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Writed the book µThe 100:A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History-Carol
Publishing Group-1992¶

For the top 5: 1. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w

2. Isaac Newton. 4.Buddha

3.Jesus Christ (Nabi Isa) 5.Confucius

³My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world¶s most influential persons may surprise
some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was
supremely successful on both the religios and secular levels. Of humble origins, Muhammad
founded and promulgated (mngembngkn) one of the world¶s great religions and become an
immensely effective political leader. Today , thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is
still powerful and pervasive(b¶kembang).´


In d  magazine 15 july 1974 edition.

Theres one question ; µ what makes a great leader?throughout history, who qualifies?¶

Then, Jules ±knowledge leader (tokoh ilmu) in psikoanalisis fr amerika says;

³Leaders or would be leader must fulfill 3 functions 1-must provide for the well being of the
followers 2. Provide a social organization in which people feel relatively secure 3.provide his
people with one set of beliefs´

Then he says ³ . people like Pasteur and salk are leaders in the first sense people like Gandhi
and Confucius, on one hand, and Alexander, Caesar and Hitler on the other, are leaders in the
second and perhaps the third sense, Jesus and Buddha belong in the third category alone.Perhaps
the greatest leader of all times was Mohamed, who combined all three functions. To a lesser
degree, Moses did the same.´

-Writed the book ; µThe Speeches and Table Talk of Prophet Muhammad.¶ About prophet
Muhammad S.A.W.. and he says

³There is something so tender and womanly, and withal so heroic, about the man, that one is in
peril of finding the judgement unconsciously blinded by the feeling of reverence and well-nigh
love that such a nature inspire. He who standing alone, braved for years te hatred of his people, is
the same man who was never the first to withdraw his hand from another clasp; the beloved of
children , who never passed a group of little ones without a smile from his wonderful eyes and
kind words for them, sounding all the kinder in that sweet-toned voice . the frank friendship , the
noble generosity, the dauntless courage and hope of the man, all tend to melt critism into

³terhimpun pada dirinya sifat lemah lembut dan gagah berani sehingga seseorang yang cuba
menilainya akhirnya mengagumi dan mengasihinya. Beliaun adalah orang yang sanggup
berdepan dengan kemarahan kaumnya. Beliau juga tidak mudah melepaskan tangannya semasa
bersalaman . Beliau mengasihi kanak ±kanak dan sentiasa melemparkan senyuman di samping
menuturkan kata-kata indah yang mulia kepada mereka. Persahabatannya yang tulus, sikap
pemurah , keberanian dan kecekalan yang ada padanya, semua ini mencairkan kritikan dan
sebaliknya kekaguman´


- Philosophers, artists, critic leaders, intellectual leaders, literature, drama n activist community
- awarded ( diangrahkan) the Nobel literature prize in 1925.

-(Ahli falsafah, seniman, ahlikritik, tokoh intelek, tokoh sastera , drama n aktivis masyarakat,
dikurniakan hadiah Nobel Sastera 1925).
±his book about Muhammad µLetter to Najmi Sahib of Cyprus¶µthe Genuine Islam¶

³ The christians and their missionaries have a presented a horrible picture of islam. Not only
that, they also carried out an organized and planned propaganda against the personality of
prophet Mohammad and the religion he preached. Ihave very carefully studied islam and the life
of its Prophet I have done so both as a student of history and as a critic. And I have came to the
conclusion that Mohammad was indeed a great man and a deliverer and a benefactor of mankind
which was till then writhing under a most agonizing pain.´260
µOrang-orang Kristian dan pendakwahnya secara terancang, memberikan gambaran hodoh
tentang islam dan rasulnya. Saya mengkaji bersungguh-sungguh mengenai islam dan rasulnya
dan saya mengkaji beliau sebagai seorang pengkaji sejarah dan pengkritik. Saya dapati beliau
memang seorang yang sgung dan penyelamat bagi manusia yang sedang menderita sakit tenat´

³I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful
vitality(potensi) .it is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity
(kemampuan bagi disesuaikan) to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal
to a very age. I have studied him ± and my opinion for from being an anti-christ, he must be
called the savior of humanity( penyelamat umat manusia)´

³I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would
succeed in solving its problem in a waythat would bringit the much needed peace and happiness.
I have prophesied abot the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of
tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today"


-(1795-1881) The philosopher, thinker history writer and activist known in his time (Ahli
falsafah,sejarah pemikir penulis dan aktivis masyarakat trkenal pd zmnnya)
- His famous book ; µOn Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic In History.(1841)¶

