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Peptic ulcer disease

Peter Malfertheiner, Francis K L Chan, Kenneth E L McColl

Peptic ulcer disease had a tremendous eect on morbidity and mortality until the last decades of the 20th century, Published Online
when epidemiological trends started to point to an impressive fall in its incidence. Two important developments are August 14, 2009
associated with the decrease in rates of peptic ulcer disease: the discovery of eective and potent acid suppressants, 6736(09)60938-7
and of Helicobacter pylori. With the discovery of H pylori infection, the causes, pathogenesis, and treatment of peptic
Department of
ulcer disease have been rewritten. We focus on this revolution of understanding and management of peptic ulcer Gastroenterology, Hepatology,
disease over the past 25 years. Despite substantial advances, this disease remains an important clinical problem, and Infectious Diseases,
largely because of the increasingly widespread use of non-steroidal anti-inammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and low- Otto-von-Guericke University,
Magdeburg, Germany
dose aspirin. We discuss the role of these agents in the causes of ulcer disease and therapeutic and preventive
(P Malfertheiner MD);
strategies for drug-induced ulcers. The rare but increasingly problematic H pylori-negative NSAID-negative ulcer is Institute of Digestive Disease,
also examined. Chinese University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
(F K L Chan MD); and Medical
Introduction introduction of histamine H2-receptor antagonists, led to Sciences, Western Inrmary,
Peptic ulcer disease embraces both gastric and duodenal the present therapeutic principle. Maintenance acid- Glasgow, UK (K E L McColl MD)
ulcers and has been a major threat to the worlds suppressive therapy for duodenal ulcer, which followed Correspondence to:
population over the past two centuries, with a high decades of dominance of surgical interventions (subtotal Prof Peter Malfertheiner,
morbidity and substantial mortality. Epidemiological gastric resections, several forms of vagotomy), was Otto-von-Guericke University,
Department of Gastroenterology,
data for this disease and its complications have shown replaced with a short-term antibiotic regimen targeting
Hepatology, and Infectious
striking geographical variations in incidence and eradication of H pylori infection.5,6 H pylori eradication as Diseases, 39120 Magdeburg,
prevalence. Development of ulcer disease and death cure of peptic ulcer received its full recognition when the Germany
from it has been associated with the birth of urbanisation Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology was awarded to peter.malfertheiner@med.
and was interpreted as a birth-cohort event with the Warren and Marshall in 2005. This recognition has not,
peak of disease in those born during the late however, closed the chapter on peptic ulcers. The
19th century.1,2 Our understanding of the disease management of ulcer disease and its complications
changed greatly with the discovery of Campylobacter remains a clinical challenge. Additionally, non-steroidal
pyloridis (renamed Helicobacter pylori in 1989 because of anti-inammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and low-dose aspirin
a revised taxonomic classication) in 1982 by Warren are an increasingly important cause of ulcers and their
and Marshall.3,4 This discovery switched the notion from complications even in H pylori-negative patients.7,8 Other
an acid-driven disease to an infectious disease, opening rare causes of ulcer disease in the absence of H pylori,
a huge area for intensive research that resulted in the NSAIDs, and aspirin also exist.
reconciliation of previously suggested mechanisms of
pathogenesis. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis
The fall of the acid dogma in peptic ulcer disease, which The predominant symptom of uncomplicated peptic
had found its undisputed acceptance during and after the ulcer is epigastric pain, which can be accompanied by
other dyspeptic symptoms such as fullness, bloating,
early satiety, and nausea. In patients with duodenal ulcer,
Search strategy and selection criteria epigastric pain occurs typically during the fasting state or
Because of the complexity of the topic and change in dogma even during the night and is usually relieved by food
after H pylori discovery, reference search pre-1990 was mainly intake or acid-neutralising agents. Roughly a third of
through book chapters, monographs, and review articles, these patients also have heartburn, mostly without
including selective search of original publications. For erosive oesophagitis.9 Chronic ulcers can be
19902008, the PubMed database was used to retrieve key asymptomatic.10 In particular, this absence of symptoms
articles on various and specic aspects of peptic ulcer disease. is seen in NSAID-induced ulcers, for which upper
Search terms were ulcer, peptic ulcer, gastric ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding or perforation might be the rst
duodenal ulcer, epidemiology, ulcer pathogenesis, clinical manifestation of disease. The most frequent and
H pylori, H pylori eradication, non-steroidal severe complication of peptic ulcers is bleeding, which is
anti-inammatory drugs, aspirin, cyclo-oxygenase-2, reported in 50170 per 100 000, with the highest risk in
ulcer complications, bleeding, proton-pump inhibitor, people aged older than 60 years.1113 Perforation is less
misoprostol, histamine-2-receptor antagonist, and frequent than is bleeding, with an incidence of around
myocardial infarction. Selection of articles was based on seven to ten per 100 000.14,15 Penetration of retroperitoneal
individual and personal experience of the investigators with organs is characterised by constant severe pain but
the intention to cover all major aspects of this specialty; only fortunately is rare.15 Gastric outlet obstruction due to
English language publications were included. ulcer-induced brosis is also rare, and should raise
suspicion of underlying malignant disease.15 Published online August 14, 2009 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60938-7 1


