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CanJPsychiatry 2015;60(5):206214

In Review

Impact of Age andSex onQTProlongation in

Patients Receiving Psychotropics

Simon W Rabkin, MD, FRCPC, FACC1

Professor of Medicine (Cardiology), Department of Medicine (Cardiology), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Correspondence: Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, University of British Columbia, Level 9, 2775 Laurel Street, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9;

Objective: To assess older age and female sex, 2 of the major risk factors for potentially fatal
Key Words: QT interval, age, cardiac arrhythmias or sudden cardiac death in patients prescribed psychotropics, within the context
sex, psychotropics, cardiac of electrocardiographic evidence of time between start of Q wave and end of T wave (QT) interval
sudden death
prolongation, which is an indicator of an increased risk for potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias.

Received November 2014 and Method: The literature on the relation between age, sex, and QT interval with respect to
accepted February 2015. psychotropic drugs was reviewed.
Results: The QT interval must be corrected (QTc) for heart rate. Because slower heart rates
prolong and faster heart rates shorten the QT interval, people with faster heart rates may have
a prolonged QT interval that is not apparent until the correction is performed. QTc values for
apparently healthy post-pubertal people are less than 450 ms for males and less than 470 ms for
females. The longer QT intervals in women may account for their increased risk of potentially fatal
cardiac arrhythmias on psychotropics. QTc increases with increasing age. Assessment of QTc in
older people is especially important to identify people with a longer QTc who are more likely to
attain a serious QT level with drugs that prolong QTc. The age-related increase in QTc is more
evident in men than women, suggesting that male sex does not afford protection against potentially
fatal arrhythmias at older age.
Conclusion: The association of increasing age and female sex with greater QT intervals indicates
the need to have an increased awareness of the QTc prior to use of these psychotropics and to
evaluate the QTc after initiation of therapy.

Leffet de lge et du sexe sur lallongement de lintervalle QT chez des

patients recevant des psychotropes
Objectif: valuer lge avanc et le sexe fminin, 2 des facteurs de risque majeurs pour
des arythmies cardiaques potentiellement fatales ou une mort subite dorigine cardiaque
chez des patients qui lon a prescrit des psychotropes, dans le contexte dune preuve
lectrocardiographique du temps de lallongement de lintervalle (QT) entre le dbut de londe Q et
la fin de londe T, ce qui est un indicateur du risque accru darythmies cardiaques potentiellement
Mthode: La littrature sur la relation entre lge, le sexe, et lintervalle QT en ce qui conerne les
psychotropes a t recense.
Rsultats: Lintervalle QT doit tre corrig (QTc) pour la frquence cardiaque. Parce que des
frquences cardiaques plus lentes allongent lintervalle QT et que des frquences cardiaques plus
rapides le racourcissent, les personnes dont la frquence cardiaque est plus rapide peuvent avoir
un intervalle QT allong qui nest pas apparent jusqu lexcution de la correction. Les valeurs
QTc pour des personnes postpubertaires apparemment en sant sont moins que 450 ms pour les
hommes et moins que 470 ms pour les femmes. Les intervalles QT plus longs chez les femmes
peuvent expliquer leur risque accru darythmies cardiaques potentiellement fatales avec les
psychotropes. Lintervalle QTc saccrot avec lge. Lvaluation du QTc ches les personnes ges est
particulirement importante pour identifier les personnes au QTc allong qui sont plus susceptibles
datteindre un niveau de QT svre avec des mdicaments qui prolongent le QTc. Laugmentation
du QTc lie lge est plus vidente chez les hommes que chez les femmes, suggrant que le sexe
masculin noffre pas de protection contre les arythmies potentiellement fatales en ge avanc.
Conclusion: Lassociation de lge avanc et du sexe fminin avec de plus grands intervalles QT
indique le besoin dtre plus conscient du QTc avant dutiliser ces psychotropes, et dvaluer le QTc
aprs le dbut de la thrapie.

