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Measles Virus (Rubeola)

162 Anne A. Gershon


Definition Widespread vaccination with two vaccine Laboratory diagnosis can be made by
Measles is a highly contagious viral infection, doses in the Americas has reduced the reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain
usually of childhood. incidence of measles so that the virus is no reaction (RT-PCR) on just about any body fluid
The disease presents with a nonpruritic longer endemic in these regions. or tissue.
rash that begins on the head and face and When vaccination rates fall below 95%,
spreads down the body, with fever and measles outbreaks can occur if the virus is
No specific therapy has been proven to be
malaise. reintroduced into a population.
Initially, before the rash appears, measles can Immunosuppressed patients are at high risk to
Administration of vitamin A once daily by
resemble influenza. develop severe measles without necessarily
mouth for 2 days should be considered for
There is usually accompanying conjunctivitis, manifesting a rash.
patients with measles.
cough, and coryza. Measles vaccination has been shown to be
The mechanism of action of vitamin A is
Complications include infections of the unrelated to development of autism.
thought to be by immunomodulation.
respiratory tract and central nervous system
involvement. Prevention
Measles is caused by an RNA virus classified as
Live-attenuated measles vaccine is
Epidemiology a Morbillivirus of the Paramyxoviridae family.
administered to healthy children at 12 to
Measles is very contagious before the rash
Diagnosis 15 months of age and again at age 4 to
appears, which enhances the chance of spread
Clinically, measles may be confused with 6 years.
before the disease is identified.
Kawasaki disease. Passive immunization with immunoglobulin G
Measles is also contagious for a few days
Measles virus is difficult to culture. should be given to high-risk children and
after rash onset.
Diagnosis is usually made clinically, particularly adults exposed to measles but having no
The virus spreads by droplets and also by the
if Koplik spots on the oral mucosa are observed. history of measles.
airborne route.

Measles, an acute infection caused by the rubeola virus, is highly con- Chemical and Antigenic Composition
tagious and usually seen in children. The illness is characterized by Measles virus encodes at least eight structural proteins. These have
conjunctivitis, cough, coryza, fever, and a maculopapular rash that letter names and include the following: F, C, H, L (large), M (matrix),
begins several days after the initial symptoms appear. There is a char- N, P, and V. Three of them, the nucleoprotein (N), the phosphopoly-
acteristic enanthem, Koplik spots, that is specific for measles and that merase protein (P), and the large protein (L), are complexed with RNA.
precedes the onset of rash. Recovery from measles is the rule, but C and V interact with cellular proteins and also play roles in the regula-
serious complications of the respiratory tract and central nervous tion of transcription and replication of the virus. Three are associated
system (CNS) may occur. Measles in the United States has been largely with the viral envelope: the M protein, a nonglycosylated protein asso-
controlled since the introduction of live-attenuated measles vaccine in ciated with the inner lipid bilayer, and the two glycoproteins, H and F.5
1963; it remains a serious problem in developing countries, but suc- The H glycoprotein is involved in attachment of the virus to host cells,
cessful efforts are now being carried out for improved control of the and the F glycoprotein is involved in spread of the virus from one cell
disease.1 to another. The major receptor for measles virus is the signaling lym-
Measles virus (MV) belongs to the genus Morbillivirus of the family phocyte activation molecule (SLAM; CDw150); wild-type virus enters
Paramyxoviridae. It is closely related to the viruses causing canine and mainly using this reeceptor.6-8 SLAM is a membrane glycoprotein that
phocine distemper, rinderpest of cattle, peste des petits ruminants of is expressed on T and B lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells,
goats and sheep, and morbilli of certain aquatic animals. Although which accounts for its lymphotropism and immunosuppressive effects.
these viruses are distinct agents, they share certain antigens.2,3 Wild- The complement regulatory protein CD46, which is widely distributed
type measles virus is pathogenic only for primates. in primate tissues, also serves as a receptor for the measles virus and
is particularly used by vaccine type virus.3,9,10 A third receptor, extracel-
DESCRIPTION OF THE PATHOGEN lular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (CD147/EMMPRIN) on epi-
MV is an enveloped, nonsegmented, single-stranded, negative-sense thelial cells facilitates transmission by aerosol.11,12 Multiple receptors
RNA virus. The genome encodes at least eight structural proteins.3 probably enable MV to enter different types of cells during infection.
The H glycoprotein constitutes the antigen that mediates hemaggluti-
Morphology nation. The hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test, using red blood cells
On electron microscopy, measles virions are pleomorphic spheres with from Old World monkeys, is a historically important serologic test
a diameter of 100 to 250nm. Virions consist of an inner nucleocapsid for measuring antibody to measles virus. The F glycoprotein causes
that is a coiled helix of protein and RNA, and an envelope that bears hemolysis. Unlike many other paramyxoviruses, neuraminidase is not
two types of short surface projections.3,4 These projections include the found on the envelope of measles virus.13 Genetic and antigenic varia-
hemagglutinin (H) and the fusion (F) proteins. The molecular weight tions of measles virus are now recognized; the sequence of genes
of the single-stranded RNA is 4.5kDa. Because the entire genome has coding for H and N is the most variable.14 Numerous genotypes have
been sequenced, it is possible to differentiate between wild-type been described.6,8,15,16 Measles virus antigens and their role in human
measles virus and vaccine-type virus. disease5,17 are discussed later.