A peptic ulcer is diagnosed at endoscopy when there is Pathogenesis

a mucosal break of diameter 5 mm or larger, covered Panel 1 shows an aetiological classication of peptic ulcers.
with brin; a mucosal break smaller than 5 mm is called The complex and multifactorial pathogenesis of peptic
an erosion. The 5 mm criterion is arbitrary, but is used in ulcer has been studied over several decades, and results
clinical trials. The extent to which this criterion relates to from an imbalance of aggressive gastric luminal factors
the pathological criterion of penetration of the muscularis acid and pepsin and defensive mucosal barrier function.
mucosa is unclear. Peptic ulcers can be single or many. Several environmental and host factors contribute to ulcer
The typical location of the duodenal ulcer is in the bulb, formation by increasing gastric acid secretion or
where gastric contents enter the small intestine. The site weakening the mucosal barrier.1820 Among environmental
of predilection for gastric ulcers is the angulus of the factors, smoking, excessive alcohol use, and drug use are
lesser curvature; however, they can occur at any location most often quoted but none of them, apart from NSAID
from the pylorus to the cardia. Occasionally, kissing use, were identied as an individual ulcerogenic agent.
ulcers are seen located face to face on the anterior and Emotional stress and psychosocial factors are frequently
posterior walls of the duodenal bulb. If ulceration is seen identied as important contributors to ulcer pathog-
in the more distal duodenum, then underlying Crohns enesis.2123 Although stress cannot be neglected as a
disease, ischaemia, or the rare Zollinger-Ellison syndrome contributing factor, convincing evidence for it being the
should be considered. On endoscopic diagnosis of peptic sole cause of duodenal ulcer is scarce.2426 A good example
ulcer, biopsy samples of the antral and body or fundus of stress as a contributory factor was the rise in bleeding
mucosa should be taken for detection of H pylori infection gastric ulcers in elderly people after a severe earthquake in
by rapid urease and histological tests. Japan.27 The denition of stress ulcer should be restricted
In many developed countries, ulcer-like symptoms in to bleeding ulcers in the context of severe organic illness,
patients aged up to 55 years are generally not investigated such as cerebral trauma, burning, and sepsis with
by endoscopic examination but by testing non-invasively multiorgan failure in intensive care units.28,29
for H pylori (13C-urea breath test [UBT], stool antigen test)
and treated with H pylori eradication if positive.16,17 The H pylori-positive ulcer
rationale for this test-and-treat strategy is that symptoms Epidemiological studies revealed a very strong association
in a proportion of patients will be due to underlying ulcer between H pylori infection and duodenal and gastric
disease that will be cured by H pylori treatment. Moreover, ulcers. The ultimate proof of H pylori as the main cause
malignant disease is rare in young people and in the of ulcer disease was the permanent cure of peptic ulcers
absence of alarm symptoms such as loss of appetite, by eradication of the infection.30,31 More than 50% of the
weight loss, anaemia, and vomiting. worlds population has a chronic H pylori infection of the
gastric mucosa, yet only 510% of those infected develop
Panel 1: Aetiological classication of peptic ulcers ulcers. Factors determining whether the infection will
produce disease are the pattern of histological gastritis
Positive for Helicobacter pylori infection induced; changes in homeostasis of gastric hormones
Drug (ie, non-steroidal anti-inammatory drug [NSAID])- and acid secretion; gastric metaplasia in the duodenum;
induced interaction of H pylori with the mucosal barrier and
H pylori and NSAIDs positive immunopathogenesis; ulcerogenic strains; and genetic
H pylori and NSAIDs negative* factors (gure 1).
Acid hypersecretory state (ie, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome) H pylori colonises the entire gastric epithelium, from
Anastomosis ulcer after subtotal gastric resection the prepyloric antrum to the cardia. Clinical outcomes
Tumours (ie, cancer, lymphoma) are dependent on the pattern of chronic mucosal
Rare specic causes inammation induced.32,33 In patients with duodenal
Crohns disease of the stomach or duodenum ulcer, density of infection and severity of inammation
Eosinophilic gastroduodenitis are greatest in the distal antral region with sparing of the
Systemic mastocytosis acid-secreting body mucosa. After H pylori eradication,
Radiation damage gastric mucosal changes are usually fully reversible. In
Viral infections (eg, cytomegalovirus or herpes simplex gastric ulcer, inammation aects the body and antral
infection, in particular in immunocompromised mucosa to a similar degree, although it varies dependent
patients) on ulcer location.34 Unlike in duodenal ulcer, acid
Colonisation of stomach with H heilmanii secretion in gastric ulcer can be decreased because of the
Severe systemic disease more severe involvement of acid-secreting body mucosa.
Cameron ulcer (gastric ulcer where a hiatus hernia passes However, a crucial amount of acid production is always
through the diaphragmatic hiatus) conserved.
True idiopathic ulcer In antrum-predominant non-atrophic H pylori gastritis
*Requires search for other specic causes.
both basal and stimulated gastric acid output is increased.
This eect is most pronounced in patients with duodenal