206 W La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, vol 60, no 5, mai 2015

Impact of Age andSex onQTProlongation in Patients Receiving Psychotropics

P harmacologic agents have dramatically advanced

the treatment of patients with psychiatric disorders
in their widest scope. The use of any drug needs to be
Clinical Implications
The QT interval must be corrected for heart rate
weighed against its adverse effects, which, in turn, need otherwise prolonged QT intervals at faster heart rates
will not be recognized.
to be understood, minimized, or avoided. The potential
seriousness of drug-induced adverse effects is highlighted Women and older people have longer QTc, which
may explain higher rates of fatal arrhythmias on
by the capacity of some psychotropics to increase the risk of psychotropics.
cardiac sudden death. Estimates are that a large number of
Women and older people can reach critical QTc levels
people are prescribed drugs that have the potential to have more readily on psychotropics because of their intrinsic
adverse cardiac effects.1 There are well-defined risk factors longer QTc.
for sudden cardiac death in patients prescribed these agents;
foremost among them is age. Another leading risk factor
Lack of randomized clinical trials limits the ability to
is the female sex. The QT interval on the routine 12-lead establish absolute levels of QTc risk for potentially fatal
ECG is an important indicator of a potential adverse effect cardiac arrhythmias with each psychotropic drug for
of drugs on the heart and one that predicts the development each age and sex.
of potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias. The purpose of this
article is to examine the ability of psychotropics to induce
adverse cardiac effects, the effect on the QT interval, the
impact of age and sex, and their interaction with other olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone, as well as HPD or
factors. thioridazine.4 In a casecontrol study in primary care groups
in the Netherlands, use of antipsychotics was associated
with a 3-fold increase in risk of sudden cardiac death.5
Antipsychotics Increase the Risk of
While studies of association are not proof of causality, they
Cardiac Sudden Death nevertheless are a component of the evidence essential for
Antipsychotic use has been reported to be associated establishing causality. Regardless, data on association raise
with a 2- to 3-fold increase in sudden death. The use of concerns about the potential for cardiac sudden death in
antipsychotics was associated with a 2.4-fold increase in the patients on antipsychotics.
occurrence of cardiac sudden death, compared with nonuse
of these kinds of drugs, in a cohort of 481744 people,
enrolled in a US Medicaid-based study.2 Sudden death Influence of Age and Sex on Risk of
occurrence was greater in people receiving higher, compared Cardiac Sudden Death With Antipsychotics
with low, doses of traditional antipsychotics.2 In another The Swedish pharmacovigilance database evaluated the
study, patients with schizophrenia treated with clozapine, occurrence of the potentially fatal kind of ventricular
HPD, risperidone, or thioridazine had a 1.7- to 3.2-fold tachycardia called TdP and found that the most common
higher rates of cardiac arrest and ventricular arrhythmia, risk factor for drug-induced TdP was age over 65 years,
compared with a control group of patients with glaucoma which occurred in 72% of cases.6 The second leading
or psoriasis.3 Sudden death rates were higher in users of causes was female sex, which was present in 70% of cases.6
typical as well as atypical antipsychotics, compared with These findings were substantiated in another study, which
nonusers of antipsychotics.4 Specifically, cardiac sudden reported that increasing age, female sex, concomitant
death rates were increased in people receiving clozapine, diseases, and co-administration of other drugs increased
the risks for TdP.7 A greater proportion of women but not
older people was suggested but not significant in a case
control study in family practice.5 If one considers only older
Abbreviations people, an increase in risk of death has been noted in men
ECG electrocardiogram after institution of antipsychotic treatment.8 Although this
FDA Food and Drug Administration study did not separate cardiac from noncardiac deaths,8 it
HPD haloperidol does suggest that men, especially older men are not spared
QT time between start of Q wave and end of T wave the risk of adverse effects of antipsychotics.
QTc corrected QT There are numerous factors that may explain the increased
QTcBZT QTc calculated with Bazetts formula occurrence of potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias or cardiac
QTcDMT QTc calculated with Dmitrienkos formula sudden death in older people receiving psychotropics (Table1).
QTcFRD QTc calculated with Fridericias formula
QTcFRM QTc calculated with Framinghams formula QT Interval and Heart RateImportance of
QTcHDG QTc calculated with Hodges formula Adjusting for Heart Rate but Which One
QTcRTH QTc calculated with Rautaharjus formula The QT interval is measured from the onset of the Q wave of
SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor the QRS complex to the end of the T wave. It encompasses
TdP torsade de pointes both electrical depolarization and repolarization of the
heart. As the duration of repolarization is longer than The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 60, No 5, May 2015 W 207
In Review

