Enoxaparin 1 mg/kg bid or 1.5 mg/kg qd Enoxaparin 1 mg/kg bid with target of
Dalteparin 100 U/kg q 12 hrs or 200 U/kg antifactor Xa level of 0.5-1.0
1 24 hrs
Tinzaparin 175 mg U/kg qd

and probably other low-molecular-weight heparins, over un- thrombosis. Although in one series women with transient
fractionated heparin is less bruising at injection sites.72 A risk factors had a rate of recurrence similar to that of other
disadvantage of low-molecular-weight heparin is that it is women with a history of thrombosis,14 close observation (as-
more expensive. Also, its longer half-life may be a problem at sessment of signs and symptoms of thrombosis at routine
the time of delivery. prenatal visits) may be an option for women with a history of
Long-term therapy with fondaparinux, a new selective fac- thrombosis in the setting of transient risk factors such as
tor Xa inhibitor, may result in less bone loss than either injury or immobility.61 Nonetheless, if these women do not
unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparin,73 but data receive anticoagulation during pregnancy, they should be
on the use of fondaparinux in pregnancy are limited. Al- considered for thromboprophylaxis during the first 2 to 6
though Lagrange and coworkers74 observed no transplacen- weeks postpartum.
tal passage of fondaparinux using a perfused cotyledon There are few protocols for thromboprophylaxis of arterial
model, Dempfle and coworkers75 found transplacental pas- thromboembolism. Currently, there is no consensus regard-
sage of fondaparinux in five women who took it for 1 to 101 ing the best protocol for women with a history of stroke78 or
days because of heparin allergy. Antifactor Xa levels in um- myocardial infarction. Outside of pregnancy, most of these
bilical cord plasma of newborns, however, were found to be women are on an antiplatelet agent. It is our practice to dis-
only one-tenth the concentration of maternal plasma, a con- continue full-dose antiplatelet agents and prescribe aspirin
centration well below that required for effective anticoagula- 81 mg per day along with low-dose unfractionated or low-
tion.75 Nonetheless, at the present time, there are insufficient molecular-weight heparin to counteract the hypercoagulabil-
data to justify the routine use of fondaparinux in pregnancy, ity of pregnancy.
but fondaparinux is probably still the anticoagulant of choice
in cases of severe cutaneous allergies or heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia in pregnancy.75,76 Initiating Anticoagulation
during Pregnancy
Protocols for Anticoagulation Normal pregnancy is accompanied by increased concentra-
in Pregnancy for Women tions of factors VII, VIII, X, and von Willebrand factor and by
pronounced increases in fibrinogen.1 Factors II, V, and IX are
with a History of Thrombosis relatively unchanged.1 Free protein S, the active, unbound
Protocols for prevention of recurrent venous thromboembo- form, is decreased during pregnancy secondary to increased
lism are presented in Table 3. Full-dose (adjusted dose) an- levels of its binding protein, the complement component
ticoagulation is recommended61,77 for women with either a C4b.1 Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) levels
need for life-long anticoagulation or antiphospholipid syn- are increased fivefold.1 Levels of PAI-2, produced by the pla-
drome with a history of thrombosis. Full-dose (adjusted centa, increase dramatically during the third trimester.2
dose) or an intermediate or moderate dose is recom- These changes, which may not return to baseline until more
mended61,77 for women with either antithrombin (III) defi- than 8 weeks postpartum,1 begin with conception. So does
ciency or homozygosity for the factor V Leiden mutation, the the risk of thrombosis.10,14,79
prothrombin gene G20210A mutation, or compound het- Women on lifelong anticoagulation should be converted
erozygosity for both mutations. Low-dose anticoagulation is from warfarin to low-molecular-weight heparin before preg-
recommended32,61 for women with a history of unprovoked nancy or as soon as possible after conception. The problem
172 A.H. James et al.

with conversion before pregnancy is the inconvenience and incision at the time of cesarean delivery. A vertical midline
discomfort of parenteral administration of heparins and the incision, which is made in a watershed area and does not
risks associated with their long-term use. The problem with involve dissection of the rectus muscles off of the fascia, may
conversion after conception is that the half-life of warfarin is be associated with less bleeding.
36 to 42 hours80 and it may remain in the maternal circula-
tion for several days, increasing the risk of miscarriage and
congenital anomalies. Only a few women are candidates for Postpartum Management
warfarin rather than heparins during pregnancy. Candidates
Pneumatic compression devices are left in place until the
include women with mechanical heart valves30 and certain
patient is ambulatory and until anticoagulation is restarted
other unusual conditions.
after delivery. To minimize bleeding complications, resump-
Women who are not on lifelong anticoagulation, but are
tion of anticoagulation should be postponed until 12 hours
candidates for thromboprophylaxis in pregnancy, should
after vaginal delivery, 12 hours after epidural removal, or 24
start soon after conception. An exception is women who will
hours after cesarean delivery. After the risk of postpartum
be undergoing ovulation induction. Because hormone ther-
hemorrhage has lessened (2 or more weeks after delivery),
apy, including clomiphene, increases the risk of thrombo-
unless a woman prefers to remain on unfractionated or low-
sis,81 these women should begin anticoagulation at the time
molecular-weight heparin, she may be bridged to warfarin
they start ovulation induction.
for the remainder of the 6-week postpartum period. Women
Because HIT manifests within the first 5 to 15 days of
who have had a thrombotic event during the current preg-
exposure to heparins,82 platelet counts may be monitored for
nancy should remain on warfarin for at least another 3 to 6
the first 2 to 3 weeks after initiation of therapy. Although
months after delivery. Women on lifelong anticoagulation
platelet counts usually drop by 10% in pregnancy83 and
will remain on warfarin indefinitely. Although warfarin is
thrombocytopenia affects up to 10% of all pregnancies,83 HIT
contraindicated during pregnancy, it is not contraindicated
still must be considered in women who develop thrombocy-
during breastfeeding. In a study of the transfer of warfarin
topenia after starting heparin or low-molecular-weight hep-
into breast milk, less than 25 ng of warfarin was detected per
mL.86 The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee
on Drugs supports breastfeeding for women who take
Management At the present time, since there are no data about whether
at the Time of Delivery fondaparinux enters breast milk, fondaparinux should not be
used routinely in women who are breastfeeding, but
Women are often converted from low-molecular-weight hep-
fondaparinux is an option for women who are not breastfeed-
arin to unfractionated heparin at 36 to 37 weeks of gestation
ing. Fondaparinux, a selective factor Xa inhibitor, may be
or sooner if there is preterm labor, preeclampsia, fetal (intra-
used until a woman is bridged to warfarin. For women who
uterine) growth restriction, oligohydramnios, or other evi-
have to be fully anticoagulated for only 6 weeks postpartum,
dence of imminent delivery. The purpose of converting
an advantage of fondaparinux over warfarin is that it does not
women to the shorter-acting unfractionated heparin has less
require monitoring. In addition, it requires only daily, as
to do with any risk of bleeding at the time of delivery, but
opposed to twice-daily, dosing.
rather the rare possibility of an epidural or spinal hematoma
Women who are not breastfeeding and who will be on
with regional anesthesia.84 Due to this possibility, anesthesi-
lifelong anticoagulation should be allowed to take estrogen-
ologists usually will not place a regional anesthetic if a
containing contraceptives, but these are contraindicated for
woman has received low-molecular-weight heparin within
the woman who will discontinue anticoagulation at 6 weeks
12 to 24 hours. Because of the benefits of regional analgesia
postpartum. Although progestins may increase the levels of
and anesthesia over other analgesia and anesthesia for labor
certain coagulation factors, progestin-only contraceptives
and delivery,84 every effort should be made to ensure that a
have not been found to increase the risk of thrombosis and
woman has not received low-molecular-weight heparin
are, therefore, generally allowed.88
within 12 to 24 hours of needing a regional anesthetic. De-
pending on the risk of thrombosis, unfractionated heparin
should be held for 6 to 24 hours before delivery. Should a
woman go into labor while taking unfractionated heparin,
Fetal Surveillance
the heparin will usually clear within 6 hours. Reversal of Hypercoagulability, as manifested by a history of thrombo-
heparin is rarely required and is not indicated for low-dose embolism, may alter normal hemostasis and increase the like-
heparin. Although the use of pneumatic compression devices lihood of poor pregnancy outcome, including abruption,
for the prevention of pregnancy-related thrombosis has not stillbirth, fetal growth restriction, and preeclampsia.29 Al-
been studied, extrapolating from perioperative data,85 the though anticoagulation may improve pregnancy outcome,89
placement of pneumatic compression devices in labor or be- a plan for fetal surveillance should still be implemented.90
fore cesarean delivery is recommended. In the woman who is This would include periodic ultrasounds for fetal growth,
being aggressively anticoagulated, consideration should be fetal testing in the last month or two of pregnancy, and con-
given to entering the abdomen through a vertical midline sideration of delivery by 39 weeks gestation.
Thromboembolism in pregnancy 173

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Recurrent Gestational Diabetes: Risk
Factors, Diagnosis, Management, and Implications
Joseph N. Bottalico, DO

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) should be regarded as a sentinel event in a woman’s

life that presents challenges and disease prevention opportunities to all providers of health
care for women of reproductive age. Prediabetic risk factors are rising in prevalence and
include dietary and lifestyle habits, which when superimposed on genetic predisposition
contribute to the rising prevalence of type 2 diabetes and GDM. There is growing evidence
that treatment of GDM matters, with a continuum of adverse pregnancy outcome risks
proportional to degrees of maternal glucose intolerance. GDM in an index pregnancy
increases the risk of recurrent GDM in subsequent pregnancies, and recurrence rates of up
to 70% have been reported. GDM recurrence rates are influenced by maternal health
characteristics and past pregnancy history. The risk of later metabolic syndrome and type
2 diabetes is increased in women with a history of GDM and women should be screened
for postpartum glucose intolerance. Opportunities to prevent recurrent GDM and later type
2 diabetes require attention to risk factors and plasma glucose status with identification of
impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance.
Semin Perinatol 31:176-184 © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS gestational diabetes, recurrence, diabetes mellitus-type 2, diabetes risk factors,

prevention, metabolic syndrome, preconception care

G estational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as any

degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recog-
nition during pregnancy. The definition of GDM does not
an increased incidence of GDM. It is thus becoming more
common to care for women who have had a previous preg-
nancy complicated by GDM.
preclude the possibility that unrecognized glucose intoler-
ance may have existed before the pregnancy, and the defini-
tion applies whether insulin, oral antidiabetic agents, or di- The Epidemiology of
etary modification is used for treatment. Approximately 7% Gestational Diabetes Recurrence
of all pregnancies in the United States are complicated by
Given that most of the risk factors for GDM persist or become
gestational diabetes resulting in more than 200,000 cases
worse in subsequent pregnancies, it is not surprising that
annually,1 but the prevalence ranges from 1% to 14% of all
GDM has a high recurrence rate of 35.6% to 70%. The fact
pregnancies depending on the population studied and the
that a wide range of recurrence rates have been reported in
diagnostic tests employed.
various studies is, in part, due to the variability of GDM
Gestational diabetes is often considered to be type 2 dia-
screening methods and the use of different diagnostic thresh-
betes unmasked by pregnancy. The two entities share com-
old values for various glucose tolerance tests. It is clear from
mon risk factors, a number of which are increasing in prev-
the literature, however, that a diagnosis of GDM confers an
alence, such as obesity and advancing maternal age. These
elevated risk of recurrent GDM in subsequent pregnancies in
factors, combined with more universal screening, have led to
addition to an increased risk of later type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Table 1 summarizes studies reporting rates of recurrence for
Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gyne- GDM.
cology, UMDNJ-School of Osteopathic Medicine, Stratford, NJ. Philipson and Super2 examined the recurrence of glucose
Address reprint requests to Joseph N. Bottalico, DO, Department of Obstet- intolerance in 36 women with an index pregnancy compli-
rics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, UMDNJ-
School of Osteopathic Medicine, University Doctors Pavilion-Suite cated by GDM. Oral or intravenous glucose tolerance tests
3500, 42 East Laurel Road, Stratford, NJ 08084-1504. E-mail: bottaljn were used to document glucose intolerance or gestational diabetes. They reported that 55% (20 of 36) of women de-

176 0146-0005/07/$-see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Recurrent gestational diabetes 177

