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Match List I with Ust U and select the '1 . A car of mass 2000 kg is traveling at a
correct answer. constant speed of 50 m/s. The car has ro
Wsr l resist a wilid drag F11 = I0 v (N), where v
A Staria Fricrion is the velocity of the car i.n m/s The p0 wer

B Dynamic fricrion rcqui.rcd l>y Lite engine is
C. Solid Friction l!. 5kW
D Angle Friction b. l!lkW II c. 25 kW
I. Angle between the normal reaction nnd d 50kW

the resulrant of f(m:e of friction and Which one of the following
has 3 degrees of freedOilt between
nonnal reaction
2. The force of friction developed
1hc pairing clements?

between two bodies at rest
J The force of friction between two ( )
bodies iu motion
ra 4. F1i ction berween dry surfaces which
are not lubricated

A B c D !\>)
a 2 3 4 I
b 4 1 3
() 2 4 3

d. 4 J 2

2 Which one oF the foll owing principles

c;aooor be used to solve problems
jJlVolving fricLion?
11, D' Alembert's principle

b of Motion
c, Principle of work and energy
d Conservation of energy

3 Consider the following statemeuts

I SHM is charac1eristi<l pf all oscillatill!! 6
mo1ions, where restoring foroe

:!. IJ1 SRM, the motion is of uniform 8

3 Frequency in SLIM is equal to number

of oscillarions.
4, Frequency is number of complete
cycles per unit lime The above figure shows a four bar
Which of the above slalcmcniS al'<' conect? mechanism. If the radial acceleration of
tl1b poim ( ' is 5 cmls1, 1he leogth or rhe
a, i . 2and3
b. I nnd 4 link CD is
c 1, 2and4
a. 2cm
b. IOcm
d ::!, 3 and 4
c. 10cm
2ul1 l
(L I00 c.m d. 2 4 3
7. i\ slider sliding at 10 cml.- on a llnk which 10. <'on, ider the fbllowing
(s rotating at 60 r.p.m. is subjew:d to I. Oscill>tt.inQC) tinder engine me<:hlllllSm
Cul'iolli's ttccc.kration of 2. l'.o>ggle me<:chanism
40 11 Um/$' 3. Rilll \:)Iinder engine: mechanism
b. 0.4 " 4. Quick Rchom t\.hxh:mism
.:.. 40 11 em/$l \Vh och of' Ute above are uf
d. 4 11 cn11s1 siJdcr-cruok
H, C'onsid<:r U10 iblh!Wiug nec.:ssary nnd a. 1. 2 and .j.

s ut'ficicnl for roplllcing a rigid h. l, 3 and ol-
body by dynmkl equivalent of e. I, 2and 3
two masses <1. 1,3 :ond 4
I. Tota l mass must be e11113l to that of Ot II. The tnctooul torquC' trnl\mi11ed in a llat
tigid body piv(Jl hearing, asto;uming \\ear, is
2. S um of the S<l""'"" or radii of gymlion

a. !' WR
of twn masses :obout ihe e.g. nf ihc h 3/4fl WR
ng od hmly must b.: ectunl to S<JU!ore of
c. l/3 I' WR
o'Udiu. or
1!,Yr3li(JJI about lh<> m

))Oint d l/2 11 \VR
3. TI1e e.g. of two must coincide twhere ofiiictmn
with that of the rigid. body W = l.oad """" lhe b<:oring
4. The moment menin of two
ra R = R.1dlus of hearingd
mass<S aboUt an a-:is thmugh the e.g. 12. With uul nntations for ,JtOi:H!OI
mu>t bo cquol to thBLot'lltc rigid hud) panulJcter;s invo h cc.L t!tc uutximum 1

Wbicb of the :tbovc. conditions ott oorrcct'l IJuctu tiou of energy !'or flywlaccl t.
given by
u. I. 2 and 3
b. 1. J ""d 4 a. !F.C
c. 2. 3 ml 4 b. Be l l
d. 1, 2nnd 4

! EL''
Q, Match 1 II\ te(\hnnikm) with H
IName) uncl tho corrc:ct aoswt:r
d. ut'c
[,i.>t r Hammer bJow
A. Mechanism used lq 1'1;proclucc a, i the maximum

iligrnm to an onlllrj!ed or reduced fore;: Cllused b}' llle OlliS$ provided to

SCAl e
bnlmnct.: the ma.!J)CS

1:!. A trnight mechanism made up of b. i U\o mo:U.num vl:rtieal llnbalaucwd


turning pliirs farce caused by 1i1e D1>1SS added lo

hnlan.:e the reciprocating mass-e<i
C. (\pprM.imatc line motion
of unc sliding puir
C, varies aS tloe square fOOl of' the: speed

D. Exnct sl.nligbt line mulioo mecha1aisro d, \aries wi th the S(jUal'e o( lice

I. Hurl's pacdtunism
L4. Whirling peed of sbafl is a1c spi!Ctl al

2. P:intngrnph
a, >haft tends to \ibnte in longitudin>l
J . <'lr:a"'!hopper mechanism direction
4-. Peauceliier's
b. vibrations

"' shaft ldnds to vigorously in
A (" trnnsvcrsc direction
(L 3 I 2 d. combiaotlon of lr.lnW.mse and
b. 2 :; I<Jngitudinol <li!Clll'li
J 2
15 The vclocily IJf sliding a. ct(U>l to tl1e principal stres
lfelh i> b. zero
11, (m "'-' ,r e. holflhe ptlncipalstress
d. ono third ol' the pnncipal stress
h. .!i;< 20. Consider lhc J'ollowlng
"' I. There """Only M!l clb$1 ic
( 111 ro, ).\
d m,+ v!: 2. Elostic con>taub ore diflbr.ent in
.r directi1ms