Table 1 Potential reasons for the increased occurrence of potentially fatal cardiac
arrhythmias or cardiac sudden death in older people receiving psychotropics
Increased corrected QT (QTc) interval in older people
Reduced drug metabolism leading to higher blood levels
Increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) that may not be clinically apparent
Increased need for medications treatment of CVDs, such as diuretics for hypertension that induce
hypokalemia or hypomagnesaemia
Increased presence of concomitant illnesses that require the use of medications, some of which
may increase QTc interval
Increased presence of concomitant illnesses that require the use of medications, some of which
may inhibit the metabolism of psychotropics leading to their higher blood levels

depolarization, and the QT interval is relatively easy to databaseto derive 2 new equations. QTcRTH also
measure, the QT interval is used as an index of cardiac increased with age17 (figures 1 and 2). Note, the QTc values
repolarization. are slightly different between all 4 different QTc formulae.
The QT interval changes with heart rateincreasing at
slower heart rates and decreasing at faster heart rates. There Relation Between Sex and QTc
are over 20 formulae that have been proposed or used for There are clear differences in QTc between men and women
considering the relations between QT and heart rate.9,10 (figures 1 and 2). Women show a longer QTc than men
Correction formulae are usually indicated by the lower case across most decades. Combining the data for the 4 different
c after the QT. QTc formulae shows that there are differences between
men and women in QTc (Figure 3). The sex difference is
Several of the more common older as well as some of the
greatest in people after adolescence and extends to the sixth
more recent formulae can be named after their principal
decade (Figure 3). However, the difference between men
author11: Bazett (QTcBZT)12; Fridericia (QTcFRD)13;
and women decreases at older ages.
Hodges (QTcHDG) (see Hodges et al14); Framingham
(QTcFRM) (see Sagie et al15); Dmitrienko (QTcDMT) The difference in duration of QTc between men and women
(see Dmitrienko et al16); and Rautaharju (QTcRTH) (see is not only evident on the resting ECG but also found on the
Rautaharju et al17). 24-hour ECG evaluating the QT interval.19 The between-
sex difference is greater at slower heart rates.19 The latter
It is important to interpret the QT interval after heart rate
observation may explain the increased occurrences of TdP
adjustment because slower heart rates prolong and faster
in women at a slower heart rate.20
heart rates shorten the QT interval. People with faster heart
rates may have a prolonged QT interval that is not apparent Recognizing the sex differences in QTc interval, an
until after the correction has been performed. It is important American Heart Association expert committee group
to recognize that there is no perfect adjustment formula. recommended that a QTc over the 99th percentile should
While the more recent formulae are based on larger numbers be considered abnormally prolonged, which translated into
of people and appear to do a better job of adjusting for the QTc values, for apparently healthy post-pubertal people, of
impact of heart rate, the older formulae, mainly QTcBZT 450 ms for males and 470 ms for females.21
and QTcFRD, are the ones most commonly in use. The intriguing question is the potential conflict between
normative standards or reference values and biological
Relation Between Age and QTc differences that may explain differences in predisposition
There is an increase in QTc with age. Evaluating 2 of the to potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias. There remains
oldest as well as 2 recent heart rate correction formulae much that is unknown about the relation between QT
show the increase in QT with age for both men (Figure1) prolongation, cardiac arrhythmias, and sex differences in
and women (Figure 2). The data are based on several large response to psychotropics. One hypothesis is that there is a
studies. Dmitrienko et al16 evaluated the ECGs from 13039 threshold QT interval at which risk for TdP is high, and after
men and women and fit a linear model to log-transformed which, further increases in QTc markedly increase the risk
QT and RR (time between 2 consecutive R waves) data.16 of TdP. If such a threshold level exists, then women should
QTcDMT provides an excellent adjustment for the impact more readily reach this level, as their QTc is longer than
of heart rate on the QT interval, and it shows an increasing men. Similarly, older people will more readily reach this
QT with age.16 Mason et al18 reported on a data set of level because they have longer QTc than younger people.
ECGs from 57595 people participating in drug trials. The Hypothesis to explain sex effects on QT interval would
increase in QTc with age was evident for both QTc BZT include genetic (chromosomal) or hormonal differences
and QTcFRD. Rautaharju et al17 used pooled data from 3 that affect QT interval, probably through an action on
different sources2 population studies and the Mason the molecular mechanisms that regulate ventricular