Table 1 Summary of Literature on Recurrence of Gestational Diabetes Including Diagnostic Criteria, Risk Factors, and Outcomes
Author Complications
(Country- Data Recurrence Risk Factors for with
Year) Years Diagnostic Criteria Rate Recurrence Recurrence
Philipson2 1979-1987 100 g OGTT (C/C criteria) or 55% (20/36) -BMI > 30 kg/m2 -More large for
USA-1999 IVGTT (25-28 weeks) -Obesity gestational age
-More macrosomia
Gaudier3 1983-1990 50 g screen (>135 mg/dl) @ 52% (47/90) -BMI > 35
USA-1992 24-28 weeks. If screen ⴙ, -Insulin required in
100 g OGTT (105/190/165/ index pregnancy
145 mg/dl) -Previous baby > 4kg
Foster-Powell9 1990-1996 75 g 2-hour OGTT (100/180/ 70% (82/117) -Maternal age
Australia- 145 mg/dl) -Insulin required in
1998 index pregnancy
-Pre-pregnancy BMI
-Weight gain between
Spong4 1988-1992 50 g screen (>140 mg/dl) @ 68% (111/164) -Earlier GDM in index -Higher birth
USA-1998 24-26 weeks. If screen ⴙ, pregnancy weight
100g OGTT (105/190/165/ -Insulin required in -More infants
145 mg/dl) index pregnancy >4kg
-Hospital admission in
index pregnancy
Major5 1992-1996 50g screen (>140 mg/dl) @ 69% (54/78) -BMI > 30 in index
USA-1998 24-28 weeks. If screen ⴙ, pregnancy
100g OGTT (105/190/165/ -GDM Dx < 24 weeks
145 mg/dl) in index pregnancy
-Insulin required in
index pregnancy
-Weight gain > 15 lbs
between pregnancies
-Pregnancy interval <
24 months
MacNeill6 1980-1996 50g screen (>140 mg/dl). If 35.6% (232/651) -Birth weight >4 kg
Canada- screen ⴙ, 100g OGTT index pregnancy
2001 (105/190/165/145 mg/dl) -Pre-pregnancy weight
in subsequent

veloped gestational diabetes in a subsequent pregnancy. The and neonatal factors on the recurrence of GDM in 164 pre-
women with consecutive pregnancies complicated by GDM dominantly Hispanic women whose index pregnancy was
were heavier and delivered larger neonates than the women complicated by GDM. The diagnosis of GDM was based on
who did not develop recurrent GDM. In 1992, Gaudier and the National Diabetes Data Group (NDDG) criteria using a
coworkers3 conducted a retrospective review of 90 women 100-g oral glucose tolerance test. There were 68% (111) with
whose index pregnancies were complicated by GDM and a recurrence of GDM. Women with recurrence had GDM
whose subsequent pregnancies were managed at the same diagnosed earlier, frequently required insulin (25% versus
institution. There were 52% (47) who had a recurrence of 8%, P ⬍ 0.05), and had more hospital admissions in their
GDM in their subsequent pregnancy. These 47 women had index pregnancy compared with women without a recur-
an increased BMI (32.8 kg/m2 versus 28.9 kg/m2, P ⬍ 0.03) rence of GDM. Infants of women with recurrence were
and more large for gestational age (LGA) neonates (38% ver- heavier and had an increased incidence of macrosomia (26%
sus 14%; P ⬍ 0.05). A greater number also required insulin versus 10%, P ⬍ 0.05).
during their index pregnancy (38% versus 19%; P ⬍ 0.05) Major and coworkers5 reported on 78 women with GDM
than those who did not have a recurrence of GDM. They in a previous pregnancy. Universal screening was performed
concluded that women with a history of GDM who have a using a 50-g oral glucose load. Those with a value of 140
BMI greater than 35 kg/m2, whose previous newborn was mg/dL or greater were then given the 100-g oral glucose
LGA, and who required insulin during the previous preg- tolerance test (OGTT) using the threshold criteria of the Na-
nancy are at increased risk for recurrence of GDM. tional Diabetes Data Group (fasting of 105 mg/dL, 1 hour of
Spong and coworkers4 evaluated the influence of maternal 190 mg/dL, 2 hours of 165 mg/dL, and 3 hours of 145 mg/
178 J.N. Bottalico

dL). GDM recurrence was found in 69% (54) of women. Excessive weight is an important public health concern in
Recurrence of GDM was more common with an index preg- the United States, as well as other affluent societies. Pleis and
nancy parity ⱖ1, BMI ⱖ30 kg/m2, a GDM diagnosis at ⱕ24 coworkers11 reported that, by the end of 2000, 34% of adult
gestational weeks in the first pregnancy, and insulin require- Americans were overweight and another 27% were obese.
ment in the first pregnancy. A weight gain of ⱖ15 lbs and an This represented an increase of 75% compared with 1980
interval between pregnancies of ⱕ24 months had the stron- statistics. These data showed that, at the end of 2000, more
gest association with recurrence of GDM. than 50% of the adults in the United States were either over-
MacNeill and coworkers6 published a retrospective longi- weight or obese. United States data from 1997 and 1998 for
tudinal study in 2001 of a predominantly white cohort of 651 women aged 18 to 24 and 25 to 44 revealed an estimated
women in Nova Scotia diagnosed with GDM during a preg- prevalence of overweight (BMI ⱖ 25 kg/m2) or obese (BMI ⱖ
nancy that occurred between 1980 and 1996 and who had at 30 kg/m2) of over 30% for the 18 to 24 age group and over
least one subsequent pregnancy during that time period. The 40% for the 25 to 44 group.12 An increased prevalence of
screening method employed was a 50-g 1-hour glucose load. obesity in U.S. adolescents has also been documented and
A value of ⱖ140 mg/dL was considered a positive screen and associated with declining levels of physical activity.13 The
was followed by a 3-hour oral glucose tolerance test with links between obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes
100 g of glucose that required more than one glucose over the mellitus are well known, and the long-term complications of
threshold values for a positive test (fasting ⱖ95mg/dL, 1 obesity are numerous. The strong association between in-
hour ⱖ190 mg/dL, 2 hours ⱖ165 mg/dL, and 3 hours 145 creased BMI and higher risks for GDM has been clearly es-
mg/dL). These criteria combine elements from the current tablished.
ADA endorsed Carpenter and Coustan7 threshold values for There is also growing recognition of the importance of the
the 100-g glucose 3-hour OGTT (fasting ⱖ95mg/dL, 1-hour metabolic syndrome as a multiplex risk factor for cardiovas-
ⱖ180 mg/dL, 2-hour ⱖ155 mg/dL, and 3-hour 140 mg/dL) cular disease and type 2 diabetes. In women, the metabolic
and the National Diabetes Data Group8 values (fasting syndrome is defined by the presence of three or more of the
ⱖ105mg/dL, 1 hour ⱖ190 mg/dL, 2 hours ⱖ165 mg/dL, following criteria: abdominal obesity (waist circumference
and 3 hours 145 mg/dL), which also require more than one ⬎88 cm or 34.7 inches), elevated triglycerides (ⱖ150 mg/
abnormal value for a positive test. The rate of recurrence of dL), high-density lipoprotein (⬍50 mg/dL), high blood pres-
GDM in the subsequent pregnancy was found to be 35.6%. sure (ⱖ130/85 mm Hg), and elevated fasting glucose (110
Multivariate regression models showed that infant birth mg/dL).14 It should be noted that the current definition of
weight in the index pregnancy and maternal prepregnancy impaired fasting glucose is 100 to 125 mg/dL.1 The estimated
weight before the subsequent pregnancy were predictive of prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in women is 24%,
recurrent GDM. with prevalence increasing with age as reported by Ford and
A 1998 study by Foster-Powell and Cheung9 through a coworkers using data from the National Health and Nutrition
diabetes service in New South Wales, Australia reported a Survey (NHANES III).15 For 4549 female subjects reported
retrospective review of 540 women with GDM managed be- by Ford, metabolic syndrome prevalence was about 6% in
tween 1990 and 1996. There was a GDM recurrence rate of those 20 to 29 years of age, 14% in those 30 to 39 years of age,
70% using a 2-hour 75-g OGTT for diagnosis with modified 20% in those 40 to 49 years of age, and ⬎30% for women
WHO threshold values. Finally, Danilenko-Dixon and col- older than 50 years of age. As with obesity, the pathophysi-
leagues10 in 2000 reported that perinatal outcomes in women ologic features of the metabolic syndrome are likely to be
with previous gestational diabetes but with normal glucose associated with a variety of pregnancy complications, includ-
tolerance tests during a subsequent pregnancy were not im- ing GDM.
proved with regard to birth weight, macrosomia, route of
delivery, and neonatal complications.
Unfortunately, these studies on the recurrence of GDM United States
suffer from the limitations of having no formal proof that Diabetes Prevalence:
some of the women did not have undiagnosed type 2 diabe-
tes, impaired fasting glucose, or impaired glucose tolerance
Diagnosed and Undiagnosed
using current ADA criteria before the subsequent pregnancy. National estimates on diabetes prevalence have been pub-
lished by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) in Atlanta.16 The total prevalence of frank diabetes
Increasing Prevalence mellitus among women age 20 years or older in the United
of Pre-Diabetic Risk States in 2005 was 9.7 million, or 8.8% of all women in this
age group. The prevalence of diabetes by race and ethnicity
Factors in the United States among people 20 years of age or older in the United States in
Since GDM may very well be a “tip of the iceberg” phenom- 2005 was an estimated 8.7% prevalence for all non-Hispanic
enon for many women, it is important to consider the epide- whites, 13.3% for non-Hispanic blacks, and about 9.5% of
miologic landscape affecting the first occurrence of GDM as Hispanic/Latino Americans. The rates are also higher for
well as the risks for recurrent GDM in subsequent pregnan- American-Indians, Alaskan natives, Asian Americans, and
cies and the longer term risk of type 2 diabetes. Pacific Islanders. Many of these women will have DM iden-
Recurrent gestational diabetes 179

tified for the first time in pregnancy and be classified as GDM. Table 2 Risk Factors for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and
However, if not tested after delivery, a second pregnancy may Recurrence
be incorrectly classified as recurrent GDM instead of preges- Previous history of gestational diabetes
tational DM. These epidemiologic trends suggest that diabe- Previous diagnosis of GDM before 24 weeks
tes, GDM, and recurrent GDM will likely complicate a greater Insulin requirement in previous pregnancy
number of pregnancies in the next few decades. Previous GDM and weight gain of >15 lbs between
In a cross-sectional sample of U.S. adults over the age of 40 pregnancies
tested between 1988 and 1994, 33.8% had an impaired fast- Previous GDM and interval between pregnancies <24
ing glucose (IFG; which is currently defined as a plasma months
Previous history of macrosomia (birth weight >9 lbs or
glucose of 100-125 mg/dL after an overnight fast). A total of
4100 grams)
15.4% had impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), currently de- Previous history of adverse pregnancy outcome (not
fined as 140 to 199 mg/dL after a 2-hour oral glucose toler- clearly attributable to a condition other than diabetes
ance test with 75 g of oral glucose solution.16 When percent- during pregnancy)
ages were applied to the entire U.S. population in 2000, an Ethnic group with an elevated risk of gestational and type
estimated 41 million adults had prediabetes. Data are not 2 diabetes
readily available for the reproductive age female population Hispanic
with regard to the prevalence of prediabetes, although in- African
creasing overweight, obesity, and ethnicity trends suggest Native American
that a rising prevalence may be occurring. South or East Asian
Pacific Island Ancestry
First degree relative with diabetes
Diagnosis of GDM Advanced maternal age
Obesity (BMI >30-35 kg/m2)
GDM is a condition that lacks international consensus con- Glucosuria
cerning the method of choice for screening and specific cri- Metabolic syndrome
teria for diagnosis. The Fourth International Workshop-Con- Insulin resistance (eg, PCOS)
ference on Gestational Diabetes in 1998 recommended a
screening strategy based on risk assessment for detecting ges-
tational diabetes and that risk assessment for GDM should be are “no data from clinical trials to determine which is superior.”
undertaken at the first prenatal visit.7 Women can then be Nevertheless, it is important to remember that, similar to other
classified as either low-risk, average-risk, or high-risk. High- screening tests, those for GDM may have problems with repro-
risk women should be screened for GDM as soon as feasible ducibility.18
during pregnancy. If high-risk women are found not to have As with other high-risk groups, ADA guidelines for the detec-
GDM at initial screening, they should be retested between 24 tion of GDM indicate that glucose testing for women with a
and 28 weeks of gestation.1 Risk factors most consistently history of prior GDM should occur “as soon as feasible,” with
linked with GDM include a previous macrosomic infant, obe- re-screening, between 24 and 28 weeks if the initial screen is
sity, suspected glucose intolerance when not pregnant, glu- negative. Maser and coworkers19 evaluated medical records for
cosuria, a strong immediate family history of type 2 diabetes 60 women enrolled in a GDM management program that pre-
or GDM, history of unexplained fetal demise and, especially, sented with 2 subsequent pregnancies with GDM to determine
women with a history of GDM in a prior pregnancy (Table 2). whether more specific guidelines for detection are needed. Over
A diagnosis of GDM is based on a positive OGTT (ⱖ2 abnor- half (55%) of these women required insulin during both preg-
mal values) most commonly performed after an abnormal nancies, and 16.7% (10) required insulin during the second
1-hour plasma glucose screen with a 50-g oral glucose load (the enrollment for GDM, but not the first. For those subjects who
“two-step” approach). Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy can also required insulin during both pregnancies, 88% (29 of 33) were
be diagnosed if the fasting plasma glucose is ⱖ126 mg/dL or a started earlier during the subsequent pregnancy (21.6 ⫾ 8.4
casual plasma glucose is ⱖ200 mg/dL, but these criteria may be weeks of gestation versus 31.5 ⫾ 2.7 weeks of gestation, P ⬍
less reliable since they are mostly applicable to nonpregnant 0.001). During the subsequent pregnancy, approximately one-
adults. Guidelines issued by the Fourth International Workshop half of the women requiring insulin needed it before 24 weeks,
Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus,7 the American Di- whereas a third required it by week 15. Therefore, it seems
abetes Association (ADA-2004),1 and American College of Ob- reasonable to perform the initial screen by 15 weeks in women
stetricians and Gynecologists17 in 2001 lean toward recom- with a previous history of GDM.
mending the use of the Carpenter-Coustan criteria for the
diagnostic 3-hour, 100-g glucose OGTT. However, these orga-
nizations also recognize the alternative use of the single-step, Gestational
2-hour, 75-g glucose OGTT in certain high prevalence popula- Diabetes Management,
tions (threshold values of 95 mg/dL fasting, 180 mg/dL at 1
hour, and 155 mg/dL at 2 hours). ACOG also acknowledges that
General and Recurrent
expert panels have supported both the Carpenter-Coustan and Despite the debate over screening strategies, there is a clear
the National Diabetes Data Group criteria and report that there association between maternal carbohydrate intolerance and
180 J.N. Bottalico