( u\ and w,
augular velociti<!ll of
= 3. Materia l propertie\ are same
mes.hlng = diswnce between poinl C\ erywhere
orcontact ood I he pitch point) 4, C00$1.1nl' on: 1olnC in nJI
1 G. A spcod redui!Ct unit C0.11'1 isls of n doublc- looding directionJ
lbrodcd wunn of pitcb c 11 mm oud o S. l'lu: mol<:rial Ill wilbswnd
wonn wheel of pitch dmmcler = 114 mm. sholl.k

J'he;n11io of 11.: IJUipul lur((Ue u, the> intnll Which o'f tho above statements are true for
1/lriJ.UC i a line:trly elas1ic, homogen<lUUS and
7.G isolr<Jpic matcrinl'?

b. 12 a. l, 3.-!and5
c. 24 b. 2, 3
tl. 12 c. l, 3
17. When de
ra !1)'1'1eJ!1 is given " Cllnslonl d. 2 and S
ngui:Jr veloeirr rolhcr than '"' lmgular 21. A stri.ght himetllic trip nf copper nnd
displocQfnc:nt. it is known steel hented. II is free M ends. The trip
n. l<p fuudioo inpul
b. bnnn.onic input u, c.'<pud nd rcmsin striglll
.:. unit 11"1' disptacctn"llt b. will not Cl<Pnd but will bend
d. input c, will nod bond
18. 1\lolch List I with Ltt II and select !hi!

d. 1wist on! y
correct ;t.n.o;wer: 22. A st..=el rod 1 em nod 1 m long
List I from lO"C to L"2QOC. Its n - 12
A. LTUinr.lts!r'engtb 10'6 K and E = 200 GN m' II" the rvd is
B. Nalurnl strain fr:e<: to CX(l.l11d. U1e str.:ss

C. Conv.:ntiooal sltain d"'dopc<l in it Is

D. Sit""' n, l2 JON1m1
Li!<t ll b. 24() k.L'I


L lnlemal stcuclurc c. 7,.ero

2. Change uf length per unit d. infinity
inslontam:ous length z.;. By eonjugotte beam method. the lop" at

3, C'hange of length per unl1 gaul!" length an)' section of nn oetunl beam is e'1ual11>
l,oad per "nil Mea u. EJ Lime,; the S..l' of the cnnjugote hc:run
b. ru. times the B.M. oi llte conjugate

A B C D boom
1 2 3 4 c. SP. ofconjugn!e be.>.m
b. 4 3 1 l d. B.M. of the conjug:tllj bem
c. 1 J 2 4 24, Se.leet tlte oorroct hear siress distribution
d. l 2 diagnm for n 'qu.1re with a diagonal
-v1:1tiC1Jl position:
19. Whcu the tw1> principal "'"' cyuo.l
and like. the resulmnl s tro8< on nny
ul I.S
b. 700N.m
c. SOON.m
The chtlllt:c w volume of n duJl
cyiUJder uttemal pressure buving
hoop Slress = 100 Mf"<t. 8 100 CJPa and
Porsson' s mtiu = 0 :!5 is
:t 0.40
b. 0.30
c. 0.25

d 0 20
29 If lhc numher of tvros rn n nrc
Hulvc-d. its Is
a. llalved
b. doubled
c Increased four nml!l'

d nut changed
A CliSI iron specimen in n torsion test gives

a. cup artd. cone fmcuue
b rructure lllong a plane normal to tl1e
a:<tS of the Sl>eetmen
15 A p1pe of duuneter J cu1 and c fr:tcture along a helix of npproximmcl)
imemal diameter :2 em and
ra 4 m Is 45'
Ill ends. Its earr!es a polnt d.. frnt1ute uloog u plane tncltocd aL 60'
1!\nd of 65 N n1 115 ccntn.: sectional
10 the 3XIS
1uOdulus of lhc pipe will W
31 If V - cuning veloorl}, = hear angle. r,
:t 65ltl64 em'
1 - r:tkc tmsle, the chip vdocit\
b 65 Tt13:! cm It
c 65 n/96 em' a.

d. 65n.'l28cm'

26. b l'oos(;-a)



32 llsmg. &he ra)' lor eqQnlton VT" = c,

calclllatc 1he pcrccnmge mcrcase 1n tool

A short vcrt1cal column havmg a We wben lhe cutting speed os ,...'(]uct!d l>y
SO"ot n 0.5 tutd c 400)

l'ross-sccriun IS subjecwd 10 on a'lial

compressive Force. cen[re of of a JOO%
whoth lhrongh poino R as shown in b 400%
11-., above li'!lufc Mr"lmum c 1000 ..

slre!.s occur.. at pout! d so

3. s 33. Opt.11uum culung, lbr ruonwrwn cost
b Q ( V, mml ll!td OJlWUUJJJ Clltung SP(.'t)d for
\' R productJon mte IV, ..,,) have
d. p whic.h one of the followoog relationships
17 A subjccled 10 a bending moment
1$ 3.. I .... -l r,."
M - 400 lll,m nnd tor<Jile I'= 300 N tn b I .,..,. > nl: _
eqtoivalent bending mornem is

u. 1100 N m t. 1 ""'

d.. ''"IIIII! - r''',_--. d +i mm
34. '
Match list I (Alloying dements for tool 38.
stcol ) with II ( Improved mechanical
property) nnd selecr the correct answer
tist r
A. Carbou
B. Mau!'anese
C. Cbrorniw:n

List U The above ;;;;b:rers to gnndlng. The
nx1s x and y in Ihe !;,'Taph rcpruseots
I. llurdness
a. Hardness of marennl tieing g.mund and
2. llot Uarduess cmtiug speed tespectively
J . Critical Temp
b. Efficiency of Gri11ding and llardness
4. Touglmt'SS o f nuuerial being grouou respoctively