2 Published online August 14, 2009 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60938-7


ulcer.35 Patients with duodenal ulcer and H pylori

infection produce more acid than do infected people H pylori infection
without ulcers in response to the same stimulation with Somatostatin
gastrin. This nding is attributable to an impaired acid Acid secretion
response to gastrin in infected people without ulcers, H pylori gastritis
which is probably caused by the intense inammation of
their acid-secreting mucosa.36 Patients with duodenal
ulcers also have more acid-secreting parietal cells than Induce H pylori infects
do people without ulcers, and produce more acid in
response to maximum gastrin stimulation.36 Premorbid
acid-secreting status might be a key factor determining Defect: Virulence factors
the pattern of H pylori gastritis developed, and thus Bicarbonate secretion Gastric metaplasia H pylori CagA
Clearance of bulbar acidity in duodenum infection VacA
likelihood of development of duodenal ulceration. This Other: IceA, OiPA, BabA
suggestion arises from evidence that reduction of gastric
acid secretion with proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy
increases the intensity of inammation of the acid-
secreting mucosa in H pylori-infected patients.37 A high
constitutive acid secretory capacity might therefore Duodenitis

promote development of antral-predominant body- Facultative factors Mucosal barrier

sparing gastritis, and thus duodenal ulceration. (stress, smoking) breakdown
H pylori infection impairs negative feedback regulation
of gastrin release and thus acid secretion.38,39 A low antral Duodenal ulcer
pH stimulates release of somatostatin from D cells in the
antral glands, and this somatostatin exerts paracrine Figure 1: Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori-positive duodenal ulcer
inhibitory control of gastrin release from adjacent G cells.
H pylori has very high urease activity producing ammonia H pylori causes an inammatory response in gastric
to protect the organism from its acidic gastric mucosa, with induction of epithelium-derived cytokines,
environment. Production of alkaline ammonia by predominantly interleukin 8 and interleukin 1.47,48
bacteria on the surface epithelium and in the glands of Inux of neutrophils and macrophages into the gastric
the antrum prevents D cells in the glands from sensing mucosa with release of lysosomal enzymes, leukotrienes,
the true level of acidity, leading to inappropriate release and reactive oxygen species impairs mucosal defence
of somatostatin and an increase in gastrin, and and drives the immunopathogenetic process of ulcero-
consequently excess acid secretion.4042 The trophic eect genesis.49,50 T and B lymphocytes activated by bacterial
of hypergastrinaemia induced by H pylori also induces antigens and proinammatory cytokines regulate the
hyperplasia of the enterochroman-like and acid- local and systemic immune response with release of
secreting parietal cells. further cytokines (interleukins 1, 2, 6, 10, tumour
Neural pathways are also aected by H pylori (gure 2), necrosis factor ), and antibodies.49,50 The type of T-cell
with functional disruption of antral-fundic neural response is crucial, with more mucosal damage resulting
connections that downregulate acid production.42 from a T-helper-1-predominant response, whereas a
Impaired inhibitory neural control, in association with high regulatory T-cell response with interleukin-10
hypergastrinaemia, leads to further increase of acid release confers protection.51 As a result of the
output in patients with duodenal ulcers (gure 2).43 immunopathogenetic events, additional factors with
Resolution of hypergastrinaemia in these patients after ulcerogenic potential are released, including platelet-
H pylori eradication is a common event and occurs much activating factor and components of the complement
faster than does resolution of acid hypersecretion.35,43,44 pathway.52
Gastric acid hypersecretion and, more specically, acid H pylori isolated from patients with ulcer disease carry
overload in the duodenum leads to development of a high virulence. Features of increased virulence include
metaplasia in the duodenal bulb.45 Metaplasia is a a strong adhesive property and increased production of
prerequisite for H pylori colonisation of duodenal enzymes with toxic potential. Strains from ulcer patients
epithelium, because colonisation is specic and exclusive might produce higher amounts of urease than do those
to gastric epithelial cells. After bacterial colonisation of from people without ulcers. Urease catalyses production
islands of duodenal gastric metaplasia, the inamed of ammonia, which in high concentrations is followed by
duodenal mucosa becomes more susceptible to peptic acid formation of toxic complexes such as NH4Cl.53 Bacterial
attack and ulceration (gure 1). After H pylori eradication, phospholipases A and C impair the phospholipid-rich
gastric metaplasia does not change substantially in layer in the mucosa that maintains mucosal
prevalence and extent,46 but with elimination of infection hydrophobicity and integrity of the gastric epithelial
risk of ulcer recurrence is abolished. barrier.5456 Published online August 14, 2009 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60938-7 3