perinatal complications. The rates of excessive fetal growth were admitted to the neonatal ICU. Women in the interven-
and neonatal morbidity rise with the degree of maternal hy- tion group had a higher rate of induction of labor than
perglycemia. The Toronto Tri-Hospital Gestational Diabetes women in the routine care group, although the rates of ce-
Project was a prospective study on the impact of increasing sarean delivery were similar at 31% and 32%, respectively. At
maternal carbohydrate intolerance on both maternal and fe- 3 months postpartum, follow-up data were available for 573
tal outcomes.20 Women with GDM were compared with a women and revealed lower rates of depression and better
cohort of 3637 women with singleton pregnancies that did quality of life scores, consistent with improved health status
not have GDM. The study found a direct relationship be- in the intervention group.
tween OGTT values and multiple adverse outcomes, includ- The above data suggest that making a diagnosis of GDM
ing preeclampsia, macrosomia, and operative delivery in and identifying effective interventions have the potential to
women without frank GDM. Saks and coworkers21 found a reduce morbidities associated with GDM and improve preg-
positive relationship between OGTT results and fetal birth nancy outcomes. However, it is not clear which management
weight in approximately 3500 pregnant women undergoing strategies might be most effective for women with recurrent
screening. Langer and Mazze,22 in a large prospective study GDM. It seems likely given the probable greater degree of
designed to determine optimal levels of glycemic control for glucose intolerance and onset or diagnosis earlier in gestation
treatment of women with GDM, demonstrated in 246 that a need for more aggressive use of medications (oral an-
women with GDM that the women who achieved the lowest tidiabetic agents or insulin) should be anticipated.
range of blood glucose values throughout pregnancy had a
significantly lower incidence of LGA and macrosomic in-
fants. In 1994, Langer and coworkers23 compared intensive Prevention of
to conventional therapy in 2500 women with GDM. Women Gestational Diabetes Recurrence
in the intensive therapy group had a significantly lower inci-
There are limited data examining interventions to prevent
dence of macrosomic and LGA infants. These infants also had
recurrence of GDM. Medication interventions to prevent
lower rates of admission to the neonatal intensive care unit,
GDM have been studied in women with polycystic ovary
fewer metabolic complications, and less need for respiratory
syndrome (PCOS). Affected women are characteristically
support. Langer and coworkers24 compared 555 gravidas
obese, have insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, all of
with GDM diagnosed after 37 weeks with 1110 subjects
which are risk factors for primary (and probably recurrent)
treated for GDM and 1110 nondiabetic subjects matched
GDM.26,27 Metformin increases insulin sensitivity and re-
from the same delivery year for obesity, parity, ethnicity, and
duces insulin resistance. It has been found to be a safe and
gestational age at delivery. They found a composite adverse
effective treatment for the metabolic and endocrine abnor-
outcome rate of 59% for untreated, 18% for treated, and 11%
malities in PCOS. Glueck and coworkers28 reported that, in
for nondiabetic subjects. A 2- to 4-fold increase in metabolic
33 women with PCOS who received metformin during preg-
complications and macrosomia/LGA was found in the un-
nancy, GDM developed in 1 of 33 (3%) versus 8 of 12 (67%)
treated group with no difference between nondiabetic and
of their previous pregnancies without metformin. Among the
treated subjects. A 2- to 3-fold higher morbidity rate for the
39 women with a history of PCOS who did not take met-
untreated groups was found compared with the other
formin, GDM developed in 14 of 60 (23%) of pregnancies.
groups. They also concluded that untreated GDM confers
When all live births were combined, GDM occurred in 22 of
significant risks of perinatal morbidity at all disease severity
70 pregnancies (31%) in women who did not take metformin
versus 1 of 33 pregnancies (3%) in those who did take met-
The Australian Carbohydrate Intolerance Study (ACHOIS)
formin. The authors concluded that, in women with PCOS,
was a large randomized multicenter trial for the treatment of
the use of metformin was associated with a 10-fold reduction
gestational diabetes.25 The criteria used in this study for the
in the rate of GDM. The effect was probably achieved by
diagnosis of GDM were based on the 75-g OGTT between 24
reducing insulin resistance and insulin secretion, thus reduc-
and 34 weeks gestation. Those with values below 140 mg/dL
ing the secretory demands imposed on pancreatic beta cells
(7.8 mmol/L) after an overnight fast and between 140 and
by insulin resistance in pregnancy. In light of the limited
198 mg/dL (7.8-11.0 mmol/L) at 2 hours were eligible for
available information, it is not clear whether medication in-
randomization. The 490 women assigned to the intervention
terventions after a pregnancy complicated by GDM will pre-
group had premeal glucose levels below 99 mg/dL and 2-
vent recurrence, but at the minimum, it seems reasonable to
hour postprandial levels that did not exceed 126 mg/dL. The
recommend lifestyle changes such as increased physical ac-
510 women assigned to the control group received routine
tivity and weight reduction if overweight or obese.
care that was consistent with care provided in other facilities
in which screening for GDM was not standard. The rate of
serious perinatal complications (which was defined as death, Contribution of GDM
shoulder dystocia, bone fracture, and nerve palsy) was sig-
nificantly lower among infants of the women in the interven-
to Glucose Tolerance Status
tion group (self-monitoring of blood glucose levels, individ- There is epidemiologic evidence associating GDM with insu-
ualized medical nutrition therapy counseling and insulin); lin resistance, glucose intolerance, and type 2 diabetes.29 The
however, more infants of women in the intervention group development of overt diabetes mellitus appears to require an
Recurrent gestational diabetes 181

associated defect in insulin secretion. There may be a finite likely that women with GDM who were most likely to have
level of pancreatic “beta cell reserve” that is further depleted had unrecognized pregestational diabetes in their index preg-
with recurring GDM. Insulin resistance is another significant nancy include: those in whom GDM was diagnosed before 24
factor for many women who eventually develop GDM. weeks (especially the first trimester), those who required in-
Verma and coworkers30 examined the prevalence of the sulin before 20 weeks, and those with initial fasting plasma
insulin resistance syndrome (IRS) among women with a his- glucose levels of ⱖ126 mg/dL (fasting glucose criterion for
tory of GDM compared with controls over a period of 11 nonpregnant diabetes mellitus). Other risk factors associated
years post delivery. They reported that 27.2% of women with with an increased risk of resistant glucose intolerance after
prior GDM versus only 8.2% of controls developed IRS by 11 pregnancy include obesity, high-risk ethnic group, and type
years after delivery. Prepregnancy obesity was an important 2 diabetes in a first-degree relative.
contributor to this increased risk. Kousta and coworkers31 In a systematic literature review, Kim and coworkers38
reported on normoglycemic women (34 with previous GDM found that, after a pregnancy with GDM, rates of overt dia-
and 44 with no previous GDM) who were given insulin- betes ranged from 2.6% to 70% in studies with follow up
modified IV glucose tolerance tests. They found that post- from 6 weeks to 28 years. The incidence of type 2 diabetes
GDM women were more obese than controls, had evidence of increased most in the first 5 years after the pregnancy with
insulin resistance, and had higher fasting triglycerides. GDM and seemed to plateau after 10 years. The Fourth In-
Lauenborg and colleagues32 estimated the prevalence of the ternational Workshop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes
metabolic syndrome by three different criteria (WHO 1999, recommended that women diagnosed with GDM undergo
NCEP 2001, and the European Group for the Study of Insu- evaluation with the 75-g OGTT test at 6 to 12 weeks after
lin Resistance 2002) among Danish women with previous delivery.7 The American Diabetes Association in their 2004
GDM. A cohort of women were followed for a median of 9.8 position statement on gestational diabetes mellitus recom-
years (6.4-17.2 years) after their pregnancy. Outcome mea- mends that “reclassification of maternal glycemic status
sures included BMI, glucose tolerance, blood pressure, lipid should be performed at least 6 weeks after delivery and ac-
profile, and insulin resistance, and they found that the prev- cording to the guidelines of the expert committee” referenced
alence of the metabolic syndrome was three times higher in above.1 If glucose levels are normal postpartum, reassess-
the prior GDM group in comparison to the control group. ment of glycemia should be undertaken at a minimum of
Similar findings were reported by Albareda and coworkers33 3-year intervals. All women with impaired fasting glucose
in 2005 based on their study in a Spanish population. (IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in the postpartum
It is possible that recurrent episodes of heightened insulin period should be tested for diabetes annually. These patients
resistance, such as with recurrent GDM, place high demands should receive intensive medical nutrition therapy and
on the pancreas and contribute to an eventual decline in beta should be placed on an individualized exercise program
cell function that leads to type 2 diabetes in high-risk indi- because of their very high risk for the development of
viduals. Peters and coworkers34 studied 666 Latino women diabetes.1 A summary of these recommendations together
with a history of GDM. Among the 87 (13%) who completed with the author’s suggested evaluation plan after a preg-
an additional pregnancy, the rate ratio of type 2 diabetes nancy with GDM is provided in Figure 1.
increased significantly in comparison to women without an Unfortunately, studies have shown that rates of postpar-
additional pregnancy. Although the longevity of beta cell tum glucose tolerance testing compliance in women diag-
function may be genetically determined, some individuals nosed with GDM have been less than optimal. Russel and
may respond to repeated demands on pancreatic insulin se- coworkers39 retrospectively studied a cohort of 344 women
cretion (as seen in normal pregnancy, obesity, and polycystic with GDM from 2001 to 2004. They found that less than
ovarian disease) in a way that eventually exhausts beta cell one-half (45%) of women in the cohort with GDM under-
reserve leading to the development of frank diabetes mellitus. went postpartum glucose testing. More than one-third (36%)
Interestingly, for the nonpregnant population, decreasing in- of women who did have postpartum testing were found to
sulin resistance through diet and exercise or medications have persistent abnormal glucose tolerance. They found no
such as metformin or rosiglitazone has been shown to reduce independent relationship between most demographic char-
the risk of subsequent type 2 diabetes or delay its onset.35-37 acteristics and postpartum testing. Postpartum testing was
strongly associated only with the attendance at the postpar-
tum visit as shown by the 54% postpartum testing rate com-
Postpartum and pared with 17% of women who did not attend their postpar-
Long-Term Management tum visit. Therefore, postpartum visits are a critical link to
compliance with follow-up testing.
after Gestational Diabetes These data highlight the importance of postpartum and
The definition of GDM encompasses a fairly wide spectrum preconception care to allow further assessment of modifiable
of disease. The degree of glucose intolerance and the time of risk factors for women with previous GDM, whether or not
onset varies, ranging from transient mild hyperglycemia lim- they are considering another pregnancy. If not feasible for
ited to pregnancy to unrecognized pregestational diabetes to those with subsequent pregnancies, then early prenatal care
pregestational metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance) with to allow timely GDM screening and management is appro-
or without features of PCOS. Although data are lacking, it is priate.
182 J.N. Bottalico

Figure 1 Suggested evaluation plan for women with a previous history of gestational diabetes.
Recurrent gestational diabetes 183

