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bjiya hoped he could get the Egyptians to easily surrender and sent an emissary

for the purpose. But they responded by killing his emissary and everyone else who
was with him. The Iranians then quickly took the fort and captured the pharaoh
Psamtik. His life was initially spared but as he tried to revolt and regain his
kingdom Kambjiya killed him and even carved a seal depicting him spearing the
Vidrum: Interesting: thats high drama worthy of a movie
Sharvamanyu: But no one will tell it from their angle. Is it not quite a turn of
history that these world conquerors have been reduced to the enervated Parsis of
today, whose extinction is at hand? I guess that was at the heart of inexplicable
unease we have been feeling. Could it happen to us too?
Lootika: I fear we may come to see it in our lives or it could happen in the lives
of our offspring, and the end can come from within and without, in a bang or a
whimper. My worst fear is the end in the latter form, even as a whimpering dog or a
hedgehog of an Iranian kicked to death by a Mohammedan. Especially when the
scaffold of the edifice is shaky, there is also the possibility of a catastrophic
end everything seems to be going well, when suddenly like a poorly built house or
a creaky bridge everything comes down crashing. In our own history this has
happened more than once Rmarya of the South Indian empire or the marh-s were
in state of considerable power before their catastrophic collapse. I am sure
Somakhya can tell us how this was also the case when the Iranians came to an end.

Somakhya: That was indeed the case. Shh Koshrau-II led a brilliant campaign
against the Abrahamistic alliance of the Byzantine Christians and the Khazar Turks,
winning a string of victories against them. He even managed to get the heathen
powers of the Slavs and the Avar Khaghanate over to his side against the
Abrahamistic alliance and by 622 CE the it looked as though the Iranian empire was
poised at a high-point, recovering the old Hkamanashiya glory. The ula of the
preta was brought down in Jerusalem and even Egypt was reconquered by the Iranians.
But the empire had serious cracks within. Thus, when the Abrahamistic alliance
launched its holy war demolishing key Zoroastrian temples and the epidemic of the
third Abrahamism erupted from within it crumbled and Iranian civilization itself
became extinct for what do a band of Parsis matter when your land is gone?

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