autism; encephalitis; maculopapular rash; measles; measles-mumps-
rubella (MMR); pneumonia; reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain

Chapter 162 Measles Virus (Rubeola)

reaction (RT-PCR); subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE);
vaccination; vitamin A
Growth of Measles Virus in Tissue Although current vaccine coverage in the United States, which is more
Culture than 90%, is sufficient to prevent sustained outbreaks of measles, it is
Measles virus was first successfully isolated in the laboratory by Enders not sufficient to prevent imported cases, with resultant limited U.S.
and Peebles in 1954.18 The virus was initially propagated in primary spread. In the first 19 weeks of 2011, 118 cases of measles were reported
Part III Infectious Diseases and Their Etiologic Agents

human renal cells but later was cultivated in cultured simian kidney to the CDC, the highest number of cases during that interval since
cells. Wild-type measles virus is rather difficult to propagate in vitro 1996.34 In 2011, moreover, a large epidemic of measles occurred in
because it is slow growing, and only a limited number of types of cell Quebec, Canada, with 725 reported cases, although 95% of 3-year-old
cultures are permissive for the virus.16 Typically, cytopathic effects children had been immunized with one dose and 90% with two doses.
produced by measles virus in tissue cultures consist of stellate cells with Among adolescents who contracted measles, 22% had received two
increased refractility and, especially on passage, multinucleated syncy- doses. Thus, although measles vaccine is highly effective, further under-
tial giant cells containing intranuclear inclusions. In the absence of standing on susceptibility in recipients of two doses is called for.
cytopathic effects, virus replication can also be detected by hemadsorp- Measles continues to be a worldwide problem that primarily affects
tion of rhesus monkey erythrocytes. Presumptive isolates of measles children in developing countries. In 2000, it was estimated that more
virus are identified by typing with monoclonal antibodies by using than 750,000 deaths attributed to measles occurred globally. With the
immunofluorescence or plaque reduction tests.3,19 Reverse-transcriptase advent of immunization programs supported by the World Health
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays for measles virus are also Organization and the United Nations Childrens Fund, the estimated
available (see later). deaths globally have been reduced by 60%.6 The largest reduction in
deaths was observed in Africa.35 Measles continues to be a problem in
Host Range Europe, where vaccine use may be spotty, and introduction of measles
Humans are the only natural host for wild-type measles virus, but to the United States by air travel has resulted in measles outbreaks.6,36
monkeys may also be infected. In general, illness caused by measles Despite the many challenges in controlling measles, however, eventual
virus is milder in monkeys than that in humans.20 It has not been pos- elimination of this infection continues to be a goal.
sible to infect small laboratory animals, such as rodents, with wild-type At present, there is minimal published evidence that immunity
measles virus. However, newborn and suckling rodents may be infected induced by measles vaccine wanes significantly with time.28,37-42 The
with vaccine strains administered by the intracerebral route.21,22 major reasons why measles has not fully been eliminated from the
United States are failure to immunize all persons who qualify for vac-
EPIDEMIOLOGY cination, primary vaccine failure, and importation of measles to the
Measles has been recognized as a disease for some 2000 years, but its United States from other countries.15,36,40-42,43,44 Based on the aforemen-
infectious nature was not recognized until about 150 years ago. In 1846, tioned recent Canadian experience, further studies on the possibility
Panum23 studied an epidemic of measles in the Faroe Islands and noted of waning immunity to measles, even after two doses, seems to be
that the disease was contagious, that there was an incubation period warranted.
of about 2 weeks, and that infection appeared to confer lifelong immu-
nity. The next major advance in the understanding of measles occurred Spread of Infection
in 1954, when Enders and Peebles18 successfully propagated wild-type The measles virion is very labile; it is sensitive to acid, proteolytic
measles virus in primary human renal tissue culture cells. This was a enzymes, strong light, and drying.3 The virus, however, remains infec-
prerequisite for the development of a live-attenuated measles vaccine, tive in droplet form in air for several hours, especially under conditions
which was licensed for use in the United States in 1963.24 of low relative humidity. This latter fact may account for the increased
Measles is seen in every country in the world. Without a vaccine, incidence of measles in winter.45
epidemics of measles lasting 3 to 4 months could be predicted to occur Measles is spread by direct contact with droplets from respiratory
every 2 to 5 years. Countries in which measles vaccine is widely used secretions of infected persons and also by the airborne route. It is one
have experienced a marked decrease in the incidence of disease. For of the most communicable of the infectious diseases, most infectious
example, for many years, 200,000 to 500,000 cases of measles were during the late prodromal phase of the illness, when cough and coryza
reported annually in the United States. Since 1963, when the vaccine are at their peak20; however, the disease is probably contagious from
was licensed, the incidence of measles in the United States has decreased several days before until several days after the onset of rash. Measles
by almost 99%.25,26 This decrease has been especially pronounced since virus has been isolated from respiratory secretions of patients with
the early 1980s, when state laws requiring proof of immunity to measles measles only until up to 48 hours after the onset of rash.46 Airborne
for school entry were enacted. The yearly incidence of measles in the spread of measles in physicians offices47,48 and in a sports complex49
United States reached its first nadir in 1983, when 1497 cases were has been observed.
reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in
Atlanta. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, however, there was an OTHER DISEASES ASSOCIATED
increase in the incidence of measles; this was brought under control WITH MEASLES VIRUS
by increasing the rate of immunization and by introducing a two-dose Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a chronic, degenerative,
schedule of measles vaccine for all children.27-29 In 1990, more than fatal neurologic disease that occurs on average 7 years after an attack
25,000 cases of measles and 89 measles-associated deaths were reported of measles, particularly in children who had measles before 2 years of
to the CDC.30 In 1991, however, the number of reported cases dropped age. Possibly it is an autoimmune disease.16 A few children who
significantly, to 9643.31 Between 1993 and 1996, fewer than 1000 received measles vaccine and who had no prior history of measles have
annual cases in the United States were reported to the CDC.32 Between been observed to develop SSPE. It is thought that these children may
2000 and 2007, an average of 63 annual cases were reported.33 Using have had a subclinical case of measles before receiving the vaccine. The
molecular techniques, it was demonstrated that transmission of indig- incidence of SSPE in the United States has declined dramatically since
enous measles largely ceased in the United States by 1993. Since that the introduction of measles vaccine.25,50 It is almost invariably caused
time, most cases of measles in the United States have resulted from by wild-type virus; a single case of inclusion-body encephalitis caused
international importation of measles virus.15 by the vaccine strain was reported in 1999.51 Based on the number of
In the first 6 months of 2008, however, 131 measles cases were cases of measles in children during 1989 to 1991, and the number of
reported to the CDC; 13% were associated with importations from cases of SSPE reported to the CDC after those years, it was estimated
Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Of these cases, 99 (76%) were epi- that the risk of SSPE after measles is 10 times greater than was origi-
demiologically or virologically linked to importations. Most of these nally thought, or 1 per 11,000 cases. Genotyping revealed that these
patients were younger than 20 years, and 91% were unvaccinated or had SSPE cases were caused by the wild-type measles virus circulating
an unknown vaccination status. Of the unvaccinated individuals, many during those years. It appears therefore that vaccination can prevent
of whom declined vaccination for philosophic and/or religious reasons, significantly more cases of SSPE than was originally projected.52
85% were eligible for vaccination. When vaccination coverage fell to Patients with SSPE have unusually high measles antibody titers,
80% to 85%, measles once again became endemic in the United States. both in their serum and in their cerebrospinal fluid.53 SSPE is caused
by a persistent infection with a measles-related virus in the CNS that IMMUNITY
occurs despite a vigorous immune response on the part of the host. Immunity to measles after an attack of the disease appears to be life-
The pathogenesis of SSPE is extremely complex and has been ascribed long. Rarely, second attacks of measles have been reported after natural
to a combination of host factors and viral replicative phenomena. infection. Similarly, after measles vaccination, immunity is of many

Chapter 162 Measles Virus (Rubeola)

Although a measles-like virus has occasionally been isolated, using years duration and probably lifelong in most persons.25 How measles
cocultivation techniques, from the brains of patients with SSPE at antibody persists for years after infection is not understood. One
autopsy,54,55 the infection is usually characterized by an inability to possible explanation is that the virus becomes latent after acute infec-
produce viral progeny.56 This inability may be a result of defects in the tion and provides an immunologic stimulus to antibody formation.
formation of gene products arising from genomic mutations caused by However, latent measles virus has not been demonstrated in humans
errors of RNA replication. Originally, the inability to replicate was or in experimental animals. An alternative explanation for the persis-
ascribed to failure of the infective virus to produce measles M protein.57 tence of measles antibody is that reexposure to the virus results in
Later, it was realized that this failure was related to mutations of the persistent antigenic stimulation. Reinfection with measles can occur
gene encoding this protein. Now it is recognized that defects in enve- and is almost always asymptomatic, even though a boost in antibody
lope gene products H and F also occur as a result of other genomic titer can be detected.79 Cellular immunity to MV probably also plays a
mutations of the causative virus. Host factors, such as defective cellular role in the prevention of recurrent measles because patients with agam-
immunity and the ability of specific antibodies to confine the virus to maglobulinemia do not have multiple attacks of measles. A cell-
intracellular multiplication, are also postulated to play a role in the mediated response to measles antigen in the absence of detectable
pathogenesis of SSPE.56-59,60,61 Measles virus RNA was demonstrated by measles antibody was reported in two physicians in whom no disease
an in situ RT-PCR assay in neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and developed despite repeated exposures to measles.80 Therefore, when
vascular endothelial cells in the brain of a patient who died from SSPE.62 humoral antibodies to measles are absent or of low titer, cellular immu-
The evidence that multiple sclerosis, Crohns disease, and systemic nity to the virus may protect against subsequent illness. Cellular immu-
lupus erythematosus are etiologically linked with measles virus is nity to MV in peripheral blood of persons with a history of measles
much weaker than that for SSPE,63-65 and measles virus infection is has been shown by in vitro lymphocyte stimulation after exposure to
probably unrelated to these diseases. A causative role for measles virus measles antigen81 and by demonstration of measles-specific class I and
in Pagets disease of bone has been raised as a possibility but as yet is II cytotoxic T cells.82-84 A complex interplay of cellular immunity and
unproven.66,67-69 cytokines occurs before, during, and after measles infection in healthy
PATHOGENESIS During infection, CD8 and CD4 T cells are activated and probably
MV was thought to infect by invasion of the respiratory epithelium participate in the clearance of virus and the development of rash.
