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Story with a Moral The Ill-Informed Barber

Seth Rajrath was a wealthy merchant who lived in a small town in southern India. One day
misfortune befell him and he became a pauper. All his wealth and business were lost and
Rajrath became a sad man. As a wealthy man Rajrath had not only enjoyed a luxurious life but
also had been a good man at heart. He gave alms to the poor. One day he sat dejected thinking
to himself, Oh, I cannot take this anymore. Poverty has humiliated me in front of many. I shall
starve myself to death and escape this state of poverty and day-to-day insults. With such
thoughts in mind Rajrath fell asleep. As he slept he had a strange dream. A monk appeared
before him who said to Rajrath, Look at me carefully. I am a trillion gold coins disguised as a
monk. Tomorrow I will visit you in this guise. You must hit me on the head with a cudgel. Soon
I will turn into gold. Next morning when Rajrath woke up, he pondered over his strange
dream. Such a dream is nothing but my wishful thinking. No such monk will visit me, thought
Rajrath. Just then the barber arrived to attend to Rajraths wife. She had summoned him for a
manicure. A short while later Rajrath was taken aback when a monk arrived at his doorstep. He
at once recognised him as the one whom he had dream of Rajrath was delighted and could not
believe his luck. He soon ran into the house and got a cudgel. As soon as he hit the cudgel on
the monks head, the monk turned into a trillion gold coins. Suddenly Rajrath became aware of
the barbers presence. He called the barber and said, Here, take these two gold coins for
yourself. Do not mention what you saw to anyone. So saying he bid the barber a farewell. The
barber, greedy as he was and foolish too, thought, If I can get some monks to visit me and I
treat them the way Rajrath did then I too would become a wealthy man. Little did he know
about Rajraths dream. The next day the barber rose early had a bath and in a pious mood
visited the monastery. He went to the High Priest and said, Sir, please pay me a visit with your
disciples so that I can serve you with delicious food and receive your blessings. You fool,
said the enraged Priest, dont you know that we do not go to peoples houses for food ? We
have given up the luxuries of life. But Sir, it was only a way to get you to visit me for I have
some rare, holy manuscripts that I would give to the monastery. I shall also provide wrappings
for the manuscripts which you have, requested the barber. Though the High Priest declined,
some monks decided to visit the barber, enticed by the wrappings for their manuscripts. As
soon as they entered the barbers house the barber hit each of them on the head with a heavy
cudgel. Soon all the monks lay moaning inflicted with head injuries. A passer-by who saw the
sight in the barbers courtyard informed the kings soldiers who arrested the barber. When the
king enquired from the barber about the incident, he proceeded to narrate what he had
witnessed at Rajraths house. Soon Rajrath too was summoned and was asked to present his
story. Hearing the whole case the wise king commented. You acted without knowing. You
were ill informed and you misjudged what you observed. I hope this incident stops you from
committing further mistakes such as this. Ill-informed men get nothing but remorse.
Historia con una moral El barbero mal informado

Seth Rajrath era un rico comerciante que viva en un pequeo pueblo en sur de la india Un da
la desgracia le sucedi y se convirti en un indigente. Todas Su riqueza y su negocio se
perdieron y Rajrath se convirti en un hombre triste. Como un hombre rico Rajrath no solo
haba disfrutado de una vida lujosa sino que tambin haba sido un buen hombre de corazn l
le dio limosna a los pobres. Un da se sent abatido pensando para s mismo, "Oh, no puedo
soportarlo ms. La pobreza ha humillado yo delante de muchos. Me morir de hambre y
escapar de este estado de pobreza e insultos cotidianos. Con esos pensamientos en mente,
Rajrath cay dormido.

Mientras dorma tuvo un extrao sueo. Un monje apareci ante l quien dijo a Rajrath:
"Mrame con cuidado. Soy un billn de monedas de oro disfrazadas de un monje. Maana te
visitar con este disfraz. Debes golpearme en la cabeza con un garrote Pronto me convertir
en oro ". A la maana siguiente, cuando Rajrath despert, reflexion sobre su extrao sueo.
"Tal sueo no es ms que una ilusin. Ningn monje vendr a Visitar me ", pens Rajrath.

En ese momento lleg el barbero para atender a la esposa de Rajrath. Ella lo haba convocado
para una manicura. Poco despus, Rajrath se sorprendido. cuando un monje lleg a su puerta.
l inmediatamente lo reconoci como a quien l haba soado, Rajrath estaba encantado y no
poda creer su suerte.

Pronto corri a la casa y consigui un garrote. Tan pronto como golpe el garrote en la cabeza
del monje, el monje se convirti en un trilln de monedas de oro. De repente Rajrath se dio
cuenta de la presencia del barbero. Llam al barbero y dijo: "Aqu, toma estas dos monedas de
oro por ti mismo. No menciones lo que viste a cualquiera ". Dicho esto, le dijo adis al barbero.

El barbero, codicioso como era y tambin tonto, pens: "Si puedo obtener algunos monjes que
me visitan y yo los trato como Rajrath hizo entonces yo tambin me convertir en un hombre
rico ". Poco saba sobre el sueo de Rajrath.

Al da siguiente, el barbero se levant temprano, se dio un bao y en un estado de nimo

piadoso visit el monasterio. Fue al Sumo Sacerdote y dijo: "Seor, por favor paga voy a visitar
a tus discpulos para que pueda servirte con deliciosa comida y recibe tus bendiciones ".

"Tonto", dijo el enfurecido Sacerdote, "no sabes que no vamos a las casas de las personas
para la comida? Hemos renunciado a los lujos de la vida ".

"Pero, seor, fue solo una forma de que me visite, ya que tengo algo raro,

Manuscritos sagrados que dara al monasterio. Tambin proporcionar

envoltorios para los manuscritos que tienes ", solicit el barbero.

Aunque el Sumo Sacerdote declin, algunos monjes decidieron visitar el

barbero, seducido por los envoltorios por sus manuscritos. Tan pronto como

Ingres a la casa del barbero, el barbero golpe a cada uno de ellos en la cabeza con un
garrote pesado Pronto todos los monjes yacan gimiendo con heridas en la cabeza. UN

transente que vio la vista en el patio del barbero inform a la del rey

soldados que arrestaron al barbero.

Cuando el rey le pregunt al barbero sobre el incidente, l

procedi a narrar lo que haba presenciado en la casa de Rajrath. Pronto Rajrath

tambin fue convocado y se le pidi que presentara su historia. Escuchar el todo

caso el sabio rey coment.

"Actuaste sin saberlo. Estabas mal informado y te juzgaste mal

lo que has observado Espero que este incidente te impida seguir cometiendo

errores como este ".

Los hombres mal informados no tienen ms que remordimiento.

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