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Activity #1: Observing some Microorganisms

1. To use the microscope and view food spoilage at microscopic level.
2. To observe the microorganisms with Methylene Blue

Moldy objects
Yeast cultures (2-3 day old specimen)
Microscope, glass slides & cover slips
Methylene Blue

The main purpose of this experiment was to broaden our knowledge of
microorganisms by visualizing them under a microscope. To do this, we had to
acquire food spoilage from our homes, scraped off a bit of the moldy material
and placed on the glass slides we were provided by the laboratory. Then, by
adding a drop of water and putting the cover slip on top of the slide, we viewed
the specimen under a microscope. We were able to examine the material under
different ranges of the microscope, but it seems the HPO range was the most
effective in visualizing the microorganisms within the spoiled food. The second
experiment we conducted involved the addition of a methylene blue after the
drop of water and then repeating the same procedure as mentioned above. The
reason for this was that methylene blue had an affinity for DNA and RNA, thus
producing a darker stain in areas where those components were present. The
result was practically the same but this time the spots were much clearer to see.

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