C'odcs: C. Cuttiug speed and cost ur Grintling
A B C D respectively
I 3 4 2 d !Offi.-iency of Gnndiog wd Cuuing

b 1 4 3 I speed respectively
t, I 4 3 2 39 Which Llne of the fciUowiog pairs is not
d 1 J 4 I COi'I'CClly ma1ched?
35 Consider 1he following actions:
ra (l lncom'entional
I. Mechanical abmsion (A rplication)
2 Diffusior1 machining mcrhnd)
3, Plastic defonuarioo a. Elecnic discharge ; Machining of
4. Oxidutiou elocuicully eontluctivenluterials
Which of above are tbe causes of tool b. Laser beanl - Micro-mocl1ioing
wcal"' c. Plasma arc :.Fastea cullmg o f

a. 2amJJ
b l 1md2 d Electron. bemn Fa>ter mcml
c. I, removal rate
cL I und3 40. Match List T (Pwcesses) with L1sr [I
(Tolerilnccs obrll:ined) and select ll1c

36. 1\ 150 mm long. 12 nun diamel'er 3()4

stainless steel rod is being reduce-d in C<ln'cct unswer
tliam<:\cr IO II ,5 nun by IW'Tling 011 a List I
The spnidlo rotates at N = 400 rp111 nnd the 1\. Jllasma Arc machrning

tool is lmvehnp. m nn n:.,..iai speed of 200 B. laser Beam machining

mm/mim.. 'I t\c time. takrn for culling is C. Abrasi ve Jet machiuJug
given IJy D. lJII.nlsonic .uachiuing

a, 30 s Listll
b. 36 s L 7.5 microl\s
c. I mimll<

2. 25 microns
d 45 s 3. 50 microns
37 The runoum of olfse1 of tail stock for 4. 125 m1crnus
lumiug !apcr on run length or a job 300
mm "'hich is to h:l\'e its fwo A B c 0
diameters at 50 111111 -and .38 mm ulrtmmely
tt. 4 I 3 2
b j 2 .t l
6 mm
3 ..
c. 4 1 3 I
b. 12mm
c. 25mm
d 3 I 4 l
bol IS
41 List I (Operation ) with List IT 2. Coar$e P.,rlltc
CExphmativn) .and the
SeJecl correct the. code.
Libtl gh
A. D<:ltd in g a. t, 2 3
13. Hanginl! b. L. 3. 2
C. Ucmminl! c. 2, L3
D. RuU Furminl! d. :1, 1.2
Li$tiT 4.1. Molcb Li!l I. (Welding) with fi>t 1J

1. The edge ol' the metal ill bc:nt into (Ap.plic:ltion) and select the contct
lhccavityora die an!; Wet"!
Z. The wooess of punc.hins a hole lln<t l. i,lt T
ond Ou:n <IXI"'nding in Ill a Oonge A. lL"<J)IUl!il'e
3. Uc C!dge of the shoet mc:t1il ils foldoll B. c
tver c. 11enllit"

4 Bcn.lin.s continuous lengtht of D. l'mjeetiou
metal Lislll
5. The of bentlinij the edge$ of

J. Joining !hlck
shectmcUlls 2. Mnnulocturc ofhoat c..xdJJmgo:o
3. Joining thin ohcet. or'' of
A 13 c D imilar met.1 Is
ra I s 3 4 4. Joining hydraulic piston fi'lr
4 2 3 ngrlcullttrulmnchinery
1!. I "2
3 4. 5. Joining. raiJ.. aro tluc.l.; s l>l
d. 4 s
I 3 !lt.'Ctio.n8
42. List I f Cnsting Process) with Listll
(Appticauo!lli I aud l:loct tbe \:OI'I'OCL , ll c D
OilS I\ Of:
5 I

Li.>t 1 h. 5
A. c. 5
B . Squeeze casting d. 5
C'. Dje 4 5. CQJ1$idtr the fcollowing slatcnciiL relotecJ

Lin n lo ft)fging:
I, ( ' nrhurettoDi l. Fl"'h is cxc.cs lllJltcrilll addocl to stock
2. which tlows :rround parting Uno
3. Wheels for automobiles

2. Fl3h helps in filling of 1hin nlll< :md

4. (;ebr b!l!lses in Urpllt die
C'odcs: 3. Amount or tlnsh depcnus upon forging

A 13 C force
4. 2 .3 I Wl1ich of tile nbovc gtlllcotolluL are com,cl'l
h. .I I 3 u. L, 2 and 3

c. 2 3 b. I and 2
d. 4 3 l c. laod 3
43. T11 o pll! in curbnn teal ha ving d. 2 md 3
0 S"o corbon cont<'nt an< welded. ff WI: f<JIII>wing rc:l;ted
conserve the wtllmOllnt uncJtr [I) TurTet In the:
from cc:ttre I Tuoret i!l JllOUnltcl directly ""
tt>wotd8 uither tho following,
ltfc obServed different zon01;: 2 Turret is rnountol! on oo slide
I, Fine Pearlite
7 u f ll
3. heavier larger job1 thou Which one of the tbllowing i correct
be produced e.'(pte!il!ion 'for st1nd:u-d deviation of tollll
\Vhicb orthc abow irre cQm:ct'l demand i.e. lead time

I :md J a. Jx'o; + L'a" . cf<T,

h. 2 nntl3
c. I only b. J..zu;
+ llcf. +cf.rii.
d. 2 unl.)' o. ,'I;Ut. 1 Lo, cr a L
n . Maich List I (l'<lreall:lgc of corbon d. .\:17'(., LCI:. T U C':
in plm Cllrb<m t.eel) with LisT lJ j I. Match l...isl I (Bqu\pmCill) with LV.t II

and select The Ct)rr...:T 'ilual.iOtlo) and the .wrrec.l
"O.'i\\cr; an.lfwer
A.. O.JO - 0.20 A. ConveyDr
B. 0.30 - 0.4{1 e. C'mne
C'. 0.60 - 0.10

C, I
o. J 10 1.40 1) . 1.11'1!

