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Entrevista laboral

Juan: Cmo te llamas?

Mara: Mara Velzquez

Juan: Cuntos aos tienes?

Mara: 25 aos.

Juan: Cul es tu estado civil?

Mara: Soltera

Juan: Tienes planes de matrimonio?

Mara: En un mediano plazo, s.

Juan: Ms o menos en cunto tiempo?

Mara: Unos tres aos ms.

Juan: Qu carrera estudiaste?

Mara: Relaciones Internacionales

Juan: En dnde estudiaste?

Mara: En la Universidad del Norte

Juan: Cuntos semestres dur tu carrera?

Mara: Nueve

Juan: Tienes experiencia laboral?

Mara: S, tengo 2 aos de experiencia.

Juan: En dnde laboraste?

Mara: En una ONG dedicada a velar por los derechos humanos

Juan: Y por qu dejaste de trabajar ah?

Mara: Por cambio de residencia

Juan: Dnde vivas antes?

Mara: En Monclova, Coahuila

Juan: Muchas gracias por tu tiempo, Mara.

Mara: Gracias a usted.

Work interview
Interviewer = Juan
Interviewed = Maria.

Juan: What's your name?

Mara: Mara Velzquez
Juan: How old are you?
Mara: 25 years old.
Juan: What is your marital status?
Maria: Single
Juan: Do you have any plans for marriage?
Maria: In a medium term, yes.
Juan: About how long?
Maria: About three more years.
Juan: What career did you study?
Mara: International Relations
Juan: Where did you study?
Mara: At the Universidad del Norte
Juan: How many semesters did your career last?
Maria: Nine
Juan: Do you have work experience?
Mara: Yes, I have 2 years of experience.
Juan: Where did you work?
Mara: In an NGO dedicated to protecting human rights
Juan: And why did you stop working there?
Mara: By change of residence
Juan: Where did you live before?
Mara: In Monclova, Coahuila
Juan: Thank you very much for your time, Maria.
Mara: Thanks to you.


Fresa Naranja
Pia Melocotn
Pera Toronja
Sandia Strawberry
Babano Pineapple
Limn Pear
Ciruela Papaya
Kiwi Watermelon
Manzana Babano
Meln Lemon
Durazno Plum
Uva Kiwi
Granada Apple
Frambuesa Cantaloupe
Cereza peach
Grape Ajo
Pomegranate Yuca
Raspberry Ayote
Cherry Pepino
Orange Tomato
Peach Cauliflower
Grapefruit Chile
Tomate Eggplant
Coliflor Dad
Chile Radish
Elote Carrot
Berenjena Beet
Papa Celery
Rabano Lettuce
Zanahoria Onion
Remolacha Garlic
Apio Yucca
Lechuga Ayote
Cebolla Cucumber


bull = toro rabbit = conejo

cow = vaca sheep = oveja
chicken = pollo (indiferente del gnero) turkey = pavo
hen = gallina goose = oca / ganso (pl geese)
rooster / cock = gallo llama = llama
chick = pollito ox = buey (pl. oxen)
donkey = burro prawn = langostino
goat = cabra shrimp = gamba
horse = caballo crab = cangrejo
pig = cerdo dolphin = delfn
shark = tiburn mosquito = mosquito
eel = anguila moth = polilla
whale = ballena praying mantis = mantis religiosa
killer whale = orca snail = caracol
jellyfish = medusa spider = araa (tcnicamente son arcnidos,
lobster = langosta no insectos. Pero bueno.)
manta ray = mantarraya wasp = avispa
octopus = pulpo ant = hormiga
oyster = ostra bee = abeja
almeja = clam beetle = escarabajo
seal = foca worm = gusano
sea turtle = tortuga marina cockroach = cucaracha
sea lion = len marino ape = simio
squid = calamar monkey = mono
cuttlefish = sepia baboon = babuino
seahorse = caballito de mar cobra = cobra
starfish = estrella de mar chimpanzee = chimpanc
hake = merluza gorilla = gorila
gilt-head bream = dorada panda bear = oso panda
sardine = sardina sloth= perezoso
tunafish = atn parrot = loro
cod = bacalao tiger = tigre
bass = lubina boa constrictor = boa (un serpiente grande)
trout = trucha python = pitn
salmon = salmn tropical fish = pez tropical
boar = jabal goldfish = pez dorado
deer = ciervo, gamo, etc (pl deer) hamster = hmster
mouse = ratn (pl. mice) guinea pig = conejo de indias / cobaya
racoon = mapache canary = canario
skunk = mofeta cat = gato
squirrel = ardilla dog = perro
beaver = castor water buffalo = bfalo de agua
otter = nutria cheetah = guepardo
armadillo = armadillo leopard = leopardo
bat = murcilago elephant = elefante
bear = oso (hay tipos de oso tambin, giraffe = jirafa
como panda bear, grizzly bear, polar hyena = hiena
bear, y black bear) kangaroo = canguro
weasel = comadreja koala = koala
moose= alce (pl moose) ostrich = avestruz
falcon = halcn rhinoceros = rinoceronte
eagle = guila lion = len
vulture = buitre zebra = cebra
hummingbird = colibr antelope = antlope
sparrow = gorrin flamingo = flamenco
crow = cuervo frog = rana
owl = bho toad = sapo
dove / pigeon = paloma hippopotamus = hipoptamo
fly = mosca crocodile = cocodrilo
butterfly = mariposa alligator = caimn
dragonfly = liblula duck = pato
grasshopper = saltamontes turtle = tortuga
ladybug = mariquita camel = camello
dromedary = dromedario tortoise = tortuga de tierra
penguin = pingino snake = serpiente
polar bear = oso polar lizard = lagarto
walrus = morsa iguana = iguana
rattlesnake = serpiente cascabel chameleon = camalen
scorpion = escorpin komodo dragon = dragn de komodo