208 W La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, vol 60, no 5, mai 2015

Impact of Age andSex onQTProlongation in Patients Receiving Psychotropics

Figure 1 Mean QT interval for women at different ages Figure 2 Mean QT interval for men at different ages

Women Men
430 QTcDMT 430 QTcDMT
420 QTcRTH 420 QTcFRD

QTc, ms
QTc, ms

410 410

400 400

390 390

380 380
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Age, years Age, years

The mean QT interval for women at different ages (using the The mean QT interval for men at different ages (using the midpoint
midpoint of the age group) for 4 different QT correction (QTc) of the age group) for 4 different QT correction (QTc) formulae. The
formulae. The mean data for QTc, calculated with Bazetts formula mean data for QTc, calculated with Bazetts formula (QTcBZT)
(QTcBZT) and QTc calculated with Fridericias formula (QTcFRD), and QTc calculated with Fridericias formula (QTcFRD), were
were the numerical data from Mason et al18; the mean data for QTc, the numerical data from Mason et al18; the mean data for QTc,
calculated with Dmitrienkos formula (QTcDMT) and QTc calculated calculated with Dmitrienkos formula (QTcDMT) and QTc calculated
with Rautaharjus formula (QTcRTH), were graphical extrapolations with Rautaharjus formula (QTcRTH), were graphical extrapolations
of the data from Dmitrienko et al16 and Rautaharju et al.17 of the data from Dmitrienko et al16 and Rautaharju et al.17

repolarization (QT interval). Similarly, aging may alter the is a role of female hormones in modulating QT interval,25 the
characteristics of one or more of the molecular mechanisms concept is conflicted by the data that testosterone can also
responsible for the QTc, and render them more sensitive to lengthen QT interval and may have an action, independent
the cardiac action of certain psychotropic agents. of its role on QTc, to increase the resistance to ventricular
Women made up 70% of the 332 reported cases of TdP arrhythmias induced by some drugs.25 Thus sex hormones alter
associated with the use of cardiovascular drugs that prolong cellular processes that alter QTc, but the relevant hormones
QT, namely, quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide, and their detailed actions requires further study to define more
amiodarone, sotalol, bepridil, or prenylamine. Even after clearly the mechanism for the sex differences in QTc.27
adjusting for other TdP risk factors,22 these studies suggest Other mechanisms, such as hormonal modulation of
that the greater sensitivity of women to potentially fatal pharmacokinetics of psychotropics, and their binding to
cardiac arrhythmias is not limited to psychotropics. Rather, it potassium channels, may also play a role in the action of
suggests a biological difference in susceptibility to potentially drugs to induce cardiac arrhythmias.28
fatal cardiac arrhythmias for drugs that can prolong QTc.
The basis for the greater sensitivity of women to drug- QT Interval and Sudden Death
induced cardiac arrhythmias may be explained, in part, by The importance of considering the impact of psychotropics
the greater QT interval in women from the age of puberty on the QT interval rests on the link between QT prolongation
to old age. The biological basis for the longer QTc is due in and cardiac sudden death. A succinct opinion is the FDA
part to differences between the outward potassium currents in statement:
the heartthe major determinants of the repolarization phase While the degree of QT prolongation is recognized
of the cardiac action potential. Female rabbit ventricular as an imperfect biomarker for pro-arrhythmic risk,
myocytes have significantly lower outward potassium (IKr and in general there is a qualitative relationship between
IK1) currents and current densities than ventricular myocytes QT prolongation and the risk of TdP, especially for
from male rabbits.23 The finding that the QT shortens after drugs that cause substantial prolongation of the QT
puberty in men but not women suggests that sex hormones interval.29, p 2
modulate repolarization.24 Drici et al25 evaluated the effects
of ovariectomy followed by estradiol or dihydrotestosterone The FDA further concluded that
treatment on factors responsible for QT duration in isolated It is difficult to determine whether there is an effect
rabbit hearts. Oophorectomy shortened QT interval and on the mean QT/QTc interval that is so small as to be
estradiol replacement lengthened the QT interval.25 inconsequential, but the risk of arrhythmias appears to
Kannankeril et al26 concluded that although sex hormones increase with the extent of QT/QTc prolongation.29, p 6
play a role in QTc differences between men and women, they The FDA warned that both for males and females, a QTc
explain only part of the observed differences.p 773 While there greater than 500 ms is highly abnormal.29 The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 60, No 5, May 2015 W 209
In Review