from which it spreads to the local lymph nodes, blood, spleen, lym- During recovery, suppression of cell-mediated responses occurs, with
phatic tissue, lung, thymus, liver, and skin.3,67,68 Recent studies in elevation of suppressive cytokines such as interleukin-4, which may be
monkeys, however, have suggested that MV enters lymphoid cells of responsible for depressed delayed-type hypersensitivity to tubercu-
the upper respiratory tract by using the SLAM receptor. After replica- lin.3,86 Effects of vaccine on the immune system that resemble the
tion in lymphoid cells, MV then invades epithelial cells in organs such effects of naturally occurring measles have also been described.87
as the respiratory tract, intestine, bladder, and skin. When MV infects
epithelial cells, progeny is released into the airway, and thus the virus CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
can be transmitted to new individuals.11 Studies on volunteers inocu- The incubation period of measles is 10 to 14 days; it is often somewhat
lated with live measles virus have indicated that infection may occur longer in adults than in children. A prodromal phase lasting several
after instillation of virus at any point from the nose to the lower parts days begins after the incubation period. It is manifested by malaise,
of the respiratory tract.66 fever, anorexia, conjunctivitis, and respiratory symptoms, such as
Measles virus has been isolated from the leukocytes of patients with cough and coryza, and may resemble a severe upper respiratory tract
clinical measles.70 The virus has also been propagated in vitro in human infection. Measles has also been clinically confused with Kawasaki
T and B lymphocytes and in monocytes.71 The major infected cell in disease, especially in infants and young children. Toward the end of
the blood is the monocyte.3,72 Endothelial, epithelial, and dendritic cells the prodrome, just before the appearance of the rash, Koplik spots
are also infected. Infected tissues include the thymus, spleen, lymph appear.
nodes, liver, skin, conjunctiva, intestine, bladder, and lung.3,6,11 Koplik spots are pathognomonic of measles. First noted by Koplik
Infection of the entire respiratory mucosa accounts for the cough in 1896, they consist of bluish gray specks on a red base.88 They have
and coryza that are classic signs of measles. In addition, measles may been likened to grains of sand and, without examination of the buccal
directly cause croup, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia. Damage to the mucosa in good light, may be overlooked. Most often they appear on
respiratory tract from edema and loss of cilia may predispose to sec- the mucosa opposite the second molars. However, in severe cases, the
ondary bacterial invasion, resulting in complications such as otitis entire mucous membrane of the mouth may be involved. This enan-
media and pneumonia.20 them persists for several days and begins to slough as the rash appears.
Within a few days after generalized involvement of the respiratory The rash of measles usually begins on the face and proceeds down
tract has occurred, Koplik spots appear; subsequently rash develops. the body to involve the extremities last, including the palms and soles
Both manifestations are believed to result from similar pathologic (Fig. 162-1). During the healing phase, the involved areas (except
mechanisms. On microscopic examination of skin and mucous mem- palms and soles) may desquamate. The rash is erythematous and mac-
branes, multinucleate giant cells and other similar histologic changes ulopapular; as it progresses, it becomes confluent, especially on the face
are observed in the epidermis and oral epithelium.73 The appearance and the neck. The rash usually lasts about 5 days and starts to clear first
of the measles rash coincides temporally with the appearance of serum on the skin that was initially involved. The patient with measles is
antibody and the termination of communicability of the disease. usually most ill during the first or second day of the rash. Several days
Therefore, it has been postulated that the skin and mucous membrane after the appearance of the rash, the fever abates and the patient begins
manifestations of measles actually represent hypersensitivity of the to feel better. The entire uncomplicated illness from late prodrome to
host to the virus. MV antigen has been demonstrated in the involved resolution of the fever and rash lasts 7 to 10 days; cough may be the
skin and mucous membranes by immunofluorescence assay.73-75 MV last symptom to disappear.