N there he say about muhammmad ³Mahomet himself, after all that can be said about him, was
not a sensual man.. His household was of the most frugal;(m¶pnyai prkra asas ) his common
dietbarley-bread and water;sometimes for months there was not fire once lighted on his
hearth(dapur). They record with just pride that he would mend his own shoes, patch his own
cloak..careless of what vulgar men toll for (beliau bgitu beradab berbeza dgn laki len pd mase
itu)..or thes wild arab men fighting(ganas) and jostling three and twenty years at his hand in
close contact with him always, would not have reverenced (mnyanjungi) him so! They were wild
men, bursting ever, and without right worth and manhood(benar mampu dn layak) , no man
could have command them.. No emperor was obeyed as this man in cloak(Muhammad) of his
own clouting(ditaati).During three and twenty years of rough actual trial , I find something of a
veritable hero necessary for that myself.(wira unggul yg sy sendiri beri ketaatan kpdnya).´


- Dean of the University of Mysore, India

- Dekan di universiti Mysore, India..

³the personality of Mohammmad!it is most difficult to get into the truth of it.Only a glimpse of it
I can catch. What a dramatic succession of picturesque scenes. There is Mohammad the prophet,
there is Mohammad the general;Mohammad the King; Mohammad the Warrior; Mohammad the
Businessman; Mohammad the preacher(pndakwah) Mohammad the Statesman(ketua ngara);
Mohammad the Orator(pemidato); Mohammad the reformer; Mohammad the Refuge of
Orphans; Mohammad the protector of slaves; Mohammad the Emanciptor (pmberi kebebasan)of
women; Mohammed the Law-giver(penegak undang2); Mohammad the Judge; Mohammad the

N next ³ If for instance, greatness consist in the purification of a nation, steeped in barbarism
and immersed in absolute moral darkness, that dynamic personality who has transformed, refined
and uplifted an entire nation, sunk low as the arabs were, and made them the torch-bearer of
civilization and learning, has every claim to greatness. If greatness lies in unifying the discordant
elements of society by ties of brotherhood and charity , the prophet of the desert has got every
title to this distinction.if it, lies in displaying high morals, has been admitted by friend and foe as
al-Amin, or the faithful. If a conqueror is a great man , here is a person who rose from helpless
orphan and a humble creature to be the ruler of Arabia, the equal to chosroes and Caesars, one
who founded great empire that has survived all these 14 centuries. If the devotion that a leader
commands is the criterion of greatness, the prophet¶s name even today exerts a magic charm over
millions of souls, spread all over the world.´

³ Sekiranya keunggulan terletak pada kemampuannya membersihkn masyrakat darpd srta

keerendahan akhlak dan budi serta mengangkat mereka menjadi pemegang obor tamadun dan
keilmuan, dia mmg layak dikatakan unggul. Sekiranya keunggulan terletak pada mengikat tali
persaudaraan yang kukuhdalam masyarakat yg selama ini dipenuhi persengketaan , beliau juga
layak dikatakan unggul. Sekiranya keunggulan terletak pada kejayaan menukar kepercayaan
masyarakat daripada belenggu jahiliah dan kesesatan kepda satu kepercayaan murni, beliau
berjaya melakukannya ke atas jutaan manusia. Sekiranya keunggulan berkait rapat dgn akhlak
tinggi, beliau memang dikenali oleh kwn dan lawan sbg al-Amin. Sekiranya keunggulan
dikaitkan dgn keunggulan mengalahkan musuh, beliau adalah anak yatim yang akhirnya berjaya
menjadi pemimpin yang standing dgn maharaja Rom dan Parsi serta mampu mengasaqskan
empayar besar yang mampu berthn selam 14 abad. Sekiranya ketaatan dan ketundukan adlh
syarat kepd keunggulan, sebutan namanya shaja mndatngkn hormat dn ketundukan dlm hati
jutaan manusia di seluruh manusia.´

xc -PADERI KENNETH L. JENKINS * paderi=priest

- figure of the Pentecostal Church in Indianapolis, USA. (tokoh dari Gereja Pentecostal di
Indianapolis, Amerika).

±His muslim name (nama islam beliau) Abdullah al-Faruque.

³ Not a single one could explain how Jesus was supposedly God, and how, at the same time, he
was supposedly the Father, Son and Holy Ghost(roh suci) wrapped up into one and yet was not a
part of the trinity. Several preachers finally had to concede that they did not understand it but that
were simply required to believe it. All of this coupled with a failure to receive answers to what I
thought were valid guestion was enough to make me seek a change.´

³ I was amazed with the life of prophet Muhammad and wanted to know more.. I was given a set
of Saheeh Mualim as a gift from my Quran teacher. It ws then that I realized the need to learn
about the life, sayings and practices of Prophet Muhammad..´269


- Christian priests and religion flourish, getting a degree in divinity

-paderi dn pngembang agama kristian , mndpt ijazah dlm bidng ketuhanan.