1. DI"Qp hMnmom I. l)riwrlcss Vehicle with varyinl! path
2. Ra1.ors

2. V crtjcaJ nttJ\'cmtnt or
>. Structures 3. Vatyios paths ofTMWmcnt
4 . r r:rne hook:.
ra nf intonniltcnt load
5. Fixcxl -outc mnvomcnl
A 11 (" I)

n. ..
2 \ B c D
b. 4 2 4
" 3 l
c. 3 2 h 5 4 3 2
L 3 2 c. I 4 3 2
4R In decid ing the boiWt'<ln punch d 3 2 4 5

nnd die in pre><N in bentiog; lite 52 In CPM ndwork o:titienl path denotes the
to llowing rule iR hclptul
path wht:r" mootimum resourccs
,L 1 1unch size t!(Jotrols holt size., d.i" 11,\cd
contrOl$ blo.nk size
b. whllfe minimum t'e!lOUJ<cs ar<

b. punt b ., ize controls boOt bolo sit o nnd

bl:mk size
c. path where delay of' one activity
c. die size controls botlt hole size und prolongs !he dlll'ation of completion of

blanksize projt:et
d. die Jtizc controls hole Nne. punch siz" d. path that tnOnilOr<!d
c.ontrolio bl>ol. siz.e
53, Tinlc of n rmject utc:

-19. llto type. e>f industry lll:ll provides lltc

t..,. nptimisti..: time to tlay.
lowe.! Cllpital output nnin is
1mt, mDstliJ,:cly time : 15 days.
It, Steel industry
'"'" pcnsillliKiic lime

b Sm:tll scnle
in tor this per
c Walt h
BI!TA di tributj()n is
d. MocP!ne loolndustry
SO and o,. ate me mean 'l.lily demand nnd " ll
b. 7
d.:viMion of dally demand
I, od a 1 Me the me1111 lime ln day!
"- s
d. .j
nnd .tnndatd dwiaiTcro oflead tim"
54. Slltndaril time i&
IIVCC"8C: tlruc nUownnoes
liut l 5
e- nonnal1 in-.e. niiO\\tUlces l1'1)1il
d oonua.l rlme -+ aJiowa.Jlces Break-Eve11 Point
Sumdnrd time. I S'n ond lnbo.rr mtc.t all! '" J PrgtWVo lumc lwdu
in the table Labour ure 20% of 4. Cost lor- ne\\ design
IRQou.roos-1 S. cost
sr min ........... - Ralht \odes;

A B C 0
Ii n. 3
b 2 1 3 s
(( rhe matenal cosr as Rs 25.'unit.. whru
e S 2 3
,,111 be ll>a U>llf of ptotluc11o11 In d 2 q 3 J
Rs./unit1 58. Jolmsons rule ts. appHca bl< for plann ing

lob hop lor
" .lS a n machines and
b <;<
c. 45 b. 2 nuschincs and nJObf
c. n m.1ohh.cs and n jeW,:

<I 3<
follnwmg limnations; d_ I macbinu nod nJobs:
1\ work Jhifl Is fnr S ht"tU'M du11Utun. 10
1 MU,C!nCI"U of n'IACJunc:s- oil\&
nu.n-Uies Junch brea.l.. -ru1d rwo 15 mlnures
cquipmen&s for production centre is

(<liCit I ten lrcokf itrc allowed .,.,, lil tl rr
p-roducu. are 10 go out aft:er assem bt,t at the

2 Long OO\\ I mes lend J'W!'MI\ e
ma-e nf w p.:or shift. o.-\d 10 1n.l
time (!t!DIC"Jlt 1:0T n produc:t fs --l2 minutes.
l /11 mno:ltinc. lt-o<l to tbcu tttithrut,Jni num \,).:.r of l UU]oh!l
stoppage of piVducnon

Wilt"OIIf".S duri"M .. 8
b 1':!
5 Htghor gnuk si.JII< ore requlri>d
c, 6
Procns lnyour has whJc-h of the abQ'e d 5
1im wt ro11S'I
a I
w. Work done- to n free expans1on process tS
a. po$Jtive-
b. nogs1tlve
c 2 ;aJ1d )
c. zero


d m t1.U111Um
61 Mmch LISl l with List n lind IIClc:t:l the
eunea W1.!1\\"el

: 11Qunntrt,Y)

A. Eoglne speed
B Fuel hoOIIIIf!
Mrnch I ts l I (Symbols) with Lil<t 11 C Air velocny
D b unud!l) ol'ru'

and selec1 We correct aDS \ >ve.t

w;1nH lhc <.'Ode:$ yj\lt.n below 1hc .. I II (Meatun ng O.,voce)
related to Pi V cl1an on Break-Even I . !.t aoorne1er
4\uulyil:'+ 0$ -,:h<wm fJl nbovc fi,e\lfC' 2 Tnchomctl!t

1 isl I 3 Hydrometor
A. OR Caloritn.!ler
c ss Codes:
D RQ 1\ B C D
>of l l
I S 3 4 HC<Jiil)gvalue of fuel = TS,OOO kJ per l.i!
2 4 I ' Tcmpernture limits = 627" C nnd 27" C.
d. I 4 3 S ol' tut l =
62. For the f pdv U1 represent the \'alueofpower = Rs. j/l( Wh.
wort(. whicb or tM [otlc)wins condill<Jns The of his
<)tould a.
" Tho YIem is eloscd ono nnd b. nul
lake.l pla.:.e in non- Jlow sytom c.
b. Tho i> nOn<ruasis talic d. uncconorltieal

c. 'I be boundary Dt Ytem ' hould not 67. The ufa Ol.c1u11cngine is given
move in ord<!r thai work may be a; 0..75 If the cyete directiun revc:rsd,
traMicrrcd " hal \\ill b<: Ihe ""lue t)f C.II,P lfrr the
d. U'thc system open one, il should bu C'-'111101
non-l'cvcrihle . 0.27
Vari:ttion of presurc and , ... nl

b. 0.33
letnt);,rature Oll'e
(!, 1.27
tbtoug_b 2,33

68. [n o regoncralivc lcllrl! wiU1
b .Doyle's LJ\1' entha lpy of 3514 kJtkg is expanded in h;p.
tl. Joulo'J lo\\ tnrbme to sl11tu corresr>ondmg to
d. Goy LU.sac's lw sa!uratctl en!lrnlpv of W:>U:r 10 G13
64. ra The velocity of in 411 idc<tl gos docs kJikg. If Ute puntp work re<JU irl!lnent8 in
not depend oo high press1rre and !I) \\ pf(l'>sure 'l<>nes arc
the he:tt rolio of the gas respectively ' aod I )dtkg. amount ut'ltcat
h, the moleculnr weight of the ID<nsfcm:d u "boill:ll t<
c. lne temperature or tlJe gas a. 2897 kJ'kg
d. the density or ilie ga b. 2898 ki/kj!
(i5. l\luld LLt I \>illl Ll!l ll a11d Select U1.o c. 2904 kJikg