has also been isolated from the rash in its early stages.68 If hypersensi-
tivity is the actual cause of the rash, however, it is probably mediated Complications
by cellular rather than humoral immunity,76 and, therefore, patients The most common complications of measles involve the respiratory
with agammaglobulinemia who contract measles develop a rash. tract and CNS. Involvement of the respiratory tract is part of the virus
Patients with deficiencies in cell-mediated immunity, on the other infection itself. In addition, bacterial superinfection may occur in any
hand, may develop measles giant cell (Hechts) pneumonia without a area of the respiratory tract, including the middle ear. Superinfection
rash after an exposure to measles or if measles vaccine is given.77,78 may be secondary to local tissue damage inflicted by the virus and
modified measles are variable, and certain classic symptoms, such as
the prodromal period, conjunctivitis, Koplik spots, and rash may be
absent. The incubation period may be prolonged. At times, the infec-
tion is subclinical and, with a great degree of passively acquired immu-
Part III Infectious Diseases and Their Etiologic Agents

nity, may be prevented completely.79

Atypical Measles
The syndrome of atypical measles has been described in persons who
received killed measles vaccine (or killed vaccine, followed soon after-
ward by live vaccine) and who, several years later, were exposed to
wild-type measles virus.100,101 Initially, these patients have an undetect-
able or a very low measles antibody titer. They then develop unusual
manifestations of measles, followed by the appearance of extremely
high measles antibody titers (e.g., 1:100,000) in their serum.102 After
a prodrome of fever and pain for 1 to 2 days, the rash appears. Unlike
classic measles, it begins peripherally and may be urticarial, maculo-
papular, hemorrhagic, vesicular, or some combination of these types.
The disease may be misdiagnosed as varicella, Rocky Mountain spotted
fever, Henoch-Schnlein purpura, drug eruption, or toxic shock syn-
drome. The patient has a high fever, edema of the extremities, intersti-
tial pulmonary infiltrates, hepatitis and, on occasion, a pleural effusion.
The disease tends to be severe with a somewhat more prolonged course
FIGURE 162-1 Typical rash on a patient with measles. (From Kremer than regular measles. At least one fatality has been reported. No spe-
JR, Muller CP. Measles in Europethere is room for improvement. Lancet. cific therapy is available. Measles virus has not been isolated from these
2009;373:356-358.) patients, and they do not appear to transmit measles to others.101
The pathogenesis of this syndrome is believed to be one of hyper-
sensitivity to MV in a partially immune host. Whether cell-mediated
depression of cellular immunity. Pneumonia accompanying measles or humoral immune mechanisms, or both, are involved remains con-
may be caused by direct viral invasion of the lungs or by bacterial troversial.101,103,104 One hypothesis concerning pathogenesis is that
superinfection.89 Radiographic evidence of pneumonia is common, killed measles vaccine lacks the antigen that stimulates the immunity
even during apparently uncomplicated measles.20 In infants who die of that prevents entry of measles virus into cells, thereby allowing measles
measles, pneumonia accounts for about 60% of deaths, whereas in infection to occur, despite the partial immunity derived from killed
children 10 to 14 years of age, death is more often observed to be from vaccine.105,106 In an animal model, the low avidity of measles antibodies
complications of acute encephalitis.90,91 induced by the inactivated vaccine fails to neutralize the wild-type
Encephalitis after measles in normal hosts may be acute or chronic virus, leading to deposition of immune complexes, vasculitis, and
(e.g., SSPE). Acute measles encephalitis manifests with a resurgence of pneumonitis.3
fever during convalescence and frequently with headaches, seizures, Recurrences of atypical measles have not been reported. Therefore,
and changes in the state of consciousness. Up to 50% of patients with those who received killed measles vaccine (or killed vaccine, followed
measles but no symptoms that suggest cerebral involvement may have soon afterward by live vaccine) in the past may be reimmunized with
abnormalities detected by electroencephalography,92 so it is believed live measles vaccine. It is important that persons who have received
that viral invasion of the CNS is a common feature of measles. However, killed vaccine be made aware, however, that severe local reactions can
only 1 in 1000 to 2000 patients with measles develops clinical signs of follow an injection of live vaccine.107,108 Usually, the reaction consists
encephalitis. Measles encephalitis ranges from mild to severe, and a high of tenderness and erythema around the injection site. However, severe
proportion of patients who recover are left with neurologic sequelae. local edema and high fever may also occur. Immunization with live
MV has been isolated from the brains of several persons dying of vaccine should be strongly considered because the associated risk is
measles encephalitis.93-96 However, virus isolation is uncommon and lower than the risk of being exposed to the wild-type virus.109 Because
usually requires special virologic techniques such as cocultivation. It is killed measles vaccine was not used after 1967, atypical measles is now
hypothesized that acute measles encephalitis is caused by hypersensi- extremely rare.