Diabetes Prevention with the idea that GDM is a “tip of the iceberg” phenomenon.
GDM is often the culmination of years of unrecognized and
in Women with Previous GDM unmodified diabetes risk factors that lead to overt and occult
The TRIPOD study demonstrated that the drug troglitazone clinical manifestations during pregnancy. It is clear that an
improved glucose tolerance after GDM in high-risk Hispanic index case of gestational diabetes increases the risks of not
women.36 Treatment with troglitizone delayed or prevented only recurrent gestational diabetes in subsequent pregnan-
the onset of type 2 diabetes in treated women compared with cies, but also type 2 diabetes later in life for many women. We
controls, with a 55% reduction in the average annual diabetes also know that recurrent episodes of GDM further increase
incidence rates over a median follow-up period of 30 the risk of eventual type 2 diabetes.
months. The proposed mechanism of this protective effect Although lifestyle interventions and insulin sensitizing
was the preservation of pancreatic beta cell function which drugs can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes mellitus, there are
appeared to be mediated by a reduction in the secretory limited data on prevention of recurrent GDM and adverse
demands placed on the beta cells by chronic insulin resis- obstetric outcomes. Considering the possible fetal program-
tance. ming effects of GDM on the offspring (albeit through incom-
The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) study published pletely understood mechanisms and with a clear need for
in 200235 randomly assigned 3234 nondiabetic adults with further research), the concept of “diabetes begets diabetes”
elevated fasting and postload plasma glucose concentrations has also emerged,40 inviting strategies to break this cycle.
and randomized groups to either a lifestyle modification pro- Challenges for the future include development of strategies
gram with at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week to prevent the first episode of gestational diabetes. After an
or metformin (850 mg twice daily) or placebo. The average index pregnancy with GDM, the prevention of recurrent
follow up was 2.8 years, and the incidence of diabetes was GDM may be possible through interventions that address
4.8, 7.8, and 11.0 cases per 100 person years in the lifestyle, potentially modifiable risk factors, such as weight and BMI,
metformin, and placebo groups, respectively. Lifestyle inter- PCOS, and insulin resistance. Small studies involving the
vention reduced the incidence of type 2 diabetes by 58% and drug metformin have suggested a reduction in the risk of
metformin by 31% as compared with placebo. Of the 2191 subsequent GDM, but data are insufficient to make wide-
women randomized into the 3-arm trial of the DPP, 353 gave spread recommendations endorsing this strategy and further
a history of GDM. The women with a history of GDM were studies will be necessary to address safety and efficacy issues.
younger but had no other differences in parity, weight, level Other candidate medications deserve further study. Other
of carbohydrate tolerance, or degree of insulin resistance knowledge gaps include the lack of a definition of the meta-
compared with those without such a history. Despite these bolic syndrome in pregnancy leading to the notion that GDM
similarities in cohorts, a history of GDM conferred a 74% may be a manifestation of the metabolic syndrome during
increased hazard rate to develop diabetes compared with pregnancy. Further studies are also needed to address the
those without such history. optimal screening strategy to detect recurrent GDM in sub-
More recently, the DREAM study37 included 5269 adults sequent pregnancies.
aged 30 years or more who had either impaired fasting glu- Finally, given the rising prevalence of prediabetic risk fac-
cose or impaired glucose tolerance. This trial included 1536 tors, concerns are mounting that, without effective interven-
women treated with rosiglitazone with 1584 female controls tion strategies, the incidence of gestational diabetes as well as
given a placebo. Histories of GDM were positive in 9.1% and type 2 diabetes will continue to increase. Gestational diabetes
9.3% of these two subgroups of women, respectively. A total mellitus for many women represents only one stage in a con-
of 11.6% of all persons in the rosiglitizone group (306/2635) tinuum of risks that presents many challenges and preventa-
and 26.0% given placebo (686/2634) developed the compos- tive opportunities to health care systems. Further under-
ite primary outcome that included diabetes (hazard ratio standing of specific risks as well as their complex interactions
0.40, 95% CI 0.35-0.46, P ⬍ 0.0001). The mean ages in the and rates of progression may allow the identification of effec-
risiglitazone and placebo groups were 54.6 and 54.8 years, tive strategies to break the cycle with the goals of not only
respectively. improving pregnancy outcomes but also reducing longer
These landmark trials illustrate that persons at high risk for term health risks for women and their children.
the development of type 2 diabetes, which includes women
with histories of GDM, may benefit from some combination Acknowledgments
of lifestyle interventions and drug therapy to reduce the risk The author would like to express his gratitude to Naomi Spina
of eventual type 2 diabetes. Potential problems with medica- for her expert assistance in the preparation of this manuscript
tion side effects and lack of confirmatory studies, however, and John Smulian, MD, MPH, for his valuable editorial contri-
limit full consideration of their use at the current time. butions.

Future Direction References

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184 J.N. Bottalico

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After Shoulder Dystocia:
Managing the Subsequent Pregnancy and Delivery
Edith D. Gurewitsch, MD,*,† Tara L. Johnson, BS, BM,† and Robert H. Allen, PhD†

Among risk factors for shoulder dystocia, a prior history of delivery complicated by
shoulder dystocia is the single greatest risk factor for shoulder dystocia occurrence, with
odds ratios 7 to 10 times that of the general population. Recurrence rates have been
reported to be as high as 16%. Whereas prevention of shoulder dystocia in the general
population is neither feasible nor cost-effective, intervention efforts directed at the partic-
ular subgroup of women with a prior history of shoulder dystocia can concentrate on
potentially modifiable risk factors and individualized management strategies that can
minimize recurrence and the associated significant morbidities and mortality.
Semin Perinatol 31:185-195 © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS prior shoulder dystocia, history of shoulder dystocia, recurrence, brachial plexus
palsy, injury prevention, risk management

T he occurrence of shoulder dystocia is largely considered

unpredictable. Epidemiologically, although diabetics’
infants weighing more than 4 kg at birth are disproportion-
der dystocia recurrence, with odds ratios 7 to 10 times that of
the general population.8-10 Table 1 provides a summary of
studies describing recurrence risks.8-11
ately at higher risk for shoulder dystocia compared with av- Unfortunately, the pathogenesis of shoulder dystocia is
erage weight newborns,1-5 nearly half of shoulder dystocia multivariate, screening for “at-risk” individual pregnancies is
events occur in nonmacrosomic infants of otherwise healthy poorly predictive (positively or negatively) of its actual oc-
women.2,6 Although both antepartum and intrapartum risk currence, and thus effective interventions for prevention are
factors associated with occurrence of shoulder dystocia are few. However, although avoidance of shoulder dystocia in
known,1,2 a substantial number of mother–infant pairs who the general population is neither feasible nor cost-effec-
actually experience shoulder dystocia during delivery have tive,12-14 concentrating intervention efforts on the particular
none of these risk factors, whereas many more deliver un- subgroup of women with a prior history of shoulder dystocia
eventfully despite having several risk factors.7 However, has distinct merit. First, the occurrence of shoulder dystocia
among risk factors for shoulder dystocia, a history of shoul- in a previous pregnancy indicates the need for a targeted
der dystocia in a prior delivery carries a recurrence risk of evaluation. Second, review of the details of a woman’s spe-
10% to 16%.8-10 Akin to the single greatest predictor of pre- cific shoulder dystocia experience can elucidate potentially
term delivery being a history of preterm delivery in a previous modifiable conditions and circumstances amenable to inter-
pregnancy, a prior history of delivery complicated by shoul- vention in a subsequent pregnancy. Third, even if shoulder
der dystocia is indeed the single greatest risk factor for shoul- dystocia recurs, complications may be minimized by individ-
ualized management aimed at reducing or controlling those
factors that predispose to significant morbidity and mortality
*Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Division of Maternal Fetal Med- arising from shoulder dystocia. In focusing on the women
icine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. with a prior history of shoulder dystocia, this review will
†Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
concentrate on those aspects of shoulder dystocia and injury
Some of the research reported in this review was funded by a grant from the pathophysiology that are knowable and hence modifiable.
Centers for Disease Control’s National Center for Injury Prevention and It is axiomatic that birth remains a moderately hazardous
Control: Grants for Traumatic Injury Biomechanics Research Program process and that certain unintended and unavoidable out-
04047: #CE00433-03. The contents of the article are the sole opinions of comes will occur even when complications are anticipated
the authors and do not represent the opinions of the NCIPC.
Address reprint requests to Edith D. Gurewitsch, MD, The Johns Hopkins
and managed appropriately. Importantly, it is the untoward
Hospital, 600 North Wolfe Street, Phipps 217, Baltimore, MD 21287. outcomes of the condition and not necessarily the condition
E-mail: itself that we wish to prevent. Indeed, avoidance of shoulder

0146-0005/07/$-see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 185
186 E.D. Gurewitsch, T.L. Johnson, and R.H. Allen

Table 1 Summary of the Literature that Investigates Recurrence of Shoulder Dystocia Among Cohorts of Women with a Recorded History of Shoulder Dystocia in a Prior
dystocia recurrence per se should neither be expected nor set

SD Recurrence Rate/

Failed Trial of Labor

Cesarean Rate for
as a goal. However, its outcome may be significantly im-

proved if those factors that increase the risk for harm are


prepared for and managed. As with any emergency, logical
evidence-tested response to shoulder dystocia— either be-
fore it occurs or once in progress—is directly correlated with
outcome, whether it occurs for the first time or is recurrent.
Unfortunately, fully tested and evidence-validated ap-
proaches to management specifically of the subsequent preg-
nancy and delivery of a woman with a prior history of shoul-
with History of SD (RR)
Recurrence Rate of SD

der dystocia do not exist. Nevertheless, empiric modification

Among All Subjects

of delivery method or of intrapartum management for

11.5% (RR-6.3)
9.8% (RR-17)

15.1% (RR-10)

women with a history of prior shoulder dystocia appears to

— (RR-7)

be commonplace8,10,11; however, without targeted emphasis

on modifiable risk factors, such strategies have had little im-
pact on either recurrence or morbidity.10,11 Our goal is to
propose a reasonable and logical approach to the management
of a subsequent pregnancy and delivery after a shoulder dys-
tocia based on interpretation of the available literature.
Proportion with Cesarean

Recurrence Prevention
Starts Immediately After
for History of SD

the Initial Shoulder Dystocia

5/51 (9.8%)

7/73 (9.6%)
4/78 (5.1%)
N (%)

Preventive strategies for the next possible shoulder dystocia

occurrence begin with the proper management of the after-

math of the index event. The incidence of shoulder dystocia
is increasing.1,15,16 This may be due to better diagnoses, better
documentation, or physical factors such as increasing birth
weight and obesity. The same is true for shoulder dystocia-
associated brachial plexus injury.17 Fortunately, the majority
Pregnancy after SD

of shoulder dystocia events are inconsequential in terms of

Proportion Having

51/203 (25.1%)
101/747 (13.5%)
73/602 (12.1%)
78/385 (20.2%)

untoward outcome. Still, up to 27% of shoulder dystocia will

be complicated by some maternal and/or fetal injury, with
N (%)

significant proportion (up to 10%) having attendant perma-

nent sequelae.18 Whether the original shoulder dystocia
event was mild, moderate, or severe, the occurrence of shoul-
der dystocia at any delivery is worthy of documentation and

Rate of SD

Abbreviations: SD, shoulder dystocia; RR, relative risk.


Regardless of outcome, details of the shoulder dystocia— even


merely that it occurred—must be communicated to the mother

and, by way of documentation in the medical record, to the next
obstetrician who will care for her. Ideally, each participant in the
delivery’s emergency response should author a note about the
Gurewitsch, et al.11 (1993-2004)

event itself and their role. However, there is no substitute for the
Ginsberg, et al.10 (1993-1999)

primary delivering clinician’s giving a comprehensive account-

Study (Time Period)

Lewis, et al.9 (1983-1992)

Smith, et al.8 (1980-1985)

ing of each aspect of the management and its results. Items

important to document are listed in Table 2.
Acker proposed a shoulder dystocia intervention form 15
years ago that was in keeping with the idea that this degree of
detail and documentation is not only important, but should be
standardized.19 The merits of documenting all of this informa-

tion from risk management and medicolegal perspectives are

reviewed elsewhere.20-22 However, the relevance of such detail
to assessment of recurrence risk should not be underestimated.
After shoulder dystocia 187