help to eliminate H pylori by shedding of the surface

gastric epithelial cells carrying the bacteria. Other ulcer-
promoting factors have been proposed, for example
NOD1 polymorphisms,68 whereas interleukin-1 poly-
morphisms69 and TLR4-gene polymorphisms68 are
negatively correlated with duodenal ulcer. Japanese
working groups have reported that people with HLA
type DQA 1301 have an increased prevalence of ulcer
Neural antral
inhibitory complex disease70 and that the polymorphism of interleukin 8-
251A/T increases risk of gastric ulcer and gastric
+ cancer.71
H pylorihost interactions in ulcer pathogenesis are
Acid Parietal cell complex and aggravated by environmental risk factors.
Pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer is heavily acid driven
with immunopathogenetic components, whereas in
Gastrin gastric ulcer the immunopathogenetic response is likely
to be the dominant aspect. H pylori eradication cures
both gastric and duodenal ulcer and prevents relapses,
which is lasting.30,31,72,73 Additionally, healing is accelerated
if antibiotics are given in addition to acid suppressants.73,74
Finally, eradication prevents recurrence of ulcer bleeding
and is better than maintenance acid-inhibitory
Figure 2: Acid secretion in antrum-predominant Helicobacter pylori infection-associated gastritis* therapy.7577 These ndings led to the 1994 National
*Phenotype typically seen in patients with duodenal ulcer. Institutes of Health consensus statement, which said
that antibiotic treatment in addition to antisecretory
Specic H pylori genotypes are associated with severe therapy is needed in all patients with H pylori-positive
morbidity. The most prevalent H pylori genotypes in ulcers.5 This statement was implemented in all
patients with peptic ulcerations are vacA-positive and subsequent guideline recommendations for therapy of
cagA-positive.57,58 H pylori-derived vacuolating cytotoxin peptic ulcer disease.6
(VacA), an 87-kDa protein, causes vacuolar degeneration
in cultured gastric-cell preparations and gastric ulceration NSAID-induced ulcer
in laboratory animals. Although present in all H pylori Topical injury by ion trapping78 and reduction of mucus
strains, the vacA gene, dependent on its allelic form, is gel hydrophobicity79 was once thought to be an important
expressed in only 60%.59 The cytotoxin-associated gene A mechanism of NSAID-induced gastric damage. Later,
(cagA), restricted to cytotoxin-producing strains of NSAIDs were shown to damage the stomach mainly by
H pylori, is within an island of 31 genes dened as CagA suppression of gastric prostaglandin synthesis.80 The
pathogenicity island. CagA encodes a 120160 kDa discovery of two isoforms of cyclo-oxygenase (COX),
immunodominant protein that is a marker of increased COX-1 and COX-2, sparked an enormous drive by the
virulence and enhances the local inammatory pharmaceutical industry to develop COX-2-selective
response.6062 A series of other virulence genes with a NSAIDs as gastric-sparing anti-inammatory analgesics.
higher prevalence in ulcer disease, such as the adhesion Now, good evidence exists that selective inhibition of
protein BabA63 and the outer membrane inammatory COX-2 reduces but does not eliminate risk of
protein OipA,64 are likely to play a rather modest part in gastroduodenal ulcers and their complications.81
pathogenesis. Work in animals has shown that neutrophil adherence
A genetic predisposition to acquire H pylori has been to gastric microcirculation plays a crucial part in
shown in twins, with an increased anity in initiation of NSAID injury.82 Neutrophil adherence
monozygotes versus dizygotes.65 Results of earlier damages the mucosa by liberating oxygen free radicals,
studies suggested that people with blood group O carry releasing proteases, and obstructing capillary blood ow.
a higher risk for ulcer disease than do those with other Inhibition of neutrophil adherence alleviates NSAID-
blood groups.66 H pylori adhesion to gastric mucosa is induced damage in animal models.82 Attention has
increased in patients positive for Lewis b antigens, focused on the role of nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen
which are expressed on blood and gastric epithelial sulphide (H2S), in maintenance of gastric mucosal
cells.67 The pathogenetic importance of these ndings is integrity. NO and H2S increase mucosal blood ow,
controversial, because the presence of these antigens is stimulate mucus secretion, and inhibit neutrophil
believed by some to contribute to more severe mucosal adherence.82 NO-releasing and H2S-releasing derivatives
damage through increased adhesion, whereas others of NSAIDs induce much less gastric damage than do
suggest that binding of H pylori to these antigens would their parent drugs.83 Unlike animal ulcer models,

