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Marine Safety and Environmental Technology

Created By :
Fathin Muhammad Mahdhudhu


1. Zahro Express Passenger Ship Burning
Early in the morning when Zahro Express tour boat began to move from Muara Angke Port
to Tidung Island, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, Sunday, January 1, 2017. The ship carrying 184
people was ordered after pocketing Approval Letter from Muara Angke Port of Syahbandar
at 07.00 wib.
The weather in Muara Angke is clear. This should be the perfect day to tour on Tidung
Island. But they never got to this island. The reason, after sailing 1 mile, the vessel with a
capacity of 285 people were burned. The ship was burned down because the ship's engine
exploded, the fire spread quickly because the ship's body was made of fiber. Black smoke
was ambushed, panicking hundreds of passengers. Many of them fled to the sea, including
the captain of the ship. Some victims heard two explosions.
One of its passengers, Fikran Shafa Alam (18), said shortly after hearing the explosion, the
smoke immediately filled the inside of the ship, including the passenger room. "For a long
time my eyes hurt from smoke, I just heard her voice," Alam said.
Among the clouds of black smoke, passengers thronged out the door. They push each other.
Nature also heard shouts and sounds of Takbir. "Smoke has entered the throat, pain, shortness
of breath," Alam said.
At 8:46 hrs, the phone at the North Jakarta Fire Brigade Office rang. The picket officer
named Wahyudin received a report of a ship to the west of Muara Angke Port. Wahyudin
immediately sent a message that read "Constraints: Position in the middle of the sea" to Post
Muara Angke. Less than 10 minutes later, three firefighters and one lightning ship went
Zahroh Express burn victims began evacuating at 10:30 pm. But the fire that devoured the
ship was successfully put out at 11:30 pm. After that ship to Kali Adem Port Muara Angke.
The dead were found. They were carried with a corpse bag.
Until 14.30 WIB, as many as 20 bags of corpses were taken to Polri Hospital to search. Until
now, the Ministry of Transportation recorded the death toll reached 23 people. While 17 is
still in search. This morning the search for victims will continue. The number of victims
tends to increase.
Zahro Express tourist boat has a fire that moves from Port Muara Angke to Tidung Island,
Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, Sunday, January 1, 2017. The fire of the ship due to the explosion
of engine room ship. The cause of the explosion is allegedly due to the electrical zipper
connection in the engine room, from the sparks allowing to creep and affect the fuel tank and
ultimately lead to an explosion in the engine room that keeps the vessel on fire and maintains
its base building.
Events such as these fires can be due to lack of attention in terms of maintenance of their own
ships by officers, officers usually only underestimate every little thing in the care, the officers
are not or less megecek in ship's engine room system, maybe there is a problem system, even
by the officers are left only, it is not surprising that such an accident can not be avoided.
Therefore, in tackling ship accidents like this fire, of course every officer is more alert and
meticulous in carrying out his duties. And not only that, maybe in reducing accidents, we can
improve the safety system on the ship and provide counseling to every passenger, therefore if
things happen that are not desired, not only officers who act but all passengers also contribute
in reducing the accident.
2. Shipping conditions in Indonesia as the ship sails in terms of safety and
Indonesia is the largest maritime country in the world. Indonesia is a producer of various
maritime industries such as fishing industry, marine tourism, shipping industry and docking
services, port services and mineral and energy sources. Sea as a communication channel (sea
lane on communication) is defined as the use of sea for the interests of cross-sea traffic,
between countries or between continents for both passenger and freight transport, it is
necessary to determine the flow of sea crossing of the Indonesian archipelago for the benefit
of local and international shipping and safety facilities cruise.

Safety and Safety The voyage is a crucial factor to support the smoothness of sea transport
and prevent accidents where shipping lanes are intended to ensure the safety and safety of
shipping through corridors for ships sailing across waters followed by marking for
navigational hazards. which includes program activities, structuring, development, operation
and maintenance is intended to be able to provide services and directions to the parties to sea
transportation users to pay attention to the capacity and flow capability associated with the
weight of the ship going through the flow in order to sail safely, smoothly and comfortably .
Maritime safety is a condition that guarantees the safety of various sea activities including
shipping, exploration and exploitation of natural and biological resources and environmental
conservation. Therefore, marine and marine law enforcement is required to ensure the safety,
security, order and protection of the marine environment in order to remain clean and
sustainable in order to support the smoothness of shipping traffic. The concept of criteria and
arrangements in the marine field has broad implications and should be considered in the
utilization of the National Oceanic space.
Carrying out the safety functions of shipping is not an easy thing to be followed by all
agencies and is supported by sufficient funds and awareness of all parties including users and
coastal and marine communities. To do that is to build the management and the rules, to
encourage the government to make a breakthrough or reformation, realize the facilities and
infrastructure infrastructure of the safety of shipping and build public trust or awareness and
spur the formation of umbrella rules. Safety of shipping is a necessity so it needs to be
realized and activate the safety functions of shipping through the establishment of institutions
and management and facilities facilities and infrastructure

3. Role of navigation technology in the vessel against the processing of ships

Navigation is an activity related to Sailing Navigation Support Facility (SBNP),
Telecommunication Sailing (Telkompel), Hydrography and Meteorology, Flow and Crossing,
Building or Installation, Guiding, Ship and Salvage, Safety of Sailing For the sake of safe
sailing and smooth ship traffic in areas where there is a danger of navigation or activity in a
message that may compromise postpaid safety provided that the SBNP marking is in
accordance with applicable provisions and broadcast through coastal radio stations (SROP) as
well as the Indonesian seafarers' News.
he development of trasportation equipment that is currently increasing with the increase of
population causes the number of transportation equipment to be increased and varies the
types of transportation from water, land transportation, and air transportation. In Indonesia,
transportation equipment is a must in the life of Indonesian people because most people in
Indonesia use transportation equipment. Along with the overwhelming number of Indonesian
population of over 250 million inhabitants, the existing trasportation equipment also varies
between land transports using cars, buses, trains and motorcycles, sea transportation using
ferry boats, passenger and submarine vessels, air transportation using airplanes, helicopters
Navigation is used for marine transportation equipment such as passenger ships that use
navigation as a guide in the sea, the technology used in the form of a compass and GPS along
with Radar. The use of navigation tools is very important for the ship that was traveling in the
middle of the sea off and used as a determinant of the direction as well as used as a guide
because at sea there is no way that pazti to pass the ship so the use of navigation tools is very
important for the ship.

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