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Date implemented:

Clients Initials and Age: R.H. Time allotted for session: 20 mins.
Diagnosis and any Precautions: Poor coordination
Goal/s being addressed: -Given a lace and beads, R will lace 4-8 beads on a lace using a precise pincer grasp to hold the lace.
-Given a writing tool, R will maintain a 3-4 point grasp pattern and one hand to stabilize the paper during a writing or drawing activity.
Results (link to activity
Activity Demands Modifications (provided
Specific Objectives for objectives; include
Intervention Activities (setting, materials, and during the activity and
this activity (list 2-3) objective measures of
(5) social requirements) planned for next
(5) performance when
(5) session) (5)
possible) (5)

Seated at table R maintained an

appropriate grasp on the
Coffee filter turkey
-Coffee filter marker throughout the
-Markers -Did she maintain a 3-4 entire activity, but required
(5 mins)
-Spray bottle with water point grasp on the marker? cues to stabilize the coffee
Student will use markers to
-Grasp on marker -Did she stabilize the filter. Next time, I would
color on coffee filter and
-Stabilization of paper Modifications: coffee filter with her non- use a regular piece of
then use a spray bottle to
-Bilateral coordination -Coffee filter can be taped dominant hand? paper so R could succeed
spray water onto the filters
to table to help stabilize -Was she able to squeeze more easily. Once I
so the colors bleed. Set
-Student can be given the spray bottle? demonstrated how to
aside to dry.
shapes or letters to draw, squeeze the spray bottle,
rather than just free R did that part
coloring independently.

Seated at table R really struggled with

Turkey body (for coffee
managing the tiny paper
filter feathers)
Must verbally ask for help pieces for the turkeys face
(5 mins)
if needed -Did she demonstrate a and had to use a glue stick
Student will glue turkey
precise pincer grasp on rather than liquid glue.
head and body together
-Precise pincer grasp -Turkey body small paper pieces? She demonstrated an
and will glue the pieces of
-Grasp on pencil -Turkey head -Did she maintain a 3-4 appropriate grasp on the
the face on. Completed
-Writing name -Face pieces (beak, wiggly point grasp on the golf pencil, but had to trace the
body will get glued to the
eyes, gobble) pencil? letters of her name. Next
dry colored coffee filter.
-Glue -Did she write her name? time, I would cut the face
Student will write name on
-Golf pencil pieces out of something
thicker so she could be
Modifications: more independent in
-Have student trace name picking them up off the
-Use glue stick if table and gluing them
squeezing liquid glue is down.

R demonstrated bilateral
Standing at table coordination and only
needed cuing for
Put pipe cleaner feathers -Did she use both hands
-Colander placement of stabilization
on the turkey together?
-Turkey body for colander pinch. She was able to
(5 mins) - Did she demonstrate a
-Pipe cleaners lace 5 beads onto the pipe
Student will string beads precise pincer grasp on the
-Bilateral coordination -Beads cleaners and placed them
onto pipe cleaners and beads?
-FMC (using ready, set, go into the colander holes
then place the pipe -Did she stabilize where
fingers) Modifications: with minimal assistance.
cleaners into the holes in appropriate?
-Pipe cleaner can be put She used an appropriate
an upside-down colander -How many beads did she
into colander and then grasp on the beads and
made to look like a turkey. lace?
beaded pipe cleaner. Next time, I
-A knot can be tied at the would try lacing beads
bottom of the pipe cleaner onto a string for a data trial
for her IEP.

Standing at sensory table

Must share with other

R was able to squeeze the
students and interact
turkey baster, but used two
Turkey baster bubble hands on it together; she
-Was she able to squeeze
activity needed help with the
-Water the turkey baster?
(5 mins) pipettes. She was not able
-Dish soap Pipettes?
Student will use a turkey to squeeze the bubbles
-Hand strengthening -Turkey baster -Was she able to
baster and pipettes to suck into the bottles without
-Sensory -Pipettes coordinate movements to
up bubble solution and fill HOH assistance. She
-Empty bottles put bubbles into bottles?
bottles in the sensory enjoyed the activity and did
-Did she request to wash
table. not need to wash hands
Modifications: hands before finishing?
until the very end. Next
-Use bottles with larger
time, I would have bowls to
squeeze the bubbles into.
-Use medicine syringe to
require bilateral
Back-up Plan: -Beads
-Feed the turkeys -FMC -Water bottle turkeys
-Pin the clothes pins onto -Cognition -Tongs
the turkey (matching
colors) -Paper plate turkeys with
-Turkey buttoning activity markings for color
-Colored clothes pins

-Button turkeys

S/OT name: Ashley Whitacre

Case-Smith, J. (2000). Effects of occupational therapy services on fine motor and functional performance in preschool children. American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 54, 372380.

Purpose. This study examined how performance components and variables in intervention influenced fine motor and functional outcomes in
preschool children. Method. In a sample of 44 preschool-aged children with fine motor delays who received occupational therapy services, eight fine
motor and functional performance assessments were administered at the beginning and end of the academic year. Data on the format and
intervention activities of each occupational therapy session were recorded for 8 months. Results. The children received a mean of 23 sessions, in
both individual and group format. Most of the sessions (81%) used fine motor activities; 29% addressed peer interaction, and 16% addressed play
skills. Visual motor outcomes were influenced by the number of intervention sessions and percent of sessions with play goals. Fine motor outcomes
were most influenced by the therapists emphasis on play and peer interaction goals; functional outcomes were influenced by number of sessions
and percent of sessions that specifically addressed self-care goals. Conclusion. The influence of play on therapy outcomes suggests that a focus on
play in intervention activities can enhance fine motor and visual motor performance.

This article supports my intervention because it encourages treatments that utilize peer-interaction and play. This treatment session we
implemented during pre-school center time and so classmates were doing the activities alongside the child the plan was written for. The article
discussed the positive impact peer interaction had on development of fine-motor skills that the child was working on in OT.

Total: 32 points

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