4 Published online August 14, 2009 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60938-7


however, NSAID gastropathy in man is characterised by asymptomatic (hazard ratio 53, 95% CI 26108).101
an absence of inammatory cells unless H pylori Thus, high-risk patients who develop breakthrough
infection is present. Whether neutrophils initiate NSAID dyspepsia should have treatment withheld and undergo
injury in man is unknown. endoscopic assessment.
Acid suppression has been the mainstay of management Use of low-dose aspirin increases risk of ulcer bleeding
of NSAID-associated ulcer disease. Gastric acid probably by two-fold to three-fold compared with risk in non-
exacerbates NSAID injury by converting supercial users.102,103 Even use of very low-dose aspirin in people
mucosal lesions to produce deeper injury,84 interfering with low gastrointestinal risk is not risk free.104 Growing
with platelet aggregation,85 and impairing ulcer healing.86 evidence suggests that low-dose aspirin is not the same
Patients taking NSAIDs have about a four-fold increase as non-aspirin NSAIDs in several important aspects.
in risk of ulcer complications such as bleeding compared First, data from a large-scale randomised trial suggested
with non-users. Several risk factors have been identied that endoscopic ulcer is not a good predictor for upper
in these patients, such as history of ulcer or ulcer gastrointestinal bleeding with low-dose aspirin.105 The
complications, old age, comorbidities, use of high-dose antiplatelet action of low-dose aspirin might be more
NSAIDs, concomitant use of corticosteroids, aspirin, or important than its ulcerogenic eect in provoking upper
anticoagulants, and H pylori infection.8790 gastrointestinal bleeding. Second, increasing age per se
A history of ulcer complications is the most important is not a risk factor for upper gastrointestinal bleeding
predictor of future ulcer complications associated with with low-dose aspirin.106 Third, research has consistently
NSAID use.88 How past history increases risk is unclear. shown that H pylori infection is a risk factor for ulcer
Indirect evidence exists that ulcers tend to recur at bleeding with low-dose aspirin.107 In our opinion, low-
previous sites,91,92 suggesting that local factors determining dose aspirin may provoke bleeding from pre-existing
mucosal defence might play an important part in H pylori ulcers. Eradication of H pylori heals ulcers and
ulcerogenesis. Contrary to general belief, use of therefore reduces the risk of recurrent ulcer bleeding
corticosteroids per se is not ulcerogenic.93 However, both with low-dose aspirin.108
corticosteroids and anticoagulants substantially increase
risk of ulcer bleeding when used concomitantly with Management
NSAIDS.88,93,94 Anticoagulants probably provoke bleeding Since Karl Schwarzs109 dictum of no acid, no ulcer,
from ulcers induced by NSAIDs in addition to causing development of medical therapies has targeted gastric
generalised mucosal bleeding. acid secretion and mucosal defence mechanisms. Many
Does any interaction exist between H pylori and drugs have been used to treat ulcers, but few early
NSAIDs? There are data to suggest that H pylori increases, treatments stood the test of time (table 1). The most
have no eect on, or decrease ulcer risk in NSAID users. successful classes of drugs were those inhibiting gastric
Two systematic reviews have shown that H pylori infection acid secretion. H2-receptor antagonists revolutionised
substantially increases risk of peptic ulcer and ulcer treatment of peptic ulcer, healing ulcers and keeping
bleeding in chronic NSAID users.89,90 In one study, risk of them in remission when given as maintenance
ulcer bleeding was increased by a factor of 179 with therapy.110,111 They were gradually replaced with the more
H pylori infection, by 485 with NSAID usage, and by potent class of acid-inhibitory drugs, the PPIs, which
613 in the presence of both NSAID use and H pylori became available in 1989. PPIs selectively block the H+K+
infection.90 In patients who are about to start NSAIDs, ATPase of the parietal cell.112 On the basis that speed of
eradication of H pylori substantially reduces subsequent ulcer healing is associated with degree of acid suppression,
risk of endoscopic and complicated ulcers.95,96 Two PPIs became the hallmark in ulcer therapy. However,
systematic reviews have shown that H pylori eradication after the healing phase ulcers were usually seen to recur,
was more eective than was placebo in primary prevention and for years standard practice was to keep patients on
of peptic ulcers in regular NSAID users (relative risk maintenance acid suppression until the revolutionary
035, 95% CI 020061).97,98 Additionally, no dierence is introduction of H pylori eradication therapy.
reported between H pylori eradication and co-therapy with A second group of drugs is directed at reinforcement of
a PPI in primary prevention of ulcers in regular NSAID the mucosal barrier, and has found its major application
users with average gastrointestinal risk.99 However, in protection against NSAIDs and aspirin. Misoprostol, a
eradication of H pylori alone is not sucient to prevent prostaglandin analogue, has been the most widely used
ulcer bleeding in NSAID users with high gastrointestinal but its application is limited by abdominal side-eects,
risk, such as a history of ulcer bleeding.100 especially at higher doses.113 Sucralfate and bismuth salts
Whether dyspepsia is a risk factor for ulcers in NSAID also promote ulcer healing by improving mucosal
users is controversial.88,94 However, in patients with a past repair.110 Sucralfate might also act partly by reducing acid
history of ulcer bleeding, those who had breakthrough secretion and suppressing H pylori infection.114 Bismuth
dyspepsia while on a COX-2 inhibitor or prophylaxis salts with some intrinsic anti-H pylori activity are used in
with a PPI had a signicantly higher likelihood of ulcer therapy only in combination with antibiotics.110
recurrent ulcer than did those who remained Cytoprotective drugs have been outdated by more Published online August 14, 2009 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60938-7 5


Mechanisms Use
H2-receptor antagonists (cimetidine, Acid inhibition H pylori-negative peptic ulcer; replaced by PPI because of inferiority in acid
ranitidine, famotidine, nizatidine, suppression
PPI (omeprazole, pantoprazole, Most potent acid inhibition Standard treatment for all H pylori-negative peptic ulcers; prevention of
lansoprazole, rabeprazole, esomeprazole) NSAID or aspirin ulcers; essential component in eradication regimen; given
intravenously in bleeding ulcers
Prostaglandin analogues* (misoprostol) Increase mucosal resistance; weak H pylori-negative gastric ulcer; prevention of NSAID ulcers
acid inhibition
H pylori eradication regimens (PPI plus two Cure of H pylori infection Standard therapy in all H pylori-positive ulcers
Bismuth salts (subcitrate, subsalicylate) Weak antibacterial eect; increase In quadruple therapy for H pylori eradication
of mucosal prostaglandin synthesis

Several mucosal protectives used in some countries (ie, sucralfate, rebamipide, and others) do not have sucient trial documentation to be included in the ecacy
comparison with the listed standard therapies. PPI=proton-pump inhibitor. NSAID=non-steroidal anti-inammatory drug. *Contraindicated in pregnancy.