C<)n'<:CI 0 11.\1\VCI' d. 2905 k1/kg

Li>tl 69. t\ rofrigmtor torage is upplid wilh
Thc1rmon :lliOO kg or fish :r.l a temperature of 27"C'.
B. CPfor munoolomic sns Tite lish has lu be cocllcd to - 23(' fflr
(' c. - c:., tordi;tlomic gas Jlrenevmg it lot u lurt!! poriorl withuut

deteriormion 'llte eOQling place In

D. (i1U I ill' 1 It) llllurs. 11\c heal Of fi.,h is 2.0
Li;l fi k.J/Iq! K above p<>int l)r fish

I. Sfl R 0.5 kJikgK fri...:ozlns point of f.Sh.

2 C\ which ;. -3"C. The Intent heal of freezins
3. R is 230 k.llkg, \Vhat is the power to drive

the planl if the uetual COP i b:llf that of

4 . (OJ' i'Pl, lh" .ideal cOP'!
Code'!; a. JOkW

A 13 c D b. 1.5 k\\1
. 3 l I c, 12 k\\1
b. 4 J 2 d. n 1;;\\1
c. 3 j 2 70. In a comr)l'esslon the
d. 4 2 l r'Ofrig_ernnl immcdllllely after exparu.ion
G6. An in\ (tntov cblm that hoal ..m,ginc lm.!l, lhlil vaJuo i...
fu II ow ing specific/tt iuns ll. nlnl'>lcd liquid
Power rlevelop;:d = SO lr\\'. b. &ub cooled lfguld
FQe) burned per hour = 3 kg, c. dry vapour
'l. wet Vllpour d. :land 4
71. Which of the t hO\\ 17. In o Jimple imp1tlse mrhine, the nozzle
that the in lllr is anglw ol the entr:mc.: 1S o. Whut 11 ill be
ttHYI plute'! blodc-spwd mtit l\11 maximum
(\bo!<uco of Oxygen in Ol<haulll diagrnm efficiaoey
b. Abscrtcc ofNitmgen in csltaust 3. 0.433
1\IJScnce of Ji:cecMbnn. in b. 0.25
d. nf chvn monnxidc in c. 0,5
d. (1, 75

tJrsat an:,ly?;er determmes volw11e1ric 78 In " IWIH'(l\\ ('urtis with
cnrnpll'!rti<ln ortuc flue in '""""ct of' syuunctnc l l:>aldlng.
lL O:ond N 1 work done by boUt I'()Ws of !111)viflg
b. 0: CO: blad"" liN
.,. CO:, CO b. work d<>ne by the lif"l t'Ow of moving
d. N1. (h, CCh und CO blades is double of Ihe work dQITe by

73. 73. ln Fosl Breeder Roactor scconJ row moving blnde
n, the moderatof used i wotcr c. dono h) the liJl;t ro" of m<ll'ln!!
b. Ibe me<l ;, grnpltite hldc. is lhr.:c limes tho went.. clone h1'

sc:cond ni\V ot' moving bbd'-s
Ihe moderator used;, rhn."de
d. dune by the firs I rmv of
d. no
blade!: u; R,ur limes lhe work d<rnc by
74. lf th" tntholpie$ 111 111..- entry arid e:<i1 tJte mw of mo ins are 34Sll ftntl 2800 nnd
the initial vclooii,V ;, negligible lbeu the
vclociay at the
79. In reol'tiM lurbiltos. wiU1 reduction of inlet

a. 1J1e fnoreMe us the
" 806.2 m!. !!pccilic; volune of
h. 2S.i m ol
b. the he-1ghts mcrcase in the
c. m/s Spcci.iic VOIUillt! o( Sl:lm int'fQ!iSQI
tL I 1-UI.l ll. lh.e lll;,od'e hoighll doctcli1Jc us the

7S A nozzle IS have clmked llo" when 51)ec ific volume- of te>m

J. is mnlWllum d. the lilo<le dc:crea<e- us lhe
2. tbrol velocity 8t.mio V(tlum.: ,.rsteam dt:ere(L<t:S
3. noa h:: "lcit Is moro: Lhuu Ow 8(). U' t.he dr"l"' m<lling blode and or

cciti<nl p.-uN or
'll Stllge in 3 te:tctiOO [!IJbine.
dt,chorge is z.cro are 9 nnd II k111qz then
Seloct the c = t 11$ing the degree of reaction oflle stage s
given a. (), l

II , I fmly h 0.4)
h I .mil 2 C;. 0.55

e. 4 on ly d. 1.0
tl. I. 2 3 81. Cl111J!itlc.' the
76. C<m>ider lbu I. 'Ibe Ouid cnll:fll lbtl JIUtup a;<illy und

L l ligb. ond blnde l'clocitio:o ill diseltargcd radicnll)

2 Low nnd.blode 2. Maxirnllm efficiency ma) be of the
3. Low :Sf-'C"clx <f rotJHion order
4. High los 3. Devalorment tow belld
Whiclo nt' ch:...ct...-ilics nrc 4. A- limited suction cnpocily
rosses.5c:<l hy <.simple ompulse or the aboVe an:
n. I nnd 2 by ilow
b, u. 1 oud 2
c. 1nutl 4 b. 2and 3
II uf lJ
c. Coder.
,1. .:1 nnd A B c u
82. ll2. A centritilgul pum1> deliVOT$ "nter :1 a. I 4 3 2
the of 50 lilomls a luL11 ill' b. 1 3 4 J
ifoeiOT$. 'l1en lhc tou\h.-r ol:::quirca h> c. I 3 2
clri1e !he pump is
n. 2 k\V