Figure 3 Corrected QT (QTc) for men and women using received 5 to 10mg/day, HPD was associated with a much
the mean values for figures 1 and 2 greater QTcBZT than a control group.34 The duration of the
QT interval predicted the occurrence of HPD-induced TdP in
patients with critical illness.35
To illustrate the impact of age and sex on HPDs effect on
QTc, data from over 1000 people was used.36 This construct
QTc, ms

showed that QTc approaches 500 ms in men in their late 60s

400 for those whose response to HPD was only 1SD greater
than the mean response (Figure 4).37 This effect is somewhat
more apparent in one ECG database18 than the other.16 The
impact of HPD on QTc was evident in women as well as
men (Figure 4B). These effects of HPD are noteworthy, even
0 25 50 75 100
though HPD does not produce as great an increase in QTc as
chlorpromazine (Figure 4).
Age, years
The effects of HPD on QTc is consistent with the data that
The means for each formulae were averaged and not weighted
according to their sample size because the studies varied
HPD treatment of schizophrenia is associated with a 2.2-fold
markedly in their sample size and the largest study would bias the higher rate of cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrests, or cardiac
overall result. Further, the graph is useful for illustrative purposes deaths.3,38
rather than a precise determination of values as the different
formulae cannot be readily averaged.
Olanzapine significantly increased QTc in a meta-analysis
of antipsychotics.32 The ages of people in studies are often
Psychotropics and QTc Prolongation young. For example, in 17 people, age 34 years who
In a survey of 6790 psychiatric inpatients, HPD, received 5 to 20mg/day (average 15mg/day), olanzapine
phenothiazines, fluoxetine, and citalopram (including was associated with a much greater QTcBZT than a
control group.34 In 24 people, aged 38.3 years, olanzapine,
escitalopram) were significantly more common in patients
20mg/day, produced a minimal 1.7-ms increase in QTc.33
with drug-induced long QT and potentially fatal ventricular
In 13 people aged 35 years (39% men) there was about a
arrhythmias.30 In the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care
10-ms increase in QTcBZT with olanzapine, which was not
Program of Northern California, there were significant
significant but the sample size was very small.39 However,
increases in QTc for HPD, thioridazine, imipramine,
2 of the 13 patients (15%) showed a very large increase in
citalopram, venlafaxine, clozapine, ziprasidone, sertraline
QT of more than 75ms.39 The relatively young age of the
quetiapine, nortriptyline, and risperidone.31
people in these trials should be considered when this drug
In a meta-analysis, using a Bayesian-framework with both is used in older people and women who have longer QTc
direct and indirect comparisons of randomized controlled intervals before treatment.
trials comparing 15 antipsychotics and placebo in the Olanzapine has electrophysiological effects to increase
acute treatment of schizophrenia, Leucht et al32 found that cardiac monophasic action potential duration.40 The
most antipsychotics were associated with an increase in mechanism is the property of olanzapine to produce a
QTc. However, there are considerable differences in the concentration-dependent block of the rapid component
magnitude of the increase in QTc between drugs.32 Most (IKr) of the delayed rectifier potassium current in HEK
clinical trials evaluating drugs used for the treatment of [Human Embryonic Kidney] 293 cells transfected
psychiatric conditions enrolled mainly younger people. with human ether--go-go-related gene,40 which is a
Harrigan et al33 compared the change in QTc from baseline major determinant of cardiac repolarization and the QT
in men and (or) women, aged 18 to 59 years, who required duration.
chronic treatment of a psychotic disorder and reached Sex differences are important for this drug. Olanzapine had
steady-state on either HPD 15 mg/day, thioridazine a greater impact on prolonging the QTc interval, compared
300mg/day, ziprasidone 160 mg/day, quetiapine with risperidonean effect that is more evident in women
750mg/day, olanzapine 20 mg/day, or risperidone than men.41
68mg/day increased to 16 mg/day. Each of the
antipsychotics studied was associated with a measurable Risperidone
prolongation of the QTc interval.33 Risperidone significantly increased QTc in a meta-analysis
of antipsychotics.32 Although in a small (25-person)
Haloperidol group, aged 38.1 years, risperidone produced a minimal
HPD significantly increased QTc in a meta-analysis of 3-ms increase in QTc.33 Other studies disagree with this
antipsychotics.32 Many of the studies were in younger people. conclusion. Considering age and sex, older people and
For example, in 27 people, aged 35.7 years, HPD produced women would be expected to show more of a greater QTc
a 7.1 ms increase in QTc.33 In 18 people, aged 41 years, who prolongation when receiving this drug.37