Table 1: Classes of drugs with proven eect on healing of peptic ulcer

eective therapies. Current ulcer therapy consists of resistant to either of these drugs, causing reduced
H pylori eradication in H pylori-positive peptic ulcer and eradication rates. Checking for antimicrobial sensitivity
PPI for healing and preventing peptic ulcers induced by before treatment of H pylori is not routine. However, if a
gastrotoxic drugs. A small role exists for drugs enhancing patient has previous exposure to these antimicrobials or
mucosal resistance. lives in a region where these drugs are frequently
prescribed, they are more likely to have a resistant strain
Treatment for H pylori-positive ulcer and alternative antimicrobials should be given.
Treatment for H pylori-associated ulcer disease is mainly Monitoring of eradication rates is important to detect
directed at eradication of infection. Eradication is usually emergence of resistant strains and alert to the need to
achieved with a combination of acid-inhibiting therapy modify the regimen. One should aim to maintain rst-
and antibiotics. Antibacterial therapy alone does result in line eradication rates greater than 80%.6
healing, but the process is accelerated by addition of acid The duration of eradication therapy remains
suppressants (ie, PPIs).74 The Maastricht Consensus controversial. In Europe, 1-week triple regimens are used,
Report provides recommendations on management of whereas US guidelines recommend 10 or even 14 days of
H pylori infection (panel 2).6 therapy.117 A meta-analysis showed that increasing the
H pylori eradication is equally eective in both duration of triple therapy from 7 days to 10 days increased
duodenal and gastric ulcers.73,115 In duodenal ulcer, the eradication rate by 4% and from 7 days to 14 days by
testing by non-invasive methods (13C-UBT, stool antigen 5%.118 Although these dierences were statistically
testing) is a validated surrogate marker to conrm signicant, the investigators questioned their clinical
healing.6 However, in gastric ulcer, healing should be signicance.118 Quadruple therapiesPPI, tetracycline,
conrmed endoscopically and biopsies are mandatory metronidazole, and a bismuth saltare alternative rst-
to exclude malignant disease, even when the ulcer line therapies in areas of high prevalence of antibiotic
appears healed. For uncomplicated duodenal ulcer a resistance, and achieve excellent eradication rates as rst-
714 day eradication therapy does not need to be line treatment.6,119 A rst-line 10-day sequential therapy
followed by PPIs, whereas for gastric ulcer PPIs should was better than was standard triple therapy in several
be continued beyond the eradication phase for studies done in Italy.120 An intention-to-treat result of 84%
48 weeks.116 If complications arise (ie, bleeding), PPI for sequential therapy in one study from Spain121 suggests
therapy should be continued until healing is conrmed that the greater ecacy achieved with this promising
endoscopically. In this circumstance, conrmation of therapy than with triple therapies should be tested further
eradication relies on histological examination of biopsy before general recommendation.
samples taken from both antral and body regions of the The most eective treatment regimens fail in about
stomach, because PPI therapy can produce false- 1020% of patients. Bismuth-based quadruple therapy is
positive urease test results. the main option for second-line therapy if these
Eradication rates depend on several factors: (i) drug compounds were not used as rst-line treatment, with
regimen; (ii) resistance rate to the antimicrobiotic used; eradication rates of 5795%.122 However, since bismuth is
(iii) compliance with the drug; (iv) duration of therapy; not available in some countries because of putative toxic
and (v) genetic variations in drug-metabolising enzymes. eects, triple therapies of various combinations have
Two antimicrobials often used in eradication regimens been tested as second-line options. PPI combined with
are clarithromycin and metronidazole. H pylori can be amoxicillin and metronidazole are recommended as

