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NAME: Darlen Mae M.



Every Child is Special

A summary of movie Every Child is Special, Ishaan Awasthi is an eight year-old boy who is
suffering from dyslexia, a neurological disorder. He is having a trouble recognizing letters, can
hardly read and write. Letters and numbers are written invertedly and words are commonly
misspelled. He can not follow multiple instructions and has poor motor skills. Being different
from other normal growing children, he is always thought to be dumb, idiot and lazy. His
teachers, classmates, neighbors and even his own family did not realize what he is going through.

In the boarding school where he was sent to be disciplined, his self confidence was shattered. He
suffered trauma due to separation from his family. His passion for drawing and painting was
totally gone.

Ishaan became so aloof, cold and indifferent from his classmates. This showed that the concept
of trust during his developmental years based on Erik Eriksons of Psycho-social theory, was
not attained and established because of rejection of people around him.

Until Ram Shankar Nikumbh, a substitute art teacher came to school and able to recognize his
special needs. Ishaans other teachers thought that he has to be dealt in special education
program not to be placed in the mainstream. Ram believes that every child has his own
capabilities, desires and pace of learning.

Ram helped Ishaan how to manage deficiencies brought about by being dyslexic. Ram was able
to unveil the potentials of Ishaan by employing educational psychology. Appropriate intervention
measures like constant practice, drills and problem solving were given to Ishaan. A person can
be trained by presenting a reward or punishment as a consequence of his actions. Ishaan was
stimulated and conditioned to learn because of the immaterial reward of being accepted, cared,
valued and loved by his teacher, Ram. This specific scene in the movie had caused me to cry and
realize the goodness of ones heart.

Ram understood Ishaans mental capacities and innate behavior because he went through the
same experience and struggles being dyslexia during his childhood days.

As a teacher, that substantial knowledge about Psychology is indispensable tool in the field of
teaching profession. Every learner has its own pace of learning with different weaknesses. So,
the teacher has to be creative in employing teaching strategies to be able to cater the needs of
every learner.

The movie is indeed very good, appropriate and reflective.

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