Table 2 Documentation Suggested after a Delivery Compli- functional births characterized by fetopelvic disproportion,
cated by a Shoulder Dystocia That May Help with Manage- there is a continuum of obstruction wherein delivery of the
ment of a Subsequent Pregnancy fetal trunk is impeded following completed (or near com-
Second stage of labor details pleted) delivery of the fetal head. Whereas the most common
Duration definition of shoulder dystocia requires the presence of a
Time spent pushing bony impaction preventing spontaneous delivery of the fetal
Time the head was on the perineum prior to initiating trunk, its pathogenesis derives from variable contributions of
traction both size and positional incompatibilities between fetal
Total head to body delivery time shoulder and maternal pelvic dimensions. Some shoulder
Details of any operative interventions
dystocia events are caused mainly by positional misalignment
Type (forceps or vacuum)
of only marginally incompatible shoulder and pelvic dimen-
Station initiated sions (usually of a normal-sized infant and normal-sized pel-
Asynclitism (if present) vis). Others arise from a significant shoulder-to-pelvis size
Rotation of the head (if performed) incompatibility necessarily producing a “tight fit” between
Anesthesia details either a large-for-gestational age infant (most common) and a
Use of any prophylactic positioning or maneuvers normal-to-large pelvic cavity or a normal-sized infant and a
Position of head and side of restitution (manual or reduced-capacity pelvis (least common).
spontaneous) In a normal delivery, a winding, forward-progressing mo-
Timing and type of episiotomy with extensions tion occurs as the head and body traverse the birth canal. It is
How and when shoulder dystocia was recognized (eg, this rotational-type motion that accomplishes delivery of the
turtle sign, with first attempt at traction)
shoulders following emergence of the head through the in-
Maneuvers (eg, prophylactic McRoberts’) and traction
prior to diagnosis
troitus. This is effectively an anatomical requirement im-
Evidence for compound presentation posed by the typical arrangement of the bony boundaries of
Other procedures the pelvic inlet, midpelvis, and pelvic outlet, which is akin to
Nuchal cord management threads of a screw. Thus, just after delivery of the head, the
Suctioning of oropharynx shoulders often must come to lie in an oblique orientation
Meconium management relative to the maternal pelvis before they can to descend into
Personnel present the midpelvis and deliver through the pelvic outlet. Shoulder
Description of each maneuver performed dystocia occurs when the shoulders retain the anteroposte-
Maneuver documentation rior orientation they had assumed on the head’s initial entry
Type and sequence of maneuvers (usually in occiput transverse position) into the pelvic inlet
Who performed which maneuvers
and are unable to (or have yet to) rotate spontaneously to
Traction direction and orientation of head and thorax
Effectiveness of each maneuver
occupy the oblique diameter of the pelvis. Subsequently, the
Fetal response to each maneuver shoulders fail to deliver from behind the maternal pubic sym-
Final successful maneuver physis.
Timing of management choices Positional misalignments resulting in shoulder dystocia
Clear descriptions of right versus left shoulder and may also be produced by incomplete entry to the hollow of
anterior versus posterior shoulder (eg, which was the sacrum by the posterior shoulder as the head delivers.
initially anterior, which was manipulated directly, This may occur when there is a compound presentation with
which delivered first) the posterior arm beneath the posterior shoulder, from rela-
Birth weight tive lordosis of the maternal lumbosacral spine or from a
Apgar scores prominent sacral promontory impeding descent of the pos-
Arterial and venous cord gas
terior shoulder. The anterior shoulder then “rides high” and
Infant injury (if any)
Maternal injury (if any)
impacts behind the pubic symphysis. Another cause is insuf-
ficient time allotted to permit spontaneous shoulder rotation
to the normal oblique orientation relative to the pelvis. This
can occur following precipitous delivery of the head pro-
Each aspect provides potential clues to the pathogenesis of that duced either by increased compliance of pelvic tissues or else
particular shoulder dystocia and, regardless of any retrospective by instrumented deliveries. This can even occur simply by
assessment of the specific management’s propriety or prudence, too-hasty application of traction to the head immediately on
thorough review of the precise sequence of events may identify its emergence from the birth canal (eg, “to keep the momen-
potentially modifiable contributors to recurrence and outcome tum going”) without awaiting the next contraction. It is also
for that particular patient. noteworthy that shoulder dystocia is disproportionately
more common among anomalous or stillborn fetuses, sug-
Relating Delivery gesting that physiologic negotiation of the pelvic inlet and
Details to Pathophysiology outlet is indeed a dynamic process, facilitated by normal fetal
Shoulder dystocia results from heterogeneous processes that responsiveness.16 It is likely that any of these antecedents to a
produce the same clinical effect. Among impaired or dys- given shoulder dystocia can lead to an “accidental” or dynam-
188 E.D. Gurewitsch, T.L. Johnson, and R.H. Allen

ically determined misalignment of otherwise compatible fetal discrepancy between a large-for-gestational-age fetus and
shoulder and maternal pelvic dimensions. This latter situa- normal maternal pelvic capacity.
tion is probably associated with a lower recurrence risk com-
pared with shoulder dystocias from other causes. For these
Retrospective Evaluation
women, a recurrence may best be prevented by avoiding
instrumented deliveries in the future or by patiently allowing of Pelvic Capacity and Infant Biometry
the fetal head to spontaneously rotate to the oblique diame- The contour of the pelvis undergoes modification and expan-
ter, before traction is applied to the head and neck. sion during pregnancy and delivery by a progressive laxity
More severe shoulder dystocia occurs when the anterior that develops in the cartilage between the pubic rami and
shoulder becomes tightly impacted behind the pubic sym- within the sacroiliac joints. Thus, the prospective de novo
physis. In the most severe cases, the posterior shoulder is assessment of the likelihood of shoulder dystocia by tradi-
simultaneously impacted on the sacral promontory. The tional clinical or even medical image-derived pelvimetry per-
most common cause for this type of shoulder dystocia is a formed in either a nullipara or someone who previously has
large-for-gestational age or macrosomic fetus, whose shoul- had uneventful deliveries is bound to have a low yield. It is
der width is typically 14 cm or more.23 Less commonly, the also probable that the simple assessment of pelvic diameters
maternal pelvis may be contracted or have a greater trans- as done in traditional pelvimetry may be too crude an assess-
verse dimension at the pelvic outlet than the obstetric conju- ment of pelvic capacity where propensity toward shoulder
dystocia is concerned. It is unknown whether volumetric
gate, as in the platypelloid pelvis. Acquired deformities of the
(three-dimensional) or surface-rendered (topographical)
pelvis, such as coccygeal fracture from either trauma or a
analysis of bony contours rather than geometric (two-dimen-
previous delivery, may also cause such difficulty in delivery
sional) assessment could better differentiate women with
of the shoulders. It is these types of shoulder dystocia
otherwise “normal” or “adequate” pelves who nonetheless
events—those encountered in significantly size-discrepant
may have a predilection for shoulder dystocia from similar-
mother–infant dyads—that are associated more often with
sized pelves of women who are unlikely to have shoulder
untoward outcome.24 It is also these types of shoulder dysto-
cia that would be more likely to recur in subsequent deliver-
Similarly, not all fetuses of the same weight, even when
ies. The approach to such women in the next pregnancy
large-for-gestational age, are equally predisposed to shoulder
would focus on careful monitoring of fetal growth antenatally
dystocia. The notion of macrosomia refers not simply to an
and timely delivery for some; others with narrow or reduced
arbitrary weight cut-off, but rather a disproportionately large
pelvic capacity may be appropriately managed with planned fetal trunk relative to the head. Thus, anthropomorphic mea-
cesarean birth. We return to these strategies later in this re- surements of an infant whose delivery was complicated by
view. shoulder dystocia may also yield some insight into pathogen-
The apparent simplicity of the above distinction between esis.
positionally determined and size-determined pathogenesis of Table 3 depicts the results of traditional and novel pelvim-
the index shoulder dystocia is misleading. The contributions etry and corresponding infant biometry performed within 24
of positional misalignment and true fetopelvic disproportion hours of delivery on three mother–infant pairs who experi-
to the occurrence of shoulder dystocia at a given delivery in a enced shoulder dystocia.26 Based on clinical history alone
given woman are variable and are by no means mutually without benefit of postpartum pelvimetry, it would be rea-
exclusive. A grand multipara who experiences shoulder dys- sonable to surmise that patient 1 must have a “borderline”
tocia after a precipitous second stage labor and delivery of an pelvis where large-for-gestational-age fetuses are concerned.
infant comparably sized to those she has delivered several She was unable to deliver a 10-lb baby at all, and a baby
times before without incident may have been caused by an weighing just less than 9 lbs experienced shoulder dystocia
acquired pelvic deformity that prevented normal occupancy during delivery. Patient 2, on the other hand, by clinical
of the hollow of the sacrum by the infant’s posterior shoulder. judgment and without benefit of retrospective pelvic and
Thus, an apparent dynamically determined positional mis- fetal biometry, could have been judged to be at reduced risk
alignment was also impacted on by narrowed pelvic dimen- for developing shoulder dystocia based on her documented
sions. Similarly, an unanticipated finding of a randomized compliance with blood sugar management and ultrasound-
controlled trial of forceps versus vacuum delivery was that estimated fetal weight that was in a reasonable range.27 Yet, of
shoulder dystocia followed the vacuum deliveries more often the three shoulder dystocia cases, hers was the most severe.
than it followed forceps deliveries.25 One explanation for this Patient 3 was only modestly compliant with management of
outcome was that the vacuum may be more apt than forceps her blood sugar, as demonstrated by sonographic evidence of
to be successfully applied to the head of a macrosomic infant accelerated fetal growth by the time she reached term. How-
already maximally occupying the pelvic cavity since, unlike ever, given the extensive history of her “tested pelvis” for
with forceps, the vacuum instrument itself does not have to presumably similarly “macrosomic” (trunk-to-head dispro-
be accommodated between the head and the pelvic sidewalls. portionate) infants in the past and the relatively mild nature
Thus, shoulder dystocias seemingly attributable to insuffi- of the shoulder dystocia she experienced in the context of her
cient time for shoulder rotation following instrumented as- precipitous delivery, it might be reasonable to suspect that
sistance with delivery of the head often also involve true size positional misalignment resulting from precipitous delivery
After shoulder dystocia 189

Table 3 Clinical and Computerized Tomographic Pelvimetric Data from Mother–Infant Dyads Examined Within 24 Hours of
Delivery Complicated by Shoulder Dystocia
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Clinical presentation VBAC, prior c-sec for CPD Primigravida, insulin-requiring Grand grand multipara
Prior infant 4318 g GDM, euglycemic during (10th delivery),
BMI 46.9, non-diabetic, pregnancy, BMI 34.5, 33-lb recurrent insulin
28-lb wt gain, EFW wt gain, EFW 3900 g, requiring GDM, largest
3800 g, 39-wk NSVD induction at 39 wk, NSVD prior infant 3973 g, no
after 27-min second after 70-min second stage prior history shoulder
stage dystocia, 3476-g sono
EFW @ 37 wk,
precipitous delivery on
arrival to hospital at 38
Shoulder dystocia severity Head-to-body interval 70 Head-to-body interval 2 Head-to-body interval 45
seconds minutes seconds
Required McRoberts’, Required McRoberts’, Required McRoberts’ and
posterior Rubins’ and suprapubic pressure, and suprapubic pressure
Modified Woods’ Screw Woods’ Screw
Immediate neonatal outcome Apgars 9/9, cord pH 7.3, Apgars 7/9, no neonatal Apgars 8/9, temporary
facial bruising, no complications Erb’s palsy
fractures or neurapraxia
Birth weight (g) 3933 3613 4,880
Bisacromial width (cm) 14.33 14.83 14.67
Largest transverse diameter 15.76 12.09 11.72
(normal > 12 cm)
Sacral promontory to top of 11.63 10.41 11.21
pubic symphysis (normal
Interspinous distance (normal 12.47 10.57 11.18
>10 cm)
Intertuberous distance (cm) 14.71 13.36 13.53
Symphyseal separation (cm) 1.82 0.62 0.64
Right/left sacroiliac joint 0.49/0.42 0.34/0.48 0.58/0.62
space (cm)
Volume (cm3)* 1205 714 1463
Surface area (cm2)* 2141 1650 2690
*Novel pelvimetry was derived using 3D Doctor™ and reconstructing CT images in Matlab™ via intensity-based segmentation, stacking, and
surface-fitting of a mesh to the images. Results were validated by comparing 3D Doctor™ measurements against those derived by the
radiologist interpreting the CT scans.

was a greater factor in her shoulder dystocia pathogenesis nally without shoulder dystocia a 3945-g infant, similar to the
than true fetopelvic disproportion. previous child who developed shoulder dystocia. Interest-
It is noteworthy that all three infants had similar bisacro- ingly, the pelvimetric assessment following her initial shoul-
mial widths. Babies 1 and 3 had proportionate upper and der dystocia delivery was consistent with a low recurrence
lower body anthropomorphic dimensions, whereas Baby 2 risk since it suggested that a true fetopelvic disproportion was
had markedly asymmetric shoulder girth despite normal not evident. In light of the retrospective evaluation of pelvic
overall body weight and ponderal index, the latter of which is capacity and infant biometry following this patient’s shoulder
consistent with well-controlled gestational diabetes.28 Retro- dystocia delivery, it is more probable that dynamic positional
spectively, the traditionally derived sonographic estimation misalignment was more contributory to the pathogenesis of
of fetal weight of Baby 2 obtained before delivery overesti- shoulder dystocia and her 27-minute second stage was more
mated the actual birth weight, yet did not fully detect this significant in producing this than was any presumed discrep-
shoulder width asymmetry that perhaps might have been ancy in fetal shoulder and maternal pelvic dimensions based
detectable by additional nonstandardized means.29-32 on her prior cesarean delivery indication.
Anecdotally, patient 1 had a subsequent pregnancy that By contrast, the shoulder dystocia deliveries of patients 2
was scheduled for a repeat cesarean section at 39 weeks to and 3 were more likely to have resulted from size discrepancy
avoid recurrent shoulder dystocia. However, she presented than from positional misalignment of otherwise compatible
only a few hours before her scheduled operation already in bony dimensions between mother and fetus. In the case of
rapidly progressive labor. She successfully delivered vagi- patient 2, postpartum CT pelvimetry obtained after her index
190 E.D. Gurewitsch, T.L. Johnson, and R.H. Allen