210 W La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, vol 60, no 5, mai 2015

Impact of Age andSex onQTProlongation in Patients Receiving Psychotropics

Figure 4 Effects of CPZ and HPD on QTc

550 Men Women
+CPZ+1 SD 550 +CPD+1 SD
99th percentile 99th percentile
QTcFRD, ms


QTcFRD, ms
450 450

400 400
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Age, years Age, years

550 550
Men Women

QTcDMT, ms
QTcDMT, ms

500 500

450 450

400 400
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Age, years
Age, years

99th+HPD+1 SD 550 99th+HPD+1 SD
99th+HPD Men 99th+HPD
99th percentile 99th percentile Women
QTcFRD, ms

QTcFRD, ms

450 450

0 25 50 75 100
0 25 50 75 100
Age, years
Age, years

550 550
Men Women
QTcDMT, ms
QTcDMT, ms

500 500

450 450

400 400
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Age, years Age, years

The 99th percentile of the QT interval for men and women adjusted for heart rate by QTcFRD, according to age, using the midpoint
of each decade, was used for graphical presentation according to the data of Mason et al18 upper panel and Dmitrienko et al16 lower
panel. (A): The data are presented for the 99th percentile, plus the mean change in QTc for CPZ, as well as the change in QTc plus
1 SD with CPZ; (B): The data are presented for the 99th percentile, plus the mean change in QTc for HPD, as well as the change in
QTc plus 1 SD with HPD.
CPZ = chlorpromazine; HPD = haloperidol; QT = time between start of Q wave and end of T wave; QTc = corrected QT;
QTcDMT = QTc calculated with Dmitrienkos formula; QTcFRD = QTc calculated with Fridericias formula
This figure is reproduced, with permission, from Rabkin.37 The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 60, No 5, May 2015 W 211
In Review

