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CTS Module COM 1205- photography introduction

Alphanumeric Code and Title

Photography/ Photoshop- COM 1205 CTS Level Introductory

Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced
Teacher Name: Miss Peters
Total Instructional Hours Allotted
11 classes

Lesson # 1 Understanding the role of photography in society (assignment 1)

Outcome(s) 1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Device Do
Criteria Google slides and worksheet
Completed worksheet by the end of class
Learning Activity(s) Student led learning via Google slides
Students completed assignment by the end of class or before next class (assignment 1)

Lesson # 2 Learning about the Nikon D3200 (assignment 2)

Outcome(s) 2.1
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Device Do
Criteria Worksheet
Students ability to finish assignment by the end of class
Learning Activity(s) Students will study the Nikon D3200

Lesson # 3 Learning more about the Nikon D3200 (assignment 2)

Quiz on the Nikon D3200
Outcome(s) 2.1
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Device Do
Criteria Direct instruction and worksheet
Students ability to finish assignment by the end of class
Learning Activity(s)

Lesson # 4 Differentiating between a snap shot and a planned photograph (assignment 4)

Outcome(s) 2.7 2.9
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Device Do
Criteria Direct instruction and worksheet
Students ability to finish assignment by the end of class
Learning Activity(s) Direct instruction on how to differentiate between a snap shot and a planned photograph by:
Framing for composition
Focal point
Camera placement; e.g., not a view of the top of the dogs back- get down to subject level
Choosing vertical or horizontal format- changing camera direction
Being aware of the background; e.g., not having a tree appear to be growing out of a subjects
Dynamic range
Field of view
Depth of field
Using a camera/ image-capture device to capture and log aperture and shutter for at least 24
Demonstrating an understanding of shutter speeds and aperture, basic composition (e.g.,
balance, line, perspective, rule of thirds, repetition), lighting (e.g., natural, artificial)
Assignment 4 to be completed by the end of class or before next class

Lesson # 5 Describing and/ or use various processing methods; e.g., black and white, color, digital
Outcome(s) 3.1, 3.2
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Formative
Device Do
Criteria Checklist
Students staying on task and practicing their photography skills
Learning Activity(s) Students will practice taking picture with their camera and print their 6 best photos

Lesson # 6 Choose the proper International Standards Organization (ISO)

Outcome(s) 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Formative
Device Do
Criteria Checklist
Students attentiveness during direct instruction and ability to use their new knowledge to take better
Learning Activity(s) Direct instruction on:
Explaining what the International Standards Organization (ISO) system refers to when
adjusting the ISO setting on film and/or digital type cameras; e.g., sensitivity to light by the
film or digital sensor resulting in either film grain or digital noise
Students practicing taking pictures considering:
Each image to be in focus
Basic composition guideline: the rule of thirds, clear focal point
Create photographic images that generate curiosity and discussion
Group discussion on photographs

Lesson # 7 Waterton Trip (final project)

Outcome(s) 5.1
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Device Do
Criteria Assignment
Students will take a trip to Waterton and use their new knowledge of photography to take
Learning Activity(s) Create a display using a minimum of five predefined photographs

Lesson # 8 Picking and editing photos from Waterton trip to be handed in (final project)
Outcome(s) 5.1
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Device Do
Criteria Assignment
Students will use knowledge gained to pick the best photos taken during their Waterton trip and edit
these photos before adding them to their digital portfolio
Learning Activity(s) Students will pick a minimum of five photographs from their Waterton trip to edit and hand in
for their assignment/ add to their digital portfolio

Lesson # 9 Picking and editing photos from Waterton trip to be handed in (final project)
Outcome(s) 5.1
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Device Do
Criteria Assignment
Students will use knowledge gained to pick the best photos taken during their Waterton trip and edit
these photos before adding them to their digital portfolio
Learning Activity(s) Students will pick a minimum of five photographs from their Waterton trip to edit and hand in
for their assignment/ add to their digital portfolio

Lesson # 10 Free period to work on any outstanding assignments and completing worksheet
Outcome(s) 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Formative
Device Do
Criteria Worksheet
Students will fill out a worksheet regarding the technical aspects of the photos they selected
Learning Activity(s) Students will fill out a worksheet with the following criteria:
Discuss each photograph regarding:
-How the composition guidelines help facilitate good arrangement in his or her work
-The technical and creative aspects of work; e.g., appropriate language
-Areas of challenge and solutions (if applicable)
Students will finish up any projects they have not completed

Lesson # 11 Students self evaluation and peer evaluation

Outcome(s) 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Formative
Device Do
Criteria Assignment
Students will do a self evaluation and peer evaluation of the photos they took and edited for their final
project for COM 1205
Learning Activity(s) Students will do a peer evaluation and a self evaluation
Students will add their work to their digital portfolio

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