2 4 "

tho 1\)U.,wing , Wlcmtnls
h. 15.2k\V t;crlilining '" o \apour o<JJiljJtC.-ion type
e 19.(> kW tcfrigerator:

<L 25.8 kW I. The c<md,mscr heat lo 1he
83. rvlolch List I wid1 l.iS1 It and se1ccl lhe (rum rhe refriger3nt
COITdCI ans,vGr: 2. The """II<Jr3lllr l'rr1m lhe
LiM I &urrounding. 10 be cooled
A. Il""d roC!: 3. 13olb cond(.118<;r nod ore
D. heol with tt:trigernnt as d

C. Penstock CimlmQn mc.Jium
D. lubo 4. The ul' heal .:xeha.nge<l in
"<IJldc:nacr and L'\' OjlOI'IIIOr 31'C ll<!Ui(

uulcr Hle!ldy co.nditions
I. Clumnel runnol O; popes through
which waier tS cnrri"d from reservoir Which of the abnve :ore cnm:ct?
l.o the turbine a. I and 2
ra level b. I, l und 3
3. DivergiNg tube water Jimu c. 1. 2 and4
the turb[ne In lht d. 2, 3 :md 4
'f11c level Wlller is di.chorged 87, thrtJUling\ltlice us<;rl in 1he domc:stic
ut >lmosphcrk "'frigcptU1 is
Codes; o. intemaUy <q!n'llilcd Uu,mtOSI.1tio
;\ B r D exponsion volvo
b. externrilly oqu:tlized

.1. I 3 2 4
b. 2 4 I 3 ellpansiM Vlllve
1 4 l 3 .:. llltomotie expansion vnlve
,L 2 3 4 d. .:apiiiAry tube
In SY$tc:m A vapours .re suP"rheul.ed by

84. "Witloh or the follOWnlg

Ci<ce9S :li(/
JOc in the evaporator wltile in B
vltp<>ul'5 are sopcr bend by Ioc in n liqultl
n. Pulverized CQa1 combustion
vapour ..-egener.,uve he.11 ""ch:Lnger, olhcr
b. Qll bllmer$

con\lltinos being tl1e sam"- Then

o,:. Ga5 bumors
a. I .O.R of A : C.O.P ofl3
<L (' l10in iJ;!Ic.stwk<T h. C.O.P of' ootb A B C.O.P of

85. Match L1s1 I wiU1 List II :md sdcc1 the Re\'Cli<e Carnoi Cyclo
COITCct .nLSWt:r:
c. C.O.PofA> C.O.PofB
Listr d. C.U.P of J\'< C O,P ofB

A. Riel Match lisi I (Chemic"! formula of

B. r t:odtliog ,..,frigofllnl) W1 lh lis! II (Numeric:ll
C. C<Jinnl OC!IignllliOn) aud cun.ccl '"'"wcr
0 , Mtl(lerator LisLI
l, isr n A. Nil.
I G111phitc B. \Cl: 1':
2. Nrurul tltJniUm C. CHCIF!
3. 0.
{. <:()z U!i. II
11 ur 15
J2 A. Unstable equilibrium
2. 22 B Neutral equilibrium
J . 4u C equilibrium
4, 113 List Jl
5 7 17 I
2. M is hbove G
A U C D 3. M is beluw G
4 J 5 2 4 f:IG =O
b 5 3 2 4 (Where M, G and B are meta centre, ceolre

c. 4 3 5 2 of g.ravliy and centre of buuyancy
d 5 2 4 respectively)
90. "l'he function or the draft tube in " rea orion A B C
turbine is a. t J 2
a. to enable rhe shaft of U1e to be b 3 2

vertical c. t J 4
b ICI tniJlslorm a large part ,,r d. 4 2 3
energy at turbine outlet in-to kinetic The velocity potential function io a two

energy di mensional flow fluid is given by 4> = x7
c. to avoid whirl losses at the extt of lhe 1
y , The magnitude of velociry at H1e poi nt
turbine (I , I ) Is
11. to rransform a large part of kinutio 8. 2
energy at the turbine outlet into

') I
ra pressure energy
b. 4

9S The relations betWeetJ s)lear stress (r) and
,. velocity gradient for ideal fluids,
:, l5<m
Newtonian fluids and non-t'eW10n1an
' 50+em fluids are the Clln'et.t

a. r = l). T = I(<IHI c(l')' .r= 11 .(1l11 I ely)'

J I' >l"d fi< lln>"Y b r : ll, r = ,u(rlit / dy ) : r =II,(tlu I tiy f


Tlte pressure di!Terence between point B c. r = }.( / l(),);r= ll,(dll / - r =JJ.(dfli <to)'
and A (as sllown in lbe above figure.) itl d
ce.ntimeters of water is

9(,, Consider tlte following statements;

a. -44
I For streJlm function to exist, lhe flow
b 44
should bein'igati ooal
C, -76

2. P'oteutial, fwtetions 8J'e possi ble "VCJt

a. 76 though continuity is not satisfied
A metJIIJjc weighs 80 N in alr aJid tiO 3. Streamlines diverge where the tlow is
in water J'he relatrve density ctf the

metall ic piece is about
4 13em0ulli's equation will be satisfied
IL 8
for now across a cross- section
b. 6 Whtch of the above are correct'/
c.. 4 a. t. 2,Jand4
d. 2
b I 3 ""d 4
93 Mntoh Lit I (Nature oj' toquilibriwn or c. Jnnd 4
tloating body} with List 11 (Conditions tor
d. 2 only
equlrtbnum) and select U1ecorrect answer:
List I
13 ur ll
List 1 (Device) with List U ttlse) .:. the sep:rrntion of near
nna seloct lhecorn:ct arlS\ver; Ute t(nitin& edge of a oody
I ist I II. .[lenc:ralion uf m., lfn a fOllltinJ!
A. Pitt>! tube eylintlt:t in uni f9rm llu\1
B. l'reston Iube lOl. A 1125 model uf o lup is lu l><l lostcd for
t. Fie." ;-f(ot.t.le estimoling the wve dtg. If lite peed of
0. Hot w'it c-(UtC'ItH) tttelt'11 the:. ship ;,. I m iN, tjoen the peed ;t which
lhe modclmusl he tc:stcu j;
u. 0.04 rnl$
l. Boundary sbcnr

