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The Industrial


By: Hailey Madera

Make a 4 slide slide show that:

Explains 4 major negative aspects of industrialization (25 points)

Explains 4 ways that industrialization changed peoples lives (25 points)
Explains 5 reasons that industrialization happened in Britain first (25 points)
Has a work cited slide at the end for all resources used, and is cited in MLA
format (25 points)
Is neat organized professional and turned in tomorrow to by the
end of class.
The 4 Major Negative Aspects...
1. Child Labor : Children from the time they could walk and got older they were working in
factories, they worked in mines then adults because of their size and they listened..
2.. Working Conditions and Wages : Back then people had jobs and they worked hours to
have money on the table. They didnt give much more than 10 or 5 cents for hours day of
work. They would have people work in harsh environments with chemicals in the air that
could get them sick and maybe die.
Industrial Production : If you land you had to keep up with your crops because if you
didnt have crops you either had to get a job or you were forced to move to the
Education : To the age of 10 and older you could work. They banned a law that kids be put
in labor which was called Child Labor.
The 4 major positive aspects...
Modern Buildings - The population was growing faster and faster so that's when more
moe homes were built.
The changes of classification - People started to become new Lawyers, doctors, Teachers,
Inventions - When the seed drill was made, food production increased fast. Sooner or
later people had enough food to keep and sell.
Working conditions - even though working conditions were very bad, kids who went to
work for their family had brought more income.
5 reasons it happened in Britain.
Coal - Britain had a lot of coal for the machines they had.
Waterways - Before there was transportation like cars, motorcycles, there were waterways.
These waterways would let boats carry 3,000-4,000 pounds transport to wherever the
location was.
Power - Britain had most power of the seas/ had and could do easy trades...
Economy - There was unfair taxing
Enclosure Movements- Farmers bought land from peesants and that made the peasants fill
up jobs in factories...
Work cites...

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