6 Published online August 14, 2009 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60938-7


double-resistant H pylori after failure of standard triple

Panel 2: Helicobacter pylori eradication regimens therapy.127,128 However, rifabutin can select resistance in
First-line options (714 days) mycobacteria, and should therefore be used cautiously
In populations with less than 1520% clarithromycin and never on a large scale. When a high prevalence of
resistance and greater than 40% metronidazole metronidazole resistance is suspected, this drug can be
resistance: proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) standard dose, replaced by furazolidone; there is no potential for cross-
clarithromycin 2500 mg, and amoxicillin 21000 mg, resistance. In clinical trials, high eradication rates have
all given twice a day been achieved when patients tolerated these drugs.127
Less than 1520% clarithromycin resistance and less than Moxioxacin combined with metronidazole and
40% metronidazole resistance: PPI standard dose, omeprazole is reported to be as eective as are
clarithromycin 500 mg, and metronidazole 400 mg or omeprazole, bismuth, metronidazole, and tetracycline
tinidazole 500 mg, all given twice a day in patients failing standard triple therapy, but experience
In areas with high clarithromycin and metronidazole is limited and needs further validation.128
resistance: bismuth-containing quadruple therapy
Treatment for NSAID-induced ulcer
Second-line option (1014 days) NSAIDs, including low-dose aspirin, are the most
Bismuth-containing quadruple therapy important cause of ulcer complications in developed
PPI plus metronidazole and amoxicillin, if clarithromycin countries where prevalence of H pylori infection is falling.
was used in rst-line treatment (in Latin America and In patients who develop uncomplicated peptic ulcers
China, furazolidone 24100 mg is often preferred over while on NSAIDs, more than 90% of gastric or duodenal
metronidazole) ulcers heal with 8 weeks of standard-dose H2-receptor
Rescue therapies (1014 days) antagonists (eg, ranitidine 150 mg twice a day), provided
PPI twice a day plus amoxicillin 21000 mg with either that NSAIDs are discontinued.129 However, healing of
levooxacin 2250 (500) mg, or with rifabutin 2150 mg gastric ulcers will be greatly impaired if patients continue
to take NSAIDs. A descriptive review of head-to-head
trials suggested that PPIs might be better than a standard
second line if PPI, clarithromycin, and amoxicillin were dose of ranitidine in healing gastric ulcers in patients
used as rst line.6 Another combination with few data receiving continuous NSAIDs.130 However, a recent large
but a high eradication rate (91%) is PPI, tetracycline, and randomised trial did not show any dierence in gastric
metronidazole.123 Clarithromycin should be avoided in ulcer healing between groups receiving esomeprazole
second line unless resistance tests conrm that the 40 mg (857%), esomeprazole 20 mg (848%), and
H pylori strain is susceptible.124 ranitidine (763%).131 So far, high-dose PPI has not proved
Patients who are not cured with two consecutive better than standard-dose PPI in healing gastric ulcers in
treatments, including clarithromycin and metronidazole, patients receiving continuous NSAID therapy. Since
will have at least single and usually double resistance. H pylori ulcers cannot be dierentiated from NSAID
No standard third-line therapy exists, and European ulcers, testing for H pylori and eradication of the bacteria
guidelines recommend culture and susceptibility testing is essential. Current evidence suggests that H pylori
in these patients to select an eradication regimen eradication does not impair ulcer healing while patients
according to microbial sensitivity to antibiotics. Classes are on NSAIDs.132
of antibiotics that include either levooxacin or rifabutin A systematic review of randomised trials found that
as a third component besides PPI and amoxicillin can be double-dose H2-receptor antagonists reduce risk of both
used for treatment of H pylori infection after failure. The gastric and duodenal ulcers. PPIs are better than are
eradication rate of levooxacin-containing triple salvage standard-dose H2-receptor antagonists and misoprostol
therapies ranges from 63% to 94%.125,126 Rifabutin for prevention of duodenal ulcers. Misoprostol is better
combined with a PPI and amoxicillin given for more than standard-dose H2-receptor antagonists in preventing
than 7 days is well tolerated and highly eective against gastric but not duodenal ulcers. PPIs have no advantage

No gastrointestinal risk factors One or two gastrointestinal risk factors Many gastrointestinal risk factors or previous
ulcer bleed
Low cardiovascular risk NSAID NSAID plus PPI or misoprostol, or COX-2 COX-2 inhibitor plus PPI or misoprostol
(low-dose aspirin not needed) inhibitor alone
High cardiovascular risk Naproxen plus PPI or misoprostol Naproxen plus PPI or misoprostol Avoid NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors if possible*
(low-dose aspirin needed)

NSAID=non-steroidal anti-inammatory drug. PPI=proton-pump inhibitor. COX=cyclo-oxygenase. *Combination of low-dose aspirin, PPI or misoprostol, and naproxen or
low-dose COX-2 inhibitor in selected cases (see text).

Table 2: Recommendations on non-steroidal anti-inammatory use according to gastrointestinal and cardiovascular risks Published online August 14, 2009 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60938-7 7