2. Turbulent velocity fluctuhtiurlg 11. 0.2 m!s
3 , The
1!, s.o
4, Plmv rote d. 25.0 "' s
C'odes; 102 Con$idet lite followultl for
11\0 dimensional polcnti.,l now:
A ll I)
I L!ltllttee equation lllr slr>::lm

:1 4- 1 :; I mu,;l be satisfied
b. 3 I -1 2. 2. Laplace <:<(Uotion tor velocity (><)l<fltial
c. 4 I 3 2 mut be Jolisficd

J. 3 '2 4 I 3. SlrCJntlinc:s 1uul equipotcnti l J t'\:.
98. Flo\\ jg ca1Jsotl hy mnmlly peol'endicol:or
thinrung ofbvundat) layc:r to 4. :;tre:tmlino:s can inlerl;eCI <tlhc:r in
ra 1..ero 'er)' high peed llnws
b pressure Which of Ute above are t'tJI'TCCI1
a u. I anu 4
d. reduction Qf pressure to local vapour b. 2 ttd 4
l. 211ud 3
99. A lamtnar !low os tnkmg plaC<l m ptJX:. d. '2. 3 and +
Match 1 (Terrn) witlL List 11
103 tO.'I. In now llctween (\1 n point..
(spresion) and elect the answ<T

a. the $tltgnation pre;uuroo decreMcs in the

direction ofllow

l), the >tasntinn temperature nd
A. l)ischrge, Q stognatiou pn:ssut'C decrease l>it.h
B. Pressure drop, &PI L in the vc.Joe.ity

C. Ftiction fa<t()r. f o. Ute otaguotioro temverature und

List II n)' vary
I. l(i fl/pVQ d. the &taJ!Iltinn temperature- and

2. ntl1 ILl. stsnt.ion prcnurc retna ir consUJnL

3. (1\ ): lltc of
4. nd'1 ..\p 128 1x:rformnnce ,f n llcat pump th:n

Codes; thol for the fefrigeflltingmachine operati ng

hchrcn the same
A l3 C
Reason (R); The:

" 2 .3 -1 rcquin;s more energy tOr \\'orkin_g whc:ro

b. 4 3 1 het pump requires less.
c. 4 1 a. Both A :tnd R art: true ond L< the
tl. 1 <I 2 correct e:.;p of A
JO!l n.o mugnus efl'cct is defined .. b. Both A :mtl R arc': true hili R is NOT
a. the gencrntion of life per unJt dra!!- tile CO<r<.'(:l O>'Cplantioil o! A
mrce "' true bul R is.;
h the cirtulat.ion induced in an aircraft d. A is fnlsc but R is true
105 1\sscrttOII(J\), worJ. UJ'e t08 (A 1.
"' "
law 1s
vector quantities cootstltutive lnw for a ll.iftStic
Rwon \R): Both huve the tnlil or mnteroal.
mensuremem 'Nonc' Ruason ( RI Fonnulurion <>f fh<: thcon of
;.. Buoh A and R ure true and R tS tlie elasticity requ1res the hypothesos lhm there
torrcet c,,rannuon of A <>SJ51S a unique stntc (>f
b 1:\oth A and R are rrue but R IS N()'l be)<() , 11'1 the he)<() retUOI$ whenever
the ctlm:tt ol" A nJJ Ute forces lltc removed..
c. A I> ITUt but R is a. Borh A and R arc true nnd R '' the
t1. 11 b but R s correct or 1\

I()(; b Both A and R are true but R C. NOT
come I of J\
c. 1\ is ttt.c btn R is false
d A fniS<: bur R is true
10? Assertion (A 1: A of lVIII
m &eneml, not tel;Uh in pltme SIUie or

Fig, I Fig. 2 Reason IR1 A thin rlai1C lamina stretdwd
Assen1011 tA ) 1 he kmemnucs m liS uwn plane will result '" n of 11

mec.hnnosms shown on F1g,. I 1111d Ftg. 2 plnllo straoo
above are the kmemancS 111\' C<l'ICIO of the a. Both A and R :tre 1n1e ond R
same kincmat1ts chwtt corr<:ct explanation orA
Re<1.1on I RI; Both the l:incn1UIICS
ra b Both A and R are moe but R Is NOT
mechanisms bne numb.!r of huks the con:enexplonation ol' A
Utld n!VOIUIC. pOint!. but dirfMlnl c. 11 is true bUl I! ts
d A false but R true
" BoUt A and R utc true and R is the I I0 1\sl;tnion (A): Thctt ,. ,ll.tXxl grntn
correct explnnnhon or A refmement in hnt>votking.
b. A nnd R. ure true R is NOT Renson (RI! In hot physi(.1tl
1he correc1 explanntmn ot' A are generally omproved
A is true but R ful!le

Both A nnd R are true nncl R ts the

\1, A is ru lse but R is tnt<. correct csplanntion ill' A
107 b Both A and R al'\: tntc but R 15 NO'I
the corrcC1 111' A
c A IS tmc 1)111 R Is t';t)!>e

cl. A'"
false but R Js true
I ll Assertion (A) In wire dr.twmg
lha rod cross- .oouon

by dmwtng It S>ll'eralttnws in
1\5.\.enron (A) The mechanical system Reason (Rl Since each drawing n.'<iuccs

sll!mn on till! above figure Is an .:xrunpleof dvcultl) the" Ire, so nfier (ina I dmwmg
a 'tiYO degrees or freedom' tl"' 'Vl"' tS nurmah1,ed.
unclerg1ttng vibrullon.< n 13oih A and R nre rrue and R ts the
correct explunatton or A