Quetiapine referred to as CitAD) Study 186 patients, mean age 78 years,

Quetiapine significantly increased QTc in a meta-analysis of whom 64% were men, with probable Alzheimer disease
of antipsychotics.32 Although there is some concern as and clinically significant agitation, were randomized to
to the strength of the evidence implicating quetiapine,42 receive a psychosocial intervention plus either citalopram
a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (n=94) or placebo (n=92) for 9 weeks.52 Citalopram
showed a small but definite increase in QTc with quetiapine began at 10 mg/day with planned titration to 30 mg/day
treatment.43 In a study in 29 patients (24% female, mean age during 3 weeks based on response and tolerability.52, p 683
39 years), there was a 5.7-ms increase in QTc.33 In a study of Citalopram was associated with a significantly greater QTc
33 people (ages between 18 and 64 years) receiving 375mg increase than placebo, and more people in the citalopram
twice daily of quetiapine for less than 2 weeks, there was a group showed a QTc increase greater than 30 ms.52,53
small 1.3-ms increase in QTcFRM.44 Citalopram, at high doses, can induce potentially fatal
In a study of 20 Japanese people who were switched from cardiac arrhythmias, especially when combined with certain
olanzapine, aripiprazole, or risperidone to quetiapine, there other drugs.54-59
was a significant increase in QTc after the switch.45 Of note,
there was considerable variability in the extent of QTc Other SSRIs
prolongation after switching to quetiapine, suggesting some In a meta-analysis of 4292 patients, SSRIs were associated
people did not show much of a change, while others showed with a dose-dependent increase in QTc interval, compared
a marked increase in QTc.45 Quetiapine had a greater impact with placebo, with citalopram showing a significantly
on the QTc interval compared with risperidonean effect greater QTc prolongation than sertraline as well as
that was more evident in women than men.41 paroxetine or fluvoxamine.60 There is less clinical trial data,
but escitalopram can induce QT prolongation.61
Ziprasidone significantly increased QTc in a meta-analysis Venlafaxine
of antipsychotics.32 In an open-label, randomized, parallel- There is a paucity of specific data on this agent. The data from
group, fixed-sequence study, 31 people (about 71% men), a large number (n=2005) of users in a clinic setting found that
aged 38 years, ziprasidone increased QTc by 16 ms.33 In venlafaxine use was associated with a significantly increase
another study of 32 patients aged 18 to 64 years, receiving in QTc.31 The probability of a person having a dangerously
ziprasidone 80 mg twice daily for less than 2 weeks, there prolonged QTc is greater in women and older person. The
was a 9.6-ms increase in QTcFRD.44 Although, in a series of ability of venlafaxine to increase QTc is supported by cases
high-dose ziprasidone, there was no reported associated QTc of patients with markedly prolonged QT with venlafaxine
prolongation,46 there has been a case report of ventricular treatment,62 and with venlafaxine overdose.63,64
tachycardia, TdP, in a patient receiving ziprasidone,47
indicating the potential for this agent to produce potentially Summary
fatal arrhythmias. Psychotropics have the potential to prolong QT interval.
Most of the clinical trials, as noted above, were done in While the changes produced by some agents and at certain
younger people. In a retrospective study of 23 consecutive doses can be small, the association of increasing age and
elderly patients admitted to a neuropsychiatry service with female sex with greater QT intervals highlights the need to
dementia (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental have an increased awareness of QTc prior to use of these
Disorder, Fourth Edition) and who were given intramuscular agents and to evaluate the QTc after initiation of therapy in
ziprasidone, 1 person had a QTc greater than 500ms (25% women and older people.
over baseline).48 This is a small sample, and retrospectively
collected, but it was done in the elderly whether a 4% rate Acknowledgements
of dangerous QT prolongation was noted.48 There was no funding for this work.
The Canadian Psychiatric Association proudly sponsors the
In Review series by providing an honorarium to the authors.
Citalopram, an SSRI, is useful in the management of
depression, especially in older people.49 Considering the
focus of this article is on older people, it is worthwhile to References
1. Allen LaPointe NM, Curtis LH, Chan KA, et al. Frequency of high-
examine the effect of citalopram on QTc in more detail. risk use of QT-prolonging medications. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug
Although some studies suggested that citalopram did not Saf. 2006;15:361368.
increase QT,4951 these studies were deficient because they had 2. Ray WA, Meredith S, Thapa PB, et al. Antipsychotics and the risk of
either a small sample size or used a casecomparison design, sudden cardiac death. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2001;58:11611167.
3. Hennessy S, Bilker WB, Knauss JS, et al. Cardiac arrest and
making them dependent on the nature of the reference group. ventricular arrhythmia in patients taking antipsychotic drugs: cohort
study using administrative data. BMJ. 2002;325:1070.
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