±her islam name()nama islam beliau Khadijah Watson and know work as teacher of center of
missionary (di pusat Dakwah) in Jeddah,Arab Sudi

³Who is this Allah that the muslim worship? It is interesting to note that there were
bishops(paderi2 kristian) during the first three hundred years of the church that were teaching as
the muslim believes that Jesus was a prophet and teacher . it was only after the conversion of
Emperor Constantine that he was the one to call and introduce the doctrine of the Trinity(konsep
tritunggal). He a convert to Christianity who knew nothing of this religion introduced an
µagonistic¶(pnymbhn berhala) concept that goes back to Babylonian times. Only I must point ot
that the word trinity is not found in the Bible.´270.

³ Who is this Mohammad ? I found out that Muslims do not pray to him like the Christians pray
to Jesus. He is not an intermediary (org tgh dlm pnymbhn tuhan)and in fact it is forbidden to
pray to him,. He is a Prophet and a Messenger, the final and last Prophet. His message is for All
Mankind as opposed to the message of Jesus or Moses, peace be upon them both, which was sent
to the Jews (bangsa Israel)´271


- Catholic priests, the church in Sri Lanka Katumaya-Islamic name was Abdul Rahmann and
now instructor at an institution in Kuwait.

-(Paderi Katolik , gereja Katumaya di Sri Lanka

nama islam beliau Abdul Rahmann know pelatih di sbuah institusi di Kuwait.)

-After make review, he was confident that the Bible never said Jesus was the Son of God
(selepas m¶buat kajian, beliau yakin Bible tdak pernah mengatakan Nabi Isa adalah anak tuhan.)
So that he says ³ Christian believe that Jesus is God. Acts 2.22 of the Holy Bible considers Jesus
as a man. It says µYe men of Israel, hear the words, Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God
among you by miracles and wonders(mukjizat) and signs, which God by him in the midst of you,
as ye yourself also know.´


- Dean of the University of Mysore, India Rusia (1990)

-His book (Bukunya brtajuk) Myth, Religion and the state(1999) in Moscow.

- He told why he was attracted to Islam (Beliau menceritakan sebab beliau tertarik dengan agama
islam) ³ Several years of intense work have brought me to the conclusion that the Koran does not
contain an assimilation of the creator God to his creation, humanity(Koran ntk prnah mngatakn
Tuhan yg Maha Pencipta adlh sama dgn makhluknya) which is anthropomorphism, the essence
of paganism(melmbngkan kesyirikan)... The way he described in the New Testament is for me
only partially acceptable in as much as there are question about the authenticity of the texts, but I
have renounced(mnerima) Jesus as he described in the Most Glourious Koran. It is said, first that
he is a prophet; second, a righteous man; third, he was conceived(dlahirkn) in a miraculous


- Instructors to the Archbishop of Canterbury's mission (1886-1889), to guide the Christians in


-Tenaga pngajar kpd Archbishop of Canterbury¶s mission(1886-1889),mbmbing pnganut kristian

di Urmia -high priests in Urmia, but resigned a month after he was imprisoned in Digala by
reading the Bible again and again ..
- Then, after he met with Islamic scholar Sheikh Jemaluddin Effendi and others , he convert to
islam with his names Abdul Ahad Dawuk, and , write book ;µMuhammad in the Bible¶.

He said "In Haggai chapter 2; seventh in state a Himadan be raised and given Shalom. Himada is
to oot words for Muhammad .. Shalom in Hebrews language means islam .. the word Shiloh
means in the Old Testament Book of Genesis chapter 49; 10, in its original language means that
Al-Ameen. This is also related to the Prophet Muhammad .. most interesting is the story in the
seventh chapter in Book of Daniel about the great people I would be raised by the title Son of
Man or Barnasha. Details of the story shows clearly Barnasha is Muhammad.

Dia brkata ³ Di dlm bab Haggai 2;7 di sebutkan seorang Himadan akan dibangkitkn dn
dikurniakan Shalom. Himada kata dasar bagi Muhammad.. Shalom dlm bhs Hebrew brmaksud
islam..prkataan Shiloh yg trdpt dlm kitab Perjanjian Lama iaitu dlm bab Genesis 49;10 dlm bhs
asalnya brmaksud Al-Ameen. Ini juga berkaitan Nabi Muhammad.. yg menarik adlh kisah yg
terdpt dlm Bab ketujuh dlm Book of Daniel mgenai orang hebat yg bakal dbangkitkn dgn gelaran
Barnasha or Son of Man . perincian kisah itu mnunjukkn dgn jelas Barnasha adalah Muhammad.

-«subhanaallah. Allahuakbar.

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