dystocia. The sharp angulation of the sacrococcygeal joint

(Fig. 1b) likely impeded normal occupancy of the hollow of
the sacrum by the posterior shoulder in the index delivery.
This, in turn, would have caused the anterior shoulder to be
displaced forward and cephalad and become lodged behind
the pubic symphysis in an anteroposterior orientation. Such
a sacrococcygeal deformity could potentially reduce the effi-
cacy of first-line shoulder dystocia maneuvers that still main-
tain the shoulders in the anteroposterior orientation.33 Addi-
tionally, given the borderline small transverse diameter of her
pelvic inlet, the anteroposterior orientation is perhaps more
naturally predisposed to being the “path of least resistance”
for fetal descent in this patient. Thus, the combination of her
acquired deformity and her anthropoid-type pelvic architec-
ture makes her likely to experience recurrent shoulder dys-
tocia in future deliveries. A planned cesarean delivery for
future pregnancy should be considered. If a vaginal delivery
is planned, then antenatal management should focus on bet-
ter antenatal control of fetal growth and, with awareness of
the potential interference by the pelvic deformity, the deliv-
ering clinician can opt to prioritize rotational type maneuvers
Figure 1 Postpartum CT pelvimetry following shoulder dystocia. CT as initial management for any recurrent shoulder dystocia,
images were obtained from a grand grand multiparous (para 9) which could reduce the risk of injury.34
woman immediately following delivery, which was complicated by
shoulder dystocia. (A) Largest transverse diameter. (B) Anteropos-
terior diameter (sacral promontory to top of pubic symphysis); im-
Patient Counseling
age shows marked angulation of sacrococcygeal joint consistent It is often counterintuitive or seemingly premature to attempt
with healed fracture. (C) Interspinous diameter. (D) Intertuberous to counsel a patient regarding the possible pathogeneses of a
diameter. Acquired pelvic deformity, likely sustained during earlier just-experienced shoulder dystocia or to prognosticate either
delivery, probably contributed to “high-riding” anterior shoulder about its possible recurrence or about the long-term outcome
resulting in shoulder dystocia. of any associated injuries. Nevertheless, it is important to
explain, in a candid and honest manner, what transpired,
what are the possible causes, and what might be anticipated
shoulder dystocia event revealed a reduced pelvic capacity, in the future and to begin to involve the patient actively in her
suggesting that she and her infant were size incompatible. own and her child’s future care. Perhaps precisely because
Given these findings, it would seem reasonable to propose there are so many unknowns about exact pathogeneses, risk
that recurrence of shoulder dystocia would be likely in this factors, prognostic indicators, and future management plans,
patient, and she would be a good candidate for a scheduled it is critically important to educate the woman whose delivery
elective cesarean delivery in her next pregnancy. was complicated by shoulder dystocia about the often unpre-
Patient 3’s postpartum CT evaluation (Fig. 1) shows a dictable and unpreventable nature of the complication, en-
rather capacious pelvic cavity by standard measurements. sure her understanding that it is a significant issue as far as
Given the clinical history alone, it would appear as though future childbearing is concerned, and elicit the patient’s pref-
the shoulder dystocia was more likely “sporadic” and attrib- erences and priorities when planning future deliveries.
utable to positional misalignment in this patient. Even Until more information is amassed through epidemiolog-
though her infant was large-for-gestational age, it was not ical and clinical studies, it is reasonable to encourage the
“macrosomic” as defined by trunk-to-head disproportion (or patient’s cooperation in investigating possible causes and
even by criteria for diabetic gravida given in the 2002 ACOG commitment to compliance with proposed management
Practice Bulletin on Shoulder Dystocia). Indeed, her antena- schema that would aim to ameliorate potentially modifiable
tal estimated fetal weight was at the 72nd percentile. Based contributors to risk. However, the inability to guarantee a
on this, it might have been reasonable to surmise that recur- particular outcome or to entirely avoid risk in any chosen
rence of shoulder dystocia based on fetopelvic size discrep- mode of delivery should always be explained clearly. De-
ancy would be relatively low in this patient, and potentially pending on a particular patient’s degree of risk aversion, she
could be modified further with improved diabetic manage- should be encouraged to consider how willing she would be
ment to avoid excess neonatal adiposity. to maintain a flexible, dynamic, and evolving plan for deliv-
However, a surprise finding of an acquired pelvic defor- ery throughout the next pregnancy and perhaps even during
mity from a healed coccygeal fracture (likely sustained at the her next trial of labor. Knowledge of the occurrence of shoul-
delivery that immediately preceded the index shoulder dys- der dystocia, even if otherwise uneventful in terms of diffi-
tocia delivery) suggests a different pathogenesis for shoulder culty of management or associated morbidity, is important
After shoulder dystocia 191

Table 4 Comparison of Risk Factors Between Mild and Severe Shoulder Dystocia56
Mild Shoulder Severe Shoulder
Dystocia Dystocia*
N Value** N Value** P value
Maternal height (cm) 266 162.9 ⴞ 6.7 143 162.7 ⴞ 6.8 0.82
Maternal weight (kg) 274 87.4 ⴞ 18.4 148 93.7 ⴞ 22.0 0.002
Weight gain (>15.9 kg) 250 100 (40.0) 138 81 (58.7) 0.0004
Second stage abnormality 279 125 (44.8) 154 61 (39.6) 0.30
Prolonged second stage 279 43 (15.4) 154 23 (14.9)
Precipitous second stage 279 82 (29.3) 154 38 (24.6)
Operative vaginal delivery 290 93 (32.1) 170 62 (36.4) 0.34
Forceps 290 36 (12.4) 170 13 (7.6)
Vacuum 290 47 (16.2) 170 38 (22.3)
Combined 290 10 (3.4) 170 11 (6.5)
*Severe shoulder dystocia defined as have met at least one of the following three criteria: 1) head-to-body interval >90 seconds; 2) use of either
deliberate proctoepisiotomy or direct manipulation of the fetus (eg, rotational maneuvers, delivery of the posterior arm); and/or 3) evidence
of neonatal depression at birth (5-minute Apgar <7 and/or arterial cord pH <7.1).
**Mean ⴞ SD or N (%).

for the empowerment of both the patient and the obstetrician with shoulder dystocia management techniques that could
who will deliver her next child. reduce necessary traction at any delivery.34,42,43

The Interval Period: Preconceptual

Before the Next Pregnancy Management of Maternal Risk Factors
Among women with a history of shoulder dystocia in a pre-
Follow-Up of Infant Status vious pregnancy, predictors of recurrence seem to vary. Sig-
If the infant had sustained an injury at the index shoulder nificant differences, as well as lack thereof between women
dystocia delivery, whether skeletal or neurologic, the im- with and without recurrent shoulder dystocia, have been
portance of follow up of the infant’s condition must be found for such variables as parity at index delivery (eg, prior
stressed to the patient (to optimize long-term outcome18), successful delivery without shoulder dystocia), maternal
as well as to the delivering clinician. Not only is ongoing weight or diabetic status, operative delivery, and length of
sensitive and caring communication with the family sig- second stage.8-10 However, a consistent correlation has been
nificant from a risk management perspective,35,36 the in- found between subsequent shoulder dystocia and high birth
formation is also invaluable to management of the subse- weight in the subsequent pregnancy, as well as comparative
quent pregnancy and delivery. Parental input is extremely birth weight with the index pregnancy, especially in diabetic
important in this process. pregnancies.44
For the delivering clinician, knowledge of whether an The most recognized antepartum risk factors for shoulder
infant that was discharged from the newborn nursery with dystocia are also the same risk factors for fetal macrosomia.
an as-yet unresolved brachial plexus palsy eventually re- Aside from a history of shoulder dystocia in a prior preg-
covers completely or requires surgical intervention and nancy, other risk factors include maternal obesity, weight
remains with a permanent deficit is critical to retrospective gain during pregnancy of more than 35 pounds, gestational
assessment of the management of the index shoulder dys- diabetes and pregestational diabetes without vascular com-
tocia. Whereas many brachial plexus injuries of a tempo- plications, and postdatism.21 As shown in Table 4, severe
rary or even mild permanent nature (eg, restricted to the compared with mild shoulder dystocia is more likely to be
upper plexus with only mild functional deficit in the associated with obese gravidas weighing more than 200
shoulder’s active range of motion) may have myriad etiol- pounds or who gain excessive weight during pregnancy. If a
ogies (including malpositioning in utero),37 shoulder dys- clinician is fortunate enough to have a motivated patient with
tocia-associated brachial plexus injuries involving all a history of shoulder dystocia who wishes to reduce the risk
nerve roots from C5 to C8/T1 and/or avulsion of any nerve of fetal macrosomia before her next pregnancy, recommen-
root from the spinal cord must have involved some degree dation of weight reduction may be the single intervention
of externally applied lateral traction of sufficient magni- with the greatest impact.
tude and rate to produce an injury of such an extent.38-41 Screening for occult diabetes is also reasonable. Some
Setting aside whether the degree of traction applied was women with a history of a false-positive glucose challenge
within the standard of care, the contribution of externally test may well be predisposed to macrosomia, suggesting
applied traction to the eventual outcome cannot, and some degree of impaired glucose tolerance not yet manifested
should not, be denied. Rather, it behooves the clinician to as overt diabetes.45 In most instances, these women likely
learn from the experience, and familiarize him/herself have some degree of a metabolic syndrome or excess adipose
192 E.D. Gurewitsch, T.L. Johnson, and R.H. Allen

tissue that contributes to hyperinsulinemia, a precursor to cose intolerance, aggressive management of diet and blood
overt diabetes. Proper nutrition and exercise are well estab- glucose is warranted.
lished as effective modifiers of this effect. A commitment to For those women with a history of shoulder dystocia who
sustained lifestyle changes may improve future pregnancy are diagnosed with gestational diabetes in a subsequent preg-
outcome, as well as the woman’s long-term health status nancy, it is especially important to monitor blood glucose
overall. levels at several time points each day. A low threshold for
initiating oral hypoglycemic or insulin therapy may be ap-
propriate in these gravidas as well, especially if there is evi-
Antenatal Management dence of accelerated fetal growth while on diet despite report
of normal blood glucose levels.47
of the Subsequent Pregnancy
Eliciting the History and Assessment of Fetal Growth
Assessing Patient-Specific Recurrence Risk It is well established that the margin for error for ultrasound
Just as it is important for the delivering clinician who man- estimation of fetal weight is too large to be relied on heavily
aged a given patient’s shoulder dystocia to carefully docu- for predicting delivery complications.48 However, when
ment and communicate to the patient the details of the event, so there has been a previous shoulder dystocia (similar to cases
too should any practitioner meeting an obstetric patient for with gestational diabetes), serial ultrasound measurements of
the first time specifically attempt to elicit a history of shoulder the trajectory of fetal growth are often more informative than
dystocia in a prior pregnancy. The major antepartum (listed a single growth estimation for assessing the need for inter-
above) and intrapartum risk factors for shoulder dystocia vention. Particular attention should be given to evidence of
should be assessed. Intrapartum risk factors include opera- asymmetrical growth using ponderal indices.
tive vaginal delivery and abnormal second-stage length, ei- The most common way to assess for accelerated truncal
ther prolonged or precipitous. Even if there is no history of growth is the head circumference-to-abdominal circumfer-
gestational diabetes, the patient should be asked to recall ence ratio.49 If below 0.9 near term, the risk for shoulder
whether she had a false-positive glucose challenge test45 or dystocia may be increased, even when the overall estimated
perhaps had not been screened. If the infant whose delivery fetal weight has not surpassed the 90th percentile.
was complicated by shoulder dystocia had weighed more For the gestational diabetic apparently well managed on
than 4 kg at birth, this is reason enough to perform an early diet alone, there is some evidence to suggest that empiric
glucose screen at registration. A specific discussion of nutri- initiation of insulin therapy once the abdominal circumfer-
tion and monitored weight gain is warranted, especially if the ence exceeds the 75th percentile may curtail further acceler-
previous infant was large-for-gestational age. Vigilance for ated fetal growth.46 Although not studied prospectively, this
impaired glucose tolerance leading to accelerated fetal may be reasonable in a gestational diabetic with a history of a
growth, with dietary modification and flexible medical ther- previous shoulder dystocia who desires to have a subsequent
apy as needed,46,47 should be a mainstay of antenatal man- vaginal delivery.
agement throughout the next pregnancy of any such patient,
especially one with a history of prior shoulder dystocia. Planning the Delivery: Mode and Timing
For those women whose early glucose screen is negative, it The practice of inducing labor for “impending macrosomia”
is important to rescreen at the appropriate gestational age has no proven benefit. Such practices increase the rate of
(26-28 weeks). For those with a false-positive 1-hour 50-g cesarean delivery performed for failed induction without im-
glucose screen (normal 3-hour glucose tolerance test) early in pacting the incidence of shoulder dystocia.50-52 This lack of
gestation, repeat “screening” in the early third trimester evidentiary support for early “elective” inductions and the
should be by the diagnostic 3-hour test rather than the persistent inability to shrink the margin of error in ultra-
1-hour screening test. This is based on the principle that a sound estimation of fetal weight14 led the American College
false-positive screening test may not be sensitive enough, of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 2002 to revise their
when repeated in a given patient, to consistently detect the Practice Bulletin entitled “Shoulder Dystocia,” raising the cut-
condition being screened for. offs for estimated fetal weight above which primary cesarean
Patients who have a normal glucose screening test at 26 to section without trial of labor may be offered, to 4500 g for the
28 weeks who later develop either clinical or sonographic diabetic gravida and to 5000 g for the nondiabetic gravida.
evidence of accelerated fetal growth should be considered for However, these recommendations may not apply for some
retesting again at 30 to 34 weeks since there may be delayed women. There is still some evidence that lower estimated
detection of up to 15% of gestational diabetics. For those fetal weight thresholds for cesarean birth may be appropriate,
women with a history of shoulder dystocia who, in the sub- particularly in women with “preexisting” predilection for
sequent pregnancy, manifest one abnormal value on the shoulder dystocia.53,54 Although this evidence is not specific
3-hour glucose tolerance test obtained after an abnormal glu- to the woman with a history of shoulder dystocia, these
cose screen at 26 to 28 weeks, retesting should probably women may benefit the most from lower thresholds. Contin-
occur at 30 to 34 weeks, regardless of growth parameters by ued research is needed to more appropriately individualize
that stage. If there is any maternal or fetal suggestion of glu- intrapartum management for such women.
After shoulder dystocia 193