tivity to virus in brain tissue. Both viral and host antigens are present
on the surface of measles-infected cells in vitro.97 Therefore, hypersen- Immunocompromised Patients
sitivity may be directed against viral and host (brain) antigens, which Severe measles may occur in those with compromised or deficient cel-
accounts for the encephalitic symptoms. Demyelination, vascular lular immunity, such as those being treated for malignant disease, after
cuffing, gliosis, and infiltration of fat-laden macrophages near blood transplantation, and in individuals with acquired immunodeficiency
vessel walls are noted in brain tissue from patients with measles syndrome (AIDS) or any form of congenital immunodeficiency.77,110-112
encephalitis.3 In a laboratory study of serum and cerebrospinal fluid In a report of measles cases occurring in immunocompromised
from 19 patients with postinfectious measles encephalitis, similarities patients in 1989 to 1990, combined with some recorded in the litera-
between experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (e.g., immune ture, the case-fatality rate for severe measles in children and young
responses to myelin basic protein, early destruction of myelin) were adults was calculated to be 70% in 40 oncology patients and 40% in 11
demonstrated in about 50%. There was no evidence of intrathecal patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).113 Of
synthesis of antibody against measles virus, which suggests that immu- the oncology patients, 40% had no rash, 58% had pneumonitis, and
nopathology, rather than viral multiplication, is involved in the patho- 20% had encephalitis. Of the HIV-infected patients, 27% had no rash,
genesis of measles encephalitis.98 and 82% had pneumonia. Should immunocompromised patients be
Transient hepatitis has also been reported during acute measles.99 inadvertently exposed to measles, they may develop giant cell pneu-
monia without evidence of a rash.77,110,113 In such cases, the clinical
Special Considerations diagnosis of measles may be difficult or impossible to establish. Because
Modified Measles these children may also have poor antibody responses, virus isolation
An extremely mild form of measles has been observed in persons with from infected tissue (or identification of measles antigen by immuno-
some degree of passive immunity to the virus. This includes some fluorescence) may be the only means of diagnosis. A chronic form of
babies younger than 1 year who have passively acquired maternal anti- encephalitis resembling SSPE, often with a concomitant pneumonia,
body to measles virus and some susceptible persons who received has also been reported in those with deficient cellular immunity.58,59
immune globulin after an exposure to measles. The symptoms of This entity has been classified as subacute measles encephalitis and
may be confirmed by the presence of measles RNA or infectious virus amplification method to demonstrate measles virus RNA is available,
in brain tissue.114 Even in the era of molecular diagnostic techniques, and nucleotide sequencing can be used for precise characterization of
however, this diagnosis may be difficult to establish, particularly if the diagnostic specimens.16,126
person had no history of clinical measles in the past.115 Malnourished A commonly used laboratory diagnostic method is the serologic

Chapter 162 Measles Virus (Rubeola)

children, especially in developing countries, have also been reported response to the virus. A fourfold or greater increase in measles anti-
to develop severe measles. This may be related to poor cell-mediated body titer in acute and convalescent serum specimens is considered
immune responses resulting from malnutrition.116 Intense exposure to diagnostic for measles. SSPE may be diagnosed by the demonstration
the virus because of crowding may also play a role in the severity of of high measles antibody titers in serum and cerebrospinal fluid in the
measles in developing countries.117,118 presence of a compatible illness.125 A number of methods are available
Immunocompromised patients with no history of clinical measles for measuring antibodies to measles, usually through hospital or state
who are exposed to the infection should be passively immunized with health department laboratories. Neutralization, which requires propa-
immune globulin, even if they have previously been immunized (see gation of the virus in vitro, is technically difficult and infrequently
later). used. Complement fixation lacks sensitivity and is rarely used. The HI
test is not used frequently today because it has been supplanted by the
Pregnant Women and Their Offspring enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), for which many diag-
Rubeola during pregnancy, in contrast to German measles (rubella), is nostic kits are commercially available.
not known to cause congenital anomalies of the fetus.119 However, The ELISA is sensitive and simple to perform and is now widely
measles in pregnancy has been associated with spontaneous abortion used.127,128 This assay can also be adapted to detect specific immuno-
and premature delivery.20 Measles can be severe in pregnancy. From globulin M (IgM) antibody129 and is therefore useful for the diagnosis
1988 to 1991, when there was a resurgence of measles in the United of acute measles on one serum sample. False-negative and false-
States, a number of pregnant women developed measles. Of 13 such positive results, however, may occur with this assay. Measles IgM per-
women hospitalized in Houston, 54% had respiratory complications sists for as long as 1 month after disease onset. Antibody tests that use
requiring admission to the intensive care unit, and one died.120 These capillary blood collected on filter paper from finger- or heel-stick
women were thought to have primary measles pneumonia. Measles in specimens have been described and are used by some state health
the offspring of mothers with measles ranges from mild to severe.121,122 department laboratories.130
It is therefore recommended that infants born to women with active
measles be passively immunized with immune globulin at birth. PREVENTION
Since the use of live measles vaccine, methods to prevent measles have
Persons with Tuberculosis changed dramatically. Prevention today is ideally carried out long
It has long been thought that tuberculosis is aggravated in persons who before an anticipated exposure to measles by the administration of live
contract natural measles, presumably because of a depression of cell- vaccine during the early part of the second year of life. However, there
mediated immunity by MV.3 For example, the tuberculin test has been are rare occasions when passive immunization against measles with
reported to become negative for about 1 month after measles or immune globulin must be used.