over misoprostol in reducing the risk of gastric ulcers.98 A and cardiovascular risks of individual patients. If a
note of caution is that eectiveness of PPIs for prevention patients cardiovascular risk is more serious (eg, recent
of NSAID-associated ulcers was largely established by myocardial infarction) than the gastrointestinal risk (eg,
endoscopic and observational studies.133135 Only full-dose remote history of peptic ulcer), combination of a PPI or
misoprostol (200 g four times a day) prevented NSAID- misoprostol, low-dose aspirin, and naproxen is preferred
associated ulcer complications in a large-scale trial.113 to keep cardiovascular toxic eects to a minumum. If
In a systematic review, COX-2 inhibitors induced gastrointestinal risk is more serious (eg, recent ulcer
signicantly fewer gastroduodenal ulcers (relative bleeding) than cardiovascular risk (eg, coronary heart
risk 026, 95% Cl 023030), ulcer complications disease well controlled with medical therapy),
(relative risk 039, 95% Cl 031050), and treatment combination of a PPI or misoprostol, low-dose aspirin,
withdrawals due to gastrointestinal symptoms than did and low-dose COX-2 inhibitor is preferred. This
non-selective NSAIDs. Concomitant use of aspirin, combination is based on the observation that the
however, negates the gastric-sparing eect of COX-2 cardiovascular hazard of COX-2 inhibitors is dose
inhibitors.136 COX-2 inhibitors and non-selective dependent.139 Furthermore, in patients receiving low-
NSAIDs both increase cardiothrombotic risk. The only dose aspirin, COX-2 inhibitors probably carry a lower
probable exception is full-dose naproxen (500 mg twice risk of gastrointestinal bleeding than do NSAIDs.140
daily).137,138 The cardiovascular hazard of COX-2 For many years, the American Heart Association and
inhibitors might be dose-dependent. In a pooled the American College of Cardiology recommended the
analysis of trials of celecoxib, there was a dose- use of clopidogrel as an alternative to aspirin in patients
dependent increase in cardiovascular hazard of this with major gastrointestinal intolerance.142 Whether
drug in patients with high baseline cardiovascular clopidogrel has a lower risk of gastrointestinal bleeding
risk.139 In another pooled analysis of observational than that of aspirin has yielded conicting results in
studies, the excess cardiothrombotic risk associated observational studies,103,143 but in head-to-head randomised
with most NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors was not seen trials of patients with high gastroinestinal risk combination
in patients receiving concomitant low-dose aspirin.140 of aspirin and a PPI is better than is clopidogrel alone at
Large-scale, head-to-head randomised trials are prevention of ulcer bleeding.92,144 An updated consensus
underway to assess cardiothrombotic risk of NSAIDs report issued jointly by US cardiology and gastroenterology
and COX-2 inhibitors. societies recommends co-therapy with a PPI instead of
Because of the potential cardiovascular hazard of switching to clopidogrel in aspirin users with high
COX-2 inhibitors and non-selective NSAIDs, physicians gastrointestinal risk.145 Additionally, the consensus
should assess gastrointestinal and cardiovascular risk of recommends prophylactic PPI in patients receiving dual
individual patients before prescribing anti-inammatory antiplatelet therapy. However, according to in-vitro studies
analgesics. In patients with low cardiovascular risk some PPIs reduce the antiplatelet activity of clopidogrel by
(absence of established or multiple risk factors for inhibiting CYP2C19, a hepatic cytochrome P450 enzyme.146
coronary artery disease), NSAIDs can be prescribed The results of two observational studies showed a
according to the number and nature of gastrointestinal substantial increase in the risk of myocardial infarction in
risk factors (table 2). Patients with one or two users of clopidogrel and PPIs.147,148 So far, prospective data
gastrointestinal factors should receive a COX-2 inhibitor are not available. Patients with high gastrointestinal risk
or an NSAID plus a PPI. This recommendation is based who receive dual antiplatelet therapy should not
on randomised and observational studies that showed discontinue PPI cotherapy.
that a COX-2 inhibitor was similar to a non-selective
NSAID plus a PPI in prevention of recurrent ulcer H pylori-negative NSAID-negative ulcer
bleeding.91,133 In patients with several gastrointestinal risk Ulceration of the gastric or duodenal mucosa in the
factors or a history of ulcer complications, neither of absence of H pylori infection and NSAID or aspirin usage
these treatments is adequate.101 Combination of a PPI and is rare.149154 However, because of the falling prevalence of
a COX-2 inhibitor oers the best protection.133,141 H pylori infection and resulting ulcers, the proportion of
Patients with high cardiovascular risk should start or ulcers that are unrelated to this infection is likely to
continue to receive prophylactic low-dose aspirin, and increase and several rare causes need specic attention.
full-dose naproxen is the preferred NSAID. Co-therapy The most important consideration in a patient with
with a PPI or misoprostol is recommended since gastric or duodenal ulcer, negative H pylori test, and
naproxen plus low-dose aspirin will substantially negative NSAID or aspirin history is to check the validity
increase risk of ulcer complications even without other of the test and history.149 Furthermore, the sensitivity of
gastrointestinal risk factors. Patients with high any H pylori test is less than 100% and can lead to
cardiovascular and gastrointestinal risk should avoid underdiagnosis of infection. Detection of H pylori
taking NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors. If anti-inamma- infection is very important so that patients presenting
tory analgesic therapy is judged necessary, the choice of with ulcers are not deprived of a permanent cure of this
therapy requires a trade-o between gastrointestinal disease, especially since false-negative tests can result

8 Published online August 14, 2009 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60938-7


from various medications frequently used by ulcer Contributors

patients.153 Before gastroduodenal ulceration is accepted Authors have worked jointly on the report.
to be truly negative for H pylori, endoscopic biopsy Conicts of interest
samples should be taken from both antrum and body of PM has received lecture fees from AstraZeneca, Bayer Schering,
Novartis Vaccine, and Nycomed, consultancy fees from AstraZeneca,
the stomach for histological examination and urease tests Axcan, and Novartis, a research grant from AstraZeneca, and lecture fees
(including serology, urea breath test) should be done. from Abbott and Falk. FKLC has received consulting fees from Pzer,
A detailed and careful history of the use of NSAIDs and lecture fees from Pzer, Takeda, Eisai, and AstraZeneca, and consulting
aspirin is very important in any patient presenting with fees from Otsuka. KELM has received consultancy fees from Sacoor
Medical and WG Consultant, lecture fees from Janssen Cilag,
gastroduodenal ulceration in the absence of H pylori AstraZeneca, Reckitt Benckiser, and Nycomed, lecture fees from Wyeth
infection.154 The patient might be unaware that several and Abbot, and a research grant from Nycomed.
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