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Courtney Lemons

Ms. Levesque


1 November 2017

Endangered Wildlife

The next generation wont know about many wildlife species because they are now in danger of

extinction, scientist Jennifer Bove says. Endangered species are species that still exist but there

are so few of them that they are in danger of extinction. We need to find solutions to our problem

and help endangered species make gain more numbers. There are several causes of endangered

species: habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and human activity. The strongest forces

in habitat loss are humans.

For billions of years, wildlife species have come and gone. Through the process of evolution,

more hearty spices take the place of those that are weak. Extinction occurs naturally, but human

activity can rapidly increase the rate of extinction. Humans have destroyed more than half of the

worlds forests, which serve as habitats for wildlife. The rest of the forests are shrinking fast

because of causes such as wildfires. Pollution causes rising sea temperatures and unhealthy air.

Habitat loss causes animals to lose shelter, food, and to a safe place to raise their young.

Scientists estimate that the current rate of extinction is thousands of times greater due to

man-made causes. LiveScience says At least 120 of the 620 primate species will be extinct within

20 years due to habitat loss.

If humans stop pollution and conserve land and breeding areas, then some species of endangered

wildlife will not be endangered anymore. If if humans conserve land and water and help save

breeding areas we will be on the right track Modern Causes of Species Extinctions says.

Reducing pollution is a major step in improving the health of animals. People think they cannot

make a difference, but they are wrong. If we all work to do our part, we can make a large impact.

Conserving land and water where there is endangered wildlife will help to ensure that the

animals will be protected. Minimize the impact of logging, oil and gas drilling, and

over-development and make the world a better place for both Humans and animals. Saving open

spaces will help stop habitat loss. Refuges can be overcrowded so saving open spaces is crucial.

Protecting the places animals live can give them the best chance for survival.

If People introduce breeding programs then animals can breed and raise their young successfully

and can eventually increase their numbers. Breeding programs can ensure that the animals can

grow in numbers and eventually be released back into the wild. These programs need dedicated

people and tons of money. Many programs including the Osprey and Musk Ox have been


Humans are at fault for the large amount of animals that are endangered today. If humans

continue living in a world full of pollution and over production, many of these animals will

become extinct. But with the efforts of conservation and cleanup, people can save many of these

innocent animals. So remember, even the small acts against these problems are the fine line

between endangered and extinct!

Works cited

Bove, Jennifer. Why Animals Become Endangered. ThoughtCo,

Endangered Species. LiveScience, Purch,

Modern Causes of Species Extinctions: Habitat Destruction,

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