Regardless of the specific estimated fetal weight cut-off Simulation-based experimentation has also proven the hy-
used to offer a primary cesarean section, only a small percent- pothesis that rotational maneuvers to resolve shoulder dys-
age of parturients will ever meet these criteria. What then can tocia require less applied force than McRoberts’ positioning.
be said about the strategy of elective induction of labor in an Indeed, brachial plexus stretch is also reduced by a factor of
attempt to ensure a lower birth weight than would result three with use of Rubin’s maneuver as an initial approach to
from expectant management and, thereby, potentially avoid shoulder dystocia management.34 The comparative advan-
shoulder dystocia? Whereas ineffective as a strategy when tage of fetal maneuvers for reducing brachial plexus strain
applied to the general population, this may have merit in the was also predicted computationally.64 Clinicians are enjoined
gravida with a history of prior shoulder dystocia. First, since not to fear fetal manipulation, but to familiarize themselves
she is already parous, her risk of failed induction is signifi- with the techniques by availing themselves of simulation-
cantly lower compared with her nulliparous counterpart. based training and even to practice routine assessment of fetal
Second, postdatism is among the potentially modifiable an- shoulder position by direct palpation at every delivery.65
tepartum risk factors for shoulder dystocia that would be The likelihood of favorable outcome of shoulder dystocia
eliminated by elective induction at term. Third, the risk of is maximized by preparation and coordination of a well-re-
recurrence of shoulder dystocia correlates with similar or hearsed response by all members of the health care team.
greater birth weight at subsequent delivery compared with Such resource utilization and management is best ensured by
the index shoulder dystocia delivery.10 Finally, and most im- systematic rehearsal.66 Communication and continuous feed-
portantly, it is the severe shoulder dystocia, which is more back to team members regarding effectiveness of interven-
likely to occur in obese gravida with macrosomic infants,55 tions or lack thereof is essential to this effort. Otherwise,
that is most predictive of subsequent injury,56 and that we cross-purposeful actions of two or more team members can,
would most wish to prevent or mitigate. However, these se- albeit unintentionally, increase the risk for injury. Important
vere shoulder dystocias occur in the same type of patient in components of shoulder dystocia management include a
whom complications of cesarean delivery are also more likely continuous assessment of the success or failure of each ma-
to occur. Therefore, a strategy of early induction of labor at neuver, employing an alternative maneuver within approxi-
term, before development of substantial trunk-to-head size mately 30 seconds of a previous failed maneuver,67 and main-
discrepancy, may present a balanced alternative to elective taining a calm and unhurried approach by the primary
primary cesarean delivery in these women. clinician. Each of these elements, as well as how and when to
communicate with the family during and after a shoulder
dystocia, can be rehearsed during drills until they progress
Anticipating smoothly.
Shoulder Dystocia Recurrence
Simulation-Based Training and Rehearsal Conclusion
Since the exact threshold for permanent injury in in vivo Considered one of the greatest fears of obstetric providers,
shoulder dystocia is not known, the goal in shoulder dystocia associated with considerable risk for injury to both mother
management should be to reduce uterine force and clinician and fetus and fraught with potential liability for the clinician,
traction as much as possible. Maternal pushing and uterine severe shoulder dystocia is an emergency that no one would
forces can only be controlled in a limited way; these also have care to relive. Thus, after a woman has experienced the com-
limited contribution to injury.57 Therefore, training and on- plication, managing the risk of its recurrence in a subsequent
going research must focus on how clinician-applied traction delivery is desirable and prudent. Indeed, unlike other spo-
might be reduced.43 This is especially important for shoulder radically occurring and unpredictable complications of preg-
dystocia management because the very natural, unconscious nancy, recurrence of shoulder dystocia is not infrequent. Yet
response when attempting to deliver the fetus once first at- shoulder dystocia’s definitive prevention, namely cesarean
tempts have failed is to increase traction on subsequent at- delivery, while expedient and facile is also costly and poten-
tempts.33,43,58 This training can be accomplished through tially risky,54,68 especially in the obese and diabetic gravida.
simulation-based training and with drills. Because many women choose to attempt a vaginal birth after
Already addressed in other fields of medicine, obstacles to a shoulder dystocia, it is important to use what information
comparative research and provider training within the clinical there is in the literature to form a rational and reasonable
setting are best overcome by use of medical simulation.59,60 For management plan for risk modification and for management
surgically oriented skills, including vaginal delivery techniques, of a shoulder dystocia event should it recur. At least some of
there is no substitute for mechanical simulation to allow haptic the risk of shoulder dystocia recurrence indeed may be quan-
feedback and biofidelic learning for the student obstetric pro- tifiable and potentially modifiable during subsequent preg-
vider.61,62 Real-time measurement of actual clinician-applied nancies of individual women with a history of shoulder
forces during simulated shoulder dystocia deliveries—where as- dystocia. Importantly, avoidance of shoulder dystocia recur-
sociated mechanical fetal response can be measured prospec- rence per se should neither be expected nor used as a mea-
tively in a fetal model—may enable clinicians to self-assess more sure of success in management. As with other medical and
accurately the magnitude, direction, and rate of traction they obstetric conditions at higher risk for morbidity and mortal-
apply during delivery.63 ity, it is the untoward outcomes of shoulder dystocia and not
194 E.D. Gurewitsch, T.L. Johnson, and R.H. Allen

necessarily shoulder dystocia itself that we wish to prevent. 22. Gross TL, Sokol RJ, Williams T, et al: Shoulder dystocia: a fetal-physi-
Thus, circumstances and conditions that increase the risk of cian risk. Am J Obstet Gynecol 15:1408-1414, 1987
23. Verspyck E, Goffinet F, Hellot MF, et al: Newborn shoulder width: a
injury from shoulder dystocia should be targeted, and if there prospective study of 2222 consecutive measurements. Br J Obstet Gy-
is recurrence, the goal becomes the atraumatic resolution of necol 106:589-593, 1999
the shoulder dystocia.69 24. Gurewitsch ED, Donithan M, Stallings S, et al: Episiotomy versus fetal
manipulation in managing severe shoulder dystocia: a comparison of
outcomes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 191:911-916, 2004
Acknowledgments 25. Bofill JA, Rust OA, Devidas M, et al: Shoulder dystocia and operative
The authors wish to thank Dr. Elliot Fishman of The Johns vaginal delivery. J Matern Fetal Med 6:220-224, 1997
Hopkins University School of Medicine’s Department of Ra- 26. Johnson T, Allen R, Fishman E, et al: Use of traditional and novel CT
diology for his assistance with interpretation of the CT pel- pelvimetry distinguish between different types of shoulder dystocia. J
Soc Gynecol Invest 13:117A, 2006
vimetry. 27. Sokol RJ, Blackwell SC: ACOG practice bulletin: shoulder dystocia.
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Epidemiologic Approaches for
Studying Recurrent Pregnancy Outcomes:
Challenges and Implications for Research
Cande V. Ananth, PhD, MPH

The study of recurrence of pregnancy-related complications and outcomes can offer

powerful insights to understanding patient-related risks for subsequent pregnancies. Such
studies, when designed, analyzed, and interpreted correctly, can help distinguish genetic
from environmental causes that portend increased recurrence of a particular pregnancy
complication (eg, recurrence of gestational diabetes) or a perinatal outcome (eg, recur-
rence of preterm birth or preeclampsia). Recurrence risk studies can be challenging in
other dimensions, including inherent biases, generalizability of findings, inadequate study
size, and inappropriate use of analytic models to study recurrence. Other common mis-
perceptions in studies of recurrence risk are highlighted, including issues with terminology
and interpretation of recurrence risks. A review of available epidemiologic study designs is
presented and the usefulness and applicability of each design for addressing specific
etiologic questions as they relate to recurrence risks are contrasted.
Semin Perinatol 31:196-201 © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS recurrence risk, heterogeneity, epidemiology, clustered data, case-crossover

design, prospective cohort, cohort studies

M ost diseases in medicine do not tend to recur. Preg-

nancy is perhaps the only state that provides the op-
portunity to study recurrence risks. The study of recurrence
rent events in pregnancy are highlighted with particular
emphasis on: (1) challenges in accurately defining the end-
point being observed; (2) choosing an appropriate epidemi-
of pregnancy-related complications and outcomes can offer ologic design for studying patterns of recurrence risks; (3)
powerful insights to understanding patient-related risks for confounding; (4) limitations contributed through various bi-
subsequent pregnancies. Whereas recurrent outcome re- ases in epidemiologic studies; (5) sample size, statistical
search can help guide clinical care for future pregnancies, it power, and analytic models; (6) a note on terminology; and
also affords a unique opportunity to explore disease etiolo- (7) interpretation of recurrence risks. Finally, an outline of
gies through the study of heterogeneity in risk factors or some unifying concepts in studies on recurrence is presented.
those that change across successive pregnancies. The fundamental ideas and concepts espoused in this pa-
This paper provides an overview of some of the fundamen- per regarding epidemiologic approaches to studying recur-
tal concepts in studying recurrence, focusing largely on avail- rent pregnancy outcomes stem, in part, from discussions
able epidemiologic and statistical approaches. In addition, from the “Second International Symposium on Successive Preg-
some of the common misperceptions about recurrence re- nancy Outcomes: A Decade of Progress”, which was held in New
search in human reproduction (broadly defined) are ad- Brunswick, NJ, in August 2005, and the proceedings of this
dressed. In particular, several challenges in studying recur- symposium that are due to be published in a forthcoming
issue of Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology.1
Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of Obstetrics, Gy-
necology, and Reproductive Sciences, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson
Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ. Why Study Recurrence?
Address reprint requests to Cande V. Ananth, PhD, MPH, Division of Epidemi- For epidemiologists as well as clinicians, studying recurrence
ology and Biostatistics, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Repro-
ductive Sciences, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, 125 provides an opportunity to examine etiologic heterogeneity.
Paterson Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1977. E-mail: cande. One fundamental, yet much underappreciated, advantage to studying recurrence is the ability to separate “low-risk”

196 0146-0005/07/$-see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Studying recurrent events in pregnancy 197

women from those at “high risk” of recurrence of a particular biologic aging effects from other influences on the recurrence
pregnancy complication or outcome. This concept was suc- of a pregnancy complication using the interpregnancy inter-
cinctly illustrated by Wilcox,2 who made a compelling argu- val as the important “time” factor. Both short and long inter-
ment that what separates low risk from high risk of recur- vals between pregnancies have been associated with adverse
rence is driven by the etiology of the initial clinical event or pregnancy outcomes.11-14 Although short intervals can be as-
complication. When characteristics of persons in the low- sociated with the biologic effect of possible inadequate uter-
and high-risk groups differ, then depending on the strength ine recovery between pregnancies, there may also be a ten-
and magnitude, these differences may provide some clues dency for couples with an adverse outcome to have another
about disease causation. pregnancy sooner, something known as selective fertility.
As an illustration, consider a study to examine differences Conversely, a long interpregnancy interval may allow ade-
in risk factors associated with spontaneous and indicated quate replenishment of nutrients to ensure a subsequent suc-
preterm births. Some studies have shown a few differences cessful pregnancy, but may be associated with the develop-
between these two clinical subtypes of preterm birth.3-5 The ment of a medical disease (such as diabetes or hypertension)
ability to separate preterm birth based on the underlying and possibly a change in partner between the two pregnan-
clinical subtypes addresses issues related to etiologic hetero- cies. It is extremely difficult to separate the relative effects of
geneity in studying preterm birth.4,6 The similarities in risk each of these components on the recurrence of a particular
factors between the two subtypes suggest that these two con- pregnancy complication. Taken together, all these factors in-
ditions may overlap in terms of similar etiologic profiles.7 Yet, evitably contribute to recurrence risks, are highly inter-
studying the recurrence of preterm birth provides one oppor- twined, and complex to disentangle.
tunity to examine separately and in greater detail the risk
profiles between low-risk women (women with a previous
term birth) and high-risk women (those with a prior preterm
Challenge 1: The Importance
birth). Whereas the data regarding increased recurrence (of of Accurately Defining
either spontaneous or indicated preterm birth) suggest a di- Exposures and End Points
rect biologic influence of the previous preterm birth, other
observed (both fixed and transient) and unobserved factors One of the fundamental tenets of any research is to be able to
that are shared between the two pregnancies also probably define both the exposure and the outcome of interest with
contribute to this increased recurrence. high degree of precision. The challenges in defining out-
The heterogeneity in recurrence risks is derived through comes accurately have serious implications both in data an-
variable contributions of genetic effects, environmental influ- alytic approach and in the interpretation of study findings.
ences, their interaction, and “time.” A genetic contribution to Most of the outcomes in perinatal epidemiology and, more
the recurrence of an adverse reproductive endpoint can be broadly in obstetrics and gynecology, are fairly well defined
contributed by the mother such as is seen with inherited and can be measured accurately. Whereas some outcomes,
thrombophilias and venous thromboembolism risk. An en- such as preterm birth, gestational diabetes, and preeclamp-
vironmental effect (eg, smoking during pregnancy) can op- sia, are easy to define accurately, others are not (eg, preterm
erate through either, or both, of the pregnancies within birth clinical subtypes).
which the recurrence is studied. An interaction between Several conditions and reproductive end points present a
genes and environment is one when the effect of genotype on challenge regarding an acceptable definition. Intrauterine
disease risk depends on the type and level of exposure to an growth restriction refers to a fetus that has not been growing
environmental factor, or vice versa. A good example is the adequately, and is thought to be the result of an underlying
risk of recurrence for neural tube defects in siblings in rela- pathological process.15 Because true intrauterine growth re-
tion to a genetic polymorphism (in the folate metabolism striction is very difficult to assess in population-based stud-
pathway) and the variability in environmental exposure to ies, a proxy, small-for-gestational age, has instead been used.
folate supplementation. The “time” factor in recurrence stud- The latter refers to infants (at birth) that weigh below a cer-
ies, although important to understand heterogeneity in dis- tain threshold (usually the 10th centile) for a given gesta-
ease etiologies, is highly complex.8 Exposures or risk factors tional age. Although small-for-gestational age is used as a
inevitably operate through time with varying windows of proxy of “true” in utero fetal growth restriction, not all babies
opportunity: a short exposure window (eg, exposure to a that are “small” for their gestational age are truly growth
teratogen during organogenesis), throughout the pregnancy restricted. Thus, inaccuracies in defining an end point can
(eg, cumulative exposure to smoking throughout preg- have serious implications as to how data on recurrence risks
nancy), or a lifetime of exposure (eg, inadequate nutrition can be interpreted.
through harsh social conditions9 or across generations).
For example, attempts to separate biologic aging effects Challenge 2: Study Designs
(such as maternal age) from those of aging of the uterine
environment contributed through repeated pregnancies (a
for Studies of Recurrence
parity effect) on the risk of placental abruption,10 although Several epidemiologic study designs are available to study
straightforward in theory, are challenging to separate in recurrence of a specific disease or outcome. A prospective
cross-sectional studies. Consider the task of separating the cohort study is one that has been a commonly applied design
198 C.V. Ananth