Honorable Mesa, Compaeros Delegados,

El Gobierno de Suecia, extiende un cordial saludo a los delegados presentes a la

Cumbre Mundial sobre el Medio Ambiente, agradecindoles su constante labor en tratar
estos temas de urgencia para mi pas y el mundo entero.

Delegados, el tema del deterioro del medio ambiente ha representado por mucho
tiempo, los esfuerzos y deseos de mi pas. Adicionalmente, nuestro gobierno y nuestra
poltica exterior ha apoyado los trabajos de las Naciones Unidas sobre este tema.

Debemos recordar, las declaraciones hechas por el Secretario General sobre la

urgencia de proponer nuevas soluciones a estos graves y urgentes problemas de la
humanidad. Delegados, debemos de mantener los compromisos adoptados por
nuestros gobiernos, y adoptar estas negociaciones con el espritu de cooperacin y
buena voluntad. De lo contrario, retomando los Informes presentados recientemente
por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, estaremos
contemplando un irreversible dao a nuestro mundo en los prximos 25 aos.

El Gobierno de Suecia, insta a los Estados presentes a adoptar una posicin abierta al
tema, y propone el incrementar la atencin y las acciones propositivas para hallar una
solucin lo antes posible. Retomando las palabras del delegado de Dinamarca, no
podemos permitirnos el lujo de abandonar esta situacin en las manos de la historia.

Finalmente, deseo recordar sin embargo, que mi Gobierno considera que a pesar de la
gravedad de la situacin, las acciones que han sido implementadas por muchos
Estados presentes son vlidas y reconocibles. Instamos fuertemente a los Estados a
cooperar con los instrumentos internacionales como el Protocolo de Kyoto y a apoyar
en mayor medida los esfuerzos del Programa del Medio Ambiente.

Agradezco el tiempo otorgado en este foro.

Cedo mi tiempo a la mesa.

Honorable Board, Fellow Delegates,

The Swedish Government extends a cordial greeting to the delegates attending the World Summit
on Environment, thanking them for their continued efforts to address these urgent issues for my
country and the world.

Delegates, the theme of environmental degradation has long been the efforts and desires of my
country. In addition, our government and our foreign policy have supported the work of the
United Nations on this issue.

We must remember the statements of the Secretary-General on the urgency of proposing new
solutions to these grave and urgent problems of humanity. Delegates, we must maintain the
commitments made by our governments and adopt these negotiations in a spirit of cooperation
and goodwill. Otherwise, taking up the reports recently submitted by the United Nations
Environment Program, we will see irreversible damage to our world in the next 25 years.

The Government of Sweden urged the States present to adopt an open position on the subject and
proposed to increase attention and propose actions to find a solution as soon as possible. Turning
to the words of the delegate from Denmark, we can not afford to leave this situation in the hands
of history.

Finally, I would like to recall, however, that my Government believes that, despite the seriousness
of the situation, the actions that have been implemented by many States present are valid and
recognizable. We strongly urge States to cooperate with international instruments such as the
Kyoto Protocol and to further support the efforts of the Environment Program.

I appreciate the time granted in this forum.

I fasted at the table.

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