measles vaccination.20 It seems prudent to defer measles vaccination in Included in the group of persons for whom passive immunization
persons with known tuberculosis until antituberculosis therapy is is recommended are those who are at high risk for developing severe
underway. In geographic areas and populations where tuberculosis is or fatal measles, are susceptible, and/or have been exposed to the infec-
rare, it is not mandatory to perform a tuberculin test on an infant tion. This includes children with malignant disease, particularly if
before administering measles vaccine.123 they are receiving chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or both, and children
with significant deficits in cell-mediated immunity, including patients
Occurrence in Adults with AIDS. Babies younger than 1 year (including newborns whose
Measles has long been regarded as an illness of childhood. When it mothers have measles) are also at increased risk after an exposure to
occurs in adults, it is often a more severe illness. In a series of 3220 measles. Because measles has been reported even after vaccination in
young adult military recruits with measles between 1976 and 1979, HIV-infected children, it has been recommended that they also be
about 3% developed pneumonia requiring hospitalization. Bacterial passively immunized with immune globulin after a recognized expo-
superinfection of the respiratory tract occurred in 30%, and 17% had sure.112,113,123,131 To be effective, passive immunization must be given
evidence of bronchospasm. In addition, 31% had laboratory evidence within 6 days after an exposure; administration after 6 days would not
of hepatitis, 29% had otitis media, and 25% had sinusitis.124 In patients be expected to influence the course of the disease.
with measles reported to the CDC in 1991, the incidence of complica- For a healthy infant younger than 1 year who has been exposed to
tions was higher in those older than 20 years than in children.30 measles, the modifying dose of immune globulin is 0.25mL/kg intra-
muscularly (IM). An infant passively immunized in this fashion should
DIAGNOSIS be given live measles vaccine at the age of 15 months.123 For immuno-
Classic measles with cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, Koplik spots, and a compromised exposed children, a larger dose of immune globulin is
maculopapular rash beginning on the face is easily diagnosed clinically. required. These children should be given immune globulin, 0.5mg/kg
Often, there is a striking leukopenia, perhaps related to the infection IM, with a maximum of 15mL.
and death of leukocytes. A laboratory diagnosis of measles is helpful Active immunization against measles was developed in the early
when the clinician is unfamiliar with the illness because of the decline 1960s. Live and killed measles vaccines were licensed for use in the
in cases of clinical measles since the introduction of measles vaccine. A United States in 1963. Killed vaccine was withdrawn from the market
laboratory diagnosis may also be helpful in cases of possible atypical in 1967, after the recognition of atypical measles in recipients of this
measles, or when unexplained pneumonia or encephalitis occurs in an vaccine. The first marketed live measles vaccine was the Edmonston B
immunocompromised patient. The differential diagnosis of measles strain. This vaccine was associated with a fairly high incidence of
includes rubella, Kawasaki syndrome, scarlet fever, roseola, infectious moderately severe side reactions, such as rash and fever, and it was
mononucleosis and rickettsial, enteroviral, and adenoviral infections. therefore often administered along with a dose of immune globulin.
Measles may be diagnosed in the laboratory by virus isolation, Subsequently, more attenuated vaccines were developed from the
identification of measles antigen or RNA in infected tissues, or dem- Edmonston strain.132 Because the incidence of vaccine reactions is low
onstration of a significant serologic response to MV. Virus isolation is with these vaccines, immune globulin is no longer given along with
technically difficult, and facilities for isolation are not always available. measles vaccine.
It is particularly useful, however, for patients with fatal pneumonia and In 1976, it was recommended that all healthy children be given live
patients with an immunodeficiency, in whom an antibody response measles vaccine at 15 months. At present, it is recommended that
may be minimal. Immunofluorescent examination of cells from nasal children be immunized between the ages of 12 and 15 months (usually
exudates or from urinary sediment for the presence of measles antigen given as measles-mumps-rubella [MMR] vaccine or measles-mumps-
may be useful for rapid diagnosis of measles.119,125 A sensitive RT-PCR rubella-varicella [MMRV] vaccine).123 A second dose is recommended
later in childhood.109,123 Properly administered measles vaccine has have been treated for malignant disease may be given measles vaccine
been associated with persistence of immunity to measles for many 3 months after they complete their course of therapy.123 High-risk
years.132-135 In one study, although measles HI antibodies were no children, such as those described, may be given monovalent measles
longer detectable in some subjects, antibodies were demonstrated by vaccine or MMR, but they should not be given MMRV vaccine, which
Part III Infectious Diseases and Their Etiologic Agents

neutralization, and revaccination was associated with a classic booster contains a significantly higher dose of the varicella component. No
antibody response.133 The estimated rate of secondary immune failure safety data for MMRV in high-risk children are available.146
was calculated as less than 0.2%. In the general population, 95% of Serious hypersensitivity reactions to measles vaccine in persons
properly immunized children can be expected to respond serologically allergic to egg protein have been reported. Persons with a history of
to measles vaccine. MMRV has been licensed for use in healthy chil- anaphylactic reactions after the ingestion of eggs should be vaccinated
dren (not adults) in the United States and in many other countries. only with extreme caution.147,148
After two doses, this vaccine provides an adequate immune response Susceptible persons who are exposed to measles, with the exception
to all four viral antigens with a single injection (see Chapter 321).136 of young infants, pregnant women, and immunocompromised persons,
Vaccination is not usually recommended for infants younger than may be given live measles vaccine to prevent disease, as an alternative
12 months because the induction of immunity may be suppressed by to immune globulin. If the vaccine is given shortly after exposure,
residual transplacentally acquired antibodies. In situations in which the clinical cases of measles may be prevented because clinical manifesta-
incidence of natural measles before the age of 1 year is high, live measles tions associated with measles vaccine occur in about 7 days, compared
vaccine may be given at 6 to 9 months of age but should be routinely with an incubation period of 10 days for clinical measles.20
followed by additional doses.42 Measles antibody titers are lower in An experimental measles vaccine, a derivative of the original
women vaccinated as children than in women who have had natural Edmonston B vaccine strain termed Edmonston-Zagreb vaccine,
measles, and the offspring of vaccinated women often lose transplacen- administered at a dose 10 to 100 times higher than usual, proved to be
tally acquired measles antibodies before they are 1 year old.137,138 There- immunogenic in 4- to 6-month-old infants.149 Despite its short-term
fore, vaccination can be routinely given as early as 12 months of age safety, however, the rate of mortality from causes other than measles
because most women in their childbearing years today were vaccinated in these vaccinees in Senegal was significantly higher than that in
as children. For individuals who were passively immunized after an children who received standard vaccine.150 Therefore, this vaccine is no
exposure to measles, vaccination should not be performed for 5 months longer in use.