to study recurrence of pregnancy complications. With this is a risk factor for the outcome being examined among
design, women having an index pregnancy are followed lon- those unexposed; (2) the factor must be associated with
gitudinally over time to record their outcome in subsequent the exposure in the population from which the subjects
pregnancies. Existing registry-based data can be used to de- arose; and (3) the variable is not in the causal pathway of
sign a prospective cohort study assuming an ability to iden- the exposure– outcome relationship.18 Adjustment for po-
tify and link women having more than one pregnancy. This is tential confounders in any analysis eliminates bias (caused
the most commonly used design in studies of recurrent preg- by those confounders) that could otherwise distort the
nancy outcomes. exposure– disease association. In a cross-sectional or a
For some types of recurrent pregnancy complications, case-control study, adjustment for available confounders
newer hybrid study designs may offer some advantages. is straightforward; however, the issue of confounder ad-
Most notably, the case-crossover study design is one that justment gets more complicated in studies of recurrence.
offers great promise for studying the effect of transient Consider, as an illustration, if one is interested in quanti-
exposures on the risk of outcomes.16 This design helps fying the extent to which preeclampsia recurs between the
answer the question: “Was an outcome triggered by some first and the second pregnancy. Should one adjust for
specific exposure that occurred immediately preceding the potential confounders present in the first pregnancy, sec-
outcome (ie, an antecedent exposure)?” The distinguish- ond pregnancy, or both?
ing characteristic of this design is that each case serves as Confounders largely fall into two broad types: time-
its own control, and is analogous to a crossover experi- independent and time-varying (or time-dependent). In the
ment viewed retrospectively. This means that the investi- former, when the value of a variable for subjects under
gator does not control when a patient starts being exposed study does not change over time (eg, race/ethnicity), the
to a potential trigger.17 The case-crossover design has variable is said to be time-independent. On the contrary,
some similarities to a traditional matched-pair case-con- when the value of the variable changes with time (eg,
trol study.18 In both types of designs, each case has a parity, maternal smoking or prepregnancy body mass in-
“matched” control. However, in a traditional matched dex across successive pregnancies), the variable is consid-
case-control study, the control is a different individual at a ered time-dependent. The type of variable being consid-
similar time. As in the case in the case-crossover design, ered for adjustment during statistical analysis, presumably
the control is the same person, but observed at a different to minimize confounding, has implications in studies of
time. The case-crossover design applies best when the ex- recurrence.
posure is intermittent, the effect of risk is immediate and Although sophisticated statistical models have been de-
transient, and the outcome is abrupt. Therefore, it may be veloped for correcting time-varying confounders,20,21 sim-
helpful to examine the effects of an abdominal trauma on pler approaches can also be undertaken. Consider a sce-
the risk of placental abruption among women with a pre- nario where one is interested in estimating the risk of
vious abruption and those with prior normal pregnancy recurrence of placental abruption, and maternal smoking
outcomes. (as a binary factor denoting if the women was a smoker or
One of the inherent strengths of the case-crossover de- nonsmoker) is a potential confounder. One efficient ap-
sign is the implicit control for confounding bias. Since proach to fully adjust for the confounding effects of smok-
every subject in a case-crossover study serves as their own ing is to construct a four-level factor as follows: non-
“control,” confounding is less of an issue relative to studies smoker in both pregnancies (coded 0), smoker in the first
that incorporate other designs. This phenomenon was el- but not the second (coded 1), smoker in the second, but
egantly illustrated by Warner and colleagues19 in a con- not the first (coded 2), and smoker in both pregnancies
dom effectiveness study in preventing infections, where (coded 3). The construction of the new variable is similar
they demonstrated that epidemiologic studies confounded to allowing an interaction effect of smoking status between
by unmeasured differences between condom users and the first and second pregnancies. Adjustment for this vari-
nonusers underestimate condom effectiveness against cer- able in the regression model will ensure control for con-
tain infections. For instance, prospective cohort studies founding as opposed to adjusting for smoking effects in
suffer from unmeasured confounding (a term also referred the first or in the second pregnancy alone.
to as “residual confounding”), often leading to distorted
estimates of the exposure– disease relationship. The case-
crossover method, however, provided a technique for re- Challenge 4: Biases
ducing unmeasured confounding in studies of condom
in Studies of Recurrence
A couple’s decision to achieve a desired family size introduces
a bias in studies of recurrence. Selective fertility, the tendency
Challenge 3: Confounding to control fertility on the basis of previous pregnancy out-
A confounder is, by definition, a factor that distorts the comes,22 is one such phenomenon that can affect studies of
association between an exposure and the outcome unless recurrence risks.23 Specifically, couples that experience peri-
adjusted. Three essential criteria for a variable to be clas- natal losses in the first pregnancy tend to go on to have
sified as a confounder include: (1) the variable in question additional pregnancies to achieve a desired family size. This
Studying recurrent events in pregnancy 199

phenomenon operates across all parity levels, but is particu- lack of statistical power (type II error). Therefore, picking an
larly a concern in higher-order births, and by analogy, to outcome that is observable with an available study popula-
older women. Skjaerven and coworkers23 suggest that, al- tion is paramount to a successful study.
though women differ in their inherent risks for perinatal One of the important assumptions of any statistical test is
losses, selective fertility leads to an overrepresentation of the “independence” of observations. Thus, studying a recur-
high-risk women at higher birth orders. rent pregnancy-related event entails evaluation of the event
Other biases often operate in studies of recurrence, with in the same woman twice. Studies dealing with the recur-
bias due to selection being one of the more important of rence of an outcome clearly violate this assumption of inde-
biases. When a study of recurrence of a reproductive out- pendence. Consider, for example, studies dealing with the
come is restricted to successive singleton live births, for ex- risk of recurrence of fetal growth restriction, a topic reviewed
ample, women with pregnancy losses or stillbirths, either
extensively by Kinzler and Kaminsky in this issue.25 Since a
before the first singleton live birth or between two successive
woman contributes data on two successive pregnancies, with
live births, are inevitably excluded. These inclusion and ex-
each pregnancy resulting in a growth-restricted or appropri-
clusion criteria have implications to studies on recurrence,
ately grown infant, the responses (fetal growth) tend to be
including generalizability or clinical relevance of the find-
“correlated.” This tendency of “clustering” gives rise to an
ings. Although this is not a critical limitation, careful atten-
tion to such biases must be considered while drawing infer- intracluster correlation (the woman, in this instance, is said
ences from such studies. to constitute a cluster), which will produce incorrect esti-
mates of variance parameters when left unadjusted.26-28 In
other words, although the odds ratio for the exposure– dis-
Challenge 5: Choosing ease relationship will remain unaffected due to ignoring the
the Appropriate Study intracluster correlation, the 95% confidence interval for the
odds ratio will be biased on either direction (depending on
Size and Analytic Approach the strength and direction of the intracluster correlation).
Most published research on recurrent pregnancy outcomes This, in turn, will affect significance tests, and eventually
come from large, population-based data. These studies diminish the scientific merit of the intended research. Several
mostly come from the Scandinavian countries, notably, Nor- analytic models and methods have been developed to ac-
way, Sweden, and Denmark, and others in Europe such as count for this clustering phenomenon. Although description
Scotland. Data collection from these countries date back sev- of these methods fall well beyond the scope of this paper,
eral decades with perhaps the Norwegian birth registry dat- interested readers are referred to papers on this topic with
ing back to the mid-1960s. Similar data from within the specific applications to studies on human reproduction.5,29
United States are few, and are largely based on identifying
and linking biologic mothers to their successive pregnancies.
In the United States, these data come primarily from vital Challenge 6:
statistics registers that are based on birth and death (fetal and
infant) certificates. A Note on Terminology
The advantages of using large, population-based registries Unfortunately, the terms “multivariable” and “multivariate”
to address specific research on recurrent pregnancy out- have been used interchangeably in the medical literature.
comes is the large sample size which, in turn, affords excel- However, these terms have distinct implications that are im-
lent statistical power to discern patterns of recurrence risk. In portant for recurrence research. Consider, as an illustration,
addition, such studies offer greater generalizability since they the setting of a cross-sectional (or case-control) study, where
are population-based. One of the inherent difficulties with the goal is to estimate the risk of preeclampsia in relation to
smaller studies on recurrence of a particular pregnancy com- nulliparity (with parous women as the reference). A regres-
plication is adequate study size. As an illustration, consider if
sion model to derive an estimate of the relative risk (or odds
one is interested in estimating the risk of recurrence of uter-
ratio) for preeclampsia in relation to nulliparity after adjust-
ine rupture. Uterine rupture has a reported incidence of 1.6
ing for potential confounders is, by definition, a multivari-
per 1000 pregnancies in women with a previous cesarean
delivery attempting a subsequent vaginal birth.24 If the goal is able model. On the other hand, if one is interested in estimat-
to estimate the recurrence risk of uterine rupture, then the ing the effect of change in paternity on the recurrence risk of
study should exclude women who have undergone hysterec- preeclampsia, then a study of successive births is required.
tomy and include only women with a repaired uterine rup- Because preeclampsia is repeatedly assessed (ie, in each of the
ture in the first pregnancy who then go on to have a second two pregnancies), a regression model that is adjusted for
pregnancy that again results in a uterine rupture. The rarity of potential confounders is a “multivariate” model. Researchers
this sequence of events would require hundreds of thousands have used the two terms “multivariable” and “multivariate”
of women to adequately study. To be successful, a study of casually, and the medical literature has paid little attention to
this magnitude would need several large registries, perhaps a its correct usage. Correct use and understanding of terminol-
collaborative effort of all population-based registries. Smaller ogy will facilitate communication among all parties involved
studies will inevitably lead to conclusions being affected by in recurrence research.
200 C.V. Ananth

Challenge 7: Interpretation recurrence risks. More importantly, incorrect models to an-

alyze data arising from correlated responses will likely yield
of Recurrence Risks incorrect statistical and biologic inferences. Finally, correct
One of the fundamental issues common to studies on recur- interpretation of recurrence risks will greatly enhance our
rence of pregnancy outcomes pertains to interpretation. The ongoing pursuits for studying recurrence of adverse out-
biggest challenge is to successfully translate the results of comes in pregnancy-related conditions, which is best ap-
epidemiologic observations on recurrence risk to clinical de- proached through a collaborative environment.
cision making for individual patients. Most studies on recur-
rence are population-based, which is a strength in many
ways, but population-based recurrence risks do not readily
The author extends special thanks to Russell Kirby, PhD,
lead to customized risks for an individual patient. Aside from
Morgan Peltier, PhD, John Smulian, MD, MPH, and Anthony
conceptual differences in the regression models for popula-
Vintzileos, MD, for their thoughtful suggestions and valuable
tion-based versus subject-specific approaches to risk estima-
comments that helped improve the paper. Dr. Ananth is par-
tion,30,31 the rich set of factors that shape risk in an individual
tially supported through a grant (HD038902) from the Na-
patient limits the direct translation of population-derived
tional Institutes of Health awarded to him.
risks to individuals.
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