Rc!IS(ln (R): TIIC syStem llf IWil

dt$ti11CI moving clemeni!> in the ronn M a b. Both A nnd R nre rruc but R "' NOT
ptllk'}' ttndcrgomg_ rota!) oscollnllons and" the correct explnnntt<lll ol' A
mas.<> undel'l!Oing hnear oscollanons. C.A IS U11C bUl R IS l'alse
o.. &th A aud R. nre true nnd R IS d 11 tS l'nlse bUt R is true
e:-plonohDn of A 113. 1\sserttOJl. (1\l Conventional
b Both A and R ure true bul R ts NOT planning techniques cannot be used for
the corroct cxplanntion of A Sei\IICC O)X'I"Jiill11S.
(. A true bui B. Is roL<c Reason ( R} Service operation!) tan not he
d A Is but R.os tn1c lfl'entoried
IS ori ll
" Both .'\ R ore 1noe nnd R t tho Rc>'<ln IR). 11>e purp()ote of Wppl}irog
Wrtccl OJ' A mr i to tnorre cornplole
h. Both \ ond R un: true bill R ii< NOT '-"Wribu..,11un.
lbc curtttl ul' 1\ o. Both A llllll R .uc ltuo and R ;., lht
A true bul R i flc corre.:l apl>mlion of A
d. A fJIc nul R i ITUC b Both A lind R m: ltue but R NO'I
I 13. \:l,ertioo (,\): PnHlC!' IU)IIUI " prcforrcd lllc COn"'-'t c.':plmAtlon ur A
for noo-lontlord prodto.:l! c. \ ;,. true but R k &lsc
Reason IR) Proc..,, IJ)OUI h d. . \ is Etlse bul R is ltuc
defined mnlhenwicl O.m 118 i\sSalion (A}; eftictet!C} ol inl!J.:-5\age

rociblaiQI mll!tbl hJndhnJI. impubc lllrbin<: 11 ilh inc=se tn
a Bolh \ nd R ore Inn> und R oJ lhc nozzle angle.
COM'C<.1 C'qiiONIIIIO of \ RCOJSOo (R): Nozzle ;mgl<: gcncrolly .,...,.)
b Bolli \ and R true l>ut R IJ }';C rJ on 3 impulse ltorhone os in lhe range If\
lb.. COITCCI cxplnntion uf A 22'. too low an ;mgle II'L1)' oocre.t5<0d
c A " liUc bul R d fabe

loss t the blade inlet.
d t\ l'o lsc but R i ltue &tb A ""d R ..-c true And R " the
AMeruon 1.\): A pooducl layout ,. c<>nect of A
preft:U'cd \\hcn the llc.x.i'bilit) in oquc:rn:o b. Bolh A and R ore ltuc but R IS J\01

of opcrahon i riXJUircd the of..\
IK) 1-'roducl layoul reducet c. A;, tnte but R is 1:1Le
1m enloroe! u wclls Ia boor cos I. d A "' f"le hut R is true
ra a. Jlotb \ and R ore lnoc 1nd R .. II'). A>serllon A dtfl lube' h u.c:d nlonl!
conccl cxplnnolion rof A I' ith higlo h04d tw loiuc.\ In
h. Bolh \ and R are true ""' R is 1\01 C{!IIOCCI the ""'"' I'Q!trvoir In the luohinc
lhc col'l'ed oxpluutiuu uf A in lee.
o. A IS Uuc but It loi f>!Ac Re3son IR): A drnfl lllbe I> used lo
d. A is fo lb huo R i< true Ul.:t'...,;., bolh tlt" output md
I 15 As$ertTon lA) Shortest Hone oflho turbiM,
algorlllom ocdueui wailing limo of boldl a. Both A 1111<1 .R >n: true nnd k chc

whit., proccuons. com:cl 11rA

Reaw n (R); SP'r rulu ohiY the b. Both 1\ ond R are ltue lul R is NOr
due dale roquircmtnl<. the corrCCLOXplanotioo of A
IJOib A R IIU< unJ R iJ thu c. II true but R l ' fohc
cnm:cl c:cpla1111lion ..r1\ d. -\ ts flse but R i. \rUe

b. Hollh \ nd R "'\: lruc R ;, 1':0 r 120. Asscnlou (A): .-\body 11 iJh lArge cui"\ aturu
I he l.'lltrt<:t of t\ eouscs brg..:r pn.'!<>ure dmg and lh.crcforc.
.:. A ;., lfUC bu1 R os fobc lorger resisl3nce lo mol ion.

d. 1\ is fa be bul R ;. ltuc Rc:.snn iRl lotrge eunatun: do\'C'll"" lhc

116 (A); The cl<:rmly ol n on stn:mnlin.,.. dO!fc::J>CS tllc cine(\\
the moo<> is bout of lht nn lhe resulting io the on pn;_.;urc and

c:aniL dC\eloprnent of ad\croe

R<:wniR): The 1!1'11\lllllionol oo:t:elcnuion I to""'"""" """ nc:.r the l>uund>l) .
on moon " :shout uf lluo nn lhe a. Bolh A and R nc tru.; n4 R os the

earth c<>n..:l t:tpl.tmtiDo of.\

a. Both A and R ore hW and R u lloc b. B11lh A n<l R 4TC ITUe bill R b N'() f
"""""' of.\ the c4\ncet cxpbnotion o( .-\
h IJ<Mh \ lll1d R on: true hUI R ;, XOT c. A "' !rut but R.i. fohe
lhc C(lm:d o:xplanutiorn col A d. o\ is fu}se but Rub ue
A IS lfW bul R false
d. A i> fo be bul R is '""'
117 ,\ss<'11ioo (A): '11oo coloo ific 1nluc ul' fi1el
ll<pendt lm lhe used fnr
.:uno bu'ill on

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