after a dose of 0.25mL/kg or 6 months after a dose of 0.50mL/kg.123 The possibility that an abnormal immune reaction to vaccine-type
Transient fever and rash develop about 1 week after vaccination in 5% measles virus in MMR vaccine might cause autism in young children
to 15% of children. In a 1986 study of 1162 twins who were given either was raised in 1998 by Wakefield and co-workers.151 This idea was never
MMR or placebo, there were side effects (fever, irritability, drowsiness, accepted by the vast majority of the scientific community, and 10 of
conjunctivitis) in 0.5% to 4%.139 Symptoms of CNS dysfunction after the original 13 authors of the paper eventually withdrew their names
measles vaccine are exceedingly rare.140 Because measles may be severe from the article in retraction of its content, in part because of conflict
in adults, immunization of adults who were not vaccinated previously, of interest by Wakefield.152 After extensive review, numerous national
who have no history of measles, and who were born after 1956 is rec- committees, including the Institute of Medicine, concluded that there
ommended by the CDC.109 A 1986 Chicago study of hospital employ- is no evidence to support this hypothesis.153-155 A recent case-control
ees, however, indicated that only 1 of 266 (0.03%) was susceptible to study involving three independent laboratories failed to identify an
measles; about one third were born after 1957.141 association between autism and measles RNA in the gut or exposure
A number of reasons for apparent primary vaccine failures of to MMR vaccine.156 Additional other recent scientific studies have
measles vaccine have been proposed.25 These include improper storage failed to identify an association between MMR vaccine and subsequent
of vaccine at temperatures exceeding 4 C, failure to use the proper development of autism.157-161 In the United Kingdom, where there has
diluent for the lyophilized vaccine, exposure of the vaccine to light or been extensive adverse publicity about MMR, the incidence of measles
heat, and vaccination in the presence of low levels of passive antibody. has increased as a result of suboptimal vaccination rates.162
The latter may occur if infants are immunized at 12 months of age or
younger, if children are vaccinated 1 or 2 months after receiving an THERAPY
injection of immune globulin, if the more attenuated vaccines are given Patients with measles should be given supportive therapy, such as
with immune globulin, or if live measles vaccine is administered soon antipyretics and fluids as indicated. Bacterial superinfection should be
after killed measles vaccine. No deleterious effects have been associated promptly treated with appropriate antimicrobials, but prophylactic
with measles revaccination. Although it is probably unusual, sustained antibiotics to prevent superinfection are of no known value and are
transmission of measles has been reported in secondary schools, even therefore not recommended.
when 95% of the students were immune and more than 99% were Vitamin A, 200,000IU administered orally to children once daily
immunized.142,143 for 2 days, has been reported to decrease the severity of measles, espe-
Live measles vaccine is contraindicated in persons with deficits in cially in those with vitamin A deficiency (see Chapter 50).163-165 Chil-
cell-mediated immunity and in pregnant women. Fatal measles in chil- dren 6 months to 1 year old should receive 100,000IU for 2 days.
dren with AIDS has been reported.131,144 Although the potential risks Children younger than 6 months old should receive 50,000 IU for 2
of measles vaccine in these children are unknown, they are less than days. Children with clinical signs and symptoms of vitamin A defi-
the disease itself. It is currently recommended that children with ciency should receive an age-specific dose (a third dose) 2 to 4 weeks
known asymptomatic HIV infection receive measles vaccine after the later. Side effects include transient vomiting and headache.166 This
age of 12 months.111,123 The use of measles vaccine should also be con- treatment has also been recommended for consideration in the United
sidered for children with known HIV infection who manifest symp- States for children with measles who are immunodeficient, have mal-
toms if their CD4 T-cell levels are relatively well preserved, especially absorption, or are malnourished.123 Administration of vitamin A has
if they live in locations where there may be transmission of measles, been reported to reduce seroconversion in vaccinees and should there-
such as certain inner city areas.123 One case of fatal measles pneumonia fore be avoided at or after immunization.167 The efficacy of ribavirin
resulting from vaccine virus in an HIV-infected vaccinated young adult administered intravenously or by aerosol for treatment of severe
has been described after a second dose of vaccine.112,145 Children who measles is unproven.120,131,168

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