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A Concise Approach to Mathematical Analysis

Introduces the student to the more abstract concepts of advanced

Each topic begins with a brief introduction followed by detailed
A selection of carefully-chosen exercises gives students the
opportunity to practice writing proofs.

A Concise Approach to Mathematical Analysis introduces the undergraduate student to

the more abstract concepts of advanced calculus. The main aim of the book is to smooth
the transition from the problem-solving approach of standard calculus to the more
rigorous approach of proof-writing and a deeper understanding of mathematical analysis.
The first half of the textbook deals with the basic foundation of analysis on the real line;
the second half introduces more abstract notions in mathematical analysis. Each topic
begins with a brief introduction followed by detailed examples. A selection of exercises,
Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. ranging from the routine to the more challenging, then gives students the opportunity to
2003, XII, 362 p. practise writing proofs. The book is designed to be accessible to students with appropriate
backgrounds from standard calculus courses but with limited or no previous experience in
rigorous proofs. It is written primarily for advanced students of mathematics - in the 3rd or
Printed book 4th year of their degree - who wish to specialise in pure and applied mathematics, but it
will also prove useful to students of physics, engineering and computer science who also
Softcover use advanced mathematical techniques.
39,95 | 35.99 | $59.95
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