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Q2. How is Matzer likely to react to your recommendation?

Matzer had made a statement that the key to make the Atlantic Bundle a success depends
on ability to sell the server with the new software tool. According to Matzers belief, the companys
tradition; software should be provided to customers for free. But Atlantic computer, Inc; could not
recover its PESA software development costs of $20, 00,000 which should be paid off over 3 years.
So, we didnt opt for status-quo pricing. According to Matzer customers will purchase fewer servers
First order savings and they prefer the server which reduces their operational and license costs-
second order savings.

All these requirements were met in Value-in-use pricing.

Price of 2Tronn with this alternative is $6400, which is less than competitors 4 Zink
servers price-$6800.
2 Tronn servers with PESA software replaces 4 Zink servers which satisfies the first order saving.
By purchasing 2 Tronn servers customer can save $4800 on annual electricity charges and
software license fees this satisfies second order savings concept of Matzer.
And we gain profits with the actual value perceived by the customers.

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